-include openvimd.cfg
-recursive-include database_utils *
-recursive-include scripts *
+include openflow
+include openvimd
+include openvim
+recursive-include osm_openvim *
#!/usr/bin/env bash
SHELL := /bin/bash
-all: clean build pip install
-lite: clean build pip install_lite
+all: clean build pip install
+lite: clean build_lite pip_lite install_lite
+ rm -rf build
+ mkdir -p build
+ cp -r osm_openvim/ build/lib_osm_openvim
+ rm build/lib_osm_openvim/httpserver.py
+ rm build/lib_osm_openvim/openvimd.cfg
+ cp -r database_utils build/lib_osm_openvim/
+ cp -r scripts build/lib_osm_openvim/
+ cp MANIFEST.in build/
+ cp setup_lite.py build/setup.py
+ cp openflow build/
+ sed -i "s/from osm_openvim/from lib_osm_openvim/g" build/openflow
+ sed -i "s/import osm_openvim/import lib_osm_openvim/g" build/openflow
+ sed -i "s/import osm_openvim; print osm_openvim.__path__[0]/import lib_osm_openvim; print lib_osm_openvim.__path__[0]/g" build/lib_osm_openvim/database_utils/migrate_vim_db.sh
+ sed -i "s/recursive-include osm_openvim */recursive-include lib_osm_openvim */g" build/MANIFEST.in
+ sed '/include openvimd/d' build/MANIFEST.in
+ sed '/include openvim/d' build/MANIFEST.in
mkdir -p build
- cp *.py build/
+ cp -r osm_openvim/ build/
+ cp -r scripts build/osm_openvim/
+ cp -r database_utils build/osm_openvim/
+ cp -r templates build/osm_openvim/
+ cp -r test build/osm_openvim/
+ cp -r charm build/osm_openvim/
cp MANIFEST.in build/
- cp openvimd.py openvimd; cp openvimd build/openvimd
- cp ovim.py ovim; cp ovim build/ovim
- cp openvim build/
+ cp setup.py build/
cp openflow build/
- cp openvimd.cfg build/
- cp -r scripts build/
- cp -r database_utils build/
+ cp openvim build/
+ cp openvimd build/
build: prepare
- python -m py_compile build/*.py
+ python -m py_compile build/osm_openvim/*.py
- rm -rf build
- rm -rf openvimd ovim
+build_lite: prepare_lite
+ python -m py_compile build/lib_osm_openvim/*.py
+# cd build && python setup.py --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb
+# cd build && python setup.py --command-packages=stdeb.command debianize
+pip: clean build
+ cd build; ./setup.py sdist
+pip_lite: clean build_lite
cd build; ./setup.py sdist
- cd build/dist; pip install lib*
+install: clean build
+ cd build/dist; pip install osm_openvim*
+install_lite: clean build_lite
+ cd build/dist; pip install lib_osm_openvim-*
- cd build/dist; pip install lib*
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-Implement the plugging for OpendayLight openflow controller
-It creates the class OF_conn to create dataplane connections
-with static rules based on packet destination MAC address
-__author__="Pablo Montes, Alfonso Tierno"
-__date__ ="$28-oct-2014 12:07:15$"
-import json
-import requests
-import base64
-import logging
-import openflow_conn
-class OF_conn(openflow_conn.OpenflowConn):
- """OpenDayLight connector. No MAC learning is used"""
- def __init__(self, params):
- """ Constructor.
- Params: dictionary with the following keys:
- of_dpid: DPID to use for this controller
- of_ip: controller IP address
- of_port: controller TCP port
- of_user: user credentials, can be missing or None
- of_password: password credentials
- of_debug: debug level for logging. Default to ERROR
- other keys are ignored
- Raise an exception if same parameter is missing or wrong
- """
- # check params
- if "of_ip" not in params or params["of_ip"]==None or "of_port" not in params or params["of_port"]==None:
- raise ValueError("IP address and port must be provided")
- openflow_conn.OpenflowConn.__init__(self, params)
- # internal variables
- self.name = "OpenDayLight"
- self.headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
- self.auth=None
- self.pp2ofi={} # From Physical Port to OpenFlow Index
- self.ofi2pp={} # From OpenFlow Index to Physical Port
- self.dpid = str(params["of_dpid"])
- self.id = 'openflow:'+str(int(self.dpid.replace(':', ''), 16))
- self.url = "http://%s:%s" %( str(params["of_ip"]), str(params["of_port"] ) )
- if "of_user" in params and params["of_user"]!=None:
- if not params.get("of_password"):
- of_password=""
- else:
- of_password=str(params["of_password"])
- self.auth = base64.b64encode(str(params["of_user"])+":"+of_password)
- self.headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic '+self.auth
- self.logger = logging.getLogger('vim.OF.ODL')
- self.logger.setLevel( getattr(logging, params.get("of_debug", "ERROR")) )
- def get_of_switches(self):
- """
- Obtain a a list of switches or DPID detected by this controller
- :return: list length, and a list where each element a tuple pair (DPID, IP address)
- Raise an OpenflowconnConnectionException exception if fails with text_error
- """
- try:
- of_response = requests.get(self.url+"/restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes",
- headers=self.headers)
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code != 200:
- self.logger.warning("get_of_switches " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Error get_of_switches " + error_text)
- self.logger.debug("get_of_switches " + error_text)
- info = of_response.json()
- if type(info) != dict:
- self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response, not a dict: %s", str(info))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, not a dict. Wrong version?")
- nodes = info.get('nodes')
- if type(nodes) is not dict:
- self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response at 'nodes', not found or not a dict: %s", str(type(info)))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'nodes', not found or "
- "not a dict. Wrong version?")
- node_list = nodes.get('node')
- if type(node_list) is not list:
- self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response, at 'nodes':'node', "
- "not found or not a list: %s", str(type(node_list)))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, at 'nodes':'node', not found "
- "or not a list. Wrong version?")
- switch_list=[]
- for node in node_list:
- node_id = node.get('id')
- if node_id is None:
- self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:'id', not found: %s", str(node))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:'id', "
- "not found . Wrong version?")
- if node_id == 'controller-config':
- continue
- node_ip_address = node.get('flow-node-inventory:ip-address')
- if node_ip_address is None:
- self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:'flow-node-inventory:"
- "ip-address', not found: %s", str(node))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:"
- "'flow-node-inventory:ip-address', "
- "not found. Wrong version?")
- node_id_hex=hex(int(node_id.split(':')[1])).split('x')[1].zfill(16)
- switch_list.append( (':'.join(a+b for a,b in zip(node_id_hex[::2], node_id_hex[1::2])), node_ip_address))
- return len(switch_list), switch_list
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("get_of_switches " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
- except ValueError as e:
- # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("get_of_switches " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- def obtain_port_correspondence(self):
- """
- Obtain the correspondence between physical and openflow port names
- :return: dictionary: with physical name as key, openflow name as value,
- Raise a OpenflowconnConnectionException expection in case of failure
- """
- try:
- of_response = requests.get(self.url+"/restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes",
- headers=self.headers)
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code != 200:
- self.logger.warning("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
- info = of_response.json()
- if type(info) != dict:
- self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response not a dict: %s", str(info))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected openflow response, not a dict. "
- "Wrong version?")
- nodes = info.get('nodes')
- if type(nodes) is not dict:
- self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response at 'nodes', "
- "not found or not a dict: %s", str(type(nodes)))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'nodes',not found or not a dict. Wrong version?")
- node_list = nodes.get('node')
- if type(node_list) is not list:
- self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response, at 'nodes':'node', "
- "not found or not a list: %s", str(type(node_list)))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, at 'nodes':'node', "
- "not found or not a list. Wrong version?")
- for node in node_list:
- node_id = node.get('id')
- if node_id is None:
- self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:'id', "
- "not found: %s", str(node))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:'id', "
- "not found . Wrong version?")
- if node_id == 'controller-config':
- continue
- # Figure out if this is the appropriate switch. The 'id' is 'openflow:' plus the decimal value
- # of the dpid
- # In case this is not the desired switch, continue
- if self.id != node_id:
- continue
- node_connector_list = node.get('node-connector')
- if type(node_connector_list) is not list:
- self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response at "
- "'nodes':'node'[]:'node-connector', not found or not a list: %s", str(node))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:"
- "'node-connector', not found or not a list. "
- "Wrong version?")
- for node_connector in node_connector_list:
- self.pp2ofi[ str(node_connector['flow-node-inventory:name']) ] = str(node_connector['id'] )
- self.ofi2pp[ node_connector['id'] ] = str(node_connector['flow-node-inventory:name'])
- node_ip_address = node.get('flow-node-inventory:ip-address')
- if node_ip_address is None:
- self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:"
- "'flow-node-inventory:ip-address', not found: %s", str(node))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:"
- "'flow-node-inventory:ip-address', not found. Wrong version?")
- self.ip_address = node_ip_address
- # If we found the appropriate dpid no need to continue in the for loop
- break
- # print self.name, ": obtain_port_correspondence ports:", self.pp2ofi
- return self.pp2ofi
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
- except ValueError as e:
- # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- def get_of_rules(self, translate_of_ports=True):
- """
- Obtain the rules inserted at openflow controller
- :param translate_of_ports:
- :return: dict if ok: with the rule name as key and value is another dictionary with the following content:
- priority: rule priority
- name: rule name (present also as the master dict key)
- ingress_port: match input port of the rule
- dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
- vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
- actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples:
- (vlan, None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
- (out, port): send to this port
- switch: DPID, all
- Raise a OpenflowconnConnectionException expection in case of failure
- """
- try:
- # get rules
- if len(self.ofi2pp) == 0:
- self.obtain_port_correspondence()
- of_response = requests.get(self.url+"/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/" + self.id +
- "/table/0", headers=self.headers)
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- # The configured page does not exist if there are no rules installed. In that case we return an empty dict
- if of_response.status_code == 404:
- return {}
- elif of_response.status_code != 200:
- self.logger.warning("get_of_rules " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("get_of_rules " + error_text)
- info = of_response.json()
- if type(info) != dict:
- self.logger.error("get_of_rules. Unexpected response not a dict: %s", str(info))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected openflow response, not a dict. "
- "Wrong version?")
- table = info.get('flow-node-inventory:table')
- if type(table) is not list:
- self.logger.error("get_of_rules. Unexpected response at 'flow-node-inventory:table', "
- "not a list: %s", str(type(table)))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'flow-node-inventory:table',"
- " not a list. Wrong version?")
- flow_list = table[0].get('flow')
- if flow_list is None:
- return {}
- if type(flow_list) is not list:
- self.logger.error("get_of_rules. Unexpected response at 'flow-node-inventory:table'[0]:'flow', not a list: %s", str(type(flow_list)))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'flow-node-inventory:"
- "table'[0]:'flow', not a list. Wrong version?")
- # TODO translate ports according to translate_of_ports parameter
- rules = dict()
- for flow in flow_list:
- if not ('id' in flow and 'match' in flow and 'instructions' in flow and
- 'instruction' in flow['instructions'] and
- 'apply-actions' in flow['instructions']['instruction'][0] and
- 'action' in flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['apply-actions']):
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow response, one or more "
- "elements are missing. Wrong version?")
- flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['apply-actions']['action']
- rule = dict()
- rule['switch'] = self.dpid
- rule['priority'] = flow.get('priority')
- # rule['name'] = flow['id']
- # rule['cookie'] = flow['cookie']
- if 'in-port' in flow['match']:
- in_port = flow['match']['in-port']
- if not in_port in self.ofi2pp:
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Error: Ingress port " + in_port +
- " is not in switch port list")
- if translate_of_ports:
- in_port = self.ofi2pp[in_port]
- rule['ingress_port'] = in_port
- if 'vlan-match' in flow['match'] and 'vlan-id' in flow['match']['vlan-match'] and \
- 'vlan-id' in flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id'] and \
- 'vlan-id-present' in flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id'] and \
- flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id-present'] == True:
- rule['vlan_id'] = flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id']
- if 'ethernet-match' in flow['match'] and 'ethernet-destination' in flow['match']['ethernet-match'] and \
- 'address' in flow['match']['ethernet-match']['ethernet-destination']:
- rule['dst_mac'] = flow['match']['ethernet-match']['ethernet-destination']['address']
- instructions=flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['apply-actions']['action']
- max_index=0
- for instruction in instructions:
- if instruction['order'] > max_index:
- max_index = instruction['order']
- actions=[None]*(max_index+1)
- for instruction in instructions:
- if 'output-action' in instruction:
- if not 'output-node-connector' in instruction['output-action']:
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow response, one or "
- "more elementa are missing. "
- "Wrong version?")
- out_port = instruction['output-action']['output-node-connector']
- if not out_port in self.ofi2pp:
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Error: Output port " + out_port +
- " is not in switch port list")
- if translate_of_ports:
- out_port = self.ofi2pp[out_port]
- actions[instruction['order']] = ('out',out_port)
- elif 'strip-vlan-action' in instruction:
- actions[instruction['order']] = ('vlan', None)
- elif 'set-field' in instruction:
- if not ('vlan-match' in instruction['set-field'] and 'vlan-id' in instruction['set-field']['vlan-match'] and 'vlan-id' in instruction['set-field']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']):
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow response, one or "
- "more elements are missing. "
- "Wrong version?")
- actions[instruction['order']] = ('vlan', instruction['set-field']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id'])
- actions = [x for x in actions if x != None]
- rule['actions'] = list(actions)
- rules[flow['id']] = dict(rule)
- #flow['id']
- #flow['priority']
- #flow['cookie']
- #flow['match']['in-port']
- #flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id']
- # match -> in-port
- # -> vlan-match -> vlan-id -> vlan-id
- #flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id-present']
- #TODO we asume that is not using rules with vlan-id-present:false
- #instructions -> instruction -> apply-actions -> action
- #instructions=flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['apply-actions']['action']
- #Es una lista. Posibles elementos:
- #max_index=0
- #for instruction in instructions:
- # if instruction['order'] > max_index:
- # max_index = instruction['order']
- #actions=[None]*(max_index+1)
- #for instruction in instructions:
- # if 'output-action' in instruction:
- # actions[instruction['order']] = ('out',instruction['output-action']['output-node-connector'])
- # elif 'strip-vlan-action' in instruction:
- # actions[instruction['order']] = ('vlan', None)
- # elif 'set-field' in instruction:
- # actions[instruction['order']] = ('vlan', instruction['set-field']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id'])
- #
- #actions = [x for x in actions if x != None]
- # -> output-action -> output-node-connector
- # -> pop-vlan-action
- return rules
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("get_of_rules " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
- except ValueError as e:
- # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("get_of_rules " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- def del_flow(self, flow_name):
- """
- Delete an existing rule
- :param flow_name: flow_name, this is the rule name
- :return: Raise a OpenflowconnConnectionException expection in case of failure
- """
- try:
- of_response = requests.delete(self.url+"/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/" + self.id +
- "/table/0/flow/"+flow_name, headers=self.headers)
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code != 200:
- self.logger.warning("del_flow " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("del_flow OK " + error_text)
- return None
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- # raise an exception in case of contection error
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("del_flow " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
- def new_flow(self, data):
- """
- Insert a new static rule
- :param data: dictionary with the following content:
- priority: rule priority
- name: rule name
- ingress_port: match input port of the rule
- dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, missing or None if not apply
- vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, missing or None if not apply
- actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples with these posibilities:
- ('vlan', None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
- ('out', port): send to this port
- :return: Raise a OpenflowconnConnectionException expection in case of failure
- """
- try:
- if len(self.pp2ofi) == 0:
- self.obtain_port_correspondence()
- # We have to build the data for the opendaylight call from the generic data
- sdata = dict()
- sdata['flow-node-inventory:flow'] = list()
- sdata['flow-node-inventory:flow'].append(dict())
- flow = sdata['flow-node-inventory:flow'][0]
- flow['id'] = data['name']
- flow['flow-name'] = data['name']
- flow['idle-timeout'] = 0
- flow['hard-timeout'] = 0
- flow['table_id'] = 0
- flow['priority'] = data.get('priority')
- flow['match'] = dict()
- if not data['ingress_port'] in self.pp2ofi:
- error_text = 'Error. Port '+data['ingress_port']+' is not present in the switch'
- self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- flow['match']['in-port'] = self.pp2ofi[data['ingress_port']]
- if 'dst_mac' in data:
- flow['match']['ethernet-match'] = dict()
- flow['match']['ethernet-match']['ethernet-destination'] = dict()
- flow['match']['ethernet-match']['ethernet-destination']['address'] = data['dst_mac']
- if data.get('vlan_id'):
- flow['match']['vlan-match'] = dict()
- flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id'] = dict()
- flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id-present'] = True
- flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id'] = int(data['vlan_id'])
- flow['instructions'] = dict()
- flow['instructions']['instruction'] = list()
- flow['instructions']['instruction'].append(dict())
- flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['order'] = 1
- flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['apply-actions'] = dict()
- flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['apply-actions']['action'] = list()
- actions = flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['apply-actions']['action']
- order = 0
- for action in data['actions']:
- new_action = { 'order': order }
- if action[0] == "vlan":
- if action[1] == None:
- # strip vlan
- new_action['strip-vlan-action'] = dict()
- else:
- new_action['set-field'] = dict()
- new_action['set-field']['vlan-match'] = dict()
- new_action['set-field']['vlan-match']['vlan-id'] = dict()
- new_action['set-field']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id-present'] = True
- new_action['set-field']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id'] = int(action[1])
- elif action[0] == 'out':
- new_action['output-action'] = dict()
- if not action[1] in self.pp2ofi:
- error_msj = 'Port '+action[1]+' is not present in the switch'
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_msj)
- new_action['output-action']['output-node-connector'] = self.pp2ofi[ action[1] ]
- else:
- error_msj = "Unknown item '%s' in action list" % action[0]
- self.logger.error("new_flow " + error_msj)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_msj)
- actions.append(new_action)
- order += 1
- # print json.dumps(sdata)
- of_response = requests.put(self.url+"/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/" + self.id +
- "/table/0/flow/" + data['name'],
- headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(sdata) )
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code != 200:
- self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("new_flow OK " + error_text)
- return None
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- # raise an exception in case of contection error
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("new_flow " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
- def clear_all_flows(self):
- """
- Delete all existing rules
- :return: Raise a OpenflowconnConnectionException expection in case of failure
- """
- try:
- of_response = requests.delete(self.url+"/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/" + self.id +
- "/table/0", headers=self.headers)
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code != 200 and of_response.status_code != 404: #HTTP_Not_Found
- self.logger.warning("clear_all_flows " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("clear_all_flows OK " + error_text)
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("clear_all_flows " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-Implement the logic for obtaining compute nodes information
-Resource Availability Descriptor
-__author__="Pablo Montes"
-#TODO: remove warnings, remove unused things
-from definitionsClass import definitionsClass
-from auxiliary_functions import get_ssh_connection
-import libvirt
-from xml.etree import ElementTree
-import paramiko
-import re
-import yaml
-def getCredentials(creds, data):
- """Used as a backup for libvirt.openAuth in order to provide password that came with data,
- not used by the moment
- """
- print "RADclass:getCredentials", creds, data
- for cred in creds:
- print cred[1] + ": ",
- if cred[0] == libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME:
- cred[4] = data
- elif cred[0] == libvirt.VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE:
- cred[4] = data
- else:
- return -1
- return 0
-class RADclass():
- def __init__(self):
- self.name = None
- self.machine = None
- self.user = None
- self.password = None
- self.nodes = dict() #Dictionary of nodes. Keys are the node id, values are Node() elements
- self.nr_processors = None #Integer. Number of processors in the system
- self.processor_family = None #If all nodes have the same value equal them, otherwise keep as None
- self.processor_manufacturer = None #If all nodes have the same value equal them, otherwise keep as None
- self.processor_version = None #If all nodes have the same value equal them, otherwise keep as None
- self.processor_features = None #If all nodes have the same value equal them, otherwise keep as None
- self.memory_type = None #If all nodes have the same value equal them, otherwise keep as None
- self.memory_freq = None #If all nodes have the same value equal them, otherwise keep as None
- self.memory_nr_channels = None #If all nodes have the same value equal them, otherwise keep as None
- self.memory_size = None #Integer. Sum of the memory in all nodes
- self.memory_hugepage_sz = None
- self.hypervisor = Hypervisor() #Hypervisor information
- self.os = OpSys() #Operating system information
- self.ports_list = list() #List containing all network ports in the node. This is used to avoid having defined multiple times the same port in the system
- def obtain_RAD(self, user, password, machine):
- """This function obtains the RAD information from the remote server.
- It uses both a ssh and a libvirt connection.
- It is desirable in future versions get rid of the ssh connection, but currently
- libvirt does not provide all the needed information.
- Returns (True, Warning) in case of success and (False, <error>) in case of error"""
- warning_text=""
- try:
- #Get virsh and ssh connection
- (return_status, code) = get_ssh_connection(machine, user, password)
- if not return_status:
- print 'RADclass.obtain_RAD() error:', code
- return (return_status, code)
- ssh_conn = code
- self.connection_IP = machine
- #print "libvirt open pre"
- virsh_conn=libvirt.open("qemu+ssh://"+user+'@'+machine+"/system")
- #virsh_conn=libvirt.openAuth("qemu+ssh://"+user+'@'+machine+"/system",
- # [[libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME, libvirt.VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE, libvirt.VIR_CRED_USERNAME], getCredentials, password],
- # 0)
- #print "libvirt open after"
- # #Set connection infomation
- # (return_status, code) = self.set_connection_info(machine, user, password)
- # if not return_status:
- # return (return_status, 'Error in '+machine+': '+code)
- #Set server name
- machine_name = get_hostname(virsh_conn)
- (return_status, code) = self.set_name(machine_name)
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, 'Error at self.set_name in '+machine+': '+code)
- warning_text += code
- #Get the server processors information
- processors = dict()
- (return_status, code) = get_processor_information(ssh_conn, virsh_conn, processors)
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, 'Error at get_processor_information in '+machine+': '+code)
- warning_text += code
- #Get the server memory information
- memory_nodes = dict()
- (return_status, code) = get_memory_information(ssh_conn, virsh_conn, memory_nodes)
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, 'Error at get_memory_information in '+machine+': '+code)
- warning_text += code
- #Get nics information
- nic_topology = dict()
- # (return_status, code) = get_nic_information_old(ssh_conn, nic_topology)
- (return_status, code) = get_nic_information(ssh_conn, virsh_conn, nic_topology)
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, 'Error at get_nic_information in '+machine+': '+code)
- warning_text += code
- #Pack each processor, memory node and nics in a node element
- #and add the node to the RAD element
- for socket_id, processor in processors.iteritems():
- node = Node()
- if not socket_id in nic_topology:
- nic_topology[socket_id] = list()
- (return_status, code) = node.set(processor, memory_nodes[socket_id], nic_topology[socket_id])
- # else:
- # (return_status, code) = node.set(processor, memory_nodes[socket_id])
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, 'Error at node.set in '+machine+': '+code)
- warning_text += code
- (return_status, code) = self.insert_node(node)
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, 'Error at self.insert_node in '+machine+': '+code)
- if code not in warning_text:
- warning_text += code
- #Fill os data
- os = OpSys()
- (return_status, code) = get_os_information(ssh_conn, os)
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, 'Error at get_os_information in '+machine+': '+code)
- warning_text += code
- (return_status, code) = self.set_os(os)
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, 'Error at self.set_os in '+machine+': '+code)
- warning_text += code
- #Fill hypervisor data
- hypervisor = Hypervisor()
- (return_status, code) = get_hypervisor_information(virsh_conn, hypervisor)
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, 'Error at get_hypervisor_information in '+machine+': '+code)
- warning_text += code
- (return_status, code) = self.set_hypervisor(hypervisor)
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, 'Error at self.set_hypervisor in '+machine+': '+code)
- warning_text += code
- ssh_conn.close()
- return (True, warning_text)
- except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
- text = e.get_error_message()
- print 'RADclass.obtain_RAD() exception:', text
- return (False, text)
- except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException, e:
- text = e.args[0]
- print "obtain_RAD ssh Exception:", text
- return False, text
- def set_name(self,name):
- """Sets the machine name.
- Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
- if not isinstance(name,str):
- return (False, 'The variable \'name\' must be text')
- self.name = name
- return (True, "")
- def set_connection_info(self, machine, user, password):
- """Sets the connection information.
- Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
- if not isinstance(machine,str):
- return (False, 'The variable \'machine\' must be text')
- if not isinstance(user,str):
- return (False, 'The variable \'user\' must be text')
-# if not isinstance(password,str):
-# return (False, 'The variable \'password\' must be text')
- (self.machine, self.user, self.password) = (machine, user, password)
- return (True, "")
- def insert_node(self,node):
- """Inserts a new node and updates class variables.
- Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
- if not isinstance(node,Node):
- return (False, 'The variable \'node\' must be a Node element')
- if node.id_ in self.nodes:
- return (False, 'The node is already present in the nodes list.')
- #Check if network ports have not been inserted previously as part of another node
- for port_key in node.ports_list:
- if port_key in self.ports_list:
- return (False, 'Network port '+port_key+' defined multiple times in the system')
- self.ports_list.append(port_key)
- #Insert the new node
- self.nodes[node.id_] = node
- #update variables
- self.update_variables()
- return (True, "")
- def update_variables(self):
- """Updates class variables.
- Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
- warning_text=""
- #The number of processors and nodes is the same
- self.nr_processors = len(self.nodes)
- #If all processors are the same get the values. Otherwise keep them as none
- prev_processor_family = prev_processor_manufacturer = prev_processor_version = prev_processor_features = None
- different_processor_family = different_processor_manufacturer = different_processor_version = different_processor_features = False
- for node in self.nodes.itervalues():
- (self.processor_family, self.processor_manufacturer, self.processor_version, self.processor_features) = node.get_processor_info()
- if prev_processor_family != None and self.processor_family != prev_processor_family:
- different_processor_family = True
- if prev_processor_manufacturer != None and self.processor_manufacturer != prev_processor_manufacturer:
- different_processor_manufacturer = True
- if prev_processor_version != None and self.processor_version != prev_processor_version:
- different_processor_version = True
- if prev_processor_features != None and self.processor_features != prev_processor_features:
- different_processor_features = True
- (prev_processor_family, prev_processor_manufacturer, prev_processor_version, prev_processor_features) = (self.processor_family, self.processor_manufacturer, self.processor_version, self.processor_features)
- if different_processor_family:
- self.processor_family = None
- if different_processor_features:
- self.processor_features = None
- if different_processor_manufacturer:
- self.processor_manufacturer = None
- if different_processor_version:
- self.processor_version = None
- #If all memory nodes are the same get the values. Otherwise keep them as none
- #Sum the total memory
- self.memory_size = 0
- different_memory_freq = different_memory_nr_channels = different_memory_type = different_memory_hugepage_sz = False
- prev_memory_freq = prev_memory_nr_channels = prev_memory_type = prev_memory_hugepage_sz = None
- for node in self.nodes.itervalues():
- (self.memory_freq, self.memory_nr_channels, self.memory_type, memory_size, self.memory_hugepage_sz) = node.get_memory_info()
- self.memory_size += memory_size
- if prev_memory_freq != None and self.memory_freq != prev_memory_freq:
- different_memory_freq = True
- if prev_memory_nr_channels != None and self.memory_nr_channels != prev_memory_nr_channels:
- different_memory_nr_channels = True
- if prev_memory_type != None and self.memory_type != prev_memory_type:
- different_memory_type = True
- if prev_memory_hugepage_sz != None and self.memory_hugepage_sz != prev_memory_hugepage_sz:
- different_memory_hugepage_sz = True
- (prev_memory_freq, prev_memory_nr_channels, prev_memory_type, prev_memory_hugepage_sz) = (self.memory_freq, self.memory_nr_channels, self.memory_type, self.memory_hugepage_sz)
- if different_memory_freq:
- self.memory_freq = None
- if different_memory_nr_channels:
- self.memory_nr_channels = None
- if different_memory_type:
- self.memory_type = None
- if different_memory_hugepage_sz:
- warning_text += 'Detected different hugepages size in different sockets\n'
- return (True, warning_text)
- def set_hypervisor(self,hypervisor):
- """Sets the hypervisor.
- Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
- if not isinstance(hypervisor,Hypervisor):
- return (False, 'The variable \'hypervisor\' must be of class Hypervisor')
- self.hypervisor.assign(hypervisor)
- return (True, "")
- def set_os(self,os):
- """Sets the operating system.
- Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
- if not isinstance(os,OpSys):
- return (False, 'The variable \'os\' must be of class OpSys')
- self.os.assign(os)
- return (True, "")
- def to_text(self):
- text= 'name: '+str(self.name)+'\n'
- text+= 'processor:\n'
- text+= ' nr_processors: '+str(self.nr_processors)+'\n'
- text+= ' family: '+str(self.processor_family)+'\n'
- text+= ' manufacturer: '+str(self.processor_manufacturer)+'\n'
- text+= ' version: '+str(self.processor_version)+'\n'
- text+= ' features: '+str(self.processor_features)+'\n'
- text+= 'memory:\n'
- text+= ' type: '+str(self.memory_type)+'\n'
- text+= ' freq: '+str(self.memory_freq)+'\n'
- text+= ' nr_channels: '+str(self.memory_nr_channels)+'\n'
- text+= ' size: '+str(self.memory_size)+'\n'
- text+= 'hypervisor:\n'
- text+= self.hypervisor.to_text()
- text+= 'os:\n'
- text+= self.os.to_text()
- text+= 'resource topology:\n'
- text+= ' nr_nodes: '+ str(len(self.nodes))+'\n'
- text+= ' nodes:\n'
- for node_k, node_v in self.nodes.iteritems():
- text+= ' node'+str(node_k)+':\n'
- text+= node_v.to_text()
- return text
- def to_yaml(self):
- return yaml.load(self.to_text())
-class Node():
- def __init__(self):
- self.id_ = None #Integer. Node id. Unique in the system
- self.processor = ProcessorNode() #Information about the processor in the node
- self.memory = MemoryNode() #Information about the memory in the node
- self.nic_list = list() #List of Nic() containing information about the nics associated to the node
- self.ports_list = list() #List containing all network ports in the node. This is used to avoid having defined multiple times the same port in the system
- def get_processor_info(self):
- """Gets the processor information. Returns (processor_family, processor_manufacturer, processor_version, processor_features)"""
- return self.processor.get_info()
- def get_memory_info(self):
- """Gets the memory information. Returns (memory_freq, memory_nr_channels, memory_type, memory_size)"""
- return self.memory.get_info()
-# def set(self, *args):
-# """Sets the node information. Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
-# if len(args)==2:
-# processor = args[0]
-# memory = args[1]
-# nics = False
-# elif len(args)==3:
-# processor = args[0]
-# memory = args[1]
-# nic_list = args[2]
-# nics = True
-# else:
-# return (False, 'Wrong number of elements calling Node().set()')
- def set(self, processor, memory, nic_list):
- (status, return_code) = self.processor.assign(processor)
- if not status:
- return (status, return_code)
- self.id_ = processor.id_
- (status, return_code) = self.memory.assign(memory)
- if not status:
- return (status, return_code)
-# if nics:
- for nic in nic_list:
- if not isinstance(nic,Nic):
- return (False, 'The nics must be of type Nic')
- self.nic_list.append(nic)
- for port_key in nic.ports.iterkeys():
- if port_key in self.ports_list:
- return (False, 'Network port '+port_key+'defined multiple times in the same node')
- self.ports_list.append(port_key)
- return (True,"")
- def assign(self, node):
- """Sets the node information.
- Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
- warning_text=""
- processor = node.processor
- memory = node.memory
- nic_list = node.nic_list
- (status, return_code) = self.processor.assign(processor)
- if not status:
- return (status, return_code)
- self.id_ = processor.id_
- (status, return_code) = self.memory.assign(memory)
- if not status:
- return (status, return_code)
- warning_text += code
- for nic in nic_list:
- if not isinstance(nic,Nic):
- return (False, 'The nics must be of type Nic')
- self.nic_list.append(nic)
- for port_key in nic.ports.iterkeys():
- if port_key in self.ports_list:
- return (False, 'Network port '+port_key+'defined multiple times in the same node')
- self.ports_list.append(port_key)
- return (True,warning_text)
- def to_text(self):
- text= ' id: '+str(self.id_)+'\n'
- text+= ' cpu:\n'
- text += self.processor.to_text()
- text+= ' memory:\n'
- text += self.memory.to_text()
- if len(self.nic_list) > 0:
- text+= ' nics:\n'
- nic_index = 0
- for nic in self.nic_list:
- text+= ' nic '+str(nic_index)+':\n'
- text += nic.to_text()
- nic_index += 1
- return text
-class ProcessorNode():
- #Definition of the possible values of processor variables
- possible_features = definitionsClass.processor_possible_features
- possible_manufacturers = definitionsClass.processor_possible_manufacturers
- possible_families = definitionsClass.processor_possible_families
- possible_versions = definitionsClass.processor_possible_versions
- def __init__(self):
- self.id_ = None #Integer. Numeric identifier of the socket
- self.family = None #Text. Family name of the processor
- self.manufacturer = None #Text. Manufacturer of the processor
- self.version = None #Text. Model version of the processor
- self.features = list() #list. List of features offered by the processor
- self.cores = list() #list. List of cores in the processor. In case of hyperthreading the coupled cores are expressed as [a,b]
- self.eligible_cores = list()#list. List of cores that can be used
- #self.decicated_cores
- #self.shared_cores -> this should also contain information to know if cores are being used
- def assign(self, processor):
- """Sets the processor information.
- Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
- if not isinstance(processor,ProcessorNode):
- return (False, 'The variable \'processor\' must be of class ProcessorNode')
- self.id_ = processor.id_
- self.family = processor.family
- self.manufacturer = processor.manufacturer
- self.version = processor.version
- self.features = processor.features
- self.cores = processor.cores
- self.eligible_cores = processor.eligible_cores
- return (True, "")
- def set(self, id_, family, manufacturer, version, features, cores):
- """Sets the processor information.
- Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
- warning_text = ""
- if not isinstance(id_,int):
- return (False, 'The processor id_ must be of type int')
- if not isinstance(family,str):
- return (False, 'The processor family must be of type str')
- if not isinstance(manufacturer,str):
- return (False, 'The processor manufacturer must be of type str')
- if not isinstance(version,str):
- return (False, 'The processor version must be of type str')
- if not isinstance(features,list):
- return (False, 'The processor features must be of type list')
- if not isinstance(cores,list):
- return (False, 'The processor cores must be of type list')
- (self.id_, self.family, self.manufacturer, self.version) = (id_, family, manufacturer, version)
- if not manufacturer in self.possible_manufacturers:
- warning_text += "processor manufacturer '%s' not among: %s\n" %(manufacturer, str(self.possible_manufacturers))
- if not family in self.possible_families:
- warning_text += "family '%s' not among: %s\n" % (family, str(self.possible_families))
-# if not version in self.possible_versions:
-# warning_text += 'The version %s is not one of these: %s\n' % (version, str(self.possible_versions))
- for feature in features:
- if not feature in self.possible_features:
- warning_text += "processor feature '%s' not among: %s\n" % (feature, str(self.possible_versions))
- self.features.append(feature)
- for iterator in sorted(cores):
- if not isinstance(iterator,list) or not all(isinstance(x, int) for x in iterator):
- return (False, 'The cores list must be in the form of [[a,b],[c,d],...] where a,b,c,d are of type int')
- self.cores.append(iterator)
- self.set_eligible_cores()
- return (True,warning_text)
- def set_eligible_cores(self):
- """Set the default eligible cores, this is all cores non used by the host operating system"""
- not_first = False
- for iterator in self.cores:
- if not_first:
- self.eligible_cores.append(iterator)
- else:
- not_first = True
- return
- def get_info(self):
- """Returns processor parameters (self.family, self.manufacturer, self.version, self.features)"""
- return (self.family, self.manufacturer, self.version, self.features)
- def to_text(self):
- text= ' id: '+str(self.id_)+'\n'
- text+= ' family: '+self.family+'\n'
- text+= ' manufacturer: '+self.manufacturer+'\n'
- text+= ' version: '+self.version+'\n'
- text+= ' features: '+str(self.features)+'\n'
- text+= ' cores: '+str(self.cores)+'\n'
- text+= ' eligible_cores: '+str(self.eligible_cores)+'\n'
- return text
-class MemoryNode():
- def __init__(self):
- self.modules = list() #List of MemoryModule(). List of all modules installed in the node
- self.nr_channels = None #Integer. Number of modules installed in the node
- self.node_size = None #Integer. Total size in KiB of memory installed in the node
- self.eligible_memory = None #Integer. Size in KiB of eligible memory in the node
- self.hugepage_sz = None #Integer. Size in KiB of hugepages
- self.hugepage_nr = None #Integer. Number of hugepages allocated in the module
- self.eligible_hugepage_nr = None #Integer. Number of eligible hugepages in the node
- self.type_ = None #Text. Type of memory modules. If modules have a different value keep it as None
- self.freq = None #Integer. Frequency of the modules in MHz. If modules have a different value keep it as None
- self.module_size = None #Integer. Size of the modules in KiB. If modules have a different value keep it as None
- self.form_factor = None #Text. Form factor of the modules. If modules have a different value keep it as None
- def assign(self, memory_node):
- return self.set(memory_node.modules, memory_node.hugepage_sz, memory_node.hugepage_nr)
- def set(self, modules, hugepage_sz, hugepage_nr):
- """Set the memory node information. hugepage_sz must be expressed in KiB.
- Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
- if not isinstance(modules, list):
- return (False, 'The modules must be a list of elements of class MemoryModule')
- if not isinstance(hugepage_sz,int):
- return (False, 'The hugepage_sz variable must be an int expressing the size in KiB')
- if not isinstance(hugepage_nr,int):
- return (False, 'The hugepage_nr variable must be of type int')
- (self.hugepage_sz, self.hugepage_nr) = (hugepage_sz, hugepage_nr)
- self.node_size = self.nr_channels = 0
- different_type = different_freq = different_module_size = different_form_factor = False
- prev_type = prev_freq = prev_module_size = prev_form_factor = None
- for iterator in modules:
- if not isinstance(iterator,MemoryModule):
- return (False, 'The modules must be a list of elements of class MemoryModule')
- self.modules.append(iterator)
- (self.type_, self.freq, self.module_size, self.form_factor) = (iterator.type_, iterator.freq, iterator.size, iterator.form_factor)
- self.node_size += self.module_size
- self.nr_channels += 1
- if prev_type != None and prev_type != self.type_:
- different_type = True
- if prev_freq != None and prev_freq != self.freq:
- different_freq = True
- if prev_module_size != None and prev_module_size != self.module_size:
- different_module_size = True
- if prev_form_factor != None and prev_form_factor != self.form_factor:
- different_form_factor = True
- (prev_type, prev_freq, prev_module_size, prev_form_factor) = (self.type_, self.freq, self.module_size, self.form_factor)
- if different_type:
- self.type_ = None
- if different_freq:
- self.freq = None
- if different_module_size:
- self.module_size = None
- if different_form_factor:
- self.form_factor = None
- (return_value, error_code) = self.set_eligible_memory()
- if not return_value:
- return (return_value, error_code)
- return (True, "")
- def set_eligible_memory(self):
- """Sets the default eligible_memory and eligible_hugepage_nr. This is all memory but 2GiB and all hugepages"""
- self.eligible_memory = self.node_size - 2*1024*1024
- if self.eligible_memory < 0:
- return (False, "There is less than 2GiB of memory in the module")
- self.eligible_hugepage_nr = self.hugepage_nr
- return (True,"")
- def get_info(self):
- """Return memory information (self.freq, self.nr_channels, self.type_, self.node_size)"""
- return (self.freq, self.nr_channels, self.type_, self.node_size, self.hugepage_sz)
- def to_text(self):
- text= ' node_size: '+str(self.node_size)+'\n'
- text+= ' nr_channels: '+str(self.nr_channels)+'\n'
- text+= ' eligible_memory: '+str(self.eligible_memory)+'\n'
- text+= ' hugepage_sz: '+str(self.hugepage_sz)+'\n'
- text+= ' hugepage_nr: '+str(self.hugepage_nr)+'\n'
- text+= ' eligible_hugepage_nr: '+str(self.eligible_hugepage_nr)+'\n'
- text+= ' type: '+self.type_+'\n'
- text+= ' freq: '+str(self.freq)+'\n'
- text+= ' module_size: '+str(self.module_size)+'\n'
- text+= ' form_factor: '+self.form_factor+'\n'
- text+= ' modules details:\n'
- for module in self.modules:
- text += module.to_text()
- return text
-class MemoryModule():
- #Definition of the possible values of module variables
- possible_types = definitionsClass.memory_possible_types
- possible_form_factors = definitionsClass.memory_possible_form_factors
- def __init__(self):
- self.locator = None #Text. Name of the memory module
- self.type_ = None #Text. Type of memory module
- self.freq = None #Integer. Frequency of the module in MHz
- self.size = None #Integer. Size of the module in KiB
- self.form_factor = None #Text. Form factor of the module
- def set(self, locator, type_, freq, size, form_factor):
- """Sets the memory module information.
- Frequency must be expressed in MHz and size in KiB.
- Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
- warning_text=""
- if not isinstance(locator, str):
- return (False, "The type of the variable locator must be str")
- if not isinstance(type_, str):
- return (False, "The type of the variable type_ must be str")
- if not isinstance(form_factor, str):
- return (False, "The type of the variable form_factor must be str")
- if not isinstance(freq, int):
- return (False, "The type of the variable freq must be int")
- if not isinstance(size, int):
- return (False, "The type of the variable size must be int")
- if not form_factor in self.possible_form_factors:
- warning_text += "memory form_factor '%s' not among: %s\n" %(form_factor, str(self.possible_form_factors))
- if not type_ in self.possible_types:
- warning_text += "memory type '%s' not among: %s\n" %(type_, str(self.possible_types))
- (self.locator, self.type_, self.freq, self.size, self.form_factor) = (locator, type_, freq, size, form_factor)
- return (True, warning_text)
- def to_text(self):
- text= ' '+self.locator+':\n'
- text+= ' type: '+self.type_+'\n'
- text+= ' freq: '+str(self.freq)+'\n'
- text+= ' size: '+str(self.size)+'\n'
- text+= ' form factor: '+self.form_factor+'\n'
- return text
-class Nic():
- def __init__(self):
- self.model = None #Text. Model of the nic
- self.ports = dict() #Dictionary of ports. Keys are the port name, value are Port() elements
- def set_model(self, model):
- """Sets the model of the nic. Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
- if not isinstance(model,str):
- return (False, 'The \'model\' must be of type str')
- self.model = model
- return (True, "")
- def add_port(self, port):
- """Adds a port to the nic. Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
- if not isinstance(port,Port):
- return (False, 'The \'port\' must be of class Port')
-# port_id = str(port.pci_device_id[0])+':'+str(port.pci_device_id[1])+':'+str(port.pci_device_id[2])+'.'+str(port.pci_device_id[3])
-# port_id = port.name
- port_id = port.pci_device_id
- if port_id in self.ports:
- return (False, 'The \'port\' '+port.pci_device_id+' is duplicated in the nic')
-# return (False, 'The \'port\' is duplicated in the nic')
- self.ports[port_id] = port
- return (True, "")
- def to_text(self):
- text= ' model: '+ str(self.model)+'\n'
- text+= ' ports: '+'\n'
- for key,port in self.ports.iteritems():
- text+= ' "'+key+'":'+'\n'
- text += port.to_text()
- return text
-class Port():
- def __init__(self):
- self.name = None #Text. Port name
- self.virtual = None #Boolean. States if the port is a virtual function
- self.enabled = None #Boolean. States if the port is enabled
- self.eligible = None #Boolean. States if the port is eligible
- self.speed = None #Integer. Indicates the speed in Mbps
- self.available_bw = None #Integer. BW in Mbps that is available.
- self.mac = None #list. Indicates the mac address of the port as a list in format ['XX','XX','XX','XX','XX','XX']
- self.pci_device_id_split = None #list. Indicates the pci address of the port as a list in format ['XXXX','XX','XX','X']
- self.pci_device_id = None
- self.PF_pci_device_id = None
-# def set(self, name, virtual, enabled, speed, mac, pci_device_id, pci_device_id_split):
-# """Sets the port information. The variable speed indicates the speed in Mbps. Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
-# if not isinstance(name,str):
-# return (False, 'The variable \'name\' must be of type str')
-# if not isinstance(virtual,bool):
-# return (False, 'The variable \'virtual\' must be of type bool')
-# if not isinstance(enabled,bool):
-# return (False, 'The variable \'enabled\' must be of type bool')
-# if not isinstance(enabled,bool):
-# return (speed, 'The variable \'speed\' must be of type int')
-# if not isinstance(mac, list) and not isinstance(mac,NoneType):
-# return (False, 'The variable \'enabled\' must be of type list indicating the mac address in format [\'XXXX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'X\'] or NoneType')
-# if not isinstance(pci_device_id_split, list) or len(pci_device_id_split) != 4:
-# return (False, 'The variable \'pci_device_id_split\' must be of type list, indicating the pci address in format [\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\']')
-# expected_len = [4,2,2,1]
-# index = 0
-# for iterator in pci_device_id_split:
-# if not isinstance(iterator,str) or not iterator.isdigit() or len(iterator) != expected_len[index]:
-# return (False, 'The variable \'pci_device_id_split\' must be of type list, indicating the pci address in format [\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\']')
-# index += 1
-# if not isinstance(mac,NoneType):
-# for iterator in mac:
-# if not isinstance(iterator,str) or not iterator.isalnum() or len(iterator) != 2:
-# return (False, 'The variable \'enabled\' must be of type list indicating the mac address in format [\'XXXX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'X\'] or NoneType')
-# #By default only virtual ports are eligible
-# # (self.name, self.virtual, self.enabled, self.eligible, self.available_bw, self.speed, self.mac, self.pci_device_id, self.pci_device_id_split) = (name, virtual, enabled, virtual, speed, speed, mac, pci_device_id, pci_device_id_split)
-# (self.name, self.virtual, self.enabled, self.eligible, self.available_bw, self.mac, self.pci_device_id, self.pci_device_id_split) = (name, virtual, enabled, virtual, speed, mac, pci_device_id, pci_device_id_split)
- def to_text(self):
- text= ' pci: "'+ str(self.pci_device_id)+'"\n'
- text+= ' virtual: '+ str(self.virtual)+'\n'
- if self.virtual:
- text+= ' PF_pci_id: "'+self.PF_pci_device_id+'"\n'
- text+= ' eligible: '+ str(self.eligible)+'\n'
- text+= ' enabled: '+str(self.enabled)+'\n'
- text+= ' speed: '+ str(self.speed)+'\n'
- text+= ' available bw: '+ str(self.available_bw)+'\n'
- text+= ' mac: '+ str(self.mac)+'\n'
- text+= ' source_name: '+ str(self.name)+'\n'
- return text
-class Hypervisor():
- #Definition of the possible values of hypervisor variables
- possible_types = definitionsClass.hypervisor_possible_types
- possible_domain_types = definitionsClass.hypervisor_possible_domain_types
- def __init__(self):
- self.type_ = None #Text. Hypervisor type_
- self.version = None #int. Hypervisor version
- self.lib_version = None #int. Libvirt version used to compile hypervisor
- self.domains = list() #list. List of all the available domains
- def set(self, hypervisor, version, lib_version, domains):
- warning_text=""
- if not isinstance(hypervisor,str):
- return (False, 'The variable type_ must be of type str')
- if not isinstance(version,int):
- return (False, 'The variable version must be of type int')
- if not isinstance(lib_version,int):
- return (False, 'The library version must be of type int')
- if not isinstance(domains,list):
- return (False, 'Domains must be a list of the possible domains as str')
- if not hypervisor in self.possible_types:
- warning_text += "Hyperpivor '%s' not among: %s\n" % (hypervisor, str(self.possible_types))
- valid_domain_found = False
- for domain in domains:
- if not isinstance(domain,str):
- return (False, 'Domains must be a list of the possible domains as str')
- if domain in self.possible_domain_types:
- valid_domain_found = True
- self.domains.append(domain)
- if not valid_domain_found:
- warning_text += 'No valid domain found among: %s\n' % str(self.possible_domain_types)
- (self.version, self.lib_version, self.type_) = (version, lib_version, hypervisor)
- return (True, warning_text)
- def assign(self, hypervisor):
- (self.version, self.lib_version, self.type_) = (hypervisor.version, hypervisor.lib_version, hypervisor.type_)
- for domain in hypervisor.domains:
- self.domains.append(domain)
- return
- def to_text(self):
- text= ' type: '+self.type_+'\n'
- text+= ' version: '+str(self.version)+'\n'
- text+= ' libvirt version: '+ str(self.lib_version)+'\n'
- text+= ' domains: '+str(self.domains)+'\n'
- return text
-class OpSys():
- #Definition of the possible values of os variables
- possible_id = definitionsClass.os_possible_id
- possible_types = definitionsClass.os_possible_types
- possible_architectures = definitionsClass.os_possible_architectures
- def __init__(self):
- self.id_ = None #Text. Identifier of the OS. Formed by <Distibutor ID>-<Release>-<Codename>. In linux this can be obtained using lsb_release -a
- self.type_ = None #Text. Type of operating system
- self.bit_architecture = None #Integer. Architecture
- def set(self, id_, type_, bit_architecture):
- warning_text=""
- if not isinstance(type_,str):
- return (False, 'The variable type_ must be of type str')
- if not isinstance(id_,str):
- return (False, 'The variable id_ must be of type str')
- if not isinstance(bit_architecture,str):
- return (False, 'The variable bit_architecture must be of type str')
- if not type_ in self.possible_types:
- warning_text += "os type '%s' not among: %s\n" %(type_, str(self.possible_types))
- if not id_ in self.possible_id:
- warning_text += "os release '%s' not among: %s\n" %(id_, str(self.possible_id))
- if not bit_architecture in self.possible_architectures:
- warning_text += "os bit_architecture '%s' not among: %s\n" % (bit_architecture, str(self.possible_architectures))
- (self.id_, self.type_, self.bit_architecture) = (id_, type_, bit_architecture)
- return (True, warning_text)
- def assign(self,os):
- (self.id_, self.type_, self.bit_architecture) = (os.id_, os.type_, os.bit_architecture)
- return
- def to_text(self):
- text= ' id: '+self.id_+'\n'
- text+= ' type: '+self.type_+'\n'
- text+= ' bit_architecture: '+self.bit_architecture+'\n'
- return text
-def get_hostname(virsh_conn):
- return virsh_conn.getHostname().rstrip('\n')
-def get_hugepage_size(ssh_conn):
- command = 'sudo hugeadm --page-sizes'
-# command = 'hugeadm --page-sizes-all'
- (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- error = stderr.read()
- if len(error)>0:
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
- mem=stdout.read()
- if mem=="":
- return 0
- return int(mem)
-def get_hugepage_nr(ssh_conn,hugepage_sz, node_id):
- command = 'cat /sys/devices/system/node/node'+str(node_id)+'/hugepages/hugepages-'+str(hugepage_sz/1024)+'kB/nr_hugepages'
- (_, stdout, _) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- #print command,
- #text = stdout.read()
- #print "'"+text+"'"
- #return int(text)
- try:
- value=int(stdout.read())
- except:
- value=0
- return value
-def get_memory_information(ssh_conn, virsh_conn, memory_nodes):
- warning_text=""
- tree=ElementTree.fromstring(virsh_conn.getSysinfo(0))
- memory_dict = dict()
- node_id = 0 #TODO revise. Added for allowing VM as compute hosts
- for target in tree.findall("memory_device"):
- locator_f = size_f = freq_f = type_f = formfactor_f = False
- locator_f = True #TODO revise. Added for allowing VM as compute hosts
- module_form_factor = ""
- for entry in target.findall("entry"):
- if entry.get("name") == 'size':
- size_f = True
- size_split = entry.text.split(' ')
- if size_split[1] == 'MB':
- module_size = int(size_split[0]) * 1024 * 1024
- elif size_split[1] == 'GB':
- module_size = int(size_split[0]) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
- elif size_split[1] == 'KB':
- module_size = int(size_split[0]) * 1024
- else:
- module_size = int(size_split[0])
- elif entry.get("name") == 'speed':
- freq_f = True
- freq_split = entry.text.split(' ')
- if freq_split[1] == 'MHz':
- module_freq = int(freq_split[0]) * 1024 * 1024
- elif freq_split[1] == 'GHz':
- module_freq = int(freq_split[0]) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
- elif freq_split[1] == 'KHz':
- module_freq = int(freq_split[0]) * 1024
- elif entry.get("name") == 'type':
- type_f = True
- module_type = entry.text
- elif entry.get("name") == 'form_factor':
- formfactor_f = True
- module_form_factor = entry.text
- #TODO revise. Commented for allowing VM as compute hosts
- # elif entry.get("name") == 'locator' and not locator_f:
- # # other case, it is obtained by bank_locator that we give priority to
- # locator = entry.text
- # pos = locator.find(module_form_factor)
- # if module_form_factor == locator[0:len(module_form_factor) ]:
- # pos = len(module_form_factor) +1
- # else:
- # pos = 0
- # if locator[pos] in "ABCDEFGH":
- # locator_f = True
- # node_id = ord(locator[pos])-ord('A')
- # #print entry.text, node_id
- #
- # elif entry.get("name") == 'bank_locator':
- # locator = entry.text
- # pos = locator.find("NODE ")
- # if pos >= 0 and len(locator)>pos+5:
- # if locator[pos+5] in ("01234567"): #len("NODE ") is 5
- # node_id = int(locator[pos+5])
- # locator_f = True
- #
- #When all module fields have been found add a new module to the list
- if locator_f and size_f and freq_f and type_f and formfactor_f:
- #If the memory node has not yet been created create it
- if node_id not in memory_dict:
- memory_dict[node_id] = []
- #Add a new module to the memory node
- module = MemoryModule()
- #TODO revise. Changed for allowing VM as compute hosts
- (return_status, code) = module.set('NODE %d' % node_id, module_type, module_freq, module_size, module_form_factor)
- #(return_status, code) = module.set(locator, module_type, module_freq, module_size, module_form_factor)
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, code)
- memory_dict[node_id].append(module)
- if code not in warning_text:
- warning_text += code
- node_id += 1 #TODO revise. Added for allowing VM as compute hosts
- #Fill memory nodes
- #Hugepage size is constant for all nodes
- hugepage_sz = get_hugepage_size(ssh_conn)
- for node_id, modules in memory_dict.iteritems():
- memory_node = MemoryNode()
- memory_node.set(modules, hugepage_sz, get_hugepage_nr(ssh_conn,hugepage_sz, node_id))
- memory_nodes[node_id] = memory_node
- return (True, warning_text)
-def get_cpu_topology_ht(ssh_conn, topology):
- command = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'
- (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- error = stderr.read()
- if len(error)>0:
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
- sockets = []
- cores = []
- core_map = {}
- core_details = []
- core_lines = {}
- for line in stdout.readlines():
- if len(line.strip()) != 0:
- name, value = line.split(":", 1)
- core_lines[name.strip()] = value.strip()
- else:
- core_details.append(core_lines)
- core_lines = {}
- for core in core_details:
- for field in ["processor", "core id", "physical id"]:
- if field not in core:
- return(False,'Error getting '+field+' value from /proc/cpuinfo')
- core[field] = int(core[field])
- if core["core id"] not in cores:
- cores.append(core["core id"])
- if core["physical id"] not in sockets:
- sockets.append(core["physical id"])
- key = (core["physical id"], core["core id"])
- if key not in core_map:
- core_map[key] = []
- core_map[key].append(core["processor"])
- for s in sockets:
- hyperthreaded_cores = list()
- for c in cores:
- hyperthreaded_cores.append(core_map[(s,c)])
- topology[s] = hyperthreaded_cores
- return (True, "")
-def get_processor_information(ssh_conn, vish_conn, processors):
- warning_text=""
- #Processor features are the same for all processors
- #TODO (at least using virsh capabilities)nr_numa_nodes
- capabilities = list()
- tree=ElementTree.fromstring(vish_conn.getCapabilities())
- for target in tree.findall("host/cpu/feature"):
- if target.get("name") == 'pdpe1gb':
- capabilities.append('lps')
- elif target.get("name") == 'dca':
- capabilities.append('dioc')
- elif target.get("name") == 'vmx' or target.get("name") == 'svm':
- capabilities.append('hwsv')
- elif target.get("name") == 'ht':
- capabilities.append('ht')
- target = tree.find("host/cpu/arch")
- if target.text == 'x86_64' or target.text == 'amd64':
- capabilities.append('64b')
- command = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags'
- (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- error = stderr.read()
- if len(error)>0:
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
- line = stdout.readline()
- if 'ept' in line or 'npt' in line:
- capabilities.append('tlbps')
- #Find out if IOMMU is enabled
- command = 'dmesg |grep -e Intel-IOMMU'
- (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- error = stderr.read()
- if len(error)>0:
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
- if 'enabled' in stdout.read():
- capabilities.append('iommu')
- #Equivalent for AMD
- command = 'dmesg |grep -e AMD-Vi'
- (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- error = stderr.read()
- if len(error)>0:
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
- if len(stdout.read()) > 0:
- capabilities.append('iommu')
- #-----------------------------------------------------------
- topology = dict()
- #In case hyperthreading is active it is necessary to determine cpu topology using /proc/cpuinfo
- if 'ht' in capabilities:
- (return_status, code) = get_cpu_topology_ht(ssh_conn, topology)
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, code)
- warning_text += code
- #Otherwise it is possible to do it using virsh capabilities
- else:
- for target in tree.findall("host/topology/cells/cell"):
- socket_id = int(target.get("id"))
- topology[socket_id] = list()
- for cpu in target.findall("cpus/cpu"):
- topology[socket_id].append(int(cpu.get("id")))
- #-----------------------------------------------------------
- #Create a dictionary with the information of all processors
- #p_fam = p_man = p_ver = None
- tree=ElementTree.fromstring(vish_conn.getSysinfo(0))
- #print vish_conn.getSysinfo(0)
- #return (False, 'forces error for debuging')
- not_populated=False
- socket_id = -1 #in case we can not determine the socket_id we assume incremental order, starting by 0
- for target in tree.findall("processor"):
- count = 0
- socket_id += 1
- #Get processor id, family, manufacturer and version
- for entry in target.findall("entry"):
- if entry.get("name") == "status":
- if entry.text[0:11] == "Unpopulated":
- not_populated=True
- elif entry.get("name") == 'socket_destination':
- socket_text = entry.text
- if socket_text.startswith('CPU'):
- socket_text = socket_text.strip('CPU')
- socket_text = socket_text.strip() #removes trailing spaces
- if socket_text.isdigit() and int(socket_text)<9 and int(socket_text)>0:
- socket_id = int(socket_text) - 1
- elif entry.get("name") == 'family':
- family = entry.text
- count += 1
- elif entry.get("name") == 'manufacturer':
- manufacturer = entry.text
- count += 1
- elif entry.get("name") == 'version':
- version = entry.text.strip()
- count += 1
- if count != 3:
- return (False, 'Error. Not all expected fields could be found in processor')
- #Create and fill processor structure
- if not_populated:
- continue #avoid inconsistence of some machines where more socket detected than
- processor = ProcessorNode()
- (return_status, code) = processor.set(socket_id, family, manufacturer, version, capabilities, topology[socket_id])
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, code)
- if code not in warning_text:
- warning_text += code
- #Add processor to the processors dictionary
- processors[socket_id] = processor
- return (True, warning_text)
-def get_nic_information(ssh_conn, virsh_conn, nic_topology):
- warning_text=""
- #Get list of net devices
- net_devices = virsh_conn.listDevices('net',0)
- print virsh_conn.listDevices('net',0)
- for device in net_devices:
- try:
- #Get the XML descriptor of the device:
- net_XML = ElementTree.fromstring(virsh_conn.nodeDeviceLookupByName(device).XMLDesc(0))
- #print "net_XML:" , net_XML
- #obtain the parent
- parent = net_XML.find('parent')
- if parent == None:
- print 'No parent was found in XML for device '+device
- #Error. continue?-------------------------------------------------------------
- continue
- if parent.text == 'computer':
- continue
- if not parent.text.startswith('pci_'):
- print device + ' parent is neither computer nor pci'
- #Error. continue?-------------------------------------------------------------
- continue
- interface = net_XML.find('capability/interface').text
- mac = net_XML.find('capability/address').text
- #Get the pci XML
- pci_XML = ElementTree.fromstring(virsh_conn.nodeDeviceLookupByName(parent.text).XMLDesc(0))
- #print pci_XML
- #Get pci
- name = pci_XML.find('name').text.split('_')
- pci = name[1]+':'+name[2]+':'+name[3]+'.'+name[4]
- #If slot == 0 it is a PF, otherwise it is a VF
- capability = pci_XML.find('capability')
- if capability.get('type') != 'pci':
- print device + 'Capability is not of type pci in '+parent.text
- #Error. continue?-------------------------------------------------------------
- continue
- slot = capability.find('slot').text
- bus = capability.find('bus').text
- node_id = None
- numa_ = capability.find('numa')
- if numa_ != None:
- node_id = numa_.get('node');
- if node_id != None: node_id =int(node_id)
- if slot == None or bus == None:
- print device + 'Bus and slot not detected in '+parent.text
- #Error. continue?-------------------------------------------------------------
- continue
- if slot != '0':
- # print ElementTree.tostring(pci_XML)
- virtual = True
- capability_pf = capability.find('capability')
- if capability_pf.get('type') != 'phys_function':
- print 'physical_function not found in VF '+parent.text
- #Error. continue?-------------------------------------------------------------
- continue
- PF_pci = capability_pf.find('address').attrib
- PF_pci_text = PF_pci['domain'].split('x')[1]+':'+PF_pci['bus'].split('x')[1]+':'+PF_pci['slot'].split('x')[1]+'.'+PF_pci['function'].split('x')[1]
- else:
- virtual = False
- #Obtain node for the port
- if node_id == None:
- node_id = int(bus)>>6
- #print "node_id:", node_id
- #Only for non virtual interfaces: Obtain speed and if link is detected (this must be done using ethtool)
- if not virtual:
- command = 'sudo ethtool '+interface+' | grep -e Speed -e "Link detected"'
- (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- error = stderr.read()
- if len(error) >0:
- print 'Error running '+command+'\n'+error
- #Error. continue?-------------------------------------------------------------
- continue
- for line in stdout.readlines():
- line = line.strip().rstrip('\n').split(': ')
- if line[0] == 'Speed':
- if line[1].endswith('Mb/s'):
- speed = int(line[1].split('M')[0])*int(1e6)
- elif line[1].endswith('Gb/s'):
- speed = int(line[1].split('G')[0])*int(1e9)
- elif line[1].endswith('Kb/s'):
- speed = int(line[1].split('K')[0])*int(1e3)
- else:
- #the interface is listed but won't be used
- speed = 0
- elif line[0] == 'Link detected':
- if line[1] == 'yes':
- enabled = True
- else:
- enabled = False
- else:
- print 'Unnexpected output of command '+command+':'
- print line
- #Error. continue?-------------------------------------------------------------
- continue
- if not node_id in nic_topology:
- nic_topology[node_id] = list()
- #With this implementation we make the RAD with only one nic per node and this nic has all ports, TODO: change this by including parent information of PF
- nic_topology[node_id].append(Nic())
- #Load the appropriate nic
- nic = nic_topology[node_id][0]
- #Create a new port and fill it
- port = Port()
- port.name = interface
- port.virtual = virtual
- port.speed = speed
- if virtual:
- port.available_bw = 0
- port.PF_pci_device_id = PF_pci_text
- else:
- port.available_bw = speed
- if speed == 0:
- port.enabled = False
- else:
- port.enabled = enabled
- port.eligible = virtual #Only virtual ports are eligible
- port.mac = mac
- port.pci_device_id = pci
- port.pci_device_id_split = name[1:]
- #Save the port information
- nic.add_port(port)
- except Exception,e:
- print 'Error: '+str(e)
- #set in vitual ports if they are enabled
- for nic in nic_topology.itervalues():
- for port in nic[0].ports.itervalues():
-# print port.pci_device_id
- if port.virtual:
- enabled = nic[0].ports.get(port.PF_pci_device_id)
- if enabled == None:
- return(False, 'The PF '+port.PF_pci_device_id+' (VF '+port.pci_device_id+') is not present in ports dict')
- #Only if the PF is enabled the VF can be enabled
- if nic[0].ports[port.PF_pci_device_id].enabled:
- port.enabled = True
- else:
- port.enabled = False
- return (True, warning_text)
-def get_nic_information_old(ssh_conn, nic_topology):
- command = 'lstopo-no-graphics --of xml'
- (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- error = stderr.read()
- if len(error)>0:
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
- tree=ElementTree.fromstring(stdout.read())
- for target in tree.findall("object/object"):
- #Find numa nodes
- if target.get("type") != "NUMANode":
- continue
- node_id = int(target.get("os_index"))
- nic_topology[node_id] = list()
- #find nics in numa node
- for entry in target.findall("object/object"):
- if entry.get("type") != 'Bridge':
- continue
- nic_name = entry.get("name")
- model = None
- nic = Nic()
- #find ports in nic
- for pcidev in entry.findall("object"):
- if pcidev.get("type") != 'PCIDev':
- continue
- enabled = speed = mac = pci_busid = None
- port = Port()
- model = pcidev.get("name")
- virtual = False
- if 'Virtual' in model:
- virtual = True
- pci_busid = pcidev.get("pci_busid")
- for osdev in pcidev.findall("object"):
- name = osdev.get("name")
- for info in osdev.findall("info"):
- if info.get("name") != 'Address':
- continue
- mac = info.get("value")
- #get the port speed and status
- command = 'sudo ethtool '+name
- (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- error = stderr.read()
- if len(error)>0:
- return (False, 'Error obtaining '+name+' information: '+error)
- ethtool = stdout.read()
- if '10000baseT/Full' in ethtool:
- speed = 10e9
- elif '1000baseT/Full' in ethtool:
- speed = 1e9
- elif '100baseT/Full' in ethtool:
- speed = 100e6
- elif '10baseT/Full' in ethtool:
- speed = 10e6
- else:
- return (False, 'Speed not detected in '+name)
- enabled = False
- if 'Link detected: yes' in ethtool:
- enabled = True
- if speed != None and mac != None and pci_busid != None:
- mac = mac.split(':')
- pci_busid_split = re.split(':|\.', pci_busid)
- #Fill the port information
- port.set(name, virtual, enabled, speed, mac, pci_busid, pci_busid_split)
- nic.add_port(port)
- if len(nic.ports) > 0:
- #Fill the nic model
- if model != None:
- nic.set_model(model)
- else:
- nic.set_model(nic_name)
- #Add it to the topology
- nic_topology[node_id].append(nic)
- return (True, "")
-def get_os_information(ssh_conn, os):
- warning_text=""
-# command = 'lsb_release -a'
-# (stdin, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
-# cont = 0
-# for line in stdout.readlines():
-# line_split = re.split('\t| *', line.rstrip('\n'))
-# if line_split[0] == 'Distributor' and line_split[1] == 'ID:':
-# distributor = line_split[2]
-# cont += 1
-# elif line_split[0] == 'Release:':
-# release = line_split[1]
-# cont += 1
-# elif line_split[0] == 'Codename:':
-# codename = line_split[1]
-# cont += 1
-# if cont != 3:
-# return (False, 'It was not possible to obtain the OS id')
-# id_ = distributor+'-'+release+'-'+codename
- command = 'cat /etc/redhat-release'
- (_, stdout, _) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- id_text= stdout.read()
- if len(id_text)==0:
- #try with Ubuntu
- command = 'lsb_release -d -s'
- (_, stdout, _) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- id_text= stdout.read()
- if len(id_text)==0:
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Can not determinte release neither with 'lsb_release' nor with 'cat /etc/redhat-release'")
- id_ = id_text.rstrip('\n')
- command = 'uname -o'
- (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- error = stderr.read()
- if len(error)>0:
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
- type_ = stdout.read().rstrip('\n')
- command = 'uname -i'
- (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- error = stderr.read()
- if len(error)>0:
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
- bit_architecture = stdout.read().rstrip('\n')
- (return_status, code) = os.set(id_, type_, bit_architecture)
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, code)
- warning_text += code
- return (True, warning_text)
-def get_hypervisor_information(virsh_conn, hypervisor):
- type_ = virsh_conn.getType().rstrip('\n')
- version = virsh_conn.getVersion()
- lib_version = virsh_conn.getLibVersion()
- domains = list()
- tree=ElementTree.fromstring(virsh_conn.getCapabilities())
- for target in tree.findall("guest"):
- os_type = target.find("os_type").text
- #We only allow full virtualization
- if os_type != 'hvm':
- continue
- wordsize = int(target.find('arch/wordsize').text)
- if wordsize == 64:
- for domain in target.findall("arch/domain"):
- domains.append(domain.get("type"))
- (return_status, code) = hypervisor.set(type_, version, lib_version, domains)
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, code)
- return (True, code)
-class RADavailableResourcesClass(RADclass):
- def __init__(self, resources):
- """Copy resources from the RADclass (server resources not taking into account resources used by VMs"""
- #New
- self.reserved = dict() #Dictionary of reserved resources for a server. Key are VNFC names and values RADreservedResources
- self.cores_consumption = None #Dictionary of cpu consumption. Key is the cpu and the value is
- self.machine = resources.machine
- self.user = resources.user
- self.password = resources.password
- self.name = resources.name
- self.nr_processors = resources.nr_processors
- self.processor_family = resources.processor_family
- self.processor_manufacturer = resources.processor_manufacturer
- self.processor_version = resources.processor_version
- self.processor_features = resources.processor_features
- self.memory_type = resources.memory_type
- self.memory_freq = resources.memory_freq
- self.memory_nr_channels = resources.memory_nr_channels
- self.memory_size = resources.memory_size
- self.memory_hugepage_sz = resources.memory_hugepage_sz
- self.hypervisor = Hypervisor()
- self.hypervisor.assign(resources.hypervisor)
- self.os = OpSys()
- self.os.assign(resources.os)
- self.nodes = dict()
- for node_k, node_v in resources.nodes.iteritems():
- self.nodes[node_k] = Node()
- self.nodes[node_k].assign(node_v)
- return
- def _get_cores_consumption_warnings(self):
- """Returns list of warning strings in case warnings are generated.
- In case no warnings are generated the return value will be an empty list"""
- warnings = list()
- #Get the cores consumption
- (return_status, code) = get_ssh_connection(self.machine, self.user, self.password)
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, code)
- ssh_conn = code
- command = 'mpstat -P ALL 1 1 | grep Average | egrep -v CPU\|all'
- (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- error = stderr.read()
- if len(error) > 0:
- return (False, error)
- self.cores_consumption = dict()
- for line in stdout.readlines():
- cpu_usage_split = re.split('\t| *', line.rstrip('\n'))
- usage = 100 *(1 - float(cpu_usage_split[10]))
- if usage > 0:
- self.cores_consumption[int(cpu_usage_split[1])] = usage
- ssh_conn.close()
- #Check if any core marked as available in the nodes has cpu_usage > 0
- for _, node_v in self.nodes.iteritems():
- cores = node_v.processor.eligible_cores
- for cpu in cores:
- if len(cpu) > 1:
- for core in cpu:
- if core in self.cores_consumption:
- warnings.append('Warning: Core '+str(core)+' is supposed to be idle but it is consuming '+str(self.cores_consumption[core])+'%')
- else:
- if cpu in self.cores_consumption:
- warnings.append('Warning: Core '+str(core)+' is supposed to be idle but it is consuming '+str(self.cores_consumption[cpu])+'%')
- return warnings
- def reserved_to_text(self):
- text = str()
- for VNFC_name, VNFC_reserved in self.reserved.iteritems():
- text += ' VNFC: '+str(VNFC_name)+'\n'
- text += VNFC_reserved.to_text()
- return text
- def obtain_usage(self):
- resp = dict()
- #Iterate through nodes to get cores, eligible cores, memory and physical ports (save ports usage for next section)
- nodes = dict()
- ports_usage = dict()
- hugepage_size = dict()
- for node_k, node_v in self.nodes.iteritems():
- node = dict()
- ports_usage[node_k] = dict()
- eligible_cores = list()
- for pair in node_v.processor.eligible_cores:
- if isinstance(pair, list):
- for element in pair:
- eligible_cores.append(element)
- else:
- eligible_cores.append(pair)
- node['cpus'] = {'cores':node_v.processor.cores,'eligible_cores':eligible_cores}
- node['memory'] = {'size':str(node_v.memory.node_size/(1024*1024*1024))+'GB','eligible':str(node_v.memory.eligible_memory/(1024*1024*1024))+'GB'}
- hugepage_size[node_k] = node_v.memory.hugepage_sz
- ports = dict()
- for nic in node_v.nic_list:
- for port in nic.ports.itervalues():
- if port.enabled and not port.virtual:
- ports[port.name] = {'speed':str(port.speed/1000000000)+'G'}
-# print '*************** ',port.name,'speed',port.speed
- ports_usage[node_k][port.name] = 100 - int(100*float(port.available_bw)/float(port.speed))
- node['ports'] = ports
- nodes[node_k] = node
- resp['RAD'] = nodes
- #Iterate through reserved section to get used cores, used memory and port usage
- cores = dict()
- memory = dict()
- #reserved_cores = list
- for node_k in self.nodes.iterkeys():
- if not node_k in cores:
- cores[node_k] = list()
- memory[node_k] = 0
- for _, reserved in self.reserved.iteritems():
- if node_k in reserved.node_reserved_resources:
- node_v = reserved.node_reserved_resources[node_k]
- cores[node_k].extend(node_v.reserved_cores)
- memory[node_k] += node_v.reserved_hugepage_nr * hugepage_size[node_k]
- occupation = dict()
- for node_k in self.nodes.iterkeys():
- ports = dict()
- for name, usage in ports_usage[node_k].iteritems():
- ports[name] = {'occupied':str(usage)+'%'}
-# print '****************cores',cores
-# print '****************memory',memory
- occupation[node_k] = {'cores':cores[node_k],'memory':str(memory[node_k]/(1024*1024*1024))+'GB','ports':ports}
- resp['occupation'] = occupation
- return resp
-class RADreservedResources():
- def __init__(self):
- self.node_reserved_resources = dict() #dict. keys are the RAD nodes id, values are NodeReservedResources
- self.mgmt_interface_pci = None #pci in the VNF for the management interface
- self.image = None #Path in remote machine of the VNFC image
- def update(self,reserved):
- self.image = reserved.image
- self.mgmt_interface_pci = reserved.mgmt_interface_pci
- for k,v in reserved.node_reserved_resources.iteritems():
- if k in self.node_reserved_resources.keys():
- return (False, 'Duplicated node entry '+str(k)+' in reserved resources')
- self.node_reserved_resources[k]=v
- return (True, "")
- def to_text(self):
- text = ' image: '+str(self.image)+'\n'
- for node_id, node_reserved in self.node_reserved_resources.iteritems():
- text += ' Node ID: '+str(node_id)+'\n'
- text += node_reserved.to_text()
- return text
-class NodeReservedResources():
- def __init__(self):
- # reserved_shared_cores = None #list. List of all cores that the VNFC needs in shared mode #TODO Not used
- # reserved_memory = None #Integer. Amount of KiB needed by the VNFC #TODO. Not used since hugepages are used
- self.reserved_cores = list() #list. List of all cores that the VNFC uses
- self.reserved_hugepage_nr = 0 #Integer. Number of hugepages needed by the VNFC
- self.reserved_ports = dict() #dict. The key is the physical port pci and the value the VNFC port description
- self.vlan_tags = dict()
- self.cpu_pinning = None
- def to_text(self):
- text = ' cores: '+str(self.reserved_cores)+'\n'
- text += ' cpu_pinning: '+str(self.cpu_pinning)+'\n'
- text += ' hugepages_nr: '+str(self.reserved_hugepage_nr)+'\n'
- for port_pci, port_description in self.reserved_ports.iteritems():
- text += ' port: '+str(port_pci)+'\n'
- text += port_description.to_text()
- return text
-# def update(self,reserved):
-# self.reserved_cores = list(reserved.reserved_cores)
-# self.reserved_hugepage_nr = reserved.reserved_hugepage_nr
-# self.reserved_ports = dict(reserved.reserved_ports)
-# self.cpu_pinning = list(reserved.cpu_pinning)
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-Common usuful functions
-__author__="Alfonso Tierno, Pablo Montes"
-__date__ ="$10-jul-2014 12:07:15$"
-import yaml
-import paramiko
-from definitionsClass import definitionsClass
-from definitionsClass import Units
-import random
-from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e
-def check_and_convert_units(value, value_type):
- """TODO: Update description
- This method receives a text with 2 fields using a blank as separator and a list of valid units. The first field must represent a number
- and the second one units.
- In case the second field is not one of valid_units (False, <error description>) is returned.
- In case the second field is a valid unit the first number is converted in the following way:
- Gbps, Mbps, kbps -> Mbps
- GB,MB,KB,B,GiB,MiB,KiB -> B
- GHz,MHz,KHz,Hz -> Hz
- If conversion is done successfully (True, <converted value>) is returned"""
- try:
- if value_type == Units.no_units:
- if not isinstance(value,int) and not isinstance(value,float):
- return (False, 'When no units are used only an integer or float must be used')
- elif value_type == Units.name:
- if not isinstance(value,str):
- return (False, 'For names str must be used')
- elif value_type == Units.boolean:
- if not isinstance(value,bool):
- return (False, 'A boolean or Yes/No mut be used')
- else:
- splitted = value.split(' ')
- if len(splitted) != 2:
- return (False, 'Expected format: <value> <units>')
- (value, units) = splitted
- if ',' in value or '.' in value:
- return (False, 'Use integers to represent numeric values')
- value = int(value)
-# if not isinstance(value_type, Units):
-# return (False, 'Not valid value_type')
- valid_units = definitionsClass.units[value_type]
- #Convert everything to upper in order to make comparations easier
- units = units.upper()
- for i in range(0, len(valid_units)):
- valid_units[i] = valid_units[i].upper()
- #Check the used units are valid ones
- if units not in valid_units:
- return (False, 'Valid units are: '+', '.join(valid_units))
- if units.startswith('GI'):
- value = value *1024*1024*1024
- elif units.startswith('MI'):
- value = value *1024*1024
- elif units.startswith('KI'):
- value = value *1024
- elif units.startswith('G'):
- value = value *1000000000
- elif units.startswith('M'):
- value = value *1000000
- elif units.startswith('K'):
- value = value *1000
- except Exception,e:
- return (False, 'Unexpected error in auxiliary_functions.py - check_and_convert_units:\n'+str(e))
- return (True, value)
-def get_ssh_connection(machine, user=None, password=None):
- """Stablishes an ssh connection to the remote server. Returns (True, paramiko_ssh) in case of success or (False, <error message>) in case of error"""
- try:
- s = paramiko.SSHClient()
- s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
- s.load_system_host_keys()
- s.connect(machine, 22, user, password, timeout=10)
- except Exception,e:
- return (False, 'It was not possible to connect to '+machine+str(e))
- return (True, s)
-def run_in_remote_server(s,command):
- """Runs in the remote server the specified command. Returns (True, stdout) in case of success or (False, <error message>) in case of error"""
- try:
- (_, stdout, stderr) = s.exec_command(command)
- error_msg = stderr.read()
- if len(error_msg) > 0:
- return (False, error_msg)
- except Exception,e:
- return (False, str(e))
- return (True, stdout)
-def read_file(file_):
- """Reads a file specified by 'file' and returns (True,<its content as a string>) in case of success or (False, <error message>) in case of failure"""
- try:
- f = open(file_, 'r')
- read_data = f.read()
- f.close()
- except Exception,e:
- return (False, str(e))
- return (True, read_data)
-def check_contains(element, keywords):
- """Auxiliary function used to check if a yaml structure contains or not
- an specific field. Returns a bool"""
- for key in keywords:
- if not key in element:
- return False
- return True
-def check_contains_(element, keywords):
- """Auxiliary function used to check if a yaml structure contains or not
- an specific field. Returns a bool,missing_variables"""
- for key in keywords:
- if not key in element:
- return False, key
- return True, None
-def write_file(file_, content):
- """Generates a file specified by 'file' and fills it using 'content'"""
- f = open(file_, 'w')
- f.write(content)
- f.close()
-def nice_print(yaml_element):
- """Print a yaml structure. Used mainly for debugging"""
- print(yaml.dump(yaml_element, default_flow_style=False))
-def new_random_mac():
- mac = (0xE2, random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff) )
- return ':'.join(map(lambda x: "%02X" % x, mac))
-def parse_dict(var, template):
- if type(var) is not dict: return -1, 'not a dictionary'
- for _,tv in template.items():
- if type(tv) is list:
- return
-def delete_nulls(var):
- if type(var) is dict:
- for k in var.keys():
- if var[k] is None: del var[k]
- elif type(var[k]) is dict or type(var[k]) is list or type(var[k]) is tuple:
- if delete_nulls(var[k]): del var[k]
- if len(var) == 0: return True
- elif type(var) is list or type(var) is tuple:
- for k in var:
- if type(k) is dict: delete_nulls(k)
- if len(var) == 0: return True
- return False
-def get_next_2pow(var):
- if var==0: return 0
- v=1
- while v<var: v=v*2
- return v
-def check_valid_uuid(uuid):
- id_schema = {"type" : "string", "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}(-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}){3}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$"}
- try:
- js_v(uuid, id_schema)
- return True
- except js_e.ValidationError:
- return False
-def DeleteNone(var):
- '''Removes recursively empty dictionaries or lists
- return True if var is an empty dict or list '''
- if type(var) is dict:
- for k in var.keys():
- if var[k] is None: del var[k]
- elif type(var[k]) is dict or type(var[k]) is list or type(var[k]) is tuple:
- if DeleteNone(var[k]): del var[k]
- if len(var) == 0: return True
- elif type(var) is list or type(var) is tuple:
- for k in var:
- if type(k) is dict: DeleteNone(k)
- if len(var) == 0: return True
- return False
-def gen_random_mac():
- '''generates a random mac address. Avoid multicast, broadcast, etc
- '''
- mac = (
- #52,54,00,
- #2 + 4*random.randint(0x00, 0x3f), #4 multiple, unicast local mac address
- 0x52,
- random.randint(0x00, 0xff),
- random.randint(0x00, 0xff),
- random.randint(0x00, 0xff),
- random.randint(0x00, 0xff),
- random.randint(0x00, 0xff)
- )
- return ':'.join(map(lambda x: "%02x" % x, mac))
if [ -z "$OPENVIM_VER" ]
- OPENVIM_VER=`ovim -v`
+ OVIM_PATH=`python -c 'import osm_openvim; print osm_openvim.__path__[0]' 2> /dev/null`
+ OPENVIM_VER=`python ${OVIM_PATH}/ovim.py -v 2> /dev/null`
echo " Detected openvim version $OPENVIM_VER"
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-Definitions of classes for the Host operating server, ...
-__author__="Pablo Montes"
-class Units():
- memory_1000 = 1
- memory_1024 = 2
- memory_full = 3
- bw = 4
- freq = 5
- no_units = 6
- name = 7
- boolean = 8
-class definitionsClass():
- user = 'n2'
- password = 'n2'
- extrict_hugepages_allocation = True
- processor_possible_features = ['64b','iommu','lps','tlbps','hwsv','dioc','ht']
- processor_possible_manufacturers = ['Intel','AMD']
- processor_possible_families = ['Xeon']
- processor_possible_versions = ['Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4620 0 @ 2.20GHz', 'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 0 @ 2.70GHz','Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v2 @ 2.70GHz']
- memory_possible_types = ['DDR2','DDR3']
- memory_possible_form_factors = ['DIMM']
- hypervisor_possible_types = ['QEMU']
- hypervisor_possible_domain_types = ['kvm'] #['qemu', 'kvm']
- os_possible_id = ['Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago)',
- 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago)',
- 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago)',
- 'CentOS release 6.5 (Final)',
- 'CentOS release 6.6 (Final)',
- 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.0 (Maipo)',
- 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.1 (Maipo)',
- ]
- os_possible_types = ['GNU/Linux']
- os_possible_architectures = ['x86_64']
- hypervisor_possible_composed_versions = ['QEMU-kvm']
- units = dict()
- units[Units.bw] = ['Gbps', 'Mbps', 'kbps', 'bps']
- units[Units.freq] = ['GHz', 'MHz', 'KHz', 'Hz']
- units[Units.memory_1000] = ['GB', 'MB', 'KB', 'B']
- units[Units.memory_1024] = ['GiB', 'MiB', 'KiB', 'B']
- units[Units.memory_full] = ['GB', 'MB', 'KB', 'GiB', 'MiB', 'KiB', 'B']
- valid_hugepage_sz = [1073741824, 2097152] #In bytes
- valid_VNFC_iface_types = ['mgmt','data']
- def __init__(self):
- return
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-This is thread that interact with the dhcp server to get the IP addresses
-__author__="Pablo Montes, Alfonso Tierno"
-__date__ ="$4-Jan-2016 12:07:15$"
-import threading
-import time
-import Queue
-import paramiko
-import random
-import subprocess
-import logging
-#TODO: insert a logging system
-class dhcp_thread(threading.Thread):
- def __init__(self, dhcp_params, db, db_lock, test, dhcp_nets, logger_name=None, debug=None):
- '''Init a thread.
- Arguments: thread_info must be a dictionary with:
- 'dhcp_params' dhcp server parameters with the following keys:
- mandatory : user, host, port, key, ifaces(interface name list of the one managed by the dhcp)
- optional: password, key, port(22)
- 'db' 'db_lock': database class and lock for accessing it
- 'test': in test mode no acces to a server is done, and ip is invented
- '''
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.dhcp_params = dhcp_params
- self.db = db
- self.db_lock = db_lock
- self.test = test
- self.dhcp_nets = dhcp_nets
- self.ssh_conn = None
- if logger_name:
- self.logger_name = logger_name
- else:
- self.logger_name = "openvim.dhcp"
- self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.logger_name)
- if debug:
- self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, debug))
- self.mac_status ={} #dictionary of mac_address to retrieve information
- #ip: None
- #retries:
- #next_reading: time for the next trying to check ACTIVE status or IP
- #created: time when it was added
- #active: time when the VM becomes into ACTIVE status
- self.queueLock = threading.Lock()
- self.taskQueue = Queue.Queue(2000)
- def ssh_connect(self):
- try:
- #Connect SSH
- self.ssh_conn = paramiko.SSHClient()
- self.ssh_conn.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
- self.ssh_conn.load_system_host_keys()
- self.ssh_conn.connect(self.dhcp_params["host"], port=self.dhcp_params.get("port", 22),
- username=self.dhcp_params["user"], password=self.dhcp_params.get("password"),
- key_filename=self.dhcp_params.get("key"), timeout=2)
- except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
- self.logger.error("ssh_connect ssh Exception " + str(e))
- def load_mac_from_db(self):
- #TODO get macs to follow from the database
- self.logger.debug("load macs from db")
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- r,c = self.db.get_table(SELECT=('mac','ip_address','nets.uuid as net_id', ),
- FROM='ports join nets on ports.net_id=nets.uuid',
- WHERE_NOT={'ports.instance_id': None, 'nets.provider': None})
- self.db_lock.release()
- now = time.time()
- self.mac_status ={}
- if r<0:
- self.logger.error("Error getting data from database: " + c)
- return
- for port in c:
- if port["net_id"] in self.dhcp_nets:
- self.mac_status[ port["mac"] ] = {"ip": port["ip_address"], "next_reading": now, "created": now, "retries":0}
- def insert_task(self, task, *aditional):
- try:
- self.queueLock.acquire()
- task = self.taskQueue.put( (task,) + aditional, timeout=5)
- self.queueLock.release()
- return 1, None
- except Queue.Full:
- return -1, "timeout inserting a task over dhcp_thread"
- def run(self):
- self.logger.debug("starting, nets: " + str(self.dhcp_nets))
- next_iteration = time.time() + 10
- while True:
- self.load_mac_from_db()
- while True:
- try:
- self.queueLock.acquire()
- if not self.taskQueue.empty():
- task = self.taskQueue.get()
- else:
- task = None
- self.queueLock.release()
- if task is None:
- now=time.time()
- if now >= next_iteration:
- next_iteration = self.get_ip_from_dhcp()
- else:
- time.sleep(1)
- continue
- if task[0] == 'add':
- self.logger.debug("processing task add mac " + str(task[1]))
- now=time.time()
- self.mac_status[task[1] ] = {"ip": None, "next_reading": now, "created": now, "retries":0}
- next_iteration = now
- elif task[0] == 'del':
- self.logger.debug("processing task del mac " + str(task[1]))
- if task[1] in self.mac_status:
- del self.mac_status[task[1] ]
- elif task[0] == 'exit':
- self.logger.debug("processing task exit")
- self.terminate()
- return 0
- else:
- self.logger.error("unknown task: " + str(task))
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.critical("Unexpected exception at run: " + str(e), exc_info=True)
- def terminate(self):
- try:
- if self.ssh_conn:
- self.ssh_conn.close()
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.error("terminate Exception: " + str(e))
- self.logger.debug("exit from dhcp_thread")
- def get_ip_from_dhcp(self):
- now = time.time()
- next_iteration= now + 40000 # >10 hores
- #print self.name, "Iteration"
- for mac_address in self.mac_status:
- if now < self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"]:
- if self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] < next_iteration:
- next_iteration = self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"]
- continue
- if self.mac_status[mac_address].get("active") == None:
- #check from db if already active
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- r,c = self.db.get_table(FROM="ports as p join instances as i on p.instance_id=i.uuid",
- WHERE={"p.mac": mac_address, "i.status": "ACTIVE"})
- self.db_lock.release()
- if r>0:
- self.mac_status[mac_address]["active"] = now
- self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] = (int(now)/2 +1)* 2
- self.logger.debug("mac %s VM ACTIVE", mac_address)
- self.mac_status[mac_address]["retries"] = 0
- else:
- #print self.name, "mac %s VM INACTIVE" % (mac_address)
- if now - self.mac_status[mac_address]["created"] > 300:
- #modify Database to tell openmano that we can not get dhcp from the machine
- if not self.mac_status[mac_address].get("ip"):
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- r,c = self.db.update_rows("ports", {"ip_address": ""}, {"mac": mac_address})
- self.db_lock.release()
- self.mac_status[mac_address]["ip"] = ""
- self.logger.debug("mac %s >> set to because of timeout", mac_address)
- self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] = (int(now)/60 +1)* 60
- else:
- self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] = (int(now)/6 +1)* 6
- if self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] < next_iteration:
- next_iteration = self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"]
- continue
- if self.test:
- if self.mac_status[mac_address]["retries"]>random.randint(10,100): #wait between 10 and 100 seconds to produce a fake IP
- content = self.get_fake_ip()
- else:
- content = None
- elif self.dhcp_params["host"]=="localhost":
- try:
- command = ['get_dhcp_lease.sh', mac_address]
- content = subprocess.check_output(command)
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.error("get_ip_from_dhcp subprocess Exception " + str(e))
- content = None
- else:
- try:
- if not self.ssh_conn:
- self.ssh_connect()
- command = 'get_dhcp_lease.sh ' + mac_address
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
- self.logger.error("get_ip_from_dhcp: ssh_Exception: " + srt(e))
- content = None
- self.ssh_conn = None
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.error("get_ip_from_dhcp: Exception: " + str(e))
- content = None
- self.ssh_conn = None
- if content:
- self.mac_status[mac_address]["ip"] = content
- #modify Database
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- r,c = self.db.update_rows("ports", {"ip_address": content}, {"mac": mac_address})
- self.db_lock.release()
- if r<0:
- self.logger.error("Database update error: " + c)
- else:
- self.mac_status[mac_address]["retries"] = 0
- self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] = (int(now)/3600 +1)* 36000 # 10 hores
- if self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] < next_iteration:
- next_iteration = self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"]
- self.logger.debug("mac %s >> %s", mac_address, content)
- continue
- #a fail has happen
- self.mac_status[mac_address]["retries"] +=1
- #next iteration is every 2sec at the beginning; every 5sec after a minute, every 1min after a 5min
- if now - self.mac_status[mac_address]["active"] > 120:
- #modify Database to tell openmano that we can not get dhcp from the machine
- if not self.mac_status[mac_address].get("ip"):
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- r,c = self.db.update_rows("ports", {"ip_address": ""}, {"mac": mac_address})
- self.db_lock.release()
- self.mac_status[mac_address]["ip"] = ""
- self.logger.debug("mac %s >> set to because of timeout", mac_address)
- if now - self.mac_status[mac_address]["active"] > 60:
- self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] = (int(now)/6 +1)* 6
- elif now - self.mac_status[mac_address]["active"] > 300:
- self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] = (int(now)/60 +1)* 60
- else:
- self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] = (int(now)/2 +1)* 2
- if self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] < next_iteration:
- next_iteration = self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"]
- return next_iteration
- def get_fake_ip(self):
- fake_ip = "192.168.{}.{}".format(random.randint(1,254), random.randint(1,254) )
- while True:
- #check not already provided
- already_used = False
- for mac_address in self.mac_status:
- if self.mac_status[mac_address]["ip"] == fake_ip:
- already_used = True
- break
- if not already_used:
- return fake_ip
-#EXAMPLE of bash script that must be available at the DHCP server for "isc-dhcp-server" type
-# $ cat ./get_dhcp_lease.sh
-# #!/bin/bash
-# awk '
-# ($1=="lease" && $3=="{"){ lease=$2; active="no"; found="no" }
-# ($1=="binding" && $2=="state" && $3=="active;"){ active="yes" }
-# ($1=="hardware" && $2=="ethernet" && $3==tolower("'$1';")){ found="yes" }
-# ($1=="client-hostname"){ name=$2 }
-# ($1=="}"){ if (active=="yes" && found=="yes"){ target_lease=lease; target_name=name}}
-# END{printf("%s", target_lease)} #print target_name
-# ' /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-Implement the plugging for floodligth openflow controller
-It creates the class OF_conn to create dataplane connections
-with static rules based on packet destination MAC address
-__author__ = "Pablo Montes, Alfonso Tierno"
-__date__ = "$28-oct-2014 12:07:15$"
-import json
-import requests
-import logging
-import openflow_conn
-class OF_conn(openflow_conn.OpenflowConn):
- """
- Openflow Connector for Floodlight.
