CORS_HEADER = {'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'}
+# the dcs dict is set in the upon datacenter init
dcs = {}
example networks list({"id":"input","ip": ""}, {"id":"output","ip": ""})
:return: docker inspect dict of deployed docker
global dcs
def put(self, dc_label, compute_name, resource=None, value=None):
c = net.monitor_agent.update_skewmon(vnf_name, resource_name, action='start')
# return monitor message response
- return str(c), 200
+ return str(c), 200, CORS_HEADER
except Exception as ex:
logging.exception("API error.")
- return ex.message, 500
+ return ex.message, 500, CORS_HEADER
def delete(self):
logging.debug("REST CALL: stop monitor skewness")
logging.exception("API error.")
return ex.message, 500, CORS_HEADER
+class MonitorTerminal(Resource):
+ """
+ start a terminal for the selected VNFs
+ :param vnf_list: list of names of the VNFs to start a terminal from (all VNFs if None)
+ :return: message string indicating if the monitor action is succesful or not
+ """
+ global net
+ def get(self):
+ # get URL parameters
+ data = request.args
+ if data is None:
+ data = {}
+ vnf_list = data.get("vnf_list")
+ logging.debug("REST CALL: start terminal for: {}".format(vnf_list))
+ try:
+ # start terminals
+ c = net.monitor_agent.term(vnf_list)
+ # return monitor message response
+ return str(c), 200, CORS_HEADER
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logging.exception("API error.")
+ return ex.message, 500, CORS_HEADER
\ No newline at end of file
from network import NetworkAction, DrawD3jsgraph
import monitor
-from monitor import MonitorInterfaceAction, MonitorFlowAction, MonitorLinkAction, MonitorSkewAction
+from monitor import MonitorInterfaceAction, MonitorFlowAction, MonitorLinkAction, MonitorSkewAction, MonitorTerminal
import pkg_resources
from os import path
# the skewness metric is exported
+ # start a terminal window for the specified vnfs
+ self.api.add_resource(MonitorTerminal,
+ "/restapi/monitor/term")
logging.debug("Created API endpoint %s(%s:%d)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.ip, self.port))
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/main.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
.attr("class", "node")
+ .on("dblclick", dblclick)
.attr("r", 10)
node.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"; });
+ // action to take on double mouse click, call rest api to start xterm
+ function dblclick() {
+ var vnf_name =
+ console.debug(vnf_name)
+ var rest_url = "" + vnf_name
+ d3.json(rest_url, function(error, json) {
+ if (error) throw error;
+ console.debug(json)
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
from prometheus_client import start_http_server, Summary, Histogram, Gauge, Counter, REGISTRY, CollectorRegistry, \\r
pushadd_to_gateway, push_to_gateway, delete_from_gateway\r
import threading\r
-from subprocess import Popen, check_call\r
+from subprocess import Popen\r
import os\r
import docker\r
import json\r
wait_time += 1\r
return ret\r
+ def term(self, vnf_list=[]):\r
+ """\r
+ Start a terminal window for the specified VNFs\r
+ (start a terminal for all VNFs if vnf_list is empty)\r
+ :param vnf_list:\r
+ :return:\r
+ """\r
+ if vnf_list is None:\r
+ vnf_list = []\r
+ if not isinstance(vnf_list, list):\r
+ vnf_list = str(vnf_list).split(',')\r
+ vnf_list = map(str.strip, vnf_list)\r
+'vnf_list: {}'.format(vnf_list))\r
+ return self.start_xterm(vnf_list)\r
+ # start an xterm for the specfified vnfs\r
+ def start_xterm(self, vnf_names):\r
+ # start xterm for all vnfs\r
+ for vnf_name in vnf_names:\r
+ terminal_cmd = "docker exec -it mn.{0} /bin/bash".format(vnf_name)\r
+ cmd = ['xterm', '-xrm', 'XTerm*selectToClipboard: true', '-xrm', 'XTerm.vt100.allowTitleOps: false',\r
+ '-T', vnf_name,\r
+ '-e', terminal_cmd]\r
+ Popen(cmd)\r
+ ret = 'xterms started for {0}'.format(vnf_names)\r
+ if len(vnf_names) == 0:\r
+ ret = 'vnf list is empty, no xterms started'\r
+ return ret\r