- No MAC learning is used
- version 0.9 or 1.X is autodetected
- version 1.X is in progress, not finished!!!
- """
- def __init__(self, params):
- """
- Constructor
- :param self:
- :param params: dictionay with the following keys:
- of_dpid: DPID to use for this controller
- of_ip: controller IP address
- of_port: controller TCP port
- of_version: version, can be "0.9" or "1.X". By default it is autodetected
- of_debug: debug level for logging. Default to ERROR
- other keys are ignored
- :return: Raise an ValueError exception if same parameter is missing or wrong
- """
- # check params
- if "of_ip" not in params or params["of_ip"] == None or "of_port" not in params or params["of_port"] == None:
- raise ValueError("IP address and port must be provided")
- openflow_conn.OpenflowConn.__init__(self, params)
- self.name = "Floodlight"
- self.dpid = str(params["of_dpid"])
- self.url = "http://%s:%s" % (str(params["of_ip"]), str(params["of_port"]))
- self.pp2ofi = {} # From Physical Port to OpenFlow Index
- self.ofi2pp = {} # From OpenFlow Index to Physical Port
- self.headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
- self.version = None
- self.logger = logging.getLogger('vim.OF.FL')
- self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, params.get("of_debug", "ERROR")))
- self._set_version(params.get("of_version"))
- def _set_version(self, version):
- """
- set up a version of the controller.
- Depending on the version it fills the self.ver_names with the naming used in this version
- :param version: Openflow controller version
- :return: Raise an ValueError exception if same parameter is missing or wrong
- """
- # static version names
- if version == None:
- self.version = None
- elif version == "0.9":
- self.version = version
- self.name = "Floodlightv0.9"
- self.ver_names = {
- "dpid": "dpid",
- "URLmodifier": "staticflowentrypusher",
- "destmac": "dst-mac",
- "vlanid": "vlan-id",
- "inport": "ingress-port",
- "setvlan": "set-vlan-id",
- "stripvlan": "strip-vlan",
- }
- elif version[0] == "1": # version 1.X
- self.version = version
- self.name = "Floodlightv1.X"
- self.ver_names = {
- "dpid": "switchDPID",
- "URLmodifier": "staticflowpusher",
- "destmac": "eth_dst",
- "vlanid": "eth_vlan_vid",
- "inport": "in_port",
- "setvlan": "set_vlan_vid",
- "stripvlan": "strip_vlan",
- }
- else:
- raise ValueError("Invalid version for floodlight controller")
- def get_of_switches(self):
- """
- Obtain a a list of switches or DPID detected by this controller
- :return: list where each element a tuple pair (DPID, IP address)
- Raise an OpenflowconnConnectionException or OpenflowconnConnectionException exception if same
- parameter is missing or wrong
- """
- try:
- of_response = requests.get(self.url + "/wm/core/controller/switches/json", headers=self.headers)
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code != 200:
- self.logger.warning("get_of_switches " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("get_of_switches " + error_text)
- info = of_response.json()
- if type(info) != list and type(info) != tuple:
- self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response not a list %s", str(type(info)))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, not a list. Wrong version?")
- if len(info) == 0:
- return info
- # autodiscover version
- if self.version == None:
- if 'dpid' in info[0] and 'inetAddress' in info[0]:
- self._set_version("0.9")
- elif 'switchDPID' in info[0] and 'inetAddress' in info[0]:
- self._set_version("1.X")
- else:
- self.logger.error(
- "get_of_switches. Unexpected response, not found 'dpid' or 'switchDPID' field: %s",
- str(info[0]))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, not found 'dpid' or "
- "'switchDPID' field. Wrong version?")
- switch_list = []
- for switch in info:
- switch_list.append((switch[self.ver_names["dpid"]], switch['inetAddress']))
- return switch_list
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("get_of_switches " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
- except ValueError as e:
- # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("get_of_switches " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- def get_of_rules(self, translate_of_ports=True):
- """
- Obtain the rules inserted at openflow controller
- :param translate_of_ports: if True it translates ports from openflow index to physical switch name
- :return: dict if ok: with the rule name as key and value is another dictionary with the following content:
- priority: rule priority
- name: rule name (present also as the master dict key)
- ingress_port: match input port of the rule
- dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
- vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
- actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples:
- (vlan, None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
- (out, port): send to this port
- switch: DPID, all
- Raise an openflowconnUnexpectedResponse exception if fails with text_error
- """
- try:
- # get translation, autodiscover version
- if len(self.ofi2pp) == 0:
- self.obtain_port_correspondence()
- of_response = requests.get(self.url + "/wm/%s/list/%s/json" % (self.ver_names["URLmodifier"], self.dpid),
- headers=self.headers)
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code != 200:
- self.logger.warning("get_of_rules " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("get_of_rules " + error_text)
- info = of_response.json()
- if type(info) != dict:
- self.logger.error("get_of_rules. Unexpected response not a dict %s", str(type(info)))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, not a dict. Wrong version?")
- rule_dict = {}
- for switch, switch_info in info.iteritems():
- if switch_info == None:
- continue
- if str(switch) != self.dpid:
- continue
- for name, details in switch_info.iteritems():
- rule = {}
- rule["switch"] = str(switch)
- # rule["active"] = "true"
- rule["priority"] = int(details["priority"])
- if self.version[0] == "0":
- if translate_of_ports:
- rule["ingress_port"] = self.ofi2pp[details["match"]["inputPort"]]
- else:
- rule["ingress_port"] = str(details["match"]["inputPort"])
- dst_mac = details["match"]["dataLayerDestination"]
- if dst_mac != "00:00:00:00:00:00":
- rule["dst_mac"] = dst_mac
- vlan = details["match"]["dataLayerVirtualLan"]
- if vlan != -1:
- rule["vlan_id"] = vlan
- actionlist = []
- for action in details["actions"]:
- if action["type"] == "OUTPUT":
- if translate_of_ports:
- port = self.ofi2pp[action["port"]]
- else:
- port = action["port"]
- actionlist.append(("out", port))
- elif action["type"] == "STRIP_VLAN":
- actionlist.append(("vlan", None))
- elif action["type"] == "SET_VLAN_ID":
- actionlist.append(("vlan", action["virtualLanIdentifier"]))
- else:
- actionlist.append((action["type"], str(action)))
- self.logger.warning("get_of_rules() Unknown action in rule %s: %s", rule["name"],
- str(action))
- rule["actions"] = actionlist
- elif self.version[0] == "1":
- if translate_of_ports:
- rule["ingress_port"] = self.ofi2pp[details["match"]["in_port"]]
- else:
- rule["ingress_port"] = details["match"]["in_port"]
- if "eth_dst" in details["match"]:
- dst_mac = details["match"]["eth_dst"]
- if dst_mac != "00:00:00:00:00:00":
- rule["dst_mac"] = dst_mac
- if "eth_vlan_vid" in details["match"]:
- vlan = int(details["match"]["eth_vlan_vid"], 16) & 0xFFF
- rule["vlan_id"] = str(vlan)
- actionlist = []
- for action in details["instructions"]["instruction_apply_actions"]:
- if action == "output":
- if translate_of_ports:
- port = self.ofi2pp[details["instructions"]["instruction_apply_actions"]["output"]]
- else:
- port = details["instructions"]["instruction_apply_actions"]["output"]
- actionlist.append(("out", port))
- elif action == "strip_vlan":
- actionlist.append(("vlan", None))
- elif action == "set_vlan_vid":
- actionlist.append(
- ("vlan", details["instructions"]["instruction_apply_actions"]["set_vlan_vid"]))
- else:
- self.logger.error("get_of_rules Unknown action in rule %s: %s", rule["name"],
- str(action))
- # actionlist.append( (action, str(details["instructions"]["instruction_apply_actions"]) ))
- rule_dict[str(name)] = rule
- return rule_dict
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("get_of_rules " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
- except ValueError as e:
- # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("get_of_rules " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- def obtain_port_correspondence(self):
- """
- Obtain the correspondence between physical and openflow port names
- :return: dictionary: with physical name as key, openflow name as value
- Raise an openflowconnUnexpectedResponse exception if fails with text_error
- """
- try:
- of_response = requests.get(self.url + "/wm/core/controller/switches/json", headers=self.headers)
- # print vim_response.status_code
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code != 200:
- self.logger.warning("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
- info = of_response.json()
- if type(info) != list and type(info) != tuple:
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow response, not a list. "
- "Wrong version?")
- index = -1
- if len(info) > 0:
- # autodiscover version
- if self.version == None:
- if 'dpid' in info[0] and 'ports' in info[0]:
- self._set_version("0.9")
- elif 'switchDPID' in info[0]:
- self._set_version("1.X")
- else:
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow response, "
- "Wrong version?")
- for i in range(0, len(info)):
- if info[i][self.ver_names["dpid"]] == self.dpid:
- index = i
- break
- if index == -1:
- text = "DPID '" + self.dpid + "' not present in controller " + self.url
- # print self.name, ": get_of_controller_info ERROR", text
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(text)
- else:
- if self.version[0] == "0":
- ports = info[index]["ports"]
- else: # version 1.X
- of_response = requests.get(self.url + "/wm/core/switch/%s/port-desc/json" % self.dpid,
- headers=self.headers)
- # print vim_response.status_code
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code != 200:
- self.logger.warning("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
- info = of_response.json()
- if type(info) != dict:
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow port-desc response, "
- "not a dict. Wrong version?")
- if "portDesc" not in info:
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow port-desc response, "
- "'portDesc' not found. Wrong version?")
- if type(info["portDesc"]) != list and type(info["portDesc"]) != tuple:
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow port-desc response at "
- "'portDesc', not a list. Wrong version?")
- ports = info["portDesc"]
- for port in ports:
- self.pp2ofi[str(port["name"])] = str(port["portNumber"])
- self.ofi2pp[port["portNumber"]] = str(port["name"])
- # print self.name, ": get_of_controller_info ports:", self.pp2ofi
- return self.pp2ofi
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
- except ValueError as e:
- # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- def del_flow(self, flow_name):
- """
- Delete an existing rule
- :param flow_name: this is the rule name
- :return: None if ok
- Raise an openflowconnUnexpectedResponse exception if fails with text_error
- """
- try:
- # Raise an openflowconnUnexpectedResponse exception if fails with text_error
- # autodiscover version
- if self.version == None:
- self.get_of_switches()
- of_response = requests.delete(self.url + "/wm/%s/json" % self.ver_names["URLmodifier"],
- headers=self.headers,
- data='{"switch":"%s","name":"%s"}' % (self.dpid, flow_name)
- )
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code != 200:
- self.logger.warning("del_flow " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("del_flow OK " + error_text)
- return None
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("del_flow " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
- def new_flow(self, data):
- """
- Insert a new static rule
- :param data: dictionary with the following content:
- priority: rule priority
- name: rule name
- ingress_port: match input port of the rule
- dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, missing or None if not apply
- vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, missing or None if not apply
- actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples with these posibilities:
- ('vlan', None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
- ('out', port): send to this port
- :return: None if ok
- Raise an openflowconnUnexpectedResponse exception if fails with text_error
- """
- # get translation, autodiscover version
- if len(self.pp2ofi) == 0:
- self.obtain_port_correspondence()
- try:
- # We have to build the data for the floodlight call from the generic data
- sdata = {'active': "true", "name": data["name"]}
- if data.get("priority"):
- sdata["priority"] = str(data["priority"])
- if data.get("vlan_id"):
- sdata[self.ver_names["vlanid"]] = data["vlan_id"]
- if data.get("dst_mac"):
- sdata[self.ver_names["destmac"]] = data["dst_mac"]
- sdata['switch'] = self.dpid
- if not data['ingress_port'] in self.pp2ofi:
- error_text = 'Error. Port ' + data['ingress_port'] + ' is not present in the switch'
- self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- sdata[self.ver_names["inport"]] = self.pp2ofi[data['ingress_port']]
- sdata['actions'] = ""
- for action in data['actions']:
- if len(sdata['actions']) > 0:
- sdata['actions'] += ','
- if action[0] == "vlan":
- if action[1] == None:
- sdata['actions'] += self.ver_names["stripvlan"]
- else:
- sdata['actions'] += self.ver_names["setvlan"] + "=" + str(action[1])
- elif action[0] == 'out':
- sdata['actions'] += "output=" + self.pp2ofi[action[1]]
- of_response = requests.post(self.url + "/wm/%s/json" % self.ver_names["URLmodifier"],
- headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(sdata))
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code != 200:
- self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("new_flow OK" + error_text)
- return None
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("new_flow " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
- def clear_all_flows(self):
- """
- Delete all existing rules
- :return: None if ok
- Raise an openflowconnUnexpectedResponse exception if fails with text_error
- """
- try:
- # autodiscover version
- if self.version == None:
- sw_list = self.get_of_switches()
- if len(sw_list) == 0: # empty
- return None
- url = self.url + "/wm/%s/clear/%s/json" % (self.ver_names["URLmodifier"], self.dpid)
- of_response = requests.get(url)
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code < 200 or of_response.status_code >= 300:
- self.logger.warning("clear_all_flows " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("clear_all_flows OK " + error_text)
- return None
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("clear_all_flows " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-This is thread that interact with the host and the libvirt to manage VM
-One thread will be launched per host
-__author__ = "Pablo Montes, Alfonso Tierno, Leonardo Mirabal"
-__date__ = "$10-jul-2014 12:07:15$"
-import json
-import yaml
-import threading
-import time
-import Queue
-import paramiko
-from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e
-#import libvirt
-import imp
-from vim_schema import localinfo_schema, hostinfo_schema
-import random
-import os
-#TODO: insert a logging system
-# from logging import Logger
-# import auxiliary_functions as af
-# TODO: insert a logging system
-class host_thread(threading.Thread):
- lvirt_module = None
- def __init__(self, name, host, user, db, db_lock, test, image_path, host_id, version, develop_mode,
- develop_bridge_iface):
- '''Init a thread.
- Arguments:
- 'id' number of thead
- 'name' name of thread
- 'host','user': host ip or name to manage and user
- 'db', 'db_lock': database class and lock to use it in exclusion
- '''
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.name = name
- self.host = host
- self.user = user
- self.db = db
- self.db_lock = db_lock
- self.test = test
- if not test and not host_thread.lvirt_module:
- try:
- module_info = imp.find_module("libvirt")
- host_thread.lvirt_module = imp.load_module("libvirt", *module_info)
- except (IOError, ImportError) as e:
- raise ImportError("Cannot import python-libvirt. Openvim not properly installed" +str(e))
- self.develop_mode = develop_mode
- self.develop_bridge_iface = develop_bridge_iface
- self.image_path = image_path
- self.host_id = host_id
- self.version = version
- self.xml_level = 0
- #self.pending ={}
- self.server_status = {} #dictionary with pairs server_uuid:server_status
- self.pending_terminate_server =[] #list with pairs (time,server_uuid) time to send a terminate for a server being destroyed
- self.next_update_server_status = 0 #time when must be check servers status
- self.hostinfo = None
- self.queueLock = threading.Lock()
- self.taskQueue = Queue.Queue(2000)
- self.ssh_conn = None
- def ssh_connect(self):
- try:
- #Connect SSH
- self.ssh_conn = paramiko.SSHClient()
- self.ssh_conn.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
- self.ssh_conn.load_system_host_keys()
- self.ssh_conn.connect(self.host, username=self.user, timeout=10) #, None)
- except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
- text = e.args[0]
- print self.name, ": ssh_connect ssh Exception:", text
- def load_localinfo(self):
- if not self.test:
- try:
- #Connect SSH
- self.ssh_connect()
- command = 'mkdir -p ' + self.image_path
- #print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stderr.read()
- if len(content) > 0:
- print self.name, ': command:', command, "stderr:", content
- command = 'cat ' + self.image_path + '/.openvim.yaml'
- #print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- if len(content) == 0:
- print self.name, ': command:', command, "stderr:", stderr.read()
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Error empty file ")
- self.localinfo = yaml.load(content)
- js_v(self.localinfo, localinfo_schema)
- self.localinfo_dirty=False
- if 'server_files' not in self.localinfo:
- self.localinfo['server_files'] = {}
- print self.name, ': localinfo load from host'
- return
- except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
- text = e.args[0]
- print self.name, ": load_localinfo ssh Exception:", text
- except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
- text = e.get_error_message()
- print self.name, ": load_localinfo libvirt Exception:", text
- except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
- text = ""
- if hasattr(exc, 'problem_mark'):
- mark = exc.problem_mark
- text = " at position: (%s:%s)" % (mark.line+1, mark.column+1)
- print self.name, ": load_localinfo yaml format Exception", text
- except js_e.ValidationError as e:
- text = ""
- if len(e.path)>0: text=" at '" + ":".join(map(str, e.path))+"'"
- print self.name, ": load_localinfo format Exception:", text, e.message
- except Exception as e:
- text = str(e)
- print self.name, ": load_localinfo Exception:", text
- #not loaded, insert a default data and force saving by activating dirty flag
- self.localinfo = {'files':{}, 'server_files':{} }
- #self.localinfo_dirty=True
- self.localinfo_dirty=False
- def load_hostinfo(self):
- if self.test:
- return;
- try:
- #Connect SSH
- self.ssh_connect()
- command = 'cat ' + self.image_path + '/hostinfo.yaml'
- #print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- if len(content) == 0:
- print self.name, ': command:', command, "stderr:", stderr.read()
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Error empty file ")
- self.hostinfo = yaml.load(content)
- js_v(self.hostinfo, hostinfo_schema)
- print self.name, ': hostlinfo load from host', self.hostinfo
- return
- except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
- text = e.args[0]
- print self.name, ": load_hostinfo ssh Exception:", text
- except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
- text = e.get_error_message()
- print self.name, ": load_hostinfo libvirt Exception:", text
- except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
- text = ""
- if hasattr(exc, 'problem_mark'):
- mark = exc.problem_mark
- text = " at position: (%s:%s)" % (mark.line+1, mark.column+1)
- print self.name, ": load_hostinfo yaml format Exception", text
- except js_e.ValidationError as e:
- text = ""
- if len(e.path)>0: text=" at '" + ":".join(map(str, e.path))+"'"
- print self.name, ": load_hostinfo format Exception:", text, e.message
- except Exception as e:
- text = str(e)
- print self.name, ": load_hostinfo Exception:", text
- #not loaded, insert a default data
- self.hostinfo = None
- def save_localinfo(self, tries=3):
- if self.test:
- self.localinfo_dirty = False
- return
- while tries>=0:
- tries-=1
- try:
- command = 'cat > ' + self.image_path + '/.openvim.yaml'
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (stdin, _, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- yaml.safe_dump(self.localinfo, stdin, explicit_start=True, indent=4, default_flow_style=False, tags=False, encoding='utf-8', allow_unicode=True)
- self.localinfo_dirty = False
- break #while tries
- except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
- text = e.args[0]
- print self.name, ": save_localinfo ssh Exception:", text
- if "SSH session not active" in text:
- self.ssh_connect()
- except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
- text = e.get_error_message()
- print self.name, ": save_localinfo libvirt Exception:", text
- except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
- text = ""
- if hasattr(exc, 'problem_mark'):
- mark = exc.problem_mark
- text = " at position: (%s:%s)" % (mark.line+1, mark.column+1)
- print self.name, ": save_localinfo yaml format Exception", text
- except Exception as e:
- text = str(e)
- print self.name, ": save_localinfo Exception:", text
- def load_servers_from_db(self):
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- r,c = self.db.get_table(SELECT=('uuid','status', 'image_id'), FROM='instances', WHERE={'host_id': self.host_id})
- self.db_lock.release()
- self.server_status = {}
- if r<0:
- print self.name, ": Error getting data from database:", c
- return
- for server in c:
- self.server_status[ server['uuid'] ] = server['status']
- #convert from old version to new one
- if 'inc_files' in self.localinfo and server['uuid'] in self.localinfo['inc_files']:
- server_files_dict = {'source file': self.localinfo['inc_files'][ server['uuid'] ] [0], 'file format':'raw' }
- if server_files_dict['source file'][-5:] == 'qcow2':
- server_files_dict['file format'] = 'qcow2'
- self.localinfo['server_files'][ server['uuid'] ] = { server['image_id'] : server_files_dict }
- if 'inc_files' in self.localinfo:
- del self.localinfo['inc_files']
- self.localinfo_dirty = True
- def delete_unused_files(self):
- '''Compares self.localinfo['server_files'] content with real servers running self.server_status obtained from database
- Deletes unused entries at self.loacalinfo and the corresponding local files.
- The only reason for this mismatch is the manual deletion of instances (VM) at database
- '''
- if self.test:
- return
- for uuid,images in self.localinfo['server_files'].items():
- if uuid not in self.server_status:
- for localfile in images.values():
- try:
- print self.name, ": deleting file '%s' of unused server '%s'" %(localfile['source file'], uuid)
- self.delete_file(localfile['source file'])
- except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
- print self.name, ": Exception deleting file '%s': %s" %(localfile['source file'], str(e))
- del self.localinfo['server_files'][uuid]
- self.localinfo_dirty = True
- def insert_task(self, task, *aditional):
- try:
- self.queueLock.acquire()
- task = self.taskQueue.put( (task,) + aditional, timeout=5)
- self.queueLock.release()
- return 1, None
- except Queue.Full:
- return -1, "timeout inserting a task over host " + self.name
- def run(self):
- while True:
- self.load_localinfo()
- self.load_hostinfo()
- self.load_servers_from_db()
- self.delete_unused_files()
- while True:
- self.queueLock.acquire()
- if not self.taskQueue.empty():
- task = self.taskQueue.get()
- else:
- task = None
- self.queueLock.release()
- if task is None:
- now=time.time()
- if self.localinfo_dirty:
- self.save_localinfo()
- elif self.next_update_server_status < now:
- self.update_servers_status()
- self.next_update_server_status = now + 5
- elif len(self.pending_terminate_server)>0 and self.pending_terminate_server[0][0]<now:
- self.server_forceoff()
- else:
- time.sleep(1)
- continue
- if task[0] == 'instance':
- print self.name, ": processing task instance", task[1]['action']
- retry=0
- while retry <2:
- retry += 1
- r=self.action_on_server(task[1], retry==2)
- if r>=0:
- break
- elif task[0] == 'image':
- pass
- elif task[0] == 'exit':
- print self.name, ": processing task exit"
- self.terminate()
- return 0
- elif task[0] == 'reload':
- print self.name, ": processing task reload terminating and relaunching"
- self.terminate()
- break
- elif task[0] == 'edit-iface':
- print self.name, ": processing task edit-iface port=%s, old_net=%s, new_net=%s" % (task[1], task[2], task[3])
- self.edit_iface(task[1], task[2], task[3])
- elif task[0] == 'restore-iface':
- print self.name, ": processing task restore-iface %s mac=%s" % (task[1], task[2])
- self.restore_iface(task[1], task[2])
- elif task[0] == 'new-ovsbridge':
- print self.name, ": Creating compute OVS bridge"
- self.create_ovs_bridge()
- elif task[0] == 'new-vxlan':
- print self.name, ": Creating vxlan tunnel=" + task[1] + ", remote ip=" + task[2]
- self.create_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(task[1], task[2])
- elif task[0] == 'del-ovsbridge':
- print self.name, ": Deleting OVS bridge"
- self.delete_ovs_bridge()
- elif task[0] == 'del-vxlan':
- print self.name, ": Deleting vxlan " + task[1] + " tunnel"
- self.delete_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(task[1])
- elif task[0] == 'create-ovs-bridge-port':
- print self.name, ": Adding port ovim-" + task[1] + " to OVS bridge"
- self.create_ovs_bridge_port(task[1])
- elif task[0] == 'del-ovs-port':
- print self.name, ": Delete bridge attached to ovs port vlan {} net {}".format(task[1], task[2])
- self.delete_bridge_port_attached_to_ovs(task[1], task[2])
- else:
- print self.name, ": unknown task", task
- def server_forceoff(self, wait_until_finished=False):
- while len(self.pending_terminate_server)>0:
- now = time.time()
- if self.pending_terminate_server[0][0]>now:
- if wait_until_finished:
- time.sleep(1)
- continue
- else:
- return
- req={'uuid':self.pending_terminate_server[0][1],
- 'action':{'terminate':'force'},
- 'status': None
- }
- self.action_on_server(req)
- self.pending_terminate_server.pop(0)
- def terminate(self):
- try:
- self.server_forceoff(True)
- if self.localinfo_dirty:
- self.save_localinfo()
- if not self.test:
- self.ssh_conn.close()
- except Exception as e:
- text = str(e)
- print self.name, ": terminate Exception:", text
- print self.name, ": exit from host_thread"
- def get_local_iface_name(self, generic_name):
- if self.hostinfo != None and "iface_names" in self.hostinfo and generic_name in self.hostinfo["iface_names"]:
- return self.hostinfo["iface_names"][generic_name]
- return generic_name
- def create_xml_server(self, server, dev_list, server_metadata={}):
- """Function that implements the generation of the VM XML definition.
- Additional devices are in dev_list list
- The main disk is upon dev_list[0]"""
- #get if operating system is Windows
- windows_os = False
- os_type = server_metadata.get('os_type', None)
- if os_type == None and 'metadata' in dev_list[0]:
- os_type = dev_list[0]['metadata'].get('os_type', None)
- if os_type != None and os_type.lower() == "windows":
- windows_os = True
- #get type of hard disk bus
- bus_ide = True if windows_os else False
- bus = server_metadata.get('bus', None)
- if bus == None and 'metadata' in dev_list[0]:
- bus = dev_list[0]['metadata'].get('bus', None)
- if bus != None:
- bus_ide = True if bus=='ide' else False
- self.xml_level = 0
- text = "<domain type='kvm'>"
- #get topology
- topo = server_metadata.get('topology', None)
- if topo == None and 'metadata' in dev_list[0]:
- topo = dev_list[0]['metadata'].get('topology', None)
- #name
- name = server.get('name','') + "_" + server['uuid']
- name = name[:58] #qemu impose a length limit of 59 chars or not start. Using 58
- text += self.inc_tab() + "<name>" + name+ "</name>"
- #uuid
- text += self.tab() + "<uuid>" + server['uuid'] + "</uuid>"
- numa={}
- if 'extended' in server and server['extended']!=None and 'numas' in server['extended']:
- numa = server['extended']['numas'][0]
- #memory
- use_huge = False
- memory = int(numa.get('memory',0))*1024*1024 #in KiB
- if memory==0:
- memory = int(server['ram'])*1024;
- else:
- if not self.develop_mode:
- use_huge = True
- if memory==0:
- return -1, 'No memory assigned to instance'
- memory = str(memory)
- text += self.tab() + "<memory unit='KiB'>" +memory+"</memory>"
- text += self.tab() + "<currentMemory unit='KiB'>" +memory+ "</currentMemory>"
- if use_huge:
- text += self.tab()+'<memoryBacking>'+ \
- self.inc_tab() + '<hugepages/>'+ \
- self.dec_tab()+ '</memoryBacking>'
- #cpu
- use_cpu_pinning=False
- vcpus = int(server.get("vcpus",0))
- cpu_pinning = []
- if 'cores-source' in numa:
- use_cpu_pinning=True
- for index in range(0, len(numa['cores-source'])):
- cpu_pinning.append( [ numa['cores-id'][index], numa['cores-source'][index] ] )
- vcpus += 1
- if 'threads-source' in numa:
- use_cpu_pinning=True
- for index in range(0, len(numa['threads-source'])):
- cpu_pinning.append( [ numa['threads-id'][index], numa['threads-source'][index] ] )
- vcpus += 1
- if 'paired-threads-source' in numa:
- use_cpu_pinning=True
- for index in range(0, len(numa['paired-threads-source'])):
- cpu_pinning.append( [numa['paired-threads-id'][index][0], numa['paired-threads-source'][index][0] ] )
- cpu_pinning.append( [numa['paired-threads-id'][index][1], numa['paired-threads-source'][index][1] ] )
- vcpus += 2
- if use_cpu_pinning and not self.develop_mode:
- text += self.tab()+"<vcpu placement='static'>" +str(len(cpu_pinning)) +"</vcpu>" + \
- self.tab()+'<cputune>'
- self.xml_level += 1
- for i in range(0, len(cpu_pinning)):
- text += self.tab() + "<vcpupin vcpu='" +str(cpu_pinning[i][0])+ "' cpuset='" +str(cpu_pinning[i][1]) +"'/>"
- text += self.dec_tab()+'</cputune>'+ \
- self.tab() + '<numatune>' +\
- self.inc_tab() + "<memory mode='strict' nodeset='" +str(numa['source'])+ "'/>" +\
- self.dec_tab() + '</numatune>'
- else:
- if vcpus==0:
- return -1, "Instance without number of cpus"
- text += self.tab()+"<vcpu>" + str(vcpus) + "</vcpu>"
- #boot
- boot_cdrom = False
- for dev in dev_list:
- if dev['type']=='cdrom' :
- boot_cdrom = True
- break
- text += self.tab()+ '<os>' + \
- self.inc_tab() + "<type arch='x86_64' machine='pc'>hvm</type>"
- if boot_cdrom:
- text += self.tab() + "<boot dev='cdrom'/>"
- text += self.tab() + "<boot dev='hd'/>" + \
- self.dec_tab()+'</os>'
- #features
- text += self.tab()+'<features>'+\
- self.inc_tab()+'<acpi/>' +\
- self.tab()+'<apic/>' +\
- self.tab()+'<pae/>'+ \
- self.dec_tab() +'</features>'
- if topo == "oneSocket:hyperthreading":
- if vcpus % 2 != 0:
- return -1, 'Cannot expose hyperthreading with an odd number of vcpus'
- text += self.tab() + "<cpu mode='host-model'> <topology sockets='1' cores='%d' threads='2' /> </cpu>" % vcpus/2
- elif windows_os or topo == "oneSocket":
- text += self.tab() + "<cpu mode='host-model'> <topology sockets='1' cores='%d' threads='1' /> </cpu>" % vcpus
- else:
- text += self.tab() + "<cpu mode='host-model'></cpu>"
- text += self.tab() + "<clock offset='utc'/>" +\
- self.tab() + "<on_poweroff>preserve</on_poweroff>" + \
- self.tab() + "<on_reboot>restart</on_reboot>" + \
- self.tab() + "<on_crash>restart</on_crash>"
- text += self.tab() + "<devices>" + \
- self.inc_tab() + "<emulator>/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm</emulator>" + \
- self.tab() + "<serial type='pty'>" +\
- self.inc_tab() + "<target port='0'/>" + \
- self.dec_tab() + "</serial>" +\
- self.tab() + "<console type='pty'>" + \
- self.inc_tab()+ "<target type='serial' port='0'/>" + \
- self.dec_tab()+'</console>'
- if windows_os:
- text += self.tab() + "<controller type='usb' index='0'/>" + \
- self.tab() + "<controller type='ide' index='0'/>" + \
- self.tab() + "<input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>" + \
- self.tab() + "<sound model='ich6'/>" + \
- self.tab() + "<video>" + \
- self.inc_tab() + "<model type='cirrus' vram='9216' heads='1'/>" + \
- self.dec_tab() + "</video>" + \
- self.tab() + "<memballoon model='virtio'/>" + \
- self.tab() + "<input type='tablet' bus='usb'/>" #TODO revisar
-#> self.tab()+'<alias name=\'hostdev0\'/>\n' +\
-#> self.dec_tab()+'</hostdev>\n' +\
-#> self.tab()+'<input type=\'tablet\' bus=\'usb\'/>\n'
- if windows_os:
- text += self.tab() + "<graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes'/>"
- else:
- #If image contains 'GRAPH' include graphics
- #if 'GRAPH' in image:
- text += self.tab() + "<graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes' listen=''>" +\
- self.inc_tab() + "<listen type='address' address=''/>" +\
- self.dec_tab() + "</graphics>"
- vd_index = 'a'
- for dev in dev_list:
- bus_ide_dev = bus_ide
- if dev['type']=='cdrom' or dev['type']=='disk':
- if dev['type']=='cdrom':
- bus_ide_dev = True
- text += self.tab() + "<disk type='file' device='"+dev['type']+"'>"
- if 'file format' in dev:
- text += self.inc_tab() + "<driver name='qemu' type='" +dev['file format']+ "' cache='writethrough'/>"
- if 'source file' in dev:
- text += self.tab() + "<source file='" +dev['source file']+ "'/>"
- #elif v['type'] == 'block':
- # text += self.tab() + "<source dev='" + v['source'] + "'/>"
- #else:
- # return -1, 'Unknown disk type ' + v['type']
- vpci = dev.get('vpci',None)
- if vpci == None:
- vpci = dev['metadata'].get('vpci',None)
- text += self.pci2xml(vpci)
- if bus_ide_dev:
- text += self.tab() + "<target dev='hd" +vd_index+ "' bus='ide'/>" #TODO allows several type of disks
- else:
- text += self.tab() + "<target dev='vd" +vd_index+ "' bus='virtio'/>"
- text += self.dec_tab() + '</disk>'
- vd_index = chr(ord(vd_index)+1)
- elif dev['type']=='xml':
- dev_text = dev['xml']
- if 'vpci' in dev:
- dev_text = dev_text.replace('__vpci__', dev['vpci'])
- if 'source file' in dev:
- dev_text = dev_text.replace('__file__', dev['source file'])
- if 'file format' in dev:
- dev_text = dev_text.replace('__format__', dev['source file'])
- if '__dev__' in dev_text:
- dev_text = dev_text.replace('__dev__', vd_index)
- vd_index = chr(ord(vd_index)+1)
- text += dev_text
- else:
- return -1, 'Unknown device type ' + dev['type']
- net_nb=0
- bridge_interfaces = server.get('networks', [])
- for v in bridge_interfaces:
- #Get the brifge name
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets', SELECT=('provider',),WHERE={'uuid':v['net_id']} )
- self.db_lock.release()
- if result <= 0:
- print "create_xml_server ERROR getting nets",result, content
- return -1, content
- #ALF: Allow by the moment the 'default' bridge net because is confortable for provide internet to VM
- #I know it is not secure
- #for v in sorted(desc['network interfaces'].itervalues()):
- model = v.get("model", None)
- if content[0]['provider']=='default':
- text += self.tab() + "<interface type='network'>" + \
- self.inc_tab() + "<source network='" +content[0]['provider']+ "'/>"
- elif content[0]['provider'][0:7]=='macvtap':
- text += self.tab()+"<interface type='direct'>" + \
- self.inc_tab() + "<source dev='" + self.get_local_iface_name(content[0]['provider'][8:]) + "' mode='bridge'/>" + \
- self.tab() + "<target dev='macvtap0'/>"
- if windows_os:
- text += self.tab() + "<alias name='net" + str(net_nb) + "'/>"
- elif model==None:
- model = "virtio"
- elif content[0]['provider'][0:6]=='bridge':
- text += self.tab() + "<interface type='bridge'>" + \
- self.inc_tab()+"<source bridge='" +self.get_local_iface_name(content[0]['provider'][7:])+ "'/>"
- if windows_os:
- text += self.tab() + "<target dev='vnet" + str(net_nb)+ "'/>" +\
- self.tab() + "<alias name='net" + str(net_nb)+ "'/>"
- elif model==None:
- model = "virtio"
- elif content[0]['provider'][0:3] == "OVS":
- vlan = content[0]['provider'].replace('OVS:', '')
- text += self.tab() + "<interface type='bridge'>" + \
- self.inc_tab() + "<source bridge='ovim-" + vlan + "'/>"
- else:
- return -1, 'Unknown Bridge net provider ' + content[0]['provider']
- if model!=None:
- text += self.tab() + "<model type='" +model+ "'/>"
- if v.get('mac_address', None) != None:
- text+= self.tab() +"<mac address='" +v['mac_address']+ "'/>"
- text += self.pci2xml(v.get('vpci',None))
- text += self.dec_tab()+'</interface>'
- net_nb += 1
- interfaces = numa.get('interfaces', [])
- net_nb=0
- for v in interfaces:
- if self.develop_mode: #map these interfaces to bridges
- text += self.tab() + "<interface type='bridge'>" + \
- self.inc_tab()+"<source bridge='" +self.develop_bridge_iface+ "'/>"
- if windows_os:
- text += self.tab() + "<target dev='vnet" + str(net_nb)+ "'/>" +\
- self.tab() + "<alias name='net" + str(net_nb)+ "'/>"
- else:
- text += self.tab() + "<model type='e1000'/>" #e1000 is more probable to be supported than 'virtio'
- if v.get('mac_address', None) != None:
- text+= self.tab() +"<mac address='" +v['mac_address']+ "'/>"
- text += self.pci2xml(v.get('vpci',None))
- text += self.dec_tab()+'</interface>'
- continue
- if v['dedicated'] == 'yes': #passthrought
- text += self.tab() + "<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>" + \
- self.inc_tab() + "<source>"
- self.inc_tab()
- text += self.pci2xml(v['source'])
- text += self.dec_tab()+'</source>'
- text += self.pci2xml(v.get('vpci',None))
- if windows_os:
- text += self.tab() + "<alias name='hostdev" + str(net_nb) + "'/>"
- text += self.dec_tab()+'</hostdev>'
- net_nb += 1
- else: #sriov_interfaces
- #skip not connected interfaces
- if v.get("net_id") == None:
- continue
- text += self.tab() + "<interface type='hostdev' managed='yes'>"
- self.inc_tab()
- if v.get('mac_address', None) != None:
- text+= self.tab() + "<mac address='" +v['mac_address']+ "'/>"
- text+= self.tab()+'<source>'
- self.inc_tab()
- text += self.pci2xml(v['source'])
- text += self.dec_tab()+'</source>'
- if v.get('vlan',None) != None:
- text += self.tab() + "<vlan> <tag id='" + str(v['vlan']) + "'/> </vlan>"
- text += self.pci2xml(v.get('vpci',None))
- if windows_os:
- text += self.tab() + "<alias name='hostdev" + str(net_nb) + "'/>"
- text += self.dec_tab()+'</interface>'
- text += self.dec_tab()+'</devices>'+\
- self.dec_tab()+'</domain>'
- return 0, text
- def pci2xml(self, pci):
- '''from a pci format text XXXX:XX:XX.X generates the xml content of <address>
- alows an empty pci text'''
- if pci is None:
- return ""
- first_part = pci.split(':')
- second_part = first_part[2].split('.')
- return self.tab() + "<address type='pci' domain='0x" + first_part[0] + \
- "' bus='0x" + first_part[1] + "' slot='0x" + second_part[0] + \
- "' function='0x" + second_part[1] + "'/>"
- def tab(self):
- """Return indentation according to xml_level"""
- return "\n" + (' '*self.xml_level)
- def inc_tab(self):
- """Increment and return indentation according to xml_level"""
- self.xml_level += 1
- return self.tab()
- def dec_tab(self):
- """Decrement and return indentation according to xml_level"""
- self.xml_level -= 1
- return self.tab()
- def create_ovs_bridge(self):
- """
- Create a bridge in compute OVS to allocate VMs
- :return: True if success
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-br br-int -- set Bridge br-int stp_enable=true'
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- if len(content) == 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def delete_port_to_ovs_bridge(self, vlan, net_uuid):
- """
- Delete linux bridge port attched to a OVS bridge, if port is not free the port is not removed
- :param vlan: vlan port id
- :param net_uuid: network id
- :return:
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- port_name = 'ovim-' + vlan
- command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl del-port br-int ' + port_name
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- if len(content) == 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def delete_dhcp_server(self, vlan, net_uuid, dhcp_path):
- """
- Delete dhcp server process lining in namespace
- :param vlan: segmentation id
- :param net_uuid: network uuid
- :param dhcp_path: conf fiel path that live in namespace side
- :return:
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- if not self.is_dhcp_port_free(vlan, net_uuid):
- return True
- net_namespace = 'ovim-' + vlan
- dhcp_path = os.path.join(dhcp_path, net_namespace)
- pid_file = os.path.join(dhcp_path, 'dnsmasq.pid')
- command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' cat ' + pid_file
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' kill -9 ' + content
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- # if len(content) == 0:
- # return True
- # else:
- # return False
- def is_dhcp_port_free(self, host_id, net_uuid):
- """
- Check if any port attached to the a net in a vxlan mesh across computes nodes
- :param host_id: host id
- :param net_uuid: network id
- :return: True if is not free
- """
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- result, content = self.db.get_table(
- FROM='ports',
- WHERE={'p.type': 'instance:ovs', 'p.net_id': net_uuid}
- )
- self.db_lock.release()
- if len(content) > 0:
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def is_port_free(self, host_id, net_uuid):
- """
- Check if there not ovs ports of a network in a compute host.
- :param host_id: host id
- :param net_uuid: network id
- :return: True if is not free
- """
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- result, content = self.db.get_table(
- FROM='ports as p join instances as i on p.instance_id=i.uuid',
- WHERE={"i.host_id": self.host_id, 'p.type': 'instance:ovs', 'p.net_id': net_uuid}
- )
- self.db_lock.release()
- if len(content) > 0:
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def add_port_to_ovs_bridge(self, vlan):
- """
- Add a bridge linux as a port to a OVS bridge and set a vlan for an specific linux bridge
- :param vlan: vlan port id
- :return: True if success
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- port_name = 'ovim-' + vlan
- command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-int ' + port_name + ' tag=' + vlan
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- if len(content) == 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def delete_dhcp_port(self, vlan, net_uuid):
- """
- Delete from an existing OVS bridge a linux bridge port attached and the linux bridge itself.
- :param vlan: segmentation id
- :param net_uuid: network id
- :return: True if success
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- if not self.is_dhcp_port_free(vlan, net_uuid):
- return True
- self.delete_dhcp_interfaces(vlan)
- return True
- def delete_bridge_port_attached_to_ovs(self, vlan, net_uuid):
- """
- Delete from an existing OVS bridge a linux bridge port attached and the linux bridge itself.
- :param vlan:
- :param net_uuid:
- :return: True if success
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- if not self.is_port_free(vlan, net_uuid):
- return True
- self.delete_port_to_ovs_bridge(vlan, net_uuid)
- self.delete_linux_bridge(vlan)
- return True
- def delete_linux_bridge(self, vlan):
- """
- Delete a linux bridge in a scpecific compute.
- :param vlan: vlan port id
- :return: True if success
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- port_name = 'ovim-' + vlan
- command = 'sudo ip link set dev veth0-' + vlan + ' down'
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- #
- # if len(content) != 0:
- # return False
- command = 'sudo ifconfig ' + port_name + ' down && sudo brctl delbr ' + port_name
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- if len(content) == 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def create_ovs_bridge_port(self, vlan):
- """
- Generate a linux bridge and attache the port to a OVS bridge
- :param vlan: vlan port id
- :return:
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- self.create_linux_bridge(vlan)
- self.add_port_to_ovs_bridge(vlan)
- def create_linux_bridge(self, vlan):
- """
- Create a linux bridge with STP active
- :param vlan: netowrk vlan id
- :return:
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- port_name = 'ovim-' + vlan
- command = 'sudo brctl show | grep ' + port_name
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- # if exist nothing to create
- # if len(content) == 0:
- # return False
- command = 'sudo brctl addbr ' + port_name
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- # if len(content) == 0:
- # return True
- # else:
- # return False
- command = 'sudo brctl stp ' + port_name + ' on'
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- # if len(content) == 0:
- # return True
- # else:
- # return False
- command = 'sudo ip link set dev ' + port_name + ' up'
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- if len(content) == 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def set_mac_dhcp_server(self, ip, mac, vlan, netmask, dhcp_path):
- """
- Write into dhcp conf file a rule to assigned a fixed ip given to an specific MAC address
- :param ip: IP address asigned to a VM
- :param mac: VM vnic mac to be macthed with the IP received
- :param vlan: Segmentation id
- :param netmask: netmask value
- :param path: dhcp conf file path that live in namespace side
- :return: True if success
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- net_namespace = 'ovim-' + vlan
- dhcp_path = os.path.join(dhcp_path, net_namespace)
- dhcp_hostsdir = os.path.join(dhcp_path, net_namespace)
- if not ip:
- return False
- ip_data = mac.upper() + ',' + ip
- command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' touch ' + dhcp_hostsdir
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' sudo bash -ec "echo ' + ip_data + ' >> ' + dhcp_hostsdir + '"'
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- if len(content) == 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def delete_mac_dhcp_server(self, ip, mac, vlan, dhcp_path):
- """
- Delete into dhcp conf file the ip assigned to a specific MAC address
- :param ip: IP address asigned to a VM
- :param mac: VM vnic mac to be macthed with the IP received
- :param vlan: Segmentation id
- :param dhcp_path: dhcp conf file path that live in namespace side
- :return:
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- net_namespace = 'ovim-' + vlan
- dhcp_path = os.path.join(dhcp_path, net_namespace)
- dhcp_hostsdir = os.path.join(dhcp_path, net_namespace)
- if not ip:
- return False
- ip_data = mac.upper() + ',' + ip
- command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' sudo sed -i \'/' + ip_data + '/d\' ' + dhcp_hostsdir
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- if len(content) == 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def launch_dhcp_server(self, vlan, ip_range, netmask, dhcp_path, gateway):
- """
- Generate a linux bridge and attache the port to a OVS bridge
- :param self:
- :param vlan: Segmentation id
- :param ip_range: IP dhcp range
- :param netmask: network netmask
- :param dhcp_path: dhcp conf file path that live in namespace side
- :param gateway: Gateway address for dhcp net
- :return: True if success
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- interface = 'tap-' + vlan
- net_namespace = 'ovim-' + vlan
- dhcp_path = os.path.join(dhcp_path, net_namespace)
- leases_path = os.path.join(dhcp_path, "dnsmasq.leases")
- pid_file = os.path.join(dhcp_path, 'dnsmasq.pid')
- dhcp_range = ip_range[0] + ',' + ip_range[1] + ',' + netmask
- command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' mkdir -p ' + dhcp_path
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- pid_path = os.path.join(dhcp_path, 'dnsmasq.pid')
- command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' cat ' + pid_path
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- # check if pid is runing
- pid_status_path = content
- if content:
- command = "ps aux | awk '{print $2 }' | grep " + pid_status_path
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- if not content:
- command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --strict-order --except-interface=lo ' \
- '--interface=' + interface + ' --bind-interfaces --dhcp-hostsdir=' + dhcp_path + \
- ' --dhcp-range ' + dhcp_range + ' --pid-file=' + pid_file + ' --dhcp-leasefile=' + leases_path + \
- ' --listen-address ' + gateway
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.readline()
- if len(content) == 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def delete_dhcp_interfaces(self, vlan):
- """
- Create a linux bridge with STP active
- :param vlan: netowrk vlan id
- :return:
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- net_namespace = 'ovim-' + vlan
- command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl del-port br-int ovs-tap-' + vlan
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' ip link set dev tap-' + vlan + ' down'
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- command = 'sudo ip link set dev ovs-tap-' + vlan + ' down'
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- def create_dhcp_interfaces(self, vlan, ip, netmask):
- """
- Create a linux bridge with STP active
- :param vlan: segmentation id
- :param ip: Ip included in the dhcp range for the tap interface living in namesapce side
- :param netmask: dhcp net CIDR
- :return: True if success
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- net_namespace = 'ovim-' + vlan
- namespace_interface = 'tap-' + vlan
- command = 'sudo ip netns add ' + net_namespace
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- command = 'sudo ip link add tap-' + vlan + ' type veth peer name ovs-tap-' + vlan
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-int ovs-tap-' + vlan + ' tag=' + vlan
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- command = 'sudo ip link set tap-' + vlan + ' netns ' + net_namespace
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' ip link set dev tap-' + vlan + ' up'
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- command = 'sudo ip link set dev ovs-tap-' + vlan + ' up'
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' ' + ' ifconfig ' + namespace_interface \
- + ' ' + ip + ' netmask ' + netmask
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- if len(content) == 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def create_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(self, vxlan_interface, remote_ip):
- """
- Create a vlxn tunnel between to computes with an OVS installed. STP is also active at port level
- :param vxlan_interface: vlxan inteface name.
- :param remote_ip: tunnel endpoint remote compute ip.
- :return:
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-int ' + vxlan_interface + \
- ' -- set Interface ' + vxlan_interface + ' type=vxlan options:remote_ip=' + remote_ip + \
- ' -- set Port ' + vxlan_interface + ' other_config:stp-path-cost=10'
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- print content
- if len(content) == 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def delete_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(self, vxlan_interface):
- """
- Delete a vlxan tunnel port from a OVS brdige.
- :param vxlan_interface: vlxan name to be delete it.
- :return: True if success.
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl del-port br-int ' + vxlan_interface
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- print content
- if len(content) == 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def delete_ovs_bridge(self):
- """
- Delete a OVS bridge from a compute.
- :return: True if success
- """
- if self.test:
- return
- command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl del-br br-int'
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- if len(content) == 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def get_file_info(self, path):
- command = 'ls -lL --time-style=+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S ' + path
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- if len(content) == 0:
- return None # file does not exist
- else:
- return content.split(" ") #(permission, 1, owner, group, size, date, file)
- def qemu_get_info(self, path):
- command = 'qemu-img info ' + path
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, stdout, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stdout.read()
- if len(content) == 0:
- error = stderr.read()
- print self.name, ": get_qemu_info error ", error
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Error getting qemu_info: " + error)
- else:
- try:
- return yaml.load(content)
- except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
- text = ""
- if hasattr(exc, 'problem_mark'):
- mark = exc.problem_mark
- text = " at position: (%s:%s)" % (mark.line+1, mark.column+1)
- print self.name, ": get_qemu_info yaml format Exception", text
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Error getting qemu_info yaml format" + text)
- def qemu_change_backing(self, inc_file, new_backing_file):
- command = 'qemu-img rebase -u -b ' + new_backing_file + ' ' + inc_file
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, _, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- content = stderr.read()
- if len(content) == 0:
- return 0
- else:
- print self.name, ": qemu_change_backing error: ", content
- return -1
- def get_notused_filename(self, proposed_name, suffix=''):
- '''Look for a non existing file_name in the host
- proposed_name: proposed file name, includes path
- suffix: suffix to be added to the name, before the extention
- '''
- extension = proposed_name.rfind(".")
- slash = proposed_name.rfind("/")
- if extension < 0 or extension < slash: # no extension
- extension = len(proposed_name)
- target_name = proposed_name[:extension] + suffix + proposed_name[extension:]
- info = self.get_file_info(target_name)
- if info is None:
- return target_name
- index=0
- while info is not None:
- target_name = proposed_name[:extension] + suffix + "-" + str(index) + proposed_name[extension:]
- index+=1
- info = self.get_file_info(target_name)
- return target_name
- def get_notused_path(self, proposed_path, suffix=''):
- '''Look for a non existing path at database for images
- proposed_path: proposed file name, includes path
- suffix: suffix to be added to the name, before the extention
- '''
- extension = proposed_path.rfind(".")
- if extension < 0:
- extension = len(proposed_path)
- if suffix != None:
- target_path = proposed_path[:extension] + suffix + proposed_path[extension:]
- index=0
- while True:
- r,_=self.db.get_table(FROM="images",WHERE={"path":target_path})
- if r<=0:
- return target_path
- target_path = proposed_path[:extension] + suffix + "-" + str(index) + proposed_path[extension:]
- index+=1
- def delete_file(self, file_name):
- command = 'rm -f '+file_name
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, _, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- error_msg = stderr.read()
- if len(error_msg) > 0:
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Error deleting file: " + error_msg)
- def copy_file(self, source, destination, perserve_time=True):
- if source[0:4]=="http":
- command = "wget --no-verbose -O '{dst}' '{src}' 2>'{dst_result}' || cat '{dst_result}' >&2 && rm '{dst_result}'".format(
- dst=destination, src=source, dst_result=destination + ".result" )
- else:
- command = 'cp --no-preserve=mode'
- if perserve_time:
- command += ' --preserve=timestamps'
- command += " '{}' '{}'".format(source, destination)
- print self.name, ': command:', command
- (_, _, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- error_msg = stderr.read()
- if len(error_msg) > 0:
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Error copying image to local host: " + error_msg)
- def copy_remote_file(self, remote_file, use_incremental):
- ''' Copy a file from the repository to local folder and recursively
- copy the backing files in case the remote file is incremental
- Read and/or modified self.localinfo['files'] that contain the
- unmodified copies of images in the local path
- params:
- remote_file: path of remote file
- use_incremental: None (leave the decision to this function), True, False
- return:
- local_file: name of local file
- qemu_info: dict with quemu information of local file
- use_incremental_out: True, False; same as use_incremental, but if None a decision is taken
- '''
- use_incremental_out = use_incremental
- new_backing_file = None
- local_file = None
- file_from_local = True
- #in case incremental use is not decided, take the decision depending on the image
- #avoid the use of incremental if this image is already incremental
- if remote_file[0:4] == "http":
- file_from_local = False
- if file_from_local:
- qemu_remote_info = self.qemu_get_info(remote_file)
- if use_incremental_out==None:
- use_incremental_out = not ( file_from_local and 'backing file' in qemu_remote_info)
- #copy recursivelly the backing files
- if file_from_local and 'backing file' in qemu_remote_info:
- new_backing_file, _, _ = self.copy_remote_file(qemu_remote_info['backing file'], True)
- #check if remote file is present locally
- if use_incremental_out and remote_file in self.localinfo['files']:
- local_file = self.localinfo['files'][remote_file]
- local_file_info = self.get_file_info(local_file)
- if file_from_local:
- remote_file_info = self.get_file_info(remote_file)
- if local_file_info == None:
- local_file = None
- elif file_from_local and (local_file_info[4]!=remote_file_info[4] or local_file_info[5]!=remote_file_info[5]):
- #local copy of file not valid because date or size are different.
- #TODO DELETE local file if this file is not used by any active virtual machine
- try:
- self.delete_file(local_file)
- del self.localinfo['files'][remote_file]
- except Exception:
- pass
- local_file = None
- else: #check that the local file has the same backing file, or there are not backing at all
- qemu_info = self.qemu_get_info(local_file)
- if new_backing_file != qemu_info.get('backing file'):
- local_file = None
- if local_file == None: #copy the file
- img_name= remote_file.split('/') [-1]
- img_local = self.image_path + '/' + img_name
- local_file = self.get_notused_filename(img_local)
- self.copy_file(remote_file, local_file, use_incremental_out)
- if use_incremental_out:
- self.localinfo['files'][remote_file] = local_file
- if new_backing_file:
- self.qemu_change_backing(local_file, new_backing_file)
- qemu_info = self.qemu_get_info(local_file)
- return local_file, qemu_info, use_incremental_out
- def launch_server(self, conn, server, rebuild=False, domain=None):
- if self.test:
- time.sleep(random.randint(20,150)) #sleep random timeto be make it a bit more real
- return 0, 'Success'
- server_id = server['uuid']
- paused = server.get('paused','no')
- try:
- if domain!=None and rebuild==False:
- domain.resume()
- #self.server_status[server_id] = 'ACTIVE'
- return 0, 'Success'
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- result, server_data = self.db.get_instance(server_id)
- self.db_lock.release()
- if result <= 0:
- print self.name, ": launch_server ERROR getting server from DB",result, server_data
- return result, server_data
- #0: get image metadata
- server_metadata = server.get('metadata', {})
- use_incremental = None
- if "use_incremental" in server_metadata:
- use_incremental = False if server_metadata["use_incremental"]=="no" else True
- server_host_files = self.localinfo['server_files'].get( server['uuid'], {})
- if rebuild:
- #delete previous incremental files
- for file_ in server_host_files.values():
- self.delete_file(file_['source file'] )
- server_host_files={}
- #1: obtain aditional devices (disks)
- #Put as first device the main disk
- devices = [ {"type":"disk", "image_id":server['image_id'], "vpci":server_metadata.get('vpci', None) } ]
- if 'extended' in server_data and server_data['extended']!=None and "devices" in server_data['extended']:
- devices += server_data['extended']['devices']
- for dev in devices:
- if dev['image_id'] == None:
- continue
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='images', SELECT=('path', 'metadata'),
- WHERE={'uuid': dev['image_id']})
- self.db_lock.release()
- if result <= 0:
- error_text = "ERROR", result, content, "when getting image", dev['image_id']
- print self.name, ": launch_server", error_text
- return -1, error_text
- if content[0]['metadata'] is not None:
- dev['metadata'] = json.loads(content[0]['metadata'])
- else:
- dev['metadata'] = {}
- if dev['image_id'] in server_host_files:
- dev['source file'] = server_host_files[ dev['image_id'] ] ['source file'] #local path
- dev['file format'] = server_host_files[ dev['image_id'] ] ['file format'] # raw or qcow2
- continue
- #2: copy image to host
- remote_file = content[0]['path']
- use_incremental_image = use_incremental
- if dev['metadata'].get("use_incremental") == "no":
- use_incremental_image = False
- local_file, qemu_info, use_incremental_image = self.copy_remote_file(remote_file, use_incremental_image)
- #create incremental image
- if use_incremental_image:
- local_file_inc = self.get_notused_filename(local_file, '.inc')
- command = 'qemu-img create -f qcow2 '+local_file_inc+ ' -o backing_file='+ local_file
- print 'command:', command
- (_, _, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
- error_msg = stderr.read()
- if len(error_msg) > 0:
- raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Error creating incremental file: " + error_msg)
- local_file = local_file_inc
- qemu_info = {'file format':'qcow2'}
- server_host_files[ dev['image_id'] ] = {'source file': local_file, 'file format': qemu_info['file format']}
- dev['source file'] = local_file
- dev['file format'] = qemu_info['file format']
- self.localinfo['server_files'][ server['uuid'] ] = server_host_files
- self.localinfo_dirty = True
- #3 Create XML
- result, xml = self.create_xml_server(server_data, devices, server_metadata) #local_file
- if result <0:
- print self.name, ": create xml server error:", xml
- return -2, xml
- print self.name, ": create xml:", xml
- atribute = host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED if paused == "yes" else 0
- #4 Start the domain
- if not rebuild: #ensures that any pending destroying server is done
- self.server_forceoff(True)
- #print self.name, ": launching instance" #, xml
- conn.createXML(xml, atribute)
- #self.server_status[server_id] = 'PAUSED' if paused == "yes" else 'ACTIVE'
- return 0, 'Success'
- except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
- text = e.args[0]
- print self.name, ": launch_server(%s) ssh Exception: %s" %(server_id, text)
- if "SSH session not active" in text:
- self.ssh_connect()
- except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
- text = e.get_error_message()
- print self.name, ": launch_server(%s) libvirt Exception: %s" %(server_id, text)
- except Exception as e:
- text = str(e)
- print self.name, ": launch_server(%s) Exception: %s" %(server_id, text)
- return -1, text
- def update_servers_status(self):
- # # virDomainState
- if self.test or len(self.server_status)==0:
- return
- try:
- conn = host_thread.lvirt_module.open("qemu+ssh://"+self.user+"@"+self.host+"/system")
- domains= conn.listAllDomains()
- domain_dict={}
- for domain in domains:
- uuid = domain.UUIDString() ;
- libvirt_status = domain.state()
- #print libvirt_status
- if libvirt_status[0] == host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING or libvirt_status[0] == host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN:
- new_status = "ACTIVE"
- elif libvirt_status[0] == host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED:
- new_status = "PAUSED"
- elif libvirt_status[0] == host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF:
- new_status = "INACTIVE"
- elif libvirt_status[0] == host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED:
- new_status = "ERROR"
- else:
- new_status = None
- domain_dict[uuid] = new_status
- conn.close()
- except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
- print self.name, ": get_state() Exception '", e.get_error_message()
- return
- for server_id, current_status in self.server_status.iteritems():
- new_status = None
- if server_id in domain_dict:
- new_status = domain_dict[server_id]
- else:
- new_status = "INACTIVE"
- if new_status == None or new_status == current_status:
- continue
- if new_status == 'INACTIVE' and current_status == 'ERROR':
- continue #keep ERROR status, because obviously this machine is not running
- #change status
- print self.name, ": server ", server_id, "status change from ", current_status, "to", new_status
- STATUS={'progress':100, 'status':new_status}
- if new_status == 'ERROR':
- STATUS['last_error'] = 'machine has crashed'
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- r,_ = self.db.update_rows('instances', STATUS, {'uuid':server_id}, log=False)
- self.db_lock.release()
- if r>=0:
- self.server_status[server_id] = new_status
- def action_on_server(self, req, last_retry=True):
- '''Perform an action on a req
- Attributes:
- req: dictionary that contain:
- server properties: 'uuid','name','tenant_id','status'
- action: 'action'
- host properties: 'user', 'ip_name'
- return (error, text)
- 0: No error. VM is updated to new state,
- -1: Invalid action, as trying to pause a PAUSED VM
- -2: Error accessing host
- -3: VM nor present
- -4: Error at DB access
- -5: Error while trying to perform action. VM is updated to ERROR
- '''
- server_id = req['uuid']
- conn = None
- new_status = None
- old_status = req['status']
- last_error = None
- if self.test:
- if 'terminate' in req['action']:
- new_status = 'deleted'
- elif 'shutoff' in req['action'] or 'shutdown' in req['action'] or 'forceOff' in req['action']:
- if req['status']!='ERROR':
- time.sleep(5)
- new_status = 'INACTIVE'
- elif 'start' in req['action'] and req['status']!='ERROR': new_status = 'ACTIVE'
- elif 'resume' in req['action'] and req['status']!='ERROR' and req['status']!='INACTIVE' : new_status = 'ACTIVE'
- elif 'pause' in req['action'] and req['status']!='ERROR': new_status = 'PAUSED'
- elif 'reboot' in req['action'] and req['status']!='ERROR': new_status = 'ACTIVE'
- elif 'rebuild' in req['action']:
- time.sleep(random.randint(20,150))
- new_status = 'ACTIVE'
- elif 'createImage' in req['action']:
- time.sleep(5)
- self.create_image(None, req)
- else:
- try:
- conn = host_thread.lvirt_module.open("qemu+ssh://"+self.user+"@"+self.host+"/system")
- try:
- dom = conn.lookupByUUIDString(server_id)
- except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
- text = e.get_error_message()
- if 'LookupByUUIDString' in text or 'Domain not found' in text or 'No existe un dominio coincidente' in text:
- dom = None
- else:
- print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") libvirt exception:", text
- raise e
- if 'forceOff' in req['action']:
- if dom == None:
- print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") domain not running"
- else:
- try:
- print self.name, ": sending DESTROY to server", server_id
- dom.destroy()
- except Exception as e:
- if "domain is not running" not in e.get_error_message():
- print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception while sending force off:", e.get_error_message()
- last_error = 'action_on_server Exception while destroy: ' + e.get_error_message()
- new_status = 'ERROR'
- elif 'terminate' in req['action']:
- if dom == None:
- print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") domain not running"
- new_status = 'deleted'
- else:
- try:
- if req['action']['terminate'] == 'force':
- print self.name, ": sending DESTROY to server", server_id
- dom.destroy()
- new_status = 'deleted'
- else:
- print self.name, ": sending SHUTDOWN to server", server_id
- dom.shutdown()
- self.pending_terminate_server.append( (time.time()+10,server_id) )
- except Exception as e:
- print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception while destroy:", e.get_error_message()
- last_error = 'action_on_server Exception while destroy: ' + e.get_error_message()
- new_status = 'ERROR'
- if "domain is not running" in e.get_error_message():
- try:
- dom.undefine()
- new_status = 'deleted'
- except Exception:
- print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception while undefine:", e.get_error_message()
- last_error = 'action_on_server Exception2 while undefine:', e.get_error_message()
- #Exception: 'virDomainDetachDevice() failed'
- if new_status=='deleted':
- if server_id in self.server_status:
- del self.server_status[server_id]
- if req['uuid'] in self.localinfo['server_files']:
- for file_ in self.localinfo['server_files'][ req['uuid'] ].values():
- try:
- self.delete_file(file_['source file'])
- except Exception:
- pass
- del self.localinfo['server_files'][ req['uuid'] ]
- self.localinfo_dirty = True
- elif 'shutoff' in req['action'] or 'shutdown' in req['action']:
- try:
- if dom == None:
- print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") domain not running"
- else:
- dom.shutdown()
-# new_status = 'INACTIVE'
- #TODO: check status for changing at database
- except Exception as e:
- new_status = 'ERROR'
- print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception while shutdown:", e.get_error_message()
- last_error = 'action_on_server Exception while shutdown: ' + e.get_error_message()
- elif 'rebuild' in req['action']:
- if dom != None:
- dom.destroy()
- r = self.launch_server(conn, req, True, None)
- if r[0] <0:
- new_status = 'ERROR'
- last_error = r[1]
- else:
- new_status = 'ACTIVE'
- elif 'start' in req['action']:
- # The instance is only create in DB but not yet at libvirt domain, needs to be create
- rebuild = True if req['action']['start'] == 'rebuild' else False
- r = self.launch_server(conn, req, rebuild, dom)
- if r[0] <0:
- new_status = 'ERROR'
- last_error = r[1]
- else:
- new_status = 'ACTIVE'
- elif 'resume' in req['action']:
- try:
- if dom == None:
- pass
- else:
- dom.resume()
-# new_status = 'ACTIVE'
- except Exception as e:
- print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception while resume:", e.get_error_message()
- elif 'pause' in req['action']:
- try:
- if dom == None:
- pass
- else:
- dom.suspend()
-# new_status = 'PAUSED'
- except Exception as e:
- print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception while pause:", e.get_error_message()
- elif 'reboot' in req['action']:
- try:
- if dom == None:
- pass
- else:
- dom.reboot()
- print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") reboot:"
- #new_status = 'ACTIVE'
- except Exception as e:
- print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception while reboot:", e.get_error_message()
- elif 'createImage' in req['action']:
- self.create_image(dom, req)
- conn.close()
- except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
- if conn is not None: conn.close()
- text = e.get_error_message()
- new_status = "ERROR"
- last_error = text
- print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception '", text
- if 'LookupByUUIDString' in text or 'Domain not found' in text or 'No existe un dominio coincidente' in text:
- print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception removed from host"
- #end of if self.test
- if new_status == None:
- return 1
- print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") new status", new_status, last_error
- UPDATE = {'progress':100, 'status':new_status}
- if new_status=='ERROR':
- if not last_retry: #if there will be another retry do not update database
- return -1
- elif 'terminate' in req['action']:
- #PUT a log in the database
- print self.name, ": PANIC deleting server", server_id, last_error
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- self.db.new_row('logs',
- {'uuid':server_id, 'tenant_id':req['tenant_id'], 'related':'instances','level':'panic',
- 'description':'PANIC deleting server from host '+self.name+': '+last_error}
- )
- self.db_lock.release()
- if server_id in self.server_status:
- del self.server_status[server_id]
- return -1
- else:
- UPDATE['last_error'] = last_error
- if new_status != 'deleted' and (new_status != old_status or new_status == 'ERROR') :
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- self.db.update_rows('instances', UPDATE, {'uuid':server_id}, log=True)
- self.server_status[server_id] = new_status
- self.db_lock.release()
- if new_status == 'ERROR':
- return -1
- return 1
- def restore_iface(self, name, mac, lib_conn=None):
- ''' make an ifdown, ifup to restore default parameter of na interface
- Params:
- mac: mac address of the interface
- lib_conn: connection to the libvirt, if None a new connection is created
- Return 0,None if ok, -1,text if fails
- '''
- conn=None
- ret = 0
- error_text=None
- if self.test:
- print self.name, ": restore_iface '%s' %s" % (name, mac)
- return 0, None
- try:
- if not lib_conn:
- conn = host_thread.lvirt_module.open("qemu+ssh://"+self.user+"@"+self.host+"/system")
- else:
- conn = lib_conn
- #wait to the pending VM deletion
- #TODO.Revise self.server_forceoff(True)
- iface = conn.interfaceLookupByMACString(mac)
- iface.destroy()
- iface.create()
- print self.name, ": restore_iface '%s' %s" % (name, mac)
- except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
- error_text = e.get_error_message()
- print self.name, ": restore_iface '%s' '%s' libvirt exception: %s" %(name, mac, error_text)
- ret=-1
- finally:
- if lib_conn is None and conn is not None:
- conn.close()
- return ret, error_text
- def create_image(self,dom, req):
- if self.test:
- if 'path' in req['action']['createImage']:
- file_dst = req['action']['createImage']['path']
- else:
- createImage=req['action']['createImage']
- img_name= createImage['source']['path']
- index=img_name.rfind('/')
- file_dst = self.get_notused_path(img_name[:index+1] + createImage['name'] + '.qcow2')
- image_status='ACTIVE'
- else:
- for retry in (0,1):
- try:
- server_id = req['uuid']
- createImage=req['action']['createImage']
- file_orig = self.localinfo['server_files'][server_id] [ createImage['source']['image_id'] ] ['source file']
- if 'path' in req['action']['createImage']:
- file_dst = req['action']['createImage']['path']
- else:
- img_name= createImage['source']['path']
- index=img_name.rfind('/')
- file_dst = self.get_notused_filename(img_name[:index+1] + createImage['name'] + '.qcow2')
- self.copy_file(file_orig, file_dst)
- qemu_info = self.qemu_get_info(file_orig)
- if 'backing file' in qemu_info:
- for k,v in self.localinfo['files'].items():
- if v==qemu_info['backing file']:
- self.qemu_change_backing(file_dst, k)
- break
- image_status='ACTIVE'
- break
- except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
- image_status='ERROR'
- error_text = e.args[0]
- print self.name, "': create_image(",server_id,") ssh Exception:", error_text
- if "SSH session not active" in error_text and retry==0:
- self.ssh_connect()
- except Exception as e:
- image_status='ERROR'
- error_text = str(e)
- print self.name, "': create_image(",server_id,") Exception:", error_text
- #TODO insert a last_error at database
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- self.db.update_rows('images', {'status':image_status, 'progress': 100, 'path':file_dst},
- {'uuid':req['new_image']['uuid']}, log=True)
- self.db_lock.release()
- def edit_iface(self, port_id, old_net, new_net):
- #This action imply remove and insert interface to put proper parameters
- if self.test:
- time.sleep(1)
- else:
- #get iface details
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- r,c = self.db.get_table(FROM='ports as p join resources_port as rp on p.uuid=rp.port_id',
- WHERE={'port_id': port_id})
- self.db_lock.release()
- if r<0:
- print self.name, ": edit_iface(",port_id,") DDBB error:", c
- return
- elif r==0:
- print self.name, ": edit_iface(",port_id,") por not found"
- return
- port=c[0]
- if port["model"]!="VF":
- print self.name, ": edit_iface(",port_id,") ERROR model must be VF"
- return
- #create xml detach file
- xml=[]
- self.xml_level = 2
- xml.append("<interface type='hostdev' managed='yes'>")
- xml.append(" <mac address='" +port['mac']+ "'/>")
- xml.append(" <source>"+ self.pci2xml(port['pci'])+"\n </source>")
- xml.append('</interface>')
- try:
- conn=None
- conn = host_thread.lvirt_module.open("qemu+ssh://"+self.user+"@"+self.host+"/system")
- dom = conn.lookupByUUIDString(port["instance_id"])
- if old_net:
- text="\n".join(xml)
- print self.name, ": edit_iface detaching SRIOV interface", text
- dom.detachDeviceFlags(text, flags=host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE)
- if new_net:
- xml[-1] =" <vlan> <tag id='" + str(port['vlan']) + "'/> </vlan>"
- self.xml_level = 1
- xml.append(self.pci2xml(port.get('vpci',None)) )
- xml.append('</interface>')
- text="\n".join(xml)
- print self.name, ": edit_iface attaching SRIOV interface", text
- dom.attachDeviceFlags(text, flags=host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE)
- except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
- text = e.get_error_message()
- print self.name, ": edit_iface(",port["instance_id"],") libvirt exception:", text
- finally:
- if conn is not None: conn.close()
-def create_server(server, db, db_lock, only_of_ports):
- #print "server"
- #print "server"
- #print server
- #print "server"
- #print "server"
- #try:
-# host_id = server.get('host_id', None)
- extended = server.get('extended', None)
-# print '----------------------'
-# print json.dumps(extended, indent=4)
- requirements={}
- requirements['numa']={'memory':0, 'proc_req_type': 'threads', 'proc_req_nb':0, 'port_list':[], 'sriov_list':[]}
- requirements['ram'] = server['flavor'].get('ram', 0)
- if requirements['ram']== None:
- requirements['ram'] = 0
- requirements['vcpus'] = server['flavor'].get('vcpus', 0)
- if requirements['vcpus']== None:
- requirements['vcpus'] = 0
- #If extended is not defined get requirements from flavor
- if extended is None:
- #If extended is defined in flavor convert to dictionary and use it
- if 'extended' in server['flavor'] and server['flavor']['extended'] != None:
- json_acceptable_string = server['flavor']['extended'].replace("'", "\"")
- extended = json.loads(json_acceptable_string)
- else:
- extended = None
- #print json.dumps(extended, indent=4)
- #For simplicity only one numa VM are supported in the initial implementation
- if extended != None:
- numas = extended.get('numas', [])
- if len(numas)>1:
- return (-2, "Multi-NUMA VMs are not supported yet")
- #elif len(numas)<1:
- # return (-1, "At least one numa must be specified")
- #a for loop is used in order to be ready to multi-NUMA VMs
- request = []
- for numa in numas:
- numa_req = {}
- numa_req['memory'] = numa.get('memory', 0)
- if 'cores' in numa:
- numa_req['proc_req_nb'] = numa['cores'] #number of cores or threads to be reserved
- numa_req['proc_req_type'] = 'cores' #indicates whether cores or threads must be reserved
- numa_req['proc_req_list'] = numa.get('cores-id', None) #list of ids to be assigned to the cores or threads
- elif 'paired-threads' in numa:
- numa_req['proc_req_nb'] = numa['paired-threads']
- numa_req['proc_req_type'] = 'paired-threads'
- numa_req['proc_req_list'] = numa.get('paired-threads-id', None)
- elif 'threads' in numa:
- numa_req['proc_req_nb'] = numa['threads']
- numa_req['proc_req_type'] = 'threads'
- numa_req['proc_req_list'] = numa.get('threads-id', None)
- else:
- numa_req['proc_req_nb'] = 0 # by default
- numa_req['proc_req_type'] = 'threads'
- #Generate a list of sriov and another for physical interfaces
- interfaces = numa.get('interfaces', [])
- sriov_list = []
- port_list = []
- for iface in interfaces:
- iface['bandwidth'] = int(iface['bandwidth'])
- if iface['dedicated'][:3]=='yes':
- port_list.append(iface)
- else:
- sriov_list.append(iface)
- #Save lists ordered from more restrictive to less bw requirements
- numa_req['sriov_list'] = sorted(sriov_list, key=lambda k: k['bandwidth'], reverse=True)
- numa_req['port_list'] = sorted(port_list, key=lambda k: k['bandwidth'], reverse=True)
- request.append(numa_req)
- # print "----------\n"+json.dumps(request[0], indent=4)
- # print '----------\n\n'
- #Search in db for an appropriate numa for each requested numa
- #at the moment multi-NUMA VMs are not supported
- if len(request)>0:
- requirements['numa'].update(request[0])
- if requirements['numa']['memory']>0:
- requirements['ram']=0 #By the moment I make incompatible ask for both Huge and non huge pages memory
- elif requirements['ram']==0:
- return (-1, "Memory information not set neither at extended field not at ram")
- if requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']>0:
- requirements['vcpus']=0 #By the moment I make incompatible ask for both Isolated and non isolated cpus
- elif requirements['vcpus']==0:
- return (-1, "Processor information not set neither at extended field not at vcpus")
- db_lock.acquire()
- result, content = db.get_numas(requirements, server.get('host_id', None), only_of_ports)
- db_lock.release()
- if result == -1:
- return (-1, content)
- numa_id = content['numa_id']
- host_id = content['host_id']
- #obtain threads_id and calculate pinning
- cpu_pinning = []
- reserved_threads=[]
- if requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']>0:
- db_lock.acquire()
- result, content = db.get_table(FROM='resources_core',
- SELECT=('id','core_id','thread_id'),
- WHERE={'numa_id':numa_id,'instance_id': None, 'status':'ok'} )
- db_lock.release()
- if result <= 0:
- print content
- return -1, content
- #convert rows to a dictionary indexed by core_id
- cores_dict = {}
- for row in content:
- if not row['core_id'] in cores_dict:
- cores_dict[row['core_id']] = []
- cores_dict[row['core_id']].append([row['thread_id'],row['id']])
- #In case full cores are requested
- paired = 'N'
- if requirements['numa']['proc_req_type'] == 'cores':
- #Get/create the list of the vcpu_ids
- vcpu_id_list = requirements['numa']['proc_req_list']
- if vcpu_id_list == None:
- vcpu_id_list = range(0,int(requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']))
- for threads in cores_dict.itervalues():
- #we need full cores
- if len(threads) != 2:
- continue
- #set pinning for the first thread
- cpu_pinning.append( [ vcpu_id_list.pop(0), threads[0][0], threads[0][1] ] )
- #reserve so it is not used the second thread
- reserved_threads.append(threads[1][1])
- if len(vcpu_id_list) == 0:
- break
- #In case paired threads are requested
- elif requirements['numa']['proc_req_type'] == 'paired-threads':
- paired = 'Y'
- #Get/create the list of the vcpu_ids
- if requirements['numa']['proc_req_list'] != None:
- vcpu_id_list = []
- for pair in requirements['numa']['proc_req_list']:
- if len(pair)!=2:
- return -1, "Field paired-threads-id not properly specified"
- return
- vcpu_id_list.append(pair[0])
- vcpu_id_list.append(pair[1])
- else:
- vcpu_id_list = range(0,2*int(requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']))
- for threads in cores_dict.itervalues():
- #we need full cores
- if len(threads) != 2:
- continue
- #set pinning for the first thread
- cpu_pinning.append([vcpu_id_list.pop(0), threads[0][0], threads[0][1]])
- #set pinning for the second thread
- cpu_pinning.append([vcpu_id_list.pop(0), threads[1][0], threads[1][1]])
- if len(vcpu_id_list) == 0:
- break
- #In case normal threads are requested
- elif requirements['numa']['proc_req_type'] == 'threads':
- #Get/create the list of the vcpu_ids
- vcpu_id_list = requirements['numa']['proc_req_list']
- if vcpu_id_list == None:
- vcpu_id_list = range(0,int(requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']))
- for threads_index in sorted(cores_dict, key=lambda k: len(cores_dict[k])):
- threads = cores_dict[threads_index]
- #set pinning for the first thread
- cpu_pinning.append([vcpu_id_list.pop(0), threads[0][0], threads[0][1]])
- #if exists, set pinning for the second thread
- if len(threads) == 2 and len(vcpu_id_list) != 0:
- cpu_pinning.append([vcpu_id_list.pop(0), threads[1][0], threads[1][1]])
- if len(vcpu_id_list) == 0:
- break
- #Get the source pci addresses for the selected numa
- used_sriov_ports = []
- for port in requirements['numa']['sriov_list']:
- db_lock.acquire()
- result, content = db.get_table(FROM='resources_port', SELECT=('id', 'pci', 'mac'),WHERE={'numa_id':numa_id,'root_id': port['port_id'], 'port_id': None, 'Mbps_used': 0} )
- db_lock.release()
- if result <= 0:
- print content
- return -1, content
- for row in content:
- if row['id'] in used_sriov_ports or row['id']==port['port_id']:
- continue
- port['pci'] = row['pci']
- if 'mac_address' not in port:
- port['mac_address'] = row['mac']
- del port['mac']
- port['port_id']=row['id']
- port['Mbps_used'] = port['bandwidth']
- used_sriov_ports.append(row['id'])
- break
- for port in requirements['numa']['port_list']:
- port['Mbps_used'] = None
- if port['dedicated'] != "yes:sriov":
- port['mac_address'] = port['mac']
- del port['mac']
- continue
- db_lock.acquire()
- result, content = db.get_table(FROM='resources_port', SELECT=('id', 'pci', 'mac', 'Mbps'),WHERE={'numa_id':numa_id,'root_id': port['port_id'], 'port_id': None, 'Mbps_used': 0} )
- db_lock.release()
- if result <= 0:
- print content
- return -1, content
- port['Mbps_used'] = content[0]['Mbps']
- for row in content:
- if row['id'] in used_sriov_ports or row['id']==port['port_id']:
- continue
- port['pci'] = row['pci']
- if 'mac_address' not in port:
- port['mac_address'] = row['mac'] # mac cannot be set to passthrough ports
- del port['mac']
- port['port_id']=row['id']
- used_sriov_ports.append(row['id'])
- break
- # print '2. Physical ports assignation:'+json.dumps(requirements['port_list'], indent=4)
- # print '2. SR-IOV assignation:'+json.dumps(requirements['sriov_list'], indent=4)
- server['host_id'] = host_id
- #Generate dictionary for saving in db the instance resources
- resources = {}
- resources['bridged-ifaces'] = []
- numa_dict = {}
- numa_dict['interfaces'] = []
- numa_dict['interfaces'] += requirements['numa']['port_list']
- numa_dict['interfaces'] += requirements['numa']['sriov_list']
- #Check bridge information
- unified_dataplane_iface=[]
- unified_dataplane_iface += requirements['numa']['port_list']
- unified_dataplane_iface += requirements['numa']['sriov_list']
- for control_iface in server.get('networks', []):
- control_iface['net_id']=control_iface.pop('uuid')
- #Get the brifge name
- db_lock.acquire()
- result, content = db.get_table(FROM='nets',
- SELECT=('name', 'type', 'vlan', 'provider', 'enable_dhcp',
- 'dhcp_first_ip', 'dhcp_last_ip', 'cidr'),
- WHERE={'uuid': control_iface['net_id']})
- db_lock.release()
- if result < 0:
- pass
- elif result==0:
- return -1, "Error at field netwoks: Not found any network wit uuid %s" % control_iface['net_id']
- else:
- network=content[0]
- if control_iface.get("type", 'virtual') == 'virtual':
- if network['type']!='bridge_data' and network['type']!='bridge_man':
- return -1, "Error at field netwoks: network uuid %s for control interface is not of type bridge_man or bridge_data" % control_iface['net_id']
- resources['bridged-ifaces'].append(control_iface)
- if network.get("provider") and network["provider"][0:3] == "OVS":
- control_iface["type"] = "instance:ovs"
- else:
- control_iface["type"] = "instance:bridge"
- if network.get("vlan"):
- control_iface["vlan"] = network["vlan"]
- if network.get("enable_dhcp") == 'true':
- control_iface["enable_dhcp"] = network.get("enable_dhcp")
- control_iface["dhcp_first_ip"] = network["dhcp_first_ip"]
- control_iface["dhcp_last_ip"] = network["dhcp_last_ip"]
- control_iface["cidr"] = network["cidr"]
- else:
- if network['type']!='data' and network['type']!='ptp':
- return -1, "Error at field netwoks: network uuid %s for dataplane interface is not of type data or ptp" % control_iface['net_id']
- #dataplane interface, look for it in the numa tree and asign this network
- iface_found=False
- for dataplane_iface in numa_dict['interfaces']:
- if dataplane_iface['name'] == control_iface.get("name"):
- if (dataplane_iface['dedicated'] == "yes" and control_iface["type"] != "PF") or \
- (dataplane_iface['dedicated'] == "no" and control_iface["type"] != "VF") or \
- (dataplane_iface['dedicated'] == "yes:sriov" and control_iface["type"] != "VFnotShared") :
- return -1, "Error at field netwoks: mismatch at interface '%s' from flavor 'dedicated=%s' and networks 'type=%s'" % \
- (control_iface.get("name"), dataplane_iface['dedicated'], control_iface["type"])
- dataplane_iface['uuid'] = control_iface['net_id']
- if dataplane_iface['dedicated'] == "no":
- dataplane_iface['vlan'] = network['vlan']
- if dataplane_iface['dedicated'] != "yes" and control_iface.get("mac_address"):
- dataplane_iface['mac_address'] = control_iface.get("mac_address")
- if control_iface.get("vpci"):
- dataplane_iface['vpci'] = control_iface.get("vpci")
- iface_found=True
- break
- if not iface_found:
- return -1, "Error at field netwoks: interface name %s from network not found at flavor" % control_iface.get("name")
- resources['host_id'] = host_id
- resources['image_id'] = server['image_id']
- resources['flavor_id'] = server['flavor_id']
- resources['tenant_id'] = server['tenant_id']
- resources['ram'] = requirements['ram']
- resources['vcpus'] = requirements['vcpus']
- resources['status'] = 'CREATING'
- if 'description' in server: resources['description'] = server['description']
- if 'name' in server: resources['name'] = server['name']
- resources['extended'] = {} #optional
- resources['extended']['numas'] = []
- numa_dict['numa_id'] = numa_id
- numa_dict['memory'] = requirements['numa']['memory']
- numa_dict['cores'] = []
- for core in cpu_pinning:
- numa_dict['cores'].append({'id': core[2], 'vthread': core[0], 'paired': paired})
- for core in reserved_threads:
- numa_dict['cores'].append({'id': core})
- resources['extended']['numas'].append(numa_dict)
- if extended!=None and 'devices' in extended: #TODO allow extra devices without numa
- resources['extended']['devices'] = extended['devices']
- print '===================================={'
- print json.dumps(resources, indent=4)
- print '====================================}'
- return 0, resources
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-This is the thread for the http server North API.
-Two thread will be launched, with normal and administrative permissions.
-__author__="Alfonso Tierno, Gerardo Garcia, Leonardo Mirabal"
-__date__ ="$10-jul-2014 12:07:15$"
-import bottle
-import urlparse
-import yaml
-import json
-import threading
-import datetime
-import hashlib
-import os
-import imp
-from netaddr import IPNetwork, IPAddress, all_matching_cidrs
-#import only if needed because not needed in test mode. To allow an easier installation import RADclass
-from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e
-import host_thread as ht
-from vim_schema import host_new_schema, host_edit_schema, tenant_new_schema, \
- tenant_edit_schema, \
- flavor_new_schema, flavor_update_schema, \
- image_new_schema, image_update_schema, \
- server_new_schema, server_action_schema, network_new_schema, network_update_schema, \
- port_new_schema, port_update_schema, openflow_controller_schema, of_port_map_new_schema
-import ovim
-import logging
-global my
-global url_base
-global config_dic
-global RADclass_module
-RADclass=None #RADclass module is charged only if not in test mode
-HTTP_Bad_Request = 400
-HTTP_Unauthorized = 401
-HTTP_Not_Found = 404
-HTTP_Forbidden = 403
-HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed = 405
-HTTP_Not_Acceptable = 406
-HTTP_Request_Timeout = 408
-HTTP_Conflict = 409
-HTTP_Service_Unavailable = 503
-HTTP_Internal_Server_Error= 500
-def md5(fname):
- hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
- with open(fname, "rb") as f:
- for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""):
- hash_md5.update(chunk)
- return hash_md5.hexdigest()
-def md5_string(fname):
- hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
- hash_md5.update(fname)
- return hash_md5.hexdigest()
-def check_extended(extended, allow_net_attach=False):
- '''Makes and extra checking of extended input that cannot be done using jsonschema
- Attributes:
- allow_net_attach: for allowing or not the uuid field at interfaces
- that are allowed for instance, but not for flavors
- Return: (<0, error_text) if error; (0,None) if not error '''
- if "numas" not in extended: return 0, None
- id_s=[]
- numaid=0
- for numa in extended["numas"]:
- nb_formats = 0
- if "cores" in numa:
- nb_formats += 1
- if "cores-id" in numa:
- if len(numa["cores-id"]) != numa["cores"]:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "different number of cores-id (%d) than cores (%d) at numa %d" % (len(numa["cores-id"]), numa["cores"],numaid)
- id_s.extend(numa["cores-id"])
- if "threads" in numa:
- nb_formats += 1
- if "threads-id" in numa:
- if len(numa["threads-id"]) != numa["threads"]:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "different number of threads-id (%d) than threads (%d) at numa %d" % (len(numa["threads-id"]), numa["threads"],numaid)
- id_s.extend(numa["threads-id"])
- if "paired-threads" in numa:
- nb_formats += 1
- if "paired-threads-id" in numa:
- if len(numa["paired-threads-id"]) != numa["paired-threads"]:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "different number of paired-threads-id (%d) than paired-threads (%d) at numa %d" % (len(numa["paired-threads-id"]), numa["paired-threads"],numaid)
- for pair in numa["paired-threads-id"]:
- if len(pair) != 2:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "paired-threads-id must contain a list of two elements list at numa %d" % (numaid)
- id_s.extend(pair)
- if nb_formats > 1:
- return -HTTP_Service_Unavailable, "only one of cores, threads, paired-threads are allowed in this version at numa %d" % numaid
- #check interfaces
- if "interfaces" in numa:
- ifaceid=0
- names=[]
- vpcis=[]
- for interface in numa["interfaces"]:
- if "uuid" in interface and not allow_net_attach:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "uuid field is not allowed at numa %d interface %s position %d" % (numaid, interface.get("name",""), ifaceid )
- if "mac_address" in interface and interface["dedicated"]=="yes":
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "mac_address can not be set for dedicated (passthrough) at numa %d, interface %s position %d" % (numaid, interface.get("name",""), ifaceid )
- if "name" in interface:
- if interface["name"] in names:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "name repeated at numa %d, interface %s position %d" % (numaid, interface.get("name",""), ifaceid )
- names.append(interface["name"])
- if "vpci" in interface:
- if interface["vpci"] in vpcis:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "vpci %s repeated at numa %d, interface %s position %d" % (interface["vpci"], numaid, interface.get("name",""), ifaceid )
- vpcis.append(interface["vpci"])
- ifaceid+=1
- numaid+=1
- if numaid > 1:
- return -HTTP_Service_Unavailable, "only one numa can be defined in this version "
- for a in range(0,len(id_s)):
- if a not in id_s:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "core/thread identifiers must start at 0 and gaps are not alloed. Missing id number %d" % a
- return 0, None
-# dictionaries that change from HTTP API to database naming
-http2db_image={'id':'uuid', 'created':'created_at', 'updated':'modified_at', 'public': 'public'}
-http2db_network={'id':'uuid','provider:vlan':'vlan', 'provider:physical': 'provider'}
-http2db_ofc = {'id': 'uuid'}
-http2db_port={'id':'uuid', 'network_id':'net_id', 'mac_address':'mac', 'device_owner':'type','device_id':'instance_id','binding:switch_port':'switch_port','binding:vlan':'vlan', 'bandwidth':'Mbps'}
-def remove_extra_items(data, schema):
- deleted=[]
- if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is list:
- for d in data:
- a= remove_extra_items(d, schema['items'])
- if a is not None: deleted.append(a)
- elif type(data) is dict:
- for k in data.keys():
- if 'properties' not in schema or k not in schema['properties'].keys():
- del data[k]
- deleted.append(k)
- else:
- a = remove_extra_items(data[k], schema['properties'][k])
- if a is not None: deleted.append({k:a})
- if len(deleted) == 0: return None
- elif len(deleted) == 1: return deleted[0]
- else: return deleted
-def delete_nulls(var):
- if type(var) is dict:
- for k in var.keys():
- if var[k] is None: del var[k]
- elif type(var[k]) is dict or type(var[k]) is list or type(var[k]) is tuple:
- if delete_nulls(var[k]): del var[k]
- if len(var) == 0: return True
- elif type(var) is list or type(var) is tuple:
- for k in var:
- if type(k) is dict: delete_nulls(k)
- if len(var) == 0: return True
- return False
-class httpserver(threading.Thread):
- def __init__(self, ovim, name="http", host='localhost', port=8080, admin=False, config_=None):
- '''
- Creates a new thread to attend the http connections
- Attributes:
- db_conn: database connection
- name: name of this thread
- host: ip or name where to listen
- port: port where to listen
- admin: if this has privileges of administrator or not
- config_: unless the first thread must be provided. It is a global dictionary where to allocate the self variable
- '''
- global url_base
- global config_dic
- #initialization
- if config_ is not None:
- config_dic = config_
- if 'http_threads' not in config_dic:
- config_dic['http_threads'] = {}
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.host = host
- self.port = port
- self.db = ovim.db #TODO OVIM remove
- self.ovim = ovim
- self.admin = admin
- if name in config_dic:
- print "httpserver Warning!!! Onether thread with the same name", name
- n=0
- while name+str(n) in config_dic:
- n +=1
- name +=str(n)
- self.name = name
- self.url_preffix = 'http://' + self.host + ':' + str(self.port) + url_base
- config_dic['http_threads'][name] = self
- #Ensure that when the main program exits the thread will also exit
- self.daemon = True
- self.setDaemon(True)
- self.logger = logging.getLogger("openvim.http")
- def run(self):
- bottle.run(host=self.host, port=self.port, debug=True) #quiet=True
- def gethost(self, host_id):
- result, content = self.db.get_host(host_id)
- if result < 0:
- print "httpserver.gethost error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- elif result==0:
- print "httpserver.gethost host '%s' not found" % host_id
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, content)
- else:
- data={'host' : content}
- convert_boolean(content, ('admin_state_up',) )
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_host, reverse=True)
- print data['host']
- return format_out(data)
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/', method='GET')
-def http_get():
- print
- return 'works' #TODO: put links or redirection to /openvim???
-# Util funcions
-def change_keys_http2db(data, http_db, reverse=False):
- '''Change keys of dictionary data according to the key_dict values
- This allow change from http interface names to database names.
- When reverse is True, the change is otherwise
- Attributes:
- data: can be a dictionary or a list
- http_db: is a dictionary with hhtp names as keys and database names as value
- reverse: by default change is done from http API to database. If True change is done otherwise
- Return: None, but data is modified'''
- if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is list:
- for d in data:
- change_keys_http2db(d, http_db, reverse)
- elif type(data) is dict or type(data) is bottle.FormsDict:
- if reverse:
- for k,v in http_db.items():
- if v in data: data[k]=data.pop(v)
- else:
- for k,v in http_db.items():
- if k in data: data[v]=data.pop(k)
-def format_out(data):
- '''return string of dictionary data according to requested json, yaml, xml. By default json'''
- if 'application/yaml' in bottle.request.headers.get('Accept'):
- bottle.response.content_type='application/yaml'
- return yaml.safe_dump(data, explicit_start=True, indent=4, default_flow_style=False, tags=False, encoding='utf-8', allow_unicode=True) #, canonical=True, default_style='"'
- else: #by default json
- bottle.response.content_type='application/json'
- #return data #json no style
- return json.dumps(data, indent=4) + "\n"
-def format_in(schema):
- try:
- error_text = "Invalid header format "
- format_type = bottle.request.headers.get('Content-Type', 'application/json')
- if 'application/json' in format_type:
- error_text = "Invalid json format "
- #Use the json decoder instead of bottle decoder because it informs about the location of error formats with a ValueError exception
- client_data = json.load(bottle.request.body)
- #client_data = bottle.request.json()
- elif 'application/yaml' in format_type:
- error_text = "Invalid yaml format "
- client_data = yaml.load(bottle.request.body)
- elif format_type == 'application/xml':
- bottle.abort(501, "Content-Type: application/xml not supported yet.")
- else:
- print "HTTP HEADERS: " + str(bottle.request.headers.items())
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Acceptable, 'Content-Type ' + str(format_type) + ' not supported.')
- return
- #if client_data == None:
- # bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Content error, empty")
- # return
- #check needed_items
- #print "HTTP input data: ", str(client_data)
- error_text = "Invalid content "
- js_v(client_data, schema)
- return client_data
- except (ValueError, yaml.YAMLError) as exc:
- error_text += str(exc)
- print error_text
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text)
- except js_e.ValidationError as exc:
- print "HTTP validate_in error, jsonschema exception ", exc.message, "at", exc.path
- print " CONTENT: " + str(bottle.request.body.readlines())
- error_pos = ""
- if len(exc.path)>0: error_pos=" at '" + ":".join(map(str, exc.path)) + "'"
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text + error_pos+": "+exc.message)
- #except:
- # bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Content error: Failed to parse Content-Type", error_pos)
- # raise
-def filter_query_string(qs, http2db, allowed):
- '''Process query string (qs) checking that contains only valid tokens for avoiding SQL injection
- Attributes:
- 'qs': bottle.FormsDict variable to be processed. None or empty is considered valid
- 'allowed': list of allowed string tokens (API http naming). All the keys of 'qs' must be one of 'allowed'
- 'http2db': dictionary with change from http API naming (dictionary key) to database naming(dictionary value)
- Return: A tuple with the (select,where,limit) to be use in a database query. All of then transformed to the database naming
- select: list of items to retrieve, filtered by query string 'field=token'. If no 'field' is present, allowed list is returned
- where: dictionary with key, value, taken from the query string token=value. Empty if nothing is provided
- limit: limit dictated by user with the query string 'limit'. 100 by default
- abort if not permitted, using bottel.abort
- '''
- where = {}
- limit = 100
- select = []
- if type(qs) is not bottle.FormsDict:
- print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!invalid query string not a dictionary'
- # bottle.abort(HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "call programmer")
- else:
- for k in qs:
- if k == 'field':
- select += qs.getall(k)
- for v in select:
- if v not in allowed:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid query string at 'field=" + v + "'")
- elif k == 'limit':
- try:
- limit = int(qs[k])
- except:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid query string at 'limit=" + qs[k] + "'")
- else:
- if k not in allowed:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid query string at '" + k + "=" + qs[k] + "'")
- if qs[k] != "null":
- where[k] = qs[k]
- else:
- where[k] = None
- if len(select) == 0: select += allowed
- # change from http api to database naming
- for i in range(0, len(select)):
- k = select[i]
- if k in http2db:
- select[i] = http2db[k]
- change_keys_http2db(where, http2db)
- # print "filter_query_string", select,where,limit
- return select, where, limit
-def convert_bandwidth(data, reverse=False):
- '''Check the field bandwidth recursively and when found, it removes units and convert to number
- It assumes that bandwidth is well formed
- Attributes:
- 'data': dictionary bottle.FormsDict variable to be checked. None or empty is considered valid
- 'reverse': by default convert form str to int (Mbps), if True it convert from number to units
- Return:
- None
- '''
- if type(data) is dict:
- for k in data.keys():
- if type(data[k]) is dict or type(data[k]) is tuple or type(data[k]) is list:
- convert_bandwidth(data[k], reverse)
- if "bandwidth" in data:
- try:
- value=str(data["bandwidth"])
- if not reverse:
- pos = value.find("bps")
- if pos>0:
- if value[pos-1]=="G": data["bandwidth"] = int(data["bandwidth"][:pos-1]) * 1000
- elif value[pos-1]=="k": data["bandwidth"]= int(data["bandwidth"][:pos-1]) / 1000
- else: data["bandwidth"]= int(data["bandwidth"][:pos-1])
- else:
- value = int(data["bandwidth"])
- if value % 1000 == 0: data["bandwidth"]=str(value/1000) + " Gbps"
- else: data["bandwidth"]=str(value) + " Mbps"
- except:
- print "convert_bandwidth exception for type", type(data["bandwidth"]), " data", data["bandwidth"]
- return
- if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is list:
- for k in data:
- if type(k) is dict or type(k) is tuple or type(k) is list:
- convert_bandwidth(k, reverse)
-def convert_boolean(data, items): #TODO OVIM delete
- '''Check recursively the content of data, and if there is an key contained in items, convert value from string to boolean
- It assumes that bandwidth is well formed
- Attributes:
- 'data': dictionary bottle.FormsDict variable to be checked. None or empty is consideted valid
- 'items': tuple of keys to convert
- Return:
- None
- '''
- if type(data) is dict:
- for k in data.keys():
- if type(data[k]) is dict or type(data[k]) is tuple or type(data[k]) is list:
- convert_boolean(data[k], items)
- if k in items:
- if type(data[k]) is str:
- if data[k]=="false": data[k]=False
- elif data[k]=="true": data[k]=True
- if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is list:
- for k in data:
- if type(k) is dict or type(k) is tuple or type(k) is list:
- convert_boolean(k, items)
-def convert_datetime2str(var):
- '''Converts a datetime variable to a string with the format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s'
- It enters recursively in the dict var finding this kind of variables
- '''
- if type(var) is dict:
- for k,v in var.items():
- if type(v) is datetime.datetime:
- var[k]= v.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
- elif type(v) is dict or type(v) is list or type(v) is tuple:
- convert_datetime2str(v)
- if len(var) == 0: return True
- elif type(var) is list or type(var) is tuple:
- for v in var:
- convert_datetime2str(v)
-def check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id):
- if tenant_id=='any':
- if not my.admin:
- return HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges"
- else:
- result, _ = my.db.get_table(FROM='tenants', SELECT=('uuid',), WHERE={'uuid': tenant_id})
- if result<=0:
- return HTTP_Not_Found, "tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id
- return 0, None
-def is_url(url):
- '''
- Check if string value is a well-wormed url
- :param url: string url
- :return: True if is a valid url, False if is not well-formed
- '''
- parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(url)
- return parsed_url
-def error400(error):
- e={"error":{"code":error.status_code, "type":error.status, "description":error.body}}
- return format_out(e)
-def enable_cors():
- #TODO: Alf: Is it needed??
- bottle.response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/hosts', method='GET')
-def http_get_hosts():
- return format_out(get_hosts())
-def get_hosts():
- select_, where_, limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_host,
- ('id', 'name', 'description', 'status', 'admin_state_up', 'ip_name'))
- myself = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- result, content = myself.db.get_table(FROM='hosts', SELECT=select_, WHERE=where_, LIMIT=limit_)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_hosts Error", content
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- else:
- convert_boolean(content, ('admin_state_up',) )
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_host, reverse=True)
- for row in content:
- row['links'] = ( {'href': myself.url_preffix + '/hosts/' + str(row['id']), 'rel': 'bookmark'}, )
- data={'hosts' : content}
- return data
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/hosts/<host_id>', method='GET')
-def http_get_host_id(host_id):
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- return my.gethost(host_id)
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/hosts', method='POST')
-def http_post_hosts():
- '''insert a host into the database. All resources are got and inserted'''
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check permissions
- if not my.admin:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges")
- #parse input data
- http_content = format_in( host_new_schema )
- r = remove_extra_items(http_content, host_new_schema)
- if r is not None: print "http_post_host_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- change_keys_http2db(http_content['host'], http2db_host)
- host = http_content['host']
- warning_text=""
- if 'host-data' in http_content:
- host.update(http_content['host-data'])
- ip_name=http_content['host-data']['ip_name']
- user=http_content['host-data']['user']
- password=http_content['host-data'].get('password', None)
- else:
- ip_name=host['ip_name']
- user=host['user']
- password=host.get('password', None)
- if not RADclass_module:
- try:
- RADclass_module = imp.find_module("RADclass")
- except (IOError, ImportError) as e:
- raise ImportError("Cannot import RADclass.py Openvim not properly installed" +str(e))
- #fill rad info
- rad = RADclass_module.RADclass()
- (return_status, code) = rad.obtain_RAD(user, password, ip_name)
- #return
- if not return_status:
- print 'http_post_hosts ERROR obtaining RAD', code
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, code)
- return
- warning_text=code
- rad_structure = yaml.load(rad.to_text())
- print 'rad_structure\n---------------------'
- print json.dumps(rad_structure, indent=4)
- print '---------------------'
- #return
- WHERE_={"family":rad_structure['processor']['family'], 'manufacturer':rad_structure['processor']['manufacturer'], 'version':rad_structure['processor']['version']}
- result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM='host_ranking',
- SELECT=('ranking',),
- if result > 0:
- host['ranking'] = content[0]['ranking']
- else:
- #error_text= "Host " + str(WHERE_)+ " not found in ranking table. Not valid for VIM management"
- #bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text)
- #return
- warning_text += "Host " + str(WHERE_)+ " not found in ranking table. Assuming lowest value 100\n"
- host['ranking'] = 100 #TODO: as not used in this version, set the lowest value
- features = rad_structure['processor'].get('features', ())
- host['features'] = ",".join(features)
- host['numas'] = []
- for node in (rad_structure['resource topology']['nodes'] or {}).itervalues():
- interfaces= []
- cores = []
- eligible_cores=[]
- count = 0
- for core in node['cpu']['eligible_cores']:
- eligible_cores.extend(core)
- for core in node['cpu']['cores']:
- for thread_id in core:
- c={'core_id': count, 'thread_id': thread_id}
- if thread_id not in eligible_cores: c['status'] = 'noteligible'
- cores.append(c)
- count = count+1
- if 'nics' in node:
- for port_k, port_v in node['nics']['nic 0']['ports'].iteritems():
- if port_v['virtual']:
- continue
- else:
- sriovs = []
- for port_k2, port_v2 in node['nics']['nic 0']['ports'].iteritems():
- if port_v2['virtual'] and port_v2['PF_pci_id']==port_k:
- sriovs.append({'pci':port_k2, 'mac':port_v2['mac'], 'source_name':port_v2['source_name']})
- if len(sriovs)>0:
- #sort sriov according to pci and rename them to the vf number
- new_sriovs = sorted(sriovs, key=lambda k: k['pci'])
- index=0
- for sriov in new_sriovs:
- sriov['source_name'] = index
- index += 1
- interfaces.append ({'pci':str(port_k), 'Mbps': port_v['speed']/1000000, 'sriovs': new_sriovs, 'mac':port_v['mac'], 'source_name':port_v['source_name']})
- memory=node['memory']['node_size'] / (1024*1024*1024)
- #memory=get_next_2pow(node['memory']['hugepage_nr'])
- host['numas'].append( {'numa_socket': node['id'], 'hugepages': node['memory']['hugepage_nr'], 'memory':memory, 'interfaces': interfaces, 'cores': cores } )
- print json.dumps(host, indent=4)
- #return
- #
- #insert in data base
- result, content = my.db.new_host(host)
- if result >= 0:
- if content['admin_state_up']:
- #create thread
- host_test_mode = True if config_dic['mode']=='test' or config_dic['mode']=="OF only" else False
- host_develop_mode = True if config_dic['mode']=='development' else False
- host_develop_bridge_iface = config_dic.get('development_bridge', None)
- thread = ht.host_thread(name=host.get('name',ip_name), user=user, host=ip_name, db=config_dic['db'], db_lock=config_dic['db_lock'],
- test=host_test_mode, image_path=config_dic['image_path'],
- version=config_dic['version'], host_id=content['uuid'],
- develop_mode=host_develop_mode, develop_bridge_iface=host_develop_bridge_iface )
- thread.start()
- config_dic['host_threads'][ content['uuid'] ] = thread
- if config_dic['network_type'] == 'ovs':
- # create bridge
- create_dhcp_ovs_bridge()
- config_dic['host_threads'][content['uuid']].insert_task("new-ovsbridge")
- # check if more host exist
- create_vxlan_mesh(content['uuid'])
- #return host data
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_host, reverse=True)
- if len(warning_text)>0:
- content["warning"]= warning_text
- data={'host' : content}
- return format_out(data)
- else:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, content)
- return
-def delete_dhcp_ovs_bridge(vlan, net_uuid):
- """
- Delete bridges and port created during dhcp launching at openvim controller
- :param vlan: net vlan id
- :param net_uuid: network identifier
- :return:
- """
- dhcp_path = config_dic['ovs_controller_file_path']
- http_controller = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- dhcp_controller = http_controller.ovim.get_dhcp_controller()
- dhcp_controller.delete_dhcp_port(vlan, net_uuid)
- dhcp_controller.delete_dhcp_server(vlan, net_uuid, dhcp_path)
-def create_dhcp_ovs_bridge():
- """
- Initialize bridge to allocate the dhcp server at openvim controller
- :return:
- """
- http_controller = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- dhcp_controller = http_controller.ovim.get_dhcp_controller()
- dhcp_controller.create_ovs_bridge()
-def set_mac_dhcp(vm_ip, vlan, first_ip, last_ip, cidr, mac):
- """"
- Launch a dhcpserver base on dnsmasq attached to the net base on vlan id across the the openvim computes
- :param vm_ip: IP address asigned to a VM
- :param vlan: Segmentation id
- :param first_ip: First dhcp range ip
- :param last_ip: Last dhcp range ip
- :param cidr: net cidr
- :param mac: VM vnic mac to be macthed with the IP received
- """
- if not vm_ip:
- return
- ip_tools = IPNetwork(cidr)
- cidr_len = ip_tools.prefixlen
- dhcp_netmask = str(ip_tools.netmask)
- dhcp_path = config_dic['ovs_controller_file_path']
- new_cidr = [first_ip + '/' + str(cidr_len)]
- if not len(all_matching_cidrs(vm_ip, new_cidr)):
- vm_ip = None
- http_controller = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- dhcp_controller = http_controller.ovim.get_dhcp_controller()
- dhcp_controller.set_mac_dhcp_server(vm_ip, mac, vlan, dhcp_netmask, dhcp_path)
-def delete_mac_dhcp(vm_ip, vlan, mac):
- """
- Delete into dhcp conf file the ip assigned to a specific MAC address
- :param vm_ip: IP address asigned to a VM
- :param vlan: Segmentation id
- :param mac: VM vnic mac to be macthed with the IP received
- :return:
- """
- dhcp_path = config_dic['ovs_controller_file_path']
- http_controller = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- dhcp_controller = http_controller.ovim.get_dhcp_controller()
- dhcp_controller.delete_mac_dhcp_server(vm_ip, mac, vlan, dhcp_path)
-def create_vxlan_mesh(host_id):
- """
- Create vxlan mesh across all openvimc controller and computes.
- :param host_id: host identifier
- :param host_id: host identifier
- :return:
- """
- dhcp_compute_name = get_vxlan_interface("dhcp")
- existing_hosts = get_hosts()
- if len(existing_hosts['hosts']) > 0:
- # vlxan mesh creation between openvim controller and computes
- computes_available = existing_hosts['hosts']
- http_controller = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- dhcp_controller = http_controller.ovim.get_dhcp_controller()
- for compute in computes_available:
- vxlan_interface_name = get_vxlan_interface(compute['id'][:8])
- config_dic['host_threads'][compute['id']].insert_task("new-vxlan", dhcp_compute_name, dhcp_controller.host)
- dhcp_controller.create_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(vxlan_interface_name, compute['ip_name'])
- # vlxan mesh creation between openvim computes
- for count, compute_owner in enumerate(computes_available):
- for compute in computes_available:
- if compute_owner['id'] == compute['id']:
- pass
- else:
- vxlan_interface_name = get_vxlan_interface(compute_owner['id'][:8])
- dhcp_controller.create_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(vxlan_interface_name, compute_owner['ip_name'])
- config_dic['host_threads'][compute['id']].insert_task("new-vxlan",
- vxlan_interface_name,
- compute_owner['ip_name'])
-def delete_vxlan_mesh(host_id):
- """
- Create a task for remove a specific compute of the vlxan mesh
- :param host_id: host id to be deleted.
- """
- existing_hosts = get_hosts()
- computes_available = existing_hosts['hosts']
- #
- vxlan_interface_name = get_vxlan_interface(host_id[:8])
- http_controller = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- dhcp_host = http_controller.ovim.get_dhcp_controller()
- dhcp_host.delete_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(vxlan_interface_name)
- # remove bridge from openvim controller if no more computes exist
- if len(existing_hosts):
- dhcp_host.delete_ovs_bridge()
- # Remove vxlan mesh
- for compute in computes_available:
- if host_id == compute['id']:
- pass
- else:
- dhcp_host.delete_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(vxlan_interface_name)
- config_dic['host_threads'][compute['id']].insert_task("del-vxlan", vxlan_interface_name)
-def get_vxlan_interface(local_uuid):
- """
- Genearte a vxlan interface name
- :param local_uuid: host id
- :return: vlxan-8digits
- """
- return 'vxlan-' + local_uuid[:8]
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/hosts/<host_id>', method='PUT')
-def http_put_host_id(host_id):
- '''modify a host into the database. All resources are got and inserted'''
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check permissions
- if not my.admin:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges")
- #parse input data
- http_content = format_in( host_edit_schema )
- r = remove_extra_items(http_content, host_edit_schema)
- if r is not None: print "http_post_host_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- change_keys_http2db(http_content['host'], http2db_host)
- #insert in data base
- result, content = my.db.edit_host(host_id, http_content['host'])
- if result >= 0:
- convert_boolean(content, ('admin_state_up',) )
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_host, reverse=True)
- data={'host' : content}
- if config_dic['network_type'] == 'ovs':
- delete_vxlan_mesh(host_id)
- config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].insert_task("del-ovsbridge")
- #reload thread
- config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].name = content.get('name',content['ip_name'])
- config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].user = content['user']
- config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].host = content['ip_name']
- config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].insert_task("reload")
- if config_dic['network_type'] == 'ovs':
- # create mesh with new host data
- config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].insert_task("new-ovsbridge")
- create_vxlan_mesh(host_id)
- #print data
- return format_out(data)
- else:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, content)
- return
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/hosts/<host_id>', method='DELETE')
-def http_delete_host_id(host_id):
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check permissions
- if not my.admin:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges")
- result, content = my.db.delete_row('hosts', host_id)
- if result == 0:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, content)
- elif result > 0:
- if config_dic['network_type'] == 'ovs':
- delete_vxlan_mesh(host_id)
- # terminate thread
- if host_id in config_dic['host_threads']:
- if config_dic['network_type'] == 'ovs':
- config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].insert_task("del-ovsbridge")
- config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].insert_task("exit")
- #return data
- data={'result' : content}
- return format_out(data)
- else:
- print "http_delete_host_id error",result, content
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- return
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/tenants', method='GET')
-def http_get_tenants():
- """
- Retreive tenant list from DB
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- select_, where_, limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_tenant,
- ('id', 'name', 'description', 'enabled'))
- tenants = my.ovim.get_tenants(select_, where_)
- delete_nulls(tenants)
- change_keys_http2db(tenants, http2db_tenant, reverse=True)
- data = {'tenants': tenants}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/tenants/<tenant_id>', method='GET')
-def http_get_tenant_id(tenant_id):
- """
- Get tenant from DB by id
- :param tenant_id: tenant id
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- tenant = my.ovim.show_tenant_id(tenant_id)
- delete_nulls(tenant)
- change_keys_http2db(tenant, http2db_tenant, reverse=True)
- data = {'tenant': tenant}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/tenants', method='POST')
-def http_post_tenants():
- """
- Insert a tenant into the database.
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- http_content = format_in(tenant_new_schema)
- r = remove_extra_items(http_content, tenant_new_schema)
- if r is not None:
- my.logger.error("http_post_tenants: Warning: remove extra items " + str(r), exc_info=True)
- # insert in data base
- tenant_id = my.ovim.new_tentant(http_content['tenant'])
- tenant = my.ovim.show_tenant_id(tenant_id)
- change_keys_http2db(tenant, http2db_tenant, reverse=True)
- delete_nulls(tenant)
- data = {'tenant': tenant}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/tenants/<tenant_id>', method='PUT')
-def http_put_tenant_id(tenant_id):
- """
- Update a tenantinto DB.
- :param tenant_id: tentant id
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- # parse input data
- http_content = format_in(tenant_edit_schema)
- r = remove_extra_items(http_content, tenant_edit_schema)
- if r is not None:
- print "http_put_tenant_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- change_keys_http2db(http_content['tenant'], http2db_tenant)
- # insert in data base
- my.ovim.edit_tenant(tenant_id, http_content['tenant'])
- tenant = my.ovim.show_tenant_id(tenant_id)
- change_keys_http2db(tenant, http2db_tenant, reverse=True)
- data = {'tenant': tenant}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/tenants/<tenant_id>', method='DELETE')
-def http_delete_tenant_id(tenant_id):
- """
- Delete a tenant from the database.
- :param tenant_id: tenant id
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- content = my.ovim.delete_tentant(tenant_id)
- data = {'result': content}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/flavors', method='GET')
-def http_get_flavors(tenant_id):
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- #obtain data
- select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_flavor,
- ('id','name','description','public') )
- if tenant_id=='any':
- from_ ='flavors'
- else:
- from_ ='tenants_flavors inner join flavors on tenants_flavors.flavor_id=flavors.uuid'
- where_['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
- result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM=from_, SELECT=select_, WHERE=where_, LIMIT=limit_)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_flavors Error", content
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- else:
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_flavor, reverse=True)
- for row in content:
- row['links']=[ {'href': "/".join( (my.url_preffix, tenant_id, 'flavors', str(row['id']) ) ), 'rel':'bookmark' } ]
- data={'flavors' : content}
- return format_out(data)
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/flavors/<flavor_id>', method='GET')
-def http_get_flavor_id(tenant_id, flavor_id):
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- #obtain data
- select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_flavor,
- ('id','name','description','ram', 'vcpus', 'extended', 'disk', 'public') )
- if tenant_id=='any':
- from_ ='flavors'
- else:
- from_ ='tenants_flavors as tf inner join flavors as f on tf.flavor_id=f.uuid'
- where_['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
- where_['uuid'] = flavor_id
- result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=select_, FROM=from_, WHERE=where_, LIMIT=limit_)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_flavor_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- elif result==0:
- print "http_get_flavors_id flavor '%s' not found" % str(flavor_id)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'flavor %s not found' % flavor_id)
- else:
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_flavor, reverse=True)
- if 'extended' in content[0] and content[0]['extended'] is not None:
- extended = json.loads(content[0]['extended'])
- if 'devices' in extended:
- change_keys_http2db(extended['devices'], http2db_flavor, reverse=True)
- content[0]['extended']=extended
- convert_bandwidth(content[0], reverse=True)
- content[0]['links']=[ {'href': "/".join( (my.url_preffix, tenant_id, 'flavors', str(content[0]['id']) ) ), 'rel':'bookmark' } ]
- data={'flavor' : content[0]}
- #data['tenants_links'] = dict([('tenant', row['id']) for row in content])
- return format_out(data)
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/flavors', method='POST')
-def http_post_flavors(tenant_id):
- '''insert a flavor into the database, and attach to tenant.'''
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- http_content = format_in( flavor_new_schema )
- r = remove_extra_items(http_content, flavor_new_schema)
- if r is not None: print "http_post_flavors: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- change_keys_http2db(http_content['flavor'], http2db_flavor)
- extended_dict = http_content['flavor'].pop('extended', None)
- if extended_dict is not None:
- result, content = check_extended(extended_dict)
- if result<0:
- print "http_post_flavors wrong input extended error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- return
- convert_bandwidth(extended_dict)
- if 'devices' in extended_dict: change_keys_http2db(extended_dict['devices'], http2db_flavor)
- http_content['flavor']['extended'] = json.dumps(extended_dict)
- #insert in data base
- result, content = my.db.new_flavor(http_content['flavor'], tenant_id)
- if result >= 0:
- return http_get_flavor_id(tenant_id, content)
- else:
- print "http_psot_flavors error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- return
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/flavors/<flavor_id>', method='DELETE')
-def http_delete_flavor_id(tenant_id, flavor_id):
- '''Deletes the flavor_id of a tenant. IT removes from tenants_flavors table.'''
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- return
- result, content = my.db.delete_image_flavor('flavor', flavor_id, tenant_id)
- if result == 0:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, content)
- elif result >0:
- data={'result' : content}
- return format_out(data)
- else:
- print "http_delete_flavor_id error",result, content
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- return
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/flavors/<flavor_id>/<action>', method='POST')
-def http_attach_detach_flavors(tenant_id, flavor_id, action):
- '''attach/detach an existing flavor in this tenant. That is insert/remove at tenants_flavors table.'''
- #TODO alf: not tested at all!!!
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- if tenant_id=='any':
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid tenant 'any' with this command")
- #check valid action
- if action!='attach' and action != 'detach':
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed, "actions can be attach or detach")
- return
- #Ensure that flavor exist
- from_ ='tenants_flavors as tf right join flavors as f on tf.flavor_id=f.uuid'
- where_={'uuid': flavor_id}
- result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=('public','tenant_id'), FROM=from_, WHERE=where_)
- if result==0:
- if action=='attach':
- text_error="Flavor '%s' not found" % flavor_id
- else:
- text_error="Flavor '%s' not found for tenant '%s'" % (flavor_id, tenant_id)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, text_error)
- return
- elif result>0:
- flavor=content[0]
- if action=='attach':
- if flavor['tenant_id']!=None:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Conflict, "Flavor '%s' already attached to tenant '%s'" % (flavor_id, tenant_id))
- if flavor['public']=='no' and not my.admin:
- #allow only attaching public flavors
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin rights to attach a private flavor")
- return
- #insert in data base
- result, content = my.db.new_row('tenants_flavors', {'flavor_id':flavor_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id})
- if result >= 0:
- return http_get_flavor_id(tenant_id, flavor_id)
- else: #detach
- if flavor['tenant_id']==None:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, "Flavor '%s' not attached to tenant '%s'" % (flavor_id, tenant_id))
- result, content = my.db.delete_row_by_dict(FROM='tenants_flavors', WHERE={'flavor_id':flavor_id, 'tenant_id':tenant_id})
- if result>=0:
- if flavor['public']=='no':
- #try to delete the flavor completely to avoid orphan flavors, IGNORE error
- my.db.delete_row_by_dict(FROM='flavors', WHERE={'uuid':flavor_id})
- data={'result' : "flavor detached"}
- return format_out(data)
- #if get here is because an error
- print "http_attach_detach_flavors error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- return
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/flavors/<flavor_id>', method='PUT')
-def http_put_flavor_id(tenant_id, flavor_id):
- '''update a flavor_id into the database.'''
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- #parse input data
- http_content = format_in( flavor_update_schema )
- r = remove_extra_items(http_content, flavor_update_schema)
- if r is not None: print "http_put_flavor_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- change_keys_http2db(http_content['flavor'], http2db_flavor)
- extended_dict = http_content['flavor'].pop('extended', None)
- if extended_dict is not None:
- result, content = check_extended(extended_dict)
- if result<0:
- print "http_put_flavor_id wrong input extended error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- return
- convert_bandwidth(extended_dict)
- if 'devices' in extended_dict: change_keys_http2db(extended_dict['devices'], http2db_flavor)
- http_content['flavor']['extended'] = json.dumps(extended_dict)
- #Ensure that flavor exist
- where_={'uuid': flavor_id}
- if tenant_id=='any':
- from_ ='flavors'
- else:
- from_ ='tenants_flavors as ti inner join flavors as i on ti.flavor_id=i.uuid'
- where_['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
- result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=('public',), FROM=from_, WHERE=where_)
- if result==0:
- text_error="Flavor '%s' not found" % flavor_id
- if tenant_id!='any':
- text_error +=" for tenant '%s'" % flavor_id
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, text_error)
- return
- elif result>0:
- if content[0]['public']=='yes' and not my.admin:
- #allow only modifications over private flavors
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin rights to edit a public flavor")
- return
- #insert in data base
- result, content = my.db.update_rows('flavors', http_content['flavor'], {'uuid': flavor_id})
- if result < 0:
- print "http_put_flavor_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- return
- else:
- return http_get_flavor_id(tenant_id, flavor_id)
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/images', method='GET')
-def http_get_images(tenant_id):
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- #obtain data
- select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_image,
- ('id','name','checksum','description','path','public') )
- if tenant_id=='any':
- from_ ='images'
- where_or_ = None
- else:
- from_ ='tenants_images right join images on tenants_images.image_id=images.uuid'
- where_or_ = {'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'public': 'yes'}
- result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=select_, DISTINCT=True, FROM=from_, WHERE=where_, WHERE_OR=where_or_, WHERE_AND_OR="AND", LIMIT=limit_)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_images Error", content
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- else:
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_image, reverse=True)
- #for row in content: row['links']=[ {'href': "/".join( (my.url_preffix, tenant_id, 'images', str(row['id']) ) ), 'rel':'bookmark' } ]
- data={'images' : content}
- return format_out(data)
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/images/<image_id>', method='GET')
-def http_get_image_id(tenant_id, image_id):
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- #obtain data
- select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_image,
- ('id','name','checksum','description','progress', 'status','path', 'created', 'updated','public') )
- if tenant_id=='any':
- from_ ='images'
- where_or_ = None
- else:
- from_ ='tenants_images as ti right join images as i on ti.image_id=i.uuid'
- where_or_ = {'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'public': "yes"}
- where_['uuid'] = image_id
- result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=select_, DISTINCT=True, FROM=from_, WHERE=where_, WHERE_OR=where_or_, WHERE_AND_OR="AND", LIMIT=limit_)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_images error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- elif result==0:
- print "http_get_images image '%s' not found" % str(image_id)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'image %s not found' % image_id)
- else:
- convert_datetime2str(content)
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_image, reverse=True)
- if 'metadata' in content[0] and content[0]['metadata'] is not None:
- metadata = json.loads(content[0]['metadata'])
- content[0]['metadata']=metadata
- content[0]['links']=[ {'href': "/".join( (my.url_preffix, tenant_id, 'images', str(content[0]['id']) ) ), 'rel':'bookmark' } ]
- data={'image' : content[0]}
- #data['tenants_links'] = dict([('tenant', row['id']) for row in content])
- return format_out(data)
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/images', method='POST')
-def http_post_images(tenant_id):
- '''insert a image into the database, and attach to tenant.'''
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- http_content = format_in(image_new_schema)
- r = remove_extra_items(http_content, image_new_schema)
- if r is not None: print "http_post_images: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- change_keys_http2db(http_content['image'], http2db_image)
- metadata_dict = http_content['image'].pop('metadata', None)
- if metadata_dict is not None:
- http_content['image']['metadata'] = json.dumps(metadata_dict)
- #calculate checksum
- try:
- image_file = http_content['image'].get('path',None)
- parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(image_file)
- if parsed_url.scheme == "" and parsed_url.netloc == "":
- # The path is a local file
- if os.path.exists(image_file):
- http_content['image']['checksum'] = md5(image_file)
- else:
- # The path is a URL. Code should be added to download the image and calculate the checksum
- #http_content['image']['checksum'] = md5(downloaded_image)
- pass
- # Finally, only if we are in test mode and checksum has not been calculated, we calculate it from the path
- host_test_mode = True if config_dic['mode']=='test' or config_dic['mode']=="OF only" else False
- if host_test_mode:
- if 'checksum' not in http_content['image']:
- http_content['image']['checksum'] = md5_string(image_file)
- else:
- # At this point, if the path is a local file and no chechsum has been obtained yet, an error is sent back.
- # If it is a URL, no error is sent. Checksum will be an empty string
- if parsed_url.scheme == "" and parsed_url.netloc == "" and 'checksum' not in http_content['image']:
- content = "Image file not found"
- print "http_post_images error: %d %s" % (HTTP_Bad_Request, content)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, content)
- except Exception as e:
- print "ERROR. Unexpected exception: %s" % (str(e))
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e))
- #insert in data base
- result, content = my.db.new_image(http_content['image'], tenant_id)
- if result >= 0:
- return http_get_image_id(tenant_id, content)
- else:
- print "http_post_images error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- return
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/images/<image_id>', method='DELETE')
-def http_delete_image_id(tenant_id, image_id):
- '''Deletes the image_id of a tenant. IT removes from tenants_images table.'''
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- result, content = my.db.delete_image_flavor('image', image_id, tenant_id)
- if result == 0:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, content)
- elif result >0:
- data={'result' : content}
- return format_out(data)
- else:
- print "http_delete_image_id error",result, content
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- return
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/images/<image_id>/<action>', method='POST')
-def http_attach_detach_images(tenant_id, image_id, action):
- '''attach/detach an existing image in this tenant. That is insert/remove at tenants_images table.'''
- #TODO alf: not tested at all!!!
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- if tenant_id=='any':
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid tenant 'any' with this command")
- #check valid action
- if action!='attach' and action != 'detach':
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed, "actions can be attach or detach")
- return
- #Ensure that image exist
- from_ ='tenants_images as ti right join images as i on ti.image_id=i.uuid'
- where_={'uuid': image_id}
- result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=('public','tenant_id'), FROM=from_, WHERE=where_)
- if result==0:
- if action=='attach':
- text_error="Image '%s' not found" % image_id
- else:
- text_error="Image '%s' not found for tenant '%s'" % (image_id, tenant_id)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, text_error)
- return
- elif result>0:
- image=content[0]
- if action=='attach':
- if image['tenant_id']!=None:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Conflict, "Image '%s' already attached to tenant '%s'" % (image_id, tenant_id))
- if image['public']=='no' and not my.admin:
- #allow only attaching public images
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin rights to attach a private image")
- return
- #insert in data base
- result, content = my.db.new_row('tenants_images', {'image_id':image_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id})
- if result >= 0:
- return http_get_image_id(tenant_id, image_id)
- else: #detach
- if image['tenant_id']==None:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, "Image '%s' not attached to tenant '%s'" % (image_id, tenant_id))
- result, content = my.db.delete_row_by_dict(FROM='tenants_images', WHERE={'image_id':image_id, 'tenant_id':tenant_id})
- if result>=0:
- if image['public']=='no':
- #try to delete the image completely to avoid orphan images, IGNORE error
- my.db.delete_row_by_dict(FROM='images', WHERE={'uuid':image_id})
- data={'result' : "image detached"}
- return format_out(data)
- #if get here is because an error
- print "http_attach_detach_images error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- return
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/images/<image_id>', method='PUT')
-def http_put_image_id(tenant_id, image_id):
- '''update a image_id into the database.'''
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- #parse input data
- http_content = format_in( image_update_schema )
- r = remove_extra_items(http_content, image_update_schema)
- if r is not None: print "http_put_image_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- change_keys_http2db(http_content['image'], http2db_image)
- metadata_dict = http_content['image'].pop('metadata', None)
- if metadata_dict is not None:
- http_content['image']['metadata'] = json.dumps(metadata_dict)
- #Ensure that image exist
- where_={'uuid': image_id}
- if tenant_id=='any':
- from_ ='images'
- where_or_ = None
- else:
- from_ ='tenants_images as ti right join images as i on ti.image_id=i.uuid'
- where_or_ = {'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'public': 'yes'}
- result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=('public',), DISTINCT=True, FROM=from_, WHERE=where_, WHERE_OR=where_or_, WHERE_AND_OR="AND")
- if result==0:
- text_error="Image '%s' not found" % image_id
- if tenant_id!='any':
- text_error +=" for tenant '%s'" % image_id
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, text_error)
- return
- elif result>0:
- if content[0]['public']=='yes' and not my.admin:
- #allow only modifications over private images
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin rights to edit a public image")
- return
- #insert in data base
- result, content = my.db.update_rows('images', http_content['image'], {'uuid': image_id})
- if result < 0:
- print "http_put_image_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- return
- else:
- return http_get_image_id(tenant_id, image_id)
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/servers', method='GET')
-def http_get_servers(tenant_id):
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- return
- #obtain data
- select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_server,
- ('id','name','description','hostId','imageRef','flavorRef','status', 'tenant_id') )
- if tenant_id!='any':
- where_['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
- result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=select_, FROM='instances', WHERE=where_, LIMIT=limit_)
- if result < 0:
- print "http_get_servers Error", content
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- else:
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_server, reverse=True)
- for row in content:
- tenant_id = row.pop('tenant_id')
- row['links']=[ {'href': "/".join( (my.url_preffix, tenant_id, 'servers', str(row['id']) ) ), 'rel':'bookmark' } ]
- data={'servers' : content}
- return format_out(data)
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/servers/<server_id>', method='GET')
-def http_get_server_id(tenant_id, server_id):
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- return
- #obtain data
- result, content = my.db.get_instance(server_id)
- if result == 0:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, content)
- elif result >0:
- #change image/flavor-id to id and link
- convert_bandwidth(content, reverse=True)
- convert_datetime2str(content)
- if content["ram"]==0 : del content["ram"]
- if content["vcpus"]==0 : del content["vcpus"]
- if 'flavor_id' in content:
- if content['flavor_id'] is not None:
- content['flavor'] = {'id':content['flavor_id'],
- 'links':[{'href': "/".join( (my.url_preffix, content['tenant_id'], 'flavors', str(content['flavor_id']) ) ), 'rel':'bookmark'}]
- }
- del content['flavor_id']
- if 'image_id' in content:
- if content['image_id'] is not None:
- content['image'] = {'id':content['image_id'],
- 'links':[{'href': "/".join( (my.url_preffix, content['tenant_id'], 'images', str(content['image_id']) ) ), 'rel':'bookmark'}]
- }
- del content['image_id']
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_server, reverse=True)
- if 'extended' in content:
- if 'devices' in content['extended']: change_keys_http2db(content['extended']['devices'], http2db_server, reverse=True)
- data={'server' : content}
- return format_out(data)
- else:
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- return
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/servers', method='POST')
-def http_post_server_id(tenant_id):
- '''deploys a new server'''
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- return
- if tenant_id=='any':
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid tenant 'any' with this command")
- #chek input
- http_content = format_in( server_new_schema )
- r = remove_extra_items(http_content, server_new_schema)
- if r is not None: print "http_post_serves: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- change_keys_http2db(http_content['server'], http2db_server)
- extended_dict = http_content['server'].get('extended', None)
- if extended_dict is not None:
- result, content = check_extended(extended_dict, True)
- if result<0:
- print "http_post_servers wrong input extended error %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(-result, content)
- return
- convert_bandwidth(extended_dict)
- if 'devices' in extended_dict: change_keys_http2db(extended_dict['devices'], http2db_server)
- server = http_content['server']
- server_start = server.get('start', 'yes')
- server['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
- #check flavor valid and take info
- result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM='tenants_flavors as tf join flavors as f on tf.flavor_id=f.uuid',
- SELECT=('ram','vcpus','extended'), WHERE={'uuid':server['flavor_id'], 'tenant_id':tenant_id})
- if result<=0:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'flavor_id %s not found' % server['flavor_id'])
- return
- server['flavor']=content[0]
- #check image valid and take info
- result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM='tenants_images as ti right join images as i on ti.image_id=i.uuid',
- SELECT=('path', 'metadata', 'image_id'),
- WHERE={'uuid':server['image_id'], "status":"ACTIVE"},
- WHERE_OR={'tenant_id':tenant_id, 'public': 'yes'},
- if result<=0:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'image_id %s not found or not ACTIVE' % server['image_id'])
- return
- for image_dict in content:
- if image_dict.get("image_id"):
- break
- else:
- # insert in data base tenants_images
- r2, c2 = my.db.new_row('tenants_images', {'image_id': server['image_id'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id})
- if r2<=0:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'image_id %s cannot be used. Error %s' % (server['image_id'], c2))
- return
- server['image']={"path": content[0]["path"], "metadata": content[0]["metadata"]}
- if "hosts_id" in server:
- result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM='hosts', SELECT=('uuid',), WHERE={'uuid': server['host_id']})
- if result<=0:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'hostId %s not found' % server['host_id'])
- return
- #print json.dumps(server, indent=4)
- result, content = ht.create_server(server, config_dic['db'], config_dic['db_lock'], config_dic['mode']=='normal')
- if result >= 0:
- #Insert instance to database
- nets=[]
- print
- print "inserting at DB"
- print
- if server_start == 'no':
- content['status'] = 'INACTIVE'
- dhcp_nets_id = []
- for net in http_content['server']['networks']:
- if net['type'] == 'instance:ovs':
- dhcp_nets_id.append(get_network_id(net['net_id']))
- ports_to_free=[]
- new_instance_result, new_instance = my.db.new_instance(content, nets, ports_to_free)
- if new_instance_result < 0:
- print "Error http_post_servers() :", new_instance_result, new_instance
- bottle.abort(-new_instance_result, new_instance)
- return
- print
- print "inserted at DB"
- print
- for port in ports_to_free:
- r,c = config_dic['host_threads'][ server['host_id'] ].insert_task( 'restore-iface',*port )
- if r < 0:
- print ' http_post_servers ERROR RESTORE IFACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' + c
- # update nets
- for net_id in nets:
- try:
- my.ovim.net_update_ofc_thread(net_id)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error("http_post_servers, Error updating network with id '{}', '{}'".format(net_id, str(e)))
- # look for dhcp ip address
- r2, c2 = my.db.get_table(FROM="ports", SELECT=["mac", "ip_address", "net_id"], WHERE={"instance_id": new_instance})
- if r2 >0:
- for iface in c2:
- if config_dic.get("dhcp_server") and iface["net_id"] in config_dic["dhcp_nets"]:
- #print "dhcp insert add task"
- r,c = config_dic['dhcp_thread'].insert_task("add", iface["mac"])
- if r < 0:
- print ':http_post_servers ERROR UPDATING dhcp_server !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' + c
- #ensure compute contain the bridge for ovs networks:
- server_net = get_network_id(iface['net_id'])
- if server_net["network"].get('provider:physical', "")[:3] == 'OVS':
- vlan = str(server_net['network']['provider:vlan'])
- dhcp_enable = bool(server_net['network']['enable_dhcp'])
- if dhcp_enable:
- dhcp_firt_ip = str(server_net['network']['dhcp_first_ip'])
- dhcp_last_ip = str(server_net['network']['dhcp_last_ip'])
- dhcp_cidr = str(server_net['network']['cidr'])
- gateway = str(server_net['network']['gateway'])
- vm_dhcp_ip = c2[0]["ip_address"]
- config_dic['host_threads'][server['host_id']].insert_task("create-ovs-bridge-port", vlan)
- set_mac_dhcp(vm_dhcp_ip, vlan, dhcp_firt_ip, dhcp_last_ip, dhcp_cidr, c2[0]['mac'])
- http_controller = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- http_controller.ovim.launch_dhcp_server(vlan, dhcp_firt_ip, dhcp_last_ip, dhcp_cidr, gateway)
- #Start server
- server['uuid'] = new_instance
- server_start = server.get('start', 'yes')
- if server_start != 'no':
- server['paused'] = True if server_start == 'paused' else False
- server['action'] = {"start":None}
- server['status'] = "CREATING"
- #Program task
- r,c = config_dic['host_threads'][ server['host_id'] ].insert_task( 'instance',server )
- if r<0:
- my.db.update_rows('instances', {'status':"ERROR"}, {'uuid':server['uuid'], 'last_error':c}, log=True)
- return http_get_server_id(tenant_id, new_instance)
- else:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, content)
- return
-def http_server_action(server_id, tenant_id, action):
- '''Perform actions over a server as resume, reboot, terminate, ...'''
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- server={"uuid": server_id, "action":action}
- where={'uuid': server_id}
- if tenant_id!='any':
- where['tenant_id']= tenant_id
- result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM='instances', WHERE=where)
- if result == 0:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, "server %s not found" % server_id)
- return
- if result < 0:
- print "http_post_server_action error getting data %d %s" % (result, content)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, content)
- return
- server.update(content[0])
- tenant_id = server["tenant_id"]
- #TODO check a right content
- new_status = None
- if 'terminate' in action:
- new_status='DELETING'
- elif server['status'] == 'ERROR': #or server['status'] == 'CREATING':
- if 'terminate' not in action and 'rebuild' not in action:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed, "Server is in ERROR status, must be rebuit or deleted ")
- return
-# elif server['status'] == 'INACTIVE':
-# if 'start' not in action and 'createImage' not in action:
-# bottle.abort(HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed, "The only possible action over an instance in 'INACTIVE' status is 'start'")
-# return
-# if 'start' in action:
-# new_status='CREATING'
-# server['paused']='no'
-# elif server['status'] == 'PAUSED':
-# if 'resume' not in action:
-# bottle.abort(HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed, "The only possible action over an instance in 'PAUSED' status is 'resume'")
-# return
-# elif server['status'] == 'ACTIVE':
-# if 'pause' not in action and 'reboot'not in action and 'shutoff'not in action:
-# bottle.abort(HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed, "The only possible action over an instance in 'ACTIVE' status is 'pause','reboot' or 'shutoff'")
-# return
- if 'start' in action or 'createImage' in action or 'rebuild' in action:
- #check image valid and take info
- image_id = server['image_id']
- if 'createImage' in action:
- if 'imageRef' in action['createImage']:
- image_id = action['createImage']['imageRef']
- elif 'disk' in action['createImage']:
- result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM='instance_devices',
- SELECT=('image_id','dev'), WHERE={'instance_id':server['uuid'],"type":"disk"})
- if result<=0:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'disk not found for server')
- return
- elif result>1:
- disk_id=None
- if action['createImage']['imageRef']['disk'] != None:
- for disk in content:
- if disk['dev'] == action['createImage']['imageRef']['disk']:
- disk_id = disk['image_id']
- break
- if disk_id == None:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'disk %s not found for server' % action['createImage']['imageRef']['disk'])
- return
- else:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'more than one disk found for server' )
- return
- image_id = disk_id
- else: #result==1
- image_id = content[0]['image_id']
- result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM='tenants_images as ti right join images as i on ti.image_id=i.uuid',
- SELECT=('path','metadata'), WHERE={'uuid':image_id, "status":"ACTIVE"},
- WHERE_OR={'tenant_id':tenant_id, 'public': 'yes'}, WHERE_AND_OR="AND", DISTINCT=True)
- if result<=0:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'image_id %s not found or not ACTIVE' % image_id)
- return
- if content[0]['metadata'] is not None:
- try:
- metadata = json.loads(content[0]['metadata'])
- except:
- return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "Can not decode image metadata"
- content[0]['metadata']=metadata
- else:
- content[0]['metadata'] = {}
- server['image']=content[0]
- if 'createImage' in action:
- action['createImage']['source'] = {'image_id': image_id, 'path': content[0]['path']}
- if 'createImage' in action:
- #Create an entry in Database for the new image
- new_image={'status':'BUILD', 'progress': 0 }
- new_image_metadata=content[0]
- if 'metadata' in server['image'] and server['image']['metadata'] != None:
- new_image_metadata.update(server['image']['metadata'])
- new_image_metadata = {"use_incremental":"no"}
- if 'metadata' in action['createImage']:
- new_image_metadata.update(action['createImage']['metadata'])
- new_image['metadata'] = json.dumps(new_image_metadata)
- new_image['name'] = action['createImage'].get('name', None)
- new_image['description'] = action['createImage'].get('description', None)
- new_image['uuid']=my.db.new_uuid()
- if 'path' in action['createImage']:
- new_image['path'] = action['createImage']['path']
- else:
- new_image['path']="/provisional/path/" + new_image['uuid']
- result, image_uuid = my.db.new_image(new_image, tenant_id)
- if result<=0:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, 'Error: ' + image_uuid)
- return
- server['new_image'] = new_image
- #Program task
- r,c = config_dic['host_threads'][ server['host_id'] ].insert_task( 'instance',server )
- if r<0:
- print "Task queue full at host ", server['host_id']
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Request_Timeout, c)
- if 'createImage' in action and result >= 0:
- return http_get_image_id(tenant_id, image_uuid)
- #Update DB only for CREATING or DELETING status
- data={'result' : 'deleting in process'}
- warn_text=""
- if new_status != None and new_status == 'DELETING':
- nets=[]
- ports_to_free=[]
- net_ovs_list = []
- #look for dhcp ip address
- r2, c2 = my.db.get_table(FROM="ports", SELECT=["mac", "net_id"], WHERE={"instance_id": server_id})
- r, c = my.db.delete_instance(server_id, tenant_id, nets, ports_to_free, net_ovs_list, "requested by http")
- for port in ports_to_free:
- r1,c1 = config_dic['host_threads'][ server['host_id'] ].insert_task( 'restore-iface',*port )
- if r1 < 0:
- my.logger.error("http_post_server_action server deletion ERROR at resore-iface!!!! " + c1)
- warn_text += "; Error iface '{}' cannot be restored '{}'".format(str(port), str(e))
- for net_id in nets:
- try:
- my.ovim.net_update_ofc_thread(net_id)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error("http_server_action, Error updating network with id '{}', '{}'".format(net_id, str(e)))
- warn_text += "; Error openflow rules of network '{}' cannot be restore '{}'".format(net_id, str (e))
- # look for dhcp ip address
- if r2 >0 and config_dic.get("dhcp_server"):
- for iface in c2:
- if iface["net_id"] in config_dic["dhcp_nets"]:
- r,c = config_dic['dhcp_thread'].insert_task("del", iface["mac"])
- #print "dhcp insert del task"
- if r < 0:
- print ':http_post_servers ERROR UPDATING dhcp_server !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' + c
- # delete ovs-port and linux bridge, contains a list of tuple (net_id,vlan)
- for net in net_ovs_list:
- mac = str(net[3])
- vm_ip = str(net[2])
- vlan = str(net[1])
- net_id = net[0]
- delete_dhcp_ovs_bridge(vlan, net_id)
- delete_mac_dhcp(vm_ip, vlan, mac)
- config_dic['host_threads'][server['host_id']].insert_task('del-ovs-port', vlan, net_id)
- return format_out(data + warn_text)
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/servers/<server_id>', method='DELETE')
-def http_delete_server_id(tenant_id, server_id):
- '''delete a server'''
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- return
- return http_server_action(server_id, tenant_id, {"terminate":None} )
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/servers/<server_id>/action', method='POST')
-def http_post_server_action(tenant_id, server_id):
- '''take an action over a server'''
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #check valid tenant_id
- result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
- if result != 0:
- bottle.abort(result, content)
- return
- http_content = format_in( server_action_schema )
- #r = remove_extra_items(http_content, server_action_schema)
- #if r is not None: print "http_post_server_action: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- return http_server_action(server_id, tenant_id, http_content)
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks', method='GET')
-def http_get_networks():
- """
- Get all networks available
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- # obtain data
- select_, where_, limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_network,
- ('id', 'name', 'tenant_id', 'type',
- 'shared', 'provider:vlan', 'status', 'last_error',
- 'admin_state_up', 'provider:physical'))
- if "tenant_id" in where_:
- del where_["tenant_id"]
- content = my.ovim.get_networks(select_, where_, limit_)
- delete_nulls(content)
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_network, reverse=True)
- data = {'networks': content}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/<network_id>', method='GET')
-def http_get_network_id(network_id):
- """
- Get a network data by id
- :param network_id:
- :return:
- """
- data = get_network_id(network_id)
- return format_out(data)
-def get_network_id(network_id):
- """
- Get network from DB by id
- :param network_id: network Id
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- # obtain data
- where_ = bottle.request.query
- content = my.ovim.show_network(network_id, where_)
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_network, reverse=True)
- delete_nulls(content)
- data = {'network': content}
- return data
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks', method='POST')
-def http_post_networks():
- """
- Insert a network into the database.
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- # parse input data
- http_content = format_in(network_new_schema )
- r = remove_extra_items(http_content, network_new_schema)
- if r is not None:
- print "http_post_networks: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- change_keys_http2db(http_content['network'], http2db_network)
- network = http_content['network']
- content = my.ovim.new_network(network)
- return format_out(get_network_id(content))
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/<network_id>', method='PUT')
-def http_put_network_id(network_id):
- """
- Update a network_id into DB.
- :param network_id: network id
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- # parse input data
- http_content = format_in(network_update_schema)
- change_keys_http2db(http_content['network'], http2db_network)
- network = http_content['network']
- return format_out(my.ovim.edit_network(network_id, network))
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/<network_id>', method='DELETE')
-def http_delete_network_id(network_id):
- """
- Delete a network_id from the database.
- :param network_id: Network id
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- # delete from the data base
- content = my.ovim.delete_network(network_id)
- data = {'result': content}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/controller', method='GET')
-def http_get_openflow_controller():
- """
- Retrieve a openflow controllers list from DB.
- :return:
- """
- # TODO check if show a proper list
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- select_, where_, limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_ofc,
- ('id', 'name', 'dpid', 'ip', 'port', 'type',
- 'version', 'user', 'password'))
- content = my.ovim.get_of_controllers(select_, where_)
- delete_nulls(content)
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_ofc, reverse=True)
- data = {'ofcs': content}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/controller/<uuid>', method='GET')
-def http_get_openflow_controller_id(uuid):
- """
- Get an openflow controller by dpid from DB.get_of_controllers
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- content = my.ovim.show_of_controller(uuid)
- delete_nulls(content)
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_ofc, reverse=True)
- data = {'ofc': content}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/controller/', method='POST')
-def http_post_openflow_controller():
- """
- Create a new openflow controller into DB
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- http_content = format_in(openflow_controller_schema)
- of_c = http_content['ofc']
- uuid = my.ovim.new_of_controller(of_c)
- content = my.ovim.show_of_controller(uuid)
- delete_nulls(content)
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_ofc, reverse=True)
- data = {'ofc': content}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/controller/<of_controller_id>', method='PUT')
-def http_put_openflow_controller_by_id(of_controller_id):
- """
- Create an openflow controller into DB
- :param of_controller_id: openflow controller dpid
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- http_content = format_in(openflow_controller_schema)
- of_c = http_content['ofc']
- content = my.ovim.edit_of_controller(of_controller_id, of_c)
- delete_nulls(content)
- change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_ofc, reverse=True)
- data = {'ofc': content}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/controller/<of_controller_id>', method='DELETE')
-def http_delete_openflow_controller(of_controller_id):
- """
- Delete an openflow controller from DB.
- :param of_controller_id: openflow controller dpid
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- content = my.ovim.delete_of_controller(of_controller_id)
- data = {'result': content}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/<network_id>/openflow', method='GET')
-def http_get_openflow_id(network_id):
- """
- To obtain the list of openflow rules of a network
- :param network_id: network id
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- # ignore input data
- if network_id == 'all':
- network_id = None
- try:
- content = my.ovim.get_openflow_rules(network_id)
- data = {'openflow-rules': content}
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
- return format_out(data)
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/<network_id>/openflow', method='PUT')
-def http_put_openflow_id(network_id):
- """
- To make actions over the net. The action is to reinstall the openflow rules
- network_id can be 'all'
- :param network_id: network id
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- if not my.admin:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges")
- if network_id == 'all':
- network_id = None
- try:
- result = my.ovim.edit_openflow_rules(network_id)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
- data = {'result': str(result) + " nets updates"}
- return format_out(data)
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/clear/openflow/<ofc_id>', method='DELETE')
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/clear/openflow', method='DELETE')
-def http_clear_openflow_rules(ofc_id=None):
- """
- To make actions over the net. The action is to delete ALL openflow rules
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name]
- if not my.admin:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges")
- try:
- my.ovim.delete_openflow_rules(ofc_id)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
- data = {'result': " Clearing openflow rules in process"}
- return format_out(data)
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/openflow/ports/<ofc_id>', method='GET')
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/openflow/ports', method='GET')
-def http_get_openflow_ports(ofc_id=None):
- """
- Obtain switch ports names of openflow controller
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- ports = my.ovim.get_openflow_ports(ofc_id)
- data = {'ports': ports}
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
- return format_out(data)
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/ports', method='GET')
-def http_get_ports():
- #obtain data
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_port,
- ('id','name','tenant_id','network_id','vpci','mac_address','device_owner','device_id',
- 'binding:switch_port','binding:vlan','bandwidth','status','admin_state_up','ip_address') )
- try:
- ports = my.ovim.get_ports(columns=select_, filter=where_, limit=limit_)
- delete_nulls(ports)
- change_keys_http2db(ports, http2db_port, reverse=True)
- data={'ports' : ports}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/ports/<port_id>', method='GET')
-def http_get_port_id(port_id):
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- try:
- ports = my.ovim.get_ports(filter={"uuid": port_id})
- if not ports:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'port %s not found' % port_id)
- return
- delete_nulls(ports)
- change_keys_http2db(ports, http2db_port, reverse=True)
- data = {'port': ports[0]}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/ports', method='POST')
-def http_post_ports():
- '''insert an external port into the database.'''
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- if not my.admin:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges")
- #parse input data
- http_content = format_in( port_new_schema )
- r = remove_extra_items(http_content, port_new_schema)
- if r is not None: print "http_post_ports: Warning: remove extra items ", r
- change_keys_http2db(http_content['port'], http2db_port)
- port=http_content['port']
- try:
- port_id = my.ovim.new_port(port)
- ports = my.ovim.get_ports(filter={"uuid": port_id})
- if not ports:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "port '{}' inserted but not found at database".format(port_id))
- return
- delete_nulls(ports)
- change_keys_http2db(ports, http2db_port, reverse=True)
- data = {'port': ports[0]}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/ports/<port_id>', method='PUT')
-def http_put_port_id(port_id):
- '''update a port_id into the database.'''
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- #parse input data
- http_content = format_in( port_update_schema )
- change_keys_http2db(http_content['port'], http2db_port)
- port_dict=http_content['port']
- for k in ('vlan', 'switch_port', 'mac_address', 'tenant_id'):
- if k in port_dict and not my.admin:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges for changing " + k)
- return
- try:
- port_id = my.ovim.edit_port(port_id, port_dict, my.admin)
- ports = my.ovim.get_ports(filter={"uuid": port_id})
- if not ports:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "port '{}' edited but not found at database".format(port_id))
- return
- delete_nulls(ports)
- change_keys_http2db(ports, http2db_port, reverse=True)
- data = {'port': ports[0]}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/ports/<port_id>', method='DELETE')
-def http_delete_port_id(port_id):
- '''delete a port_id from the database.'''
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
- if not my.admin:
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges")
- return
- try:
- result = my.ovim.delete_port(port_id)
- data = {'result': result}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/mapping', method='POST')
-def http_of_port_mapping():
- """
- Create new compute port mapping entry
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- http_content = format_in(of_port_map_new_schema)
- r = remove_extra_items(http_content, of_port_map_new_schema)
- if r is not None:
- my.logger.error("http_of_port_mapping: Warning: remove extra items " + str(r), exc_info=True)
- # insert in data base
- port_mapping = my.ovim.set_of_port_mapping(http_content['of_port_mapings'])
- change_keys_http2db(port_mapping, http2db_id, reverse=True)
- delete_nulls(port_mapping)
- data = {'of_port_mappings': port_mapping}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/mapping', method='GET')
-def get_of_port_mapping():
- """
- Get compute port mapping
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- select_, where_, limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_id,
- ('id', 'ofc_id', 'region', 'compute_node', 'pci',
- 'switch_dpid', 'switch_port', 'switch_mac'))
- # insert in data base
- port_mapping = my.ovim.get_of_port_mappings(select_, where_)
- change_keys_http2db(port_mapping, http2db_id, reverse=True)
- delete_nulls(port_mapping)
- data = {'of_port_mappings': port_mapping}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
-@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/mapping/<region>', method='DELETE')
-def delete_of_port_mapping(region):
- """
- Insert a tenant into the database.
- :return:
- """
- my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
- try:
- # insert in data base
- db_filter = {'region': region}
- result = my.ovim.clear_of_port_mapping(db_filter)
- data = {'result': result}
- return format_out(data)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
- except Exception as e:
- my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
- bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2016, I2T Research Group (UPV/EHU)
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: alaitz.mendiola@ehu.eus or alaitz.mendiola@gmail.com
-ImplementS the pluging for the Open Network Operating System (ONOS) openflow
-controller. It creates the class OF_conn to create dataplane connections
-with static rules based on packet destination MAC address
-__author__="Alaitz Mendiola"
-__date__ ="$22-nov-2016$"
-import json
-import requests
-import base64
-import logging
-import openflow_conn
-class OF_conn(openflow_conn.OpenflowConn):
- """
- ONOS connector. No MAC learning is used
- """
- def __init__(self, params):
- """ Constructor.
- Params: dictionary with the following keys:
- of_dpid: DPID to use for this controller ?? Does a controller have a dpid?
- of_ip: controller IP address
- of_port: controller TCP port
- of_user: user credentials, can be missing or None
- of_password: password credentials
- of_debug: debug level for logging. Default to ERROR
- other keys are ignored
- Raise an exception if same parameter is missing or wrong
- """
- openflow_conn.OpenflowConn.__init__(self, params)
- # check params
- if "of_ip" not in params or params["of_ip"]==None or "of_port" not in params or params["of_port"]==None:
- raise ValueError("IP address and port must be provided")
- #internal variables
- self.name = "onos"
- self.headers = {'content-type':'application/json','accept':'application/json',}
- self.auth="None"
- self.pp2ofi={} # From Physical Port to OpenFlow Index
- self.ofi2pp={} # From OpenFlow Index to Physical Port
- self.dpid = str(params["of_dpid"])
- self.id = 'of:'+str(self.dpid.replace(':', ''))
- self.url = "http://%s:%s/onos/v1/" %( str(params["of_ip"]), str(params["of_port"] ) )
- # TODO This may not be straightforward
- if "of_user" in params and params["of_user"]!=None:
- if not params.get("of_password"):
- of_password=""
- else:
- of_password=str(params["of_password"])
- self.auth = base64.b64encode(str(params["of_user"])+":"+of_password)
- self.headers['authorization'] = 'Basic ' + self.auth
- self.logger = logging.getLogger('vim.OF.onos')
- self.logger.setLevel( getattr(logging, params.get("of_debug", "ERROR")) )
- self.ip_address = None
- def get_of_switches(self):
- """
- Obtain a a list of switches or DPID detected by this controller
- :return: list where each element a tuple pair (DPID, IP address)
- Raise a openflowconnUnexpectedResponse expection in case of failure
- """
- try:
- self.headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
- of_response = requests.get(self.url + "devices", headers=self.headers)
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code != 200:
- self.logger.warning("get_of_switches " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("get_of_switches " + error_text)
- info = of_response.json()
- if type(info) != dict:
- self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response, not a dict: %s", str(info))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, not a dict. Wrong version?")
- node_list = info.get('devices')
- if type(node_list) is not list:
- self.logger.error(
- "get_of_switches. Unexpected response, at 'devices', not found or not a list: %s",
- str(type(node_list)))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, at 'devices', not found "
- "or not a list. Wrong version?")
- switch_list = []
- for node in node_list:
- node_id = node.get('id')
- if node_id is None:
- self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response at 'device':'id', not found: %s",
- str(node))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'device':'id', "
- "not found . Wrong version?")
- node_ip_address = node.get('annotations').get('managementAddress')
- if node_ip_address is None:
- self.logger.error(
- "get_of_switches. Unexpected response at 'device':'managementAddress', not found: %s",
- str(node))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(
- "Unexpected response at 'device':'managementAddress', not found. Wrong version?")
- node_id_hex = hex(int(node_id.split(':')[1])).split('x')[1].zfill(16)
- switch_list.append(
- (':'.join(a + b for a, b in zip(node_id_hex[::2], node_id_hex[1::2])), node_ip_address))
- raise switch_list
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("get_of_switches " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
- except ValueError as e:
- # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("get_of_switches " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- def obtain_port_correspondence(self):
- """
- Obtain the correspondence between physical and openflow port names
- :return: dictionary with physical name as key, openflow name as value
- Raise a openflowconnUnexpectedResponse expection in case of failure
- """
- try:
- self.headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
- of_response = requests.get(self.url + "devices/" + self.id + "/ports", headers=self.headers)
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code != 200:
- self.logger.warning("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
- info = of_response.json()
- node_connector_list = info.get('ports')
- if type(node_connector_list) is not list:
- self.logger.error(
- "obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response at 'ports', not found or not a list: %s",
- str(node_connector_list))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'ports', not found or not "
- "a list. Wrong version?")
- for node_connector in node_connector_list:
- if node_connector['port'] != "local":
- self.pp2ofi[str(node_connector['annotations']['portName'])] = str(node_connector['port'])
- self.ofi2pp[str(node_connector['port'])] = str(node_connector['annotations']['portName'])
- node_ip_address = info['annotations']['managementAddress']
- if node_ip_address is None:
- self.logger.error(
- "obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response at 'managementAddress', not found: %s",
- str(self.id))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'managementAddress', "
- "not found. Wrong version?")
- self.ip_address = node_ip_address
- # print self.name, ": obtain_port_correspondence ports:", self.pp2ofi
- return self.pp2ofi
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
- except ValueError as e:
- # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- def get_of_rules(self, translate_of_ports=True):
- """
- Obtain the rules inserted at openflow controller
- :param translate_of_ports: if True it translates ports from openflow index to physical switch name
- :return: dict if ok: with the rule name as key and value is another dictionary with the following content:
- priority: rule priority
- name: rule name (present also as the master dict key)
- ingress_port: match input port of the rule
- dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
- vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
- actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples:
- (vlan, None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
- (out, port): send to this port
- switch: DPID, all
- Raise a openflowconnUnexpectedResponse expection in case of failure
- """
- try:
- if len(self.ofi2pp) == 0:
- self.obtain_port_correspondence()
- # get rules
- self.headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
- of_response = requests.get(self.url + "flows/" + self.id, headers=self.headers)
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- # The configured page does not exist if there are no rules installed. In that case we return an empty dict
- if of_response.status_code == 404:
- return {}
- elif of_response.status_code != 200:
- self.logger.warning("get_of_rules " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("get_of_rules " + error_text)
- info = of_response.json()
- if type(info) != dict:
- self.logger.error("get_of_rules. Unexpected response, not a dict: %s", str(info))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected openflow response, not a dict. "
- "Wrong version?")
- flow_list = info.get('flows')
- if flow_list is None:
- return {}
- if type(flow_list) is not list:
- self.logger.error(
- "get_of_rules. Unexpected response at 'flows', not a list: %s",
- str(type(flow_list)))
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'flows', not a list. "
- "Wrong version?")
- rules = dict() # Response dictionary
- for flow in flow_list:
- if not ('id' in flow and 'selector' in flow and 'treatment' in flow and \
- 'instructions' in flow['treatment'] and 'criteria' in \
- flow['selector']):
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow response, one or more "
- "elements are missing. Wrong version?")
- rule = dict()
- rule['switch'] = self.dpid
- rule['priority'] = flow.get('priority')
- rule['name'] = flow['id']
- for criteria in flow['selector']['criteria']:
- if criteria['type'] == 'IN_PORT':
- in_port = str(criteria['port'])
- if in_port != "CONTROLLER":
- if not in_port in self.ofi2pp:
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Error: Ingress port {} is not "
- "in switch port list".format(in_port))
- if translate_of_ports:
- in_port = self.ofi2pp[in_port]
- rule['ingress_port'] = in_port
- elif criteria['type'] == 'VLAN_VID':
- rule['vlan_id'] = criteria['vlanId']
- elif criteria['type'] == 'ETH_DST':
- rule['dst_mac'] = str(criteria['mac']).lower()
- actions = []
- for instruction in flow['treatment']['instructions']:
- if instruction['type'] == "OUTPUT":
- out_port = str(instruction['port'])
- if out_port != "CONTROLLER":
- if not out_port in self.ofi2pp:
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Error: Output port {} is not in "
- "switch port list".format(out_port))
- if translate_of_ports:
- out_port = self.ofi2pp[out_port]
- actions.append( ('out', out_port) )
- if instruction['type'] == "L2MODIFICATION" and instruction['subtype'] == "VLAN_POP":
- actions.append( ('vlan', 'None') )
- if instruction['type'] == "L2MODIFICATION" and instruction['subtype'] == "VLAN_ID":
- actions.append( ('vlan', instruction['vlanId']) )
- rule['actions'] = actions
- rules[flow['id']] = dict(rule)
- return rules
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("get_of_rules " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
- except ValueError as e:
- # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("get_of_rules " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- def del_flow(self, flow_name):
- """
- Delete an existing rule
- :param flow_name:
- :return: Raise a openflowconnUnexpectedResponse expection in case of failure
- """
- try:
- self.headers['content-type'] = None
- of_response = requests.delete(self.url + "flows/" + self.id + "/" + flow_name, headers=self.headers)
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code != 204:
- self.logger.warning("del_flow " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- self.logger.debug("del_flow OK " + error_text)
- return None
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("del_flow " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
- def new_flow(self, data):
- """
- Insert a new static rule
- :param data: dictionary with the following content:
- priority: rule priority
- name: rule name
- ingress_port: match input port of the rule
- dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, missing or None if not apply
- vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, missing or None if not apply
- actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples with these posibilities:
- ('vlan', None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
- ('out', port): send to this port
- :return: Raise a openflowconnUnexpectedResponse expection in case of failure
- """
- try:
- if len(self.pp2ofi) == 0:
- self.obtain_port_correspondence()
- # Build the dictionary with the flow rule information for ONOS
- flow = dict()
- #flow['id'] = data['name']
- flow['tableId'] = 0
- flow['priority'] = data.get('priority')
- flow['timeout'] = 0
- flow['isPermanent'] = "true"
- flow['appId'] = 10 # FIXME We should create an appId for OSM
- flow['selector'] = dict()
- flow['selector']['criteria'] = list()
- # Flow rule matching criteria
- if not data['ingress_port'] in self.pp2ofi:
- error_text = 'Error. Port ' + data['ingress_port'] + ' is not present in the switch'
- self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- ingress_port_criteria = dict()
- ingress_port_criteria['type'] = "IN_PORT"
- ingress_port_criteria['port'] = self.pp2ofi[data['ingress_port']]
- flow['selector']['criteria'].append(ingress_port_criteria)
- if 'dst_mac' in data:
- dst_mac_criteria = dict()
- dst_mac_criteria["type"] = "ETH_DST"
- dst_mac_criteria["mac"] = data['dst_mac']
- flow['selector']['criteria'].append(dst_mac_criteria)
- if data.get('vlan_id'):
- vlan_criteria = dict()
- vlan_criteria["type"] = "VLAN_VID"
- vlan_criteria["vlanId"] = int(data['vlan_id'])
- flow['selector']['criteria'].append(vlan_criteria)
- # Flow rule treatment
- flow['treatment'] = dict()
- flow['treatment']['instructions'] = list()
- flow['treatment']['deferred'] = list()
- for action in data['actions']:
- new_action = dict()
- if action[0] == "vlan":
- new_action['type'] = "L2MODIFICATION"
- if action[1] == None:
- new_action['subtype'] = "VLAN_POP"
- else:
- new_action['subtype'] = "VLAN_ID"
- new_action['vlanId'] = int(action[1])
- elif action[0] == 'out':
- new_action['type'] = "OUTPUT"
- if not action[1] in self.pp2ofi:
- error_msj = 'Port '+ action[1] + ' is not present in the switch'
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_msj)
- new_action['port'] = self.pp2ofi[action[1]]
- else:
- error_msj = "Unknown item '%s' in action list" % action[0]
- self.logger.error("new_flow " + error_msj)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_msj)
- flow['treatment']['instructions'].append(new_action)
- self.headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'
- path = self.url + "flows/" + self.id
- of_response = requests.post(path, headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(flow) )
- error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
- if of_response.status_code != 201:
- self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
- flowId = of_response.headers['location'][path.__len__() + 1:]
- data['name'] = flowId
- self.logger.debug("new_flow OK " + error_text)
- return None
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("new_flow " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
- def clear_all_flows(self):
- """
- Delete all existing rules
- :return: Raise a openflowconnUnexpectedResponse expection in case of failure
- """
- try:
- rules = self.get_of_rules(True)
- for rule in rules:
- self.del_flow(rule)
- self.logger.debug("clear_all_flows OK ")
- return None
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
- self.logger.error("clear_all_flows " + error_text)
- raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
import yaml
import requests
import logging
-import openflow_conn
-from openflow_thread import change_db2of, FlowBadFormat
+import osm_openvim.openflow_conn as openflow_conn
+from osm_openvim.openflow_thread import change_db2of, FlowBadFormat
def of_switches(args):
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openmano
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-import logging
-import base64
-vimconn implement an Abstract class for the vim connector plugins
- with the definition of the method to be implemented.
-__author__ = "Alfonso Tierno, Leonardo Mirabal"
-__date__ = "$16-oct-2015 11:09:29$"
-# Error variables
-HTTP_Bad_Request = 400
-HTTP_Unauthorized = 401
-HTTP_Not_Found = 404
-HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed = 405
-HTTP_Request_Timeout = 408
-HTTP_Conflict = 409
-HTTP_Not_Implemented = 501
-HTTP_Service_Unavailable = 503
-HTTP_Internal_Server_Error = 500
-class OpenflowconnException(Exception):
- """Common and base class Exception for all vimconnector exceptions"""
- def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Bad_Request):
- Exception.__init__(self, message)
- self.http_code = http_code
-class OpenflowconnConnectionException(OpenflowconnException):
- """Connectivity error with the VIM"""
- def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Service_Unavailable):
- OpenflowconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
-class OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(OpenflowconnException):
- """Get an wrong response from VIM"""
- def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Internal_Server_Error):
- OpenflowconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
-class OpenflowconnAuthException(OpenflowconnException):
- """Invalid credentials or authorization to perform this action over the VIM"""
- def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Unauthorized):
- OpenflowconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
-class OpenflowconnNotFoundException(OpenflowconnException):
- """The item is not found at VIM"""
- def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Not_Found):
- OpenflowconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
-class OpenflowconnConflictException(OpenflowconnException):
- """There is a conflict, e.g. more item found than one"""
- def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Conflict):
- OpenflowconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
-class OpenflowconnNotSupportedException(OpenflowconnException):
- """The request is not supported by connector"""
- def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Service_Unavailable):
- OpenflowconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
-class OpenflowconnNotImplemented(OpenflowconnException):
- """The method is not implemented by the connected"""
- def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Not_Implemented):
- OpenflowconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
-class OpenflowConn:
- """
- Openflow controller connector abstract implementeation.
- """
- def __init__(self, params):
- self.name = "openflow_conector"
- self.headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
- self.auth = None
- self.pp2ofi = {} # From Physical Port to OpenFlow Index
- self.ofi2pp = {} # From OpenFlow Index to Physical Port
- self.dpid = '00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07'
- self.id = 'openflow:00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07'
- self.rules = {}
- self.url = "http://%s:%s" % ('localhost', str(8081))
- self.auth = base64.b64encode('of_user:of_password')
- self.headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + self.auth
- self.logger = logging.getLogger('openflow_conn')
- self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, params.get("of_debug", "ERROR")))
- self.ip_address = None
- def get_of_switches(self):
- """"
- Obtain a a list of switches or DPID detected by this controller
- :return: list length, and a list where each element a tuple pair (DPID, IP address), text_error: if fails
- """
- raise OpenflowconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
- def obtain_port_correspondence(self):
- """
- Obtain the correspondence between physical and openflow port names
- :return: dictionary: with physical name as key, openflow name as value, error_text: if fails
- """
- raise OpenflowconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
- def get_of_rules(self, translate_of_ports=True):
- """
- Obtain the rules inserted at openflow controller
- :param translate_of_ports: if True it translates ports from openflow index to physical switch name
- :return: dict if ok: with the rule name as key and value is another dictionary with the following content:
- priority: rule priority
- name: rule name (present also as the master dict key)
- ingress_port: match input port of the rule
- dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
- vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
- actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples:
- (vlan, None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
- (out, port): send to this port
- switch: DPID, all
- text_error if fails
- """
- raise OpenflowconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
- def del_flow(self, flow_name):
- """
- Delete all existing rules
- :param flow_name: flow_name, this is the rule name
- :return: None if ok, text_error if fails
- """
- raise OpenflowconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
- def new_flow(self, data):
- """
- Insert a new static rule
- :param data: dictionary with the following content:
- priority: rule priority
- name: rule name
- ingress_port: match input port of the rule
- dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, missing or None if not apply
- vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, missing or None if not apply
- actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples with these posibilities:
- ('vlan', None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
- ('out', port): send to this port
- :return: None if ok, text_error if fails
- """
- raise OpenflowconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
- def clear_all_flows(self):
- """"
- Delete all existing rules
- :return: None if ok, text_error if fails
- """
- raise OpenflowconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
-class OfTestConnector(OpenflowConn):
- """
- This is a fake openflow connector for testing.
- It does nothing and it is used for running openvim without an openflow controller
- """
- def __init__(self, params):
- OpenflowConn.__init__(self, params)
- name = params.get("name", "test-ofc")
- self.name = name
- self.dpid = params.get("dpid")
- self.rules = {}
- self.logger = logging.getLogger('vim.OF.TEST')
- self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, params.get("of_debug", "ERROR")))
- self.pp2ofi = {}
- def get_of_switches(self):
- return ()
- def obtain_port_correspondence(self):
- return ()
- def del_flow(self, flow_name):
- if flow_name in self.rules:
- self.logger.debug("del_flow OK")
- del self.rules[flow_name]
- return None
- else:
- self.logger.warning("del_flow not found")
- raise OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("flow {} not found".format(flow_name))
- def new_flow(self, data):
- self.rules[data["name"]] = data
- self.logger.debug("new_flow OK")
- return None
- def get_of_rules(self, translate_of_ports=True):
- return self.rules
- def clear_all_flows(self):
- self.logger.debug("clear_all_flows OK")
- self.rules = {}
- return None
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-This thread interacts with a openflow controller to create dataplane connections
-__author__="Pablo Montes, Alfonso Tierno"
-__date__ ="17-jul-2015"
-#import json
-import threading
-import time
-import Queue
-import requests
-import logging
-import openflow_conn
-class FlowBadFormat(Exception):
- '''raise when a bad format of flow is found'''
-def change_of2db(flow):
- '''Change 'flow' dictionary from openflow format to database format
- Basically the change consist of changing 'flow[actions] from a list of
- double tuple to a string
- from [(A,B),(C,D),..] to "A=B,C=D" '''
- action_str_list=[]
- if type(flow)!=dict or "actions" not in flow:
- raise FlowBadFormat("Bad input parameters, expect dictionary with 'actions' as key")
- try:
- for action in flow['actions']:
- action_str_list.append( action[0] + "=" + str(action[1]) )
- flow['actions'] = ",".join(action_str_list)
- except:
- raise FlowBadFormat("Unexpected format at 'actions'")
-def change_db2of(flow):
- '''Change 'flow' dictionary from database format to openflow format
- Basically the change consist of changing 'flow[actions]' from a string to
- a double tuple list
- from "A=B,C=D,..." to [(A,B),(C,D),..]
- raise FlowBadFormat '''
- actions=[]
- if type(flow)!=dict or "actions" not in flow or type(flow["actions"])!=str:
- raise FlowBadFormat("Bad input parameters, expect dictionary with 'actions' as key")
- action_list = flow['actions'].split(",")
- for action_item in action_list:
- action_tuple = action_item.split("=")
- if len(action_tuple) != 2:
- raise FlowBadFormat("Expected key=value format at 'actions'")
- if action_tuple[0].strip().lower()=="vlan":
- if action_tuple[1].strip().lower() in ("none", "strip"):
- actions.append( ("vlan",None) )
- else:
- try:
- actions.append( ("vlan", int(action_tuple[1])) )
- except:
- raise FlowBadFormat("Expected integer after vlan= at 'actions'")
- elif action_tuple[0].strip().lower()=="out":
- actions.append( ("out", str(action_tuple[1])) )
- else:
- raise FlowBadFormat("Unexpected '%s' at 'actions'"%action_tuple[0])
- flow['actions'] = actions
-class openflow_thread(threading.Thread):
- """
- This thread interacts with a openflow controller to create dataplane connections
- """
- def __init__(self, of_uuid, of_connector, db, db_lock, of_test, pmp_with_same_vlan=False, debug='ERROR'):
- threading.Thread.__init__(self)
- self.of_uuid = of_uuid
- self.db = db
- self.pmp_with_same_vlan = pmp_with_same_vlan
- self.name = "openflow"
- self.test = of_test
- self.db_lock = db_lock
- self.OF_connector = of_connector
- self.logger = logging.getLogger('vim.OF-' + of_uuid)
- self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, debug))
- self.logger.name = of_connector.name + " " + self.OF_connector.dpid
- self.queueLock = threading.Lock()
- self.taskQueue = Queue.Queue(2000)
- def insert_task(self, task, *aditional):
- try:
- self.queueLock.acquire()
- task = self.taskQueue.put( (task,) + aditional, timeout=5)
- self.queueLock.release()
- return 1, None
- except Queue.Full:
- return -1, "timeout inserting a task over openflow thread " + self.name
- def run(self):
- self.logger.debug("Start openflow thread")
- self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_ACTIVE)
- while True:
- try:
- self.queueLock.acquire()
- if not self.taskQueue.empty():
- task = self.taskQueue.get()
- else:
- task = None
- self.queueLock.release()
- if task is None:
- time.sleep(1)
- continue
- if task[0] == 'update-net':
- r,c = self.update_of_flows(task[1])
- # update database status
- if r<0:
- UPDATE={'status':'ERROR', 'last_error': str(c)}
- self.logger.error("processing task 'update-net' %s: %s", str(task[1]), c)
- self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_ERROR, "Error updating net {}".format(task[1]))
- else:
- UPDATE={'status':'ACTIVE', 'last_error': None}
- self.logger.debug("processing task 'update-net' %s: OK", str(task[1]))
- self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_ACTIVE)
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- self.db.update_rows('nets', UPDATE, WHERE={'uuid': task[1]})
- self.db_lock.release()
- elif task[0] == 'clear-all':
- r,c = self.clear_all_flows()
- if r<0:
- self.logger.error("processing task 'clear-all': %s", c)
- self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_ERROR, "Error deleting all flows")
- else:
- self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_ACTIVE)
- self.logger.debug("processing task 'clear-all': OK")
- elif task[0] == 'exit':
- self.logger.debug("exit from openflow_thread")
- self.terminate()
- self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_INACTIVE, "Ofc with thread killed")
- return 0
- else:
- self.logger.error("unknown task %s", str(task))
- except openflow_conn.OpenflowconnException as e:
- self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_ERROR, str(e))
- def terminate(self):
- pass
- # print self.name, ": exit from openflow_thread"
- def update_of_flows(self, net_id):
- ports=()
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- select_= ('type','admin_state_up', 'vlan', 'provider', 'bind_net','bind_type','uuid')
- result, nets = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets', SELECT=select_, WHERE={'uuid':net_id} )
- #get all the networks binding to this
- if result > 0:
- if nets[0]['bind_net']:
- bind_id = nets[0]['bind_net']
- else:
- bind_id = net_id
- #get our net and all bind_nets
- result, nets = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets', SELECT=select_,
- WHERE_OR={'bind_net':bind_id, 'uuid':bind_id} )
- self.db_lock.release()
- if result < 0:
- return -1, "DB error getting net: " + nets
- #elif result==0:
- #net has been deleted
- ifaces_nb = 0
- database_flows = []
- for net in nets:
- net_id = net["uuid"]
- if net['admin_state_up'] == 'false':
- net['ports'] = ()
- else:
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- nb_ports, net_ports = self.db.get_table(
- FROM='ports',
- SELECT=('switch_port','vlan','uuid','mac','type','model'),
- WHERE={'net_id':net_id, 'admin_state_up':'true', 'status':'ACTIVE'} )
- self.db_lock.release()
- if nb_ports < 0:
- #print self.name, ": update_of_flows() ERROR getting ports", ports
- return -1, "DB error getting ports from net '%s': %s" % (net_id, net_ports)
- #add the binding as an external port
- if net['provider'] and net['provider'][:9]=="openflow:":
- external_port={"type":"external","mac":None}
- external_port['uuid'] = net_id + ".1" #fake uuid
- if net['provider'][-5:]==":vlan":
- external_port["vlan"] = net["vlan"]
- external_port["switch_port"] = net['provider'][9:-5]
- else:
- external_port["vlan"] = None
- external_port["switch_port"] = net['provider'][9:]
- net_ports = net_ports + (external_port,)
- nb_ports += 1
- net['ports'] = net_ports
- ifaces_nb += nb_ports
- # Get the name of flows that will be affected by this NET
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- result, database_net_flows = self.db.get_table(FROM='of_flows', WHERE={'net_id':net_id})
- self.db_lock.release()
- if result < 0:
- error_msg = "DB error getting flows from net '{}': {}".format(net_id, database_net_flows)
- # print self.name, ": update_of_flows() ERROR getting flows from database", database_flows
- return -1, error_msg
- database_flows += database_net_flows
- # Get the name of flows where net_id==NULL that means net deleted (At DB foreign key: On delete set null)
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- result, database_net_flows = self.db.get_table(FROM='of_flows', WHERE={'net_id':None})
- self.db_lock.release()
- if result < 0:
- error_msg = "DB error getting flows from net 'null': {}".format(database_net_flows)
- # print self.name, ": update_of_flows() ERROR getting flows from database", database_flows
- return -1, error_msg
- database_flows += database_net_flows
- # Get the existing flows at openflow controller
- try:
- of_flows = self.OF_connector.get_of_rules()
- # print self.name, ": update_of_flows() ERROR getting flows from controller", of_flows
- except openflow_conn.OpenflowconnException as e:
- # self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_ERROR, "OF error {} getting flows".format(str(e)))
- return -1, "OF error {} getting flows".format(str(e))
- if ifaces_nb < 2:
- pass
- elif net['type'] == 'ptp':
- if ifaces_nb > 2:
- #print self.name, 'Error, network '+str(net_id)+' has been defined as ptp but it has '+\
- # str(ifaces_nb)+' interfaces.'
- return -1, "'ptp' type network cannot connect %d interfaces, only 2" % ifaces_nb
- elif net['type'] == 'data':
- if ifaces_nb > 2 and self.pmp_with_same_vlan:
- # check all ports are VLAN (tagged) or none
- vlan_tag = None
- for port in ports:
- if port["type"]=="external":
- if port["vlan"] != None:
- if port["vlan"]!=net["vlan"]:
- text="External port vlan-tag and net vlan-tag must be the same when flag 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan' is True"
- #print self.name, "Error", text
- return -1, text
- if vlan_tag == None:
- vlan_tag=True
- elif vlan_tag==False:
- text="Passthrough and external port vlan-tagged cannot be connected when flag 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan' is True"
- #print self.name, "Error", text
- return -1, text
- else:
- if vlan_tag == None:
- vlan_tag=False
- elif vlan_tag == True:
- text="SR-IOV and external port not vlan-tagged cannot be connected when flag 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan' is True"
- #print self.name, "Error", text
- return -1, text
- elif port["model"]=="PF" or port["model"]=="VFnotShared":
- if vlan_tag == None:
- vlan_tag=False
- elif vlan_tag==True:
- text="Passthrough and SR-IOV ports cannot be connected when flag 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan' is True"
- #print self.name, "Error", text
- return -1, text
- elif port["model"] == "VF":
- if vlan_tag == None:
- vlan_tag=True
- elif vlan_tag==False:
- text="Passthrough and SR-IOV ports cannot be connected when flag 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan' is True"
- #print self.name, "Error", text
- return -1, text
- else:
- return -1, 'Only ptp and data networks are supported for openflow'
- # calculate new flows to be inserted
- result, new_flows = self._compute_net_flows(nets)
- if result < 0:
- return result, new_flows
- #modify database flows format and get the used names
- used_names=[]
- for flow in database_flows:
- try:
- change_db2of(flow)
- except FlowBadFormat as e:
- self.logger.error("Exception FlowBadFormat: '%s', flow: '%s'",str(e), str(flow))
- continue
- used_names.append(flow['name'])
- name_index=0
- # insert at database the new flows, change actions to human text
- for flow in new_flows:
- # 1 check if an equal flow is already present
- index = self._check_flow_already_present(flow, database_flows)
- if index>=0:
- database_flows[index]["not delete"]=True
- self.logger.debug("Skipping already present flow %s", str(flow))
- continue
- # 2 look for a non used name
- flow_name=flow["net_id"]+"."+str(name_index)
- while flow_name in used_names or flow_name in of_flows:
- name_index += 1
- flow_name=flow["net_id"]+"."+str(name_index)
- used_names.append(flow_name)
- flow['name'] = flow_name
- # 3 insert at openflow
- try:
- self.OF_connector.new_flow(flow)
- except openflow_conn.OpenflowconnException as e:
- return -1, "Error creating new flow {}".format(str(e))
- # 4 insert at database
- try:
- change_of2db(flow)
- except FlowBadFormat as e:
- # print self.name, ": Error Exception FlowBadFormat '%s'" % str(e), flow
- return -1, str(e)
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- result, content = self.db.new_row('of_flows', flow)
- self.db_lock.release()
- if result < 0:
- # print self.name, ": Error '%s' at database insertion" % content, flow
- return -1, content
- #delete not needed old flows from openflow and from DDBB,
- #check that the needed flows at DDBB are present in controller or insert them otherwise
- for flow in database_flows:
- if "not delete" in flow:
- if flow["name"] not in of_flows:
- # not in controller, insert it
- try:
- self.OF_connector.new_flow(flow)
- except openflow_conn.OpenflowconnException as e:
- return -1, "Error creating new flow {}".format(str(e))
- continue
- # Delete flow
- if flow["name"] in of_flows:
- try:
- self.OF_connector.del_flow(flow['name'])
- except openflow_conn.OpenflowconnException as e:
- self.logger.error("cannot delete flow '%s' from OF: %s", flow['name'], str(e))
- # skip deletion from database
- continue
- # delete from database
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- result, content = self.db.delete_row_by_key('of_flows', 'id', flow['id'])
- self.db_lock.release()
- if result<0:
- self.logger.error("cannot delete flow '%s' from DB: %s", flow['name'], content )
- return 0, 'Success'
- def clear_all_flows(self):
- try:
- if not self.test:
- self.OF_connector.clear_all_flows()
- # remove from database
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- self.db.delete_row_by_key('of_flows', None, None) #this will delete all lines
- self.db_lock.release()
- return 0, None
- except openflow_conn.OpenflowconnException as e:
- return -1, self.logger.error("Error deleting all flows {}", str(e))
- flow_fields = ('priority', 'vlan', 'ingress_port', 'actions', 'dst_mac', 'src_mac', 'net_id')
- def _check_flow_already_present(self, new_flow, flow_list):
- '''check if the same flow is already present in the flow list
- The flow is repeated if all the fields, apart from name, are equal
- Return the index of matching flow, -1 if not match'''
- index=0
- for flow in flow_list:
- equal=True
- for f in self.flow_fields:
- if flow.get(f) != new_flow.get(f):
- equal=False
- break
- if equal:
- return index
- index += 1
- return -1
- def _compute_net_flows(self, nets):
- new_flows=[]
- new_broadcast_flows={}
- nb_ports = 0
- # Check switch_port information is right
- self.logger.debug("_compute_net_flows nets: %s", str(nets))
- for net in nets:
- for port in net['ports']:
- nb_ports += 1
- if not self.test and str(port['switch_port']) not in self.OF_connector.pp2ofi:
- error_text= "switch port name '%s' is not valid for the openflow controller" % str(port['switch_port'])
- # print self.name, ": ERROR " + error_text
- return -1, error_text
- for net_src in nets:
- net_id = net_src["uuid"]
- for net_dst in nets:
- vlan_net_in = None
- vlan_net_out = None
- if net_src == net_dst:
- #intra net rules
- priority = 1000
- elif net_src['bind_net'] == net_dst['uuid']:
- if net_src.get('bind_type') and net_src['bind_type'][0:5] == "vlan:":
- vlan_net_out = int(net_src['bind_type'][5:])
- priority = 1100
- elif net_dst['bind_net'] == net_src['uuid']:
- if net_dst.get('bind_type') and net_dst['bind_type'][0:5] == "vlan:":
- vlan_net_in = int(net_dst['bind_type'][5:])
- priority = 1100
- else:
- #nets not binding
- continue
- for src_port in net_src['ports']:
- vlan_in = vlan_net_in
- if vlan_in == None and src_port['vlan'] != None:
- vlan_in = src_port['vlan']
- elif vlan_in != None and src_port['vlan'] != None:
- #TODO this is something that we cannot do. It requires a double VLAN check
- #outer VLAN should be src_port['vlan'] and inner VLAN should be vlan_in
- continue
- broadcast_key = src_port['uuid'] + "." + str(vlan_in)
- if broadcast_key in new_broadcast_flows:
- flow_broadcast = new_broadcast_flows[broadcast_key]
- else:
- flow_broadcast = {'priority': priority,
- 'net_id': net_id,
- 'dst_mac': 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff',
- "ingress_port": str(src_port['switch_port']),
- 'actions': []
- }
- new_broadcast_flows[broadcast_key] = flow_broadcast
- if vlan_in is not None:
- flow_broadcast['vlan_id'] = str(vlan_in)
- for dst_port in net_dst['ports']:
- vlan_out = vlan_net_out
- if vlan_out == None and dst_port['vlan'] != None:
- vlan_out = dst_port['vlan']
- elif vlan_out != None and dst_port['vlan'] != None:
- #TODO this is something that we cannot do. It requires a double VLAN set
- #outer VLAN should be dst_port['vlan'] and inner VLAN should be vlan_out
- continue
- #if src_port == dst_port:
- # continue
- if src_port['switch_port'] == dst_port['switch_port'] and vlan_in == vlan_out:
- continue
- flow = {
- "priority": priority,
- 'net_id': net_id,
- "ingress_port": str(src_port['switch_port']),
- 'actions': []
- }
- if vlan_in is not None:
- flow['vlan_id'] = str(vlan_in)
- # allow that one port have no mac
- if dst_port['mac'] is None or nb_ports==2: # point to point or nets with 2 elements
- flow['priority'] = priority-5 # less priority
- else:
- flow['dst_mac'] = str(dst_port['mac'])
- if vlan_out == None:
- if vlan_in != None:
- flow['actions'].append( ('vlan',None) )
- else:
- flow['actions'].append( ('vlan', vlan_out ) )
- flow['actions'].append( ('out', str(dst_port['switch_port'])) )
- if self._check_flow_already_present(flow, new_flows) >= 0:
- self.logger.debug("Skipping repeated flow '%s'", str(flow))
- continue
- new_flows.append(flow)
- if nb_ports <= 2: # point to multipoint or nets with more than 2 elements
- continue
- out = (vlan_out, str(dst_port['switch_port']))
- if out not in flow_broadcast['actions']:
- flow_broadcast['actions'].append( out )
- for flow_broadcast in new_broadcast_flows.values():
- if len(flow_broadcast['actions'])==0:
- continue #nothing to do, skip
- flow_broadcast['actions'].sort()
- if 'vlan_id' in flow_broadcast:
- previous_vlan = 0 # indicates that a packet contains a vlan, and the vlan
- else:
- previous_vlan = None
- final_actions=[]
- action_number = 0
- for action in flow_broadcast['actions']:
- if action[0] != previous_vlan:
- final_actions.append( ('vlan', action[0]) )
- previous_vlan = action[0]
- if self.pmp_with_same_vlan and action_number:
- return -1, "Cannot interconnect different vlan tags in a network when flag 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan' is True."
- action_number += 1
- final_actions.append( ('out', action[1]) )
- flow_broadcast['actions'] = final_actions
- if self._check_flow_already_present(flow_broadcast, new_flows) >= 0:
- self.logger.debug("Skipping repeated flow '%s'", str(flow_broadcast))
- continue
- new_flows.append(flow_broadcast)
- #UNIFY openflow rules with the same input port and vlan and the same output actions
- #These flows differ at the dst_mac; and they are unified by not filtering by dst_mac
- #this can happen if there is only two ports. It is converted to a point to point connection
- flow_dict={} # use as key vlan_id+ingress_port and as value the list of flows matching these values
- for flow in new_flows:
- key = str(flow.get("vlan_id"))+":"+flow["ingress_port"]
- if key in flow_dict:
- flow_dict[key].append(flow)
- else:
- flow_dict[key]=[ flow ]
- new_flows2=[]
- for flow_list in flow_dict.values():
- convert2ptp=False
- if len (flow_list)>=2:
- convert2ptp=True
- for f in flow_list:
- if f['actions'] != flow_list[0]['actions']:
- convert2ptp=False
- break
- if convert2ptp: # add only one unified rule without dst_mac
- self.logger.debug("Convert flow rules to NON mac dst_address " + str(flow_list) )
- flow_list[0].pop('dst_mac')
- flow_list[0]["priority"] -= 5
- new_flows2.append(flow_list[0])
- else: # add all the rules
- new_flows2 += flow_list
- return 0, new_flows2
- def set_openflow_controller_status(self, status, error_text=None):
- """
- Set openflow controller last operation status in DB
- :param status: ofc status ('ACTIVE','INACTIVE','ERROR')
- :param error_text: error text
- :return:
- """
- if self.of_uuid == "Default":
- return True
- ofc = {}
- ofc['status'] = status
- ofc['last_error'] = error_text
- self.db_lock.acquire()
- result, content = self.db.update_rows('ofcs', ofc, WHERE={'uuid': self.of_uuid}, log=False)
- self.db_lock.release()
- if result >= 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+This is the main program of openvim, it reads the configuration
+and launches the rest of threads: http clients, openflow controller
+and host controllers
+__author__ = "Alfonso Tierno"
+__date__ = "$10-jul-2014 12:07:15$"
+import osm_openvim.httpserver as httpserver
+import osm_openvim.auxiliary_functions as af
+import sys
+import getopt
+import time
+import yaml
+import os
+from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e
+from vim_schema import config_schema
+import logging
+import logging.handlers as log_handlers
+import socket
+import osm_openvim.ovim as ovim
+global config_dic
+global logger
+logger = logging.getLogger('vim')
+class LoadConfigurationException(Exception):
+ pass
+def load_configuration(configuration_file):
+ default_tokens ={'http_port':9080, 'http_host':'localhost',
+ 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan':True,
+ 'image_path':'/opt/VNF/images',
+ 'network_vlan_range_start':1000,
+ 'network_vlan_range_end': 4096,
+ 'log_level': "DEBUG",
+ 'log_level_db': "ERROR",
+ 'log_level_of': 'ERROR',
+ 'bridge_ifaces': {},
+ 'network_type': 'ovs',
+ 'ovs_controller_user': 'osm_dhcp',
+ 'ovs_controller_file_path': '/var/lib/',
+ }
+ try:
+ #First load configuration from configuration file
+ #Check config file exists
+ if not os.path.isfile(configuration_file):
+ return (False, "Configuration file '"+configuration_file+"' does not exists")
+ #Read and parse file
+ (return_status, code) = af.read_file(configuration_file)
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, "Error loading configuration file '"+configuration_file+"': "+code)
+ try:
+ config = yaml.load(code)
+ except yaml.YAMLError, exc:
+ error_pos = ""
+ if hasattr(exc, 'problem_mark'):
+ mark = exc.problem_mark
+ error_pos = " at position: (%s:%s)" % (mark.line+1, mark.column+1)
+ return (False, "Error loading configuration file '"+configuration_file+"'"+error_pos+": content format error: Failed to parse yaml format")
+ try:
+ js_v(config, config_schema)
+ except js_e.ValidationError, exc:
+ error_pos = ""
+ if len(exc.path)>0: error_pos=" at '" + ":".join(map(str, exc.path))+"'"
+ return False, "Error loading configuration file '"+configuration_file+"'"+error_pos+": "+exc.message
+ #Check default values tokens
+ for k,v in default_tokens.items():
+ if k not in config: config[k]=v
+ #Check vlan ranges
+ if config["network_vlan_range_start"]+10 >= config["network_vlan_range_end"]:
+ return False, "Error invalid network_vlan_range less than 10 elements"
+ except Exception,e:
+ return (False, "Error loading configuration file '"+configuration_file+"': "+str(e))
+ return (True, config)
+def usage():
+ print "Usage: ", sys.argv[0], "[options]"
+ print " -v|--version: prints current version"
+ print " -c|--config FILE: loads the configuration file (default: openvimd.cfg)"
+ print " -h|--help: shows this help"
+ print " -p|--port PORT: changes port number and overrides the port number in the configuration file (default: 908)"
+ print " -P|--adminport PORT: changes admin port number and overrides the port number in the configuration file (default: not listen)"
+ print " --dbname NAME: changes db_name and overrides the db_name in the configuration file"
+ #print( " --log-socket-host HOST: send logs to this host")
+ #print( " --log-socket-port PORT: send logs using this port (default: 9022)")
+ print( " --log-file FILE: send logs to this file")
+ return
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ hostname = socket.gethostname()
+ #streamformat = "%(levelname)s (%(module)s:%(lineno)d) %(message)s"
+ log_formatter_complete = logging.Formatter(
+ '%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d00Z[{host}@openmanod] %(filename)s:%(lineno)s severity:%(levelname)s logger:%(name)s log:%(message)s'.format(host=hostname),
+ datefmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S',
+ )
+ log_format_simple = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)s %(message)s"
+ log_formatter_simple = logging.Formatter(log_format_simple, datefmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
+ logging.basicConfig(format=log_format_simple, level= logging.DEBUG)
+ logger = logging.getLogger('openvim')
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvc:p:P:", ["config=", "help", "version", "port=", "adminport=", "log-file=", "dbname="])
+ except getopt.GetoptError, err:
+ # print help information and exit:
+ logger.error("%s. Type -h for help", err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
+ #usage()
+ sys.exit(-2)
+ port=None
+ port_admin = None
+ config_file = 'openvimd.cfg'
+ log_file = None
+ db_name = None
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o in ("-v", "--version"):
+ print "openvimd version", ovim.ovim.get_version(), ovim.ovim.get_version_date()
+ print "(c) Copyright Telefonica"
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif o in ("-c", "--config"):
+ config_file = a
+ elif o in ("-p", "--port"):
+ port = a
+ elif o in ("-P", "--adminport"):
+ port_admin = a
+ elif o in ("-P", "--dbname"):
+ db_name = a
+ elif o == "--log-file":
+ log_file = a
+ else:
+ assert False, "Unhandled option"
+ engine = None
+ http_thread = None
+ http_thread_admin = None
+ try:
+ #Load configuration file
+ r, config_dic = load_configuration(config_file)
+ #print config_dic
+ if not r:
+ logger.error(config_dic)
+ config_dic={}
+ exit(-1)
+ if log_file:
+ try:
+ file_handler= logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(log_file, maxBytes=100e6, backupCount=9, delay=0)
+ file_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter_simple)
+ logger.addHandler(file_handler)
+ #logger.debug("moving logs to '%s'", global_config["log_file"])
+ #remove initial stream handler
+ logging.root.removeHandler(logging.root.handlers[0])
+ print ("logging on '{}'".format(log_file))
+ except IOError as e:
+ raise LoadConfigurationException("Cannot open logging file '{}': {}. Check folder exist and permissions".format(log_file, str(e)) )
+ logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, config_dic['log_level']))
+ logger.critical("Starting openvim server command: '%s'", sys.argv[0])
+ #override parameters obtained by command line
+ if port:
+ config_dic['http_port'] = port
+ if port_admin:
+ config_dic['http_admin_port'] = port_admin
+ if db_name:
+ config_dic['db_name'] = db_name
+ #check mode
+ if 'mode' not in config_dic:
+ config_dic['mode'] = 'normal'
+ #allow backward compatibility of test_mode option
+ if 'test_mode' in config_dic and config_dic['test_mode']==True:
+ config_dic['mode'] = 'test'
+ if config_dic['mode'] == 'development' and config_dic['network_type'] == 'bridge' and \
+ ( 'development_bridge' not in config_dic or config_dic['development_bridge'] not in config_dic.get("bridge_ifaces",None) ):
+ logger.error("'%s' is not a valid 'development_bridge', not one of the 'bridge_ifaces'", config_file)
+ exit(-1)
+ if config_dic['mode'] != 'normal':
+ print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
+ print "!! Warning, openvimd in TEST mode '%s'" % config_dic['mode']
+ print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
+ config_dic['version'] = ovim.ovim.get_version()
+ config_dic["logger_name"] = "openvim"
+ engine = ovim.ovim(config_dic)
+ engine.start_service()
+ #Create thread to listen to web requests
+ http_thread = httpserver.httpserver(engine, 'http', config_dic['http_host'], config_dic['http_port'], False, config_dic)
+ http_thread.start()
+ if 'http_admin_port' in config_dic:
+ engine2 = ovim.ovim(config_dic)
+ http_thread_admin = httpserver.httpserver(engine2, 'http-admin', config_dic['http_host'], config_dic['http_admin_port'], True)
+ http_thread_admin.start()
+ else:
+ http_thread_admin = None
+ time.sleep(1)
+ logger.info('Waiting for http clients')
+ print ('openvimd ready')
+ print ('====================')
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ #TODO: Interactive console would be nice here instead of join or sleep
+ r="help" #force print help at the beginning
+ while True:
+ if r=='exit':
+ break
+ elif r!='':
+ print "type 'exit' for terminate"
+ r = raw_input('> ')
+ except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+ pass
+ except SystemExit:
+ pass
+ except getopt.GetoptError as e:
+ logger.critical(str(e)) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
+ #usage()
+ exit(-1)
+ except LoadConfigurationException as e:
+ logger.critical(str(e))
+ exit(-1)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ logger.critical(str(e))
+ exit(-1)
+ logger.info('Exiting openvimd')
+ if engine:
+ engine.stop_service()
+ if http_thread:
+ http_thread.join(1)
+ if http_thread_admin:
+ http_thread_admin.join(1)
+ logger.debug( "bye!")
+ exit()
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-#Option to test openvim without the needed infrastructure, possible values are
-# "normal" by default, Openflow controller (OFC), switch and real host are needed
-# "test" Used for testing http API and database without connecting to host or to OFC
-# "host only" Used when neither OFC nor OF switch are provided.
-# Dataplane network connection must be done manually.
-# "OF only" Used for testing of new openflow controllers support. No real VM deployments will be done but
-# OFC will be used as in real mode
-# "development" Forced a cloud-type deployment, nomal memory instead of hugepages is used,
-# without cpu pinning, and using a bridge network instead of a real OFC dataplane networks.
-# The same 'development_bridge' (see below) is used for all dataplane networks
-mode: test
-#Openflow controller information
-of_controller: floodlight # Type of controller to be used.
- # Valid controllers are 'opendaylight', 'floodlight' or <custom>
-#of_controller_module: module # Only needed for <custom>. Python module that implement
- # this controller. By default a file with the name <custom>.py is used
-#of_<other>: value # Other parameters required by <custom> controller. Consumed by __init__
-of_user: user credentials # User credentials for the controller if needed
-of_password: passwd credentials # Password credentials for the controller if needed
-of_controller_ip: # IP address where the Openflow controller is listening
-of_controller_port: 7070 # TCP port where the Openflow controller is listening (REST API server)
-of_controller_dpid: '00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07' # Openflow Switch identifier (put here the right number)
-#This option is used for those openflow switch that cannot deliver one packet to several output with different vlan tags
-#When set to true, it fails when trying to attach different vlan tagged ports to the same net
-of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan: false # (by default, true)
-#Server parameters
-http_host: # IP address where openvim is listening (by default, localhost)
-http_port: 9080 # General port where openvim is listening (by default, 9080)
-http_admin_port: 9085 # Admin port where openvim is listening (when missing, no administration server is launched)
-#database parameters
-db_host: localhost # by default localhost
-db_user: vim # DB user
-db_passwd: vimpw # DB password
-db_name: vim_db # Name of the VIM DB
-#host paremeters
-image_path: "/opt/VNF/images" # Folder, same for every host, where the VNF images will be copied
-#testing parameters (used by ./test/test_openvim.py)
-tenant_id: fc7b43b6-6bfa-11e4-84d2-5254006d6777 # Default tenant identifier for testing
-#VLAN ranges used for the dataplane networks (ptp, data)
-#When a network is created an unused value in this range is used
-network_vlan_range_start: 3000
-network_vlan_range_end: 4000
-# Overlay network implementation. Options are:
-# - ovs : (by default) Use a vlxan mesh between computes to handle the network overlay.
-# - bridge: Use pre-populated linux bridges with L2 conectivity at compte nodes.
-network_type : ovs
-ovs_controller_ip : localhost # dhcp controller IP address, must be change in order to
-ovs_controller_user : "osm_dhcp" # User for the dchp controller for OVS networks
-ovs_controller_file_path : "/var/lib/openvim" # Path for dhcp daemon configuration, by default '/var/lib/openvim'
-#host bridge interfaces for networks
-# Apply only for 'network_type: bridge'
-# Indicates the bridges at compute nodes to be used for the overlay networks
-# Bridge networks need to be pre-provisioned on each host and Openvim uses those pre-provisioned bridge networks.
-# Openvim assumes that the following bridge interfaces have been created on each host, appropriately associated to a physical port.
-# The following information needs to be provided:
-# - Name of the bridge (identical in all hosts)
-# - VLAN tag associated to each bridge interface
-# - The speed of the physical port in Gbps, where that bridge interface was created
-# For instance, next example assumes that 10 bridges have been created on each host
-# using vlans 2001 to 2010, associated to a 1Gbps physical port
-# #name: [vlan, speed in Gbps]
-# virbrMan1: [2001, 1]
-# virbrMan2: [2002, 1]
-# virbrMan3: [2003, 1]
-# virbrMan4: [2004, 1]
-# virbrMan5: [2005, 1]
-# virbrMan6: [2006, 1]
-# virbrMan7: [2007, 1]
-# virbrMan8: [2008, 1]
-# virbrMan9: [2009, 1]
-# virbrMan10: [2010, 1]
-#Used only when 'mode' is at development'. Indicates which 'bridge_ifaces' is used for dataplane networks
-#development_bridge: virbrMan10
-#In case some of the previous 'bridge_ifaces' are connected to an EXTERNAL dhcp server, provide
-# the server parameters to allow openvim getting the allocated IP addresses of virtual machines
-# connected to the indicated 'bridge_ifaces' and or 'nets'. Openvim will connect to the dhcp server by ssh.
-#DHCP server must contain a shell script "get_dhcp_lease.sh" included in the path, that accepts a mac address as
-# parameter and return empty or the allocated IP address. See an example at the end of the file
-# ./openvim/dhcp_thread.py
-#COMMENT all lines in case you do not have a DHCP server in 'normal', 'development' or 'host only' modes.
-# For 'test' or 'OF only' modes you can leave then uncommented, because in these modes fake IP
-# address are generated instead of connecting with a real DHCP server.
- host: host-ip-or-name
- #port: 22 #ssh port, by default 22
- provider: isc-dhcp-server #dhcp-server type
- user: user
- #provide password, or key if needed
- password: passwd
- #key: ssh-access-key
- #list of the previous bridge interfaces attached to this dhcp server
- bridge_ifaces: [ virbrMan1, virbrMan2 ]
- #list of the networks attached to this dhcp server
- nets: [default]
-#logging parameters # DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
-log_level: ERROR
-log_level_db: DEBUG
-log_level_of: DEBUG
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-This is the main program of openvim, it reads the configuration
-and launches the rest of threads: http clients, openflow controller
-and host controllers
-__author__ = "Alfonso Tierno"
-__date__ = "$10-jul-2014 12:07:15$"
-import httpserver
-import auxiliary_functions as af
-import sys
-import getopt
-import time
-import yaml
-import os
-from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e
-from vim_schema import config_schema
-import logging
-import logging.handlers as log_handlers
-import socket
-import ovim
-global config_dic
-global logger
-logger = logging.getLogger('vim')
-class LoadConfigurationException(Exception):
- pass
-def load_configuration(configuration_file):
- default_tokens ={'http_port':9080, 'http_host':'localhost',
- 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan':True,
- 'image_path':'/opt/VNF/images',
- 'network_vlan_range_start':1000,
- 'network_vlan_range_end': 4096,
- 'log_level': "DEBUG",
- 'log_level_db': "ERROR",
- 'log_level_of': 'ERROR',
- 'bridge_ifaces': {},
- 'network_type': 'ovs',
- 'ovs_controller_user': 'osm_dhcp',
- 'ovs_controller_file_path': '/var/lib/',
- }
- try:
- #First load configuration from configuration file
- #Check config file exists
- if not os.path.isfile(configuration_file):
- return (False, "Configuration file '"+configuration_file+"' does not exists")
- #Read and parse file
- (return_status, code) = af.read_file(configuration_file)
- if not return_status:
- return (return_status, "Error loading configuration file '"+configuration_file+"': "+code)
- try:
- config = yaml.load(code)
- except yaml.YAMLError, exc:
- error_pos = ""
- if hasattr(exc, 'problem_mark'):
- mark = exc.problem_mark
- error_pos = " at position: (%s:%s)" % (mark.line+1, mark.column+1)
- return (False, "Error loading configuration file '"+configuration_file+"'"+error_pos+": content format error: Failed to parse yaml format")
- try:
- js_v(config, config_schema)
- except js_e.ValidationError, exc:
- error_pos = ""
- if len(exc.path)>0: error_pos=" at '" + ":".join(map(str, exc.path))+"'"
- return False, "Error loading configuration file '"+configuration_file+"'"+error_pos+": "+exc.message
- #Check default values tokens
- for k,v in default_tokens.items():
- if k not in config: config[k]=v
- #Check vlan ranges
- if config["network_vlan_range_start"]+10 >= config["network_vlan_range_end"]:
- return False, "Error invalid network_vlan_range less than 10 elements"
- except Exception,e:
- return (False, "Error loading configuration file '"+configuration_file+"': "+str(e))
- return (True, config)
-def usage():
- print "Usage: ", sys.argv[0], "[options]"
- print " -v|--version: prints current version"
- print " -c|--config FILE: loads the configuration file (default: openvimd.cfg)"
- print " -h|--help: shows this help"
- print " -p|--port PORT: changes port number and overrides the port number in the configuration file (default: 908)"
- print " -P|--adminport PORT: changes admin port number and overrides the port number in the configuration file (default: not listen)"
- print " --dbname NAME: changes db_name and overrides the db_name in the configuration file"
- #print( " --log-socket-host HOST: send logs to this host")
- #print( " --log-socket-port PORT: send logs using this port (default: 9022)")
- print( " --log-file FILE: send logs to this file")
- return
-if __name__=="__main__":
- hostname = socket.gethostname()
- #streamformat = "%(levelname)s (%(module)s:%(lineno)d) %(message)s"
- log_formatter_complete = logging.Formatter(
- '%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d00Z[{host}@openmanod] %(filename)s:%(lineno)s severity:%(levelname)s logger:%(name)s log:%(message)s'.format(host=hostname),
- datefmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S',
- )
- log_format_simple = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)s %(message)s"
- log_formatter_simple = logging.Formatter(log_format_simple, datefmt='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
- logging.basicConfig(format=log_format_simple, level= logging.DEBUG)
- logger = logging.getLogger('openvim')
- logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvc:p:P:", ["config=", "help", "version", "port=", "adminport=", "log-file=", "dbname="])
- except getopt.GetoptError, err:
- # print help information and exit:
- logger.error("%s. Type -h for help", err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
- #usage()
- sys.exit(-2)
- port=None
- port_admin = None
- config_file = 'openvimd.cfg'
- log_file = None
- db_name = None
- for o, a in opts:
- if o in ("-v", "--version"):
- print "openvimd version", ovim.ovim.get_version(), ovim.ovim.get_version_date()
- print "(c) Copyright Telefonica"
- sys.exit(0)
- elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
- usage()
- sys.exit(0)
- elif o in ("-c", "--config"):
- config_file = a
- elif o in ("-p", "--port"):
- port = a
- elif o in ("-P", "--adminport"):
- port_admin = a
- elif o in ("-P", "--dbname"):
- db_name = a
- elif o == "--log-file":
- log_file = a
- else:
- assert False, "Unhandled option"
- engine = None
- http_thread = None
- http_thread_admin = None
- try:
- #Load configuration file
- r, config_dic = load_configuration(config_file)
- #print config_dic
- if not r:
- logger.error(config_dic)
- config_dic={}
- exit(-1)
- if log_file:
- try:
- file_handler= logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(log_file, maxBytes=100e6, backupCount=9, delay=0)
- file_handler.setFormatter(log_formatter_simple)
- logger.addHandler(file_handler)
- #logger.debug("moving logs to '%s'", global_config["log_file"])
- #remove initial stream handler
- logging.root.removeHandler(logging.root.handlers[0])
- print ("logging on '{}'".format(log_file))
- except IOError as e:
- raise LoadConfigurationException("Cannot open logging file '{}': {}. Check folder exist and permissions".format(log_file, str(e)) )
- logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, config_dic['log_level']))
- logger.critical("Starting openvim server command: '%s'", sys.argv[0])
- #override parameters obtained by command line
- if port:
- config_dic['http_port'] = port
- if port_admin:
- config_dic['http_admin_port'] = port_admin
- if db_name:
- config_dic['db_name'] = db_name
- #check mode
- if 'mode' not in config_dic:
- config_dic['mode'] = 'normal'
- #allow backward compatibility of test_mode option
- if 'test_mode' in config_dic and config_dic['test_mode']==True:
- config_dic['mode'] = 'test'
- if config_dic['mode'] == 'development' and config_dic['network_type'] == 'bridge' and \
- ( 'development_bridge' not in config_dic or config_dic['development_bridge'] not in config_dic.get("bridge_ifaces",None) ):
- logger.error("'%s' is not a valid 'development_bridge', not one of the 'bridge_ifaces'", config_file)
- exit(-1)
- if config_dic['mode'] != 'normal':
- print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
- print "!! Warning, openvimd in TEST mode '%s'" % config_dic['mode']
- print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
- config_dic['version'] = ovim.ovim.get_version()
- config_dic["logger_name"] = "openvim"
- engine = ovim.ovim(config_dic)
- engine.start_service()
- #Create thread to listen to web requests
- http_thread = httpserver.httpserver(engine, 'http', config_dic['http_host'], config_dic['http_port'], False, config_dic)
- http_thread.start()
- if 'http_admin_port' in config_dic:
- engine2 = ovim.ovim(config_dic)
- http_thread_admin = httpserver.httpserver(engine2, 'http-admin', config_dic['http_host'], config_dic['http_admin_port'], True)
- http_thread_admin.start()
- else:
- http_thread_admin = None
- time.sleep(1)
- logger.info('Waiting for http clients')
- print ('openvimd ready')
- print ('====================')
- sys.stdout.flush()
- #TODO: Interactive console would be nice here instead of join or sleep
- r="help" #force print help at the beginning
- while True:
- if r=='exit':
- break
- elif r!='':
- print "type 'exit' for terminate"
- r = raw_input('> ')
- except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
- pass
- except SystemExit:
- pass
- except getopt.GetoptError as e:
- logger.critical(str(e)) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
- #usage()
- exit(-1)
- except LoadConfigurationException as e:
- logger.critical(str(e))
- exit(-1)
- except ovim.ovimException as e:
- logger.critical(str(e))
- exit(-1)
- logger.info('Exiting openvimd')
- if engine:
- engine.stop_service()
- if http_thread:
- http_thread.join(1)
- if http_thread_admin:
- http_thread_admin.join(1)
- logger.debug( "bye!")
- exit()
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+Implement the plugging for OpendayLight openflow controller
+It creates the class OF_conn to create dataplane connections
+with static rules based on packet destination MAC address
+__author__="Pablo Montes, Alfonso Tierno"
+__date__ ="$28-oct-2014 12:07:15$"
+import json
+import requests
+import base64
+import logging
+import openflow_conn
+class OF_conn(openflow_conn.OpenflowConn):
+ """OpenDayLight connector. No MAC learning is used"""
+ def __init__(self, params):
+ """ Constructor.
+ Params: dictionary with the following keys:
+ of_dpid: DPID to use for this controller
+ of_ip: controller IP address
+ of_port: controller TCP port
+ of_user: user credentials, can be missing or None
+ of_password: password credentials
+ of_debug: debug level for logging. Default to ERROR
+ other keys are ignored
+ Raise an exception if same parameter is missing or wrong
+ """
+ # check params
+ if "of_ip" not in params or params["of_ip"]==None or "of_port" not in params or params["of_port"]==None:
+ raise ValueError("IP address and port must be provided")
+ openflow_conn.OpenflowConn.__init__(self, params)
+ # internal variables
+ self.name = "OpenDayLight"
+ self.headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
+ self.auth=None
+ self.pp2ofi={} # From Physical Port to OpenFlow Index
+ self.ofi2pp={} # From OpenFlow Index to Physical Port
+ self.dpid = str(params["of_dpid"])
+ self.id = 'openflow:'+str(int(self.dpid.replace(':', ''), 16))
+ self.url = "http://%s:%s" %( str(params["of_ip"]), str(params["of_port"] ) )
+ if "of_user" in params and params["of_user"]!=None:
+ if not params.get("of_password"):
+ of_password=""
+ else:
+ of_password=str(params["of_password"])
+ self.auth = base64.b64encode(str(params["of_user"])+":"+of_password)
+ self.headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic '+self.auth
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('vim.OF.ODL')
+ self.logger.setLevel( getattr(logging, params.get("of_debug", "ERROR")) )
+ def get_of_switches(self):
+ """
+ Obtain a a list of switches or DPID detected by this controller
+ :return: list length, and a list where each element a tuple pair (DPID, IP address)
+ Raise an OpenflowconnConnectionException exception if fails with text_error
+ """
+ try:
+ of_response = requests.get(self.url+"/restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes",
+ headers=self.headers)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Error get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ info = of_response.json()
+ if type(info) != dict:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response, not a dict: %s", str(info))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, not a dict. Wrong version?")
+ nodes = info.get('nodes')
+ if type(nodes) is not dict:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response at 'nodes', not found or not a dict: %s", str(type(info)))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'nodes', not found or "
+ "not a dict. Wrong version?")
+ node_list = nodes.get('node')
+ if type(node_list) is not list:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response, at 'nodes':'node', "
+ "not found or not a list: %s", str(type(node_list)))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, at 'nodes':'node', not found "
+ "or not a list. Wrong version?")
+ switch_list=[]
+ for node in node_list:
+ node_id = node.get('id')
+ if node_id is None:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:'id', not found: %s", str(node))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:'id', "
+ "not found . Wrong version?")
+ if node_id == 'controller-config':
+ continue
+ node_ip_address = node.get('flow-node-inventory:ip-address')
+ if node_ip_address is None:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:'flow-node-inventory:"
+ "ip-address', not found: %s", str(node))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:"
+ "'flow-node-inventory:ip-address', "
+ "not found. Wrong version?")
+ node_id_hex=hex(int(node_id.split(':')[1])).split('x')[1].zfill(16)
+ switch_list.append( (':'.join(a+b for a,b in zip(node_id_hex[::2], node_id_hex[1::2])), node_ip_address))
+ return len(switch_list), switch_list
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ def obtain_port_correspondence(self):
+ """
+ Obtain the correspondence between physical and openflow port names
+ :return: dictionary: with physical name as key, openflow name as value,
+ Raise a OpenflowconnConnectionException expection in case of failure
+ """
+ try:
+ of_response = requests.get(self.url+"/restconf/operational/opendaylight-inventory:nodes",
+ headers=self.headers)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ info = of_response.json()
+ if type(info) != dict:
+ self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response not a dict: %s", str(info))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected openflow response, not a dict. "
+ "Wrong version?")
+ nodes = info.get('nodes')
+ if type(nodes) is not dict:
+ self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response at 'nodes', "
+ "not found or not a dict: %s", str(type(nodes)))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'nodes',not found or not a dict. Wrong version?")
+ node_list = nodes.get('node')
+ if type(node_list) is not list:
+ self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response, at 'nodes':'node', "
+ "not found or not a list: %s", str(type(node_list)))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, at 'nodes':'node', "
+ "not found or not a list. Wrong version?")
+ for node in node_list:
+ node_id = node.get('id')
+ if node_id is None:
+ self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:'id', "
+ "not found: %s", str(node))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:'id', "
+ "not found . Wrong version?")
+ if node_id == 'controller-config':
+ continue
+ # Figure out if this is the appropriate switch. The 'id' is 'openflow:' plus the decimal value
+ # of the dpid
+ # In case this is not the desired switch, continue
+ if self.id != node_id:
+ continue
+ node_connector_list = node.get('node-connector')
+ if type(node_connector_list) is not list:
+ self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response at "
+ "'nodes':'node'[]:'node-connector', not found or not a list: %s", str(node))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:"
+ "'node-connector', not found or not a list. "
+ "Wrong version?")
+ for node_connector in node_connector_list:
+ self.pp2ofi[ str(node_connector['flow-node-inventory:name']) ] = str(node_connector['id'] )
+ self.ofi2pp[ node_connector['id'] ] = str(node_connector['flow-node-inventory:name'])
+ node_ip_address = node.get('flow-node-inventory:ip-address')
+ if node_ip_address is None:
+ self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:"
+ "'flow-node-inventory:ip-address', not found: %s", str(node))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'nodes':'node'[]:"
+ "'flow-node-inventory:ip-address', not found. Wrong version?")
+ self.ip_address = node_ip_address
+ # If we found the appropriate dpid no need to continue in the for loop
+ break
+ # print self.name, ": obtain_port_correspondence ports:", self.pp2ofi
+ return self.pp2ofi
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ def get_of_rules(self, translate_of_ports=True):
+ """
+ Obtain the rules inserted at openflow controller
+ :param translate_of_ports:
+ :return: dict if ok: with the rule name as key and value is another dictionary with the following content:
+ priority: rule priority
+ name: rule name (present also as the master dict key)
+ ingress_port: match input port of the rule
+ dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
+ vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
+ actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples:
+ (vlan, None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
+ (out, port): send to this port
+ switch: DPID, all
+ Raise a OpenflowconnConnectionException expection in case of failure
+ """
+ try:
+ # get rules
+ if len(self.ofi2pp) == 0:
+ self.obtain_port_correspondence()
+ of_response = requests.get(self.url+"/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/" + self.id +
+ "/table/0", headers=self.headers)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ # The configured page does not exist if there are no rules installed. In that case we return an empty dict
+ if of_response.status_code == 404:
+ return {}
+ elif of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("get_of_rules " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("get_of_rules " + error_text)
+ info = of_response.json()
+ if type(info) != dict:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_rules. Unexpected response not a dict: %s", str(info))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected openflow response, not a dict. "
+ "Wrong version?")
+ table = info.get('flow-node-inventory:table')
+ if type(table) is not list:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_rules. Unexpected response at 'flow-node-inventory:table', "
+ "not a list: %s", str(type(table)))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'flow-node-inventory:table',"
+ " not a list. Wrong version?")
+ flow_list = table[0].get('flow')
+ if flow_list is None:
+ return {}
+ if type(flow_list) is not list:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_rules. Unexpected response at 'flow-node-inventory:table'[0]:'flow', not a list: %s", str(type(flow_list)))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'flow-node-inventory:"
+ "table'[0]:'flow', not a list. Wrong version?")
+ # TODO translate ports according to translate_of_ports parameter
+ rules = dict()
+ for flow in flow_list:
+ if not ('id' in flow and 'match' in flow and 'instructions' in flow and
+ 'instruction' in flow['instructions'] and
+ 'apply-actions' in flow['instructions']['instruction'][0] and
+ 'action' in flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['apply-actions']):
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow response, one or more "
+ "elements are missing. Wrong version?")
+ flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['apply-actions']['action']
+ rule = dict()
+ rule['switch'] = self.dpid
+ rule['priority'] = flow.get('priority')
+ # rule['name'] = flow['id']
+ # rule['cookie'] = flow['cookie']
+ if 'in-port' in flow['match']:
+ in_port = flow['match']['in-port']
+ if not in_port in self.ofi2pp:
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Error: Ingress port " + in_port +
+ " is not in switch port list")
+ if translate_of_ports:
+ in_port = self.ofi2pp[in_port]
+ rule['ingress_port'] = in_port
+ if 'vlan-match' in flow['match'] and 'vlan-id' in flow['match']['vlan-match'] and \
+ 'vlan-id' in flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id'] and \
+ 'vlan-id-present' in flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id'] and \
+ flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id-present'] == True:
+ rule['vlan_id'] = flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id']
+ if 'ethernet-match' in flow['match'] and 'ethernet-destination' in flow['match']['ethernet-match'] and \
+ 'address' in flow['match']['ethernet-match']['ethernet-destination']:
+ rule['dst_mac'] = flow['match']['ethernet-match']['ethernet-destination']['address']
+ instructions=flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['apply-actions']['action']
+ max_index=0
+ for instruction in instructions:
+ if instruction['order'] > max_index:
+ max_index = instruction['order']
+ actions=[None]*(max_index+1)
+ for instruction in instructions:
+ if 'output-action' in instruction:
+ if not 'output-node-connector' in instruction['output-action']:
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow response, one or "
+ "more elementa are missing. "
+ "Wrong version?")
+ out_port = instruction['output-action']['output-node-connector']
+ if not out_port in self.ofi2pp:
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Error: Output port " + out_port +
+ " is not in switch port list")
+ if translate_of_ports:
+ out_port = self.ofi2pp[out_port]
+ actions[instruction['order']] = ('out',out_port)
+ elif 'strip-vlan-action' in instruction:
+ actions[instruction['order']] = ('vlan', None)
+ elif 'set-field' in instruction:
+ if not ('vlan-match' in instruction['set-field'] and 'vlan-id' in instruction['set-field']['vlan-match'] and 'vlan-id' in instruction['set-field']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']):
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow response, one or "
+ "more elements are missing. "
+ "Wrong version?")
+ actions[instruction['order']] = ('vlan', instruction['set-field']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id'])
+ actions = [x for x in actions if x != None]
+ rule['actions'] = list(actions)
+ rules[flow['id']] = dict(rule)
+ #flow['id']
+ #flow['priority']
+ #flow['cookie']
+ #flow['match']['in-port']
+ #flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id']
+ # match -> in-port
+ # -> vlan-match -> vlan-id -> vlan-id
+ #flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id-present']
+ #TODO we asume that is not using rules with vlan-id-present:false
+ #instructions -> instruction -> apply-actions -> action
+ #instructions=flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['apply-actions']['action']
+ #Es una lista. Posibles elementos:
+ #max_index=0
+ #for instruction in instructions:
+ # if instruction['order'] > max_index:
+ # max_index = instruction['order']
+ #actions=[None]*(max_index+1)
+ #for instruction in instructions:
+ # if 'output-action' in instruction:
+ # actions[instruction['order']] = ('out',instruction['output-action']['output-node-connector'])
+ # elif 'strip-vlan-action' in instruction:
+ # actions[instruction['order']] = ('vlan', None)
+ # elif 'set-field' in instruction:
+ # actions[instruction['order']] = ('vlan', instruction['set-field']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id'])
+ #
+ #actions = [x for x in actions if x != None]
+ # -> output-action -> output-node-connector
+ # -> pop-vlan-action
+ return rules
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("get_of_rules " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("get_of_rules " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ def del_flow(self, flow_name):
+ """
+ Delete an existing rule
+ :param flow_name: flow_name, this is the rule name
+ :return: Raise a OpenflowconnConnectionException expection in case of failure
+ """
+ try:
+ of_response = requests.delete(self.url+"/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/" + self.id +
+ "/table/0/flow/"+flow_name, headers=self.headers)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("del_flow " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("del_flow OK " + error_text)
+ return None
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ # raise an exception in case of contection error
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("del_flow " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+ def new_flow(self, data):
+ """
+ Insert a new static rule
+ :param data: dictionary with the following content:
+ priority: rule priority
+ name: rule name
+ ingress_port: match input port of the rule
+ dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, missing or None if not apply
+ vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, missing or None if not apply
+ actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples with these posibilities:
+ ('vlan', None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
+ ('out', port): send to this port
+ :return: Raise a OpenflowconnConnectionException expection in case of failure
+ """
+ try:
+ if len(self.pp2ofi) == 0:
+ self.obtain_port_correspondence()
+ # We have to build the data for the opendaylight call from the generic data
+ sdata = dict()
+ sdata['flow-node-inventory:flow'] = list()
+ sdata['flow-node-inventory:flow'].append(dict())
+ flow = sdata['flow-node-inventory:flow'][0]
+ flow['id'] = data['name']
+ flow['flow-name'] = data['name']
+ flow['idle-timeout'] = 0
+ flow['hard-timeout'] = 0
+ flow['table_id'] = 0
+ flow['priority'] = data.get('priority')
+ flow['match'] = dict()
+ if not data['ingress_port'] in self.pp2ofi:
+ error_text = 'Error. Port '+data['ingress_port']+' is not present in the switch'
+ self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ flow['match']['in-port'] = self.pp2ofi[data['ingress_port']]
+ if 'dst_mac' in data:
+ flow['match']['ethernet-match'] = dict()
+ flow['match']['ethernet-match']['ethernet-destination'] = dict()
+ flow['match']['ethernet-match']['ethernet-destination']['address'] = data['dst_mac']
+ if data.get('vlan_id'):
+ flow['match']['vlan-match'] = dict()
+ flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id'] = dict()
+ flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id-present'] = True
+ flow['match']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id'] = int(data['vlan_id'])
+ flow['instructions'] = dict()
+ flow['instructions']['instruction'] = list()
+ flow['instructions']['instruction'].append(dict())
+ flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['order'] = 1
+ flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['apply-actions'] = dict()
+ flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['apply-actions']['action'] = list()
+ actions = flow['instructions']['instruction'][0]['apply-actions']['action']
+ order = 0
+ for action in data['actions']:
+ new_action = { 'order': order }
+ if action[0] == "vlan":
+ if action[1] == None:
+ # strip vlan
+ new_action['strip-vlan-action'] = dict()
+ else:
+ new_action['set-field'] = dict()
+ new_action['set-field']['vlan-match'] = dict()
+ new_action['set-field']['vlan-match']['vlan-id'] = dict()
+ new_action['set-field']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id-present'] = True
+ new_action['set-field']['vlan-match']['vlan-id']['vlan-id'] = int(action[1])
+ elif action[0] == 'out':
+ new_action['output-action'] = dict()
+ if not action[1] in self.pp2ofi:
+ error_msj = 'Port '+action[1]+' is not present in the switch'
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_msj)
+ new_action['output-action']['output-node-connector'] = self.pp2ofi[ action[1] ]
+ else:
+ error_msj = "Unknown item '%s' in action list" % action[0]
+ self.logger.error("new_flow " + error_msj)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_msj)
+ actions.append(new_action)
+ order += 1
+ # print json.dumps(sdata)
+ of_response = requests.put(self.url+"/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/" + self.id +
+ "/table/0/flow/" + data['name'],
+ headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(sdata) )
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("new_flow OK " + error_text)
+ return None
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ # raise an exception in case of contection error
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("new_flow " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+ def clear_all_flows(self):
+ """
+ Delete all existing rules
+ :return: Raise a OpenflowconnConnectionException expection in case of failure
+ """
+ try:
+ of_response = requests.delete(self.url+"/restconf/config/opendaylight-inventory:nodes/node/" + self.id +
+ "/table/0", headers=self.headers)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 200 and of_response.status_code != 404: #HTTP_Not_Found
+ self.logger.warning("clear_all_flows " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("clear_all_flows OK " + error_text)
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("clear_all_flows " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+Implement the logic for obtaining compute nodes information
+Resource Availability Descriptor
+__author__="Pablo Montes"
+#TODO: remove warnings, remove unused things
+from definitionsClass import definitionsClass
+from auxiliary_functions import get_ssh_connection
+import libvirt
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+import paramiko
+import re
+import yaml
+def getCredentials(creds, data):
+ """Used as a backup for libvirt.openAuth in order to provide password that came with data,
+ not used by the moment
+ """
+ print "RADclass:getCredentials", creds, data
+ for cred in creds:
+ print cred[1] + ": ",
+ if cred[0] == libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME:
+ cred[4] = data
+ elif cred[0] == libvirt.VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE:
+ cred[4] = data
+ else:
+ return -1
+ return 0
+class RADclass():
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.name = None
+ self.machine = None
+ self.user = None
+ self.password = None
+ self.nodes = dict() #Dictionary of nodes. Keys are the node id, values are Node() elements
+ self.nr_processors = None #Integer. Number of processors in the system
+ self.processor_family = None #If all nodes have the same value equal them, otherwise keep as None
+ self.processor_manufacturer = None #If all nodes have the same value equal them, otherwise keep as None
+ self.processor_version = None #If all nodes have the same value equal them, otherwise keep as None
+ self.processor_features = None #If all nodes have the same value equal them, otherwise keep as None
+ self.memory_type = None #If all nodes have the same value equal them, otherwise keep as None
+ self.memory_freq = None #If all nodes have the same value equal them, otherwise keep as None
+ self.memory_nr_channels = None #If all nodes have the same value equal them, otherwise keep as None
+ self.memory_size = None #Integer. Sum of the memory in all nodes
+ self.memory_hugepage_sz = None
+ self.hypervisor = Hypervisor() #Hypervisor information
+ self.os = OpSys() #Operating system information
+ self.ports_list = list() #List containing all network ports in the node. This is used to avoid having defined multiple times the same port in the system
+ def obtain_RAD(self, user, password, machine):
+ """This function obtains the RAD information from the remote server.
+ It uses both a ssh and a libvirt connection.
+ It is desirable in future versions get rid of the ssh connection, but currently
+ libvirt does not provide all the needed information.
+ Returns (True, Warning) in case of success and (False, <error>) in case of error"""
+ warning_text=""
+ try:
+ #Get virsh and ssh connection
+ (return_status, code) = get_ssh_connection(machine, user, password)
+ if not return_status:
+ print 'RADclass.obtain_RAD() error:', code
+ return (return_status, code)
+ ssh_conn = code
+ self.connection_IP = machine
+ #print "libvirt open pre"
+ virsh_conn=libvirt.open("qemu+ssh://"+user+'@'+machine+"/system")
+ #virsh_conn=libvirt.openAuth("qemu+ssh://"+user+'@'+machine+"/system",
+ # [[libvirt.VIR_CRED_AUTHNAME, libvirt.VIR_CRED_PASSPHRASE, libvirt.VIR_CRED_USERNAME], getCredentials, password],
+ # 0)
+ #print "libvirt open after"
+ # #Set connection infomation
+ # (return_status, code) = self.set_connection_info(machine, user, password)
+ # if not return_status:
+ # return (return_status, 'Error in '+machine+': '+code)
+ #Set server name
+ machine_name = get_hostname(virsh_conn)
+ (return_status, code) = self.set_name(machine_name)
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, 'Error at self.set_name in '+machine+': '+code)
+ warning_text += code
+ #Get the server processors information
+ processors = dict()
+ (return_status, code) = get_processor_information(ssh_conn, virsh_conn, processors)
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, 'Error at get_processor_information in '+machine+': '+code)
+ warning_text += code
+ #Get the server memory information
+ memory_nodes = dict()
+ (return_status, code) = get_memory_information(ssh_conn, virsh_conn, memory_nodes)
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, 'Error at get_memory_information in '+machine+': '+code)
+ warning_text += code
+ #Get nics information
+ nic_topology = dict()
+ # (return_status, code) = get_nic_information_old(ssh_conn, nic_topology)
+ (return_status, code) = get_nic_information(ssh_conn, virsh_conn, nic_topology)
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, 'Error at get_nic_information in '+machine+': '+code)
+ warning_text += code
+ #Pack each processor, memory node and nics in a node element
+ #and add the node to the RAD element
+ for socket_id, processor in processors.iteritems():
+ node = Node()
+ if not socket_id in nic_topology:
+ nic_topology[socket_id] = list()
+ (return_status, code) = node.set(processor, memory_nodes[socket_id], nic_topology[socket_id])
+ # else:
+ # (return_status, code) = node.set(processor, memory_nodes[socket_id])
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, 'Error at node.set in '+machine+': '+code)
+ warning_text += code
+ (return_status, code) = self.insert_node(node)
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, 'Error at self.insert_node in '+machine+': '+code)
+ if code not in warning_text:
+ warning_text += code
+ #Fill os data
+ os = OpSys()
+ (return_status, code) = get_os_information(ssh_conn, os)
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, 'Error at get_os_information in '+machine+': '+code)
+ warning_text += code
+ (return_status, code) = self.set_os(os)
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, 'Error at self.set_os in '+machine+': '+code)
+ warning_text += code
+ #Fill hypervisor data
+ hypervisor = Hypervisor()
+ (return_status, code) = get_hypervisor_information(virsh_conn, hypervisor)
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, 'Error at get_hypervisor_information in '+machine+': '+code)
+ warning_text += code
+ (return_status, code) = self.set_hypervisor(hypervisor)
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, 'Error at self.set_hypervisor in '+machine+': '+code)
+ warning_text += code
+ ssh_conn.close()
+ return (True, warning_text)
+ except libvirt.libvirtError, e:
+ text = e.get_error_message()
+ print 'RADclass.obtain_RAD() exception:', text
+ return (False, text)
+ except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException, e:
+ text = e.args[0]
+ print "obtain_RAD ssh Exception:", text
+ return False, text
+ def set_name(self,name):
+ """Sets the machine name.
+ Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
+ if not isinstance(name,str):
+ return (False, 'The variable \'name\' must be text')
+ self.name = name
+ return (True, "")
+ def set_connection_info(self, machine, user, password):
+ """Sets the connection information.
+ Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
+ if not isinstance(machine,str):
+ return (False, 'The variable \'machine\' must be text')
+ if not isinstance(user,str):
+ return (False, 'The variable \'user\' must be text')
+# if not isinstance(password,str):
+# return (False, 'The variable \'password\' must be text')
+ (self.machine, self.user, self.password) = (machine, user, password)
+ return (True, "")
+ def insert_node(self,node):
+ """Inserts a new node and updates class variables.
+ Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
+ if not isinstance(node,Node):
+ return (False, 'The variable \'node\' must be a Node element')
+ if node.id_ in self.nodes:
+ return (False, 'The node is already present in the nodes list.')
+ #Check if network ports have not been inserted previously as part of another node
+ for port_key in node.ports_list:
+ if port_key in self.ports_list:
+ return (False, 'Network port '+port_key+' defined multiple times in the system')
+ self.ports_list.append(port_key)
+ #Insert the new node
+ self.nodes[node.id_] = node
+ #update variables
+ self.update_variables()
+ return (True, "")
+ def update_variables(self):
+ """Updates class variables.
+ Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
+ warning_text=""
+ #The number of processors and nodes is the same
+ self.nr_processors = len(self.nodes)
+ #If all processors are the same get the values. Otherwise keep them as none
+ prev_processor_family = prev_processor_manufacturer = prev_processor_version = prev_processor_features = None
+ different_processor_family = different_processor_manufacturer = different_processor_version = different_processor_features = False
+ for node in self.nodes.itervalues():
+ (self.processor_family, self.processor_manufacturer, self.processor_version, self.processor_features) = node.get_processor_info()
+ if prev_processor_family != None and self.processor_family != prev_processor_family:
+ different_processor_family = True
+ if prev_processor_manufacturer != None and self.processor_manufacturer != prev_processor_manufacturer:
+ different_processor_manufacturer = True
+ if prev_processor_version != None and self.processor_version != prev_processor_version:
+ different_processor_version = True
+ if prev_processor_features != None and self.processor_features != prev_processor_features:
+ different_processor_features = True
+ (prev_processor_family, prev_processor_manufacturer, prev_processor_version, prev_processor_features) = (self.processor_family, self.processor_manufacturer, self.processor_version, self.processor_features)
+ if different_processor_family:
+ self.processor_family = None
+ if different_processor_features:
+ self.processor_features = None
+ if different_processor_manufacturer:
+ self.processor_manufacturer = None
+ if different_processor_version:
+ self.processor_version = None
+ #If all memory nodes are the same get the values. Otherwise keep them as none
+ #Sum the total memory
+ self.memory_size = 0
+ different_memory_freq = different_memory_nr_channels = different_memory_type = different_memory_hugepage_sz = False
+ prev_memory_freq = prev_memory_nr_channels = prev_memory_type = prev_memory_hugepage_sz = None
+ for node in self.nodes.itervalues():
+ (self.memory_freq, self.memory_nr_channels, self.memory_type, memory_size, self.memory_hugepage_sz) = node.get_memory_info()
+ self.memory_size += memory_size
+ if prev_memory_freq != None and self.memory_freq != prev_memory_freq:
+ different_memory_freq = True
+ if prev_memory_nr_channels != None and self.memory_nr_channels != prev_memory_nr_channels:
+ different_memory_nr_channels = True
+ if prev_memory_type != None and self.memory_type != prev_memory_type:
+ different_memory_type = True
+ if prev_memory_hugepage_sz != None and self.memory_hugepage_sz != prev_memory_hugepage_sz:
+ different_memory_hugepage_sz = True
+ (prev_memory_freq, prev_memory_nr_channels, prev_memory_type, prev_memory_hugepage_sz) = (self.memory_freq, self.memory_nr_channels, self.memory_type, self.memory_hugepage_sz)
+ if different_memory_freq:
+ self.memory_freq = None
+ if different_memory_nr_channels:
+ self.memory_nr_channels = None
+ if different_memory_type:
+ self.memory_type = None
+ if different_memory_hugepage_sz:
+ warning_text += 'Detected different hugepages size in different sockets\n'
+ return (True, warning_text)
+ def set_hypervisor(self,hypervisor):
+ """Sets the hypervisor.
+ Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
+ if not isinstance(hypervisor,Hypervisor):
+ return (False, 'The variable \'hypervisor\' must be of class Hypervisor')
+ self.hypervisor.assign(hypervisor)
+ return (True, "")
+ def set_os(self,os):
+ """Sets the operating system.
+ Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
+ if not isinstance(os,OpSys):
+ return (False, 'The variable \'os\' must be of class OpSys')
+ self.os.assign(os)
+ return (True, "")
+ def to_text(self):
+ text= 'name: '+str(self.name)+'\n'
+ text+= 'processor:\n'
+ text+= ' nr_processors: '+str(self.nr_processors)+'\n'
+ text+= ' family: '+str(self.processor_family)+'\n'
+ text+= ' manufacturer: '+str(self.processor_manufacturer)+'\n'
+ text+= ' version: '+str(self.processor_version)+'\n'
+ text+= ' features: '+str(self.processor_features)+'\n'
+ text+= 'memory:\n'
+ text+= ' type: '+str(self.memory_type)+'\n'
+ text+= ' freq: '+str(self.memory_freq)+'\n'
+ text+= ' nr_channels: '+str(self.memory_nr_channels)+'\n'
+ text+= ' size: '+str(self.memory_size)+'\n'
+ text+= 'hypervisor:\n'
+ text+= self.hypervisor.to_text()
+ text+= 'os:\n'
+ text+= self.os.to_text()
+ text+= 'resource topology:\n'
+ text+= ' nr_nodes: '+ str(len(self.nodes))+'\n'
+ text+= ' nodes:\n'
+ for node_k, node_v in self.nodes.iteritems():
+ text+= ' node'+str(node_k)+':\n'
+ text+= node_v.to_text()
+ return text
+ def to_yaml(self):
+ return yaml.load(self.to_text())
+class Node():
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.id_ = None #Integer. Node id. Unique in the system
+ self.processor = ProcessorNode() #Information about the processor in the node
+ self.memory = MemoryNode() #Information about the memory in the node
+ self.nic_list = list() #List of Nic() containing information about the nics associated to the node
+ self.ports_list = list() #List containing all network ports in the node. This is used to avoid having defined multiple times the same port in the system
+ def get_processor_info(self):
+ """Gets the processor information. Returns (processor_family, processor_manufacturer, processor_version, processor_features)"""
+ return self.processor.get_info()
+ def get_memory_info(self):
+ """Gets the memory information. Returns (memory_freq, memory_nr_channels, memory_type, memory_size)"""
+ return self.memory.get_info()
+# def set(self, *args):
+# """Sets the node information. Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
+# if len(args)==2:
+# processor = args[0]
+# memory = args[1]
+# nics = False
+# elif len(args)==3:
+# processor = args[0]
+# memory = args[1]
+# nic_list = args[2]
+# nics = True
+# else:
+# return (False, 'Wrong number of elements calling Node().set()')
+ def set(self, processor, memory, nic_list):
+ (status, return_code) = self.processor.assign(processor)
+ if not status:
+ return (status, return_code)
+ self.id_ = processor.id_
+ (status, return_code) = self.memory.assign(memory)
+ if not status:
+ return (status, return_code)
+# if nics:
+ for nic in nic_list:
+ if not isinstance(nic,Nic):
+ return (False, 'The nics must be of type Nic')
+ self.nic_list.append(nic)
+ for port_key in nic.ports.iterkeys():
+ if port_key in self.ports_list:
+ return (False, 'Network port '+port_key+'defined multiple times in the same node')
+ self.ports_list.append(port_key)
+ return (True,"")
+ def assign(self, node):
+ """Sets the node information.
+ Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
+ warning_text=""
+ processor = node.processor
+ memory = node.memory
+ nic_list = node.nic_list
+ (status, return_code) = self.processor.assign(processor)
+ if not status:
+ return (status, return_code)
+ self.id_ = processor.id_
+ (status, return_code) = self.memory.assign(memory)
+ if not status:
+ return (status, return_code)
+ warning_text += code
+ for nic in nic_list:
+ if not isinstance(nic,Nic):
+ return (False, 'The nics must be of type Nic')
+ self.nic_list.append(nic)
+ for port_key in nic.ports.iterkeys():
+ if port_key in self.ports_list:
+ return (False, 'Network port '+port_key+'defined multiple times in the same node')
+ self.ports_list.append(port_key)
+ return (True,warning_text)
+ def to_text(self):
+ text= ' id: '+str(self.id_)+'\n'
+ text+= ' cpu:\n'
+ text += self.processor.to_text()
+ text+= ' memory:\n'
+ text += self.memory.to_text()
+ if len(self.nic_list) > 0:
+ text+= ' nics:\n'
+ nic_index = 0
+ for nic in self.nic_list:
+ text+= ' nic '+str(nic_index)+':\n'
+ text += nic.to_text()
+ nic_index += 1
+ return text
+class ProcessorNode():
+ #Definition of the possible values of processor variables
+ possible_features = definitionsClass.processor_possible_features
+ possible_manufacturers = definitionsClass.processor_possible_manufacturers
+ possible_families = definitionsClass.processor_possible_families
+ possible_versions = definitionsClass.processor_possible_versions
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.id_ = None #Integer. Numeric identifier of the socket
+ self.family = None #Text. Family name of the processor
+ self.manufacturer = None #Text. Manufacturer of the processor
+ self.version = None #Text. Model version of the processor
+ self.features = list() #list. List of features offered by the processor
+ self.cores = list() #list. List of cores in the processor. In case of hyperthreading the coupled cores are expressed as [a,b]
+ self.eligible_cores = list()#list. List of cores that can be used
+ #self.decicated_cores
+ #self.shared_cores -> this should also contain information to know if cores are being used
+ def assign(self, processor):
+ """Sets the processor information.
+ Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
+ if not isinstance(processor,ProcessorNode):
+ return (False, 'The variable \'processor\' must be of class ProcessorNode')
+ self.id_ = processor.id_
+ self.family = processor.family
+ self.manufacturer = processor.manufacturer
+ self.version = processor.version
+ self.features = processor.features
+ self.cores = processor.cores
+ self.eligible_cores = processor.eligible_cores
+ return (True, "")
+ def set(self, id_, family, manufacturer, version, features, cores):
+ """Sets the processor information.
+ Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
+ warning_text = ""
+ if not isinstance(id_,int):
+ return (False, 'The processor id_ must be of type int')
+ if not isinstance(family,str):
+ return (False, 'The processor family must be of type str')
+ if not isinstance(manufacturer,str):
+ return (False, 'The processor manufacturer must be of type str')
+ if not isinstance(version,str):
+ return (False, 'The processor version must be of type str')
+ if not isinstance(features,list):
+ return (False, 'The processor features must be of type list')
+ if not isinstance(cores,list):
+ return (False, 'The processor cores must be of type list')
+ (self.id_, self.family, self.manufacturer, self.version) = (id_, family, manufacturer, version)
+ if not manufacturer in self.possible_manufacturers:
+ warning_text += "processor manufacturer '%s' not among: %s\n" %(manufacturer, str(self.possible_manufacturers))
+ if not family in self.possible_families:
+ warning_text += "family '%s' not among: %s\n" % (family, str(self.possible_families))
+# if not version in self.possible_versions:
+# warning_text += 'The version %s is not one of these: %s\n' % (version, str(self.possible_versions))
+ for feature in features:
+ if not feature in self.possible_features:
+ warning_text += "processor feature '%s' not among: %s\n" % (feature, str(self.possible_versions))
+ self.features.append(feature)
+ for iterator in sorted(cores):
+ if not isinstance(iterator,list) or not all(isinstance(x, int) for x in iterator):
+ return (False, 'The cores list must be in the form of [[a,b],[c,d],...] where a,b,c,d are of type int')
+ self.cores.append(iterator)
+ self.set_eligible_cores()
+ return (True,warning_text)
+ def set_eligible_cores(self):
+ """Set the default eligible cores, this is all cores non used by the host operating system"""
+ not_first = False
+ for iterator in self.cores:
+ if not_first:
+ self.eligible_cores.append(iterator)
+ else:
+ not_first = True
+ return
+ def get_info(self):
+ """Returns processor parameters (self.family, self.manufacturer, self.version, self.features)"""
+ return (self.family, self.manufacturer, self.version, self.features)
+ def to_text(self):
+ text= ' id: '+str(self.id_)+'\n'
+ text+= ' family: '+self.family+'\n'
+ text+= ' manufacturer: '+self.manufacturer+'\n'
+ text+= ' version: '+self.version+'\n'
+ text+= ' features: '+str(self.features)+'\n'
+ text+= ' cores: '+str(self.cores)+'\n'
+ text+= ' eligible_cores: '+str(self.eligible_cores)+'\n'
+ return text
+class MemoryNode():
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.modules = list() #List of MemoryModule(). List of all modules installed in the node
+ self.nr_channels = None #Integer. Number of modules installed in the node
+ self.node_size = None #Integer. Total size in KiB of memory installed in the node
+ self.eligible_memory = None #Integer. Size in KiB of eligible memory in the node
+ self.hugepage_sz = None #Integer. Size in KiB of hugepages
+ self.hugepage_nr = None #Integer. Number of hugepages allocated in the module
+ self.eligible_hugepage_nr = None #Integer. Number of eligible hugepages in the node
+ self.type_ = None #Text. Type of memory modules. If modules have a different value keep it as None
+ self.freq = None #Integer. Frequency of the modules in MHz. If modules have a different value keep it as None
+ self.module_size = None #Integer. Size of the modules in KiB. If modules have a different value keep it as None
+ self.form_factor = None #Text. Form factor of the modules. If modules have a different value keep it as None
+ def assign(self, memory_node):
+ return self.set(memory_node.modules, memory_node.hugepage_sz, memory_node.hugepage_nr)
+ def set(self, modules, hugepage_sz, hugepage_nr):
+ """Set the memory node information. hugepage_sz must be expressed in KiB.
+ Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
+ if not isinstance(modules, list):
+ return (False, 'The modules must be a list of elements of class MemoryModule')
+ if not isinstance(hugepage_sz,int):
+ return (False, 'The hugepage_sz variable must be an int expressing the size in KiB')
+ if not isinstance(hugepage_nr,int):
+ return (False, 'The hugepage_nr variable must be of type int')
+ (self.hugepage_sz, self.hugepage_nr) = (hugepage_sz, hugepage_nr)
+ self.node_size = self.nr_channels = 0
+ different_type = different_freq = different_module_size = different_form_factor = False
+ prev_type = prev_freq = prev_module_size = prev_form_factor = None
+ for iterator in modules:
+ if not isinstance(iterator,MemoryModule):
+ return (False, 'The modules must be a list of elements of class MemoryModule')
+ self.modules.append(iterator)
+ (self.type_, self.freq, self.module_size, self.form_factor) = (iterator.type_, iterator.freq, iterator.size, iterator.form_factor)
+ self.node_size += self.module_size
+ self.nr_channels += 1
+ if prev_type != None and prev_type != self.type_:
+ different_type = True
+ if prev_freq != None and prev_freq != self.freq:
+ different_freq = True
+ if prev_module_size != None and prev_module_size != self.module_size:
+ different_module_size = True
+ if prev_form_factor != None and prev_form_factor != self.form_factor:
+ different_form_factor = True
+ (prev_type, prev_freq, prev_module_size, prev_form_factor) = (self.type_, self.freq, self.module_size, self.form_factor)
+ if different_type:
+ self.type_ = None
+ if different_freq:
+ self.freq = None
+ if different_module_size:
+ self.module_size = None
+ if different_form_factor:
+ self.form_factor = None
+ (return_value, error_code) = self.set_eligible_memory()
+ if not return_value:
+ return (return_value, error_code)
+ return (True, "")
+ def set_eligible_memory(self):
+ """Sets the default eligible_memory and eligible_hugepage_nr. This is all memory but 2GiB and all hugepages"""
+ self.eligible_memory = self.node_size - 2*1024*1024
+ if self.eligible_memory < 0:
+ return (False, "There is less than 2GiB of memory in the module")
+ self.eligible_hugepage_nr = self.hugepage_nr
+ return (True,"")
+ def get_info(self):
+ """Return memory information (self.freq, self.nr_channels, self.type_, self.node_size)"""
+ return (self.freq, self.nr_channels, self.type_, self.node_size, self.hugepage_sz)
+ def to_text(self):
+ text= ' node_size: '+str(self.node_size)+'\n'
+ text+= ' nr_channels: '+str(self.nr_channels)+'\n'
+ text+= ' eligible_memory: '+str(self.eligible_memory)+'\n'
+ text+= ' hugepage_sz: '+str(self.hugepage_sz)+'\n'
+ text+= ' hugepage_nr: '+str(self.hugepage_nr)+'\n'
+ text+= ' eligible_hugepage_nr: '+str(self.eligible_hugepage_nr)+'\n'
+ text+= ' type: '+self.type_+'\n'
+ text+= ' freq: '+str(self.freq)+'\n'
+ text+= ' module_size: '+str(self.module_size)+'\n'
+ text+= ' form_factor: '+self.form_factor+'\n'
+ text+= ' modules details:\n'
+ for module in self.modules:
+ text += module.to_text()
+ return text
+class MemoryModule():
+ #Definition of the possible values of module variables
+ possible_types = definitionsClass.memory_possible_types
+ possible_form_factors = definitionsClass.memory_possible_form_factors
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.locator = None #Text. Name of the memory module
+ self.type_ = None #Text. Type of memory module
+ self.freq = None #Integer. Frequency of the module in MHz
+ self.size = None #Integer. Size of the module in KiB
+ self.form_factor = None #Text. Form factor of the module
+ def set(self, locator, type_, freq, size, form_factor):
+ """Sets the memory module information.
+ Frequency must be expressed in MHz and size in KiB.
+ Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
+ warning_text=""
+ if not isinstance(locator, str):
+ return (False, "The type of the variable locator must be str")
+ if not isinstance(type_, str):
+ return (False, "The type of the variable type_ must be str")
+ if not isinstance(form_factor, str):
+ return (False, "The type of the variable form_factor must be str")
+ if not isinstance(freq, int):
+ return (False, "The type of the variable freq must be int")
+ if not isinstance(size, int):
+ return (False, "The type of the variable size must be int")
+ if not form_factor in self.possible_form_factors:
+ warning_text += "memory form_factor '%s' not among: %s\n" %(form_factor, str(self.possible_form_factors))
+ if not type_ in self.possible_types:
+ warning_text += "memory type '%s' not among: %s\n" %(type_, str(self.possible_types))
+ (self.locator, self.type_, self.freq, self.size, self.form_factor) = (locator, type_, freq, size, form_factor)
+ return (True, warning_text)
+ def to_text(self):
+ text= ' '+self.locator+':\n'
+ text+= ' type: '+self.type_+'\n'
+ text+= ' freq: '+str(self.freq)+'\n'
+ text+= ' size: '+str(self.size)+'\n'
+ text+= ' form factor: '+self.form_factor+'\n'
+ return text
+class Nic():
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.model = None #Text. Model of the nic
+ self.ports = dict() #Dictionary of ports. Keys are the port name, value are Port() elements
+ def set_model(self, model):
+ """Sets the model of the nic. Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
+ if not isinstance(model,str):
+ return (False, 'The \'model\' must be of type str')
+ self.model = model
+ return (True, "")
+ def add_port(self, port):
+ """Adds a port to the nic. Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
+ if not isinstance(port,Port):
+ return (False, 'The \'port\' must be of class Port')
+# port_id = str(port.pci_device_id[0])+':'+str(port.pci_device_id[1])+':'+str(port.pci_device_id[2])+'.'+str(port.pci_device_id[3])
+# port_id = port.name
+ port_id = port.pci_device_id
+ if port_id in self.ports:
+ return (False, 'The \'port\' '+port.pci_device_id+' is duplicated in the nic')
+# return (False, 'The \'port\' is duplicated in the nic')
+ self.ports[port_id] = port
+ return (True, "")
+ def to_text(self):
+ text= ' model: '+ str(self.model)+'\n'
+ text+= ' ports: '+'\n'
+ for key,port in self.ports.iteritems():
+ text+= ' "'+key+'":'+'\n'
+ text += port.to_text()
+ return text
+class Port():
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.name = None #Text. Port name
+ self.virtual = None #Boolean. States if the port is a virtual function
+ self.enabled = None #Boolean. States if the port is enabled
+ self.eligible = None #Boolean. States if the port is eligible
+ self.speed = None #Integer. Indicates the speed in Mbps
+ self.available_bw = None #Integer. BW in Mbps that is available.
+ self.mac = None #list. Indicates the mac address of the port as a list in format ['XX','XX','XX','XX','XX','XX']
+ self.pci_device_id_split = None #list. Indicates the pci address of the port as a list in format ['XXXX','XX','XX','X']
+ self.pci_device_id = None
+ self.PF_pci_device_id = None
+# def set(self, name, virtual, enabled, speed, mac, pci_device_id, pci_device_id_split):
+# """Sets the port information. The variable speed indicates the speed in Mbps. Returns (True,Warning) in case of success and ('False',<error description>) in case of error"""
+# if not isinstance(name,str):
+# return (False, 'The variable \'name\' must be of type str')
+# if not isinstance(virtual,bool):
+# return (False, 'The variable \'virtual\' must be of type bool')
+# if not isinstance(enabled,bool):
+# return (False, 'The variable \'enabled\' must be of type bool')
+# if not isinstance(enabled,bool):
+# return (speed, 'The variable \'speed\' must be of type int')
+# if not isinstance(mac, list) and not isinstance(mac,NoneType):
+# return (False, 'The variable \'enabled\' must be of type list indicating the mac address in format [\'XXXX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'X\'] or NoneType')
+# if not isinstance(pci_device_id_split, list) or len(pci_device_id_split) != 4:
+# return (False, 'The variable \'pci_device_id_split\' must be of type list, indicating the pci address in format [\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\']')
+# expected_len = [4,2,2,1]
+# index = 0
+# for iterator in pci_device_id_split:
+# if not isinstance(iterator,str) or not iterator.isdigit() or len(iterator) != expected_len[index]:
+# return (False, 'The variable \'pci_device_id_split\' must be of type list, indicating the pci address in format [\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'XX\']')
+# index += 1
+# if not isinstance(mac,NoneType):
+# for iterator in mac:
+# if not isinstance(iterator,str) or not iterator.isalnum() or len(iterator) != 2:
+# return (False, 'The variable \'enabled\' must be of type list indicating the mac address in format [\'XXXX\',\'XX\',\'XX\',\'X\'] or NoneType')
+# #By default only virtual ports are eligible
+# # (self.name, self.virtual, self.enabled, self.eligible, self.available_bw, self.speed, self.mac, self.pci_device_id, self.pci_device_id_split) = (name, virtual, enabled, virtual, speed, speed, mac, pci_device_id, pci_device_id_split)
+# (self.name, self.virtual, self.enabled, self.eligible, self.available_bw, self.mac, self.pci_device_id, self.pci_device_id_split) = (name, virtual, enabled, virtual, speed, mac, pci_device_id, pci_device_id_split)
+ def to_text(self):
+ text= ' pci: "'+ str(self.pci_device_id)+'"\n'
+ text+= ' virtual: '+ str(self.virtual)+'\n'
+ if self.virtual:
+ text+= ' PF_pci_id: "'+self.PF_pci_device_id+'"\n'
+ text+= ' eligible: '+ str(self.eligible)+'\n'
+ text+= ' enabled: '+str(self.enabled)+'\n'
+ text+= ' speed: '+ str(self.speed)+'\n'
+ text+= ' available bw: '+ str(self.available_bw)+'\n'
+ text+= ' mac: '+ str(self.mac)+'\n'
+ text+= ' source_name: '+ str(self.name)+'\n'
+ return text
+class Hypervisor():
+ #Definition of the possible values of hypervisor variables
+ possible_types = definitionsClass.hypervisor_possible_types
+ possible_domain_types = definitionsClass.hypervisor_possible_domain_types
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.type_ = None #Text. Hypervisor type_
+ self.version = None #int. Hypervisor version
+ self.lib_version = None #int. Libvirt version used to compile hypervisor
+ self.domains = list() #list. List of all the available domains
+ def set(self, hypervisor, version, lib_version, domains):
+ warning_text=""
+ if not isinstance(hypervisor,str):
+ return (False, 'The variable type_ must be of type str')
+ if not isinstance(version,int):
+ return (False, 'The variable version must be of type int')
+ if not isinstance(lib_version,int):
+ return (False, 'The library version must be of type int')
+ if not isinstance(domains,list):
+ return (False, 'Domains must be a list of the possible domains as str')
+ if not hypervisor in self.possible_types:
+ warning_text += "Hyperpivor '%s' not among: %s\n" % (hypervisor, str(self.possible_types))
+ valid_domain_found = False
+ for domain in domains:
+ if not isinstance(domain,str):
+ return (False, 'Domains must be a list of the possible domains as str')
+ if domain in self.possible_domain_types:
+ valid_domain_found = True
+ self.domains.append(domain)
+ if not valid_domain_found:
+ warning_text += 'No valid domain found among: %s\n' % str(self.possible_domain_types)
+ (self.version, self.lib_version, self.type_) = (version, lib_version, hypervisor)
+ return (True, warning_text)
+ def assign(self, hypervisor):
+ (self.version, self.lib_version, self.type_) = (hypervisor.version, hypervisor.lib_version, hypervisor.type_)
+ for domain in hypervisor.domains:
+ self.domains.append(domain)
+ return
+ def to_text(self):
+ text= ' type: '+self.type_+'\n'
+ text+= ' version: '+str(self.version)+'\n'
+ text+= ' libvirt version: '+ str(self.lib_version)+'\n'
+ text+= ' domains: '+str(self.domains)+'\n'
+ return text
+class OpSys():
+ #Definition of the possible values of os variables
+ possible_id = definitionsClass.os_possible_id
+ possible_types = definitionsClass.os_possible_types
+ possible_architectures = definitionsClass.os_possible_architectures
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.id_ = None #Text. Identifier of the OS. Formed by <Distibutor ID>-<Release>-<Codename>. In linux this can be obtained using lsb_release -a
+ self.type_ = None #Text. Type of operating system
+ self.bit_architecture = None #Integer. Architecture
+ def set(self, id_, type_, bit_architecture):
+ warning_text=""
+ if not isinstance(type_,str):
+ return (False, 'The variable type_ must be of type str')
+ if not isinstance(id_,str):
+ return (False, 'The variable id_ must be of type str')
+ if not isinstance(bit_architecture,str):
+ return (False, 'The variable bit_architecture must be of type str')
+ if not type_ in self.possible_types:
+ warning_text += "os type '%s' not among: %s\n" %(type_, str(self.possible_types))
+ if not id_ in self.possible_id:
+ warning_text += "os release '%s' not among: %s\n" %(id_, str(self.possible_id))
+ if not bit_architecture in self.possible_architectures:
+ warning_text += "os bit_architecture '%s' not among: %s\n" % (bit_architecture, str(self.possible_architectures))
+ (self.id_, self.type_, self.bit_architecture) = (id_, type_, bit_architecture)
+ return (True, warning_text)
+ def assign(self,os):
+ (self.id_, self.type_, self.bit_architecture) = (os.id_, os.type_, os.bit_architecture)
+ return
+ def to_text(self):
+ text= ' id: '+self.id_+'\n'
+ text+= ' type: '+self.type_+'\n'
+ text+= ' bit_architecture: '+self.bit_architecture+'\n'
+ return text
+def get_hostname(virsh_conn):
+ return virsh_conn.getHostname().rstrip('\n')
+def get_hugepage_size(ssh_conn):
+ command = 'sudo hugeadm --page-sizes'
+# command = 'hugeadm --page-sizes-all'
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ error = stderr.read()
+ if len(error)>0:
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
+ mem=stdout.read()
+ if mem=="":
+ return 0
+ return int(mem)
+def get_hugepage_nr(ssh_conn,hugepage_sz, node_id):
+ command = 'cat /sys/devices/system/node/node'+str(node_id)+'/hugepages/hugepages-'+str(hugepage_sz/1024)+'kB/nr_hugepages'
+ (_, stdout, _) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ #print command,
+ #text = stdout.read()
+ #print "'"+text+"'"
+ #return int(text)
+ try:
+ value=int(stdout.read())
+ except:
+ value=0
+ return value
+def get_memory_information(ssh_conn, virsh_conn, memory_nodes):
+ warning_text=""
+ tree=ElementTree.fromstring(virsh_conn.getSysinfo(0))
+ memory_dict = dict()
+ node_id = 0 #TODO revise. Added for allowing VM as compute hosts
+ for target in tree.findall("memory_device"):
+ locator_f = size_f = freq_f = type_f = formfactor_f = False
+ locator_f = True #TODO revise. Added for allowing VM as compute hosts
+ module_form_factor = ""
+ for entry in target.findall("entry"):
+ if entry.get("name") == 'size':
+ size_f = True
+ size_split = entry.text.split(' ')
+ if size_split[1] == 'MB':
+ module_size = int(size_split[0]) * 1024 * 1024
+ elif size_split[1] == 'GB':
+ module_size = int(size_split[0]) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
+ elif size_split[1] == 'KB':
+ module_size = int(size_split[0]) * 1024
+ else:
+ module_size = int(size_split[0])
+ elif entry.get("name") == 'speed':
+ freq_f = True
+ freq_split = entry.text.split(' ')
+ if freq_split[1] == 'MHz':
+ module_freq = int(freq_split[0]) * 1024 * 1024
+ elif freq_split[1] == 'GHz':
+ module_freq = int(freq_split[0]) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
+ elif freq_split[1] == 'KHz':
+ module_freq = int(freq_split[0]) * 1024
+ elif entry.get("name") == 'type':
+ type_f = True
+ module_type = entry.text
+ elif entry.get("name") == 'form_factor':
+ formfactor_f = True
+ module_form_factor = entry.text
+ #TODO revise. Commented for allowing VM as compute hosts
+ # elif entry.get("name") == 'locator' and not locator_f:
+ # # other case, it is obtained by bank_locator that we give priority to
+ # locator = entry.text
+ # pos = locator.find(module_form_factor)
+ # if module_form_factor == locator[0:len(module_form_factor) ]:
+ # pos = len(module_form_factor) +1
+ # else:
+ # pos = 0
+ # if locator[pos] in "ABCDEFGH":
+ # locator_f = True
+ # node_id = ord(locator[pos])-ord('A')
+ # #print entry.text, node_id
+ #
+ # elif entry.get("name") == 'bank_locator':
+ # locator = entry.text
+ # pos = locator.find("NODE ")
+ # if pos >= 0 and len(locator)>pos+5:
+ # if locator[pos+5] in ("01234567"): #len("NODE ") is 5
+ # node_id = int(locator[pos+5])
+ # locator_f = True
+ #
+ #When all module fields have been found add a new module to the list
+ if locator_f and size_f and freq_f and type_f and formfactor_f:
+ #If the memory node has not yet been created create it
+ if node_id not in memory_dict:
+ memory_dict[node_id] = []
+ #Add a new module to the memory node
+ module = MemoryModule()
+ #TODO revise. Changed for allowing VM as compute hosts
+ (return_status, code) = module.set('NODE %d' % node_id, module_type, module_freq, module_size, module_form_factor)
+ #(return_status, code) = module.set(locator, module_type, module_freq, module_size, module_form_factor)
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, code)
+ memory_dict[node_id].append(module)
+ if code not in warning_text:
+ warning_text += code
+ node_id += 1 #TODO revise. Added for allowing VM as compute hosts
+ #Fill memory nodes
+ #Hugepage size is constant for all nodes
+ hugepage_sz = get_hugepage_size(ssh_conn)
+ for node_id, modules in memory_dict.iteritems():
+ memory_node = MemoryNode()
+ memory_node.set(modules, hugepage_sz, get_hugepage_nr(ssh_conn,hugepage_sz, node_id))
+ memory_nodes[node_id] = memory_node
+ return (True, warning_text)
+def get_cpu_topology_ht(ssh_conn, topology):
+ command = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ error = stderr.read()
+ if len(error)>0:
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
+ sockets = []
+ cores = []
+ core_map = {}
+ core_details = []
+ core_lines = {}
+ for line in stdout.readlines():
+ if len(line.strip()) != 0:
+ name, value = line.split(":", 1)
+ core_lines[name.strip()] = value.strip()
+ else:
+ core_details.append(core_lines)
+ core_lines = {}
+ for core in core_details:
+ for field in ["processor", "core id", "physical id"]:
+ if field not in core:
+ return(False,'Error getting '+field+' value from /proc/cpuinfo')
+ core[field] = int(core[field])
+ if core["core id"] not in cores:
+ cores.append(core["core id"])
+ if core["physical id"] not in sockets:
+ sockets.append(core["physical id"])
+ key = (core["physical id"], core["core id"])
+ if key not in core_map:
+ core_map[key] = []
+ core_map[key].append(core["processor"])
+ for s in sockets:
+ hyperthreaded_cores = list()
+ for c in cores:
+ hyperthreaded_cores.append(core_map[(s,c)])
+ topology[s] = hyperthreaded_cores
+ return (True, "")
+def get_processor_information(ssh_conn, vish_conn, processors):
+ warning_text=""
+ #Processor features are the same for all processors
+ #TODO (at least using virsh capabilities)nr_numa_nodes
+ capabilities = list()
+ tree=ElementTree.fromstring(vish_conn.getCapabilities())
+ for target in tree.findall("host/cpu/feature"):
+ if target.get("name") == 'pdpe1gb':
+ capabilities.append('lps')
+ elif target.get("name") == 'dca':
+ capabilities.append('dioc')
+ elif target.get("name") == 'vmx' or target.get("name") == 'svm':
+ capabilities.append('hwsv')
+ elif target.get("name") == 'ht':
+ capabilities.append('ht')
+ target = tree.find("host/cpu/arch")
+ if target.text == 'x86_64' or target.text == 'amd64':
+ capabilities.append('64b')
+ command = 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags'
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ error = stderr.read()
+ if len(error)>0:
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
+ line = stdout.readline()
+ if 'ept' in line or 'npt' in line:
+ capabilities.append('tlbps')
+ #Find out if IOMMU is enabled
+ command = 'dmesg |grep -e Intel-IOMMU'
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ error = stderr.read()
+ if len(error)>0:
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
+ if 'enabled' in stdout.read():
+ capabilities.append('iommu')
+ #Equivalent for AMD
+ command = 'dmesg |grep -e AMD-Vi'
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ error = stderr.read()
+ if len(error)>0:
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
+ if len(stdout.read()) > 0:
+ capabilities.append('iommu')
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------
+ topology = dict()
+ #In case hyperthreading is active it is necessary to determine cpu topology using /proc/cpuinfo
+ if 'ht' in capabilities:
+ (return_status, code) = get_cpu_topology_ht(ssh_conn, topology)
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, code)
+ warning_text += code
+ #Otherwise it is possible to do it using virsh capabilities
+ else:
+ for target in tree.findall("host/topology/cells/cell"):
+ socket_id = int(target.get("id"))
+ topology[socket_id] = list()
+ for cpu in target.findall("cpus/cpu"):
+ topology[socket_id].append(int(cpu.get("id")))
+ #-----------------------------------------------------------
+ #Create a dictionary with the information of all processors
+ #p_fam = p_man = p_ver = None
+ tree=ElementTree.fromstring(vish_conn.getSysinfo(0))
+ #print vish_conn.getSysinfo(0)
+ #return (False, 'forces error for debuging')
+ not_populated=False
+ socket_id = -1 #in case we can not determine the socket_id we assume incremental order, starting by 0
+ for target in tree.findall("processor"):
+ count = 0
+ socket_id += 1
+ #Get processor id, family, manufacturer and version
+ for entry in target.findall("entry"):
+ if entry.get("name") == "status":
+ if entry.text[0:11] == "Unpopulated":
+ not_populated=True
+ elif entry.get("name") == 'socket_destination':
+ socket_text = entry.text
+ if socket_text.startswith('CPU'):
+ socket_text = socket_text.strip('CPU')
+ socket_text = socket_text.strip() #removes trailing spaces
+ if socket_text.isdigit() and int(socket_text)<9 and int(socket_text)>0:
+ socket_id = int(socket_text) - 1
+ elif entry.get("name") == 'family':
+ family = entry.text
+ count += 1
+ elif entry.get("name") == 'manufacturer':
+ manufacturer = entry.text
+ count += 1
+ elif entry.get("name") == 'version':
+ version = entry.text.strip()
+ count += 1
+ if count != 3:
+ return (False, 'Error. Not all expected fields could be found in processor')
+ #Create and fill processor structure
+ if not_populated:
+ continue #avoid inconsistence of some machines where more socket detected than
+ processor = ProcessorNode()
+ (return_status, code) = processor.set(socket_id, family, manufacturer, version, capabilities, topology[socket_id])
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, code)
+ if code not in warning_text:
+ warning_text += code
+ #Add processor to the processors dictionary
+ processors[socket_id] = processor
+ return (True, warning_text)
+def get_nic_information(ssh_conn, virsh_conn, nic_topology):
+ warning_text=""
+ #Get list of net devices
+ net_devices = virsh_conn.listDevices('net',0)
+ print virsh_conn.listDevices('net',0)
+ for device in net_devices:
+ try:
+ #Get the XML descriptor of the device:
+ net_XML = ElementTree.fromstring(virsh_conn.nodeDeviceLookupByName(device).XMLDesc(0))
+ #print "net_XML:" , net_XML
+ #obtain the parent
+ parent = net_XML.find('parent')
+ if parent == None:
+ print 'No parent was found in XML for device '+device
+ #Error. continue?-------------------------------------------------------------
+ continue
+ if parent.text == 'computer':
+ continue
+ if not parent.text.startswith('pci_'):
+ print device + ' parent is neither computer nor pci'
+ #Error. continue?-------------------------------------------------------------
+ continue
+ interface = net_XML.find('capability/interface').text
+ mac = net_XML.find('capability/address').text
+ #Get the pci XML
+ pci_XML = ElementTree.fromstring(virsh_conn.nodeDeviceLookupByName(parent.text).XMLDesc(0))
+ #print pci_XML
+ #Get pci
+ name = pci_XML.find('name').text.split('_')
+ pci = name[1]+':'+name[2]+':'+name[3]+'.'+name[4]
+ #If slot == 0 it is a PF, otherwise it is a VF
+ capability = pci_XML.find('capability')
+ if capability.get('type') != 'pci':
+ print device + 'Capability is not of type pci in '+parent.text
+ #Error. continue?-------------------------------------------------------------
+ continue
+ slot = capability.find('slot').text
+ bus = capability.find('bus').text
+ node_id = None
+ numa_ = capability.find('numa')
+ if numa_ != None:
+ node_id = numa_.get('node');
+ if node_id != None: node_id =int(node_id)
+ if slot == None or bus == None:
+ print device + 'Bus and slot not detected in '+parent.text
+ #Error. continue?-------------------------------------------------------------
+ continue
+ if slot != '0':
+ # print ElementTree.tostring(pci_XML)
+ virtual = True
+ capability_pf = capability.find('capability')
+ if capability_pf.get('type') != 'phys_function':
+ print 'physical_function not found in VF '+parent.text
+ #Error. continue?-------------------------------------------------------------
+ continue
+ PF_pci = capability_pf.find('address').attrib
+ PF_pci_text = PF_pci['domain'].split('x')[1]+':'+PF_pci['bus'].split('x')[1]+':'+PF_pci['slot'].split('x')[1]+'.'+PF_pci['function'].split('x')[1]
+ else:
+ virtual = False
+ #Obtain node for the port
+ if node_id == None:
+ node_id = int(bus)>>6
+ #print "node_id:", node_id
+ #Only for non virtual interfaces: Obtain speed and if link is detected (this must be done using ethtool)
+ if not virtual:
+ command = 'sudo ethtool '+interface+' | grep -e Speed -e "Link detected"'
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ error = stderr.read()
+ if len(error) >0:
+ print 'Error running '+command+'\n'+error
+ #Error. continue?-------------------------------------------------------------
+ continue
+ for line in stdout.readlines():
+ line = line.strip().rstrip('\n').split(': ')
+ if line[0] == 'Speed':
+ if line[1].endswith('Mb/s'):
+ speed = int(line[1].split('M')[0])*int(1e6)
+ elif line[1].endswith('Gb/s'):
+ speed = int(line[1].split('G')[0])*int(1e9)
+ elif line[1].endswith('Kb/s'):
+ speed = int(line[1].split('K')[0])*int(1e3)
+ else:
+ #the interface is listed but won't be used
+ speed = 0
+ elif line[0] == 'Link detected':
+ if line[1] == 'yes':
+ enabled = True
+ else:
+ enabled = False
+ else:
+ print 'Unnexpected output of command '+command+':'
+ print line
+ #Error. continue?-------------------------------------------------------------
+ continue
+ if not node_id in nic_topology:
+ nic_topology[node_id] = list()
+ #With this implementation we make the RAD with only one nic per node and this nic has all ports, TODO: change this by including parent information of PF
+ nic_topology[node_id].append(Nic())
+ #Load the appropriate nic
+ nic = nic_topology[node_id][0]
+ #Create a new port and fill it
+ port = Port()
+ port.name = interface
+ port.virtual = virtual
+ port.speed = speed
+ if virtual:
+ port.available_bw = 0
+ port.PF_pci_device_id = PF_pci_text
+ else:
+ port.available_bw = speed
+ if speed == 0:
+ port.enabled = False
+ else:
+ port.enabled = enabled
+ port.eligible = virtual #Only virtual ports are eligible
+ port.mac = mac
+ port.pci_device_id = pci
+ port.pci_device_id_split = name[1:]
+ #Save the port information
+ nic.add_port(port)
+ except Exception,e:
+ print 'Error: '+str(e)
+ #set in vitual ports if they are enabled
+ for nic in nic_topology.itervalues():
+ for port in nic[0].ports.itervalues():
+# print port.pci_device_id
+ if port.virtual:
+ enabled = nic[0].ports.get(port.PF_pci_device_id)
+ if enabled == None:
+ return(False, 'The PF '+port.PF_pci_device_id+' (VF '+port.pci_device_id+') is not present in ports dict')
+ #Only if the PF is enabled the VF can be enabled
+ if nic[0].ports[port.PF_pci_device_id].enabled:
+ port.enabled = True
+ else:
+ port.enabled = False
+ return (True, warning_text)
+def get_nic_information_old(ssh_conn, nic_topology):
+ command = 'lstopo-no-graphics --of xml'
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ error = stderr.read()
+ if len(error)>0:
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
+ tree=ElementTree.fromstring(stdout.read())
+ for target in tree.findall("object/object"):
+ #Find numa nodes
+ if target.get("type") != "NUMANode":
+ continue
+ node_id = int(target.get("os_index"))
+ nic_topology[node_id] = list()
+ #find nics in numa node
+ for entry in target.findall("object/object"):
+ if entry.get("type") != 'Bridge':
+ continue
+ nic_name = entry.get("name")
+ model = None
+ nic = Nic()
+ #find ports in nic
+ for pcidev in entry.findall("object"):
+ if pcidev.get("type") != 'PCIDev':
+ continue
+ enabled = speed = mac = pci_busid = None
+ port = Port()
+ model = pcidev.get("name")
+ virtual = False
+ if 'Virtual' in model:
+ virtual = True
+ pci_busid = pcidev.get("pci_busid")
+ for osdev in pcidev.findall("object"):
+ name = osdev.get("name")
+ for info in osdev.findall("info"):
+ if info.get("name") != 'Address':
+ continue
+ mac = info.get("value")
+ #get the port speed and status
+ command = 'sudo ethtool '+name
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ error = stderr.read()
+ if len(error)>0:
+ return (False, 'Error obtaining '+name+' information: '+error)
+ ethtool = stdout.read()
+ if '10000baseT/Full' in ethtool:
+ speed = 10e9
+ elif '1000baseT/Full' in ethtool:
+ speed = 1e9
+ elif '100baseT/Full' in ethtool:
+ speed = 100e6
+ elif '10baseT/Full' in ethtool:
+ speed = 10e6
+ else:
+ return (False, 'Speed not detected in '+name)
+ enabled = False
+ if 'Link detected: yes' in ethtool:
+ enabled = True
+ if speed != None and mac != None and pci_busid != None:
+ mac = mac.split(':')
+ pci_busid_split = re.split(':|\.', pci_busid)
+ #Fill the port information
+ port.set(name, virtual, enabled, speed, mac, pci_busid, pci_busid_split)
+ nic.add_port(port)
+ if len(nic.ports) > 0:
+ #Fill the nic model
+ if model != None:
+ nic.set_model(model)
+ else:
+ nic.set_model(nic_name)
+ #Add it to the topology
+ nic_topology[node_id].append(nic)
+ return (True, "")
+def get_os_information(ssh_conn, os):
+ warning_text=""
+# command = 'lsb_release -a'
+# (stdin, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+# cont = 0
+# for line in stdout.readlines():
+# line_split = re.split('\t| *', line.rstrip('\n'))
+# if line_split[0] == 'Distributor' and line_split[1] == 'ID:':
+# distributor = line_split[2]
+# cont += 1
+# elif line_split[0] == 'Release:':
+# release = line_split[1]
+# cont += 1
+# elif line_split[0] == 'Codename:':
+# codename = line_split[1]
+# cont += 1
+# if cont != 3:
+# return (False, 'It was not possible to obtain the OS id')
+# id_ = distributor+'-'+release+'-'+codename
+ command = 'cat /etc/redhat-release'
+ (_, stdout, _) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ id_text= stdout.read()
+ if len(id_text)==0:
+ #try with Ubuntu
+ command = 'lsb_release -d -s'
+ (_, stdout, _) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ id_text= stdout.read()
+ if len(id_text)==0:
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Can not determinte release neither with 'lsb_release' nor with 'cat /etc/redhat-release'")
+ id_ = id_text.rstrip('\n')
+ command = 'uname -o'
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ error = stderr.read()
+ if len(error)>0:
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
+ type_ = stdout.read().rstrip('\n')
+ command = 'uname -i'
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ error = stderr.read()
+ if len(error)>0:
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException(command +' : '+ error)
+ bit_architecture = stdout.read().rstrip('\n')
+ (return_status, code) = os.set(id_, type_, bit_architecture)
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, code)
+ warning_text += code
+ return (True, warning_text)
+def get_hypervisor_information(virsh_conn, hypervisor):
+ type_ = virsh_conn.getType().rstrip('\n')
+ version = virsh_conn.getVersion()
+ lib_version = virsh_conn.getLibVersion()
+ domains = list()
+ tree=ElementTree.fromstring(virsh_conn.getCapabilities())
+ for target in tree.findall("guest"):
+ os_type = target.find("os_type").text
+ #We only allow full virtualization
+ if os_type != 'hvm':
+ continue
+ wordsize = int(target.find('arch/wordsize').text)
+ if wordsize == 64:
+ for domain in target.findall("arch/domain"):
+ domains.append(domain.get("type"))
+ (return_status, code) = hypervisor.set(type_, version, lib_version, domains)
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, code)
+ return (True, code)
+class RADavailableResourcesClass(RADclass):
+ def __init__(self, resources):
+ """Copy resources from the RADclass (server resources not taking into account resources used by VMs"""
+ #New
+ self.reserved = dict() #Dictionary of reserved resources for a server. Key are VNFC names and values RADreservedResources
+ self.cores_consumption = None #Dictionary of cpu consumption. Key is the cpu and the value is
+ self.machine = resources.machine
+ self.user = resources.user
+ self.password = resources.password
+ self.name = resources.name
+ self.nr_processors = resources.nr_processors
+ self.processor_family = resources.processor_family
+ self.processor_manufacturer = resources.processor_manufacturer
+ self.processor_version = resources.processor_version
+ self.processor_features = resources.processor_features
+ self.memory_type = resources.memory_type
+ self.memory_freq = resources.memory_freq
+ self.memory_nr_channels = resources.memory_nr_channels
+ self.memory_size = resources.memory_size
+ self.memory_hugepage_sz = resources.memory_hugepage_sz
+ self.hypervisor = Hypervisor()
+ self.hypervisor.assign(resources.hypervisor)
+ self.os = OpSys()
+ self.os.assign(resources.os)
+ self.nodes = dict()
+ for node_k, node_v in resources.nodes.iteritems():
+ self.nodes[node_k] = Node()
+ self.nodes[node_k].assign(node_v)
+ return
+ def _get_cores_consumption_warnings(self):
+ """Returns list of warning strings in case warnings are generated.
+ In case no warnings are generated the return value will be an empty list"""
+ warnings = list()
+ #Get the cores consumption
+ (return_status, code) = get_ssh_connection(self.machine, self.user, self.password)
+ if not return_status:
+ return (return_status, code)
+ ssh_conn = code
+ command = 'mpstat -P ALL 1 1 | grep Average | egrep -v CPU\|all'
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ error = stderr.read()
+ if len(error) > 0:
+ return (False, error)
+ self.cores_consumption = dict()
+ for line in stdout.readlines():
+ cpu_usage_split = re.split('\t| *', line.rstrip('\n'))
+ usage = 100 *(1 - float(cpu_usage_split[10]))
+ if usage > 0:
+ self.cores_consumption[int(cpu_usage_split[1])] = usage
+ ssh_conn.close()
+ #Check if any core marked as available in the nodes has cpu_usage > 0
+ for _, node_v in self.nodes.iteritems():
+ cores = node_v.processor.eligible_cores
+ for cpu in cores:
+ if len(cpu) > 1:
+ for core in cpu:
+ if core in self.cores_consumption:
+ warnings.append('Warning: Core '+str(core)+' is supposed to be idle but it is consuming '+str(self.cores_consumption[core])+'%')
+ else:
+ if cpu in self.cores_consumption:
+ warnings.append('Warning: Core '+str(core)+' is supposed to be idle but it is consuming '+str(self.cores_consumption[cpu])+'%')
+ return warnings
+ def reserved_to_text(self):
+ text = str()
+ for VNFC_name, VNFC_reserved in self.reserved.iteritems():
+ text += ' VNFC: '+str(VNFC_name)+'\n'
+ text += VNFC_reserved.to_text()
+ return text
+ def obtain_usage(self):
+ resp = dict()
+ #Iterate through nodes to get cores, eligible cores, memory and physical ports (save ports usage for next section)
+ nodes = dict()
+ ports_usage = dict()
+ hugepage_size = dict()
+ for node_k, node_v in self.nodes.iteritems():
+ node = dict()
+ ports_usage[node_k] = dict()
+ eligible_cores = list()
+ for pair in node_v.processor.eligible_cores:
+ if isinstance(pair, list):
+ for element in pair:
+ eligible_cores.append(element)
+ else:
+ eligible_cores.append(pair)
+ node['cpus'] = {'cores':node_v.processor.cores,'eligible_cores':eligible_cores}
+ node['memory'] = {'size':str(node_v.memory.node_size/(1024*1024*1024))+'GB','eligible':str(node_v.memory.eligible_memory/(1024*1024*1024))+'GB'}
+ hugepage_size[node_k] = node_v.memory.hugepage_sz
+ ports = dict()
+ for nic in node_v.nic_list:
+ for port in nic.ports.itervalues():
+ if port.enabled and not port.virtual:
+ ports[port.name] = {'speed':str(port.speed/1000000000)+'G'}
+# print '*************** ',port.name,'speed',port.speed
+ ports_usage[node_k][port.name] = 100 - int(100*float(port.available_bw)/float(port.speed))
+ node['ports'] = ports
+ nodes[node_k] = node
+ resp['RAD'] = nodes
+ #Iterate through reserved section to get used cores, used memory and port usage
+ cores = dict()
+ memory = dict()
+ #reserved_cores = list
+ for node_k in self.nodes.iterkeys():
+ if not node_k in cores:
+ cores[node_k] = list()
+ memory[node_k] = 0
+ for _, reserved in self.reserved.iteritems():
+ if node_k in reserved.node_reserved_resources:
+ node_v = reserved.node_reserved_resources[node_k]
+ cores[node_k].extend(node_v.reserved_cores)
+ memory[node_k] += node_v.reserved_hugepage_nr * hugepage_size[node_k]
+ occupation = dict()
+ for node_k in self.nodes.iterkeys():
+ ports = dict()
+ for name, usage in ports_usage[node_k].iteritems():
+ ports[name] = {'occupied':str(usage)+'%'}
+# print '****************cores',cores
+# print '****************memory',memory
+ occupation[node_k] = {'cores':cores[node_k],'memory':str(memory[node_k]/(1024*1024*1024))+'GB','ports':ports}
+ resp['occupation'] = occupation
+ return resp
+class RADreservedResources():
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.node_reserved_resources = dict() #dict. keys are the RAD nodes id, values are NodeReservedResources
+ self.mgmt_interface_pci = None #pci in the VNF for the management interface
+ self.image = None #Path in remote machine of the VNFC image
+ def update(self,reserved):
+ self.image = reserved.image
+ self.mgmt_interface_pci = reserved.mgmt_interface_pci
+ for k,v in reserved.node_reserved_resources.iteritems():
+ if k in self.node_reserved_resources.keys():
+ return (False, 'Duplicated node entry '+str(k)+' in reserved resources')
+ self.node_reserved_resources[k]=v
+ return (True, "")
+ def to_text(self):
+ text = ' image: '+str(self.image)+'\n'
+ for node_id, node_reserved in self.node_reserved_resources.iteritems():
+ text += ' Node ID: '+str(node_id)+'\n'
+ text += node_reserved.to_text()
+ return text
+class NodeReservedResources():
+ def __init__(self):
+ # reserved_shared_cores = None #list. List of all cores that the VNFC needs in shared mode #TODO Not used
+ # reserved_memory = None #Integer. Amount of KiB needed by the VNFC #TODO. Not used since hugepages are used
+ self.reserved_cores = list() #list. List of all cores that the VNFC uses
+ self.reserved_hugepage_nr = 0 #Integer. Number of hugepages needed by the VNFC
+ self.reserved_ports = dict() #dict. The key is the physical port pci and the value the VNFC port description
+ self.vlan_tags = dict()
+ self.cpu_pinning = None
+ def to_text(self):
+ text = ' cores: '+str(self.reserved_cores)+'\n'
+ text += ' cpu_pinning: '+str(self.cpu_pinning)+'\n'
+ text += ' hugepages_nr: '+str(self.reserved_hugepage_nr)+'\n'
+ for port_pci, port_description in self.reserved_ports.iteritems():
+ text += ' port: '+str(port_pci)+'\n'
+ text += port_description.to_text()
+ return text
+# def update(self,reserved):
+# self.reserved_cores = list(reserved.reserved_cores)
+# self.reserved_hugepage_nr = reserved.reserved_hugepage_nr
+# self.reserved_ports = dict(reserved.reserved_ports)
+# self.cpu_pinning = list(reserved.cpu_pinning)
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+Common usuful functions
+__author__="Alfonso Tierno, Pablo Montes"
+__date__ ="$10-jul-2014 12:07:15$"
+import yaml
+import paramiko
+from definitionsClass import definitionsClass
+from definitionsClass import Units
+import random
+from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e
+def check_and_convert_units(value, value_type):
+ """TODO: Update description
+ This method receives a text with 2 fields using a blank as separator and a list of valid units. The first field must represent a number
+ and the second one units.
+ In case the second field is not one of valid_units (False, <error description>) is returned.
+ In case the second field is a valid unit the first number is converted in the following way:
+ Gbps, Mbps, kbps -> Mbps
+ GB,MB,KB,B,GiB,MiB,KiB -> B
+ GHz,MHz,KHz,Hz -> Hz
+ If conversion is done successfully (True, <converted value>) is returned"""
+ try:
+ if value_type == Units.no_units:
+ if not isinstance(value,int) and not isinstance(value,float):
+ return (False, 'When no units are used only an integer or float must be used')
+ elif value_type == Units.name:
+ if not isinstance(value,str):
+ return (False, 'For names str must be used')
+ elif value_type == Units.boolean:
+ if not isinstance(value,bool):
+ return (False, 'A boolean or Yes/No mut be used')
+ else:
+ splitted = value.split(' ')
+ if len(splitted) != 2:
+ return (False, 'Expected format: <value> <units>')
+ (value, units) = splitted
+ if ',' in value or '.' in value:
+ return (False, 'Use integers to represent numeric values')
+ value = int(value)
+# if not isinstance(value_type, Units):
+# return (False, 'Not valid value_type')
+ valid_units = definitionsClass.units[value_type]
+ #Convert everything to upper in order to make comparations easier
+ units = units.upper()
+ for i in range(0, len(valid_units)):
+ valid_units[i] = valid_units[i].upper()
+ #Check the used units are valid ones
+ if units not in valid_units:
+ return (False, 'Valid units are: '+', '.join(valid_units))
+ if units.startswith('GI'):
+ value = value *1024*1024*1024
+ elif units.startswith('MI'):
+ value = value *1024*1024
+ elif units.startswith('KI'):
+ value = value *1024
+ elif units.startswith('G'):
+ value = value *1000000000
+ elif units.startswith('M'):
+ value = value *1000000
+ elif units.startswith('K'):
+ value = value *1000
+ except Exception,e:
+ return (False, 'Unexpected error in auxiliary_functions.py - check_and_convert_units:\n'+str(e))
+ return (True, value)
+def get_ssh_connection(machine, user=None, password=None):
+ """Stablishes an ssh connection to the remote server. Returns (True, paramiko_ssh) in case of success or (False, <error message>) in case of error"""
+ try:
+ s = paramiko.SSHClient()
+ s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
+ s.load_system_host_keys()
+ s.connect(machine, 22, user, password, timeout=10)
+ except Exception,e:
+ return (False, 'It was not possible to connect to '+machine+str(e))
+ return (True, s)
+def run_in_remote_server(s,command):
+ """Runs in the remote server the specified command. Returns (True, stdout) in case of success or (False, <error message>) in case of error"""
+ try:
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = s.exec_command(command)
+ error_msg = stderr.read()
+ if len(error_msg) > 0:
+ return (False, error_msg)
+ except Exception,e:
+ return (False, str(e))
+ return (True, stdout)
+def read_file(file_):
+ """Reads a file specified by 'file' and returns (True,<its content as a string>) in case of success or (False, <error message>) in case of failure"""
+ try:
+ f = open(file_, 'r')
+ read_data = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ except Exception,e:
+ return (False, str(e))
+ return (True, read_data)
+def check_contains(element, keywords):
+ """Auxiliary function used to check if a yaml structure contains or not
+ an specific field. Returns a bool"""
+ for key in keywords:
+ if not key in element:
+ return False
+ return True
+def check_contains_(element, keywords):
+ """Auxiliary function used to check if a yaml structure contains or not
+ an specific field. Returns a bool,missing_variables"""
+ for key in keywords:
+ if not key in element:
+ return False, key
+ return True, None
+def write_file(file_, content):
+ """Generates a file specified by 'file' and fills it using 'content'"""
+ f = open(file_, 'w')
+ f.write(content)
+ f.close()
+def nice_print(yaml_element):
+ """Print a yaml structure. Used mainly for debugging"""
+ print(yaml.dump(yaml_element, default_flow_style=False))
+def new_random_mac():
+ mac = (0xE2, random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff) )
+ return ':'.join(map(lambda x: "%02X" % x, mac))
+def parse_dict(var, template):
+ if type(var) is not dict: return -1, 'not a dictionary'
+ for _,tv in template.items():
+ if type(tv) is list:
+ return
+def delete_nulls(var):
+ if type(var) is dict:
+ for k in var.keys():
+ if var[k] is None: del var[k]
+ elif type(var[k]) is dict or type(var[k]) is list or type(var[k]) is tuple:
+ if delete_nulls(var[k]): del var[k]
+ if len(var) == 0: return True
+ elif type(var) is list or type(var) is tuple:
+ for k in var:
+ if type(k) is dict: delete_nulls(k)
+ if len(var) == 0: return True
+ return False
+def get_next_2pow(var):
+ if var==0: return 0
+ v=1
+ while v<var: v=v*2
+ return v
+def check_valid_uuid(uuid):
+ id_schema = {"type" : "string", "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}(-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}){3}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$"}
+ try:
+ js_v(uuid, id_schema)
+ return True
+ except js_e.ValidationError:
+ return False
+def DeleteNone(var):
+ '''Removes recursively empty dictionaries or lists
+ return True if var is an empty dict or list '''
+ if type(var) is dict:
+ for k in var.keys():
+ if var[k] is None: del var[k]
+ elif type(var[k]) is dict or type(var[k]) is list or type(var[k]) is tuple:
+ if DeleteNone(var[k]): del var[k]
+ if len(var) == 0: return True
+ elif type(var) is list or type(var) is tuple:
+ for k in var:
+ if type(k) is dict: DeleteNone(k)
+ if len(var) == 0: return True
+ return False
+def gen_random_mac():
+ '''generates a random mac address. Avoid multicast, broadcast, etc
+ '''
+ mac = (
+ #52,54,00,
+ #2 + 4*random.randint(0x00, 0x3f), #4 multiple, unicast local mac address
+ 0x52,
+ random.randint(0x00, 0xff),
+ random.randint(0x00, 0xff),
+ random.randint(0x00, 0xff),
+ random.randint(0x00, 0xff),
+ random.randint(0x00, 0xff)
+ )
+ return ':'.join(map(lambda x: "%02x" % x, mac))
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+Definitions of classes for the Host operating server, ...
+__author__="Pablo Montes"
+class Units():
+ memory_1000 = 1
+ memory_1024 = 2
+ memory_full = 3
+ bw = 4
+ freq = 5
+ no_units = 6
+ name = 7
+ boolean = 8
+class definitionsClass():
+ user = 'n2'
+ password = 'n2'
+ extrict_hugepages_allocation = True
+ processor_possible_features = ['64b','iommu','lps','tlbps','hwsv','dioc','ht']
+ processor_possible_manufacturers = ['Intel','AMD']
+ processor_possible_families = ['Xeon']
+ processor_possible_versions = ['Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-4620 0 @ 2.20GHz', 'Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 0 @ 2.70GHz','Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2697 v2 @ 2.70GHz']
+ memory_possible_types = ['DDR2','DDR3']
+ memory_possible_form_factors = ['DIMM']
+ hypervisor_possible_types = ['QEMU']
+ hypervisor_possible_domain_types = ['kvm'] #['qemu', 'kvm']
+ os_possible_id = ['Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago)',
+ 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago)',
+ 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago)',
+ 'CentOS release 6.5 (Final)',
+ 'CentOS release 6.6 (Final)',
+ 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.0 (Maipo)',
+ 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.1 (Maipo)',
+ ]
+ os_possible_types = ['GNU/Linux']
+ os_possible_architectures = ['x86_64']
+ hypervisor_possible_composed_versions = ['QEMU-kvm']
+ units = dict()
+ units[Units.bw] = ['Gbps', 'Mbps', 'kbps', 'bps']
+ units[Units.freq] = ['GHz', 'MHz', 'KHz', 'Hz']
+ units[Units.memory_1000] = ['GB', 'MB', 'KB', 'B']
+ units[Units.memory_1024] = ['GiB', 'MiB', 'KiB', 'B']
+ units[Units.memory_full] = ['GB', 'MB', 'KB', 'GiB', 'MiB', 'KiB', 'B']
+ valid_hugepage_sz = [1073741824, 2097152] #In bytes
+ valid_VNFC_iface_types = ['mgmt','data']
+ def __init__(self):
+ return
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+This is thread that interact with the dhcp server to get the IP addresses
+__author__="Pablo Montes, Alfonso Tierno"
+__date__ ="$4-Jan-2016 12:07:15$"
+import threading
+import time
+import Queue
+import paramiko
+import random
+import subprocess
+import logging
+#TODO: insert a logging system
+class dhcp_thread(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, dhcp_params, db, db_lock, test, dhcp_nets, logger_name=None, debug=None):
+ '''Init a thread.
+ Arguments: thread_info must be a dictionary with:
+ 'dhcp_params' dhcp server parameters with the following keys:
+ mandatory : user, host, port, key, ifaces(interface name list of the one managed by the dhcp)
+ optional: password, key, port(22)
+ 'db' 'db_lock': database class and lock for accessing it
+ 'test': in test mode no acces to a server is done, and ip is invented
+ '''
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.dhcp_params = dhcp_params
+ self.db = db
+ self.db_lock = db_lock
+ self.test = test
+ self.dhcp_nets = dhcp_nets
+ self.ssh_conn = None
+ if logger_name:
+ self.logger_name = logger_name
+ else:
+ self.logger_name = "openvim.dhcp"
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.logger_name)
+ if debug:
+ self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, debug))
+ self.mac_status ={} #dictionary of mac_address to retrieve information
+ #ip: None
+ #retries:
+ #next_reading: time for the next trying to check ACTIVE status or IP
+ #created: time when it was added
+ #active: time when the VM becomes into ACTIVE status
+ self.queueLock = threading.Lock()
+ self.taskQueue = Queue.Queue(2000)
+ def ssh_connect(self):
+ try:
+ #Connect SSH
+ self.ssh_conn = paramiko.SSHClient()
+ self.ssh_conn.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
+ self.ssh_conn.load_system_host_keys()
+ self.ssh_conn.connect(self.dhcp_params["host"], port=self.dhcp_params.get("port", 22),
+ username=self.dhcp_params["user"], password=self.dhcp_params.get("password"),
+ key_filename=self.dhcp_params.get("key"), timeout=2)
+ except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
+ self.logger.error("ssh_connect ssh Exception " + str(e))
+ def load_mac_from_db(self):
+ #TODO get macs to follow from the database
+ self.logger.debug("load macs from db")
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ r,c = self.db.get_table(SELECT=('mac','ip_address','nets.uuid as net_id', ),
+ FROM='ports join nets on ports.net_id=nets.uuid',
+ WHERE_NOT={'ports.instance_id': None, 'nets.provider': None})
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ now = time.time()
+ self.mac_status ={}
+ if r<0:
+ self.logger.error("Error getting data from database: " + c)
+ return
+ for port in c:
+ if port["net_id"] in self.dhcp_nets:
+ self.mac_status[ port["mac"] ] = {"ip": port["ip_address"], "next_reading": now, "created": now, "retries":0}
+ def insert_task(self, task, *aditional):
+ try:
+ self.queueLock.acquire()
+ task = self.taskQueue.put( (task,) + aditional, timeout=5)
+ self.queueLock.release()
+ return 1, None
+ except Queue.Full:
+ return -1, "timeout inserting a task over dhcp_thread"
+ def run(self):
+ self.logger.debug("starting, nets: " + str(self.dhcp_nets))
+ next_iteration = time.time() + 10
+ while True:
+ self.load_mac_from_db()
+ while True:
+ try:
+ self.queueLock.acquire()
+ if not self.taskQueue.empty():
+ task = self.taskQueue.get()
+ else:
+ task = None
+ self.queueLock.release()
+ if task is None:
+ now=time.time()
+ if now >= next_iteration:
+ next_iteration = self.get_ip_from_dhcp()
+ else:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ continue
+ if task[0] == 'add':
+ self.logger.debug("processing task add mac " + str(task[1]))
+ now=time.time()
+ self.mac_status[task[1] ] = {"ip": None, "next_reading": now, "created": now, "retries":0}
+ next_iteration = now
+ elif task[0] == 'del':
+ self.logger.debug("processing task del mac " + str(task[1]))
+ if task[1] in self.mac_status:
+ del self.mac_status[task[1] ]
+ elif task[0] == 'exit':
+ self.logger.debug("processing task exit")
+ self.terminate()
+ return 0
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("unknown task: " + str(task))
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.critical("Unexpected exception at run: " + str(e), exc_info=True)
+ def terminate(self):
+ try:
+ if self.ssh_conn:
+ self.ssh_conn.close()
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("terminate Exception: " + str(e))
+ self.logger.debug("exit from dhcp_thread")
+ def get_ip_from_dhcp(self):
+ now = time.time()
+ next_iteration= now + 40000 # >10 hores
+ #print self.name, "Iteration"
+ for mac_address in self.mac_status:
+ if now < self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"]:
+ if self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] < next_iteration:
+ next_iteration = self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"]
+ continue
+ if self.mac_status[mac_address].get("active") == None:
+ #check from db if already active
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ r,c = self.db.get_table(FROM="ports as p join instances as i on p.instance_id=i.uuid",
+ WHERE={"p.mac": mac_address, "i.status": "ACTIVE"})
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if r>0:
+ self.mac_status[mac_address]["active"] = now
+ self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] = (int(now)/2 +1)* 2
+ self.logger.debug("mac %s VM ACTIVE", mac_address)
+ self.mac_status[mac_address]["retries"] = 0
+ else:
+ #print self.name, "mac %s VM INACTIVE" % (mac_address)
+ if now - self.mac_status[mac_address]["created"] > 300:
+ #modify Database to tell openmano that we can not get dhcp from the machine
+ if not self.mac_status[mac_address].get("ip"):
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ r,c = self.db.update_rows("ports", {"ip_address": ""}, {"mac": mac_address})
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ self.mac_status[mac_address]["ip"] = ""
+ self.logger.debug("mac %s >> set to because of timeout", mac_address)
+ self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] = (int(now)/60 +1)* 60
+ else:
+ self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] = (int(now)/6 +1)* 6
+ if self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] < next_iteration:
+ next_iteration = self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"]
+ continue
+ if self.test:
+ if self.mac_status[mac_address]["retries"]>random.randint(10,100): #wait between 10 and 100 seconds to produce a fake IP
+ content = self.get_fake_ip()
+ else:
+ content = None
+ elif self.dhcp_params["host"]=="localhost":
+ try:
+ command = ['get_dhcp_lease.sh', mac_address]
+ content = subprocess.check_output(command)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("get_ip_from_dhcp subprocess Exception " + str(e))
+ content = None
+ else:
+ try:
+ if not self.ssh_conn:
+ self.ssh_connect()
+ command = 'get_dhcp_lease.sh ' + mac_address
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
+ self.logger.error("get_ip_from_dhcp: ssh_Exception: " + srt(e))
+ content = None
+ self.ssh_conn = None
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("get_ip_from_dhcp: Exception: " + str(e))
+ content = None
+ self.ssh_conn = None
+ if content:
+ self.mac_status[mac_address]["ip"] = content
+ #modify Database
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ r,c = self.db.update_rows("ports", {"ip_address": content}, {"mac": mac_address})
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if r<0:
+ self.logger.error("Database update error: " + c)
+ else:
+ self.mac_status[mac_address]["retries"] = 0
+ self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] = (int(now)/3600 +1)* 36000 # 10 hores
+ if self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] < next_iteration:
+ next_iteration = self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"]
+ self.logger.debug("mac %s >> %s", mac_address, content)
+ continue
+ #a fail has happen
+ self.mac_status[mac_address]["retries"] +=1
+ #next iteration is every 2sec at the beginning; every 5sec after a minute, every 1min after a 5min
+ if now - self.mac_status[mac_address]["active"] > 120:
+ #modify Database to tell openmano that we can not get dhcp from the machine
+ if not self.mac_status[mac_address].get("ip"):
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ r,c = self.db.update_rows("ports", {"ip_address": ""}, {"mac": mac_address})
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ self.mac_status[mac_address]["ip"] = ""
+ self.logger.debug("mac %s >> set to because of timeout", mac_address)
+ if now - self.mac_status[mac_address]["active"] > 60:
+ self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] = (int(now)/6 +1)* 6
+ elif now - self.mac_status[mac_address]["active"] > 300:
+ self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] = (int(now)/60 +1)* 60
+ else:
+ self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] = (int(now)/2 +1)* 2
+ if self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"] < next_iteration:
+ next_iteration = self.mac_status[mac_address]["next_reading"]
+ return next_iteration
+ def get_fake_ip(self):
+ fake_ip = "192.168.{}.{}".format(random.randint(1,254), random.randint(1,254) )
+ while True:
+ #check not already provided
+ already_used = False
+ for mac_address in self.mac_status:
+ if self.mac_status[mac_address]["ip"] == fake_ip:
+ already_used = True
+ break
+ if not already_used:
+ return fake_ip
+#EXAMPLE of bash script that must be available at the DHCP server for "isc-dhcp-server" type
+# $ cat ./get_dhcp_lease.sh
+# #!/bin/bash
+# awk '
+# ($1=="lease" && $3=="{"){ lease=$2; active="no"; found="no" }
+# ($1=="binding" && $2=="state" && $3=="active;"){ active="yes" }
+# ($1=="hardware" && $2=="ethernet" && $3==tolower("'$1';")){ found="yes" }
+# ($1=="client-hostname"){ name=$2 }
+# ($1=="}"){ if (active=="yes" && found=="yes"){ target_lease=lease; target_name=name}}
+# END{printf("%s", target_lease)} #print target_name
+# ' /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+Implement the plugging for floodligth openflow controller
+It creates the class OF_conn to create dataplane connections
+with static rules based on packet destination MAC address
+__author__ = "Pablo Montes, Alfonso Tierno"
+__date__ = "$28-oct-2014 12:07:15$"
+import json
+import requests
+import logging
+import openflow_conn
+class OF_conn(openflow_conn.OpenflowConn):
+ """
+ Openflow Connector for Floodlight.
+ No MAC learning is used
+ version 0.9 or 1.X is autodetected
+ version 1.X is in progress, not finished!!!
+ """
+ def __init__(self, params):
+ """
+ Constructor
+ :param self:
+ :param params: dictionay with the following keys:
+ of_dpid: DPID to use for this controller
+ of_ip: controller IP address
+ of_port: controller TCP port
+ of_version: version, can be "0.9" or "1.X". By default it is autodetected
+ of_debug: debug level for logging. Default to ERROR
+ other keys are ignored
+ :return: Raise an ValueError exception if same parameter is missing or wrong
+ """
+ # check params
+ if "of_ip" not in params or params["of_ip"] == None or "of_port" not in params or params["of_port"] == None:
+ raise ValueError("IP address and port must be provided")
+ openflow_conn.OpenflowConn.__init__(self, params)
+ self.name = "Floodlight"
+ self.dpid = str(params["of_dpid"])
+ self.url = "http://%s:%s" % (str(params["of_ip"]), str(params["of_port"]))
+ self.pp2ofi = {} # From Physical Port to OpenFlow Index
+ self.ofi2pp = {} # From OpenFlow Index to Physical Port
+ self.headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
+ self.version = None
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('vim.OF.FL')
+ self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, params.get("of_debug", "ERROR")))
+ self._set_version(params.get("of_version"))
+ def _set_version(self, version):
+ """
+ set up a version of the controller.
+ Depending on the version it fills the self.ver_names with the naming used in this version
+ :param version: Openflow controller version
+ :return: Raise an ValueError exception if same parameter is missing or wrong
+ """
+ # static version names
+ if version == None:
+ self.version = None
+ elif version == "0.9":
+ self.version = version
+ self.name = "Floodlightv0.9"
+ self.ver_names = {
+ "dpid": "dpid",
+ "URLmodifier": "staticflowentrypusher",
+ "destmac": "dst-mac",
+ "vlanid": "vlan-id",
+ "inport": "ingress-port",
+ "setvlan": "set-vlan-id",
+ "stripvlan": "strip-vlan",
+ }
+ elif version[0] == "1": # version 1.X
+ self.version = version
+ self.name = "Floodlightv1.X"
+ self.ver_names = {
+ "dpid": "switchDPID",
+ "URLmodifier": "staticflowpusher",
+ "destmac": "eth_dst",
+ "vlanid": "eth_vlan_vid",
+ "inport": "in_port",
+ "setvlan": "set_vlan_vid",
+ "stripvlan": "strip_vlan",
+ }
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid version for floodlight controller")
+ def get_of_switches(self):
+ """
+ Obtain a a list of switches or DPID detected by this controller
+ :return: list where each element a tuple pair (DPID, IP address)
+ Raise an OpenflowconnConnectionException or OpenflowconnConnectionException exception if same
+ parameter is missing or wrong
+ """
+ try:
+ of_response = requests.get(self.url + "/wm/core/controller/switches/json", headers=self.headers)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ info = of_response.json()
+ if type(info) != list and type(info) != tuple:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response not a list %s", str(type(info)))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, not a list. Wrong version?")
+ if len(info) == 0:
+ return info
+ # autodiscover version
+ if self.version == None:
+ if 'dpid' in info[0] and 'inetAddress' in info[0]:
+ self._set_version("0.9")
+ elif 'switchDPID' in info[0] and 'inetAddress' in info[0]:
+ self._set_version("1.X")
+ else:
+ self.logger.error(
+ "get_of_switches. Unexpected response, not found 'dpid' or 'switchDPID' field: %s",
+ str(info[0]))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, not found 'dpid' or "
+ "'switchDPID' field. Wrong version?")
+ switch_list = []
+ for switch in info:
+ switch_list.append((switch[self.ver_names["dpid"]], switch['inetAddress']))
+ return switch_list
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ def get_of_rules(self, translate_of_ports=True):
+ """
+ Obtain the rules inserted at openflow controller
+ :param translate_of_ports: if True it translates ports from openflow index to physical switch name
+ :return: dict if ok: with the rule name as key and value is another dictionary with the following content:
+ priority: rule priority
+ name: rule name (present also as the master dict key)
+ ingress_port: match input port of the rule
+ dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
+ vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
+ actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples:
+ (vlan, None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
+ (out, port): send to this port
+ switch: DPID, all
+ Raise an openflowconnUnexpectedResponse exception if fails with text_error
+ """
+ try:
+ # get translation, autodiscover version
+ if len(self.ofi2pp) == 0:
+ self.obtain_port_correspondence()
+ of_response = requests.get(self.url + "/wm/%s/list/%s/json" % (self.ver_names["URLmodifier"], self.dpid),
+ headers=self.headers)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("get_of_rules " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("get_of_rules " + error_text)
+ info = of_response.json()
+ if type(info) != dict:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_rules. Unexpected response not a dict %s", str(type(info)))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, not a dict. Wrong version?")
+ rule_dict = {}
+ for switch, switch_info in info.iteritems():
+ if switch_info == None:
+ continue
+ if str(switch) != self.dpid:
+ continue
+ for name, details in switch_info.iteritems():
+ rule = {}
+ rule["switch"] = str(switch)
+ # rule["active"] = "true"
+ rule["priority"] = int(details["priority"])
+ if self.version[0] == "0":
+ if translate_of_ports:
+ rule["ingress_port"] = self.ofi2pp[details["match"]["inputPort"]]
+ else:
+ rule["ingress_port"] = str(details["match"]["inputPort"])
+ dst_mac = details["match"]["dataLayerDestination"]
+ if dst_mac != "00:00:00:00:00:00":
+ rule["dst_mac"] = dst_mac
+ vlan = details["match"]["dataLayerVirtualLan"]
+ if vlan != -1:
+ rule["vlan_id"] = vlan
+ actionlist = []
+ for action in details["actions"]:
+ if action["type"] == "OUTPUT":
+ if translate_of_ports:
+ port = self.ofi2pp[action["port"]]
+ else:
+ port = action["port"]
+ actionlist.append(("out", port))
+ elif action["type"] == "STRIP_VLAN":
+ actionlist.append(("vlan", None))
+ elif action["type"] == "SET_VLAN_ID":
+ actionlist.append(("vlan", action["virtualLanIdentifier"]))
+ else:
+ actionlist.append((action["type"], str(action)))
+ self.logger.warning("get_of_rules() Unknown action in rule %s: %s", rule["name"],
+ str(action))
+ rule["actions"] = actionlist
+ elif self.version[0] == "1":
+ if translate_of_ports:
+ rule["ingress_port"] = self.ofi2pp[details["match"]["in_port"]]
+ else:
+ rule["ingress_port"] = details["match"]["in_port"]
+ if "eth_dst" in details["match"]:
+ dst_mac = details["match"]["eth_dst"]
+ if dst_mac != "00:00:00:00:00:00":
+ rule["dst_mac"] = dst_mac
+ if "eth_vlan_vid" in details["match"]:
+ vlan = int(details["match"]["eth_vlan_vid"], 16) & 0xFFF
+ rule["vlan_id"] = str(vlan)
+ actionlist = []
+ for action in details["instructions"]["instruction_apply_actions"]:
+ if action == "output":
+ if translate_of_ports:
+ port = self.ofi2pp[details["instructions"]["instruction_apply_actions"]["output"]]
+ else:
+ port = details["instructions"]["instruction_apply_actions"]["output"]
+ actionlist.append(("out", port))
+ elif action == "strip_vlan":
+ actionlist.append(("vlan", None))
+ elif action == "set_vlan_vid":
+ actionlist.append(
+ ("vlan", details["instructions"]["instruction_apply_actions"]["set_vlan_vid"]))
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_rules Unknown action in rule %s: %s", rule["name"],
+ str(action))
+ # actionlist.append( (action, str(details["instructions"]["instruction_apply_actions"]) ))
+ rule_dict[str(name)] = rule
+ return rule_dict
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("get_of_rules " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("get_of_rules " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ def obtain_port_correspondence(self):
+ """
+ Obtain the correspondence between physical and openflow port names
+ :return: dictionary: with physical name as key, openflow name as value
+ Raise an openflowconnUnexpectedResponse exception if fails with text_error
+ """
+ try:
+ of_response = requests.get(self.url + "/wm/core/controller/switches/json", headers=self.headers)
+ # print vim_response.status_code
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ info = of_response.json()
+ if type(info) != list and type(info) != tuple:
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow response, not a list. "
+ "Wrong version?")
+ index = -1
+ if len(info) > 0:
+ # autodiscover version
+ if self.version == None:
+ if 'dpid' in info[0] and 'ports' in info[0]:
+ self._set_version("0.9")
+ elif 'switchDPID' in info[0]:
+ self._set_version("1.X")
+ else:
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow response, "
+ "Wrong version?")
+ for i in range(0, len(info)):
+ if info[i][self.ver_names["dpid"]] == self.dpid:
+ index = i
+ break
+ if index == -1:
+ text = "DPID '" + self.dpid + "' not present in controller " + self.url
+ # print self.name, ": get_of_controller_info ERROR", text
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(text)
+ else:
+ if self.version[0] == "0":
+ ports = info[index]["ports"]
+ else: # version 1.X
+ of_response = requests.get(self.url + "/wm/core/switch/%s/port-desc/json" % self.dpid,
+ headers=self.headers)
+ # print vim_response.status_code
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ info = of_response.json()
+ if type(info) != dict:
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow port-desc response, "
+ "not a dict. Wrong version?")
+ if "portDesc" not in info:
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow port-desc response, "
+ "'portDesc' not found. Wrong version?")
+ if type(info["portDesc"]) != list and type(info["portDesc"]) != tuple:
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow port-desc response at "
+ "'portDesc', not a list. Wrong version?")
+ ports = info["portDesc"]
+ for port in ports:
+ self.pp2ofi[str(port["name"])] = str(port["portNumber"])
+ self.ofi2pp[port["portNumber"]] = str(port["name"])
+ # print self.name, ": get_of_controller_info ports:", self.pp2ofi
+ return self.pp2ofi
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ def del_flow(self, flow_name):
+ """
+ Delete an existing rule
+ :param flow_name: this is the rule name
+ :return: None if ok
+ Raise an openflowconnUnexpectedResponse exception if fails with text_error
+ """
+ try:
+ # Raise an openflowconnUnexpectedResponse exception if fails with text_error
+ # autodiscover version
+ if self.version == None:
+ self.get_of_switches()
+ of_response = requests.delete(self.url + "/wm/%s/json" % self.ver_names["URLmodifier"],
+ headers=self.headers,
+ data='{"switch":"%s","name":"%s"}' % (self.dpid, flow_name)
+ )
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("del_flow " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("del_flow OK " + error_text)
+ return None
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("del_flow " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+ def new_flow(self, data):
+ """
+ Insert a new static rule
+ :param data: dictionary with the following content:
+ priority: rule priority
+ name: rule name
+ ingress_port: match input port of the rule
+ dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, missing or None if not apply
+ vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, missing or None if not apply
+ actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples with these posibilities:
+ ('vlan', None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
+ ('out', port): send to this port
+ :return: None if ok
+ Raise an openflowconnUnexpectedResponse exception if fails with text_error
+ """
+ # get translation, autodiscover version
+ if len(self.pp2ofi) == 0:
+ self.obtain_port_correspondence()
+ try:
+ # We have to build the data for the floodlight call from the generic data
+ sdata = {'active': "true", "name": data["name"]}
+ if data.get("priority"):
+ sdata["priority"] = str(data["priority"])
+ if data.get("vlan_id"):
+ sdata[self.ver_names["vlanid"]] = data["vlan_id"]
+ if data.get("dst_mac"):
+ sdata[self.ver_names["destmac"]] = data["dst_mac"]
+ sdata['switch'] = self.dpid
+ if not data['ingress_port'] in self.pp2ofi:
+ error_text = 'Error. Port ' + data['ingress_port'] + ' is not present in the switch'
+ self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ sdata[self.ver_names["inport"]] = self.pp2ofi[data['ingress_port']]
+ sdata['actions'] = ""
+ for action in data['actions']:
+ if len(sdata['actions']) > 0:
+ sdata['actions'] += ','
+ if action[0] == "vlan":
+ if action[1] == None:
+ sdata['actions'] += self.ver_names["stripvlan"]
+ else:
+ sdata['actions'] += self.ver_names["setvlan"] + "=" + str(action[1])
+ elif action[0] == 'out':
+ sdata['actions'] += "output=" + self.pp2ofi[action[1]]
+ of_response = requests.post(self.url + "/wm/%s/json" % self.ver_names["URLmodifier"],
+ headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(sdata))
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("new_flow OK" + error_text)
+ return None
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("new_flow " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+ def clear_all_flows(self):
+ """
+ Delete all existing rules
+ :return: None if ok
+ Raise an openflowconnUnexpectedResponse exception if fails with text_error
+ """
+ try:
+ # autodiscover version
+ if self.version == None:
+ sw_list = self.get_of_switches()
+ if len(sw_list) == 0: # empty
+ return None
+ url = self.url + "/wm/%s/clear/%s/json" % (self.ver_names["URLmodifier"], self.dpid)
+ of_response = requests.get(url)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code < 200 or of_response.status_code >= 300:
+ self.logger.warning("clear_all_flows " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("clear_all_flows OK " + error_text)
+ return None
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("clear_all_flows " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+This is thread that interact with the host and the libvirt to manage VM
+One thread will be launched per host
+__author__ = "Pablo Montes, Alfonso Tierno, Leonardo Mirabal"
+__date__ = "$10-jul-2014 12:07:15$"
+import json
+import yaml
+import threading
+import time
+import Queue
+import paramiko
+from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e
+#import libvirt
+import imp
+from vim_schema import localinfo_schema, hostinfo_schema
+import random
+import os
+#TODO: insert a logging system
+# from logging import Logger
+# import auxiliary_functions as af
+# TODO: insert a logging system
+class host_thread(threading.Thread):
+ lvirt_module = None
+ def __init__(self, name, host, user, db, db_lock, test, image_path, host_id, version, develop_mode,
+ develop_bridge_iface):
+ '''Init a thread.
+ Arguments:
+ 'id' number of thead
+ 'name' name of thread
+ 'host','user': host ip or name to manage and user
+ 'db', 'db_lock': database class and lock to use it in exclusion
+ '''
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.name = name
+ self.host = host
+ self.user = user
+ self.db = db
+ self.db_lock = db_lock
+ self.test = test
+ if not test and not host_thread.lvirt_module:
+ try:
+ module_info = imp.find_module("libvirt")
+ host_thread.lvirt_module = imp.load_module("libvirt", *module_info)
+ except (IOError, ImportError) as e:
+ raise ImportError("Cannot import python-libvirt. Openvim not properly installed" +str(e))
+ self.develop_mode = develop_mode
+ self.develop_bridge_iface = develop_bridge_iface
+ self.image_path = image_path
+ self.host_id = host_id
+ self.version = version
+ self.xml_level = 0
+ #self.pending ={}
+ self.server_status = {} #dictionary with pairs server_uuid:server_status
+ self.pending_terminate_server =[] #list with pairs (time,server_uuid) time to send a terminate for a server being destroyed
+ self.next_update_server_status = 0 #time when must be check servers status
+ self.hostinfo = None
+ self.queueLock = threading.Lock()
+ self.taskQueue = Queue.Queue(2000)
+ self.ssh_conn = None
+ def ssh_connect(self):
+ try:
+ #Connect SSH
+ self.ssh_conn = paramiko.SSHClient()
+ self.ssh_conn.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
+ self.ssh_conn.load_system_host_keys()
+ self.ssh_conn.connect(self.host, username=self.user, timeout=10) #, None)
+ except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
+ text = e.args[0]
+ print self.name, ": ssh_connect ssh Exception:", text
+ def load_localinfo(self):
+ if not self.test:
+ try:
+ #Connect SSH
+ self.ssh_connect()
+ command = 'mkdir -p ' + self.image_path
+ #print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stderr.read()
+ if len(content) > 0:
+ print self.name, ': command:', command, "stderr:", content
+ command = 'cat ' + self.image_path + '/.openvim.yaml'
+ #print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ print self.name, ': command:', command, "stderr:", stderr.read()
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Error empty file ")
+ self.localinfo = yaml.load(content)
+ js_v(self.localinfo, localinfo_schema)
+ self.localinfo_dirty=False
+ if 'server_files' not in self.localinfo:
+ self.localinfo['server_files'] = {}
+ print self.name, ': localinfo load from host'
+ return
+ except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
+ text = e.args[0]
+ print self.name, ": load_localinfo ssh Exception:", text
+ except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
+ text = e.get_error_message()
+ print self.name, ": load_localinfo libvirt Exception:", text
+ except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+ text = ""
+ if hasattr(exc, 'problem_mark'):
+ mark = exc.problem_mark
+ text = " at position: (%s:%s)" % (mark.line+1, mark.column+1)
+ print self.name, ": load_localinfo yaml format Exception", text
+ except js_e.ValidationError as e:
+ text = ""
+ if len(e.path)>0: text=" at '" + ":".join(map(str, e.path))+"'"
+ print self.name, ": load_localinfo format Exception:", text, e.message
+ except Exception as e:
+ text = str(e)
+ print self.name, ": load_localinfo Exception:", text
+ #not loaded, insert a default data and force saving by activating dirty flag
+ self.localinfo = {'files':{}, 'server_files':{} }
+ #self.localinfo_dirty=True
+ self.localinfo_dirty=False
+ def load_hostinfo(self):
+ if self.test:
+ return;
+ try:
+ #Connect SSH
+ self.ssh_connect()
+ command = 'cat ' + self.image_path + '/hostinfo.yaml'
+ #print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ print self.name, ': command:', command, "stderr:", stderr.read()
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Error empty file ")
+ self.hostinfo = yaml.load(content)
+ js_v(self.hostinfo, hostinfo_schema)
+ print self.name, ': hostlinfo load from host', self.hostinfo
+ return
+ except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
+ text = e.args[0]
+ print self.name, ": load_hostinfo ssh Exception:", text
+ except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
+ text = e.get_error_message()
+ print self.name, ": load_hostinfo libvirt Exception:", text
+ except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+ text = ""
+ if hasattr(exc, 'problem_mark'):
+ mark = exc.problem_mark
+ text = " at position: (%s:%s)" % (mark.line+1, mark.column+1)
+ print self.name, ": load_hostinfo yaml format Exception", text
+ except js_e.ValidationError as e:
+ text = ""
+ if len(e.path)>0: text=" at '" + ":".join(map(str, e.path))+"'"
+ print self.name, ": load_hostinfo format Exception:", text, e.message
+ except Exception as e:
+ text = str(e)
+ print self.name, ": load_hostinfo Exception:", text
+ #not loaded, insert a default data
+ self.hostinfo = None
+ def save_localinfo(self, tries=3):
+ if self.test:
+ self.localinfo_dirty = False
+ return
+ while tries>=0:
+ tries-=1
+ try:
+ command = 'cat > ' + self.image_path + '/.openvim.yaml'
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (stdin, _, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ yaml.safe_dump(self.localinfo, stdin, explicit_start=True, indent=4, default_flow_style=False, tags=False, encoding='utf-8', allow_unicode=True)
+ self.localinfo_dirty = False
+ break #while tries
+ except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
+ text = e.args[0]
+ print self.name, ": save_localinfo ssh Exception:", text
+ if "SSH session not active" in text:
+ self.ssh_connect()
+ except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
+ text = e.get_error_message()
+ print self.name, ": save_localinfo libvirt Exception:", text
+ except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+ text = ""
+ if hasattr(exc, 'problem_mark'):
+ mark = exc.problem_mark
+ text = " at position: (%s:%s)" % (mark.line+1, mark.column+1)
+ print self.name, ": save_localinfo yaml format Exception", text
+ except Exception as e:
+ text = str(e)
+ print self.name, ": save_localinfo Exception:", text
+ def load_servers_from_db(self):
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ r,c = self.db.get_table(SELECT=('uuid','status', 'image_id'), FROM='instances', WHERE={'host_id': self.host_id})
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ self.server_status = {}
+ if r<0:
+ print self.name, ": Error getting data from database:", c
+ return
+ for server in c:
+ self.server_status[ server['uuid'] ] = server['status']
+ #convert from old version to new one
+ if 'inc_files' in self.localinfo and server['uuid'] in self.localinfo['inc_files']:
+ server_files_dict = {'source file': self.localinfo['inc_files'][ server['uuid'] ] [0], 'file format':'raw' }
+ if server_files_dict['source file'][-5:] == 'qcow2':
+ server_files_dict['file format'] = 'qcow2'
+ self.localinfo['server_files'][ server['uuid'] ] = { server['image_id'] : server_files_dict }
+ if 'inc_files' in self.localinfo:
+ del self.localinfo['inc_files']
+ self.localinfo_dirty = True
+ def delete_unused_files(self):
+ '''Compares self.localinfo['server_files'] content with real servers running self.server_status obtained from database
+ Deletes unused entries at self.loacalinfo and the corresponding local files.
+ The only reason for this mismatch is the manual deletion of instances (VM) at database
+ '''
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ for uuid,images in self.localinfo['server_files'].items():
+ if uuid not in self.server_status:
+ for localfile in images.values():
+ try:
+ print self.name, ": deleting file '%s' of unused server '%s'" %(localfile['source file'], uuid)
+ self.delete_file(localfile['source file'])
+ except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
+ print self.name, ": Exception deleting file '%s': %s" %(localfile['source file'], str(e))
+ del self.localinfo['server_files'][uuid]
+ self.localinfo_dirty = True
+ def insert_task(self, task, *aditional):
+ try:
+ self.queueLock.acquire()
+ task = self.taskQueue.put( (task,) + aditional, timeout=5)
+ self.queueLock.release()
+ return 1, None
+ except Queue.Full:
+ return -1, "timeout inserting a task over host " + self.name
+ def run(self):
+ while True:
+ self.load_localinfo()
+ self.load_hostinfo()
+ self.load_servers_from_db()
+ self.delete_unused_files()
+ while True:
+ self.queueLock.acquire()
+ if not self.taskQueue.empty():
+ task = self.taskQueue.get()
+ else:
+ task = None
+ self.queueLock.release()
+ if task is None:
+ now=time.time()
+ if self.localinfo_dirty:
+ self.save_localinfo()
+ elif self.next_update_server_status < now:
+ self.update_servers_status()
+ self.next_update_server_status = now + 5
+ elif len(self.pending_terminate_server)>0 and self.pending_terminate_server[0][0]<now:
+ self.server_forceoff()
+ else:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ continue
+ if task[0] == 'instance':
+ print self.name, ": processing task instance", task[1]['action']
+ retry=0
+ while retry <2:
+ retry += 1
+ r=self.action_on_server(task[1], retry==2)
+ if r>=0:
+ break
+ elif task[0] == 'image':
+ pass
+ elif task[0] == 'exit':
+ print self.name, ": processing task exit"
+ self.terminate()
+ return 0
+ elif task[0] == 'reload':
+ print self.name, ": processing task reload terminating and relaunching"
+ self.terminate()
+ break
+ elif task[0] == 'edit-iface':
+ print self.name, ": processing task edit-iface port=%s, old_net=%s, new_net=%s" % (task[1], task[2], task[3])
+ self.edit_iface(task[1], task[2], task[3])
+ elif task[0] == 'restore-iface':
+ print self.name, ": processing task restore-iface %s mac=%s" % (task[1], task[2])
+ self.restore_iface(task[1], task[2])
+ elif task[0] == 'new-ovsbridge':
+ print self.name, ": Creating compute OVS bridge"
+ self.create_ovs_bridge()
+ elif task[0] == 'new-vxlan':
+ print self.name, ": Creating vxlan tunnel=" + task[1] + ", remote ip=" + task[2]
+ self.create_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(task[1], task[2])
+ elif task[0] == 'del-ovsbridge':
+ print self.name, ": Deleting OVS bridge"
+ self.delete_ovs_bridge()
+ elif task[0] == 'del-vxlan':
+ print self.name, ": Deleting vxlan " + task[1] + " tunnel"
+ self.delete_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(task[1])
+ elif task[0] == 'create-ovs-bridge-port':
+ print self.name, ": Adding port ovim-" + task[1] + " to OVS bridge"
+ self.create_ovs_bridge_port(task[1])
+ elif task[0] == 'del-ovs-port':
+ print self.name, ": Delete bridge attached to ovs port vlan {} net {}".format(task[1], task[2])
+ self.delete_bridge_port_attached_to_ovs(task[1], task[2])
+ else:
+ print self.name, ": unknown task", task
+ def server_forceoff(self, wait_until_finished=False):
+ while len(self.pending_terminate_server)>0:
+ now = time.time()
+ if self.pending_terminate_server[0][0]>now:
+ if wait_until_finished:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ continue
+ else:
+ return
+ req={'uuid':self.pending_terminate_server[0][1],
+ 'action':{'terminate':'force'},
+ 'status': None
+ }
+ self.action_on_server(req)
+ self.pending_terminate_server.pop(0)
+ def terminate(self):
+ try:
+ self.server_forceoff(True)
+ if self.localinfo_dirty:
+ self.save_localinfo()
+ if not self.test:
+ self.ssh_conn.close()
+ except Exception as e:
+ text = str(e)
+ print self.name, ": terminate Exception:", text
+ print self.name, ": exit from host_thread"
+ def get_local_iface_name(self, generic_name):
+ if self.hostinfo != None and "iface_names" in self.hostinfo and generic_name in self.hostinfo["iface_names"]:
+ return self.hostinfo["iface_names"][generic_name]
+ return generic_name
+ def create_xml_server(self, server, dev_list, server_metadata={}):
+ """Function that implements the generation of the VM XML definition.
+ Additional devices are in dev_list list
+ The main disk is upon dev_list[0]"""
+ #get if operating system is Windows
+ windows_os = False
+ os_type = server_metadata.get('os_type', None)
+ if os_type == None and 'metadata' in dev_list[0]:
+ os_type = dev_list[0]['metadata'].get('os_type', None)
+ if os_type != None and os_type.lower() == "windows":
+ windows_os = True
+ #get type of hard disk bus
+ bus_ide = True if windows_os else False
+ bus = server_metadata.get('bus', None)
+ if bus == None and 'metadata' in dev_list[0]:
+ bus = dev_list[0]['metadata'].get('bus', None)
+ if bus != None:
+ bus_ide = True if bus=='ide' else False
+ self.xml_level = 0
+ text = "<domain type='kvm'>"
+ #get topology
+ topo = server_metadata.get('topology', None)
+ if topo == None and 'metadata' in dev_list[0]:
+ topo = dev_list[0]['metadata'].get('topology', None)
+ #name
+ name = server.get('name','') + "_" + server['uuid']
+ name = name[:58] #qemu impose a length limit of 59 chars or not start. Using 58
+ text += self.inc_tab() + "<name>" + name+ "</name>"
+ #uuid
+ text += self.tab() + "<uuid>" + server['uuid'] + "</uuid>"
+ numa={}
+ if 'extended' in server and server['extended']!=None and 'numas' in server['extended']:
+ numa = server['extended']['numas'][0]
+ #memory
+ use_huge = False
+ memory = int(numa.get('memory',0))*1024*1024 #in KiB
+ if memory==0:
+ memory = int(server['ram'])*1024;
+ else:
+ if not self.develop_mode:
+ use_huge = True
+ if memory==0:
+ return -1, 'No memory assigned to instance'
+ memory = str(memory)
+ text += self.tab() + "<memory unit='KiB'>" +memory+"</memory>"
+ text += self.tab() + "<currentMemory unit='KiB'>" +memory+ "</currentMemory>"
+ if use_huge:
+ text += self.tab()+'<memoryBacking>'+ \
+ self.inc_tab() + '<hugepages/>'+ \
+ self.dec_tab()+ '</memoryBacking>'
+ #cpu
+ use_cpu_pinning=False
+ vcpus = int(server.get("vcpus",0))
+ cpu_pinning = []
+ if 'cores-source' in numa:
+ use_cpu_pinning=True
+ for index in range(0, len(numa['cores-source'])):
+ cpu_pinning.append( [ numa['cores-id'][index], numa['cores-source'][index] ] )
+ vcpus += 1
+ if 'threads-source' in numa:
+ use_cpu_pinning=True
+ for index in range(0, len(numa['threads-source'])):
+ cpu_pinning.append( [ numa['threads-id'][index], numa['threads-source'][index] ] )
+ vcpus += 1
+ if 'paired-threads-source' in numa:
+ use_cpu_pinning=True
+ for index in range(0, len(numa['paired-threads-source'])):
+ cpu_pinning.append( [numa['paired-threads-id'][index][0], numa['paired-threads-source'][index][0] ] )
+ cpu_pinning.append( [numa['paired-threads-id'][index][1], numa['paired-threads-source'][index][1] ] )
+ vcpus += 2
+ if use_cpu_pinning and not self.develop_mode:
+ text += self.tab()+"<vcpu placement='static'>" +str(len(cpu_pinning)) +"</vcpu>" + \
+ self.tab()+'<cputune>'
+ self.xml_level += 1
+ for i in range(0, len(cpu_pinning)):
+ text += self.tab() + "<vcpupin vcpu='" +str(cpu_pinning[i][0])+ "' cpuset='" +str(cpu_pinning[i][1]) +"'/>"
+ text += self.dec_tab()+'</cputune>'+ \
+ self.tab() + '<numatune>' +\
+ self.inc_tab() + "<memory mode='strict' nodeset='" +str(numa['source'])+ "'/>" +\
+ self.dec_tab() + '</numatune>'
+ else:
+ if vcpus==0:
+ return -1, "Instance without number of cpus"
+ text += self.tab()+"<vcpu>" + str(vcpus) + "</vcpu>"
+ #boot
+ boot_cdrom = False
+ for dev in dev_list:
+ if dev['type']=='cdrom' :
+ boot_cdrom = True
+ break
+ text += self.tab()+ '<os>' + \
+ self.inc_tab() + "<type arch='x86_64' machine='pc'>hvm</type>"
+ if boot_cdrom:
+ text += self.tab() + "<boot dev='cdrom'/>"
+ text += self.tab() + "<boot dev='hd'/>" + \
+ self.dec_tab()+'</os>'
+ #features
+ text += self.tab()+'<features>'+\
+ self.inc_tab()+'<acpi/>' +\
+ self.tab()+'<apic/>' +\
+ self.tab()+'<pae/>'+ \
+ self.dec_tab() +'</features>'
+ if topo == "oneSocket:hyperthreading":
+ if vcpus % 2 != 0:
+ return -1, 'Cannot expose hyperthreading with an odd number of vcpus'
+ text += self.tab() + "<cpu mode='host-model'> <topology sockets='1' cores='%d' threads='2' /> </cpu>" % vcpus/2
+ elif windows_os or topo == "oneSocket":
+ text += self.tab() + "<cpu mode='host-model'> <topology sockets='1' cores='%d' threads='1' /> </cpu>" % vcpus
+ else:
+ text += self.tab() + "<cpu mode='host-model'></cpu>"
+ text += self.tab() + "<clock offset='utc'/>" +\
+ self.tab() + "<on_poweroff>preserve</on_poweroff>" + \
+ self.tab() + "<on_reboot>restart</on_reboot>" + \
+ self.tab() + "<on_crash>restart</on_crash>"
+ text += self.tab() + "<devices>" + \
+ self.inc_tab() + "<emulator>/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm</emulator>" + \
+ self.tab() + "<serial type='pty'>" +\
+ self.inc_tab() + "<target port='0'/>" + \
+ self.dec_tab() + "</serial>" +\
+ self.tab() + "<console type='pty'>" + \
+ self.inc_tab()+ "<target type='serial' port='0'/>" + \
+ self.dec_tab()+'</console>'
+ if windows_os:
+ text += self.tab() + "<controller type='usb' index='0'/>" + \
+ self.tab() + "<controller type='ide' index='0'/>" + \
+ self.tab() + "<input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>" + \
+ self.tab() + "<sound model='ich6'/>" + \
+ self.tab() + "<video>" + \
+ self.inc_tab() + "<model type='cirrus' vram='9216' heads='1'/>" + \
+ self.dec_tab() + "</video>" + \
+ self.tab() + "<memballoon model='virtio'/>" + \
+ self.tab() + "<input type='tablet' bus='usb'/>" #TODO revisar
+#> self.tab()+'<alias name=\'hostdev0\'/>\n' +\
+#> self.dec_tab()+'</hostdev>\n' +\
+#> self.tab()+'<input type=\'tablet\' bus=\'usb\'/>\n'
+ if windows_os:
+ text += self.tab() + "<graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes'/>"
+ else:
+ #If image contains 'GRAPH' include graphics
+ #if 'GRAPH' in image:
+ text += self.tab() + "<graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes' listen=''>" +\
+ self.inc_tab() + "<listen type='address' address=''/>" +\
+ self.dec_tab() + "</graphics>"
+ vd_index = 'a'
+ for dev in dev_list:
+ bus_ide_dev = bus_ide
+ if dev['type']=='cdrom' or dev['type']=='disk':
+ if dev['type']=='cdrom':
+ bus_ide_dev = True
+ text += self.tab() + "<disk type='file' device='"+dev['type']+"'>"
+ if 'file format' in dev:
+ text += self.inc_tab() + "<driver name='qemu' type='" +dev['file format']+ "' cache='writethrough'/>"
+ if 'source file' in dev:
+ text += self.tab() + "<source file='" +dev['source file']+ "'/>"
+ #elif v['type'] == 'block':
+ # text += self.tab() + "<source dev='" + v['source'] + "'/>"
+ #else:
+ # return -1, 'Unknown disk type ' + v['type']
+ vpci = dev.get('vpci',None)
+ if vpci == None:
+ vpci = dev['metadata'].get('vpci',None)
+ text += self.pci2xml(vpci)
+ if bus_ide_dev:
+ text += self.tab() + "<target dev='hd" +vd_index+ "' bus='ide'/>" #TODO allows several type of disks
+ else:
+ text += self.tab() + "<target dev='vd" +vd_index+ "' bus='virtio'/>"
+ text += self.dec_tab() + '</disk>'
+ vd_index = chr(ord(vd_index)+1)
+ elif dev['type']=='xml':
+ dev_text = dev['xml']
+ if 'vpci' in dev:
+ dev_text = dev_text.replace('__vpci__', dev['vpci'])
+ if 'source file' in dev:
+ dev_text = dev_text.replace('__file__', dev['source file'])
+ if 'file format' in dev:
+ dev_text = dev_text.replace('__format__', dev['source file'])
+ if '__dev__' in dev_text:
+ dev_text = dev_text.replace('__dev__', vd_index)
+ vd_index = chr(ord(vd_index)+1)
+ text += dev_text
+ else:
+ return -1, 'Unknown device type ' + dev['type']
+ net_nb=0
+ bridge_interfaces = server.get('networks', [])
+ for v in bridge_interfaces:
+ #Get the brifge name
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets', SELECT=('provider',),WHERE={'uuid':v['net_id']} )
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if result <= 0:
+ print "create_xml_server ERROR getting nets",result, content
+ return -1, content
+ #ALF: Allow by the moment the 'default' bridge net because is confortable for provide internet to VM
+ #I know it is not secure
+ #for v in sorted(desc['network interfaces'].itervalues()):
+ model = v.get("model", None)
+ if content[0]['provider']=='default':
+ text += self.tab() + "<interface type='network'>" + \
+ self.inc_tab() + "<source network='" +content[0]['provider']+ "'/>"
+ elif content[0]['provider'][0:7]=='macvtap':
+ text += self.tab()+"<interface type='direct'>" + \
+ self.inc_tab() + "<source dev='" + self.get_local_iface_name(content[0]['provider'][8:]) + "' mode='bridge'/>" + \
+ self.tab() + "<target dev='macvtap0'/>"
+ if windows_os:
+ text += self.tab() + "<alias name='net" + str(net_nb) + "'/>"
+ elif model==None:
+ model = "virtio"
+ elif content[0]['provider'][0:6]=='bridge':
+ text += self.tab() + "<interface type='bridge'>" + \
+ self.inc_tab()+"<source bridge='" +self.get_local_iface_name(content[0]['provider'][7:])+ "'/>"
+ if windows_os:
+ text += self.tab() + "<target dev='vnet" + str(net_nb)+ "'/>" +\
+ self.tab() + "<alias name='net" + str(net_nb)+ "'/>"
+ elif model==None:
+ model = "virtio"
+ elif content[0]['provider'][0:3] == "OVS":
+ vlan = content[0]['provider'].replace('OVS:', '')
+ text += self.tab() + "<interface type='bridge'>" + \
+ self.inc_tab() + "<source bridge='ovim-" + vlan + "'/>"
+ else:
+ return -1, 'Unknown Bridge net provider ' + content[0]['provider']
+ if model!=None:
+ text += self.tab() + "<model type='" +model+ "'/>"
+ if v.get('mac_address', None) != None:
+ text+= self.tab() +"<mac address='" +v['mac_address']+ "'/>"
+ text += self.pci2xml(v.get('vpci',None))
+ text += self.dec_tab()+'</interface>'
+ net_nb += 1
+ interfaces = numa.get('interfaces', [])
+ net_nb=0
+ for v in interfaces:
+ if self.develop_mode: #map these interfaces to bridges
+ text += self.tab() + "<interface type='bridge'>" + \
+ self.inc_tab()+"<source bridge='" +self.develop_bridge_iface+ "'/>"
+ if windows_os:
+ text += self.tab() + "<target dev='vnet" + str(net_nb)+ "'/>" +\
+ self.tab() + "<alias name='net" + str(net_nb)+ "'/>"
+ else:
+ text += self.tab() + "<model type='e1000'/>" #e1000 is more probable to be supported than 'virtio'
+ if v.get('mac_address', None) != None:
+ text+= self.tab() +"<mac address='" +v['mac_address']+ "'/>"
+ text += self.pci2xml(v.get('vpci',None))
+ text += self.dec_tab()+'</interface>'
+ continue
+ if v['dedicated'] == 'yes': #passthrought
+ text += self.tab() + "<hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>" + \
+ self.inc_tab() + "<source>"
+ self.inc_tab()
+ text += self.pci2xml(v['source'])
+ text += self.dec_tab()+'</source>'
+ text += self.pci2xml(v.get('vpci',None))
+ if windows_os:
+ text += self.tab() + "<alias name='hostdev" + str(net_nb) + "'/>"
+ text += self.dec_tab()+'</hostdev>'
+ net_nb += 1
+ else: #sriov_interfaces
+ #skip not connected interfaces
+ if v.get("net_id") == None:
+ continue
+ text += self.tab() + "<interface type='hostdev' managed='yes'>"
+ self.inc_tab()
+ if v.get('mac_address', None) != None:
+ text+= self.tab() + "<mac address='" +v['mac_address']+ "'/>"
+ text+= self.tab()+'<source>'
+ self.inc_tab()
+ text += self.pci2xml(v['source'])
+ text += self.dec_tab()+'</source>'
+ if v.get('vlan',None) != None:
+ text += self.tab() + "<vlan> <tag id='" + str(v['vlan']) + "'/> </vlan>"
+ text += self.pci2xml(v.get('vpci',None))
+ if windows_os:
+ text += self.tab() + "<alias name='hostdev" + str(net_nb) + "'/>"
+ text += self.dec_tab()+'</interface>'
+ text += self.dec_tab()+'</devices>'+\
+ self.dec_tab()+'</domain>'
+ return 0, text
+ def pci2xml(self, pci):
+ '''from a pci format text XXXX:XX:XX.X generates the xml content of <address>
+ alows an empty pci text'''
+ if pci is None:
+ return ""
+ first_part = pci.split(':')
+ second_part = first_part[2].split('.')
+ return self.tab() + "<address type='pci' domain='0x" + first_part[0] + \
+ "' bus='0x" + first_part[1] + "' slot='0x" + second_part[0] + \
+ "' function='0x" + second_part[1] + "'/>"
+ def tab(self):
+ """Return indentation according to xml_level"""
+ return "\n" + (' '*self.xml_level)
+ def inc_tab(self):
+ """Increment and return indentation according to xml_level"""
+ self.xml_level += 1
+ return self.tab()
+ def dec_tab(self):
+ """Decrement and return indentation according to xml_level"""
+ self.xml_level -= 1
+ return self.tab()
+ def create_ovs_bridge(self):
+ """
+ Create a bridge in compute OVS to allocate VMs
+ :return: True if success
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl --may-exist add-br br-int -- set Bridge br-int stp_enable=true'
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def delete_port_to_ovs_bridge(self, vlan, net_uuid):
+ """
+ Delete linux bridge port attched to a OVS bridge, if port is not free the port is not removed
+ :param vlan: vlan port id
+ :param net_uuid: network id
+ :return:
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ port_name = 'ovim-' + vlan
+ command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl del-port br-int ' + port_name
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def delete_dhcp_server(self, vlan, net_uuid, dhcp_path):
+ """
+ Delete dhcp server process lining in namespace
+ :param vlan: segmentation id
+ :param net_uuid: network uuid
+ :param dhcp_path: conf fiel path that live in namespace side
+ :return:
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ if not self.is_dhcp_port_free(vlan, net_uuid):
+ return True
+ net_namespace = 'ovim-' + vlan
+ dhcp_path = os.path.join(dhcp_path, net_namespace)
+ pid_file = os.path.join(dhcp_path, 'dnsmasq.pid')
+ command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' cat ' + pid_file
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' kill -9 ' + content
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ # if len(content) == 0:
+ # return True
+ # else:
+ # return False
+ def is_dhcp_port_free(self, host_id, net_uuid):
+ """
+ Check if any port attached to the a net in a vxlan mesh across computes nodes
+ :param host_id: host id
+ :param net_uuid: network id
+ :return: True if is not free
+ """
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(
+ FROM='ports',
+ WHERE={'p.type': 'instance:ovs', 'p.net_id': net_uuid}
+ )
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if len(content) > 0:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def is_port_free(self, host_id, net_uuid):
+ """
+ Check if there not ovs ports of a network in a compute host.
+ :param host_id: host id
+ :param net_uuid: network id
+ :return: True if is not free
+ """
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(
+ FROM='ports as p join instances as i on p.instance_id=i.uuid',
+ WHERE={"i.host_id": self.host_id, 'p.type': 'instance:ovs', 'p.net_id': net_uuid}
+ )
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if len(content) > 0:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def add_port_to_ovs_bridge(self, vlan):
+ """
+ Add a bridge linux as a port to a OVS bridge and set a vlan for an specific linux bridge
+ :param vlan: vlan port id
+ :return: True if success
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ port_name = 'ovim-' + vlan
+ command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-int ' + port_name + ' tag=' + vlan
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def delete_dhcp_port(self, vlan, net_uuid):
+ """
+ Delete from an existing OVS bridge a linux bridge port attached and the linux bridge itself.
+ :param vlan: segmentation id
+ :param net_uuid: network id
+ :return: True if success
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ if not self.is_dhcp_port_free(vlan, net_uuid):
+ return True
+ self.delete_dhcp_interfaces(vlan)
+ return True
+ def delete_bridge_port_attached_to_ovs(self, vlan, net_uuid):
+ """
+ Delete from an existing OVS bridge a linux bridge port attached and the linux bridge itself.
+ :param vlan:
+ :param net_uuid:
+ :return: True if success
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ if not self.is_port_free(vlan, net_uuid):
+ return True
+ self.delete_port_to_ovs_bridge(vlan, net_uuid)
+ self.delete_linux_bridge(vlan)
+ return True
+ def delete_linux_bridge(self, vlan):
+ """
+ Delete a linux bridge in a scpecific compute.
+ :param vlan: vlan port id
+ :return: True if success
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ port_name = 'ovim-' + vlan
+ command = 'sudo ip link set dev veth0-' + vlan + ' down'
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ #
+ # if len(content) != 0:
+ # return False
+ command = 'sudo ifconfig ' + port_name + ' down && sudo brctl delbr ' + port_name
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def create_ovs_bridge_port(self, vlan):
+ """
+ Generate a linux bridge and attache the port to a OVS bridge
+ :param vlan: vlan port id
+ :return:
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ self.create_linux_bridge(vlan)
+ self.add_port_to_ovs_bridge(vlan)
+ def create_linux_bridge(self, vlan):
+ """
+ Create a linux bridge with STP active
+ :param vlan: netowrk vlan id
+ :return:
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ port_name = 'ovim-' + vlan
+ command = 'sudo brctl show | grep ' + port_name
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ # if exist nothing to create
+ # if len(content) == 0:
+ # return False
+ command = 'sudo brctl addbr ' + port_name
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ # if len(content) == 0:
+ # return True
+ # else:
+ # return False
+ command = 'sudo brctl stp ' + port_name + ' on'
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ # if len(content) == 0:
+ # return True
+ # else:
+ # return False
+ command = 'sudo ip link set dev ' + port_name + ' up'
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def set_mac_dhcp_server(self, ip, mac, vlan, netmask, dhcp_path):
+ """
+ Write into dhcp conf file a rule to assigned a fixed ip given to an specific MAC address
+ :param ip: IP address asigned to a VM
+ :param mac: VM vnic mac to be macthed with the IP received
+ :param vlan: Segmentation id
+ :param netmask: netmask value
+ :param path: dhcp conf file path that live in namespace side
+ :return: True if success
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ net_namespace = 'ovim-' + vlan
+ dhcp_path = os.path.join(dhcp_path, net_namespace)
+ dhcp_hostsdir = os.path.join(dhcp_path, net_namespace)
+ if not ip:
+ return False
+ ip_data = mac.upper() + ',' + ip
+ command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' touch ' + dhcp_hostsdir
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' sudo bash -ec "echo ' + ip_data + ' >> ' + dhcp_hostsdir + '"'
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def delete_mac_dhcp_server(self, ip, mac, vlan, dhcp_path):
+ """
+ Delete into dhcp conf file the ip assigned to a specific MAC address
+ :param ip: IP address asigned to a VM
+ :param mac: VM vnic mac to be macthed with the IP received
+ :param vlan: Segmentation id
+ :param dhcp_path: dhcp conf file path that live in namespace side
+ :return:
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ net_namespace = 'ovim-' + vlan
+ dhcp_path = os.path.join(dhcp_path, net_namespace)
+ dhcp_hostsdir = os.path.join(dhcp_path, net_namespace)
+ if not ip:
+ return False
+ ip_data = mac.upper() + ',' + ip
+ command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' sudo sed -i \'/' + ip_data + '/d\' ' + dhcp_hostsdir
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def launch_dhcp_server(self, vlan, ip_range, netmask, dhcp_path, gateway):
+ """
+ Generate a linux bridge and attache the port to a OVS bridge
+ :param self:
+ :param vlan: Segmentation id
+ :param ip_range: IP dhcp range
+ :param netmask: network netmask
+ :param dhcp_path: dhcp conf file path that live in namespace side
+ :param gateway: Gateway address for dhcp net
+ :return: True if success
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ interface = 'tap-' + vlan
+ net_namespace = 'ovim-' + vlan
+ dhcp_path = os.path.join(dhcp_path, net_namespace)
+ leases_path = os.path.join(dhcp_path, "dnsmasq.leases")
+ pid_file = os.path.join(dhcp_path, 'dnsmasq.pid')
+ dhcp_range = ip_range[0] + ',' + ip_range[1] + ',' + netmask
+ command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' mkdir -p ' + dhcp_path
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ pid_path = os.path.join(dhcp_path, 'dnsmasq.pid')
+ command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' cat ' + pid_path
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ # check if pid is runing
+ pid_status_path = content
+ if content:
+ command = "ps aux | awk '{print $2 }' | grep " + pid_status_path
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ if not content:
+ command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --strict-order --except-interface=lo ' \
+ '--interface=' + interface + ' --bind-interfaces --dhcp-hostsdir=' + dhcp_path + \
+ ' --dhcp-range ' + dhcp_range + ' --pid-file=' + pid_file + ' --dhcp-leasefile=' + leases_path + \
+ ' --listen-address ' + gateway
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.readline()
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def delete_dhcp_interfaces(self, vlan):
+ """
+ Create a linux bridge with STP active
+ :param vlan: netowrk vlan id
+ :return:
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ net_namespace = 'ovim-' + vlan
+ command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl del-port br-int ovs-tap-' + vlan
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' ip link set dev tap-' + vlan + ' down'
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ command = 'sudo ip link set dev ovs-tap-' + vlan + ' down'
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ def create_dhcp_interfaces(self, vlan, ip, netmask):
+ """
+ Create a linux bridge with STP active
+ :param vlan: segmentation id
+ :param ip: Ip included in the dhcp range for the tap interface living in namesapce side
+ :param netmask: dhcp net CIDR
+ :return: True if success
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ net_namespace = 'ovim-' + vlan
+ namespace_interface = 'tap-' + vlan
+ command = 'sudo ip netns add ' + net_namespace
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ command = 'sudo ip link add tap-' + vlan + ' type veth peer name ovs-tap-' + vlan
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-int ovs-tap-' + vlan + ' tag=' + vlan
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ command = 'sudo ip link set tap-' + vlan + ' netns ' + net_namespace
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' ip link set dev tap-' + vlan + ' up'
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ command = 'sudo ip link set dev ovs-tap-' + vlan + ' up'
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ command = 'sudo ip netns exec ' + net_namespace + ' ' + ' ifconfig ' + namespace_interface \
+ + ' ' + ip + ' netmask ' + netmask
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def create_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(self, vxlan_interface, remote_ip):
+ """
+ Create a vlxn tunnel between to computes with an OVS installed. STP is also active at port level
+ :param vxlan_interface: vlxan inteface name.
+ :param remote_ip: tunnel endpoint remote compute ip.
+ :return:
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl add-port br-int ' + vxlan_interface + \
+ ' -- set Interface ' + vxlan_interface + ' type=vxlan options:remote_ip=' + remote_ip + \
+ ' -- set Port ' + vxlan_interface + ' other_config:stp-path-cost=10'
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ print content
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def delete_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(self, vxlan_interface):
+ """
+ Delete a vlxan tunnel port from a OVS brdige.
+ :param vxlan_interface: vlxan name to be delete it.
+ :return: True if success.
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl del-port br-int ' + vxlan_interface
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ print content
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def delete_ovs_bridge(self):
+ """
+ Delete a OVS bridge from a compute.
+ :return: True if success
+ """
+ if self.test:
+ return
+ command = 'sudo ovs-vsctl del-br br-int'
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def get_file_info(self, path):
+ command = 'ls -lL --time-style=+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S ' + path
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, _) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ return None # file does not exist
+ else:
+ return content.split(" ") #(permission, 1, owner, group, size, date, file)
+ def qemu_get_info(self, path):
+ command = 'qemu-img info ' + path
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, stdout, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stdout.read()
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ error = stderr.read()
+ print self.name, ": get_qemu_info error ", error
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Error getting qemu_info: " + error)
+ else:
+ try:
+ return yaml.load(content)
+ except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+ text = ""
+ if hasattr(exc, 'problem_mark'):
+ mark = exc.problem_mark
+ text = " at position: (%s:%s)" % (mark.line+1, mark.column+1)
+ print self.name, ": get_qemu_info yaml format Exception", text
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Error getting qemu_info yaml format" + text)
+ def qemu_change_backing(self, inc_file, new_backing_file):
+ command = 'qemu-img rebase -u -b ' + new_backing_file + ' ' + inc_file
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, _, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ content = stderr.read()
+ if len(content) == 0:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ print self.name, ": qemu_change_backing error: ", content
+ return -1
+ def get_notused_filename(self, proposed_name, suffix=''):
+ '''Look for a non existing file_name in the host
+ proposed_name: proposed file name, includes path
+ suffix: suffix to be added to the name, before the extention
+ '''
+ extension = proposed_name.rfind(".")
+ slash = proposed_name.rfind("/")
+ if extension < 0 or extension < slash: # no extension
+ extension = len(proposed_name)
+ target_name = proposed_name[:extension] + suffix + proposed_name[extension:]
+ info = self.get_file_info(target_name)
+ if info is None:
+ return target_name
+ index=0
+ while info is not None:
+ target_name = proposed_name[:extension] + suffix + "-" + str(index) + proposed_name[extension:]
+ index+=1
+ info = self.get_file_info(target_name)
+ return target_name
+ def get_notused_path(self, proposed_path, suffix=''):
+ '''Look for a non existing path at database for images
+ proposed_path: proposed file name, includes path
+ suffix: suffix to be added to the name, before the extention
+ '''
+ extension = proposed_path.rfind(".")
+ if extension < 0:
+ extension = len(proposed_path)
+ if suffix != None:
+ target_path = proposed_path[:extension] + suffix + proposed_path[extension:]
+ index=0
+ while True:
+ r,_=self.db.get_table(FROM="images",WHERE={"path":target_path})
+ if r<=0:
+ return target_path
+ target_path = proposed_path[:extension] + suffix + "-" + str(index) + proposed_path[extension:]
+ index+=1
+ def delete_file(self, file_name):
+ command = 'rm -f '+file_name
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, _, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ error_msg = stderr.read()
+ if len(error_msg) > 0:
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Error deleting file: " + error_msg)
+ def copy_file(self, source, destination, perserve_time=True):
+ if source[0:4]=="http":
+ command = "wget --no-verbose -O '{dst}' '{src}' 2>'{dst_result}' || cat '{dst_result}' >&2 && rm '{dst_result}'".format(
+ dst=destination, src=source, dst_result=destination + ".result" )
+ else:
+ command = 'cp --no-preserve=mode'
+ if perserve_time:
+ command += ' --preserve=timestamps'
+ command += " '{}' '{}'".format(source, destination)
+ print self.name, ': command:', command
+ (_, _, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ error_msg = stderr.read()
+ if len(error_msg) > 0:
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Error copying image to local host: " + error_msg)
+ def copy_remote_file(self, remote_file, use_incremental):
+ ''' Copy a file from the repository to local folder and recursively
+ copy the backing files in case the remote file is incremental
+ Read and/or modified self.localinfo['files'] that contain the
+ unmodified copies of images in the local path
+ params:
+ remote_file: path of remote file
+ use_incremental: None (leave the decision to this function), True, False
+ return:
+ local_file: name of local file
+ qemu_info: dict with quemu information of local file
+ use_incremental_out: True, False; same as use_incremental, but if None a decision is taken
+ '''
+ use_incremental_out = use_incremental
+ new_backing_file = None
+ local_file = None
+ file_from_local = True
+ #in case incremental use is not decided, take the decision depending on the image
+ #avoid the use of incremental if this image is already incremental
+ if remote_file[0:4] == "http":
+ file_from_local = False
+ if file_from_local:
+ qemu_remote_info = self.qemu_get_info(remote_file)
+ if use_incremental_out==None:
+ use_incremental_out = not ( file_from_local and 'backing file' in qemu_remote_info)
+ #copy recursivelly the backing files
+ if file_from_local and 'backing file' in qemu_remote_info:
+ new_backing_file, _, _ = self.copy_remote_file(qemu_remote_info['backing file'], True)
+ #check if remote file is present locally
+ if use_incremental_out and remote_file in self.localinfo['files']:
+ local_file = self.localinfo['files'][remote_file]
+ local_file_info = self.get_file_info(local_file)
+ if file_from_local:
+ remote_file_info = self.get_file_info(remote_file)
+ if local_file_info == None:
+ local_file = None
+ elif file_from_local and (local_file_info[4]!=remote_file_info[4] or local_file_info[5]!=remote_file_info[5]):
+ #local copy of file not valid because date or size are different.
+ #TODO DELETE local file if this file is not used by any active virtual machine
+ try:
+ self.delete_file(local_file)
+ del self.localinfo['files'][remote_file]
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ local_file = None
+ else: #check that the local file has the same backing file, or there are not backing at all
+ qemu_info = self.qemu_get_info(local_file)
+ if new_backing_file != qemu_info.get('backing file'):
+ local_file = None
+ if local_file == None: #copy the file
+ img_name= remote_file.split('/') [-1]
+ img_local = self.image_path + '/' + img_name
+ local_file = self.get_notused_filename(img_local)
+ self.copy_file(remote_file, local_file, use_incremental_out)
+ if use_incremental_out:
+ self.localinfo['files'][remote_file] = local_file
+ if new_backing_file:
+ self.qemu_change_backing(local_file, new_backing_file)
+ qemu_info = self.qemu_get_info(local_file)
+ return local_file, qemu_info, use_incremental_out
+ def launch_server(self, conn, server, rebuild=False, domain=None):
+ if self.test:
+ time.sleep(random.randint(20,150)) #sleep random timeto be make it a bit more real
+ return 0, 'Success'
+ server_id = server['uuid']
+ paused = server.get('paused','no')
+ try:
+ if domain!=None and rebuild==False:
+ domain.resume()
+ #self.server_status[server_id] = 'ACTIVE'
+ return 0, 'Success'
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ result, server_data = self.db.get_instance(server_id)
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if result <= 0:
+ print self.name, ": launch_server ERROR getting server from DB",result, server_data
+ return result, server_data
+ #0: get image metadata
+ server_metadata = server.get('metadata', {})
+ use_incremental = None
+ if "use_incremental" in server_metadata:
+ use_incremental = False if server_metadata["use_incremental"]=="no" else True
+ server_host_files = self.localinfo['server_files'].get( server['uuid'], {})
+ if rebuild:
+ #delete previous incremental files
+ for file_ in server_host_files.values():
+ self.delete_file(file_['source file'] )
+ server_host_files={}
+ #1: obtain aditional devices (disks)
+ #Put as first device the main disk
+ devices = [ {"type":"disk", "image_id":server['image_id'], "vpci":server_metadata.get('vpci', None) } ]
+ if 'extended' in server_data and server_data['extended']!=None and "devices" in server_data['extended']:
+ devices += server_data['extended']['devices']
+ for dev in devices:
+ if dev['image_id'] == None:
+ continue
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='images', SELECT=('path', 'metadata'),
+ WHERE={'uuid': dev['image_id']})
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if result <= 0:
+ error_text = "ERROR", result, content, "when getting image", dev['image_id']
+ print self.name, ": launch_server", error_text
+ return -1, error_text
+ if content[0]['metadata'] is not None:
+ dev['metadata'] = json.loads(content[0]['metadata'])
+ else:
+ dev['metadata'] = {}
+ if dev['image_id'] in server_host_files:
+ dev['source file'] = server_host_files[ dev['image_id'] ] ['source file'] #local path
+ dev['file format'] = server_host_files[ dev['image_id'] ] ['file format'] # raw or qcow2
+ continue
+ #2: copy image to host
+ remote_file = content[0]['path']
+ use_incremental_image = use_incremental
+ if dev['metadata'].get("use_incremental") == "no":
+ use_incremental_image = False
+ local_file, qemu_info, use_incremental_image = self.copy_remote_file(remote_file, use_incremental_image)
+ #create incremental image
+ if use_incremental_image:
+ local_file_inc = self.get_notused_filename(local_file, '.inc')
+ command = 'qemu-img create -f qcow2 '+local_file_inc+ ' -o backing_file='+ local_file
+ print 'command:', command
+ (_, _, stderr) = self.ssh_conn.exec_command(command)
+ error_msg = stderr.read()
+ if len(error_msg) > 0:
+ raise paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException("Error creating incremental file: " + error_msg)
+ local_file = local_file_inc
+ qemu_info = {'file format':'qcow2'}
+ server_host_files[ dev['image_id'] ] = {'source file': local_file, 'file format': qemu_info['file format']}
+ dev['source file'] = local_file
+ dev['file format'] = qemu_info['file format']
+ self.localinfo['server_files'][ server['uuid'] ] = server_host_files
+ self.localinfo_dirty = True
+ #3 Create XML
+ result, xml = self.create_xml_server(server_data, devices, server_metadata) #local_file
+ if result <0:
+ print self.name, ": create xml server error:", xml
+ return -2, xml
+ print self.name, ": create xml:", xml
+ atribute = host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_START_PAUSED if paused == "yes" else 0
+ #4 Start the domain
+ if not rebuild: #ensures that any pending destroying server is done
+ self.server_forceoff(True)
+ #print self.name, ": launching instance" #, xml
+ conn.createXML(xml, atribute)
+ #self.server_status[server_id] = 'PAUSED' if paused == "yes" else 'ACTIVE'
+ return 0, 'Success'
+ except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
+ text = e.args[0]
+ print self.name, ": launch_server(%s) ssh Exception: %s" %(server_id, text)
+ if "SSH session not active" in text:
+ self.ssh_connect()
+ except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
+ text = e.get_error_message()
+ print self.name, ": launch_server(%s) libvirt Exception: %s" %(server_id, text)
+ except Exception as e:
+ text = str(e)
+ print self.name, ": launch_server(%s) Exception: %s" %(server_id, text)
+ return -1, text
+ def update_servers_status(self):
+ # # virDomainState
+ if self.test or len(self.server_status)==0:
+ return
+ try:
+ conn = host_thread.lvirt_module.open("qemu+ssh://"+self.user+"@"+self.host+"/system")
+ domains= conn.listAllDomains()
+ domain_dict={}
+ for domain in domains:
+ uuid = domain.UUIDString() ;
+ libvirt_status = domain.state()
+ #print libvirt_status
+ if libvirt_status[0] == host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING or libvirt_status[0] == host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN:
+ new_status = "ACTIVE"
+ elif libvirt_status[0] == host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED:
+ new_status = "PAUSED"
+ elif libvirt_status[0] == host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF:
+ new_status = "INACTIVE"
+ elif libvirt_status[0] == host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_CRASHED:
+ new_status = "ERROR"
+ else:
+ new_status = None
+ domain_dict[uuid] = new_status
+ conn.close()
+ except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
+ print self.name, ": get_state() Exception '", e.get_error_message()
+ return
+ for server_id, current_status in self.server_status.iteritems():
+ new_status = None
+ if server_id in domain_dict:
+ new_status = domain_dict[server_id]
+ else:
+ new_status = "INACTIVE"
+ if new_status == None or new_status == current_status:
+ continue
+ if new_status == 'INACTIVE' and current_status == 'ERROR':
+ continue #keep ERROR status, because obviously this machine is not running
+ #change status
+ print self.name, ": server ", server_id, "status change from ", current_status, "to", new_status
+ STATUS={'progress':100, 'status':new_status}
+ if new_status == 'ERROR':
+ STATUS['last_error'] = 'machine has crashed'
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ r,_ = self.db.update_rows('instances', STATUS, {'uuid':server_id}, log=False)
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if r>=0:
+ self.server_status[server_id] = new_status
+ def action_on_server(self, req, last_retry=True):
+ '''Perform an action on a req
+ Attributes:
+ req: dictionary that contain:
+ server properties: 'uuid','name','tenant_id','status'
+ action: 'action'
+ host properties: 'user', 'ip_name'
+ return (error, text)
+ 0: No error. VM is updated to new state,
+ -1: Invalid action, as trying to pause a PAUSED VM
+ -2: Error accessing host
+ -3: VM nor present
+ -4: Error at DB access
+ -5: Error while trying to perform action. VM is updated to ERROR
+ '''
+ server_id = req['uuid']
+ conn = None
+ new_status = None
+ old_status = req['status']
+ last_error = None
+ if self.test:
+ if 'terminate' in req['action']:
+ new_status = 'deleted'
+ elif 'shutoff' in req['action'] or 'shutdown' in req['action'] or 'forceOff' in req['action']:
+ if req['status']!='ERROR':
+ time.sleep(5)
+ new_status = 'INACTIVE'
+ elif 'start' in req['action'] and req['status']!='ERROR': new_status = 'ACTIVE'
+ elif 'resume' in req['action'] and req['status']!='ERROR' and req['status']!='INACTIVE' : new_status = 'ACTIVE'
+ elif 'pause' in req['action'] and req['status']!='ERROR': new_status = 'PAUSED'
+ elif 'reboot' in req['action'] and req['status']!='ERROR': new_status = 'ACTIVE'
+ elif 'rebuild' in req['action']:
+ time.sleep(random.randint(20,150))
+ new_status = 'ACTIVE'
+ elif 'createImage' in req['action']:
+ time.sleep(5)
+ self.create_image(None, req)
+ else:
+ try:
+ conn = host_thread.lvirt_module.open("qemu+ssh://"+self.user+"@"+self.host+"/system")
+ try:
+ dom = conn.lookupByUUIDString(server_id)
+ except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
+ text = e.get_error_message()
+ if 'LookupByUUIDString' in text or 'Domain not found' in text or 'No existe un dominio coincidente' in text:
+ dom = None
+ else:
+ print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") libvirt exception:", text
+ raise e
+ if 'forceOff' in req['action']:
+ if dom == None:
+ print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") domain not running"
+ else:
+ try:
+ print self.name, ": sending DESTROY to server", server_id
+ dom.destroy()
+ except Exception as e:
+ if "domain is not running" not in e.get_error_message():
+ print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception while sending force off:", e.get_error_message()
+ last_error = 'action_on_server Exception while destroy: ' + e.get_error_message()
+ new_status = 'ERROR'
+ elif 'terminate' in req['action']:
+ if dom == None:
+ print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") domain not running"
+ new_status = 'deleted'
+ else:
+ try:
+ if req['action']['terminate'] == 'force':
+ print self.name, ": sending DESTROY to server", server_id
+ dom.destroy()
+ new_status = 'deleted'
+ else:
+ print self.name, ": sending SHUTDOWN to server", server_id
+ dom.shutdown()
+ self.pending_terminate_server.append( (time.time()+10,server_id) )
+ except Exception as e:
+ print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception while destroy:", e.get_error_message()
+ last_error = 'action_on_server Exception while destroy: ' + e.get_error_message()
+ new_status = 'ERROR'
+ if "domain is not running" in e.get_error_message():
+ try:
+ dom.undefine()
+ new_status = 'deleted'
+ except Exception:
+ print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception while undefine:", e.get_error_message()
+ last_error = 'action_on_server Exception2 while undefine:', e.get_error_message()
+ #Exception: 'virDomainDetachDevice() failed'
+ if new_status=='deleted':
+ if server_id in self.server_status:
+ del self.server_status[server_id]
+ if req['uuid'] in self.localinfo['server_files']:
+ for file_ in self.localinfo['server_files'][ req['uuid'] ].values():
+ try:
+ self.delete_file(file_['source file'])
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ del self.localinfo['server_files'][ req['uuid'] ]
+ self.localinfo_dirty = True
+ elif 'shutoff' in req['action'] or 'shutdown' in req['action']:
+ try:
+ if dom == None:
+ print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") domain not running"
+ else:
+ dom.shutdown()
+# new_status = 'INACTIVE'
+ #TODO: check status for changing at database
+ except Exception as e:
+ new_status = 'ERROR'
+ print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception while shutdown:", e.get_error_message()
+ last_error = 'action_on_server Exception while shutdown: ' + e.get_error_message()
+ elif 'rebuild' in req['action']:
+ if dom != None:
+ dom.destroy()
+ r = self.launch_server(conn, req, True, None)
+ if r[0] <0:
+ new_status = 'ERROR'
+ last_error = r[1]
+ else:
+ new_status = 'ACTIVE'
+ elif 'start' in req['action']:
+ # The instance is only create in DB but not yet at libvirt domain, needs to be create
+ rebuild = True if req['action']['start'] == 'rebuild' else False
+ r = self.launch_server(conn, req, rebuild, dom)
+ if r[0] <0:
+ new_status = 'ERROR'
+ last_error = r[1]
+ else:
+ new_status = 'ACTIVE'
+ elif 'resume' in req['action']:
+ try:
+ if dom == None:
+ pass
+ else:
+ dom.resume()
+# new_status = 'ACTIVE'
+ except Exception as e:
+ print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception while resume:", e.get_error_message()
+ elif 'pause' in req['action']:
+ try:
+ if dom == None:
+ pass
+ else:
+ dom.suspend()
+# new_status = 'PAUSED'
+ except Exception as e:
+ print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception while pause:", e.get_error_message()
+ elif 'reboot' in req['action']:
+ try:
+ if dom == None:
+ pass
+ else:
+ dom.reboot()
+ print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") reboot:"
+ #new_status = 'ACTIVE'
+ except Exception as e:
+ print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception while reboot:", e.get_error_message()
+ elif 'createImage' in req['action']:
+ self.create_image(dom, req)
+ conn.close()
+ except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
+ if conn is not None: conn.close()
+ text = e.get_error_message()
+ new_status = "ERROR"
+ last_error = text
+ print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception '", text
+ if 'LookupByUUIDString' in text or 'Domain not found' in text or 'No existe un dominio coincidente' in text:
+ print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") Exception removed from host"
+ #end of if self.test
+ if new_status == None:
+ return 1
+ print self.name, ": action_on_server(",server_id,") new status", new_status, last_error
+ UPDATE = {'progress':100, 'status':new_status}
+ if new_status=='ERROR':
+ if not last_retry: #if there will be another retry do not update database
+ return -1
+ elif 'terminate' in req['action']:
+ #PUT a log in the database
+ print self.name, ": PANIC deleting server", server_id, last_error
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ self.db.new_row('logs',
+ {'uuid':server_id, 'tenant_id':req['tenant_id'], 'related':'instances','level':'panic',
+ 'description':'PANIC deleting server from host '+self.name+': '+last_error}
+ )
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if server_id in self.server_status:
+ del self.server_status[server_id]
+ return -1
+ else:
+ UPDATE['last_error'] = last_error
+ if new_status != 'deleted' and (new_status != old_status or new_status == 'ERROR') :
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ self.db.update_rows('instances', UPDATE, {'uuid':server_id}, log=True)
+ self.server_status[server_id] = new_status
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if new_status == 'ERROR':
+ return -1
+ return 1
+ def restore_iface(self, name, mac, lib_conn=None):
+ ''' make an ifdown, ifup to restore default parameter of na interface
+ Params:
+ mac: mac address of the interface
+ lib_conn: connection to the libvirt, if None a new connection is created
+ Return 0,None if ok, -1,text if fails
+ '''
+ conn=None
+ ret = 0
+ error_text=None
+ if self.test:
+ print self.name, ": restore_iface '%s' %s" % (name, mac)
+ return 0, None
+ try:
+ if not lib_conn:
+ conn = host_thread.lvirt_module.open("qemu+ssh://"+self.user+"@"+self.host+"/system")
+ else:
+ conn = lib_conn
+ #wait to the pending VM deletion
+ #TODO.Revise self.server_forceoff(True)
+ iface = conn.interfaceLookupByMACString(mac)
+ iface.destroy()
+ iface.create()
+ print self.name, ": restore_iface '%s' %s" % (name, mac)
+ except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
+ error_text = e.get_error_message()
+ print self.name, ": restore_iface '%s' '%s' libvirt exception: %s" %(name, mac, error_text)
+ ret=-1
+ finally:
+ if lib_conn is None and conn is not None:
+ conn.close()
+ return ret, error_text
+ def create_image(self,dom, req):
+ if self.test:
+ if 'path' in req['action']['createImage']:
+ file_dst = req['action']['createImage']['path']
+ else:
+ createImage=req['action']['createImage']
+ img_name= createImage['source']['path']
+ index=img_name.rfind('/')
+ file_dst = self.get_notused_path(img_name[:index+1] + createImage['name'] + '.qcow2')
+ image_status='ACTIVE'
+ else:
+ for retry in (0,1):
+ try:
+ server_id = req['uuid']
+ createImage=req['action']['createImage']
+ file_orig = self.localinfo['server_files'][server_id] [ createImage['source']['image_id'] ] ['source file']
+ if 'path' in req['action']['createImage']:
+ file_dst = req['action']['createImage']['path']
+ else:
+ img_name= createImage['source']['path']
+ index=img_name.rfind('/')
+ file_dst = self.get_notused_filename(img_name[:index+1] + createImage['name'] + '.qcow2')
+ self.copy_file(file_orig, file_dst)
+ qemu_info = self.qemu_get_info(file_orig)
+ if 'backing file' in qemu_info:
+ for k,v in self.localinfo['files'].items():
+ if v==qemu_info['backing file']:
+ self.qemu_change_backing(file_dst, k)
+ break
+ image_status='ACTIVE'
+ break
+ except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException as e:
+ image_status='ERROR'
+ error_text = e.args[0]
+ print self.name, "': create_image(",server_id,") ssh Exception:", error_text
+ if "SSH session not active" in error_text and retry==0:
+ self.ssh_connect()
+ except Exception as e:
+ image_status='ERROR'
+ error_text = str(e)
+ print self.name, "': create_image(",server_id,") Exception:", error_text
+ #TODO insert a last_error at database
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ self.db.update_rows('images', {'status':image_status, 'progress': 100, 'path':file_dst},
+ {'uuid':req['new_image']['uuid']}, log=True)
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ def edit_iface(self, port_id, old_net, new_net):
+ #This action imply remove and insert interface to put proper parameters
+ if self.test:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ else:
+ #get iface details
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ r,c = self.db.get_table(FROM='ports as p join resources_port as rp on p.uuid=rp.port_id',
+ WHERE={'port_id': port_id})
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if r<0:
+ print self.name, ": edit_iface(",port_id,") DDBB error:", c
+ return
+ elif r==0:
+ print self.name, ": edit_iface(",port_id,") por not found"
+ return
+ port=c[0]
+ if port["model"]!="VF":
+ print self.name, ": edit_iface(",port_id,") ERROR model must be VF"
+ return
+ #create xml detach file
+ xml=[]
+ self.xml_level = 2
+ xml.append("<interface type='hostdev' managed='yes'>")
+ xml.append(" <mac address='" +port['mac']+ "'/>")
+ xml.append(" <source>"+ self.pci2xml(port['pci'])+"\n </source>")
+ xml.append('</interface>')
+ try:
+ conn=None
+ conn = host_thread.lvirt_module.open("qemu+ssh://"+self.user+"@"+self.host+"/system")
+ dom = conn.lookupByUUIDString(port["instance_id"])
+ if old_net:
+ text="\n".join(xml)
+ print self.name, ": edit_iface detaching SRIOV interface", text
+ dom.detachDeviceFlags(text, flags=host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE)
+ if new_net:
+ xml[-1] =" <vlan> <tag id='" + str(port['vlan']) + "'/> </vlan>"
+ self.xml_level = 1
+ xml.append(self.pci2xml(port.get('vpci',None)) )
+ xml.append('</interface>')
+ text="\n".join(xml)
+ print self.name, ": edit_iface attaching SRIOV interface", text
+ dom.attachDeviceFlags(text, flags=host_thread.lvirt_module.VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE)
+ except host_thread.lvirt_module.libvirtError as e:
+ text = e.get_error_message()
+ print self.name, ": edit_iface(",port["instance_id"],") libvirt exception:", text
+ finally:
+ if conn is not None: conn.close()
+def create_server(server, db, db_lock, only_of_ports):
+ #print "server"
+ #print "server"
+ #print server
+ #print "server"
+ #print "server"
+ #try:
+# host_id = server.get('host_id', None)
+ extended = server.get('extended', None)
+# print '----------------------'
+# print json.dumps(extended, indent=4)
+ requirements={}
+ requirements['numa']={'memory':0, 'proc_req_type': 'threads', 'proc_req_nb':0, 'port_list':[], 'sriov_list':[]}
+ requirements['ram'] = server['flavor'].get('ram', 0)
+ if requirements['ram']== None:
+ requirements['ram'] = 0
+ requirements['vcpus'] = server['flavor'].get('vcpus', 0)
+ if requirements['vcpus']== None:
+ requirements['vcpus'] = 0
+ #If extended is not defined get requirements from flavor
+ if extended is None:
+ #If extended is defined in flavor convert to dictionary and use it
+ if 'extended' in server['flavor'] and server['flavor']['extended'] != None:
+ json_acceptable_string = server['flavor']['extended'].replace("'", "\"")
+ extended = json.loads(json_acceptable_string)
+ else:
+ extended = None
+ #print json.dumps(extended, indent=4)
+ #For simplicity only one numa VM are supported in the initial implementation
+ if extended != None:
+ numas = extended.get('numas', [])
+ if len(numas)>1:
+ return (-2, "Multi-NUMA VMs are not supported yet")
+ #elif len(numas)<1:
+ # return (-1, "At least one numa must be specified")
+ #a for loop is used in order to be ready to multi-NUMA VMs
+ request = []
+ for numa in numas:
+ numa_req = {}
+ numa_req['memory'] = numa.get('memory', 0)
+ if 'cores' in numa:
+ numa_req['proc_req_nb'] = numa['cores'] #number of cores or threads to be reserved
+ numa_req['proc_req_type'] = 'cores' #indicates whether cores or threads must be reserved
+ numa_req['proc_req_list'] = numa.get('cores-id', None) #list of ids to be assigned to the cores or threads
+ elif 'paired-threads' in numa:
+ numa_req['proc_req_nb'] = numa['paired-threads']
+ numa_req['proc_req_type'] = 'paired-threads'
+ numa_req['proc_req_list'] = numa.get('paired-threads-id', None)
+ elif 'threads' in numa:
+ numa_req['proc_req_nb'] = numa['threads']
+ numa_req['proc_req_type'] = 'threads'
+ numa_req['proc_req_list'] = numa.get('threads-id', None)
+ else:
+ numa_req['proc_req_nb'] = 0 # by default
+ numa_req['proc_req_type'] = 'threads'
+ #Generate a list of sriov and another for physical interfaces
+ interfaces = numa.get('interfaces', [])
+ sriov_list = []
+ port_list = []
+ for iface in interfaces:
+ iface['bandwidth'] = int(iface['bandwidth'])
+ if iface['dedicated'][:3]=='yes':
+ port_list.append(iface)
+ else:
+ sriov_list.append(iface)
+ #Save lists ordered from more restrictive to less bw requirements
+ numa_req['sriov_list'] = sorted(sriov_list, key=lambda k: k['bandwidth'], reverse=True)
+ numa_req['port_list'] = sorted(port_list, key=lambda k: k['bandwidth'], reverse=True)
+ request.append(numa_req)
+ # print "----------\n"+json.dumps(request[0], indent=4)
+ # print '----------\n\n'
+ #Search in db for an appropriate numa for each requested numa
+ #at the moment multi-NUMA VMs are not supported
+ if len(request)>0:
+ requirements['numa'].update(request[0])
+ if requirements['numa']['memory']>0:
+ requirements['ram']=0 #By the moment I make incompatible ask for both Huge and non huge pages memory
+ elif requirements['ram']==0:
+ return (-1, "Memory information not set neither at extended field not at ram")
+ if requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']>0:
+ requirements['vcpus']=0 #By the moment I make incompatible ask for both Isolated and non isolated cpus
+ elif requirements['vcpus']==0:
+ return (-1, "Processor information not set neither at extended field not at vcpus")
+ db_lock.acquire()
+ result, content = db.get_numas(requirements, server.get('host_id', None), only_of_ports)
+ db_lock.release()
+ if result == -1:
+ return (-1, content)
+ numa_id = content['numa_id']
+ host_id = content['host_id']
+ #obtain threads_id and calculate pinning
+ cpu_pinning = []
+ reserved_threads=[]
+ if requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']>0:
+ db_lock.acquire()
+ result, content = db.get_table(FROM='resources_core',
+ SELECT=('id','core_id','thread_id'),
+ WHERE={'numa_id':numa_id,'instance_id': None, 'status':'ok'} )
+ db_lock.release()
+ if result <= 0:
+ print content
+ return -1, content
+ #convert rows to a dictionary indexed by core_id
+ cores_dict = {}
+ for row in content:
+ if not row['core_id'] in cores_dict:
+ cores_dict[row['core_id']] = []
+ cores_dict[row['core_id']].append([row['thread_id'],row['id']])
+ #In case full cores are requested
+ paired = 'N'
+ if requirements['numa']['proc_req_type'] == 'cores':
+ #Get/create the list of the vcpu_ids
+ vcpu_id_list = requirements['numa']['proc_req_list']
+ if vcpu_id_list == None:
+ vcpu_id_list = range(0,int(requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']))
+ for threads in cores_dict.itervalues():
+ #we need full cores
+ if len(threads) != 2:
+ continue
+ #set pinning for the first thread
+ cpu_pinning.append( [ vcpu_id_list.pop(0), threads[0][0], threads[0][1] ] )
+ #reserve so it is not used the second thread
+ reserved_threads.append(threads[1][1])
+ if len(vcpu_id_list) == 0:
+ break
+ #In case paired threads are requested
+ elif requirements['numa']['proc_req_type'] == 'paired-threads':
+ paired = 'Y'
+ #Get/create the list of the vcpu_ids
+ if requirements['numa']['proc_req_list'] != None:
+ vcpu_id_list = []
+ for pair in requirements['numa']['proc_req_list']:
+ if len(pair)!=2:
+ return -1, "Field paired-threads-id not properly specified"
+ return
+ vcpu_id_list.append(pair[0])
+ vcpu_id_list.append(pair[1])
+ else:
+ vcpu_id_list = range(0,2*int(requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']))
+ for threads in cores_dict.itervalues():
+ #we need full cores
+ if len(threads) != 2:
+ continue
+ #set pinning for the first thread
+ cpu_pinning.append([vcpu_id_list.pop(0), threads[0][0], threads[0][1]])
+ #set pinning for the second thread
+ cpu_pinning.append([vcpu_id_list.pop(0), threads[1][0], threads[1][1]])
+ if len(vcpu_id_list) == 0:
+ break
+ #In case normal threads are requested
+ elif requirements['numa']['proc_req_type'] == 'threads':
+ #Get/create the list of the vcpu_ids
+ vcpu_id_list = requirements['numa']['proc_req_list']
+ if vcpu_id_list == None:
+ vcpu_id_list = range(0,int(requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']))
+ for threads_index in sorted(cores_dict, key=lambda k: len(cores_dict[k])):
+ threads = cores_dict[threads_index]
+ #set pinning for the first thread
+ cpu_pinning.append([vcpu_id_list.pop(0), threads[0][0], threads[0][1]])
+ #if exists, set pinning for the second thread
+ if len(threads) == 2 and len(vcpu_id_list) != 0:
+ cpu_pinning.append([vcpu_id_list.pop(0), threads[1][0], threads[1][1]])
+ if len(vcpu_id_list) == 0:
+ break
+ #Get the source pci addresses for the selected numa
+ used_sriov_ports = []
+ for port in requirements['numa']['sriov_list']:
+ db_lock.acquire()
+ result, content = db.get_table(FROM='resources_port', SELECT=('id', 'pci', 'mac'),WHERE={'numa_id':numa_id,'root_id': port['port_id'], 'port_id': None, 'Mbps_used': 0} )
+ db_lock.release()
+ if result <= 0:
+ print content
+ return -1, content
+ for row in content:
+ if row['id'] in used_sriov_ports or row['id']==port['port_id']:
+ continue
+ port['pci'] = row['pci']
+ if 'mac_address' not in port:
+ port['mac_address'] = row['mac']
+ del port['mac']
+ port['port_id']=row['id']
+ port['Mbps_used'] = port['bandwidth']
+ used_sriov_ports.append(row['id'])
+ break
+ for port in requirements['numa']['port_list']:
+ port['Mbps_used'] = None
+ if port['dedicated'] != "yes:sriov":
+ port['mac_address'] = port['mac']
+ del port['mac']
+ continue
+ db_lock.acquire()
+ result, content = db.get_table(FROM='resources_port', SELECT=('id', 'pci', 'mac', 'Mbps'),WHERE={'numa_id':numa_id,'root_id': port['port_id'], 'port_id': None, 'Mbps_used': 0} )
+ db_lock.release()
+ if result <= 0:
+ print content
+ return -1, content
+ port['Mbps_used'] = content[0]['Mbps']
+ for row in content:
+ if row['id'] in used_sriov_ports or row['id']==port['port_id']:
+ continue
+ port['pci'] = row['pci']
+ if 'mac_address' not in port:
+ port['mac_address'] = row['mac'] # mac cannot be set to passthrough ports
+ del port['mac']
+ port['port_id']=row['id']
+ used_sriov_ports.append(row['id'])
+ break
+ # print '2. Physical ports assignation:'+json.dumps(requirements['port_list'], indent=4)
+ # print '2. SR-IOV assignation:'+json.dumps(requirements['sriov_list'], indent=4)
+ server['host_id'] = host_id
+ #Generate dictionary for saving in db the instance resources
+ resources = {}
+ resources['bridged-ifaces'] = []
+ numa_dict = {}
+ numa_dict['interfaces'] = []
+ numa_dict['interfaces'] += requirements['numa']['port_list']
+ numa_dict['interfaces'] += requirements['numa']['sriov_list']
+ #Check bridge information
+ unified_dataplane_iface=[]
+ unified_dataplane_iface += requirements['numa']['port_list']
+ unified_dataplane_iface += requirements['numa']['sriov_list']
+ for control_iface in server.get('networks', []):
+ control_iface['net_id']=control_iface.pop('uuid')
+ #Get the brifge name
+ db_lock.acquire()
+ result, content = db.get_table(FROM='nets',
+ SELECT=('name', 'type', 'vlan', 'provider', 'enable_dhcp',
+ 'dhcp_first_ip', 'dhcp_last_ip', 'cidr'),
+ WHERE={'uuid': control_iface['net_id']})
+ db_lock.release()
+ if result < 0:
+ pass
+ elif result==0:
+ return -1, "Error at field netwoks: Not found any network wit uuid %s" % control_iface['net_id']
+ else:
+ network=content[0]
+ if control_iface.get("type", 'virtual') == 'virtual':
+ if network['type']!='bridge_data' and network['type']!='bridge_man':
+ return -1, "Error at field netwoks: network uuid %s for control interface is not of type bridge_man or bridge_data" % control_iface['net_id']
+ resources['bridged-ifaces'].append(control_iface)
+ if network.get("provider") and network["provider"][0:3] == "OVS":
+ control_iface["type"] = "instance:ovs"
+ else:
+ control_iface["type"] = "instance:bridge"
+ if network.get("vlan"):
+ control_iface["vlan"] = network["vlan"]
+ if network.get("enable_dhcp") == 'true':
+ control_iface["enable_dhcp"] = network.get("enable_dhcp")
+ control_iface["dhcp_first_ip"] = network["dhcp_first_ip"]
+ control_iface["dhcp_last_ip"] = network["dhcp_last_ip"]
+ control_iface["cidr"] = network["cidr"]
+ else:
+ if network['type']!='data' and network['type']!='ptp':
+ return -1, "Error at field netwoks: network uuid %s for dataplane interface is not of type data or ptp" % control_iface['net_id']
+ #dataplane interface, look for it in the numa tree and asign this network
+ iface_found=False
+ for dataplane_iface in numa_dict['interfaces']:
+ if dataplane_iface['name'] == control_iface.get("name"):
+ if (dataplane_iface['dedicated'] == "yes" and control_iface["type"] != "PF") or \
+ (dataplane_iface['dedicated'] == "no" and control_iface["type"] != "VF") or \
+ (dataplane_iface['dedicated'] == "yes:sriov" and control_iface["type"] != "VFnotShared") :
+ return -1, "Error at field netwoks: mismatch at interface '%s' from flavor 'dedicated=%s' and networks 'type=%s'" % \
+ (control_iface.get("name"), dataplane_iface['dedicated'], control_iface["type"])
+ dataplane_iface['uuid'] = control_iface['net_id']
+ if dataplane_iface['dedicated'] == "no":
+ dataplane_iface['vlan'] = network['vlan']
+ if dataplane_iface['dedicated'] != "yes" and control_iface.get("mac_address"):
+ dataplane_iface['mac_address'] = control_iface.get("mac_address")
+ if control_iface.get("vpci"):
+ dataplane_iface['vpci'] = control_iface.get("vpci")
+ iface_found=True
+ break
+ if not iface_found:
+ return -1, "Error at field netwoks: interface name %s from network not found at flavor" % control_iface.get("name")
+ resources['host_id'] = host_id
+ resources['image_id'] = server['image_id']
+ resources['flavor_id'] = server['flavor_id']
+ resources['tenant_id'] = server['tenant_id']
+ resources['ram'] = requirements['ram']
+ resources['vcpus'] = requirements['vcpus']
+ resources['status'] = 'CREATING'
+ if 'description' in server: resources['description'] = server['description']
+ if 'name' in server: resources['name'] = server['name']
+ resources['extended'] = {} #optional
+ resources['extended']['numas'] = []
+ numa_dict['numa_id'] = numa_id
+ numa_dict['memory'] = requirements['numa']['memory']
+ numa_dict['cores'] = []
+ for core in cpu_pinning:
+ numa_dict['cores'].append({'id': core[2], 'vthread': core[0], 'paired': paired})
+ for core in reserved_threads:
+ numa_dict['cores'].append({'id': core})
+ resources['extended']['numas'].append(numa_dict)
+ if extended!=None and 'devices' in extended: #TODO allow extra devices without numa
+ resources['extended']['devices'] = extended['devices']
+ print '===================================={'
+ print json.dumps(resources, indent=4)
+ print '====================================}'
+ return 0, resources
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+This is the thread for the http server North API.
+Two thread will be launched, with normal and administrative permissions.
+__author__="Alfonso Tierno, Gerardo Garcia, Leonardo Mirabal"
+__date__ ="$10-jul-2014 12:07:15$"
+import bottle
+import urlparse
+import yaml
+import json
+import threading
+import datetime
+import hashlib
+import os
+import imp
+from netaddr import IPNetwork, IPAddress, all_matching_cidrs
+#import only if needed because not needed in test mode. To allow an easier installation import RADclass
+from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e
+import host_thread as ht
+from vim_schema import host_new_schema, host_edit_schema, tenant_new_schema, \
+ tenant_edit_schema, \
+ flavor_new_schema, flavor_update_schema, \
+ image_new_schema, image_update_schema, \
+ server_new_schema, server_action_schema, network_new_schema, network_update_schema, \
+ port_new_schema, port_update_schema, openflow_controller_schema, of_port_map_new_schema
+import ovim
+import logging
+global my
+global url_base
+global config_dic
+global RADclass_module
+RADclass=None #RADclass module is charged only if not in test mode
+HTTP_Bad_Request = 400
+HTTP_Unauthorized = 401
+HTTP_Not_Found = 404
+HTTP_Forbidden = 403
+HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed = 405
+HTTP_Not_Acceptable = 406
+HTTP_Request_Timeout = 408
+HTTP_Conflict = 409
+HTTP_Service_Unavailable = 503
+HTTP_Internal_Server_Error= 500
+def md5(fname):
+ hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
+ with open(fname, "rb") as f:
+ for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""):
+ hash_md5.update(chunk)
+ return hash_md5.hexdigest()
+def md5_string(fname):
+ hash_md5 = hashlib.md5()
+ hash_md5.update(fname)
+ return hash_md5.hexdigest()
+def check_extended(extended, allow_net_attach=False):
+ '''Makes and extra checking of extended input that cannot be done using jsonschema
+ Attributes:
+ allow_net_attach: for allowing or not the uuid field at interfaces
+ that are allowed for instance, but not for flavors
+ Return: (<0, error_text) if error; (0,None) if not error '''
+ if "numas" not in extended: return 0, None
+ id_s=[]
+ numaid=0
+ for numa in extended["numas"]:
+ nb_formats = 0
+ if "cores" in numa:
+ nb_formats += 1
+ if "cores-id" in numa:
+ if len(numa["cores-id"]) != numa["cores"]:
+ return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "different number of cores-id (%d) than cores (%d) at numa %d" % (len(numa["cores-id"]), numa["cores"],numaid)
+ id_s.extend(numa["cores-id"])
+ if "threads" in numa:
+ nb_formats += 1
+ if "threads-id" in numa:
+ if len(numa["threads-id"]) != numa["threads"]:
+ return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "different number of threads-id (%d) than threads (%d) at numa %d" % (len(numa["threads-id"]), numa["threads"],numaid)
+ id_s.extend(numa["threads-id"])
+ if "paired-threads" in numa:
+ nb_formats += 1
+ if "paired-threads-id" in numa:
+ if len(numa["paired-threads-id"]) != numa["paired-threads"]:
+ return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "different number of paired-threads-id (%d) than paired-threads (%d) at numa %d" % (len(numa["paired-threads-id"]), numa["paired-threads"],numaid)
+ for pair in numa["paired-threads-id"]:
+ if len(pair) != 2:
+ return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "paired-threads-id must contain a list of two elements list at numa %d" % (numaid)
+ id_s.extend(pair)
+ if nb_formats > 1:
+ return -HTTP_Service_Unavailable, "only one of cores, threads, paired-threads are allowed in this version at numa %d" % numaid
+ #check interfaces
+ if "interfaces" in numa:
+ ifaceid=0
+ names=[]
+ vpcis=[]
+ for interface in numa["interfaces"]:
+ if "uuid" in interface and not allow_net_attach:
+ return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "uuid field is not allowed at numa %d interface %s position %d" % (numaid, interface.get("name",""), ifaceid )
+ if "mac_address" in interface and interface["dedicated"]=="yes":
+ return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "mac_address can not be set for dedicated (passthrough) at numa %d, interface %s position %d" % (numaid, interface.get("name",""), ifaceid )
+ if "name" in interface:
+ if interface["name"] in names:
+ return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "name repeated at numa %d, interface %s position %d" % (numaid, interface.get("name",""), ifaceid )
+ names.append(interface["name"])
+ if "vpci" in interface:
+ if interface["vpci"] in vpcis:
+ return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "vpci %s repeated at numa %d, interface %s position %d" % (interface["vpci"], numaid, interface.get("name",""), ifaceid )
+ vpcis.append(interface["vpci"])
+ ifaceid+=1
+ numaid+=1
+ if numaid > 1:
+ return -HTTP_Service_Unavailable, "only one numa can be defined in this version "
+ for a in range(0,len(id_s)):
+ if a not in id_s:
+ return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "core/thread identifiers must start at 0 and gaps are not alloed. Missing id number %d" % a
+ return 0, None
+# dictionaries that change from HTTP API to database naming
+http2db_image={'id':'uuid', 'created':'created_at', 'updated':'modified_at', 'public': 'public'}
+http2db_network={'id':'uuid','provider:vlan':'vlan', 'provider:physical': 'provider'}
+http2db_ofc = {'id': 'uuid'}
+http2db_port={'id':'uuid', 'network_id':'net_id', 'mac_address':'mac', 'device_owner':'type','device_id':'instance_id','binding:switch_port':'switch_port','binding:vlan':'vlan', 'bandwidth':'Mbps'}
+def remove_extra_items(data, schema):
+ deleted=[]
+ if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is list:
+ for d in data:
+ a= remove_extra_items(d, schema['items'])
+ if a is not None: deleted.append(a)
+ elif type(data) is dict:
+ for k in data.keys():
+ if 'properties' not in schema or k not in schema['properties'].keys():
+ del data[k]
+ deleted.append(k)
+ else:
+ a = remove_extra_items(data[k], schema['properties'][k])
+ if a is not None: deleted.append({k:a})
+ if len(deleted) == 0: return None
+ elif len(deleted) == 1: return deleted[0]
+ else: return deleted
+def delete_nulls(var):
+ if type(var) is dict:
+ for k in var.keys():
+ if var[k] is None: del var[k]
+ elif type(var[k]) is dict or type(var[k]) is list or type(var[k]) is tuple:
+ if delete_nulls(var[k]): del var[k]
+ if len(var) == 0: return True
+ elif type(var) is list or type(var) is tuple:
+ for k in var:
+ if type(k) is dict: delete_nulls(k)
+ if len(var) == 0: return True
+ return False
+class httpserver(threading.Thread):
+ def __init__(self, ovim, name="http", host='localhost', port=8080, admin=False, config_=None):
+ '''
+ Creates a new thread to attend the http connections
+ Attributes:
+ db_conn: database connection
+ name: name of this thread
+ host: ip or name where to listen
+ port: port where to listen
+ admin: if this has privileges of administrator or not
+ config_: unless the first thread must be provided. It is a global dictionary where to allocate the self variable
+ '''
+ global url_base
+ global config_dic
+ #initialization
+ if config_ is not None:
+ config_dic = config_
+ if 'http_threads' not in config_dic:
+ config_dic['http_threads'] = {}
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.host = host
+ self.port = port
+ self.db = ovim.db #TODO OVIM remove
+ self.ovim = ovim
+ self.admin = admin
+ if name in config_dic:
+ print "httpserver Warning!!! Onether thread with the same name", name
+ n=0
+ while name+str(n) in config_dic:
+ n +=1
+ name +=str(n)
+ self.name = name
+ self.url_preffix = 'http://' + self.host + ':' + str(self.port) + url_base
+ config_dic['http_threads'][name] = self
+ #Ensure that when the main program exits the thread will also exit
+ self.daemon = True
+ self.setDaemon(True)
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger("openvim.http")
+ def run(self):
+ bottle.run(host=self.host, port=self.port, debug=True) #quiet=True
+ def gethost(self, host_id):
+ result, content = self.db.get_host(host_id)
+ if result < 0:
+ print "httpserver.gethost error %d %s" % (result, content)
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ elif result==0:
+ print "httpserver.gethost host '%s' not found" % host_id
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, content)
+ else:
+ data={'host' : content}
+ convert_boolean(content, ('admin_state_up',) )
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_host, reverse=True)
+ print data['host']
+ return format_out(data)
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/', method='GET')
+def http_get():
+ print
+ return 'works' #TODO: put links or redirection to /openvim???
+# Util funcions
+def change_keys_http2db(data, http_db, reverse=False):
+ '''Change keys of dictionary data according to the key_dict values
+ This allow change from http interface names to database names.
+ When reverse is True, the change is otherwise
+ Attributes:
+ data: can be a dictionary or a list
+ http_db: is a dictionary with hhtp names as keys and database names as value
+ reverse: by default change is done from http API to database. If True change is done otherwise
+ Return: None, but data is modified'''
+ if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is list:
+ for d in data:
+ change_keys_http2db(d, http_db, reverse)
+ elif type(data) is dict or type(data) is bottle.FormsDict:
+ if reverse:
+ for k,v in http_db.items():
+ if v in data: data[k]=data.pop(v)
+ else:
+ for k,v in http_db.items():
+ if k in data: data[v]=data.pop(k)
+def format_out(data):
+ '''return string of dictionary data according to requested json, yaml, xml. By default json'''
+ if 'application/yaml' in bottle.request.headers.get('Accept'):
+ bottle.response.content_type='application/yaml'
+ return yaml.safe_dump(data, explicit_start=True, indent=4, default_flow_style=False, tags=False, encoding='utf-8', allow_unicode=True) #, canonical=True, default_style='"'
+ else: #by default json
+ bottle.response.content_type='application/json'
+ #return data #json no style
+ return json.dumps(data, indent=4) + "\n"
+def format_in(schema):
+ try:
+ error_text = "Invalid header format "
+ format_type = bottle.request.headers.get('Content-Type', 'application/json')
+ if 'application/json' in format_type:
+ error_text = "Invalid json format "
+ #Use the json decoder instead of bottle decoder because it informs about the location of error formats with a ValueError exception
+ client_data = json.load(bottle.request.body)
+ #client_data = bottle.request.json()
+ elif 'application/yaml' in format_type:
+ error_text = "Invalid yaml format "
+ client_data = yaml.load(bottle.request.body)
+ elif format_type == 'application/xml':
+ bottle.abort(501, "Content-Type: application/xml not supported yet.")
+ else:
+ print "HTTP HEADERS: " + str(bottle.request.headers.items())
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Acceptable, 'Content-Type ' + str(format_type) + ' not supported.')
+ return
+ #if client_data == None:
+ # bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Content error, empty")
+ # return
+ #check needed_items
+ #print "HTTP input data: ", str(client_data)
+ error_text = "Invalid content "
+ js_v(client_data, schema)
+ return client_data
+ except (ValueError, yaml.YAMLError) as exc:
+ error_text += str(exc)
+ print error_text
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text)
+ except js_e.ValidationError as exc:
+ print "HTTP validate_in error, jsonschema exception ", exc.message, "at", exc.path
+ print " CONTENT: " + str(bottle.request.body.readlines())
+ error_pos = ""
+ if len(exc.path)>0: error_pos=" at '" + ":".join(map(str, exc.path)) + "'"
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text + error_pos+": "+exc.message)
+ #except:
+ # bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Content error: Failed to parse Content-Type", error_pos)
+ # raise
+def filter_query_string(qs, http2db, allowed):
+ '''Process query string (qs) checking that contains only valid tokens for avoiding SQL injection
+ Attributes:
+ 'qs': bottle.FormsDict variable to be processed. None or empty is considered valid
+ 'allowed': list of allowed string tokens (API http naming). All the keys of 'qs' must be one of 'allowed'
+ 'http2db': dictionary with change from http API naming (dictionary key) to database naming(dictionary value)
+ Return: A tuple with the (select,where,limit) to be use in a database query. All of then transformed to the database naming
+ select: list of items to retrieve, filtered by query string 'field=token'. If no 'field' is present, allowed list is returned
+ where: dictionary with key, value, taken from the query string token=value. Empty if nothing is provided
+ limit: limit dictated by user with the query string 'limit'. 100 by default
+ abort if not permitted, using bottel.abort
+ '''
+ where = {}
+ limit = 100
+ select = []
+ if type(qs) is not bottle.FormsDict:
+ print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!invalid query string not a dictionary'
+ # bottle.abort(HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "call programmer")
+ else:
+ for k in qs:
+ if k == 'field':
+ select += qs.getall(k)
+ for v in select:
+ if v not in allowed:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid query string at 'field=" + v + "'")
+ elif k == 'limit':
+ try:
+ limit = int(qs[k])
+ except:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid query string at 'limit=" + qs[k] + "'")
+ else:
+ if k not in allowed:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid query string at '" + k + "=" + qs[k] + "'")
+ if qs[k] != "null":
+ where[k] = qs[k]
+ else:
+ where[k] = None
+ if len(select) == 0: select += allowed
+ # change from http api to database naming
+ for i in range(0, len(select)):
+ k = select[i]
+ if k in http2db:
+ select[i] = http2db[k]
+ change_keys_http2db(where, http2db)
+ # print "filter_query_string", select,where,limit
+ return select, where, limit
+def convert_bandwidth(data, reverse=False):
+ '''Check the field bandwidth recursively and when found, it removes units and convert to number
+ It assumes that bandwidth is well formed
+ Attributes:
+ 'data': dictionary bottle.FormsDict variable to be checked. None or empty is considered valid
+ 'reverse': by default convert form str to int (Mbps), if True it convert from number to units
+ Return:
+ None
+ '''
+ if type(data) is dict:
+ for k in data.keys():
+ if type(data[k]) is dict or type(data[k]) is tuple or type(data[k]) is list:
+ convert_bandwidth(data[k], reverse)
+ if "bandwidth" in data:
+ try:
+ value=str(data["bandwidth"])
+ if not reverse:
+ pos = value.find("bps")
+ if pos>0:
+ if value[pos-1]=="G": data["bandwidth"] = int(data["bandwidth"][:pos-1]) * 1000
+ elif value[pos-1]=="k": data["bandwidth"]= int(data["bandwidth"][:pos-1]) / 1000
+ else: data["bandwidth"]= int(data["bandwidth"][:pos-1])
+ else:
+ value = int(data["bandwidth"])
+ if value % 1000 == 0: data["bandwidth"]=str(value/1000) + " Gbps"
+ else: data["bandwidth"]=str(value) + " Mbps"
+ except:
+ print "convert_bandwidth exception for type", type(data["bandwidth"]), " data", data["bandwidth"]
+ return
+ if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is list:
+ for k in data:
+ if type(k) is dict or type(k) is tuple or type(k) is list:
+ convert_bandwidth(k, reverse)
+def convert_boolean(data, items): #TODO OVIM delete
+ '''Check recursively the content of data, and if there is an key contained in items, convert value from string to boolean
+ It assumes that bandwidth is well formed
+ Attributes:
+ 'data': dictionary bottle.FormsDict variable to be checked. None or empty is consideted valid
+ 'items': tuple of keys to convert
+ Return:
+ None
+ '''
+ if type(data) is dict:
+ for k in data.keys():
+ if type(data[k]) is dict or type(data[k]) is tuple or type(data[k]) is list:
+ convert_boolean(data[k], items)
+ if k in items:
+ if type(data[k]) is str:
+ if data[k]=="false": data[k]=False
+ elif data[k]=="true": data[k]=True
+ if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is list:
+ for k in data:
+ if type(k) is dict or type(k) is tuple or type(k) is list:
+ convert_boolean(k, items)
+def convert_datetime2str(var):
+ '''Converts a datetime variable to a string with the format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s'
+ It enters recursively in the dict var finding this kind of variables
+ '''
+ if type(var) is dict:
+ for k,v in var.items():
+ if type(v) is datetime.datetime:
+ var[k]= v.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
+ elif type(v) is dict or type(v) is list or type(v) is tuple:
+ convert_datetime2str(v)
+ if len(var) == 0: return True
+ elif type(var) is list or type(var) is tuple:
+ for v in var:
+ convert_datetime2str(v)
+def check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id):
+ if tenant_id=='any':
+ if not my.admin:
+ return HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges"
+ else:
+ result, _ = my.db.get_table(FROM='tenants', SELECT=('uuid',), WHERE={'uuid': tenant_id})
+ if result<=0:
+ return HTTP_Not_Found, "tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id
+ return 0, None
+def is_url(url):
+ '''
+ Check if string value is a well-wormed url
+ :param url: string url
+ :return: True if is a valid url, False if is not well-formed
+ '''
+ parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(url)
+ return parsed_url
+def error400(error):
+ e={"error":{"code":error.status_code, "type":error.status, "description":error.body}}
+ return format_out(e)
+def enable_cors():
+ #TODO: Alf: Is it needed??
+ bottle.response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/hosts', method='GET')
+def http_get_hosts():
+ return format_out(get_hosts())
+def get_hosts():
+ select_, where_, limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_host,
+ ('id', 'name', 'description', 'status', 'admin_state_up', 'ip_name'))
+ myself = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ result, content = myself.db.get_table(FROM='hosts', SELECT=select_, WHERE=where_, LIMIT=limit_)
+ if result < 0:
+ print "http_get_hosts Error", content
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ else:
+ convert_boolean(content, ('admin_state_up',) )
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_host, reverse=True)
+ for row in content:
+ row['links'] = ( {'href': myself.url_preffix + '/hosts/' + str(row['id']), 'rel': 'bookmark'}, )
+ data={'hosts' : content}
+ return data
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/hosts/<host_id>', method='GET')
+def http_get_host_id(host_id):
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ return my.gethost(host_id)
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/hosts', method='POST')
+def http_post_hosts():
+ '''insert a host into the database. All resources are got and inserted'''
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check permissions
+ if not my.admin:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges")
+ #parse input data
+ http_content = format_in( host_new_schema )
+ r = remove_extra_items(http_content, host_new_schema)
+ if r is not None: print "http_post_host_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ change_keys_http2db(http_content['host'], http2db_host)
+ host = http_content['host']
+ warning_text=""
+ if 'host-data' in http_content:
+ host.update(http_content['host-data'])
+ ip_name=http_content['host-data']['ip_name']
+ user=http_content['host-data']['user']
+ password=http_content['host-data'].get('password', None)
+ else:
+ ip_name=host['ip_name']
+ user=host['user']
+ password=host.get('password', None)
+ if not RADclass_module:
+ try:
+ RADclass_module = imp.find_module("RADclass")
+ except (IOError, ImportError) as e:
+ raise ImportError("Cannot import RADclass.py Openvim not properly installed" +str(e))
+ #fill rad info
+ rad = RADclass_module.RADclass()
+ (return_status, code) = rad.obtain_RAD(user, password, ip_name)
+ #return
+ if not return_status:
+ print 'http_post_hosts ERROR obtaining RAD', code
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, code)
+ return
+ warning_text=code
+ rad_structure = yaml.load(rad.to_text())
+ print 'rad_structure\n---------------------'
+ print json.dumps(rad_structure, indent=4)
+ print '---------------------'
+ #return
+ WHERE_={"family":rad_structure['processor']['family'], 'manufacturer':rad_structure['processor']['manufacturer'], 'version':rad_structure['processor']['version']}
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM='host_ranking',
+ SELECT=('ranking',),
+ if result > 0:
+ host['ranking'] = content[0]['ranking']
+ else:
+ #error_text= "Host " + str(WHERE_)+ " not found in ranking table. Not valid for VIM management"
+ #bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, error_text)
+ #return
+ warning_text += "Host " + str(WHERE_)+ " not found in ranking table. Assuming lowest value 100\n"
+ host['ranking'] = 100 #TODO: as not used in this version, set the lowest value
+ features = rad_structure['processor'].get('features', ())
+ host['features'] = ",".join(features)
+ host['numas'] = []
+ for node in (rad_structure['resource topology']['nodes'] or {}).itervalues():
+ interfaces= []
+ cores = []
+ eligible_cores=[]
+ count = 0
+ for core in node['cpu']['eligible_cores']:
+ eligible_cores.extend(core)
+ for core in node['cpu']['cores']:
+ for thread_id in core:
+ c={'core_id': count, 'thread_id': thread_id}
+ if thread_id not in eligible_cores: c['status'] = 'noteligible'
+ cores.append(c)
+ count = count+1
+ if 'nics' in node:
+ for port_k, port_v in node['nics']['nic 0']['ports'].iteritems():
+ if port_v['virtual']:
+ continue
+ else:
+ sriovs = []
+ for port_k2, port_v2 in node['nics']['nic 0']['ports'].iteritems():
+ if port_v2['virtual'] and port_v2['PF_pci_id']==port_k:
+ sriovs.append({'pci':port_k2, 'mac':port_v2['mac'], 'source_name':port_v2['source_name']})
+ if len(sriovs)>0:
+ #sort sriov according to pci and rename them to the vf number
+ new_sriovs = sorted(sriovs, key=lambda k: k['pci'])
+ index=0
+ for sriov in new_sriovs:
+ sriov['source_name'] = index
+ index += 1
+ interfaces.append ({'pci':str(port_k), 'Mbps': port_v['speed']/1000000, 'sriovs': new_sriovs, 'mac':port_v['mac'], 'source_name':port_v['source_name']})
+ memory=node['memory']['node_size'] / (1024*1024*1024)
+ #memory=get_next_2pow(node['memory']['hugepage_nr'])
+ host['numas'].append( {'numa_socket': node['id'], 'hugepages': node['memory']['hugepage_nr'], 'memory':memory, 'interfaces': interfaces, 'cores': cores } )
+ print json.dumps(host, indent=4)
+ #return
+ #
+ #insert in data base
+ result, content = my.db.new_host(host)
+ if result >= 0:
+ if content['admin_state_up']:
+ #create thread
+ host_test_mode = True if config_dic['mode']=='test' or config_dic['mode']=="OF only" else False
+ host_develop_mode = True if config_dic['mode']=='development' else False
+ host_develop_bridge_iface = config_dic.get('development_bridge', None)
+ thread = ht.host_thread(name=host.get('name',ip_name), user=user, host=ip_name, db=config_dic['db'], db_lock=config_dic['db_lock'],
+ test=host_test_mode, image_path=config_dic['image_path'],
+ version=config_dic['version'], host_id=content['uuid'],
+ develop_mode=host_develop_mode, develop_bridge_iface=host_develop_bridge_iface )
+ thread.start()
+ config_dic['host_threads'][ content['uuid'] ] = thread
+ if config_dic['network_type'] == 'ovs':
+ # create bridge
+ create_dhcp_ovs_bridge()
+ config_dic['host_threads'][content['uuid']].insert_task("new-ovsbridge")
+ # check if more host exist
+ create_vxlan_mesh(content['uuid'])
+ #return host data
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_host, reverse=True)
+ if len(warning_text)>0:
+ content["warning"]= warning_text
+ data={'host' : content}
+ return format_out(data)
+ else:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, content)
+ return
+def delete_dhcp_ovs_bridge(vlan, net_uuid):
+ """
+ Delete bridges and port created during dhcp launching at openvim controller
+ :param vlan: net vlan id
+ :param net_uuid: network identifier
+ :return:
+ """
+ dhcp_path = config_dic['ovs_controller_file_path']
+ http_controller = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ dhcp_controller = http_controller.ovim.get_dhcp_controller()
+ dhcp_controller.delete_dhcp_port(vlan, net_uuid)
+ dhcp_controller.delete_dhcp_server(vlan, net_uuid, dhcp_path)
+def create_dhcp_ovs_bridge():
+ """
+ Initialize bridge to allocate the dhcp server at openvim controller
+ :return:
+ """
+ http_controller = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ dhcp_controller = http_controller.ovim.get_dhcp_controller()
+ dhcp_controller.create_ovs_bridge()
+def set_mac_dhcp(vm_ip, vlan, first_ip, last_ip, cidr, mac):
+ """"
+ Launch a dhcpserver base on dnsmasq attached to the net base on vlan id across the the openvim computes
+ :param vm_ip: IP address asigned to a VM
+ :param vlan: Segmentation id
+ :param first_ip: First dhcp range ip
+ :param last_ip: Last dhcp range ip
+ :param cidr: net cidr
+ :param mac: VM vnic mac to be macthed with the IP received
+ """
+ if not vm_ip:
+ return
+ ip_tools = IPNetwork(cidr)
+ cidr_len = ip_tools.prefixlen
+ dhcp_netmask = str(ip_tools.netmask)
+ dhcp_path = config_dic['ovs_controller_file_path']
+ new_cidr = [first_ip + '/' + str(cidr_len)]
+ if not len(all_matching_cidrs(vm_ip, new_cidr)):
+ vm_ip = None
+ http_controller = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ dhcp_controller = http_controller.ovim.get_dhcp_controller()
+ dhcp_controller.set_mac_dhcp_server(vm_ip, mac, vlan, dhcp_netmask, dhcp_path)
+def delete_mac_dhcp(vm_ip, vlan, mac):
+ """
+ Delete into dhcp conf file the ip assigned to a specific MAC address
+ :param vm_ip: IP address asigned to a VM
+ :param vlan: Segmentation id
+ :param mac: VM vnic mac to be macthed with the IP received
+ :return:
+ """
+ dhcp_path = config_dic['ovs_controller_file_path']
+ http_controller = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ dhcp_controller = http_controller.ovim.get_dhcp_controller()
+ dhcp_controller.delete_mac_dhcp_server(vm_ip, mac, vlan, dhcp_path)
+def create_vxlan_mesh(host_id):
+ """
+ Create vxlan mesh across all openvimc controller and computes.
+ :param host_id: host identifier
+ :param host_id: host identifier
+ :return:
+ """
+ dhcp_compute_name = get_vxlan_interface("dhcp")
+ existing_hosts = get_hosts()
+ if len(existing_hosts['hosts']) > 0:
+ # vlxan mesh creation between openvim controller and computes
+ computes_available = existing_hosts['hosts']
+ http_controller = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ dhcp_controller = http_controller.ovim.get_dhcp_controller()
+ for compute in computes_available:
+ vxlan_interface_name = get_vxlan_interface(compute['id'][:8])
+ config_dic['host_threads'][compute['id']].insert_task("new-vxlan", dhcp_compute_name, dhcp_controller.host)
+ dhcp_controller.create_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(vxlan_interface_name, compute['ip_name'])
+ # vlxan mesh creation between openvim computes
+ for count, compute_owner in enumerate(computes_available):
+ for compute in computes_available:
+ if compute_owner['id'] == compute['id']:
+ pass
+ else:
+ vxlan_interface_name = get_vxlan_interface(compute_owner['id'][:8])
+ dhcp_controller.create_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(vxlan_interface_name, compute_owner['ip_name'])
+ config_dic['host_threads'][compute['id']].insert_task("new-vxlan",
+ vxlan_interface_name,
+ compute_owner['ip_name'])
+def delete_vxlan_mesh(host_id):
+ """
+ Create a task for remove a specific compute of the vlxan mesh
+ :param host_id: host id to be deleted.
+ """
+ existing_hosts = get_hosts()
+ computes_available = existing_hosts['hosts']
+ #
+ vxlan_interface_name = get_vxlan_interface(host_id[:8])
+ http_controller = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ dhcp_host = http_controller.ovim.get_dhcp_controller()
+ dhcp_host.delete_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(vxlan_interface_name)
+ # remove bridge from openvim controller if no more computes exist
+ if len(existing_hosts):
+ dhcp_host.delete_ovs_bridge()
+ # Remove vxlan mesh
+ for compute in computes_available:
+ if host_id == compute['id']:
+ pass
+ else:
+ dhcp_host.delete_ovs_vxlan_tunnel(vxlan_interface_name)
+ config_dic['host_threads'][compute['id']].insert_task("del-vxlan", vxlan_interface_name)
+def get_vxlan_interface(local_uuid):
+ """
+ Genearte a vxlan interface name
+ :param local_uuid: host id
+ :return: vlxan-8digits
+ """
+ return 'vxlan-' + local_uuid[:8]
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/hosts/<host_id>', method='PUT')
+def http_put_host_id(host_id):
+ '''modify a host into the database. All resources are got and inserted'''
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check permissions
+ if not my.admin:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges")
+ #parse input data
+ http_content = format_in( host_edit_schema )
+ r = remove_extra_items(http_content, host_edit_schema)
+ if r is not None: print "http_post_host_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ change_keys_http2db(http_content['host'], http2db_host)
+ #insert in data base
+ result, content = my.db.edit_host(host_id, http_content['host'])
+ if result >= 0:
+ convert_boolean(content, ('admin_state_up',) )
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_host, reverse=True)
+ data={'host' : content}
+ if config_dic['network_type'] == 'ovs':
+ delete_vxlan_mesh(host_id)
+ config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].insert_task("del-ovsbridge")
+ #reload thread
+ config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].name = content.get('name',content['ip_name'])
+ config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].user = content['user']
+ config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].host = content['ip_name']
+ config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].insert_task("reload")
+ if config_dic['network_type'] == 'ovs':
+ # create mesh with new host data
+ config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].insert_task("new-ovsbridge")
+ create_vxlan_mesh(host_id)
+ #print data
+ return format_out(data)
+ else:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, content)
+ return
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/hosts/<host_id>', method='DELETE')
+def http_delete_host_id(host_id):
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check permissions
+ if not my.admin:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges")
+ result, content = my.db.delete_row('hosts', host_id)
+ if result == 0:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, content)
+ elif result > 0:
+ if config_dic['network_type'] == 'ovs':
+ delete_vxlan_mesh(host_id)
+ # terminate thread
+ if host_id in config_dic['host_threads']:
+ if config_dic['network_type'] == 'ovs':
+ config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].insert_task("del-ovsbridge")
+ config_dic['host_threads'][host_id].insert_task("exit")
+ #return data
+ data={'result' : content}
+ return format_out(data)
+ else:
+ print "http_delete_host_id error",result, content
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ return
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/tenants', method='GET')
+def http_get_tenants():
+ """
+ Retreive tenant list from DB
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ select_, where_, limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_tenant,
+ ('id', 'name', 'description', 'enabled'))
+ tenants = my.ovim.get_tenants(select_, where_)
+ delete_nulls(tenants)
+ change_keys_http2db(tenants, http2db_tenant, reverse=True)
+ data = {'tenants': tenants}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/tenants/<tenant_id>', method='GET')
+def http_get_tenant_id(tenant_id):
+ """
+ Get tenant from DB by id
+ :param tenant_id: tenant id
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ tenant = my.ovim.show_tenant_id(tenant_id)
+ delete_nulls(tenant)
+ change_keys_http2db(tenant, http2db_tenant, reverse=True)
+ data = {'tenant': tenant}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/tenants', method='POST')
+def http_post_tenants():
+ """
+ Insert a tenant into the database.
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ http_content = format_in(tenant_new_schema)
+ r = remove_extra_items(http_content, tenant_new_schema)
+ if r is not None:
+ my.logger.error("http_post_tenants: Warning: remove extra items " + str(r), exc_info=True)
+ # insert in data base
+ tenant_id = my.ovim.new_tentant(http_content['tenant'])
+ tenant = my.ovim.show_tenant_id(tenant_id)
+ change_keys_http2db(tenant, http2db_tenant, reverse=True)
+ delete_nulls(tenant)
+ data = {'tenant': tenant}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/tenants/<tenant_id>', method='PUT')
+def http_put_tenant_id(tenant_id):
+ """
+ Update a tenantinto DB.
+ :param tenant_id: tentant id
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ # parse input data
+ http_content = format_in(tenant_edit_schema)
+ r = remove_extra_items(http_content, tenant_edit_schema)
+ if r is not None:
+ print "http_put_tenant_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ change_keys_http2db(http_content['tenant'], http2db_tenant)
+ # insert in data base
+ my.ovim.edit_tenant(tenant_id, http_content['tenant'])
+ tenant = my.ovim.show_tenant_id(tenant_id)
+ change_keys_http2db(tenant, http2db_tenant, reverse=True)
+ data = {'tenant': tenant}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/tenants/<tenant_id>', method='DELETE')
+def http_delete_tenant_id(tenant_id):
+ """
+ Delete a tenant from the database.
+ :param tenant_id: tenant id
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ content = my.ovim.delete_tentant(tenant_id)
+ data = {'result': content}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/flavors', method='GET')
+def http_get_flavors(tenant_id):
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ #obtain data
+ select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_flavor,
+ ('id','name','description','public') )
+ if tenant_id=='any':
+ from_ ='flavors'
+ else:
+ from_ ='tenants_flavors inner join flavors on tenants_flavors.flavor_id=flavors.uuid'
+ where_['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM=from_, SELECT=select_, WHERE=where_, LIMIT=limit_)
+ if result < 0:
+ print "http_get_flavors Error", content
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ else:
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_flavor, reverse=True)
+ for row in content:
+ row['links']=[ {'href': "/".join( (my.url_preffix, tenant_id, 'flavors', str(row['id']) ) ), 'rel':'bookmark' } ]
+ data={'flavors' : content}
+ return format_out(data)
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/flavors/<flavor_id>', method='GET')
+def http_get_flavor_id(tenant_id, flavor_id):
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ #obtain data
+ select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_flavor,
+ ('id','name','description','ram', 'vcpus', 'extended', 'disk', 'public') )
+ if tenant_id=='any':
+ from_ ='flavors'
+ else:
+ from_ ='tenants_flavors as tf inner join flavors as f on tf.flavor_id=f.uuid'
+ where_['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
+ where_['uuid'] = flavor_id
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=select_, FROM=from_, WHERE=where_, LIMIT=limit_)
+ if result < 0:
+ print "http_get_flavor_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ elif result==0:
+ print "http_get_flavors_id flavor '%s' not found" % str(flavor_id)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'flavor %s not found' % flavor_id)
+ else:
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_flavor, reverse=True)
+ if 'extended' in content[0] and content[0]['extended'] is not None:
+ extended = json.loads(content[0]['extended'])
+ if 'devices' in extended:
+ change_keys_http2db(extended['devices'], http2db_flavor, reverse=True)
+ content[0]['extended']=extended
+ convert_bandwidth(content[0], reverse=True)
+ content[0]['links']=[ {'href': "/".join( (my.url_preffix, tenant_id, 'flavors', str(content[0]['id']) ) ), 'rel':'bookmark' } ]
+ data={'flavor' : content[0]}
+ #data['tenants_links'] = dict([('tenant', row['id']) for row in content])
+ return format_out(data)
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/flavors', method='POST')
+def http_post_flavors(tenant_id):
+ '''insert a flavor into the database, and attach to tenant.'''
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ http_content = format_in( flavor_new_schema )
+ r = remove_extra_items(http_content, flavor_new_schema)
+ if r is not None: print "http_post_flavors: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ change_keys_http2db(http_content['flavor'], http2db_flavor)
+ extended_dict = http_content['flavor'].pop('extended', None)
+ if extended_dict is not None:
+ result, content = check_extended(extended_dict)
+ if result<0:
+ print "http_post_flavors wrong input extended error %d %s" % (result, content)
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ return
+ convert_bandwidth(extended_dict)
+ if 'devices' in extended_dict: change_keys_http2db(extended_dict['devices'], http2db_flavor)
+ http_content['flavor']['extended'] = json.dumps(extended_dict)
+ #insert in data base
+ result, content = my.db.new_flavor(http_content['flavor'], tenant_id)
+ if result >= 0:
+ return http_get_flavor_id(tenant_id, content)
+ else:
+ print "http_psot_flavors error %d %s" % (result, content)
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ return
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/flavors/<flavor_id>', method='DELETE')
+def http_delete_flavor_id(tenant_id, flavor_id):
+ '''Deletes the flavor_id of a tenant. IT removes from tenants_flavors table.'''
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ return
+ result, content = my.db.delete_image_flavor('flavor', flavor_id, tenant_id)
+ if result == 0:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, content)
+ elif result >0:
+ data={'result' : content}
+ return format_out(data)
+ else:
+ print "http_delete_flavor_id error",result, content
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ return
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/flavors/<flavor_id>/<action>', method='POST')
+def http_attach_detach_flavors(tenant_id, flavor_id, action):
+ '''attach/detach an existing flavor in this tenant. That is insert/remove at tenants_flavors table.'''
+ #TODO alf: not tested at all!!!
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ if tenant_id=='any':
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid tenant 'any' with this command")
+ #check valid action
+ if action!='attach' and action != 'detach':
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed, "actions can be attach or detach")
+ return
+ #Ensure that flavor exist
+ from_ ='tenants_flavors as tf right join flavors as f on tf.flavor_id=f.uuid'
+ where_={'uuid': flavor_id}
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=('public','tenant_id'), FROM=from_, WHERE=where_)
+ if result==0:
+ if action=='attach':
+ text_error="Flavor '%s' not found" % flavor_id
+ else:
+ text_error="Flavor '%s' not found for tenant '%s'" % (flavor_id, tenant_id)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, text_error)
+ return
+ elif result>0:
+ flavor=content[0]
+ if action=='attach':
+ if flavor['tenant_id']!=None:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Conflict, "Flavor '%s' already attached to tenant '%s'" % (flavor_id, tenant_id))
+ if flavor['public']=='no' and not my.admin:
+ #allow only attaching public flavors
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin rights to attach a private flavor")
+ return
+ #insert in data base
+ result, content = my.db.new_row('tenants_flavors', {'flavor_id':flavor_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id})
+ if result >= 0:
+ return http_get_flavor_id(tenant_id, flavor_id)
+ else: #detach
+ if flavor['tenant_id']==None:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, "Flavor '%s' not attached to tenant '%s'" % (flavor_id, tenant_id))
+ result, content = my.db.delete_row_by_dict(FROM='tenants_flavors', WHERE={'flavor_id':flavor_id, 'tenant_id':tenant_id})
+ if result>=0:
+ if flavor['public']=='no':
+ #try to delete the flavor completely to avoid orphan flavors, IGNORE error
+ my.db.delete_row_by_dict(FROM='flavors', WHERE={'uuid':flavor_id})
+ data={'result' : "flavor detached"}
+ return format_out(data)
+ #if get here is because an error
+ print "http_attach_detach_flavors error %d %s" % (result, content)
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ return
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/flavors/<flavor_id>', method='PUT')
+def http_put_flavor_id(tenant_id, flavor_id):
+ '''update a flavor_id into the database.'''
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ #parse input data
+ http_content = format_in( flavor_update_schema )
+ r = remove_extra_items(http_content, flavor_update_schema)
+ if r is not None: print "http_put_flavor_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ change_keys_http2db(http_content['flavor'], http2db_flavor)
+ extended_dict = http_content['flavor'].pop('extended', None)
+ if extended_dict is not None:
+ result, content = check_extended(extended_dict)
+ if result<0:
+ print "http_put_flavor_id wrong input extended error %d %s" % (result, content)
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ return
+ convert_bandwidth(extended_dict)
+ if 'devices' in extended_dict: change_keys_http2db(extended_dict['devices'], http2db_flavor)
+ http_content['flavor']['extended'] = json.dumps(extended_dict)
+ #Ensure that flavor exist
+ where_={'uuid': flavor_id}
+ if tenant_id=='any':
+ from_ ='flavors'
+ else:
+ from_ ='tenants_flavors as ti inner join flavors as i on ti.flavor_id=i.uuid'
+ where_['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=('public',), FROM=from_, WHERE=where_)
+ if result==0:
+ text_error="Flavor '%s' not found" % flavor_id
+ if tenant_id!='any':
+ text_error +=" for tenant '%s'" % flavor_id
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, text_error)
+ return
+ elif result>0:
+ if content[0]['public']=='yes' and not my.admin:
+ #allow only modifications over private flavors
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin rights to edit a public flavor")
+ return
+ #insert in data base
+ result, content = my.db.update_rows('flavors', http_content['flavor'], {'uuid': flavor_id})
+ if result < 0:
+ print "http_put_flavor_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ return
+ else:
+ return http_get_flavor_id(tenant_id, flavor_id)
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/images', method='GET')
+def http_get_images(tenant_id):
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ #obtain data
+ select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_image,
+ ('id','name','checksum','description','path','public') )
+ if tenant_id=='any':
+ from_ ='images'
+ where_or_ = None
+ else:
+ from_ ='tenants_images right join images on tenants_images.image_id=images.uuid'
+ where_or_ = {'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'public': 'yes'}
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=select_, DISTINCT=True, FROM=from_, WHERE=where_, WHERE_OR=where_or_, WHERE_AND_OR="AND", LIMIT=limit_)
+ if result < 0:
+ print "http_get_images Error", content
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ else:
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_image, reverse=True)
+ #for row in content: row['links']=[ {'href': "/".join( (my.url_preffix, tenant_id, 'images', str(row['id']) ) ), 'rel':'bookmark' } ]
+ data={'images' : content}
+ return format_out(data)
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/images/<image_id>', method='GET')
+def http_get_image_id(tenant_id, image_id):
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ #obtain data
+ select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_image,
+ ('id','name','checksum','description','progress', 'status','path', 'created', 'updated','public') )
+ if tenant_id=='any':
+ from_ ='images'
+ where_or_ = None
+ else:
+ from_ ='tenants_images as ti right join images as i on ti.image_id=i.uuid'
+ where_or_ = {'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'public': "yes"}
+ where_['uuid'] = image_id
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=select_, DISTINCT=True, FROM=from_, WHERE=where_, WHERE_OR=where_or_, WHERE_AND_OR="AND", LIMIT=limit_)
+ if result < 0:
+ print "http_get_images error %d %s" % (result, content)
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ elif result==0:
+ print "http_get_images image '%s' not found" % str(image_id)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'image %s not found' % image_id)
+ else:
+ convert_datetime2str(content)
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_image, reverse=True)
+ if 'metadata' in content[0] and content[0]['metadata'] is not None:
+ metadata = json.loads(content[0]['metadata'])
+ content[0]['metadata']=metadata
+ content[0]['links']=[ {'href': "/".join( (my.url_preffix, tenant_id, 'images', str(content[0]['id']) ) ), 'rel':'bookmark' } ]
+ data={'image' : content[0]}
+ #data['tenants_links'] = dict([('tenant', row['id']) for row in content])
+ return format_out(data)
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/images', method='POST')
+def http_post_images(tenant_id):
+ '''insert a image into the database, and attach to tenant.'''
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ http_content = format_in(image_new_schema)
+ r = remove_extra_items(http_content, image_new_schema)
+ if r is not None: print "http_post_images: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ change_keys_http2db(http_content['image'], http2db_image)
+ metadata_dict = http_content['image'].pop('metadata', None)
+ if metadata_dict is not None:
+ http_content['image']['metadata'] = json.dumps(metadata_dict)
+ #calculate checksum
+ try:
+ image_file = http_content['image'].get('path',None)
+ parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(image_file)
+ if parsed_url.scheme == "" and parsed_url.netloc == "":
+ # The path is a local file
+ if os.path.exists(image_file):
+ http_content['image']['checksum'] = md5(image_file)
+ else:
+ # The path is a URL. Code should be added to download the image and calculate the checksum
+ #http_content['image']['checksum'] = md5(downloaded_image)
+ pass
+ # Finally, only if we are in test mode and checksum has not been calculated, we calculate it from the path
+ host_test_mode = True if config_dic['mode']=='test' or config_dic['mode']=="OF only" else False
+ if host_test_mode:
+ if 'checksum' not in http_content['image']:
+ http_content['image']['checksum'] = md5_string(image_file)
+ else:
+ # At this point, if the path is a local file and no chechsum has been obtained yet, an error is sent back.
+ # If it is a URL, no error is sent. Checksum will be an empty string
+ if parsed_url.scheme == "" and parsed_url.netloc == "" and 'checksum' not in http_content['image']:
+ content = "Image file not found"
+ print "http_post_images error: %d %s" % (HTTP_Bad_Request, content)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, content)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print "ERROR. Unexpected exception: %s" % (str(e))
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e))
+ #insert in data base
+ result, content = my.db.new_image(http_content['image'], tenant_id)
+ if result >= 0:
+ return http_get_image_id(tenant_id, content)
+ else:
+ print "http_post_images error %d %s" % (result, content)
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ return
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/images/<image_id>', method='DELETE')
+def http_delete_image_id(tenant_id, image_id):
+ '''Deletes the image_id of a tenant. IT removes from tenants_images table.'''
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ result, content = my.db.delete_image_flavor('image', image_id, tenant_id)
+ if result == 0:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, content)
+ elif result >0:
+ data={'result' : content}
+ return format_out(data)
+ else:
+ print "http_delete_image_id error",result, content
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ return
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/images/<image_id>/<action>', method='POST')
+def http_attach_detach_images(tenant_id, image_id, action):
+ '''attach/detach an existing image in this tenant. That is insert/remove at tenants_images table.'''
+ #TODO alf: not tested at all!!!
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ if tenant_id=='any':
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid tenant 'any' with this command")
+ #check valid action
+ if action!='attach' and action != 'detach':
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed, "actions can be attach or detach")
+ return
+ #Ensure that image exist
+ from_ ='tenants_images as ti right join images as i on ti.image_id=i.uuid'
+ where_={'uuid': image_id}
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=('public','tenant_id'), FROM=from_, WHERE=where_)
+ if result==0:
+ if action=='attach':
+ text_error="Image '%s' not found" % image_id
+ else:
+ text_error="Image '%s' not found for tenant '%s'" % (image_id, tenant_id)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, text_error)
+ return
+ elif result>0:
+ image=content[0]
+ if action=='attach':
+ if image['tenant_id']!=None:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Conflict, "Image '%s' already attached to tenant '%s'" % (image_id, tenant_id))
+ if image['public']=='no' and not my.admin:
+ #allow only attaching public images
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin rights to attach a private image")
+ return
+ #insert in data base
+ result, content = my.db.new_row('tenants_images', {'image_id':image_id, 'tenant_id': tenant_id})
+ if result >= 0:
+ return http_get_image_id(tenant_id, image_id)
+ else: #detach
+ if image['tenant_id']==None:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, "Image '%s' not attached to tenant '%s'" % (image_id, tenant_id))
+ result, content = my.db.delete_row_by_dict(FROM='tenants_images', WHERE={'image_id':image_id, 'tenant_id':tenant_id})
+ if result>=0:
+ if image['public']=='no':
+ #try to delete the image completely to avoid orphan images, IGNORE error
+ my.db.delete_row_by_dict(FROM='images', WHERE={'uuid':image_id})
+ data={'result' : "image detached"}
+ return format_out(data)
+ #if get here is because an error
+ print "http_attach_detach_images error %d %s" % (result, content)
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ return
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/images/<image_id>', method='PUT')
+def http_put_image_id(tenant_id, image_id):
+ '''update a image_id into the database.'''
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ #parse input data
+ http_content = format_in( image_update_schema )
+ r = remove_extra_items(http_content, image_update_schema)
+ if r is not None: print "http_put_image_id: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ change_keys_http2db(http_content['image'], http2db_image)
+ metadata_dict = http_content['image'].pop('metadata', None)
+ if metadata_dict is not None:
+ http_content['image']['metadata'] = json.dumps(metadata_dict)
+ #Ensure that image exist
+ where_={'uuid': image_id}
+ if tenant_id=='any':
+ from_ ='images'
+ where_or_ = None
+ else:
+ from_ ='tenants_images as ti right join images as i on ti.image_id=i.uuid'
+ where_or_ = {'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'public': 'yes'}
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=('public',), DISTINCT=True, FROM=from_, WHERE=where_, WHERE_OR=where_or_, WHERE_AND_OR="AND")
+ if result==0:
+ text_error="Image '%s' not found" % image_id
+ if tenant_id!='any':
+ text_error +=" for tenant '%s'" % image_id
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, text_error)
+ return
+ elif result>0:
+ if content[0]['public']=='yes' and not my.admin:
+ #allow only modifications over private images
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin rights to edit a public image")
+ return
+ #insert in data base
+ result, content = my.db.update_rows('images', http_content['image'], {'uuid': image_id})
+ if result < 0:
+ print "http_put_image_id error %d %s" % (result, content)
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ return
+ else:
+ return http_get_image_id(tenant_id, image_id)
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/servers', method='GET')
+def http_get_servers(tenant_id):
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ return
+ #obtain data
+ select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_server,
+ ('id','name','description','hostId','imageRef','flavorRef','status', 'tenant_id') )
+ if tenant_id!='any':
+ where_['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(SELECT=select_, FROM='instances', WHERE=where_, LIMIT=limit_)
+ if result < 0:
+ print "http_get_servers Error", content
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ else:
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_server, reverse=True)
+ for row in content:
+ tenant_id = row.pop('tenant_id')
+ row['links']=[ {'href': "/".join( (my.url_preffix, tenant_id, 'servers', str(row['id']) ) ), 'rel':'bookmark' } ]
+ data={'servers' : content}
+ return format_out(data)
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/servers/<server_id>', method='GET')
+def http_get_server_id(tenant_id, server_id):
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ return
+ #obtain data
+ result, content = my.db.get_instance(server_id)
+ if result == 0:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, content)
+ elif result >0:
+ #change image/flavor-id to id and link
+ convert_bandwidth(content, reverse=True)
+ convert_datetime2str(content)
+ if content["ram"]==0 : del content["ram"]
+ if content["vcpus"]==0 : del content["vcpus"]
+ if 'flavor_id' in content:
+ if content['flavor_id'] is not None:
+ content['flavor'] = {'id':content['flavor_id'],
+ 'links':[{'href': "/".join( (my.url_preffix, content['tenant_id'], 'flavors', str(content['flavor_id']) ) ), 'rel':'bookmark'}]
+ }
+ del content['flavor_id']
+ if 'image_id' in content:
+ if content['image_id'] is not None:
+ content['image'] = {'id':content['image_id'],
+ 'links':[{'href': "/".join( (my.url_preffix, content['tenant_id'], 'images', str(content['image_id']) ) ), 'rel':'bookmark'}]
+ }
+ del content['image_id']
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_server, reverse=True)
+ if 'extended' in content:
+ if 'devices' in content['extended']: change_keys_http2db(content['extended']['devices'], http2db_server, reverse=True)
+ data={'server' : content}
+ return format_out(data)
+ else:
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ return
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/servers', method='POST')
+def http_post_server_id(tenant_id):
+ '''deploys a new server'''
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ return
+ if tenant_id=='any':
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "Invalid tenant 'any' with this command")
+ #chek input
+ http_content = format_in( server_new_schema )
+ r = remove_extra_items(http_content, server_new_schema)
+ if r is not None: print "http_post_serves: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ change_keys_http2db(http_content['server'], http2db_server)
+ extended_dict = http_content['server'].get('extended', None)
+ if extended_dict is not None:
+ result, content = check_extended(extended_dict, True)
+ if result<0:
+ print "http_post_servers wrong input extended error %d %s" % (result, content)
+ bottle.abort(-result, content)
+ return
+ convert_bandwidth(extended_dict)
+ if 'devices' in extended_dict: change_keys_http2db(extended_dict['devices'], http2db_server)
+ server = http_content['server']
+ server_start = server.get('start', 'yes')
+ server['tenant_id'] = tenant_id
+ #check flavor valid and take info
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM='tenants_flavors as tf join flavors as f on tf.flavor_id=f.uuid',
+ SELECT=('ram','vcpus','extended'), WHERE={'uuid':server['flavor_id'], 'tenant_id':tenant_id})
+ if result<=0:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'flavor_id %s not found' % server['flavor_id'])
+ return
+ server['flavor']=content[0]
+ #check image valid and take info
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM='tenants_images as ti right join images as i on ti.image_id=i.uuid',
+ SELECT=('path', 'metadata', 'image_id'),
+ WHERE={'uuid':server['image_id'], "status":"ACTIVE"},
+ WHERE_OR={'tenant_id':tenant_id, 'public': 'yes'},
+ if result<=0:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'image_id %s not found or not ACTIVE' % server['image_id'])
+ return
+ for image_dict in content:
+ if image_dict.get("image_id"):
+ break
+ else:
+ # insert in data base tenants_images
+ r2, c2 = my.db.new_row('tenants_images', {'image_id': server['image_id'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id})
+ if r2<=0:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'image_id %s cannot be used. Error %s' % (server['image_id'], c2))
+ return
+ server['image']={"path": content[0]["path"], "metadata": content[0]["metadata"]}
+ if "hosts_id" in server:
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM='hosts', SELECT=('uuid',), WHERE={'uuid': server['host_id']})
+ if result<=0:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'hostId %s not found' % server['host_id'])
+ return
+ #print json.dumps(server, indent=4)
+ result, content = ht.create_server(server, config_dic['db'], config_dic['db_lock'], config_dic['mode']=='normal')
+ if result >= 0:
+ #Insert instance to database
+ nets=[]
+ print
+ print "inserting at DB"
+ print
+ if server_start == 'no':
+ content['status'] = 'INACTIVE'
+ dhcp_nets_id = []
+ for net in http_content['server']['networks']:
+ if net['type'] == 'instance:ovs':
+ dhcp_nets_id.append(get_network_id(net['net_id']))
+ ports_to_free=[]
+ new_instance_result, new_instance = my.db.new_instance(content, nets, ports_to_free)
+ if new_instance_result < 0:
+ print "Error http_post_servers() :", new_instance_result, new_instance
+ bottle.abort(-new_instance_result, new_instance)
+ return
+ print
+ print "inserted at DB"
+ print
+ for port in ports_to_free:
+ r,c = config_dic['host_threads'][ server['host_id'] ].insert_task( 'restore-iface',*port )
+ if r < 0:
+ print ' http_post_servers ERROR RESTORE IFACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' + c
+ # update nets
+ for net_id in nets:
+ try:
+ my.ovim.net_update_ofc_thread(net_id)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error("http_post_servers, Error updating network with id '{}', '{}'".format(net_id, str(e)))
+ # look for dhcp ip address
+ r2, c2 = my.db.get_table(FROM="ports", SELECT=["mac", "ip_address", "net_id"], WHERE={"instance_id": new_instance})
+ if r2 >0:
+ for iface in c2:
+ if config_dic.get("dhcp_server") and iface["net_id"] in config_dic["dhcp_nets"]:
+ #print "dhcp insert add task"
+ r,c = config_dic['dhcp_thread'].insert_task("add", iface["mac"])
+ if r < 0:
+ print ':http_post_servers ERROR UPDATING dhcp_server !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' + c
+ #ensure compute contain the bridge for ovs networks:
+ server_net = get_network_id(iface['net_id'])
+ if server_net["network"].get('provider:physical', "")[:3] == 'OVS':
+ vlan = str(server_net['network']['provider:vlan'])
+ dhcp_enable = bool(server_net['network']['enable_dhcp'])
+ if dhcp_enable:
+ dhcp_firt_ip = str(server_net['network']['dhcp_first_ip'])
+ dhcp_last_ip = str(server_net['network']['dhcp_last_ip'])
+ dhcp_cidr = str(server_net['network']['cidr'])
+ gateway = str(server_net['network']['gateway'])
+ vm_dhcp_ip = c2[0]["ip_address"]
+ config_dic['host_threads'][server['host_id']].insert_task("create-ovs-bridge-port", vlan)
+ set_mac_dhcp(vm_dhcp_ip, vlan, dhcp_firt_ip, dhcp_last_ip, dhcp_cidr, c2[0]['mac'])
+ http_controller = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ http_controller.ovim.launch_dhcp_server(vlan, dhcp_firt_ip, dhcp_last_ip, dhcp_cidr, gateway)
+ #Start server
+ server['uuid'] = new_instance
+ server_start = server.get('start', 'yes')
+ if server_start != 'no':
+ server['paused'] = True if server_start == 'paused' else False
+ server['action'] = {"start":None}
+ server['status'] = "CREATING"
+ #Program task
+ r,c = config_dic['host_threads'][ server['host_id'] ].insert_task( 'instance',server )
+ if r<0:
+ my.db.update_rows('instances', {'status':"ERROR"}, {'uuid':server['uuid'], 'last_error':c}, log=True)
+ return http_get_server_id(tenant_id, new_instance)
+ else:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, content)
+ return
+def http_server_action(server_id, tenant_id, action):
+ '''Perform actions over a server as resume, reboot, terminate, ...'''
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ server={"uuid": server_id, "action":action}
+ where={'uuid': server_id}
+ if tenant_id!='any':
+ where['tenant_id']= tenant_id
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM='instances', WHERE=where)
+ if result == 0:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, "server %s not found" % server_id)
+ return
+ if result < 0:
+ print "http_post_server_action error getting data %d %s" % (result, content)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, content)
+ return
+ server.update(content[0])
+ tenant_id = server["tenant_id"]
+ #TODO check a right content
+ new_status = None
+ if 'terminate' in action:
+ new_status='DELETING'
+ elif server['status'] == 'ERROR': #or server['status'] == 'CREATING':
+ if 'terminate' not in action and 'rebuild' not in action:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed, "Server is in ERROR status, must be rebuit or deleted ")
+ return
+# elif server['status'] == 'INACTIVE':
+# if 'start' not in action and 'createImage' not in action:
+# bottle.abort(HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed, "The only possible action over an instance in 'INACTIVE' status is 'start'")
+# return
+# if 'start' in action:
+# new_status='CREATING'
+# server['paused']='no'
+# elif server['status'] == 'PAUSED':
+# if 'resume' not in action:
+# bottle.abort(HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed, "The only possible action over an instance in 'PAUSED' status is 'resume'")
+# return
+# elif server['status'] == 'ACTIVE':
+# if 'pause' not in action and 'reboot'not in action and 'shutoff'not in action:
+# bottle.abort(HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed, "The only possible action over an instance in 'ACTIVE' status is 'pause','reboot' or 'shutoff'")
+# return
+ if 'start' in action or 'createImage' in action or 'rebuild' in action:
+ #check image valid and take info
+ image_id = server['image_id']
+ if 'createImage' in action:
+ if 'imageRef' in action['createImage']:
+ image_id = action['createImage']['imageRef']
+ elif 'disk' in action['createImage']:
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM='instance_devices',
+ SELECT=('image_id','dev'), WHERE={'instance_id':server['uuid'],"type":"disk"})
+ if result<=0:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'disk not found for server')
+ return
+ elif result>1:
+ disk_id=None
+ if action['createImage']['imageRef']['disk'] != None:
+ for disk in content:
+ if disk['dev'] == action['createImage']['imageRef']['disk']:
+ disk_id = disk['image_id']
+ break
+ if disk_id == None:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'disk %s not found for server' % action['createImage']['imageRef']['disk'])
+ return
+ else:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'more than one disk found for server' )
+ return
+ image_id = disk_id
+ else: #result==1
+ image_id = content[0]['image_id']
+ result, content = my.db.get_table(FROM='tenants_images as ti right join images as i on ti.image_id=i.uuid',
+ SELECT=('path','metadata'), WHERE={'uuid':image_id, "status":"ACTIVE"},
+ WHERE_OR={'tenant_id':tenant_id, 'public': 'yes'}, WHERE_AND_OR="AND", DISTINCT=True)
+ if result<=0:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'image_id %s not found or not ACTIVE' % image_id)
+ return
+ if content[0]['metadata'] is not None:
+ try:
+ metadata = json.loads(content[0]['metadata'])
+ except:
+ return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "Can not decode image metadata"
+ content[0]['metadata']=metadata
+ else:
+ content[0]['metadata'] = {}
+ server['image']=content[0]
+ if 'createImage' in action:
+ action['createImage']['source'] = {'image_id': image_id, 'path': content[0]['path']}
+ if 'createImage' in action:
+ #Create an entry in Database for the new image
+ new_image={'status':'BUILD', 'progress': 0 }
+ new_image_metadata=content[0]
+ if 'metadata' in server['image'] and server['image']['metadata'] != None:
+ new_image_metadata.update(server['image']['metadata'])
+ new_image_metadata = {"use_incremental":"no"}
+ if 'metadata' in action['createImage']:
+ new_image_metadata.update(action['createImage']['metadata'])
+ new_image['metadata'] = json.dumps(new_image_metadata)
+ new_image['name'] = action['createImage'].get('name', None)
+ new_image['description'] = action['createImage'].get('description', None)
+ new_image['uuid']=my.db.new_uuid()
+ if 'path' in action['createImage']:
+ new_image['path'] = action['createImage']['path']
+ else:
+ new_image['path']="/provisional/path/" + new_image['uuid']
+ result, image_uuid = my.db.new_image(new_image, tenant_id)
+ if result<=0:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, 'Error: ' + image_uuid)
+ return
+ server['new_image'] = new_image
+ #Program task
+ r,c = config_dic['host_threads'][ server['host_id'] ].insert_task( 'instance',server )
+ if r<0:
+ print "Task queue full at host ", server['host_id']
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Request_Timeout, c)
+ if 'createImage' in action and result >= 0:
+ return http_get_image_id(tenant_id, image_uuid)
+ #Update DB only for CREATING or DELETING status
+ data={'result' : 'deleting in process'}
+ warn_text=""
+ if new_status != None and new_status == 'DELETING':
+ nets=[]
+ ports_to_free=[]
+ net_ovs_list = []
+ #look for dhcp ip address
+ r2, c2 = my.db.get_table(FROM="ports", SELECT=["mac", "net_id"], WHERE={"instance_id": server_id})
+ r, c = my.db.delete_instance(server_id, tenant_id, nets, ports_to_free, net_ovs_list, "requested by http")
+ for port in ports_to_free:
+ r1,c1 = config_dic['host_threads'][ server['host_id'] ].insert_task( 'restore-iface',*port )
+ if r1 < 0:
+ my.logger.error("http_post_server_action server deletion ERROR at resore-iface!!!! " + c1)
+ warn_text += "; Error iface '{}' cannot be restored '{}'".format(str(port), str(e))
+ for net_id in nets:
+ try:
+ my.ovim.net_update_ofc_thread(net_id)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error("http_server_action, Error updating network with id '{}', '{}'".format(net_id, str(e)))
+ warn_text += "; Error openflow rules of network '{}' cannot be restore '{}'".format(net_id, str (e))
+ # look for dhcp ip address
+ if r2 >0 and config_dic.get("dhcp_server"):
+ for iface in c2:
+ if iface["net_id"] in config_dic["dhcp_nets"]:
+ r,c = config_dic['dhcp_thread'].insert_task("del", iface["mac"])
+ #print "dhcp insert del task"
+ if r < 0:
+ print ':http_post_servers ERROR UPDATING dhcp_server !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' + c
+ # delete ovs-port and linux bridge, contains a list of tuple (net_id,vlan)
+ for net in net_ovs_list:
+ mac = str(net[3])
+ vm_ip = str(net[2])
+ vlan = str(net[1])
+ net_id = net[0]
+ delete_dhcp_ovs_bridge(vlan, net_id)
+ delete_mac_dhcp(vm_ip, vlan, mac)
+ config_dic['host_threads'][server['host_id']].insert_task('del-ovs-port', vlan, net_id)
+ return format_out(data + warn_text)
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/servers/<server_id>', method='DELETE')
+def http_delete_server_id(tenant_id, server_id):
+ '''delete a server'''
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ return
+ return http_server_action(server_id, tenant_id, {"terminate":None} )
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/<tenant_id>/servers/<server_id>/action', method='POST')
+def http_post_server_action(tenant_id, server_id):
+ '''take an action over a server'''
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #check valid tenant_id
+ result,content = check_valid_tenant(my, tenant_id)
+ if result != 0:
+ bottle.abort(result, content)
+ return
+ http_content = format_in( server_action_schema )
+ #r = remove_extra_items(http_content, server_action_schema)
+ #if r is not None: print "http_post_server_action: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ return http_server_action(server_id, tenant_id, http_content)
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks', method='GET')
+def http_get_networks():
+ """
+ Get all networks available
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ # obtain data
+ select_, where_, limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_network,
+ ('id', 'name', 'tenant_id', 'type',
+ 'shared', 'provider:vlan', 'status', 'last_error',
+ 'admin_state_up', 'provider:physical'))
+ if "tenant_id" in where_:
+ del where_["tenant_id"]
+ content = my.ovim.get_networks(select_, where_, limit_)
+ delete_nulls(content)
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_network, reverse=True)
+ data = {'networks': content}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/<network_id>', method='GET')
+def http_get_network_id(network_id):
+ """
+ Get a network data by id
+ :param network_id:
+ :return:
+ """
+ data = get_network_id(network_id)
+ return format_out(data)
+def get_network_id(network_id):
+ """
+ Get network from DB by id
+ :param network_id: network Id
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ # obtain data
+ where_ = bottle.request.query
+ content = my.ovim.show_network(network_id, where_)
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_network, reverse=True)
+ delete_nulls(content)
+ data = {'network': content}
+ return data
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks', method='POST')
+def http_post_networks():
+ """
+ Insert a network into the database.
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ # parse input data
+ http_content = format_in(network_new_schema )
+ r = remove_extra_items(http_content, network_new_schema)
+ if r is not None:
+ print "http_post_networks: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ change_keys_http2db(http_content['network'], http2db_network)
+ network = http_content['network']
+ content = my.ovim.new_network(network)
+ return format_out(get_network_id(content))
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/<network_id>', method='PUT')
+def http_put_network_id(network_id):
+ """
+ Update a network_id into DB.
+ :param network_id: network id
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ # parse input data
+ http_content = format_in(network_update_schema)
+ change_keys_http2db(http_content['network'], http2db_network)
+ network = http_content['network']
+ return format_out(my.ovim.edit_network(network_id, network))
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/<network_id>', method='DELETE')
+def http_delete_network_id(network_id):
+ """
+ Delete a network_id from the database.
+ :param network_id: Network id
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ # delete from the data base
+ content = my.ovim.delete_network(network_id)
+ data = {'result': content}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/controller', method='GET')
+def http_get_openflow_controller():
+ """
+ Retrieve a openflow controllers list from DB.
+ :return:
+ """
+ # TODO check if show a proper list
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ select_, where_, limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_ofc,
+ ('id', 'name', 'dpid', 'ip', 'port', 'type',
+ 'version', 'user', 'password'))
+ content = my.ovim.get_of_controllers(select_, where_)
+ delete_nulls(content)
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_ofc, reverse=True)
+ data = {'ofcs': content}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/controller/<uuid>', method='GET')
+def http_get_openflow_controller_id(uuid):
+ """
+ Get an openflow controller by dpid from DB.get_of_controllers
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ content = my.ovim.show_of_controller(uuid)
+ delete_nulls(content)
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_ofc, reverse=True)
+ data = {'ofc': content}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/controller/', method='POST')
+def http_post_openflow_controller():
+ """
+ Create a new openflow controller into DB
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ http_content = format_in(openflow_controller_schema)
+ of_c = http_content['ofc']
+ uuid = my.ovim.new_of_controller(of_c)
+ content = my.ovim.show_of_controller(uuid)
+ delete_nulls(content)
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_ofc, reverse=True)
+ data = {'ofc': content}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/controller/<of_controller_id>', method='PUT')
+def http_put_openflow_controller_by_id(of_controller_id):
+ """
+ Create an openflow controller into DB
+ :param of_controller_id: openflow controller dpid
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ http_content = format_in(openflow_controller_schema)
+ of_c = http_content['ofc']
+ content = my.ovim.edit_of_controller(of_controller_id, of_c)
+ delete_nulls(content)
+ change_keys_http2db(content, http2db_ofc, reverse=True)
+ data = {'ofc': content}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/controller/<of_controller_id>', method='DELETE')
+def http_delete_openflow_controller(of_controller_id):
+ """
+ Delete an openflow controller from DB.
+ :param of_controller_id: openflow controller dpid
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ content = my.ovim.delete_of_controller(of_controller_id)
+ data = {'result': content}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/<network_id>/openflow', method='GET')
+def http_get_openflow_id(network_id):
+ """
+ To obtain the list of openflow rules of a network
+ :param network_id: network id
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ # ignore input data
+ if network_id == 'all':
+ network_id = None
+ try:
+ content = my.ovim.get_openflow_rules(network_id)
+ data = {'openflow-rules': content}
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+ return format_out(data)
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/<network_id>/openflow', method='PUT')
+def http_put_openflow_id(network_id):
+ """
+ To make actions over the net. The action is to reinstall the openflow rules
+ network_id can be 'all'
+ :param network_id: network id
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ if not my.admin:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges")
+ if network_id == 'all':
+ network_id = None
+ try:
+ result = my.ovim.edit_openflow_rules(network_id)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+ data = {'result': str(result) + " nets updates"}
+ return format_out(data)
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/clear/openflow/<ofc_id>', method='DELETE')
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/clear/openflow', method='DELETE')
+def http_clear_openflow_rules(ofc_id=None):
+ """
+ To make actions over the net. The action is to delete ALL openflow rules
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name]
+ if not my.admin:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges")
+ try:
+ my.ovim.delete_openflow_rules(ofc_id)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+ data = {'result': " Clearing openflow rules in process"}
+ return format_out(data)
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/openflow/ports/<ofc_id>', method='GET')
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/networks/openflow/ports', method='GET')
+def http_get_openflow_ports(ofc_id=None):
+ """
+ Obtain switch ports names of openflow controller
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ ports = my.ovim.get_openflow_ports(ofc_id)
+ data = {'ports': ports}
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+ return format_out(data)
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/ports', method='GET')
+def http_get_ports():
+ #obtain data
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ select_,where_,limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_port,
+ ('id','name','tenant_id','network_id','vpci','mac_address','device_owner','device_id',
+ 'binding:switch_port','binding:vlan','bandwidth','status','admin_state_up','ip_address') )
+ try:
+ ports = my.ovim.get_ports(columns=select_, filter=where_, limit=limit_)
+ delete_nulls(ports)
+ change_keys_http2db(ports, http2db_port, reverse=True)
+ data={'ports' : ports}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/ports/<port_id>', method='GET')
+def http_get_port_id(port_id):
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ try:
+ ports = my.ovim.get_ports(filter={"uuid": port_id})
+ if not ports:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Not_Found, 'port %s not found' % port_id)
+ return
+ delete_nulls(ports)
+ change_keys_http2db(ports, http2db_port, reverse=True)
+ data = {'port': ports[0]}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/ports', method='POST')
+def http_post_ports():
+ '''insert an external port into the database.'''
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ if not my.admin:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges")
+ #parse input data
+ http_content = format_in( port_new_schema )
+ r = remove_extra_items(http_content, port_new_schema)
+ if r is not None: print "http_post_ports: Warning: remove extra items ", r
+ change_keys_http2db(http_content['port'], http2db_port)
+ port=http_content['port']
+ try:
+ port_id = my.ovim.new_port(port)
+ ports = my.ovim.get_ports(filter={"uuid": port_id})
+ if not ports:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "port '{}' inserted but not found at database".format(port_id))
+ return
+ delete_nulls(ports)
+ change_keys_http2db(ports, http2db_port, reverse=True)
+ data = {'port': ports[0]}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/ports/<port_id>', method='PUT')
+def http_put_port_id(port_id):
+ '''update a port_id into the database.'''
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ #parse input data
+ http_content = format_in( port_update_schema )
+ change_keys_http2db(http_content['port'], http2db_port)
+ port_dict=http_content['port']
+ for k in ('vlan', 'switch_port', 'mac_address', 'tenant_id'):
+ if k in port_dict and not my.admin:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges for changing " + k)
+ return
+ try:
+ port_id = my.ovim.edit_port(port_id, port_dict, my.admin)
+ ports = my.ovim.get_ports(filter={"uuid": port_id})
+ if not ports:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "port '{}' edited but not found at database".format(port_id))
+ return
+ delete_nulls(ports)
+ change_keys_http2db(ports, http2db_port, reverse=True)
+ data = {'port': ports[0]}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/ports/<port_id>', method='DELETE')
+def http_delete_port_id(port_id):
+ '''delete a port_id from the database.'''
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][ threading.current_thread().name ]
+ if not my.admin:
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Unauthorized, "Needed admin privileges")
+ return
+ try:
+ result = my.ovim.delete_port(port_id)
+ data = {'result': result}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/mapping', method='POST')
+def http_of_port_mapping():
+ """
+ Create new compute port mapping entry
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ http_content = format_in(of_port_map_new_schema)
+ r = remove_extra_items(http_content, of_port_map_new_schema)
+ if r is not None:
+ my.logger.error("http_of_port_mapping: Warning: remove extra items " + str(r), exc_info=True)
+ # insert in data base
+ port_mapping = my.ovim.set_of_port_mapping(http_content['of_port_mapings'])
+ change_keys_http2db(port_mapping, http2db_id, reverse=True)
+ delete_nulls(port_mapping)
+ data = {'of_port_mappings': port_mapping}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/mapping', method='GET')
+def get_of_port_mapping():
+ """
+ Get compute port mapping
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ select_, where_, limit_ = filter_query_string(bottle.request.query, http2db_id,
+ ('id', 'ofc_id', 'region', 'compute_node', 'pci',
+ 'switch_dpid', 'switch_port', 'switch_mac'))
+ # insert in data base
+ port_mapping = my.ovim.get_of_port_mappings(select_, where_)
+ change_keys_http2db(port_mapping, http2db_id, reverse=True)
+ delete_nulls(port_mapping)
+ data = {'of_port_mappings': port_mapping}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
+@bottle.route(url_base + '/openflow/mapping/<region>', method='DELETE')
+def delete_of_port_mapping(region):
+ """
+ Insert a tenant into the database.
+ :return:
+ """
+ my = config_dic['http_threads'][threading.current_thread().name]
+ try:
+ # insert in data base
+ db_filter = {'region': region}
+ result = my.ovim.clear_of_port_mapping(db_filter)
+ data = {'result': result}
+ return format_out(data)
+ except ovim.ovimException as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(e.http_code, str(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ my.logger.error(str(e), exc_info=True)
+ bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, str(e))
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2016, I2T Research Group (UPV/EHU)
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: alaitz.mendiola@ehu.eus or alaitz.mendiola@gmail.com
+ImplementS the pluging for the Open Network Operating System (ONOS) openflow
+controller. It creates the class OF_conn to create dataplane connections
+with static rules based on packet destination MAC address
+__author__="Alaitz Mendiola"
+__date__ ="$22-nov-2016$"
+import json
+import requests
+import base64
+import logging
+import openflow_conn
+class OF_conn(openflow_conn.OpenflowConn):
+ """
+ ONOS connector. No MAC learning is used
+ """
+ def __init__(self, params):
+ """ Constructor.
+ Params: dictionary with the following keys:
+ of_dpid: DPID to use for this controller ?? Does a controller have a dpid?
+ of_ip: controller IP address
+ of_port: controller TCP port
+ of_user: user credentials, can be missing or None
+ of_password: password credentials
+ of_debug: debug level for logging. Default to ERROR
+ other keys are ignored
+ Raise an exception if same parameter is missing or wrong
+ """
+ openflow_conn.OpenflowConn.__init__(self, params)
+ # check params
+ if "of_ip" not in params or params["of_ip"]==None or "of_port" not in params or params["of_port"]==None:
+ raise ValueError("IP address and port must be provided")
+ #internal variables
+ self.name = "onos"
+ self.headers = {'content-type':'application/json','accept':'application/json',}
+ self.auth="None"
+ self.pp2ofi={} # From Physical Port to OpenFlow Index
+ self.ofi2pp={} # From OpenFlow Index to Physical Port
+ self.dpid = str(params["of_dpid"])
+ self.id = 'of:'+str(self.dpid.replace(':', ''))
+ self.url = "http://%s:%s/onos/v1/" %( str(params["of_ip"]), str(params["of_port"] ) )
+ # TODO This may not be straightforward
+ if "of_user" in params and params["of_user"]!=None:
+ if not params.get("of_password"):
+ of_password=""
+ else:
+ of_password=str(params["of_password"])
+ self.auth = base64.b64encode(str(params["of_user"])+":"+of_password)
+ self.headers['authorization'] = 'Basic ' + self.auth
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('vim.OF.onos')
+ self.logger.setLevel( getattr(logging, params.get("of_debug", "ERROR")) )
+ self.ip_address = None
+ def get_of_switches(self):
+ """
+ Obtain a a list of switches or DPID detected by this controller
+ :return: list where each element a tuple pair (DPID, IP address)
+ Raise a openflowconnUnexpectedResponse expection in case of failure
+ """
+ try:
+ self.headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
+ of_response = requests.get(self.url + "devices", headers=self.headers)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ info = of_response.json()
+ if type(info) != dict:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response, not a dict: %s", str(info))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, not a dict. Wrong version?")
+ node_list = info.get('devices')
+ if type(node_list) is not list:
+ self.logger.error(
+ "get_of_switches. Unexpected response, at 'devices', not found or not a list: %s",
+ str(type(node_list)))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response, at 'devices', not found "
+ "or not a list. Wrong version?")
+ switch_list = []
+ for node in node_list:
+ node_id = node.get('id')
+ if node_id is None:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response at 'device':'id', not found: %s",
+ str(node))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'device':'id', "
+ "not found . Wrong version?")
+ node_ip_address = node.get('annotations').get('managementAddress')
+ if node_ip_address is None:
+ self.logger.error(
+ "get_of_switches. Unexpected response at 'device':'managementAddress', not found: %s",
+ str(node))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(
+ "Unexpected response at 'device':'managementAddress', not found. Wrong version?")
+ node_id_hex = hex(int(node_id.split(':')[1])).split('x')[1].zfill(16)
+ switch_list.append(
+ (':'.join(a + b for a, b in zip(node_id_hex[::2], node_id_hex[1::2])), node_ip_address))
+ raise switch_list
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("get_of_switches " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ def obtain_port_correspondence(self):
+ """
+ Obtain the correspondence between physical and openflow port names
+ :return: dictionary with physical name as key, openflow name as value
+ Raise a openflowconnUnexpectedResponse expection in case of failure
+ """
+ try:
+ self.headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
+ of_response = requests.get(self.url + "devices/" + self.id + "/ports", headers=self.headers)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ info = of_response.json()
+ node_connector_list = info.get('ports')
+ if type(node_connector_list) is not list:
+ self.logger.error(
+ "obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response at 'ports', not found or not a list: %s",
+ str(node_connector_list))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'ports', not found or not "
+ "a list. Wrong version?")
+ for node_connector in node_connector_list:
+ if node_connector['port'] != "local":
+ self.pp2ofi[str(node_connector['annotations']['portName'])] = str(node_connector['port'])
+ self.ofi2pp[str(node_connector['port'])] = str(node_connector['annotations']['portName'])
+ node_ip_address = info['annotations']['managementAddress']
+ if node_ip_address is None:
+ self.logger.error(
+ "obtain_port_correspondence. Unexpected response at 'managementAddress', not found: %s",
+ str(self.id))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'managementAddress', "
+ "not found. Wrong version?")
+ self.ip_address = node_ip_address
+ # print self.name, ": obtain_port_correspondence ports:", self.pp2ofi
+ return self.pp2ofi
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ def get_of_rules(self, translate_of_ports=True):
+ """
+ Obtain the rules inserted at openflow controller
+ :param translate_of_ports: if True it translates ports from openflow index to physical switch name
+ :return: dict if ok: with the rule name as key and value is another dictionary with the following content:
+ priority: rule priority
+ name: rule name (present also as the master dict key)
+ ingress_port: match input port of the rule
+ dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
+ vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
+ actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples:
+ (vlan, None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
+ (out, port): send to this port
+ switch: DPID, all
+ Raise a openflowconnUnexpectedResponse expection in case of failure
+ """
+ try:
+ if len(self.ofi2pp) == 0:
+ self.obtain_port_correspondence()
+ # get rules
+ self.headers['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
+ of_response = requests.get(self.url + "flows/" + self.id, headers=self.headers)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ # The configured page does not exist if there are no rules installed. In that case we return an empty dict
+ if of_response.status_code == 404:
+ return {}
+ elif of_response.status_code != 200:
+ self.logger.warning("get_of_rules " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("get_of_rules " + error_text)
+ info = of_response.json()
+ if type(info) != dict:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_rules. Unexpected response, not a dict: %s", str(info))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected openflow response, not a dict. "
+ "Wrong version?")
+ flow_list = info.get('flows')
+ if flow_list is None:
+ return {}
+ if type(flow_list) is not list:
+ self.logger.error(
+ "get_of_rules. Unexpected response at 'flows', not a list: %s",
+ str(type(flow_list)))
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Unexpected response at 'flows', not a list. "
+ "Wrong version?")
+ rules = dict() # Response dictionary
+ for flow in flow_list:
+ if not ('id' in flow and 'selector' in flow and 'treatment' in flow and \
+ 'instructions' in flow['treatment'] and 'criteria' in \
+ flow['selector']):
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("unexpected openflow response, one or more "
+ "elements are missing. Wrong version?")
+ rule = dict()
+ rule['switch'] = self.dpid
+ rule['priority'] = flow.get('priority')
+ rule['name'] = flow['id']
+ for criteria in flow['selector']['criteria']:
+ if criteria['type'] == 'IN_PORT':
+ in_port = str(criteria['port'])
+ if in_port != "CONTROLLER":
+ if not in_port in self.ofi2pp:
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Error: Ingress port {} is not "
+ "in switch port list".format(in_port))
+ if translate_of_ports:
+ in_port = self.ofi2pp[in_port]
+ rule['ingress_port'] = in_port
+ elif criteria['type'] == 'VLAN_VID':
+ rule['vlan_id'] = criteria['vlanId']
+ elif criteria['type'] == 'ETH_DST':
+ rule['dst_mac'] = str(criteria['mac']).lower()
+ actions = []
+ for instruction in flow['treatment']['instructions']:
+ if instruction['type'] == "OUTPUT":
+ out_port = str(instruction['port'])
+ if out_port != "CONTROLLER":
+ if not out_port in self.ofi2pp:
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("Error: Output port {} is not in "
+ "switch port list".format(out_port))
+ if translate_of_ports:
+ out_port = self.ofi2pp[out_port]
+ actions.append( ('out', out_port) )
+ if instruction['type'] == "L2MODIFICATION" and instruction['subtype'] == "VLAN_POP":
+ actions.append( ('vlan', 'None') )
+ if instruction['type'] == "L2MODIFICATION" and instruction['subtype'] == "VLAN_ID":
+ actions.append( ('vlan', instruction['vlanId']) )
+ rule['actions'] = actions
+ rules[flow['id']] = dict(rule)
+ return rules
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("get_of_rules " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ # ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("get_of_rules " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ def del_flow(self, flow_name):
+ """
+ Delete an existing rule
+ :param flow_name:
+ :return: Raise a openflowconnUnexpectedResponse expection in case of failure
+ """
+ try:
+ self.headers['content-type'] = None
+ of_response = requests.delete(self.url + "flows/" + self.id + "/" + flow_name, headers=self.headers)
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 204:
+ self.logger.warning("del_flow " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ self.logger.debug("del_flow OK " + error_text)
+ return None
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("del_flow " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+ def new_flow(self, data):
+ """
+ Insert a new static rule
+ :param data: dictionary with the following content:
+ priority: rule priority
+ name: rule name
+ ingress_port: match input port of the rule
+ dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, missing or None if not apply
+ vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, missing or None if not apply
+ actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples with these posibilities:
+ ('vlan', None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
+ ('out', port): send to this port
+ :return: Raise a openflowconnUnexpectedResponse expection in case of failure
+ """
+ try:
+ if len(self.pp2ofi) == 0:
+ self.obtain_port_correspondence()
+ # Build the dictionary with the flow rule information for ONOS
+ flow = dict()
+ #flow['id'] = data['name']
+ flow['tableId'] = 0
+ flow['priority'] = data.get('priority')
+ flow['timeout'] = 0
+ flow['isPermanent'] = "true"
+ flow['appId'] = 10 # FIXME We should create an appId for OSM
+ flow['selector'] = dict()
+ flow['selector']['criteria'] = list()
+ # Flow rule matching criteria
+ if not data['ingress_port'] in self.pp2ofi:
+ error_text = 'Error. Port ' + data['ingress_port'] + ' is not present in the switch'
+ self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ ingress_port_criteria = dict()
+ ingress_port_criteria['type'] = "IN_PORT"
+ ingress_port_criteria['port'] = self.pp2ofi[data['ingress_port']]
+ flow['selector']['criteria'].append(ingress_port_criteria)
+ if 'dst_mac' in data:
+ dst_mac_criteria = dict()
+ dst_mac_criteria["type"] = "ETH_DST"
+ dst_mac_criteria["mac"] = data['dst_mac']
+ flow['selector']['criteria'].append(dst_mac_criteria)
+ if data.get('vlan_id'):
+ vlan_criteria = dict()
+ vlan_criteria["type"] = "VLAN_VID"
+ vlan_criteria["vlanId"] = int(data['vlan_id'])
+ flow['selector']['criteria'].append(vlan_criteria)
+ # Flow rule treatment
+ flow['treatment'] = dict()
+ flow['treatment']['instructions'] = list()
+ flow['treatment']['deferred'] = list()
+ for action in data['actions']:
+ new_action = dict()
+ if action[0] == "vlan":
+ new_action['type'] = "L2MODIFICATION"
+ if action[1] == None:
+ new_action['subtype'] = "VLAN_POP"
+ else:
+ new_action['subtype'] = "VLAN_ID"
+ new_action['vlanId'] = int(action[1])
+ elif action[0] == 'out':
+ new_action['type'] = "OUTPUT"
+ if not action[1] in self.pp2ofi:
+ error_msj = 'Port '+ action[1] + ' is not present in the switch'
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_msj)
+ new_action['port'] = self.pp2ofi[action[1]]
+ else:
+ error_msj = "Unknown item '%s' in action list" % action[0]
+ self.logger.error("new_flow " + error_msj)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_msj)
+ flow['treatment']['instructions'].append(new_action)
+ self.headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'
+ path = self.url + "flows/" + self.id
+ of_response = requests.post(path, headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(flow) )
+ error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
+ if of_response.status_code != 201:
+ self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(error_text)
+ flowId = of_response.headers['location'][path.__len__() + 1:]
+ data['name'] = flowId
+ self.logger.debug("new_flow OK " + error_text)
+ return None
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("new_flow " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
+ def clear_all_flows(self):
+ """
+ Delete all existing rules
+ :return: Raise a openflowconnUnexpectedResponse expection in case of failure
+ """
+ try:
+ rules = self.get_of_rules(True)
+ for rule in rules:
+ self.del_flow(rule)
+ self.logger.debug("clear_all_flows OK ")
+ return None
+ except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
+ error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+ self.logger.error("clear_all_flows " + error_text)
+ raise openflow_conn.OpenflowconnConnectionException(error_text)
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openmano
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+import logging
+import base64
+vimconn implement an Abstract class for the vim connector plugins
+ with the definition of the method to be implemented.
+__author__ = "Alfonso Tierno, Leonardo Mirabal"
+__date__ = "$16-oct-2015 11:09:29$"
+# Error variables
+HTTP_Bad_Request = 400
+HTTP_Unauthorized = 401
+HTTP_Not_Found = 404
+HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed = 405
+HTTP_Request_Timeout = 408
+HTTP_Conflict = 409
+HTTP_Not_Implemented = 501
+HTTP_Service_Unavailable = 503
+HTTP_Internal_Server_Error = 500
+class OpenflowconnException(Exception):
+ """Common and base class Exception for all vimconnector exceptions"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Bad_Request):
+ Exception.__init__(self, message)
+ self.http_code = http_code
+class OpenflowconnConnectionException(OpenflowconnException):
+ """Connectivity error with the VIM"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Service_Unavailable):
+ OpenflowconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
+class OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse(OpenflowconnException):
+ """Get an wrong response from VIM"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Internal_Server_Error):
+ OpenflowconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
+class OpenflowconnAuthException(OpenflowconnException):
+ """Invalid credentials or authorization to perform this action over the VIM"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Unauthorized):
+ OpenflowconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
+class OpenflowconnNotFoundException(OpenflowconnException):
+ """The item is not found at VIM"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Not_Found):
+ OpenflowconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
+class OpenflowconnConflictException(OpenflowconnException):
+ """There is a conflict, e.g. more item found than one"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Conflict):
+ OpenflowconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
+class OpenflowconnNotSupportedException(OpenflowconnException):
+ """The request is not supported by connector"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Service_Unavailable):
+ OpenflowconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
+class OpenflowconnNotImplemented(OpenflowconnException):
+ """The method is not implemented by the connected"""
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Not_Implemented):
+ OpenflowconnException.__init__(self, message, http_code)
+class OpenflowConn:
+ """
+ Openflow controller connector abstract implementeation.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, params):
+ self.name = "openflow_conector"
+ self.headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
+ self.auth = None
+ self.pp2ofi = {} # From Physical Port to OpenFlow Index
+ self.ofi2pp = {} # From OpenFlow Index to Physical Port
+ self.dpid = '00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07'
+ self.id = 'openflow:00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07'
+ self.rules = {}
+ self.url = "http://%s:%s" % ('localhost', str(8081))
+ self.auth = base64.b64encode('of_user:of_password')
+ self.headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + self.auth
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('openflow_conn')
+ self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, params.get("of_debug", "ERROR")))
+ self.ip_address = None
+ def get_of_switches(self):
+ """"
+ Obtain a a list of switches or DPID detected by this controller
+ :return: list length, and a list where each element a tuple pair (DPID, IP address), text_error: if fails
+ """
+ raise OpenflowconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def obtain_port_correspondence(self):
+ """
+ Obtain the correspondence between physical and openflow port names
+ :return: dictionary: with physical name as key, openflow name as value, error_text: if fails
+ """
+ raise OpenflowconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def get_of_rules(self, translate_of_ports=True):
+ """
+ Obtain the rules inserted at openflow controller
+ :param translate_of_ports: if True it translates ports from openflow index to physical switch name
+ :return: dict if ok: with the rule name as key and value is another dictionary with the following content:
+ priority: rule priority
+ name: rule name (present also as the master dict key)
+ ingress_port: match input port of the rule
+ dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
+ vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
+ actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples:
+ (vlan, None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
+ (out, port): send to this port
+ switch: DPID, all
+ text_error if fails
+ """
+ raise OpenflowconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def del_flow(self, flow_name):
+ """
+ Delete all existing rules
+ :param flow_name: flow_name, this is the rule name
+ :return: None if ok, text_error if fails
+ """
+ raise OpenflowconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def new_flow(self, data):
+ """
+ Insert a new static rule
+ :param data: dictionary with the following content:
+ priority: rule priority
+ name: rule name
+ ingress_port: match input port of the rule
+ dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, missing or None if not apply
+ vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, missing or None if not apply
+ actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples with these posibilities:
+ ('vlan', None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
+ ('out', port): send to this port
+ :return: None if ok, text_error if fails
+ """
+ raise OpenflowconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+ def clear_all_flows(self):
+ """"
+ Delete all existing rules
+ :return: None if ok, text_error if fails
+ """
+ raise OpenflowconnNotImplemented("Should have implemented this")
+class OfTestConnector(OpenflowConn):
+ """
+ This is a fake openflow connector for testing.
+ It does nothing and it is used for running openvim without an openflow controller
+ """
+ def __init__(self, params):
+ OpenflowConn.__init__(self, params)
+ name = params.get("name", "test-ofc")
+ self.name = name
+ self.dpid = params.get("dpid")
+ self.rules = {}
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('vim.OF.TEST')
+ self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, params.get("of_debug", "ERROR")))
+ self.pp2ofi = {}
+ def get_of_switches(self):
+ return ()
+ def obtain_port_correspondence(self):
+ return ()
+ def del_flow(self, flow_name):
+ if flow_name in self.rules:
+ self.logger.debug("del_flow OK")
+ del self.rules[flow_name]
+ return None
+ else:
+ self.logger.warning("del_flow not found")
+ raise OpenflowconnUnexpectedResponse("flow {} not found".format(flow_name))
+ def new_flow(self, data):
+ self.rules[data["name"]] = data
+ self.logger.debug("new_flow OK")
+ return None
+ def get_of_rules(self, translate_of_ports=True):
+ return self.rules
+ def clear_all_flows(self):
+ self.logger.debug("clear_all_flows OK")
+ self.rules = {}
+ return None
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+This thread interacts with a openflow controller to create dataplane connections
+__author__="Pablo Montes, Alfonso Tierno"
+__date__ ="17-jul-2015"
+#import json
+import threading
+import time
+import Queue
+import requests
+import logging
+import openflow_conn
+class FlowBadFormat(Exception):
+ '''raise when a bad format of flow is found'''
+def change_of2db(flow):
+ '''Change 'flow' dictionary from openflow format to database format
+ Basically the change consist of changing 'flow[actions] from a list of
+ double tuple to a string
+ from [(A,B),(C,D),..] to "A=B,C=D" '''
+ action_str_list=[]
+ if type(flow)!=dict or "actions" not in flow:
+ raise FlowBadFormat("Bad input parameters, expect dictionary with 'actions' as key")
+ try:
+ for action in flow['actions']:
+ action_str_list.append( action[0] + "=" + str(action[1]) )
+ flow['actions'] = ",".join(action_str_list)
+ except:
+ raise FlowBadFormat("Unexpected format at 'actions'")
+def change_db2of(flow):
+ '''Change 'flow' dictionary from database format to openflow format
+ Basically the change consist of changing 'flow[actions]' from a string to
+ a double tuple list
+ from "A=B,C=D,..." to [(A,B),(C,D),..]
+ raise FlowBadFormat '''
+ actions=[]
+ if type(flow)!=dict or "actions" not in flow or type(flow["actions"])!=str:
+ raise FlowBadFormat("Bad input parameters, expect dictionary with 'actions' as key")
+ action_list = flow['actions'].split(",")
+ for action_item in action_list:
+ action_tuple = action_item.split("=")
+ if len(action_tuple) != 2:
+ raise FlowBadFormat("Expected key=value format at 'actions'")
+ if action_tuple[0].strip().lower()=="vlan":
+ if action_tuple[1].strip().lower() in ("none", "strip"):
+ actions.append( ("vlan",None) )
+ else:
+ try:
+ actions.append( ("vlan", int(action_tuple[1])) )
+ except:
+ raise FlowBadFormat("Expected integer after vlan= at 'actions'")
+ elif action_tuple[0].strip().lower()=="out":
+ actions.append( ("out", str(action_tuple[1])) )
+ else:
+ raise FlowBadFormat("Unexpected '%s' at 'actions'"%action_tuple[0])
+ flow['actions'] = actions
+class openflow_thread(threading.Thread):
+ """
+ This thread interacts with a openflow controller to create dataplane connections
+ """
+ def __init__(self, of_uuid, of_connector, db, db_lock, of_test, pmp_with_same_vlan=False, debug='ERROR'):
+ threading.Thread.__init__(self)
+ self.of_uuid = of_uuid
+ self.db = db
+ self.pmp_with_same_vlan = pmp_with_same_vlan
+ self.name = "openflow"
+ self.test = of_test
+ self.db_lock = db_lock
+ self.OF_connector = of_connector
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger('vim.OF-' + of_uuid)
+ self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, debug))
+ self.logger.name = of_connector.name + " " + self.OF_connector.dpid
+ self.queueLock = threading.Lock()
+ self.taskQueue = Queue.Queue(2000)
+ def insert_task(self, task, *aditional):
+ try:
+ self.queueLock.acquire()
+ task = self.taskQueue.put( (task,) + aditional, timeout=5)
+ self.queueLock.release()
+ return 1, None
+ except Queue.Full:
+ return -1, "timeout inserting a task over openflow thread " + self.name
+ def run(self):
+ self.logger.debug("Start openflow thread")
+ self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_ACTIVE)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ self.queueLock.acquire()
+ if not self.taskQueue.empty():
+ task = self.taskQueue.get()
+ else:
+ task = None
+ self.queueLock.release()
+ if task is None:
+ time.sleep(1)
+ continue
+ if task[0] == 'update-net':
+ r,c = self.update_of_flows(task[1])
+ # update database status
+ if r<0:
+ UPDATE={'status':'ERROR', 'last_error': str(c)}
+ self.logger.error("processing task 'update-net' %s: %s", str(task[1]), c)
+ self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_ERROR, "Error updating net {}".format(task[1]))
+ else:
+ UPDATE={'status':'ACTIVE', 'last_error': None}
+ self.logger.debug("processing task 'update-net' %s: OK", str(task[1]))
+ self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_ACTIVE)
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ self.db.update_rows('nets', UPDATE, WHERE={'uuid': task[1]})
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ elif task[0] == 'clear-all':
+ r,c = self.clear_all_flows()
+ if r<0:
+ self.logger.error("processing task 'clear-all': %s", c)
+ self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_ERROR, "Error deleting all flows")
+ else:
+ self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_ACTIVE)
+ self.logger.debug("processing task 'clear-all': OK")
+ elif task[0] == 'exit':
+ self.logger.debug("exit from openflow_thread")
+ self.terminate()
+ self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_INACTIVE, "Ofc with thread killed")
+ return 0
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("unknown task %s", str(task))
+ except openflow_conn.OpenflowconnException as e:
+ self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_ERROR, str(e))
+ def terminate(self):
+ pass
+ # print self.name, ": exit from openflow_thread"
+ def update_of_flows(self, net_id):
+ ports=()
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ select_= ('type','admin_state_up', 'vlan', 'provider', 'bind_net','bind_type','uuid')
+ result, nets = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets', SELECT=select_, WHERE={'uuid':net_id} )
+ #get all the networks binding to this
+ if result > 0:
+ if nets[0]['bind_net']:
+ bind_id = nets[0]['bind_net']
+ else:
+ bind_id = net_id
+ #get our net and all bind_nets
+ result, nets = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets', SELECT=select_,
+ WHERE_OR={'bind_net':bind_id, 'uuid':bind_id} )
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if result < 0:
+ return -1, "DB error getting net: " + nets
+ #elif result==0:
+ #net has been deleted
+ ifaces_nb = 0
+ database_flows = []
+ for net in nets:
+ net_id = net["uuid"]
+ if net['admin_state_up'] == 'false':
+ net['ports'] = ()
+ else:
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ nb_ports, net_ports = self.db.get_table(
+ FROM='ports',
+ SELECT=('switch_port','vlan','uuid','mac','type','model'),
+ WHERE={'net_id':net_id, 'admin_state_up':'true', 'status':'ACTIVE'} )
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if nb_ports < 0:
+ #print self.name, ": update_of_flows() ERROR getting ports", ports
+ return -1, "DB error getting ports from net '%s': %s" % (net_id, net_ports)
+ #add the binding as an external port
+ if net['provider'] and net['provider'][:9]=="openflow:":
+ external_port={"type":"external","mac":None}
+ external_port['uuid'] = net_id + ".1" #fake uuid
+ if net['provider'][-5:]==":vlan":
+ external_port["vlan"] = net["vlan"]
+ external_port["switch_port"] = net['provider'][9:-5]
+ else:
+ external_port["vlan"] = None
+ external_port["switch_port"] = net['provider'][9:]
+ net_ports = net_ports + (external_port,)
+ nb_ports += 1
+ net['ports'] = net_ports
+ ifaces_nb += nb_ports
+ # Get the name of flows that will be affected by this NET
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ result, database_net_flows = self.db.get_table(FROM='of_flows', WHERE={'net_id':net_id})
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if result < 0:
+ error_msg = "DB error getting flows from net '{}': {}".format(net_id, database_net_flows)
+ # print self.name, ": update_of_flows() ERROR getting flows from database", database_flows
+ return -1, error_msg
+ database_flows += database_net_flows
+ # Get the name of flows where net_id==NULL that means net deleted (At DB foreign key: On delete set null)
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ result, database_net_flows = self.db.get_table(FROM='of_flows', WHERE={'net_id':None})
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if result < 0:
+ error_msg = "DB error getting flows from net 'null': {}".format(database_net_flows)
+ # print self.name, ": update_of_flows() ERROR getting flows from database", database_flows
+ return -1, error_msg
+ database_flows += database_net_flows
+ # Get the existing flows at openflow controller
+ try:
+ of_flows = self.OF_connector.get_of_rules()
+ # print self.name, ": update_of_flows() ERROR getting flows from controller", of_flows
+ except openflow_conn.OpenflowconnException as e:
+ # self.set_openflow_controller_status(OFC_STATUS_ERROR, "OF error {} getting flows".format(str(e)))
+ return -1, "OF error {} getting flows".format(str(e))
+ if ifaces_nb < 2:
+ pass
+ elif net['type'] == 'ptp':
+ if ifaces_nb > 2:
+ #print self.name, 'Error, network '+str(net_id)+' has been defined as ptp but it has '+\
+ # str(ifaces_nb)+' interfaces.'
+ return -1, "'ptp' type network cannot connect %d interfaces, only 2" % ifaces_nb
+ elif net['type'] == 'data':
+ if ifaces_nb > 2 and self.pmp_with_same_vlan:
+ # check all ports are VLAN (tagged) or none
+ vlan_tag = None
+ for port in ports:
+ if port["type"]=="external":
+ if port["vlan"] != None:
+ if port["vlan"]!=net["vlan"]:
+ text="External port vlan-tag and net vlan-tag must be the same when flag 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan' is True"
+ #print self.name, "Error", text
+ return -1, text
+ if vlan_tag == None:
+ vlan_tag=True
+ elif vlan_tag==False:
+ text="Passthrough and external port vlan-tagged cannot be connected when flag 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan' is True"
+ #print self.name, "Error", text
+ return -1, text
+ else:
+ if vlan_tag == None:
+ vlan_tag=False
+ elif vlan_tag == True:
+ text="SR-IOV and external port not vlan-tagged cannot be connected when flag 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan' is True"
+ #print self.name, "Error", text
+ return -1, text
+ elif port["model"]=="PF" or port["model"]=="VFnotShared":
+ if vlan_tag == None:
+ vlan_tag=False
+ elif vlan_tag==True:
+ text="Passthrough and SR-IOV ports cannot be connected when flag 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan' is True"
+ #print self.name, "Error", text
+ return -1, text
+ elif port["model"] == "VF":
+ if vlan_tag == None:
+ vlan_tag=True
+ elif vlan_tag==False:
+ text="Passthrough and SR-IOV ports cannot be connected when flag 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan' is True"
+ #print self.name, "Error", text
+ return -1, text
+ else:
+ return -1, 'Only ptp and data networks are supported for openflow'
+ # calculate new flows to be inserted
+ result, new_flows = self._compute_net_flows(nets)
+ if result < 0:
+ return result, new_flows
+ #modify database flows format and get the used names
+ used_names=[]
+ for flow in database_flows:
+ try:
+ change_db2of(flow)
+ except FlowBadFormat as e:
+ self.logger.error("Exception FlowBadFormat: '%s', flow: '%s'",str(e), str(flow))
+ continue
+ used_names.append(flow['name'])
+ name_index=0
+ # insert at database the new flows, change actions to human text
+ for flow in new_flows:
+ # 1 check if an equal flow is already present
+ index = self._check_flow_already_present(flow, database_flows)
+ if index>=0:
+ database_flows[index]["not delete"]=True
+ self.logger.debug("Skipping already present flow %s", str(flow))
+ continue
+ # 2 look for a non used name
+ flow_name=flow["net_id"]+"."+str(name_index)
+ while flow_name in used_names or flow_name in of_flows:
+ name_index += 1
+ flow_name=flow["net_id"]+"."+str(name_index)
+ used_names.append(flow_name)
+ flow['name'] = flow_name
+ # 3 insert at openflow
+ try:
+ self.OF_connector.new_flow(flow)
+ except openflow_conn.OpenflowconnException as e:
+ return -1, "Error creating new flow {}".format(str(e))
+ # 4 insert at database
+ try:
+ change_of2db(flow)
+ except FlowBadFormat as e:
+ # print self.name, ": Error Exception FlowBadFormat '%s'" % str(e), flow
+ return -1, str(e)
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ result, content = self.db.new_row('of_flows', flow)
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if result < 0:
+ # print self.name, ": Error '%s' at database insertion" % content, flow
+ return -1, content
+ #delete not needed old flows from openflow and from DDBB,
+ #check that the needed flows at DDBB are present in controller or insert them otherwise
+ for flow in database_flows:
+ if "not delete" in flow:
+ if flow["name"] not in of_flows:
+ # not in controller, insert it
+ try:
+ self.OF_connector.new_flow(flow)
+ except openflow_conn.OpenflowconnException as e:
+ return -1, "Error creating new flow {}".format(str(e))
+ continue
+ # Delete flow
+ if flow["name"] in of_flows:
+ try:
+ self.OF_connector.del_flow(flow['name'])
+ except openflow_conn.OpenflowconnException as e:
+ self.logger.error("cannot delete flow '%s' from OF: %s", flow['name'], str(e))
+ # skip deletion from database
+ continue
+ # delete from database
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ result, content = self.db.delete_row_by_key('of_flows', 'id', flow['id'])
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if result<0:
+ self.logger.error("cannot delete flow '%s' from DB: %s", flow['name'], content )
+ return 0, 'Success'
+ def clear_all_flows(self):
+ try:
+ if not self.test:
+ self.OF_connector.clear_all_flows()
+ # remove from database
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ self.db.delete_row_by_key('of_flows', None, None) #this will delete all lines
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ return 0, None
+ except openflow_conn.OpenflowconnException as e:
+ return -1, self.logger.error("Error deleting all flows {}", str(e))
+ flow_fields = ('priority', 'vlan', 'ingress_port', 'actions', 'dst_mac', 'src_mac', 'net_id')
+ def _check_flow_already_present(self, new_flow, flow_list):
+ '''check if the same flow is already present in the flow list
+ The flow is repeated if all the fields, apart from name, are equal
+ Return the index of matching flow, -1 if not match'''
+ index=0
+ for flow in flow_list:
+ equal=True
+ for f in self.flow_fields:
+ if flow.get(f) != new_flow.get(f):
+ equal=False
+ break
+ if equal:
+ return index
+ index += 1
+ return -1
+ def _compute_net_flows(self, nets):
+ new_flows=[]
+ new_broadcast_flows={}
+ nb_ports = 0
+ # Check switch_port information is right
+ self.logger.debug("_compute_net_flows nets: %s", str(nets))
+ for net in nets:
+ for port in net['ports']:
+ nb_ports += 1
+ if not self.test and str(port['switch_port']) not in self.OF_connector.pp2ofi:
+ error_text= "switch port name '%s' is not valid for the openflow controller" % str(port['switch_port'])
+ # print self.name, ": ERROR " + error_text
+ return -1, error_text
+ for net_src in nets:
+ net_id = net_src["uuid"]
+ for net_dst in nets:
+ vlan_net_in = None
+ vlan_net_out = None
+ if net_src == net_dst:
+ #intra net rules
+ priority = 1000
+ elif net_src['bind_net'] == net_dst['uuid']:
+ if net_src.get('bind_type') and net_src['bind_type'][0:5] == "vlan:":
+ vlan_net_out = int(net_src['bind_type'][5:])
+ priority = 1100
+ elif net_dst['bind_net'] == net_src['uuid']:
+ if net_dst.get('bind_type') and net_dst['bind_type'][0:5] == "vlan:":
+ vlan_net_in = int(net_dst['bind_type'][5:])
+ priority = 1100
+ else:
+ #nets not binding
+ continue
+ for src_port in net_src['ports']:
+ vlan_in = vlan_net_in
+ if vlan_in == None and src_port['vlan'] != None:
+ vlan_in = src_port['vlan']
+ elif vlan_in != None and src_port['vlan'] != None:
+ #TODO this is something that we cannot do. It requires a double VLAN check
+ #outer VLAN should be src_port['vlan'] and inner VLAN should be vlan_in
+ continue
+ broadcast_key = src_port['uuid'] + "." + str(vlan_in)
+ if broadcast_key in new_broadcast_flows:
+ flow_broadcast = new_broadcast_flows[broadcast_key]
+ else:
+ flow_broadcast = {'priority': priority,
+ 'net_id': net_id,
+ 'dst_mac': 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff',
+ "ingress_port": str(src_port['switch_port']),
+ 'actions': []
+ }
+ new_broadcast_flows[broadcast_key] = flow_broadcast
+ if vlan_in is not None:
+ flow_broadcast['vlan_id'] = str(vlan_in)
+ for dst_port in net_dst['ports']:
+ vlan_out = vlan_net_out
+ if vlan_out == None and dst_port['vlan'] != None:
+ vlan_out = dst_port['vlan']
+ elif vlan_out != None and dst_port['vlan'] != None:
+ #TODO this is something that we cannot do. It requires a double VLAN set
+ #outer VLAN should be dst_port['vlan'] and inner VLAN should be vlan_out
+ continue
+ #if src_port == dst_port:
+ # continue
+ if src_port['switch_port'] == dst_port['switch_port'] and vlan_in == vlan_out:
+ continue
+ flow = {
+ "priority": priority,
+ 'net_id': net_id,
+ "ingress_port": str(src_port['switch_port']),
+ 'actions': []
+ }
+ if vlan_in is not None:
+ flow['vlan_id'] = str(vlan_in)
+ # allow that one port have no mac
+ if dst_port['mac'] is None or nb_ports==2: # point to point or nets with 2 elements
+ flow['priority'] = priority-5 # less priority
+ else:
+ flow['dst_mac'] = str(dst_port['mac'])
+ if vlan_out == None:
+ if vlan_in != None:
+ flow['actions'].append( ('vlan',None) )
+ else:
+ flow['actions'].append( ('vlan', vlan_out ) )
+ flow['actions'].append( ('out', str(dst_port['switch_port'])) )
+ if self._check_flow_already_present(flow, new_flows) >= 0:
+ self.logger.debug("Skipping repeated flow '%s'", str(flow))
+ continue
+ new_flows.append(flow)
+ if nb_ports <= 2: # point to multipoint or nets with more than 2 elements
+ continue
+ out = (vlan_out, str(dst_port['switch_port']))
+ if out not in flow_broadcast['actions']:
+ flow_broadcast['actions'].append( out )
+ for flow_broadcast in new_broadcast_flows.values():
+ if len(flow_broadcast['actions'])==0:
+ continue #nothing to do, skip
+ flow_broadcast['actions'].sort()
+ if 'vlan_id' in flow_broadcast:
+ previous_vlan = 0 # indicates that a packet contains a vlan, and the vlan
+ else:
+ previous_vlan = None
+ final_actions=[]
+ action_number = 0
+ for action in flow_broadcast['actions']:
+ if action[0] != previous_vlan:
+ final_actions.append( ('vlan', action[0]) )
+ previous_vlan = action[0]
+ if self.pmp_with_same_vlan and action_number:
+ return -1, "Cannot interconnect different vlan tags in a network when flag 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan' is True."
+ action_number += 1
+ final_actions.append( ('out', action[1]) )
+ flow_broadcast['actions'] = final_actions
+ if self._check_flow_already_present(flow_broadcast, new_flows) >= 0:
+ self.logger.debug("Skipping repeated flow '%s'", str(flow_broadcast))
+ continue
+ new_flows.append(flow_broadcast)
+ #UNIFY openflow rules with the same input port and vlan and the same output actions
+ #These flows differ at the dst_mac; and they are unified by not filtering by dst_mac
+ #this can happen if there is only two ports. It is converted to a point to point connection
+ flow_dict={} # use as key vlan_id+ingress_port and as value the list of flows matching these values
+ for flow in new_flows:
+ key = str(flow.get("vlan_id"))+":"+flow["ingress_port"]
+ if key in flow_dict:
+ flow_dict[key].append(flow)
+ else:
+ flow_dict[key]=[ flow ]
+ new_flows2=[]
+ for flow_list in flow_dict.values():
+ convert2ptp=False
+ if len (flow_list)>=2:
+ convert2ptp=True
+ for f in flow_list:
+ if f['actions'] != flow_list[0]['actions']:
+ convert2ptp=False
+ break
+ if convert2ptp: # add only one unified rule without dst_mac
+ self.logger.debug("Convert flow rules to NON mac dst_address " + str(flow_list) )
+ flow_list[0].pop('dst_mac')
+ flow_list[0]["priority"] -= 5
+ new_flows2.append(flow_list[0])
+ else: # add all the rules
+ new_flows2 += flow_list
+ return 0, new_flows2
+ def set_openflow_controller_status(self, status, error_text=None):
+ """
+ Set openflow controller last operation status in DB
+ :param status: ofc status ('ACTIVE','INACTIVE','ERROR')
+ :param error_text: error text
+ :return:
+ """
+ if self.of_uuid == "Default":
+ return True
+ ofc = {}
+ ofc['status'] = status
+ ofc['last_error'] = error_text
+ self.db_lock.acquire()
+ result, content = self.db.update_rows('ofcs', ofc, WHERE={'uuid': self.of_uuid}, log=False)
+ self.db_lock.release()
+ if result >= 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+#Option to test openvim without the needed infrastructure, possible values are
+# "normal" by default, Openflow controller (OFC), switch and real host are needed
+# "test" Used for testing http API and database without connecting to host or to OFC
+# "host only" Used when neither OFC nor OF switch are provided.
+# Dataplane network connection must be done manually.
+# "OF only" Used for testing of new openflow controllers support. No real VM deployments will be done but
+# OFC will be used as in real mode
+# "development" Forced a cloud-type deployment, nomal memory instead of hugepages is used,
+# without cpu pinning, and using a bridge network instead of a real OFC dataplane networks.
+# The same 'development_bridge' (see below) is used for all dataplane networks
+mode: test
+#Openflow controller information
+of_controller: floodlight # Type of controller to be used.
+ # Valid controllers are 'opendaylight', 'floodlight' or <custom>
+#of_controller_module: module # Only needed for <custom>. Python module that implement
+ # this controller. By default a file with the name <custom>.py is used
+#of_<other>: value # Other parameters required by <custom> controller. Consumed by __init__
+of_user: user credentials # User credentials for the controller if needed
+of_password: passwd credentials # Password credentials for the controller if needed
+of_controller_ip: # IP address where the Openflow controller is listening
+of_controller_port: 7070 # TCP port where the Openflow controller is listening (REST API server)
+of_controller_dpid: '00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07' # Openflow Switch identifier (put here the right number)
+#This option is used for those openflow switch that cannot deliver one packet to several output with different vlan tags
+#When set to true, it fails when trying to attach different vlan tagged ports to the same net
+of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan: false # (by default, true)
+#Server parameters
+http_host: # IP address where openvim is listening (by default, localhost)
+http_port: 9080 # General port where openvim is listening (by default, 9080)
+http_admin_port: 9085 # Admin port where openvim is listening (when missing, no administration server is launched)
+#database parameters
+db_host: localhost # by default localhost
+db_user: vim # DB user
+db_passwd: vimpw # DB password
+db_name: vim_db # Name of the VIM DB
+#host paremeters
+image_path: "/opt/VNF/images" # Folder, same for every host, where the VNF images will be copied
+#testing parameters (used by ./test/test_openvim.py)
+tenant_id: fc7b43b6-6bfa-11e4-84d2-5254006d6777 # Default tenant identifier for testing
+#VLAN ranges used for the dataplane networks (ptp, data)
+#When a network is created an unused value in this range is used
+network_vlan_range_start: 3000
+network_vlan_range_end: 4000
+# Overlay network implementation. Options are:
+# - ovs : (by default) Use a vlxan mesh between computes to handle the network overlay.
+# - bridge: Use pre-populated linux bridges with L2 conectivity at compte nodes.
+network_type : ovs
+ovs_controller_ip : localhost # dhcp controller IP address, must be change in order to
+ovs_controller_user : "osm_dhcp" # User for the dchp controller for OVS networks
+ovs_controller_file_path : "/var/lib/openvim" # Path for dhcp daemon configuration, by default '/var/lib/openvim'
+#host bridge interfaces for networks
+# Apply only for 'network_type: bridge'
+# Indicates the bridges at compute nodes to be used for the overlay networks
+# Bridge networks need to be pre-provisioned on each host and Openvim uses those pre-provisioned bridge networks.
+# Openvim assumes that the following bridge interfaces have been created on each host, appropriately associated to a physical port.
+# The following information needs to be provided:
+# - Name of the bridge (identical in all hosts)
+# - VLAN tag associated to each bridge interface
+# - The speed of the physical port in Gbps, where that bridge interface was created
+# For instance, next example assumes that 10 bridges have been created on each host
+# using vlans 2001 to 2010, associated to a 1Gbps physical port
+# #name: [vlan, speed in Gbps]
+# virbrMan1: [2001, 1]
+# virbrMan2: [2002, 1]
+# virbrMan3: [2003, 1]
+# virbrMan4: [2004, 1]
+# virbrMan5: [2005, 1]
+# virbrMan6: [2006, 1]
+# virbrMan7: [2007, 1]
+# virbrMan8: [2008, 1]
+# virbrMan9: [2009, 1]
+# virbrMan10: [2010, 1]
+#Used only when 'mode' is at development'. Indicates which 'bridge_ifaces' is used for dataplane networks
+#development_bridge: virbrMan10
+#In case some of the previous 'bridge_ifaces' are connected to an EXTERNAL dhcp server, provide
+# the server parameters to allow openvim getting the allocated IP addresses of virtual machines
+# connected to the indicated 'bridge_ifaces' and or 'nets'. Openvim will connect to the dhcp server by ssh.
+#DHCP server must contain a shell script "get_dhcp_lease.sh" included in the path, that accepts a mac address as
+# parameter and return empty or the allocated IP address. See an example at the end of the file
+# ./openvim/dhcp_thread.py
+#COMMENT all lines in case you do not have a DHCP server in 'normal', 'development' or 'host only' modes.
+# For 'test' or 'OF only' modes you can leave then uncommented, because in these modes fake IP
+# address are generated instead of connecting with a real DHCP server.
+ host: host-ip-or-name
+ #port: 22 #ssh port, by default 22
+ provider: isc-dhcp-server #dhcp-server type
+ user: user
+ #provide password, or key if needed
+ password: passwd
+ #key: ssh-access-key
+ #list of the previous bridge interfaces attached to this dhcp server
+ bridge_ifaces: [ virbrMan1, virbrMan2 ]
+ #list of the networks attached to this dhcp server
+ nets: [default]
+#logging parameters # DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
+log_level: ERROR
+log_level_db: DEBUG
+log_level_of: DEBUG
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+This is the thread for the http server North API.
+Two thread will be launched, with normal and administrative permissions.
+__author__ = "Alfonso Tierno, Leonardo Mirabal"
+__date__ = "$06-Feb-2017 12:07:15$"
+__version__ = "0.5.10-r526"
+version_date = "Apr 2017"
+database_version = "0.17" #expected database schema version
+import threading
+import osm_openvim.vim_db as vim_db
+import logging
+import imp
+import argparse
+from netaddr import IPNetwork
+from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e
+import osm_openvim.host_thread as ht
+import osm_openvim.dhcp_thread as dt
+import osm_openvim.openflow_thread as oft
+import osm_openvim.openflow_conn as openflow_conn
+HTTP_Bad_Request = 400
+HTTP_Unauthorized = 401
+HTTP_Not_Found = 404
+HTTP_Forbidden = 403
+HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed = 405
+HTTP_Not_Acceptable = 406
+HTTP_Request_Timeout = 408
+HTTP_Conflict = 409
+HTTP_Service_Unavailable = 503
+HTTP_Internal_Server_Error= 500
+def convert_boolean(data, items):
+ '''Check recursively the content of data, and if there is an key contained in items, convert value from string to boolean
+ It assumes that bandwidth is well formed
+ Attributes:
+ 'data': dictionary bottle.FormsDict variable to be checked. None or empty is consideted valid
+ 'items': tuple of keys to convert
+ Return:
+ None
+ '''
+ if type(data) is dict:
+ for k in data.keys():
+ if type(data[k]) is dict or type(data[k]) is tuple or type(data[k]) is list:
+ convert_boolean(data[k], items)
+ if k in items:
+ if type(data[k]) is str:
+ if data[k] == "false":
+ data[k] = False
+ elif data[k] == "true":
+ data[k] = True
+ if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is list:
+ for k in data:
+ if type(k) is dict or type(k) is tuple or type(k) is list:
+ convert_boolean(k, items)
+class ovimException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Bad_Request):
+ self.http_code = http_code
+ Exception.__init__(self, message)
+class ovim():
+ running_info = {} #TODO OVIM move the info of running threads from config_dic to this static variable
+ of_module = {}
+ def __init__(self, configuration):
+ self.config = configuration
+ self.logger_name = configuration.get("logger_name", "openvim")
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.logger_name)
+ self.db = None
+ self.db = self._create_database_connection()
+ self.db_lock = None
+ self.db_of = None
+ self.of_test_mode = False
+ def _create_database_connection(self):
+ db = vim_db.vim_db((self.config["network_vlan_range_start"], self.config["network_vlan_range_end"]),
+ self.logger_name + ".db", self.config.get('log_level_db'))
+ if db.connect(self.config['db_host'], self.config['db_user'], self.config['db_passwd'],
+ self.config['db_name']) == -1:
+ # self.logger.error("Cannot connect to database %s at %s@%s", self.config['db_name'], self.config['db_user'],
+ # self.config['db_host'])
+ raise ovimException("Cannot connect to database {} at {}@{}".format(self.config['db_name'],
+ self.config['db_user'],
+ self.config['db_host']) )
+ return db
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_version():
+ return __version__
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_version_date():
+ return version_date
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_database_version():
+ return database_version
+ @staticmethod
+ def _check_dhcp_data_integrity(network):
+ """
+ Check if all dhcp parameter for anet are valid, if not will be calculated from cidr value
+ :param network: list with user nets paramters
+ :return:
+ """
+ if "cidr" in network:
+ cidr = network["cidr"]
+ ip_tools = IPNetwork(cidr)
+ cidr_len = ip_tools.prefixlen
+ if cidr_len > 29:
+ return False
+ ips = IPNetwork(cidr)
+ if "dhcp_first_ip" not in network:
+ network["dhcp_first_ip"] = str(ips[2])
+ if "dhcp_last_ip" not in network:
+ network["dhcp_last_ip"] = str(ips[-2])
+ if "gateway_ip" not in network:
+ network["gateway_ip"] = str(ips[1])
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def _check_valid_uuid(uuid):
+ id_schema = {"type": "string", "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}(-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}){3}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$"}
+ try:
+ js_v(uuid, id_schema)
+ return True
+ except js_e.ValidationError:
+ return False
+ def start_service(self):
+ """
+ Start ovim services
+ :return:
+ """
+ global database_version
+ # if self.running_info:
+ # return #TODO service can be checked and rebuild broken threads
+ r = self.db.get_db_version()
+ if r[0] < 0:
+ raise ovimException("DATABASE is not a VIM one or it is a '0.0' version. Try to upgrade to version '{}' with "\
+ "'./database_utils/migrate_vim_db.sh'".format(database_version) )
+ elif r[1] != database_version:
+ raise ovimException("DATABASE wrong version '{}'. Try to upgrade/downgrade to version '{}' with "\
+ "'./database_utils/migrate_vim_db.sh'".format(r[1], database_version) )
+ self.logger.critical("Starting ovim server version: '{} {}' database version '{}'".format(
+ self.get_version(), self.get_version_date(), self.get_database_version()))
+ # create database connection for openflow threads
+ self.db_of = self._create_database_connection()
+ self.config["db"] = self.db_of
+ self.db_lock = threading.Lock()
+ self.config["db_lock"] = self.db_lock
+ self.of_test_mode = False if self.config['mode'] == 'normal' or self.config['mode'] == "OF only" else True
+ # precreate interfaces; [bridge:<host_bridge_name>, VLAN used at Host, uuid of network camping in this bridge,
+ # speed in Gbit/s
+ self.config['dhcp_nets'] = []
+ self.config['bridge_nets'] = []
+ for bridge, vlan_speed in self.config["bridge_ifaces"].items():
+ # skip 'development_bridge'
+ if self.config['mode'] == 'development' and self.config['development_bridge'] == bridge:
+ continue
+ self.config['bridge_nets'].append([bridge, vlan_speed[0], vlan_speed[1], None])
+ # check if this bridge is already used (present at database) for a network)
+ used_bridge_nets = []
+ for brnet in self.config['bridge_nets']:
+ r, nets = self.db.get_table(SELECT=('uuid',), FROM='nets', WHERE={'provider': "bridge:" + brnet[0]})
+ if r > 0:
+ brnet[3] = nets[0]['uuid']
+ used_bridge_nets.append(brnet[0])
+ if self.config.get("dhcp_server"):
+ if brnet[0] in self.config["dhcp_server"]["bridge_ifaces"]:
+ self.config['dhcp_nets'].append(nets[0]['uuid'])
+ if len(used_bridge_nets) > 0:
+ self.logger.info("found used bridge nets: " + ",".join(used_bridge_nets))
+ # get nets used by dhcp
+ if self.config.get("dhcp_server"):
+ for net in self.config["dhcp_server"].get("nets", ()):
+ r, nets = self.db.get_table(SELECT=('uuid',), FROM='nets', WHERE={'name': net})
+ if r > 0:
+ self.config['dhcp_nets'].append(nets[0]['uuid'])
+ # OFC default
+ self._start_ofc_default_task()
+ # OFC per tenant in DB
+ self._start_of_db_tasks()
+ # create dhcp_server thread
+ host_test_mode = True if self.config['mode'] == 'test' or self.config['mode'] == "OF only" else False
+ dhcp_params = self.config.get("dhcp_server")
+ if dhcp_params:
+ thread = dt.dhcp_thread(dhcp_params=dhcp_params, test=host_test_mode, dhcp_nets=self.config["dhcp_nets"],
+ db=self.db_of, db_lock=self.db_lock, logger_name=self.logger_name + ".dhcp",
+ debug=self.config.get('log_level_of'))
+ thread.start()
+ self.config['dhcp_thread'] = thread
+ # Create one thread for each host
+ host_test_mode = True if self.config['mode'] == 'test' or self.config['mode'] == "OF only" else False
+ host_develop_mode = True if self.config['mode'] == 'development' else False
+ host_develop_bridge_iface = self.config.get('development_bridge', None)
+ # get host list from data base before starting threads
+ r, hosts = self.db.get_table(SELECT=('name', 'ip_name', 'user', 'uuid'), FROM='hosts', WHERE={'status': 'ok'})
+ if r < 0:
+ raise ovimException("Cannot get hosts from database {}".format(hosts))
+ self.config['host_threads'] = {}
+ for host in hosts:
+ host['image_path'] = '/opt/VNF/images/openvim'
+ thread = ht.host_thread(name=host['name'], user=host['user'], host=host['ip_name'], db=self.db_of,
+ db_lock=self.db_lock, test=host_test_mode, image_path=self.config['image_path'],
+ version=self.config['version'], host_id=host['uuid'], develop_mode=host_develop_mode,
+ develop_bridge_iface=host_develop_bridge_iface)
+ thread.start()
+ self.config['host_threads'][host['uuid']] = thread
+ # create ovs dhcp thread
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets')
+ if result < 0:
+ self.logger.error("http_get_ports Error %d %s", result, content)
+ raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
+ for net in content:
+ net_type = net['type']
+ if (net_type == 'bridge_data' or net_type == 'bridge_man') \
+ and net["provider"][:4] == 'OVS:' and net["enable_dhcp"] == "true":
+ self.launch_dhcp_server(net['vlan'],
+ net['dhcp_first_ip'],
+ net['dhcp_last_ip'],
+ net['cidr'],
+ net['gateway_ip'])
+ def _start_of_db_tasks(self):
+ """
+ Start ofc task for existing ofcs in database
+ :param db_of:
+ :param db_lock:
+ :return:
+ """
+ ofcs = self.get_of_controllers()
+ for ofc in ofcs:
+ of_conn = self._load_of_module(ofc)
+ # create ofc thread per of controller
+ self._create_ofc_task(ofc['uuid'], ofc['dpid'], of_conn)
+ def _create_ofc_task(self, ofc_uuid, dpid, of_conn):
+ """
+ Create an ofc thread for handle each sdn controllers
+ :param ofc_uuid: sdn controller uuid
+ :param dpid: sdn controller dpid
+ :param of_conn: OF_conn module
+ :return:
+ """
+ if 'ofcs_thread' not in self.config and 'ofcs_thread_dpid' not in self.config:
+ ofcs_threads = {}
+ ofcs_thread_dpid = []
+ else:
+ ofcs_threads = self.config['ofcs_thread']
+ ofcs_thread_dpid = self.config['ofcs_thread_dpid']
+ if ofc_uuid not in ofcs_threads:
+ ofc_thread = self._create_ofc_thread(of_conn, ofc_uuid)
+ if ofc_uuid == "Default":
+ self.config['of_thread'] = ofc_thread
+ ofcs_threads[ofc_uuid] = ofc_thread
+ self.config['ofcs_thread'] = ofcs_threads
+ ofcs_thread_dpid.append({dpid: ofc_thread})
+ self.config['ofcs_thread_dpid'] = ofcs_thread_dpid
+ def _start_ofc_default_task(self):
+ """
+ Create default ofc thread
+ """
+ if 'of_controller' not in self.config \
+ and 'of_controller_ip' not in self.config \
+ and 'of_controller_port' not in self.config \
+ and 'of_controller_dpid' not in self.config:
+ return
+ db_config = {}
+ db_config['ip'] = self.config.get('of_controller_ip')
+ db_config['port'] = self.config.get('of_controller_port')
+ db_config['dpid'] = self.config.get('of_controller_dpid')
+ db_config['type'] = self.config.get('of_controller')
+ db_config['user'] = self.config.get('of_user')
+ db_config['password'] = self.config.get('of_password')
+ # create connector to the openflow controller
+ # load other parameters starting by of_ from config dict in a temporal dict
+ of_conn = self._load_of_module(db_config)
+ # create openflow thread
+ self._create_ofc_task("Default", db_config['dpid'], of_conn)
+ def _load_of_module(self, db_config):
+ """
+ import python module for each SDN controller supported
+ :param db_config: SDN dn information
+ :return: Module
+ """
+ if not db_config:
+ raise ovimException("No module found it", HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ module_info = None
+ try:
+ if self.of_test_mode:
+ return openflow_conn.OfTestConnector({"name": db_config['type'],
+ "dpid": db_config['dpid'],
+ "of_debug": self.config['log_level_of']})
+ temp_dict = {}
+ if db_config:
+ temp_dict['of_ip'] = db_config['ip']
+ temp_dict['of_port'] = db_config['port']
+ temp_dict['of_dpid'] = db_config['dpid']
+ temp_dict['of_controller'] = db_config['type']
+ temp_dict['of_user'] = db_config.get('user')
+ temp_dict['of_password'] = db_config.get('password')
+ temp_dict['of_debug'] = self.config['log_level_of']
+ if temp_dict['of_controller'] == 'opendaylight':
+ module = "ODL"
+ else:
+ module = temp_dict['of_controller']
+ if module not in ovim.of_module:
+ module_info = imp.find_module(module)
+ of_conn_module = imp.load_module("OF_conn", *module_info)
+ ovim.of_module[module] = of_conn_module
+ else:
+ of_conn_module = ovim.of_module[module]
+ try:
+ return of_conn_module.OF_conn(temp_dict)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Cannot open the Openflow controller '%s': %s", type(e).__name__, str(e))
+ if module_info and module_info[0]:
+ file.close(module_info[0])
+ raise ovimException("Cannot open the Openflow controller '{}': '{}'".format(type(e).__name__, str(e)),
+ HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ except (IOError, ImportError) as e:
+ if module_info and module_info[0]:
+ file.close(module_info[0])
+ self.logger.error("Cannot open openflow controller module '%s'; %s: %s; revise 'of_controller' "
+ "field of configuration file.", module, type(e).__name__, str(e))
+ raise ovimException("Cannot open openflow controller module '{}'; {}: {}; revise 'of_controller' "
+ "field of configuration file.".format(module, type(e).__name__, str(e)),
+ HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ def _create_ofc_thread(self, of_conn, ofc_uuid="Default"):
+ """
+ Create and launch a of thread
+ :return: thread obj
+ """
+ # create openflow thread
+ #if 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan' in self.config:
+ # ofc_net_same_vlan = self.config['of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan']
+ #else:
+ # ofc_net_same_vlan = False
+ ofc_net_same_vlan = False
+ thread = oft.openflow_thread(ofc_uuid, of_conn, of_test=self.of_test_mode, db=self.db_of, db_lock=self.db_lock,
+ pmp_with_same_vlan=ofc_net_same_vlan, debug=self.config['log_level_of'])
+ #r, c = thread.OF_connector.obtain_port_correspondence()
+ #if r < 0:
+ # raise ovimException("Cannot get openflow information %s", c)
+ thread.start()
+ return thread
+ def stop_service(self):
+ threads = self.config.get('host_threads', {})
+ if 'of_thread' in self.config:
+ threads['of'] = (self.config['of_thread'])
+ if 'ofcs_thread' in self.config:
+ ofcs_thread = self.config['ofcs_thread']
+ for ofc in ofcs_thread:
+ threads[ofc] = ofcs_thread[ofc]
+ if 'dhcp_thread' in self.config:
+ threads['dhcp'] = (self.config['dhcp_thread'])
+ for thread in threads.values():
+ thread.insert_task("exit")
+ for thread in threads.values():
+ thread.join()
+ def get_networks(self, columns=None, db_filter={}, limit=None):
+ """
+ Retreive networks available
+ :param columns: List with select query parameters
+ :param db_filter: List with where query parameters
+ :param limit: Query limit result
+ :return:
+ """
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(SELECT=columns, FROM='nets', WHERE=db_filter, LIMIT=limit)
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
+ convert_boolean(content, ('shared', 'admin_state_up', 'enable_dhcp'))
+ return content
+ def show_network(self, network_id, db_filter={}):
+ """
+ Get network from DB by id
+ :param network_id: net Id
+ :param db_filter: List with where query parameters
+ :return:
+ """
+ # obtain data
+ if not network_id:
+ raise ovimException("Not network id was not found")
+ db_filter['uuid'] = network_id
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets', WHERE=db_filter, LIMIT=100)
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
+ elif result == 0:
+ raise ovimException("show_network network '%s' not found" % network_id, -result)
+ else:
+ convert_boolean(content, ('shared', 'admin_state_up', 'enable_dhcp'))
+ # get ports from DB
+ result, ports = self.db.get_table(FROM='ports', SELECT=('uuid as port_id',),
+ WHERE={'net_id': network_id}, LIMIT=100)
+ if len(ports) > 0:
+ content[0]['ports'] = ports
+ convert_boolean(content, ('shared', 'admin_state_up', 'enable_dhcp'))
+ return content[0]
+ def new_network(self, network):
+ """
+ Create a net in DB
+ :return:
+ """
+ tenant_id = network.get('tenant_id')
+ if tenant_id:
+ result, _ = self.db.get_table(FROM='tenants', SELECT=('uuid',), WHERE={'uuid': tenant_id, "enabled": True})
+ if result <= 0:
+ raise ovimException("set_network error, no tenant founded", -result)
+ bridge_net = None
+ # check valid params
+ net_provider = network.get('provider')
+ net_type = network.get('type')
+ net_vlan = network.get("vlan")
+ net_bind_net = network.get("bind_net")
+ net_bind_type = network.get("bind_type")
+ name = network["name"]
+ # check if network name ends with :<vlan_tag> and network exist in order to make and automated bindning
+ vlan_index = name.rfind(":")
+ if not net_bind_net and not net_bind_type and vlan_index > 1:
+ try:
+ vlan_tag = int(name[vlan_index + 1:])
+ if not vlan_tag and vlan_tag < 4096:
+ net_bind_net = name[:vlan_index]
+ net_bind_type = "vlan:" + name[vlan_index + 1:]
+ except:
+ pass
+ if net_bind_net:
+ # look for a valid net
+ if self._check_valid_uuid(net_bind_net):
+ net_bind_key = "uuid"
+ else:
+ net_bind_key = "name"
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets', WHERE={net_bind_key: net_bind_net})
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException(' getting nets from db ' + content, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ elif result == 0:
+ raise ovimException(" bind_net %s '%s'not found" % (net_bind_key, net_bind_net), HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ elif result > 1:
+ raise ovimException(" more than one bind_net %s '%s' found, use uuid" % (net_bind_key, net_bind_net), HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ network["bind_net"] = content[0]["uuid"]
+ if net_bind_type:
+ if net_bind_type[0:5] != "vlan:":
+ raise ovimException("bad format for 'bind_type', must be 'vlan:<tag>'", HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ if int(net_bind_type[5:]) > 4095 or int(net_bind_type[5:]) <= 0:
+ raise ovimException("bad format for 'bind_type', must be 'vlan:<tag>' with a tag between 1 and 4095",
+ HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ network["bind_type"] = net_bind_type
+ if net_provider:
+ if net_provider[:9] == "openflow:":
+ if net_type:
+ if net_type != "ptp" and net_type != "data":
+ raise ovimException(" only 'ptp' or 'data' net types can be bound to 'openflow'",
+ HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ else:
+ net_type = 'data'
+ else:
+ if net_type:
+ if net_type != "bridge_man" and net_type != "bridge_data":
+ raise ovimException("Only 'bridge_man' or 'bridge_data' net types can be bound "
+ "to 'bridge', 'macvtap' or 'default", HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ else:
+ net_type = 'bridge_man'
+ if not net_type:
+ net_type = 'bridge_man'
+ if net_provider:
+ if net_provider[:7] == 'bridge:':
+ # check it is one of the pre-provisioned bridges
+ bridge_net_name = net_provider[7:]
+ for brnet in self.config['bridge_nets']:
+ if brnet[0] == bridge_net_name: # free
+ if not brnet[3]:
+ raise ovimException("invalid 'provider:physical', "
+ "bridge '%s' is already used" % bridge_net_name, HTTP_Conflict)
+ bridge_net = brnet
+ net_vlan = brnet[1]
+ break
+ # if bridge_net==None:
+ # bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "invalid 'provider:physical', bridge '%s' is not one of the
+ # provisioned 'bridge_ifaces' in the configuration file" % bridge_net_name)
+ # return
+ elif self.config['network_type'] == 'bridge' and (net_type == 'bridge_data' or net_type == 'bridge_man'):
+ # look for a free precreated nets
+ for brnet in self.config['bridge_nets']:
+ if not brnet[3]: # free
+ if not bridge_net:
+ if net_type == 'bridge_man': # look for the smaller speed
+ if brnet[2] < bridge_net[2]:
+ bridge_net = brnet
+ else: # look for the larger speed
+ if brnet[2] > bridge_net[2]:
+ bridge_net = brnet
+ else:
+ bridge_net = brnet
+ net_vlan = brnet[1]
+ if not bridge_net:
+ raise ovimException("Max limits of bridge networks reached. Future versions of VIM "
+ "will overcome this limit", HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("using net " + bridge_net)
+ net_provider = "bridge:" + bridge_net[0]
+ net_vlan = bridge_net[1]
+ elif net_type == 'bridge_data' or net_type == 'bridge_man' and self.config['network_type'] == 'ovs':
+ net_provider = 'OVS'
+ if not net_vlan and (net_type == "data" or net_type == "ptp" or net_provider == "OVS"):
+ net_vlan = self.db.get_free_net_vlan()
+ if net_vlan < 0:
+ raise ovimException("Error getting an available vlan", HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ if net_provider == 'OVS':
+ net_provider = 'OVS' + ":" + str(net_vlan)
+ network['provider'] = net_provider
+ network['type'] = net_type
+ network['vlan'] = net_vlan
+ dhcp_integrity = True
+ if 'enable_dhcp' in network and network['enable_dhcp']:
+ dhcp_integrity = self._check_dhcp_data_integrity(network)
+ result, content = self.db.new_row('nets', network, True, True)
+ if result >= 0 and dhcp_integrity:
+ if bridge_net:
+ bridge_net[3] = content
+ if self.config.get("dhcp_server") and self.config['network_type'] == 'bridge':
+ if network["name"] in self.config["dhcp_server"].get("nets", ()):
+ self.config["dhcp_nets"].append(content)
+ self.logger.debug("dhcp_server: add new net", content)
+ elif not bridge_net and bridge_net[0] in self.config["dhcp_server"].get("bridge_ifaces", ()):
+ self.config["dhcp_nets"].append(content)
+ self.logger.debug("dhcp_server: add new net", content, content)
+ return content
+ else:
+ raise ovimException("Error posting network", HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+# TODO kei change update->edit
+ def edit_network(self, network_id, network):
+ """
+ Update entwork data byt id
+ :return:
+ """
+ # Look for the previous data
+ where_ = {'uuid': network_id}
+ result, network_old = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets', WHERE=where_)
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException("Error updating network %s" % network_old, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ elif result == 0:
+ raise ovimException('network %s not found' % network_id, HTTP_Not_Found)
+ # get ports
+ nbports, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='ports', SELECT=('uuid as port_id',),
+ WHERE={'net_id': network_id}, LIMIT=100)
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException("http_put_network_id error %d %s" % (result, network_old), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ if nbports > 0:
+ if 'type' in network and network['type'] != network_old[0]['type']:
+ raise ovimException("Can not change type of network while having ports attached",
+ HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed)
+ if 'vlan' in network and network['vlan'] != network_old[0]['vlan']:
+ raise ovimException("Can not change vlan of network while having ports attached",
+ HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed)
+ # check valid params
+ net_provider = network.get('provider', network_old[0]['provider'])
+ net_type = network.get('type', network_old[0]['type'])
+ net_bind_net = network.get("bind_net")
+ net_bind_type = network.get("bind_type")
+ if net_bind_net:
+ # look for a valid net
+ if self._check_valid_uuid(net_bind_net):
+ net_bind_key = "uuid"
+ else:
+ net_bind_key = "name"
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets', WHERE={net_bind_key: net_bind_net})
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException('Getting nets from db ' + content, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ elif result == 0:
+ raise ovimException("bind_net %s '%s'not found" % (net_bind_key, net_bind_net), HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ elif result > 1:
+ raise ovimException("More than one bind_net %s '%s' found, use uuid" % (net_bind_key, net_bind_net),
+ HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ network["bind_net"] = content[0]["uuid"]
+ if net_bind_type:
+ if net_bind_type[0:5] != "vlan:":
+ raise ovimException("Bad format for 'bind_type', must be 'vlan:<tag>'", HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ if int(net_bind_type[5:]) > 4095 or int(net_bind_type[5:]) <= 0:
+ raise ovimException("bad format for 'bind_type', must be 'vlan:<tag>' with a tag between 1 and 4095",
+ HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ if net_provider:
+ if net_provider[:9] == "openflow:":
+ if net_type != "ptp" and net_type != "data":
+ raise ovimException("Only 'ptp' or 'data' net types can be bound to 'openflow'", HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ else:
+ if net_type != "bridge_man" and net_type != "bridge_data":
+ raise ovimException("Only 'bridge_man' or 'bridge_data' net types can be bound to "
+ "'bridge', 'macvtap' or 'default", HTTP_Bad_Request)
+ # insert in data base
+ result, content = self.db.update_rows('nets', network, WHERE={'uuid': network_id}, log=True)
+ if result >= 0:
+ # if result > 0 and nbports>0 and 'admin_state_up' in network
+ # and network['admin_state_up'] != network_old[0]['admin_state_up']:
+ if result > 0:
+ try:
+ if nbports:
+ self.net_update_ofc_thread(network_id)
+ except ovimException as e:
+ raise ovimException("Error while launching openflow rules in network '{}' {}"
+ .format(network_id, str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ovimException("Error while launching openflow rules in network '{}' {}"
+ .format(network_id, str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ if self.config.get("dhcp_server"):
+ if network_id in self.config["dhcp_nets"]:
+ self.config["dhcp_nets"].remove(network_id)
+ if network.get("name", network_old[0]["name"]) in self.config["dhcp_server"].get("nets", ()):
+ self.config["dhcp_nets"].append(network_id)
+ else:
+ net_bind = network.get("bind_type", network_old[0]["bind_type"])
+ if net_bind and net_bind and net_bind[:7] == "bridge:" and net_bind[7:] in self.config["dhcp_server"].get(
+ "bridge_ifaces", ()):
+ self.config["dhcp_nets"].append(network_id)
+ return network_id
+ else:
+ raise ovimException(content, -result)
+ def delete_network(self, network_id):
+ """
+ Delete network by network id
+ :param network_id: network id
+ :return:
+ """
+ # delete from the data base
+ result, content = self.db.delete_row('nets', network_id)
+ if result == 0:
+ raise ovimException("Network %s not found " % network_id, HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif result > 0:
+ for brnet in self.config['bridge_nets']:
+ if brnet[3] == network_id:
+ brnet[3] = None
+ break
+ if self.config.get("dhcp_server") and network_id in self.config["dhcp_nets"]:
+ self.config["dhcp_nets"].remove(network_id)
+ return content
+ else:
+ raise ovimException("Error deleting network %s" % network_id, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ def get_openflow_rules(self, network_id=None):
+ """
+ Get openflow id from DB
+ :param network_id: Network id, if none all networks will be retrieved
+ :return: Return a list with Openflow rules per net
+ """
+ # ignore input data
+ if not network_id:
+ where_ = {}
+ else:
+ where_ = {"net_id": network_id}
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(
+ SELECT=("name", "net_id", "ofc_id", "priority", "vlan_id", "ingress_port", "src_mac", "dst_mac", "actions"),
+ WHERE=where_, FROM='of_flows')
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
+ return content
+ def edit_openflow_rules(self, network_id=None):
+ """
+ To make actions over the net. The action is to reinstall the openflow rules
+ network_id can be 'all'
+ :param network_id: Network id, if none all networks will be retrieved
+ :return : Number of nets updated
+ """
+ # ignore input data
+ if not network_id:
+ where_ = {}
+ else:
+ where_ = {"uuid": network_id}
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(SELECT=("uuid", "type"), WHERE=where_, FROM='nets')
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
+ for net in content:
+ if net["type"] != "ptp" and net["type"] != "data":
+ result -= 1
+ continue
+ try:
+ self.net_update_ofc_thread(net['uuid'])
+ except ovimException as e:
+ raise ovimException("Error updating network'{}' {}".format(net['uuid'], str(e)),
+ HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ovimException("Error updating network '{}' {}".format(net['uuid'], str(e)),
+ HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ return result
+ def delete_openflow_rules(self, ofc_id=None):
+ """
+ To make actions over the net. The action is to delete ALL openflow rules
+ :return: return operation result
+ """
+ if not ofc_id:
+ if 'Default' in self.config['ofcs_thread']:
+ r, c = self.config['ofcs_thread']['Default'].insert_task("clear-all")
+ else:
+ raise ovimException("Default Openflow controller not not running", HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif ofc_id in self.config['ofcs_thread']:
+ r, c = self.config['ofcs_thread'][ofc_id].insert_task("clear-all")
+ # ignore input data
+ if r < 0:
+ raise ovimException(str(c), -r)
+ else:
+ raise ovimException("Openflow controller not found with ofc_id={}".format(ofc_id), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ return r
+ def get_openflow_ports(self, ofc_id=None):
+ """
+ Obtain switch ports names of openflow controller
+ :return: Return flow ports in DB
+ """
+ if not ofc_id:
+ if 'Default' in self.config['ofcs_thread']:
+ conn = self.config['ofcs_thread']['Default'].OF_connector
+ else:
+ raise ovimException("Default Openflow controller not not running", HTTP_Not_Found)
+ if ofc_id in self.config['ofcs_thread']:
+ conn = self.config['ofcs_thread'][ofc_id].OF_connector
+ else:
+ raise ovimException("Openflow controller not found with ofc_id={}".format(ofc_id), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ return conn.pp2ofi
+ def get_ports(self, columns=None, filter={}, limit=None):
+ # result, content = my.db.get_ports(where_)
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(SELECT=columns, WHERE=filter, FROM='ports', LIMIT=limit)
+ if result < 0:
+ self.logger.error("http_get_ports Error %d %s", result, content)
+ raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
+ else:
+ convert_boolean(content, ('admin_state_up',))
+ return content
+ def new_port(self, port_data):
+ port_data['type'] = 'external'
+ if port_data.get('net_id'):
+ # check that new net has the correct type
+ result, new_net = self.db.check_target_net(port_data['net_id'], None, 'external')
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException(str(new_net), -result)
+ # insert in data base
+ result, uuid = self.db.new_row('ports', port_data, True, True)
+ if result > 0:
+ if 'net_id' in port_data:
+ try:
+ self.net_update_ofc_thread(port_data['net_id'])
+ except ovimException as e:
+ raise ovimException("Cannot insert a task for updating network '{}' {}"
+ .format(port_data['net_id'], str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ovimException("Cannot insert a task for updating network '{}' {}"
+ .format(port_data['net_id'], str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ return uuid
+ else:
+ raise ovimException(str(uuid), -result)
+ def new_external_port(self, port_data):
+ """
+ Create new external port and check port mapping correspondence
+ :param port_data: port_data = {
+ 'region': 'datacenter region',
+ 'compute_node': 'compute node id',
+ 'pci': 'pci port address',
+ 'vlan': 'net vlan',
+ 'net_id': 'net id',
+ 'tenant_id': 'tenant id',
+ 'mac': 'switch mac',
+ 'name': 'port name'
+ 'ip_address': 'ip address - optional'}
+ :return:
+ """
+ port_data['type'] = 'external'
+ if port_data.get('net_id'):
+ # check that new net has the correct type
+ result, new_net = self.db.check_target_net(port_data['net_id'], None, 'external')
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException(str(new_net), -result)
+ # insert in data base
+ db_filter = {}
+ if port_data.get('region'):
+ db_filter['region'] = port_data['region']
+ if port_data.get('pci'):
+ db_filter['pci'] = port_data['pci']
+ if port_data.get('compute_node'):
+ db_filter['compute_node'] = port_data['compute_node']
+ columns = ['ofc_id', 'switch_dpid', 'switch_port', 'switch_mac', 'pci']
+ port_mapping_data = self.get_of_port_mappings(columns, db_filter)
+ if not len(port_mapping_data):
+ raise ovimException("No port mapping founded for '{}'".format(str(db_filter)),
+ HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif len(port_mapping_data) > 1:
+ raise ovimException("Wrong port data was given, please check pci, region & compute id data",
+ HTTP_Conflict)
+ port_data['ofc_id'] = port_mapping_data[0]['ofc_id']
+ port_data['switch_dpid'] = port_mapping_data[0]['switch_dpid']
+ port_data['switch_port'] = port_mapping_data[0]['switch_port']
+ port_data['switch_mac'] = port_mapping_data[0]['switch_mac']
+ # remove from compute_node, region and pci of_port_data to adapt to 'ports' structure
+ if 'region' in port_data:
+ del port_data['region']
+ if 'pci' in port_data:
+ del port_data['pci']
+ if 'compute_node' in port_data:
+ del port_data['compute_node']
+ result, uuid = self.db.new_row('ports', port_data, True, True)
+ if result > 0:
+ try:
+ self.net_update_ofc_thread(port_data['net_id'], port_data['ofc_id'])
+ except ovimException as e:
+ raise ovimException("Cannot insert a task for updating network '{}' {}".
+ format(port_data['net_id'], str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ovimException("Cannot insert a task for updating network '{}' {}"
+ .format(port_data['net_id'], e), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ return uuid
+ else:
+ raise ovimException(str(uuid), -result)
+ def net_update_ofc_thread(self, net_id, ofc_id=None, switch_dpid=None):
+ """
+ Insert a update net task by net id or ofc_id for each ofc thread
+ :param net_id: network id
+ :param ofc_id: openflow controller id
+ :param switch_dpid: switch dpid
+ :return:
+ """
+ if not net_id:
+ raise ovimException("No net_id received", HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ r = -1
+ c = 'No valid ofc_id or switch_dpid received'
+ if not ofc_id:
+ ports = self.get_ports(filter={"net_id": net_id})
+ for port in ports:
+ port_ofc_id = port.get('ofc_id', None)
+ if port_ofc_id:
+ ofc_id = port['ofc_id']
+ switch_dpid = port['switch_dpid']
+ break
+ #TODO if not ofc_id: look at database table ofcs
+ # If no ofc_id found it, default ofc_id is used.
+ if not ofc_id and not switch_dpid:
+ ofc_id = "Default"
+ if ofc_id and ofc_id in self.config['ofcs_thread']:
+ r, c = self.config['ofcs_thread'][ofc_id].insert_task("update-net", net_id)
+ elif switch_dpid:
+ ofcs_dpid_list = self.config['ofcs_thread_dpid']
+ for ofc_t in ofcs_dpid_list:
+ if switch_dpid in ofc_t:
+ r, c = ofc_t[switch_dpid].insert_task("update-net", net_id)
+ if r < 0:
+ message = "Cannot insert a task for updating network '{}', {}".format(net_id, c)
+ self.logger.error(message)
+ raise ovimException(message, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ def delete_port(self, port_id):
+ # Look for the previous port data
+ result, ports = self.db.get_table(WHERE={'uuid': port_id, "type": "external"}, FROM='ports')
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException("Cannot get port info from database: {}".format(ports), http_code=-result)
+ # delete from the data base
+ result, content = self.db.delete_row('ports', port_id)
+ if result == 0:
+ raise ovimException("External port '{}' not found".format(port_id), http_code=HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif result < 0:
+ raise ovimException("Cannot delete port from database: {}".format(content), http_code=-result)
+ # update network
+ network = ports[0].get('net_id', None)
+ if network:
+ # change of net.
+ try:
+ self.net_update_ofc_thread(network, ofc_id=ports[0]["ofc_id"], switch_dpid=ports[0]["switch_dpid"])
+ except ovimException as e:
+ raise ovimException("Cannot insert a task for delete network '{}' {}".format(network, str(e)),
+ HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ovimException("Cannot insert a task for delete network '{}' {}".format(network, str(e)),
+ HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ return content
+ def edit_port(self, port_id, port_data, admin=True):
+ # Look for the previous port data
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM="ports", WHERE={'uuid': port_id})
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException("Cannot get port info from database: {}".format(content), http_code=-result)
+ elif result == 0:
+ raise ovimException("Port '{}' not found".format(port_id), http_code=HTTP_Not_Found)
+ port = content[0]
+ nets = []
+ host_id = None
+ result = 1
+ if 'net_id' in port_data:
+ # change of net.
+ old_net = port.get('net_id', None)
+ new_net = port_data['net_id']
+ if old_net != new_net:
+ if new_net:
+ nets.append(new_net) # put first the new net, so that new openflow rules are created before removing the old ones
+ if old_net:
+ nets.append(old_net)
+ if port['type'] == 'instance:bridge' or port['type'] == 'instance:ovs':
+ raise ovimException("bridge interfaces cannot be attached to a different net", http_code=HTTP_Forbidden)
+ elif port['type'] == 'external' and not admin:
+ raise ovimException("Needed admin privileges",http_code=HTTP_Unauthorized)
+ if new_net:
+ # check that new net has the correct type
+ result, new_net_dict = self.db.check_target_net(new_net, None, port['type'])
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException("Error {}".format(new_net_dict), http_code=HTTP_Conflict)
+ # change VLAN for SR-IOV ports
+ if result >= 0 and port["type"] == "instance:data" and port["model"] == "VF": # TODO consider also VFnotShared
+ if new_net:
+ port_data["vlan"] = None
+ else:
+ port_data["vlan"] = new_net_dict["vlan"]
+ # get host where this VM is allocated
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM="instances", WHERE={"uuid": port["instance_id"]})
+ if result > 0:
+ host_id = content[0]["host_id"]
+ # insert in data base
+ if result >= 0:
+ result, content = self.db.update_rows('ports', port_data, WHERE={'uuid': port_id}, log=False)
+ port.update(port_data)
+ # Insert task to complete actions
+ if result > 0:
+ for net_id in nets:
+ try:
+ self.net_update_ofc_thread(net_id, port["ofc_id"], switch_dpid=port["switch_dpid"])
+ except ovimException as e:
+ raise ovimException("Error updating network'{}' {}".format(net_id, str(e)),
+ HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise ovimException("Error updating network '{}' {}".format(net_id, str(e)),
+ HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ if host_id:
+ r, v = self.config['host_threads'][host_id].insert_task("edit-iface", port_id, old_net, new_net)
+ if r < 0:
+ self.logger.error("Error updating network '{}' {}".format(r,v))
+ # TODO Do something if fails
+ if result >= 0:
+ return port_id
+ else:
+ raise ovimException("Error {}".format(content), http_code=-result)
+ def new_of_controller(self, ofc_data):
+ """
+ Create a new openflow controller into DB
+ :param ofc_data: Dict openflow controller data
+ :return: openflow controller dpid
+ """
+ result, ofc_uuid = self.db.new_row('ofcs', ofc_data, True, True)
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException("New ofc Error %s" % ofc_uuid, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ ofc_data['uuid'] = ofc_uuid
+ of_conn = self._load_of_module(ofc_data)
+ self._create_ofc_task(ofc_uuid, ofc_data['dpid'], of_conn)
+ return ofc_uuid
+ def edit_of_controller(self, of_id, ofc_data):
+ """
+ Edit an openflow controller entry from DB
+ :return:
+ """
+ if not ofc_data:
+ raise ovimException("No data received during uptade OF contorller", http_code=HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ old_of_controller = self.show_of_controller(of_id)
+ if old_of_controller:
+ result, content = self.db.update_rows('ofcs', ofc_data, WHERE={'uuid': of_id}, log=False)
+ if result >= 0:
+ return ofc_data
+ else:
+ raise ovimException("Error uptating OF contorller with uuid {}".format(of_id),
+ http_code=-result)
+ else:
+ raise ovimException("Error uptating OF contorller with uuid {}".format(of_id),
+ http_code=HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ def delete_of_controller(self, of_id):
+ """
+ Delete an openflow controller from DB.
+ :param of_id: openflow controller dpid
+ :return:
+ """
+ ofc = self.show_of_controller(of_id)
+ result, content = self.db.delete_row("ofcs", of_id)
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException("Cannot delete ofc from database: {}".format(content), http_code=-result)
+ elif result == 0:
+ raise ovimException("ofc {} not found ".format(content), http_code=HTTP_Not_Found)
+ ofc_thread = self.config['ofcs_thread'][of_id]
+ del self.config['ofcs_thread'][of_id]
+ for ofc_th in self.config['ofcs_thread_dpid']:
+ if ofc['dpid'] in ofc_th:
+ self.config['ofcs_thread_dpid'].remove(ofc_th)
+ ofc_thread.insert_task("exit")
+ #ofc_thread.join()
+ return content
+ def show_of_controller(self, uuid):
+ """
+ Show an openflow controller by dpid from DB.
+ :param db_filter: List with where query parameters
+ :return:
+ """
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='ofcs', WHERE={"uuid": uuid}, LIMIT=100)
+ if result == 0:
+ raise ovimException("Openflow controller with uuid '{}' not found".format(uuid),
+ http_code=HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif result < 0:
+ raise ovimException("Openflow controller with uuid '{}' error".format(uuid),
+ http_code=HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ return content[0]
+ def get_of_controllers(self, columns=None, db_filter={}, limit=None):
+ """
+ Show an openflow controllers from DB.
+ :param columns: List with SELECT query parameters
+ :param db_filter: List with where query parameters
+ :param limit: result Limit
+ :return:
+ """
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(SELECT=columns, FROM='ofcs', WHERE=db_filter, LIMIT=limit)
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
+ return content
+ def get_tenants(self, columns=None, db_filter={}, limit=None):
+ """
+ Retrieve tenant list from DB
+ :param columns: List with SELECT query parameters
+ :param db_filter: List with where query parameters
+ :param limit: result limit
+ :return:
+ """
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='tenants', SELECT=columns, WHERE=db_filter, LIMIT=limit)
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException('get_tenatns Error {}'.format(str(content)), -result)
+ else:
+ convert_boolean(content, ('enabled',))
+ return content
+ def show_tenant_id(self, tenant_id):
+ """
+ Get tenant from DB by id
+ :param tenant_id: tenant id
+ :return:
+ """
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='tenants', SELECT=('uuid', 'name', 'description', 'enabled'),
+ WHERE={"uuid": tenant_id})
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
+ elif result == 0:
+ raise ovimException("tenant with uuid='{}' not found".format(tenant_id), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ else:
+ convert_boolean(content, ('enabled',))
+ return content[0]
+ def new_tentant(self, tenant):
+ """
+ Create a tenant and store in DB
+ :param tenant: Dictionary with tenant data
+ :return: the uuid of created tenant. Raise exception upon error
+ """
+ # insert in data base
+ result, tenant_uuid = self.db.new_tenant(tenant)
+ if result >= 0:
+ return tenant_uuid
+ else:
+ raise ovimException(str(tenant_uuid), -result)
+ def delete_tentant(self, tenant_id):
+ """
+ Delete a tenant from the database.
+ :param tenant_id: Tenant id
+ :return: delete tenant id
+ """
+ # check permissions
+ r, tenants_flavors = self.db.get_table(FROM='tenants_flavors', SELECT=('flavor_id', 'tenant_id'),
+ WHERE={'tenant_id': tenant_id})
+ if r <= 0:
+ tenants_flavors = ()
+ r, tenants_images = self.db.get_table(FROM='tenants_images', SELECT=('image_id', 'tenant_id'),
+ WHERE={'tenant_id': tenant_id})
+ if r <= 0:
+ tenants_images = ()
+ result, content = self.db.delete_row('tenants', tenant_id)
+ if result == 0:
+ raise ovimException("tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id, HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif result > 0:
+ for flavor in tenants_flavors:
+ self.db.delete_row_by_key("flavors", "uuid", flavor['flavor_id'])
+ for image in tenants_images:
+ self.db.delete_row_by_key("images", "uuid", image['image_id'])
+ return content
+ else:
+ raise ovimException("Error deleting tenant '%s' " % tenant_id, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ def edit_tenant(self, tenant_id, tenant_data):
+ """
+ Update a tenant data identified by tenant id
+ :param tenant_id: tenant id
+ :param tenant_data: Dictionary with tenant data
+ :return:
+ """
+ # Look for the previous data
+ result, tenant_data_old = self.db.get_table(FROM='tenants', WHERE={'uuid': tenant_id})
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException("Error updating tenant with uuid='{}': {}".format(tenant_id, tenant_data_old),
+ HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ elif result == 0:
+ raise ovimException("tenant with uuid='{}' not found".format(tenant_id), HTTP_Not_Found)
+ # insert in data base
+ result, content = self.db.update_rows('tenants', tenant_data, WHERE={'uuid': tenant_id}, log=True)
+ if result >= 0:
+ return content
+ else:
+ raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
+ def set_of_port_mapping(self, of_maps, ofc_id=None, switch_dpid=None, region=None):
+ """
+ Create new port mapping entry
+ :param of_maps: List with port mapping information
+ # maps =[{"ofc_id": <ofc_id>,"region": datacenter region,"compute_node": compute uuid,"pci": pci adress,
+ "switch_dpid": swith dpid,"switch_port": port name,"switch_mac": mac}]
+ :param ofc_id: ofc id
+ :param switch_dpid: switch dpid
+ :param region: datacenter region id
+ :return:
+ """
+ for map in of_maps:
+ if ofc_id:
+ map['ofc_id'] = ofc_id
+ if switch_dpid:
+ map['switch_dpid'] = switch_dpid
+ if region:
+ map['region'] = region
+ for of_map in of_maps:
+ result, uuid = self.db.new_row('of_port_mappings', of_map, True)
+ if result > 0:
+ of_map["uuid"] = uuid
+ else:
+ raise ovimException(str(uuid), -result)
+ return of_maps
+ def clear_of_port_mapping(self, db_filter={}):
+ """
+ Clear port mapping filtering using db_filter dict
+ :param db_filter: Parameter to filter during remove process
+ :return:
+ """
+ result, content = self.db.delete_row_by_dict(FROM='of_port_mappings', WHERE=db_filter)
+ # delete_row_by_key
+ if result >= 0:
+ return content
+ else:
+ raise ovimException("Error deleting of_port_mappings with filter='{}'".format(str(db_filter)),
+ HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ def get_of_port_mappings(self, column=None, db_filter=None, db_limit=None):
+ """
+ Retrive port mapping from DB
+ :param column:
+ :param db_filter:
+ :return:
+ """
+ result, content = self.db.get_table(SELECT=column, WHERE=db_filter, FROM='of_port_mappings', LIMIT=db_limit)
+ if result < 0:
+ self.logger.error("get_of_port_mappings Error %d %s", result, content)
+ raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
+ else:
+ return content
+ def get_dhcp_controller(self):
+ """
+ Create an host_thread object for manage openvim controller and not create a thread for itself
+ :return: dhcp_host openvim controller object
+ """
+ if 'openvim_controller' in self.config['host_threads']:
+ return self.config['host_threads']['openvim_controller']
+ bridge_ifaces = []
+ controller_ip = self.config['ovs_controller_ip']
+ ovs_controller_user = self.config['ovs_controller_user']
+ host_test_mode = True if self.config['mode'] == 'test' or self.config['mode'] == "OF only" else False
+ host_develop_mode = True if self.config['mode'] == 'development' else False
+ dhcp_host = ht.host_thread(name='openvim_controller', user=ovs_controller_user, host=controller_ip,
+ db=self.db_of,
+ db_lock=self.db_lock, test=host_test_mode,
+ image_path=self.config['image_path'], version=self.config['version'],
+ host_id='openvim_controller', develop_mode=host_develop_mode,
+ develop_bridge_iface=bridge_ifaces)
+ self.config['host_threads']['openvim_controller'] = dhcp_host
+ if not host_test_mode:
+ dhcp_host.ssh_connect()
+ return dhcp_host
+ def launch_dhcp_server(self, vlan, first_ip, last_ip, cidr, gateway):
+ """
+ Launch a dhcpserver base on dnsmasq attached to the net base on vlan id across the the openvim computes
+ :param vlan: vlan identifier
+ :param first_ip: First dhcp range ip
+ :param last_ip: Last dhcp range ip
+ :param cidr: net cidr
+ :param gateway: net gateway
+ :return:
+ """
+ ip_tools = IPNetwork(cidr)
+ dhcp_netmask = str(ip_tools.netmask)
+ ip_range = [first_ip, last_ip]
+ dhcp_path = self.config['ovs_controller_file_path']
+ controller_host = self.get_dhcp_controller()
+ controller_host.create_linux_bridge(vlan)
+ controller_host.create_dhcp_interfaces(vlan, first_ip, dhcp_netmask)
+ controller_host.launch_dhcp_server(vlan, ip_range, dhcp_netmask, dhcp_path, gateway)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("-v","--version", help="show ovim library version", action="store_true")
+ parser.add_argument("--database-version", help="show required database version", action="store_true")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.version:
+ print ('openvimd version {} {}'.format(ovim.get_version(), ovim.get_version_date()))
+ print ('(c) Copyright Telefonica')
+ elif args.database_version:
+ print ('required database version: {}'.format(ovim.get_database_version()))
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+This module interact with the openvim database,
+It implements general table management
+and complex writings 'transactional' sures,
+that is, or all is changed or nothing
+__author__="Alfonso Tierno"
+__date__ ="$10-jul-2014 12:07:15$"
+import MySQLdb as mdb
+import uuid as myUuid
+import auxiliary_functions as af
+import json
+import logging
+from netaddr import IPNetwork, IPSet, IPRange, all_matching_cidrs
+HTTP_Bad_Request = 400
+HTTP_Unauthorized = 401
+HTTP_Not_Found = 404
+HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed = 405
+HTTP_Request_Timeout = 408
+HTTP_Conflict = 409
+HTTP_Service_Unavailable = 503
+HTTP_Internal_Server_Error = 500
+class vim_db():
+ def __init__(self, vlan_range, logger_name= None, debug=None):
+ '''vlan_range must be a tuple (vlan_ini, vlan_end) with available vlan values for networks
+ every dataplane network contain a unique value, regardless of it is used or not
+ '''
+ #initialization
+ self.net_vlan_range = vlan_range
+ self.net_vlan_usedlist = None
+ self.net_vlan_lastused = self.net_vlan_range[0] -1
+ self.debug=debug
+ if logger_name:
+ self.logger_name = logger_name
+ else:
+ self.logger_name = 'openvim.db'
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.logger_name)
+ if debug:
+ self.logger.setLevel( getattr(logging, debug) )
+ def connect(self, host=None, user=None, passwd=None, database=None):
+ '''Connect to the concrete data base.
+ The first time a valid host, user, passwd and database must be provided,
+ Following calls can skip this parameters
+ '''
+ try:
+ if host is not None: self.host = host
+ if user is not None: self.user = user
+ if passwd is not None: self.passwd = passwd
+ if database is not None: self.database = database
+ self.con = mdb.connect(self.host, self.user, self.passwd, self.database)
+ self.logger.debug("connected to DB %s at %s@%s", self.database,self.user, self.host)
+ return 0
+ except mdb.Error as e:
+ self.logger.error("Cannot connect to DB %s at %s@%s Error %d: %s", self.database, self.user, self.host, e.args[0], e.args[1])
+ return -1
+ def get_db_version(self):
+ ''' Obtain the database schema version.
+ Return: (negative, text) if error or version 0.0 where schema_version table is missing
+ (version_int, version_text) if ok
+ '''
+ cmd = "SELECT version_int,version,openvim_ver FROM schema_version"
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ rows = self.cur.fetchall()
+ highest_version_int=0
+ highest_version=""
+ #print rows
+ for row in rows: #look for the latest version
+ if row[0]>highest_version_int:
+ highest_version_int, highest_version = row[0:2]
+ return highest_version_int, highest_version
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ self.logger.error("get_db_version DB Exception %d: %s. Command %s",e.args[0], e.args[1], cmd)
+ r,c = self.format_error(e)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def disconnect(self):
+ '''disconnect from the data base'''
+ try:
+ self.con.close()
+ del self.con
+ except mdb.Error as e:
+ self.logger.error("while disconnecting from DB: Error %d: %s",e.args[0], e.args[1])
+ return -1
+ except AttributeError as e: #self.con not defined
+ if e[0][-5:] == "'con'": return -1, "Database internal error, no connection."
+ else: raise
+ def format_error(self, e, func, cmd, command=None, extra=None):
+ '''Creates a text error base on the produced exception
+ Params:
+ e: mdb exception
+ func: name of the function that makes the call, for logging purposes
+ cmd: database command that produce the exception
+ command: if the intention is update or delete
+ extra: extra information to add to some commands
+ Return
+ HTTP error in negative, formatted error text
+ '''
+ self.logger.error("%s DB Exception %s. Command %s",func, str(e), cmd)
+ if type(e[0]) is str:
+ if e[0][-5:] == "'con'": return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "DB Exception, no connection."
+ else: raise
+ if e.args[0]==2006 or e.args[0]==2013 : #MySQL server has gone away (((or))) Exception 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
+ #reconnect
+ self.connect()
+ return -HTTP_Request_Timeout,"Database reconnection. Try Again"
+ fk=e.args[1].find("foreign key constraint fails")
+ if fk>=0:
+ if command=="update": return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "tenant_id %s not found." % extra
+ elif command=="delete": return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Resource is not free. There are %s that prevent its deletion." % extra
+ de = e.args[1].find("Duplicate entry")
+ fk = e.args[1].find("for key")
+ uk = e.args[1].find("Unknown column")
+ wc = e.args[1].find("in 'where clause'")
+ fl = e.args[1].find("in 'field list'")
+ #print de, fk, uk, wc,fl
+ if de>=0:
+ if fk>=0: #error 1062
+ return -HTTP_Conflict, "Value %s already in use for %s" % (e.args[1][de+15:fk], e.args[1][fk+7:])
+ if uk>=0:
+ if wc>=0:
+ return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Field %s cannot be used for filtering" % e.args[1][uk+14:wc]
+ if fl>=0:
+ return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Field %s does not exist" % e.args[1][uk+14:wc]
+ return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "Database internal Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
+ def __data2db_format(self, data):
+ '''convert data to database format. If data is None it return the 'Null' text,
+ otherwise it return the text surrounded by quotes ensuring internal quotes are escaped'''
+ if data==None:
+ return 'Null'
+ out=str(data)
+ if "'" not in out:
+ return "'" + out + "'"
+ elif '"' not in out:
+ return '"' + out + '"'
+ else:
+ return json.dumps(out)
+ def __get_used_net_vlan(self):
+ #get used from database if needed
+ try:
+ cmd = "SELECT vlan FROM nets WHERE vlan>='%s' ORDER BY vlan LIMIT 25" % self.net_vlan_lastused
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ vlan_tuple = self.cur.fetchall()
+ #convert a tuple of tuples in a list of numbers
+ self.net_vlan_usedlist = []
+ for k in vlan_tuple:
+ self.net_vlan_usedlist.append(k[0])
+ return 0
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ return self.format_error(e, "get_free_net_vlan", cmd)
+ def get_free_net_vlan(self):
+ '''obtain a vlan not used in any net'''
+ while True:
+ self.logger.debug("net_vlan_lastused:%d net_vlan_range:%d-%d net_vlan_usedlist:%s",
+ self.net_vlan_lastused, self.net_vlan_range[0], self.net_vlan_range[1], str(self.net_vlan_usedlist))
+ self.net_vlan_lastused += 1
+ if self.net_vlan_lastused == self.net_vlan_range[1]:
+ #start from the begining
+ self.net_vlan_lastused = self.net_vlan_range[0]
+ self.net_vlan_usedlist = None
+ if self.net_vlan_usedlist is None \
+ or (len(self.net_vlan_usedlist)>0 and self.net_vlan_lastused >= self.net_vlan_usedlist[-1] and len(self.net_vlan_usedlist)==25):
+ r = self.__get_used_net_vlan()
+ if r<0: return r
+ self.logger.debug("new net_vlan_usedlist %s", str(self.net_vlan_usedlist))
+ if self.net_vlan_lastused in self.net_vlan_usedlist:
+ continue
+ else:
+ return self.net_vlan_lastused
+ def get_table(self, **sql_dict):
+ ''' Obtain rows from a table.
+ Atribure sql_dir: dictionary with the following key: value
+ 'SELECT': [list of fields to retrieve] (by default all)
+ 'FROM': string of table name (Mandatory)
+ 'WHERE': dict of key:values, translated to key=value AND ... (Optional)
+ 'WHERE_NOT': dict of key:values, translated to key!=value AND ... (Optional)
+ 'WHERE_OR': dict of key:values, translated to key=value OR ... (Optional)
+ 'WHERE_AND_OR: str 'AND' or 'OR'(by default) mark the priority to 'WHERE AND (WHERE_OR)' or (WHERE) OR WHERE_OR' (Optional)
+ 'LIMIT': limit of number of rows (Optional)
+ 'DISTINCT': make a select distinct to remove repeated elements
+ Return: a list with dictionarys at each row
+ '''
+ #print sql_dict
+ select_ = "SELECT "
+ if sql_dict.get("DISTINCT"):
+ select_ += "DISTINCT "
+ select_ += ("*" if not sql_dict.get('SELECT') else ",".join(map(str,sql_dict['SELECT'])) )
+ #print 'select_', select_
+ from_ = "FROM " + str(sql_dict['FROM'])
+ #print 'from_', from_
+ where_and = None
+ where_or = None
+ w = sql_dict.get('WHERE')
+ if w:
+ where_and = " AND ".join(map( lambda x: str(x) + (" is Null" if w[x] is None else "='"+str(w[x])+"'"), w.keys()) )
+ w = sql_dict.get('WHERE_NOT')
+ if w:
+ where_and_not = " AND ".join(map( lambda x: str(x) + (" is not Null" if w[x] is None else "!='"+str(w[x])+"'"), w.keys()) )
+ if where_and:
+ where_and += " AND " + where_and_not
+ else:
+ where_and = where_and_not
+ w = sql_dict.get('WHERE_OR')
+ if w:
+ where_or = " OR ".join(map( lambda x: str(x) + (" is Null" if w[x] is None else "='"+str(w[x])+"'"), w.keys()) )
+ if where_and!=None and where_or!=None:
+ if sql_dict.get("WHERE_AND_OR") == "AND":
+ where_ = "WHERE " + where_and + " AND (" + where_or + ")"
+ else:
+ where_ = "WHERE (" + where_and + ") OR " + where_or
+ elif where_and!=None and where_or==None:
+ where_ = "WHERE " + where_and
+ elif where_and==None and where_or!=None:
+ where_ = "WHERE " + where_or
+ else:
+ where_ = ""
+ #print 'where_', where_
+ limit_ = "LIMIT " + str(sql_dict['LIMIT']) if sql_dict.get("LIMIT") else ""
+ #print 'limit_', limit_
+ cmd = " ".join( (select_, from_, where_, limit_) )
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ rows = self.cur.fetchall()
+ return self.cur.rowcount, rows
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "get_table", cmd)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def new_tenant(self, tenant_dict):
+ ''' Add one row into a table.
+ Attribure
+ tenant_dict: dictionary with the key: value to insert
+ It checks presence of uuid and add one automatically otherwise
+ Return: (result, uuid) where result can be 0 if error, or 1 if ok
+ '''
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ inserted=-1
+ try:
+ #create uuid if not provided
+ if 'uuid' not in tenant_dict:
+ uuid = tenant_dict['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
+ else:
+ uuid = str(tenant_dict['uuid'])
+ #obtain tenant_id for logs
+ tenant_id = uuid
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ #inserting new uuid
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','tenants')" % uuid
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #insert tenant
+ cmd= "INSERT INTO tenants (" + \
+ ",".join(map(str, tenant_dict.keys() )) + ") VALUES(" + \
+ ",".join(map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'",tenant_dict.values() )) + ")"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ inserted = self.cur.rowcount
+ ##inserting new log
+ #del tenant_dict['uuid'] # not interested for the log
+ #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,tenant_id,uuid,description) VALUES ('tenants','debug','%s','%s',\"new tenant %s\")" % (uuid, tenant_id, str(tenant_dict))
+ #self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ #self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #commit transaction
+ self.cur.close()
+ if inserted == 0: return 0, uuid
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ #adding public flavors
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO tenants_flavors(flavor_id,tenant_id) SELECT uuid as flavor_id,'"+ tenant_id + "' FROM flavors WHERE public = 'yes'"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ self.logger.debug("attached public flavors: %s", str(self.cur.rowcount))
+ #rows = self.cur.fetchall()
+ #for row in rows:
+ # cmd = "INSERT INTO tenants_flavors(flavor_id,tenant_id) VALUES('%s','%s')" % (row[0], tenant_id)
+ # self.cur.execute(cmd )
+ #adding public images
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO tenants_images(image_id,tenant_id) SELECT uuid as image_id,'"+ tenant_id + "' FROM images WHERE public = 'yes'"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ self.logger.debug("attached public images: %s", str(self.cur.rowcount))
+ return 1, uuid
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ if inserted==1:
+ self.logger.warning("new_tenant DB Exception %d: %s. Command %s",e.args[0], e.args[1], cmd)
+ return 1, uuid
+ else:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "new_tenant", cmd)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def new_row(self, table, INSERT, add_uuid=False, log=False):
+ ''' Add one row into a table.
+ Atribure
+ INSERT: dictionary with the key: value to insert
+ table: table where to insert
+ add_uuid: if True, it will crated an uuid key entry at INSERT if not provided
+ It checks presence of uuid and add one automatically otherwise
+ Return: (result, uuid) where result can be 0 if error, or 1 if ok
+ '''
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ if add_uuid:
+ #create uuid if not provided
+ if 'uuid' not in INSERT:
+ uuid = INSERT['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
+ else:
+ uuid = str(INSERT['uuid'])
+ else:
+ uuid=None
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ if add_uuid:
+ #inserting new uuid
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','%s')" % (uuid, table)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #insertion
+ cmd= "INSERT INTO " + table +" (" + \
+ ",".join(map(str, INSERT.keys() )) + ") VALUES(" + \
+ ",".join(map(lambda x: 'Null' if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", INSERT.values() )) + ")"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ nb_rows = self.cur.rowcount
+ #inserting new log
+ #if nb_rows > 0 and log:
+ # if add_uuid: del INSERT['uuid']
+ # #obtain tenant_id for logs
+ # if 'tenant_id' in INSERT:
+ # tenant_id = INSERT['tenant_id']
+ # del INSERT['tenant_id']
+ # elif table == 'tenants':
+ # tenant_id = uuid
+ # else:
+ # tenant_id = None
+ # if uuid is None: uuid_k = uuid_v = ""
+ # else: uuid_k=",uuid"; uuid_v=",'" + str(uuid) + "'"
+ # if tenant_id is None: tenant_k = tenant_v = ""
+ # else: tenant_k=",tenant_id"; tenant_v=",'" + str(tenant_id) + "'"
+ # cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level%s%s,description) VALUES ('%s','debug'%s%s,\"new %s %s\")" \
+ # % (uuid_k, tenant_k, table, uuid_v, tenant_v, table[:-1], str(INSERT))
+ # self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ # self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ return nb_rows, uuid
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "new_row", cmd)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def __remove_quotes(self, data):
+ '''remove single quotes ' of any string content of data dictionary'''
+ for k,v in data.items():
+ if type(v) == str:
+ if "'" in v:
+ data[k] = data[k].replace("'","_")
+ def _update_rows_internal(self, table, UPDATE, WHERE={}):
+ cmd= "UPDATE " + table +" SET " + \
+ ",".join(map(lambda x: str(x)+'='+ self.__data2db_format(UPDATE[x]), UPDATE.keys() ));
+ if WHERE:
+ cmd += " WHERE " + " and ".join(map(lambda x: str(x)+ (' is Null' if WHERE[x] is None else"='"+str(WHERE[x])+"'" ), WHERE.keys() ))
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ nb_rows = self.cur.rowcount
+ return nb_rows, None
+ def update_rows(self, table, UPDATE, WHERE={}, log=False):
+ ''' Update one or several rows into a table.
+ Atributes
+ UPDATE: dictionary with the key-new_value pairs to change
+ table: table to be modified
+ WHERE: dictionary to filter target rows, key-value
+ log: if true, a log entry is added at logs table
+ Return: (result, None) where result indicates the number of updated files
+ '''
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ #gettting uuid
+ uuid = WHERE.get('uuid')
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ cmd= "UPDATE " + table +" SET " + \
+ ",".join(map(lambda x: str(x)+'='+ self.__data2db_format(UPDATE[x]), UPDATE.keys() ));
+ if WHERE:
+ cmd += " WHERE " + " and ".join(map(lambda x: str(x)+ (' is Null' if WHERE[x] is None else"='"+str(WHERE[x])+"'" ), WHERE.keys() ))
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ nb_rows = self.cur.rowcount
+ #if nb_rows > 0 and log:
+ # #inserting new log
+ # if uuid is None: uuid_k = uuid_v = ""
+ # else: uuid_k=",uuid"; uuid_v=",'" + str(uuid) + "'"
+ # cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level%s,description) VALUES ('%s','debug'%s,\"updating %d entry %s\")" \
+ # % (uuid_k, table, uuid_v, nb_rows, (str(UPDATE)).replace('"','-') )
+ # self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ # self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ return nb_rows, uuid
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "update_rows", cmd)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def get_host(self, host_id):
+ if af.check_valid_uuid(host_id):
+ where_filter="uuid='" + host_id + "'"
+ else:
+ where_filter="name='" + host_id + "'"
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ #get HOST
+ cmd = "SELECT uuid, user, name, ip_name, description, ranking, admin_state_up, DATE_FORMAT(created_at,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s') as created_at \
+ FROM hosts WHERE " + where_filter
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ if self.cur.rowcount == 0 :
+ return 0, "host '" + str(host_id) +"'not found."
+ elif self.cur.rowcount > 1 :
+ return 0, "host '" + str(host_id) +"' matches more than one result."
+ host = self.cur.fetchone()
+ host_id = host['uuid']
+ #get numa
+ cmd = "SELECT id, numa_socket, hugepages, memory, admin_state_up FROM numas WHERE host_id = '" + str(host_id) + "'"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ host['numas'] = self.cur.fetchall()
+ for numa in host['numas']:
+ #print "SELECT core_id, instance_id, status, thread_id, v_thread_id FROM resources_core WHERE numa_id = '" + str(numa['id']) + "'"
+ #get cores
+ cmd = "SELECT core_id, instance_id, status, thread_id, v_thread_id FROM resources_core WHERE numa_id = '" + str(numa['id']) + "'"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ numa['cores'] = self.cur.fetchall()
+ for core in numa['cores']:
+ if core['instance_id'] == None: del core['instance_id'], core['v_thread_id']
+ if core['status'] == 'ok': del core['status']
+ #get used memory
+ cmd = "SELECT sum(consumed) as hugepages_consumed FROM resources_mem WHERE numa_id = '" + str(numa['id']) + "' GROUP BY numa_id"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ used = self.cur.fetchone()
+ used_= int(used['hugepages_consumed']) if used != None else 0
+ numa['hugepages_consumed'] = used_
+ #get ports
+ #cmd = "CALL GetPortsFromNuma(%s)'" % str(numa['id'])
+ #self.cur.callproc('GetPortsFromNuma', (numa['id'],) )
+ #every time a Procedure is launched you need to close and open the cursor
+ #under Error 2014: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
+ #self.cur.close()
+ #self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ cmd="SELECT Mbps, pci, status, Mbps_used, instance_id, if(id=root_id,'PF','VF') as type_,\
+ switch_port, switch_dpid, mac, source_name\
+ FROM resources_port WHERE numa_id=%d ORDER BY root_id, type_ DESC" % (numa['id'])
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ ifaces = self.cur.fetchall()
+ #The SQL query will ensure to have SRIOV interfaces from a port first
+ sriovs=[]
+ Mpbs_consumed = 0
+ numa['interfaces'] = []
+ for iface in ifaces:
+ if not iface["instance_id"]:
+ del iface["instance_id"]
+ if iface['status'] == 'ok':
+ del iface['status']
+ Mpbs_consumed += int(iface["Mbps_used"])
+ del iface["Mbps_used"]
+ if iface["type_"]=='PF':
+ if not iface["switch_dpid"]:
+ del iface["switch_dpid"]
+ if not iface["switch_port"]:
+ del iface["switch_port"]
+ if sriovs:
+ iface["sriovs"] = sriovs
+ if Mpbs_consumed:
+ iface["Mpbs_consumed"] = Mpbs_consumed
+ del iface["type_"]
+ numa['interfaces'].append(iface)
+ sriovs=[]
+ Mpbs_consumed = 0
+ else: #VF, SRIOV
+ del iface["switch_port"]
+ del iface["switch_dpid"]
+ del iface["type_"]
+ del iface["Mbps"]
+ sriovs.append(iface)
+ #delete internal field
+ del numa['id']
+ return 1, host
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "get_host", cmd)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def new_uuid(self):
+ max_retries=10
+ while max_retries>0:
+ uuid = str( myUuid.uuid1() )
+ if self.check_uuid(uuid)[0] == 0:
+ return uuid
+ max_retries-=1
+ return uuid
+ def check_uuid(self, uuid):
+ '''check in the database if this uuid is already present'''
+ try:
+ cmd = "SELECT * FROM uuids where uuid='" + str(uuid) + "'"
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ rows = self.cur.fetchall()
+ return self.cur.rowcount, rows
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ return self.format_error(e, "check_uuid", cmd)
+ def __get_next_ids(self):
+ '''get next auto increment index of all table in the database'''
+ self.cur.execute("SELECT table_name,AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.tables WHERE AUTO_INCREMENT IS NOT NULL AND table_schema = DATABASE()")
+ rows = self.cur.fetchall()
+ return self.cur.rowcount, dict(rows)
+ def edit_host(self, host_id, host_dict):
+ #get next port index
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ #update table host
+ numa_list = host_dict.pop('numas', () )
+ if host_dict:
+ self._update_rows_internal("hosts", host_dict, {"uuid": host_id})
+ where = {"host_id": host_id}
+ for numa_dict in numa_list:
+ where["numa_socket"] = str(numa_dict.pop('numa_socket'))
+ interface_list = numa_dict.pop('interfaces', () )
+ if numa_dict:
+ self._update_rows_internal("numas", numa_dict, where)
+ for interface in interface_list:
+ source_name = str(interface.pop("source_name") )
+ if interface:
+ #get interface id from resources_port
+ cmd= "SELECT rp.id as id FROM resources_port as rp join numas as n on n.id=rp.numa_id join hosts as h on h.uuid=n.host_id " +\
+ "WHERE host_id='%s' and rp.source_name='%s'" %(host_id, source_name)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ row = self.cur.fetchone()
+ if self.cur.rowcount<=0:
+ return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Interface source_name='%s' from numa_socket='%s' not found" % (source_name, str(where["numa_socket"]))
+ interface_id = row[0]
+ self._update_rows_internal("resources_port", interface, {"root_id": interface_id})
+ return self.get_host(host_id)
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "edit_host", cmd)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def new_host(self, host_dict):
+ #get next port index
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ result, next_ids = self.__get_next_ids()
+ #print "next_ids: " + str(next_ids)
+ if result <= 0: return result, "Internal DataBase error getting next id of tables"
+ #create uuid if not provided
+ if 'uuid' not in host_dict:
+ uuid = host_dict['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
+ else: #check uuid is valid
+ uuid = str(host_dict['uuid'])
+ # result, data = self.check_uuid(uuid)
+ # if (result == 1):
+ # return -1, "UUID '%s' already in use" % uuid
+ #inserting new uuid
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','hosts')" % uuid
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ result = self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #insert in table host
+ numa_list = host_dict.pop('numas', [])
+ #get nonhupages and nonisolated cpus
+ host_dict['RAM']=0
+ host_dict['cpus']=0
+ for numa in numa_list:
+ mem_numa = numa.get('memory', 0) - numa.get('hugepages',0)
+ if mem_numa>0:
+ host_dict['RAM'] += mem_numa
+ for core in numa.get("cores", []):
+ if "status" in core and core["status"]=="noteligible":
+ host_dict['cpus']+=1
+ host_dict['RAM']*=1024 # from GB to MB
+ keys = ",".join(host_dict.keys())
+ values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", host_dict.values() ) )
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO hosts (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ result = self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #if result != 1: return -1, "Database Error while inserting at hosts table"
+ #insert numas
+ nb_numas = nb_cores = nb_ifaces = 0
+ for numa_dict in numa_list:
+ nb_numas += 1
+ interface_list = numa_dict.pop('interfaces', [])
+ core_list = numa_dict.pop('cores', [])
+ numa_dict['id'] = next_ids['numas']; next_ids['numas'] += 1
+ numa_dict['host_id'] = uuid
+ keys = ",".join(numa_dict.keys())
+ values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", numa_dict.values() ) )
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO numas (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ result = self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #insert cores
+ for core_dict in core_list:
+ nb_cores += 1
+ core_dict['numa_id'] = numa_dict['id']
+ keys = ",".join(core_dict.keys())
+ values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", core_dict.values() ) )
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO resources_core (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ result = self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #insert ports
+ for port_dict in interface_list:
+ nb_ifaces += 1
+ sriov_list = port_dict.pop('sriovs', [])
+ port_dict['numa_id'] = numa_dict['id']
+ port_dict['id'] = port_dict['root_id'] = next_ids['resources_port']
+ next_ids['resources_port'] += 1
+ switch_port = port_dict.get('switch_port', None)
+ switch_dpid = port_dict.get('switch_dpid', None)
+ keys = ",".join(port_dict.keys())
+ values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", port_dict.values() ) )
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO resources_port (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ result = self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #insert sriovs into port table
+ for sriov_dict in sriov_list:
+ sriov_dict['switch_port'] = switch_port
+ sriov_dict['switch_dpid'] = switch_dpid
+ sriov_dict['numa_id'] = port_dict['numa_id']
+ sriov_dict['Mbps'] = port_dict['Mbps']
+ sriov_dict['root_id'] = port_dict['id']
+ sriov_dict['id'] = next_ids['resources_port']
+ if "vlan" in sriov_dict:
+ del sriov_dict["vlan"]
+ next_ids['resources_port'] += 1
+ keys = ",".join(sriov_dict.keys())
+ values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", sriov_dict.values() ) )
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO resources_port (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ result = self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #inserting new log
+ #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid,description) VALUES ('hosts','debug','%s','new host: %d numas, %d theads, %d ifaces')" % (uuid, nb_numas, nb_cores, nb_ifaces)
+ #self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ #result = self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #inseted ok
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ self.logger.debug("callproc('UpdateSwitchPort', () )")
+ self.cur.callproc('UpdateSwitchPort', () )
+ self.logger.debug("getting host '%s'",str(host_dict['uuid']))
+ return self.get_host(host_dict['uuid'])
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "new_host", cmd)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def new_flavor(self, flavor_dict, tenant_id ):
+ '''Add new flavor into the database. Create uuid if not provided
+ Atributes
+ flavor_dict: flavor dictionary with the key: value to insert. Must be valid flavors columns
+ tenant_id: if not 'any', it matches this flavor/tenant inserting at tenants_flavors table
+ Return: (result, data) where result can be
+ negative: error at inserting. data contain text
+ 1, inserted, data contain inserted uuid flavor
+ '''
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ #create uuid if not provided
+ if 'uuid' not in flavor_dict:
+ uuid = flavor_dict['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
+ else: #check uuid is valid
+ uuid = str(flavor_dict['uuid'])
+ # result, data = self.check_uuid(uuid)
+ # if (result == 1):
+ # return -1, "UUID '%s' already in use" % uuid
+ #inserting new uuid
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','flavors')" % uuid
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #insert in table flavor
+ keys = ",".join(flavor_dict.keys())
+ values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", flavor_dict.values() ) )
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO flavors (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #if result != 1: return -1, "Database Error while inserting at flavors table"
+ #insert tenants_flavors
+ if tenant_id != 'any':
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO tenants_flavors (tenant_id,flavor_id) VALUES ('%s','%s')" % (tenant_id, uuid)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #inserting new log
+ #del flavor_dict['uuid']
+ #if 'extended' in flavor_dict: del flavor_dict['extended'] #remove two many information
+ #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid, tenant_id, description) VALUES ('flavors','debug','%s','%s',\"new flavor: %s\")" \
+ # % (uuid, tenant_id, str(flavor_dict))
+ #self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ #self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #inseted ok
+ return 1, uuid
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "new_flavor", cmd, "update", tenant_id)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def new_image(self, image_dict, tenant_id):
+ '''Add new image into the database. Create uuid if not provided
+ Atributes
+ image_dict: image dictionary with the key: value to insert. Must be valid images columns
+ tenant_id: if not 'any', it matches this image/tenant inserting at tenants_images table
+ Return: (result, data) where result can be
+ negative: error at inserting. data contain text
+ 1, inserted, data contain inserted uuid image
+ '''
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ #create uuid if not provided
+ if 'uuid' not in image_dict:
+ uuid = image_dict['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
+ else: #check uuid is valid
+ uuid = str(image_dict['uuid'])
+ # result, data = self.check_uuid(uuid)
+ # if (result == 1):
+ # return -1, "UUID '%s' already in use" % uuid
+ #inserting new uuid
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','images')" % uuid
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #insert in table image
+ keys = ",".join(image_dict.keys())
+ values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", image_dict.values() ) )
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO images (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #if result != 1: return -1, "Database Error while inserting at images table"
+ #insert tenants_images
+ if tenant_id != 'any':
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO tenants_images (tenant_id,image_id) VALUES ('%s','%s')" % (tenant_id, uuid)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ ##inserting new log
+ #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid, tenant_id, description) VALUES ('images','debug','%s','%s',\"new image: %s path: %s\")" % (uuid, tenant_id, image_dict['name'], image_dict['path'])
+ #self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ #self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #inseted ok
+ return 1, uuid
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "new_image", cmd, "update", tenant_id)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def delete_image_flavor(self, item_type, item_id, tenant_id):
+ '''deletes an image or flavor from database
+ item_type must be a 'image' or 'flavor'
+ item_id is the uuid
+ tenant_id is the asociated tenant, can be 'any' with means all
+ If tenan_id is not any, it deletes from tenants_images/flavors,
+ which means this image/flavor is used by this tenant, and if success,
+ it tries to delete from images/flavors in case this is not public,
+ that only will success if image is private and not used by other tenants
+ If tenant_id is any, it tries to delete from both tables at the same transaction
+ so that image/flavor is completely deleted from all tenants or nothing
+ '''
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ deleted = -1
+ deleted_item = -1
+ result = (-HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "internal error")
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ cmd = "DELETE FROM tenants_%ss WHERE %s_id = '%s'" % (item_type, item_type, item_id)
+ if tenant_id != 'any':
+ cmd += " AND tenant_id = '%s'" % tenant_id
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ deleted = self.cur.rowcount
+ if tenant_id == 'any': #delete from images/flavors in the SAME transaction
+ cmd = "DELETE FROM %ss WHERE uuid = '%s'" % (item_type, item_id)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ deleted = self.cur.rowcount
+ if deleted>=1:
+ #delete uuid
+ cmd = "DELETE FROM uuids WHERE uuid = '%s'" % item_id
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ ##inserting new log
+ #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid,tenant_id,description) \
+ # VALUES ('%ss','debug','%s','%s','delete %s completely')" % \
+ # (item_type, item_id, tenant_id, item_type)
+ #self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ #self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ return deleted, "%s '%s' completely deleted" % (item_type, item_id)
+ return 0, "%s '%s' not found" % (item_type, item_id)
+ if deleted == 1:
+ ##inserting new log
+ #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid,tenant_id,description) \
+ # VALUES ('%ss','debug','%s','%s','delete %s reference for this tenant')" % \
+ # (item_type, item_id, tenant_id, item_type)
+ #self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ #self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #commit transaction
+ self.cur.close()
+ #if tenant!=any delete from images/flavors in OTHER transaction. If fails is because dependencies so that not return error
+ if deleted==1:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ #delete image/flavor if not public
+ cmd = "DELETE FROM %ss WHERE uuid = '%s' AND public = 'no'" % (item_type, item_id)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ deleted_item = self.cur.rowcount
+ if deleted_item == 1:
+ #delete uuid
+ cmd = "DELETE FROM uuids WHERE uuid = '%s'" % item_id
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ ##inserting new log
+ #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid,tenant_id,description) \
+ # VALUES ('%ss','debug','%s','%s','delete %s completely')" % \
+ # (item_type, item_id, tenant_id, item_type)
+ #self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ #self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ #print "delete_%s DB Exception %d: %s" % (item_type, e.args[0], e.args[1])
+ if deleted <0:
+ result = self.format_error(e, "delete_"+item_type, cmd, "delete", "servers")
+ finally:
+ if deleted==1:
+ return 1, "%s '%s' from tenant '%s' %sdeleted" % \
+ (item_type, item_id, tenant_id, "completely " if deleted_item==1 else "")
+ elif deleted==0:
+ return 0, "%s '%s' from tenant '%s' not found" % (item_type, item_id, tenant_id)
+ else:
+ if result[0]!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return result
+ def delete_row(self, table, uuid):
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ #delete host
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ cmd = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE uuid = '%s'" % (table, uuid)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ deleted = self.cur.rowcount
+ if deleted == 1:
+ #delete uuid
+ if table == 'tenants': tenant_str=uuid
+ else: tenant_str='Null'
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ cmd = "DELETE FROM uuids WHERE uuid = '%s'" % uuid
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ ##inserting new log
+ #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid,tenant_id,description) VALUES ('%s','debug','%s','%s','delete %s')" % (table, uuid, tenant_str, table[:-1])
+ #self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ #self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ return deleted, table[:-1] + " '%s' %s" %(uuid, "deleted" if deleted==1 else "not found")
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "delete_row", cmd, "delete", 'instances' if table=='hosts' or table=='tenants' else 'dependencies')
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def delete_row_by_key(self, table, key, value):
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ #delete host
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ cmd = "DELETE FROM %s" % (table)
+ if key!=None:
+ if value!=None:
+ cmd += " WHERE %s = '%s'" % (key, value)
+ else:
+ cmd += " WHERE %s is null" % (key)
+ else: #delete all
+ pass
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ deleted = self.cur.rowcount
+ if deleted < 1:
+ return -1, 'Not found'
+ #delete uuid
+ return 0, deleted
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "delete_row_by_key", cmd, "delete", 'instances' if table=='hosts' or table=='tenants' else 'dependencies')
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def delete_row_by_dict(self, **sql_dict):
+ ''' Deletes rows from a table.
+ Attribute sql_dir: dictionary with the following key: value
+ 'FROM': string of table name (Mandatory)
+ 'WHERE': dict of key:values, translated to key=value AND ... (Optional)
+ 'WHERE_NOT': dict of key:values, translated to key<>value AND ... (Optional)
+ 'WHERE_NOTNULL': (list or tuple of items that must not be null in a where ... (Optional)
+ 'LIMIT': limit of number of rows (Optional)
+ Return: the (number of items deleted, descriptive test) if ok; (negative, descriptive text) if error
+ '''
+ #print sql_dict
+ from_ = "FROM " + str(sql_dict['FROM'])
+ #print 'from_', from_
+ if 'WHERE' in sql_dict and len(sql_dict['WHERE']) > 0:
+ w=sql_dict['WHERE']
+ where_ = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(map( lambda x: str(x) + (" is Null" if w[x] is None else "='"+str(w[x])+"'"), w.keys()) )
+ else: where_ = ""
+ if 'WHERE_NOT' in sql_dict and len(sql_dict['WHERE_NOT']) > 0:
+ w=sql_dict['WHERE_NOT']
+ where_2 = " AND ".join(map( lambda x: str(x) + (" is not Null" if w[x] is None else "<>'"+str(w[x])+"'"), w.keys()) )
+ if len(where_)==0: where_ = "WHERE " + where_2
+ else: where_ = where_ + " AND " + where_2
+ if 'WHERE_NOTNULL' in sql_dict and len(sql_dict['WHERE_NOTNULL']) > 0:
+ w=sql_dict['WHERE_NOTNULL']
+ where_2 = " AND ".join(map( lambda x: str(x) + " is not Null", w) )
+ if len(where_)==0: where_ = "WHERE " + where_2
+ else: where_ = where_ + " AND " + where_2
+ #print 'where_', where_
+ limit_ = "LIMIT " + str(sql_dict['LIMIT']) if 'LIMIT' in sql_dict else ""
+ #print 'limit_', limit_
+ cmd = " ".join( ("DELETE", from_, where_, limit_) )
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ #delete host
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ deleted = self.cur.rowcount
+ return deleted, "%d deleted from %s" % (deleted, sql_dict['FROM'][:-1] )
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "delete_row_by_dict", cmd, "delete", 'dependencies')
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def get_instance(self, instance_id):
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ cmd = "SELECT uuid, name, description, progress, host_id, flavor_id, image_id, status, last_error, "\
+ "tenant_id, ram, vcpus, created_at FROM instances WHERE uuid='{}'".format(instance_id)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ if self.cur.rowcount == 0 : return 0, "instance '" + str(instance_id) +"'not found."
+ instance = self.cur.fetchone()
+ #get networks
+ cmd = "SELECT uuid as iface_id, net_id, mac as mac_address, ip_address, name, Mbps as bandwidth, "\
+ "vpci, model FROM ports WHERE (type='instance:bridge' or type='instance:ovs') AND "\
+ "instance_id= '{}'".format(instance_id)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ if self.cur.rowcount > 0 :
+ instance['networks'] = self.cur.fetchall()
+ #get extended
+ extended = {}
+ #get devices
+ cmd = "SELECT type, vpci, image_id, xml,dev FROM instance_devices WHERE instance_id = '%s' " % str(instance_id)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ if self.cur.rowcount > 0 :
+ extended['devices'] = self.cur.fetchall()
+ #get numas
+ numas = []
+ cmd = "SELECT id, numa_socket as source FROM numas WHERE host_id = '" + str(instance['host_id']) + "'"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ host_numas = self.cur.fetchall()
+ #print 'host_numas', host_numas
+ for k in host_numas:
+ numa_id = str(k['id'])
+ numa_dict ={}
+ #get memory
+ cmd = "SELECT consumed FROM resources_mem WHERE instance_id = '%s' AND numa_id = '%s'" % ( instance_id, numa_id)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ if self.cur.rowcount > 0:
+ mem_dict = self.cur.fetchone()
+ numa_dict['memory'] = mem_dict['consumed']
+ #get full cores
+ cursor2 = self.con.cursor()
+ cmd = "SELECT core_id, paired, MIN(v_thread_id) as v1, MAX(v_thread_id) as v2, COUNT(instance_id) as nb, MIN(thread_id) as t1, MAX(thread_id) as t2 FROM resources_core WHERE instance_id = '%s' AND numa_id = '%s' GROUP BY core_id,paired" % ( str(instance_id), numa_id)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ cursor2.execute(cmd)
+ core_list = []; core_source = []
+ paired_list = []; paired_source = []
+ thread_list = []; thread_source = []
+ if cursor2.rowcount > 0:
+ cores = cursor2.fetchall()
+ for core in cores:
+ if core[4] == 2: #number of used threads from core
+ if core[3] == core[2]: #only one thread asigned to VM, so completely core
+ core_list.append(core[2])
+ core_source.append(core[5])
+ elif core[1] == 'Y':
+ paired_list.append(core[2:4])
+ paired_source.append(core[5:7])
+ else:
+ thread_list.extend(core[2:4])
+ thread_source.extend(core[5:7])
+ else:
+ thread_list.append(core[2])
+ thread_source.append(core[5])
+ if len(core_list) > 0:
+ numa_dict['cores'] = len(core_list)
+ numa_dict['cores-id'] = core_list
+ numa_dict['cores-source'] = core_source
+ if len(paired_list) > 0:
+ numa_dict['paired-threads'] = len(paired_list)
+ numa_dict['paired-threads-id'] = paired_list
+ numa_dict['paired-threads-source'] = paired_source
+ if len(thread_list) > 0:
+ numa_dict['threads'] = len(thread_list)
+ numa_dict['threads-id'] = thread_list
+ numa_dict['threads-source'] = thread_source
+ #get dedicated ports and SRIOV
+ cmd = "SELECT port_id as iface_id, p.vlan as vlan, p.mac as mac_address, net_id, if(model='PF',\
+ 'yes',if(model='VF','no','yes:sriov')) as dedicated, rp.Mbps as bandwidth, name, vpci, \
+ pci as source \
+ FROM resources_port as rp join ports as p on port_id=uuid WHERE p.instance_id = '%s' AND numa_id = '%s' and p.type='instance:data'" % (instance_id, numa_id)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ if self.cur.rowcount > 0:
+ numa_dict['interfaces'] = self.cur.fetchall()
+ #print 'interfaces', numa_dict
+ if len(numa_dict) > 0 :
+ numa_dict['source'] = k['source'] #numa socket
+ numas.append(numa_dict)
+ if len(numas) > 0 : extended['numas'] = numas
+ if len(extended) > 0 : instance['extended'] = extended
+ af.DeleteNone(instance)
+ return 1, instance
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "get_instance", cmd)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def get_numas(self, requirements, prefered_host_id=None, only_of_ports=True):
+ '''Obtain a valid NUMA/HOST for deployment a VM
+ requirements: contain requirement regarding:
+ requirements['ram']: Non huge page memory in MB; 0 to skip
+ requirements['vcpus']: Non isolated cpus; 0 to skip
+ requirements['numa']: Requiremets to be fixed in ONE Numa node
+ requirements['numa']['memory']: Huge page memory in GB at ; 0 for any
+ requirements['numa']['proc_req_type']: Type of processor, cores or threads
+ requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']: Number of isolated cpus
+ requirements['numa']['port_list']: Physical NIC ports list ; [] for any
+ requirements['numa']['sriov_list']: Virtual function NIC ports list ; [] for any
+ prefered_host_id: if not None return this host if it match
+ only_of_ports: if True only those ports conected to the openflow (of) are valid,
+ that is, with switch_port information filled; if False, all NIC ports are valid.
+ Return a valid numa and host
+ '''
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+# #Find numas of prefered host
+# prefered_numas = ()
+# if prefered_host_id != None:
+# self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+# self.cur.execute("SELECT id FROM numas WHERE host_id='%s'" + prefered_host_id)
+# prefered_numas = self.cur.fetchall()
+# self.cur.close()
+ #Find valid host for the ram and vcpus
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ cmd = "CALL GetHostByMemCpu(%s, %s)" % (str(requirements['ram']), str(requirements['vcpus']))
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.callproc('GetHostByMemCpu', (str(requirements['ram']), str(requirements['vcpus'])) )
+ valid_hosts = self.cur.fetchall()
+ self.cur.close()
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ match_found = False
+ if len(valid_hosts)<=0:
+ error_text = 'No room at data center. Cannot find a host with %s MB memory and %s cpus available' % (str(requirements['ram']), str(requirements['vcpus']))
+ #self.logger.debug(error_text)
+ return -1, error_text
+ #elif req_numa != None:
+ #Find valid numa nodes for memory requirements
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ cmd = "CALL GetNumaByMemory(%s)" % str(requirements['numa']['memory'])
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.callproc('GetNumaByMemory', (requirements['numa']['memory'],) )
+ valid_for_memory = self.cur.fetchall()
+ self.cur.close()
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ if len(valid_for_memory)<=0:
+ error_text = 'No room at data center. Cannot find a host with %s GB Hugepages memory available' % str(requirements['numa']['memory'])
+ #self.logger.debug(error_text)
+ return -1, error_text
+ #Find valid numa nodes for processor requirements
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ if requirements['numa']['proc_req_type'] == 'threads':
+ cpu_requirement_text='cpu-threads'
+ cmd = "CALL GetNumaByThread(%s)" % str(requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb'])
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.callproc('GetNumaByThread', (requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb'],) )
+ else:
+ cpu_requirement_text='cpu-cores'
+ cmd = "CALL GetNumaByCore(%s)" % str(requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb'])
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.callproc('GetNumaByCore', (requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb'],) )
+ valid_for_processor = self.cur.fetchall()
+ self.cur.close()
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ if len(valid_for_processor)<=0:
+ error_text = 'No room at data center. Cannot find a host with %s %s available' % (str(requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']),cpu_requirement_text)
+ #self.logger.debug(error_text)
+ return -1, error_text
+ #Find the numa nodes that comply for memory and processor requirements
+ #sorting from less to more memory capacity
+ valid_numas = []
+ for m_numa in valid_for_memory:
+ numa_valid_for_processor = False
+ for p_numa in valid_for_processor:
+ if m_numa['numa_id'] == p_numa['numa_id']:
+ numa_valid_for_processor = True
+ break
+ numa_valid_for_host = False
+ prefered_numa = False
+ for p_host in valid_hosts:
+ if m_numa['host_id'] == p_host['uuid']:
+ numa_valid_for_host = True
+ if p_host['uuid'] == prefered_host_id:
+ prefered_numa = True
+ break
+ if numa_valid_for_host and numa_valid_for_processor:
+ if prefered_numa:
+ valid_numas.insert(0, m_numa['numa_id'])
+ else:
+ valid_numas.append(m_numa['numa_id'])
+ if len(valid_numas)<=0:
+ error_text = 'No room at data center. Cannot find a host with %s MB hugepages memory and %s %s available in the same numa' %\
+ (requirements['numa']['memory'], str(requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']),cpu_requirement_text)
+ #self.logger.debug(error_text)
+ return -1, error_text
+ # print 'Valid numas list: '+str(valid_numas)
+ #Find valid numa nodes for interfaces requirements
+ #For each valid numa we will obtain the number of available ports and check if these are valid
+ match_found = False
+ for numa_id in valid_numas:
+ # print 'Checking '+str(numa_id)
+ match_found = False
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ if only_of_ports:
+ cmd="CALL GetAvailablePorts(%s)" % str(numa_id)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.callproc('GetAvailablePorts', (numa_id,) )
+ else:
+ cmd="CALL GetAllAvailablePorts(%s)" % str(numa_id)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.callproc('GetAllAvailablePorts', (numa_id,) )
+ available_ports = self.cur.fetchall()
+ self.cur.close()
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ #Set/reset reservations
+ for port in available_ports:
+ port['Mbps_reserved'] = 0
+ port['SRIOV_reserved'] = 0
+ #Try to allocate physical ports
+ physical_ports_found = True
+ for iface in requirements['numa']['port_list']:
+ # print '\t\tchecking iface: '+str(iface)
+ portFound = False
+ for port in available_ports:
+ # print '\t\t\tfor port: '+str(port)
+ #If the port is not empty continue
+ if port['Mbps_free'] != port['Mbps'] or port['Mbps_reserved'] != 0:
+ # print '\t\t\t\t Not empty port'
+ continue;
+ #If the port speed is not enough continue
+ if port['Mbps'] < iface['bandwidth']:
+ # print '\t\t\t\t Not enough speed'
+ continue;
+ #Otherwise this is a valid port
+ port['Mbps_reserved'] = port['Mbps']
+ port['SRIOV_reserved'] = 0
+ iface['port_id'] = port['port_id']
+ iface['vlan'] = None
+ iface['mac'] = port['mac']
+ iface['switch_port'] = port['switch_port']
+ # print '\t\t\t\t Dedicated port found '+str(port['port_id'])
+ portFound = True
+ break;
+ #if all ports have been checked and no match has been found
+ #this is not a valid numa
+ if not portFound:
+ # print '\t\t\t\t\tAll ports have been checked and no match has been found for numa '+str(numa_id)+'\n\n'
+ physical_ports_found = False
+ break
+ #if there is no match continue checking the following numa
+ if not physical_ports_found:
+ continue
+ #Try to allocate SR-IOVs
+ sriov_ports_found = True
+ for iface in requirements['numa']['sriov_list']:
+ # print '\t\tchecking iface: '+str(iface)
+ portFound = False
+ for port in available_ports:
+ # print '\t\t\tfor port: '+str(port)
+ #If there are not available SR-IOVs continue
+ if port['availableSRIOV'] - port['SRIOV_reserved'] <= 0:
+ # print '\t\t\t\t Not enough SR-IOV'
+ continue;
+ #If the port free speed is not enough continue
+ if port['Mbps_free'] - port['Mbps_reserved'] < iface['bandwidth']:
+ # print '\t\t\t\t Not enough speed'
+ continue;
+ #Otherwise this is a valid port
+ port['Mbps_reserved'] += iface['bandwidth']
+ port['SRIOV_reserved'] += 1
+ # print '\t\t\t\t SR-IOV found '+str(port['port_id'])
+ iface['port_id'] = port['port_id']
+ iface['vlan'] = None
+ iface['mac'] = port['mac']
+ iface['switch_port'] = port['switch_port']
+ portFound = True
+ break;
+ #if all ports have been checked and no match has been found
+ #this is not a valid numa
+ if not portFound:
+ # print '\t\t\t\t\tAll ports have been checked and no match has been found for numa '+str(numa_id)+'\n\n'
+ sriov_ports_found = False
+ break
+ #if there is no match continue checking the following numa
+ if not sriov_ports_found:
+ continue
+ if sriov_ports_found and physical_ports_found:
+ match_found = True
+ break
+ if not match_found:
+ error_text = 'No room at data center. Cannot find a host with the required hugepages, vcpus and interfaces'
+ #self.logger.debug(error_text)
+ return -1, error_text
+ #self.logger.debug('Full match found in numa %s', str(numa_id))
+ for numa in valid_for_processor:
+ if numa_id==numa['numa_id']:
+ host_id=numa['host_id']
+ break
+ return 0, {'numa_id':numa_id, 'host_id': host_id, }
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "get_numas", cmd)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def new_instance(self, instance_dict, nets, ports_to_free):
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ #create uuid if not provided
+ if 'uuid' not in instance_dict:
+ uuid = instance_dict['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
+ else: #check uuid is valid
+ uuid = str(instance_dict['uuid'])
+ #inserting new uuid
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, root_uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','%s', 'instances')" % (uuid, uuid)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #insert in table instance
+ extended = instance_dict.pop('extended', None);
+ bridgedifaces = instance_dict.pop('bridged-ifaces', () );
+ keys = ",".join(instance_dict.keys())
+ values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", instance_dict.values() ) )
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO instances (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #if result != 1: return -1, "Database Error while inserting at instances table"
+ #insert resources
+ nb_bridge_ifaces = nb_cores = nb_ifaces = nb_numas = 0
+ #insert bridged_ifaces
+ for iface in bridgedifaces:
+ #generate and insert a iface uuid
+ if 'enable_dhcp' in iface and iface['enable_dhcp']:
+ dhcp_first_ip = iface["dhcp_first_ip"]
+ del iface["dhcp_first_ip"]
+ dhcp_last_ip = iface["dhcp_last_ip"]
+ del iface["dhcp_last_ip"]
+ dhcp_cidr = iface["cidr"]
+ del iface["cidr"]
+ del iface["enable_dhcp"]
+ used_dhcp_ips = self._get_dhcp_ip_used_list(iface["net_id"])
+ iface["ip_address"] = self.get_free_ip_from_range(dhcp_first_ip, dhcp_last_ip,
+ dhcp_cidr, used_dhcp_ips)
+ iface['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, root_uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','%s', 'ports')" % (iface['uuid'], uuid)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #insert iface
+ iface['instance_id'] = uuid
+ # iface['type'] = 'instance:bridge'
+ if 'name' not in iface: iface['name']="br"+str(nb_bridge_ifaces)
+ iface['Mbps']=iface.pop('bandwidth', None)
+ if 'mac_address' not in iface:
+ iface['mac'] = af.gen_random_mac()
+ else:
+ iface['mac'] = iface['mac_address']
+ del iface['mac_address']
+ #iface['mac']=iface.pop('mac_address', None) #for leaving mac generation to libvirt
+ keys = ",".join(iface.keys())
+ values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", iface.values() ) )
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO ports (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ nb_bridge_ifaces += 1
+ if extended is not None:
+ if 'numas' not in extended or extended['numas'] is None: extended['numas'] = ()
+ for numa in extended['numas']:
+ nb_numas += 1
+ #cores
+ if 'cores' not in numa or numa['cores'] is None: numa['cores'] = ()
+ for core in numa['cores']:
+ nb_cores += 1
+ cmd = "UPDATE resources_core SET instance_id='%s'%s%s WHERE id='%s'" \
+ % (uuid, \
+ (",v_thread_id='" + str(core['vthread']) + "'") if 'vthread' in core else '', \
+ (",paired='" + core['paired'] + "'") if 'paired' in core else '', \
+ core['id'] )
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #interfaces
+ if 'interfaces' not in numa or numa['interfaces'] is None: numa['interfaces'] = ()
+ for iface in numa['interfaces']:
+ #generate and insert an uuid; iface[id]=iface_uuid; iface[uuid]= net_id
+ iface['id'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, root_uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','%s', 'ports')" % (iface['id'], uuid)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ nb_ifaces += 1
+ mbps_=("'"+str(iface['Mbps_used'])+"'") if 'Mbps_used' in iface and iface['Mbps_used'] is not None else "Mbps"
+ if iface["dedicated"]=="yes":
+ iface_model="PF"
+ elif iface["dedicated"]=="yes:sriov":
+ iface_model="VFnotShared"
+ elif iface["dedicated"]=="no":
+ iface_model="VF"
+ #else error
+ INSERT=(iface['mac_address'], iface['switch_port'], iface.get('vlan',None), 'instance:data', iface['Mbps_used'], iface['id'],
+ uuid, instance_dict['tenant_id'], iface.get('name',None), iface.get('vpci',None), iface.get('uuid',None), iface_model )
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO ports (mac,switch_port,vlan,type,Mbps,uuid,instance_id,tenant_id,name,vpci,net_id, model) " + \
+ " VALUES (" + ",".join(map(lambda x: 'Null' if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", INSERT )) + ")"
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ if 'uuid' in iface:
+ nets.append(iface['uuid'])
+ #discover if this port is not used by anyone
+ cmd = "SELECT source_name, mac FROM ( SELECT root_id, count(instance_id) as used FROM resources_port" \
+ " WHERE root_id=(SELECT root_id from resources_port WHERE id='%s')"\
+ " GROUP BY root_id ) AS A JOIN resources_port as B ON A.root_id=B.id AND A.used=0" % iface['port_id']
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ ports_to_free += self.cur.fetchall()
+ cmd = "UPDATE resources_port SET instance_id='%s', port_id='%s',Mbps_used=%s WHERE id='%s'" \
+ % (uuid, iface['id'], mbps_, iface['port_id'])
+ #if Mbps_used not suply, set the same value of 'Mpbs', that is the total
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #memory
+ if 'memory' in numa and numa['memory'] is not None and numa['memory']>0:
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO resources_mem (numa_id, instance_id, consumed) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')" % (numa['numa_id'], uuid, numa['memory'])
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ if 'devices' not in extended or extended['devices'] is None: extended['devices'] = ()
+ for device in extended['devices']:
+ if 'vpci' in device: vpci = "'" + device['vpci'] + "'"
+ else: vpci = 'Null'
+ if 'image_id' in device: image_id = "'" + device['image_id'] + "'"
+ else: image_id = 'Null'
+ if 'xml' in device: xml = "'" + device['xml'] + "'"
+ else: xml = 'Null'
+ if 'dev' in device: dev = "'" + device['dev'] + "'"
+ else: dev = 'Null'
+ cmd = "INSERT INTO instance_devices (type, instance_id, image_id, vpci, xml, dev) VALUES ('%s','%s', %s, %s, %s, %s)" % \
+ (device['type'], uuid, image_id, vpci, xml, dev)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ ##inserting new log
+ #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid,description) VALUES ('instances','debug','%s','new instance: %d numas, %d theads, %d ifaces %d bridge_ifaces')" % (uuid, nb_numas, nb_cores, nb_ifaces, nb_bridge_ifaces)
+ #self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ #self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #inseted ok
+ return 1, uuid
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "new_instance", cmd)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def get_free_ip_from_range(self, first_ip, last_ip, cidr, ip_used_list):
+ """
+ Calculate a free IP from a range given
+ :param first_ip: First dhcp ip range
+ :param last_ip: Last dhcp ip range
+ :param cidr: net cidr
+ :param ip_used_list: contain all used ips to avoid ip collisions
+ :return:
+ """
+ ip_tools = IPNetwork(cidr)
+ cidr_len = ip_tools.prefixlen
+ ips = IPNetwork(first_ip + '/' + str(cidr_len))
+ ip_used_list.append(str(ips[0])) # first ip
+ ip_used_list.append(str(ips[1])) # gw ip
+ ip_used_list.append(str(ips[-1])) # broadcast ip
+ for vm_ip in ips:
+ if str(vm_ip) not in ip_used_list:
+ return vm_ip
+ return None
+ def _get_dhcp_ip_used_list(self, net_id):
+ """
+ REtreive from DB all ips already used by the dhcp server for a given net
+ :param net_id:
+ :return:
+ """
+ WHERE={'type': 'instance:ovs', 'net_id': net_id}
+ for retry_ in range(0, 2):
+ cmd = ""
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ select_ = "SELECT uuid, ip_address FROM ports "
+ if WHERE is None or len(WHERE) == 0:
+ where_ = ""
+ else:
+ where_ = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(
+ map(lambda x: str(x) + (" is Null" if WHERE[x] is None else "='" + str(WHERE[x]) + "'"),
+ WHERE.keys()))
+ limit_ = "LIMIT 100"
+ cmd = " ".join((select_, where_, limit_))
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ ports = self.cur.fetchall()
+ ip_address_list = []
+ for port in ports:
+ ip_address_list.append(port['ip_address'])
+ return ip_address_list
+ def delete_instance(self, instance_id, tenant_id, net_dataplane_list, ports_to_free, net_ovs_list, logcause="requested by http"):
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor()
+ cmd = "SELECT uuid FROM instances WHERE uuid='%s' AND tenant_id='%s'" % (instance_id, tenant_id)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ if self.cur.rowcount == 0 : return 0, "instance %s not found in tenant %s" % (instance_id, tenant_id)
+ #delete bridged ifaces, instace_devices, resources_mem; done by database: it is automatic by Database; FOREIGN KEY DELETE CASCADE
+ #get nets afected
+ cmd = "SELECT DISTINCT net_id from ports WHERE instance_id = '%s' AND net_id is not Null AND type='instance:data'" % instance_id
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ net_list__ = self.cur.fetchall()
+ for net in net_list__:
+ net_dataplane_list.append(net[0])
+ # get ovs manangement nets
+ cmd = "SELECT DISTINCT net_id, vlan, ip_address, mac FROM ports WHERE instance_id='{}' AND net_id is not Null AND "\
+ "type='instance:ovs'".format(instance_id)
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ net_ovs_list += self.cur.fetchall()
+ #get dataplane interfaces releases by this VM; both PF and VF with no other VF
+ cmd="SELECT source_name, mac FROM (SELECT root_id, count(instance_id) as used FROM resources_port WHERE instance_id='%s' GROUP BY root_id ) AS A" % instance_id \
+ + " JOIN (SELECT root_id, count(instance_id) as used FROM resources_port GROUP BY root_id) AS B ON A.root_id=B.root_id AND A.used=B.used"\
+ + " JOIN resources_port as C ON A.root_id=C.id"
+# cmd = "SELECT DISTINCT root_id FROM resources_port WHERE instance_id = '%s'" % instance_id
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ ports_to_free += self.cur.fetchall()
+ #update resources port
+ cmd = "UPDATE resources_port SET instance_id=Null, port_id=Null, Mbps_used='0' WHERE instance_id = '%s'" % instance_id
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+# #filter dataplane ports used by this VM that now are free
+# for port in ports_list__:
+# cmd = "SELECT mac, count(instance_id) FROM resources_port WHERE root_id = '%s'" % port[0]
+# self.logger.debug(cmd)
+# self.cur.execute(cmd)
+# mac_list__ = self.cur.fetchone()
+# if mac_list__ and mac_list__[1]==0:
+# ports_to_free.append(mac_list__[0])
+ #update resources core
+ cmd = "UPDATE resources_core SET instance_id=Null, v_thread_id=Null, paired='N' WHERE instance_id = '%s'" % instance_id
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #delete all related uuids
+ cmd = "DELETE FROM uuids WHERE root_uuid='%s'" % instance_id
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ ##insert log
+ #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid,description) VALUES ('instances','debug','%s','delete instance %s')" % (instance_id, logcause)
+ #self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ #self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ #delete instance
+ cmd = "DELETE FROM instances WHERE uuid='%s' AND tenant_id='%s'" % (instance_id, tenant_id)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ return 1, "instance %s from tenant %s DELETED" % (instance_id, tenant_id)
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "delete_instance", cmd)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def get_ports(self, WHERE):
+ ''' Obtain ports using the WHERE filtering.
+ Attributes:
+ 'where_': dict of key:values, translated to key=value AND ... (Optional)
+ Return: a list with dictionarys at each row
+ '''
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ select_ = "SELECT uuid,'ACTIVE' as status,admin_state_up,name,net_id,\
+ tenant_id,type,mac,vlan,switch_port,instance_id,Mbps FROM ports "
+ if WHERE is None or len(WHERE) == 0: where_ = ""
+ else:
+ where_ = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(map( lambda x: str(x) + (" is Null" if WHERE[x] is None else "='"+str(WHERE[x])+"'"), WHERE.keys()) )
+ limit_ = "LIMIT 100"
+ cmd = " ".join( (select_, where_, limit_) )
+ # print "SELECT multiple de instance_ifaces, iface_uuid, external_ports" #print cmd
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ ports = self.cur.fetchall()
+ if self.cur.rowcount>0: af.DeleteNone(ports)
+ return self.cur.rowcount, ports
+ # return self.get_table(FROM=from_, SELECT=select_,WHERE=where_,LIMIT=100)
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "get_ports", cmd)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ def check_target_net(self, net_id, tenant_id, port_type):
+ '''check if valid attachement of a port into a target net
+ Attributes:
+ net_id: target net uuid
+ tenant_id: client where tenant belongs. Not used in this version
+ port_type: string with the option 'instance:bridge', 'instance:data', 'external'
+ Return:
+ (0,net_dict) if ok, where net_dict contain 'uuid','type','vlan', ...
+ (negative,string-error) if error
+ '''
+ for retry_ in range(0,2):
+ cmd=""
+ try:
+ with self.con:
+ self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
+ cmd = "SELECT * FROM nets WHERE uuid='%s'" % net_id
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ self.cur.execute(cmd)
+ if self.cur.rowcount == 0 : return -1, "network_id %s does not match any net" % net_id
+ net = self.cur.fetchone()
+ break
+ except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
+ r,c = self.format_error(e, "check_target_net", cmd)
+ if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
+ #check permissions
+ if tenant_id is not None and tenant_id is not "admin":
+ if net['tenant_id']==tenant_id and net['shared']=='false':
+ return -1, "needed admin privileges to attach to the net %s" % net_id
+ #check types
+ if (net['type'] in ('ptp','data') and port_type not in ('instance:data','external')) or \
+ (net['type'] in ('bridge_data','bridge_man') and port_type not in ('instance:bridge', 'instance:ovs')):
+ return -1, "Cannot attach a port of type %s into a net of type %s" % (port_type, net['type'])
+ if net['type'] == 'ptp':
+ #look how many
+ nb_ports, data = self.get_ports( {'net_id':net_id} )
+ if nb_ports<0:
+ return -1, data
+ else:
+ if net['provider']:
+ nb_ports +=1
+ if nb_ports >=2:
+ return -1, "net of type p2p already contain two ports attached. No room for another"
+ return 0, net
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print "Hello World"
--- /dev/null
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+''' Definition of dictionaries schemas used by validating input
+ These dictionaries are validated using jsonschema library
+__author__="Alfonso Tierno"
+__date__ ="$10-jul-2014 12:07:15$"
+# SCHEMAS to validate input data
+path_schema={"type":"string", "pattern":"^(\.){0,2}(/[^/\"':{}\(\)]+)+$"}
+http_schema={"type":"string", "pattern":"^https?://[^'\"=]+$"}
+name_schema={"type" : "string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":255, "pattern" : "^[^,;()'\"]+$"}
+nameshort_schema={"type" : "string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":64, "pattern" : "^[^,;()'\"]+$"}
+nametiny_schema={"type" : "string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":12, "pattern" : "^[^,;()'\"]+$"}
+xml_text_schema={"type" : "string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":1000, "pattern" : "^[^']+$"}
+description_schema={"type" : ["string","null"], "maxLength":255, "pattern" : "^[^'\"]+$"}
+id_schema_fake = {"type" : "string", "minLength":2, "maxLength":36 } #"pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$"
+id_schema = {"type" : "string", "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}(-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}){3}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$"}
+pci_schema={"type":"string", "pattern":"^[0-9a-fA-F]{4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}){2}\.[0-9a-fA-F]$"}
+bandwidth_schema={"type":"string", "pattern" : "^[0-9]+ *([MG]bps)?$"}
+mac_schema={"type":"string", "pattern":"^[0-9a-fA-F][02468aceACE](:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}){5}$"} #must be unicast LSB bit of MSB byte ==0
+net_bind_schema={"oneOf":[{"type":"null"},{"type":"string", "pattern":"^(default|((bridge|macvtap):[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-]{1,50})|openflow:[/0-9a-zA-Z\.\-]{1,50}(:vlan)?)$"}]}
+yes_no_schema={"type":"string", "enum":["yes", "no"]}
+log_level_schema={"type":"string", "enum":["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING","ERROR","CRITICAL"]}
+config_schema = {
+ "title":"main configuration information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "http_port": port_schema,
+ "http_admin_port": port_schema,
+ "http_host": nameshort_schema,
+ "http_url_prefix": path_schema, # it does not work yet; it's supposed to be the base path to be used by bottle, but it must be explicitly declared
+ "db_host": nameshort_schema,
+ "db_user": nameshort_schema,
+ "db_passwd": {"type":"string"},
+ "db_name": nameshort_schema,
+ "of_controller_ip": ip_schema,
+ "of_controller_port": port_schema,
+ "of_controller_dpid": nameshort_schema,
+ "of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan": {"type" : "boolean"},
+ "of_controller": nameshort_schema, #{"type":"string", "enum":["floodlight", "opendaylight"]},
+ "of_controller_module": {"type":"string"},
+ "of_user": nameshort_schema,
+ "of_password": nameshort_schema,
+ "test_mode": {"type": "boolean"}, #leave for backward compatibility
+ "mode": {"type":"string", "enum":["normal", "host only", "OF only", "development", "test"] },
+ "development_bridge": {"type":"string"},
+ "tenant_id": {"type" : "string"},
+ "image_path": path_schema,
+ "network_vlan_range_start": vlan_schema,
+ "network_vlan_range_end": vlan_schema,
+ "bridge_ifaces": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "patternProperties": {
+ "." : {
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": integer0_schema,
+ "minItems":2,
+ "maxItems":2,
+ },
+ },
+ "minProperties": 2
+ },
+ "dhcp_server": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "host" : name_schema,
+ "port" : port_schema,
+ "provider" : {"type": "string", "enum": ["isc-dhcp-server"]},
+ "user" : nameshort_schema,
+ "password" : {"type": "string"},
+ "key" : {"type": "string"},
+ "bridge_ifaces" :{
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": nameshort_schema,
+ },
+ "nets" :{
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": name_schema,
+ },
+ },
+ "required": ['host', 'provider', 'user']
+ },
+ "log_level": log_level_schema,
+ "log_level_db": log_level_schema,
+ "log_level_of": log_level_schema,
+ "network_type": {"type": "string", "enum": ["ovs", "bridge"]},
+ "ovs_controller_file_path": path_schema,
+ "ovs_controller_user": nameshort_schema,
+ "ovs_controller_ip": nameshort_schema
+ },
+ "patternProperties": {
+ "of_*" : {"type": ["string", "integer", "boolean"]}
+ },
+ "required": ['db_host', 'db_user', 'db_passwd', 'db_name'],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "architecture": {"type":"string"},
+ "use_incremental": yes_no_schema,
+ "vpci": pci_schema,
+ "os_distro": {"type":"string"},
+ "os_type": {"type":"string"},
+ "os_version": {"type":"string"},
+ "bus": {"type":"string"},
+ "topology": {"type":"string", "enum": ["oneSocket"]}
+ }
+tenant_new_schema = {
+ "title":"tenant creation information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "tenant":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id":id_schema,
+ "name": nameshort_schema,
+ "description":description_schema,
+ "enabled":{"type" : "boolean"}
+ },
+ "required": ["name"]
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["tenant"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+tenant_edit_schema = {
+ "title":"tenant edition information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "tenant":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "minProperties":1,
+ "properties":{
+ "name":nameshort_schema,
+ "description":description_schema,
+ "enabled":{"type" : "boolean"}
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": False,
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["tenant"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ "type":"array",
+ "minItems":0,
+ "items":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "name":name_schema,
+ "dedicated":{"type":"string","enum":["yes","no","yes:sriov"]},
+ "bandwidth":bandwidth_schema,
+ "vpci":pci_schema,
+ "uuid":id_schema,
+ "mac_address":mac_schema
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": False,
+ "required": ["dedicated", "bandwidth"]
+ }
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "processor_ranking":integer0_schema,
+ "devices":{
+ "type": "array",
+ "items":{
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties":{
+ "type":{"type":"string", "enum":["usb","disk","cdrom","xml"]},
+ "vpci":pci_schema,
+ "imageRef":id_schema,
+ "xml":xml_text_schema,
+ "dev":nameshort_schema
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": False,
+ "required": ["type"]
+ }
+ },
+ "numas":{
+ "type": "array",
+ "items":{
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties":{
+ "memory":integer1_schema,
+ "cores":integer1_schema,
+ "paired-threads":integer1_schema,
+ "threads":integer1_schema,
+ "cores-id":{"type":"array","items":integer0_schema},
+ "paired-threads-id":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"array","minItems":2,"maxItems":2,"items":integer0_schema}},
+ "threads-id":{"type":"array","items":integer0_schema},
+ "interfaces":interfaces_schema
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": False,
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ #"required": ["memory"]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ #"additionalProperties": False,
+ #"required": ["processor_ranking"]
+ "title":"hosts manual insertion information schema",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "ip_name":nameshort_schema,
+ "name": name_schema,
+ "description":description_schema,
+ "user":nameshort_schema,
+ "password":nameshort_schema,
+ "features":description_schema,
+ "ranking":integer0_schema,
+ "devices":{
+ "type": "array",
+ "items":{
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties":{
+ "type":{"type":"string", "enum":["usb","disk"]},
+ "vpci":pci_schema
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": False,
+ "required": ["type"]
+ }
+ },
+ "numas":{
+ "type": "array",
+ "minItems":1,
+ "items":{
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties":{
+ "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
+ "hugepages":integer0_schema,
+ "cores":{
+ "type": "array",
+ "minItems":2,
+ "items":{
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties":{
+ "core_id":integer0_schema,
+ "thread_id":integer0_schema,
+ "status": {"type":"string", "enum":["noteligible"]}
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": False,
+ "required": ["core_id","thread_id"]
+ }
+ },
+ "interfaces":{
+ "type": "array",
+ "minItems":1,
+ "items":{
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties":{
+ "source_name":nameshort_schema,
+ "mac":mac_schema,
+ "Mbps":integer0_schema,
+ "pci":pci_schema,
+ "sriovs":{
+ "type": "array",
+ "minItems":1,
+ "items":{
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties":{
+ "source_name":{"oneOf":[integer0_schema, nameshort_schema]},
+ "mac":mac_schema,
+ "vlan":integer0_schema,
+ "pci":pci_schema,
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": False,
+ "required": ["source_name","mac","pci"]
+ }
+ },
+ "switch_port": nameshort_schema,
+ "switch_dpid": nameshort_schema,
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": False,
+ "required": ["source_name","mac","Mbps","pci"]
+ }
+ },
+ "numa_socket":integer0_schema,
+ "memory":integer1_schema
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": False,
+ "required": ["cores","numa_socket"]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": False,
+ "required": ["ranking", "numas","ip_name","user"]
+ "title":"hosts creation information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "host":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "ip_name":nameshort_schema,
+ "name": name_schema,
+ "description":description_schema,
+ "user":nameshort_schema,
+ "password":nameshort_schema,
+ "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
+ "numas":{
+ "type":"array",
+ "items":{
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties":{
+ "numa_socket": integer0_schema,
+ "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
+ "interfaces":{
+ "type":"array",
+ "items":{
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties":{
+ "source_name": nameshort_schema,
+ "switch_dpid": nameshort_schema,
+ "switch_port": nameshort_schema,
+ },
+ "required": ["source_name"],
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["numa_socket"],
+ "additionalProperties": False,
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ },
+ },
+ "required": ["host"],
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "additionalProperties": False
+host_new_schema = {
+ "title":"hosts creation information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "host":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id":id_schema,
+ "ip_name":nameshort_schema,
+ "name": name_schema,
+ "description":description_schema,
+ "user":nameshort_schema,
+ "password":nameshort_schema,
+ "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
+ },
+ "required": ["name","ip_name","user"]
+ },
+ "host-data":host_data_schema
+ },
+ "required": ["host"],
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "maxProperties": 2,
+ "additionalProperties": False
+flavor_new_schema = {
+ "title":"flavor creation information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "flavor":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id":id_schema,
+ "name":name_schema,
+ "description":description_schema,
+ "ram":integer0_schema,
+ "vcpus":integer0_schema,
+ "extended": extended_schema,
+ "public": yes_no_schema
+ },
+ "required": ["name"]
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["flavor"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+flavor_update_schema = {
+ "title":"flavor update information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "flavor":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "name":name_schema,
+ "description":description_schema,
+ "ram":integer0_schema,
+ "vcpus":integer0_schema,
+ "extended": extended_schema,
+ "public": yes_no_schema
+ },
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["flavor"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+image_new_schema = {
+ "title":"image creation information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "image":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id":id_schema,
+ "path": {"oneOf": [path_schema, http_schema]},
+ "description":description_schema,
+ "name":name_schema,
+ "metadata":metadata_schema,
+ "public": yes_no_schema
+ },
+ "required": ["name","path"]
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["image"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+image_update_schema = {
+ "title":"image update information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "image":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "path":{"oneOf": [path_schema, http_schema]},
+ "description":description_schema,
+ "name":name_schema,
+ "metadata":metadata_schema,
+ "public": yes_no_schema
+ },
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["image"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ "type":"array",
+ "items":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "name":name_schema,
+ "bandwidth":bandwidth_schema,
+ "vpci":pci_schema,
+ "uuid":id_schema,
+ "mac_address": mac_schema,
+ "model": {"type":"string", "enum":["virtio","e1000","ne2k_pci","pcnet","rtl8139"]},
+ "type": {"type":"string", "enum":["virtual","PF","VF","VFnotShared"]}
+ },
+ "additionalProperties": False,
+ "required": ["uuid"]
+ }
+server_new_schema = {
+ "title":"server creation information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "server":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id":id_schema,
+ "name":name_schema,
+ "description":description_schema,
+ "start":{"type":"string", "enum":["yes","no","paused"]},
+ "hostId":id_schema,
+ "flavorRef":id_schema,
+ "imageRef":id_schema,
+ "extended": extended_schema,
+ "networks":networks_schema
+ },
+ "required": ["name","flavorRef","imageRef"]
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["server"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+server_action_schema = {
+ "title":"server action information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "start":{"oneOf":[{"type": "null"}, {"type":"string", "enum":["rebuild","null"] }]},
+ "pause":{"type": "null"},
+ "resume":{"type": "null"},
+ "shutoff":{"type": "null"},
+ "shutdown":{"type": "null"},
+ "forceOff":{"type": "null"},
+ "terminate":{"type": "null"},
+ "createImage":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "path":path_schema,
+ "description":description_schema,
+ "name":name_schema,
+ "metadata":metadata_schema,
+ "imageRef": id_schema,
+ "disk": {"oneOf":[{"type": "null"}, {"type":"string"}] },
+ },
+ "required": ["name"]
+ },
+ "rebuild":{"type": ["object","null"]},
+ "reboot":{
+ "type": ["object","null"],
+# "properties": {
+# "type":{"type":"string", "enum":["SOFT"] }
+# },
+# "minProperties": 1,
+# "maxProperties": 1,
+# "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ },
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "maxProperties": 1,
+ "additionalProperties": False
+network_new_schema = {
+ "title":"network creation information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "network":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id":id_schema,
+ "name":name_schema,
+ "type":{"type":"string", "enum":["bridge_man","bridge_data","data", "ptp"]},
+ "shared":{"type":"boolean"},
+ "tenant_id":id_schema,
+ "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
+ "provider:vlan":vlan_schema,
+ "provider:physical":net_bind_schema,
+ "cidr":cidr_schema,
+ "enable_dhcp": {"type":"boolean"},
+ "dhcp_first_ip": ip_schema,
+ "dhcp_last_ip": ip_schema,
+ "bind_net":name_schema, #can be name, or uuid
+ "bind_type":{"oneOf":[{"type":"null"},{"type":"string", "pattern":"^vlan:[0-9]{1,4}$"}]}
+ },
+ "required": ["name"]
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["network"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+network_update_schema = {
+ "title":"network update information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "network":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "name":name_schema,
+ "type":{"type":"string", "enum":["bridge_man","bridge_data","data", "ptp"]},
+ "shared":{"type":"boolean"},
+ "tenant_id":id_schema,
+ "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
+ "provider:vlan":vlan_schema,
+ "provider:physical":net_bind_schema,
+ "cidr":cidr_schema,
+ "enable_dhcp": {"type":"boolean"},
+ # "dhcp_first_ip": ip_schema,
+ # "dhcp_last_ip": ip_schema,
+ "bind_net":name_schema, #can be name, or uuid
+ "bind_type":{"oneOf":[{"type":"null"},{"type":"string", "pattern":"^vlan:[0-9]{1,4}$"}]}
+ },
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["network"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+port_new_schema = {
+ "title":"port creation information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "port":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "id":id_schema,
+ "name":nameshort_schema,
+ "network_id":{"oneOf":[{"type": "null"}, id_schema ]},
+ "tenant_id":id_schema,
+ "mac_address": {"oneOf":[{"type": "null"}, mac_schema] },
+ "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
+ "bandwidth":bandwidth_schema,
+ "binding:switch_port":nameshort_schema,
+ "binding:vlan": {"oneOf":[{"type": "null"}, vlan_schema ]}
+ },
+ "required": ["name"]
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["port"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+port_update_schema = {
+ "title":"port update information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "port":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "name":nameshort_schema,
+ "network_id":{"anyOf":[{"type":"null"}, id_schema ] }
+ },
+ "minProperties": 1,
+ "additionalProperties": False
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["port"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+localinfo_schema = {
+ "title":"localinfo information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "files":{ "type": "object"},
+ "inc_files":{ "type": "object"},
+ "server_files":{ "type": "object"}
+ },
+ "required": ["files"]
+hostinfo_schema = {
+ "title":"host information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type":"object",
+ "properties":{
+ "iface_names":{
+ "type":"object",
+ "patternProperties":{
+ ".":{ "type": "string"}
+ },
+ "minProperties": 1
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["iface_names"]
+openflow_controller_schema = {
+ "title": "network creation information schema",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "ofc": {
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "name": name_schema,
+ "dpid": nameshort_schema,
+ "ip": nameshort_schema,
+ "port": port_schema,
+ "type": nameshort_schema,
+ "version": nametiny_schema,
+ "user": nameshort_schema,
+ "password": nameshort_schema
+ },
+ "required": ["dpid", "type", "ip", "port", "name"]
+ }
+ },
+ "required": ["ofc"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
+of_port_new_schema = {
+ "title": "OF port mapping",
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "ofc_id": id_schema,
+ "region": nameshort_schema,
+ "compute_node": nameshort_schema,
+ "pci": pci_schema,
+ "switch_dpid": nameshort_schema,
+ "switch_port": nameshort_schema,
+ "switch_mac": mac_schema
+ },
+ "required": ["region", "compute_node", "pci", "switch_dpid"]
+of_port_map_new_schema = {
+ "title": "OF port mapping",
+ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
+ "type": "object",
+ "properties": {
+ "of_port_mapings": {"type": "array", "items": of_port_new_schema, "minLenght":1},
+ },
+ "required": ["of_port_mapings"],
+ "additionalProperties": False
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-This is the thread for the http server North API.
-Two thread will be launched, with normal and administrative permissions.
-__author__ = "Alfonso Tierno, Leonardo Mirabal"
-__date__ = "$06-Feb-2017 12:07:15$"
-__version__ = "0.5.10-r526"
-version_date = "Apr 2017"
-database_version = "0.17" #expected database schema version
-import threading
-import vim_db
-import logging
-import imp
-import host_thread as ht
-import dhcp_thread as dt
-import openflow_thread as oft
-from netaddr import IPNetwork
-from jsonschema import validate as js_v, exceptions as js_e
-import openflow_conn
-import argparse
-HTTP_Bad_Request = 400
-HTTP_Unauthorized = 401
-HTTP_Not_Found = 404
-HTTP_Forbidden = 403
-HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed = 405
-HTTP_Not_Acceptable = 406
-HTTP_Request_Timeout = 408
-HTTP_Conflict = 409
-HTTP_Service_Unavailable = 503
-HTTP_Internal_Server_Error= 500
-def convert_boolean(data, items):
- '''Check recursively the content of data, and if there is an key contained in items, convert value from string to boolean
- It assumes that bandwidth is well formed
- Attributes:
- 'data': dictionary bottle.FormsDict variable to be checked. None or empty is consideted valid
- 'items': tuple of keys to convert
- Return:
- None
- '''
- if type(data) is dict:
- for k in data.keys():
- if type(data[k]) is dict or type(data[k]) is tuple or type(data[k]) is list:
- convert_boolean(data[k], items)
- if k in items:
- if type(data[k]) is str:
- if data[k] == "false":
- data[k] = False
- elif data[k] == "true":
- data[k] = True
- if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is list:
- for k in data:
- if type(k) is dict or type(k) is tuple or type(k) is list:
- convert_boolean(k, items)
-class ovimException(Exception):
- def __init__(self, message, http_code=HTTP_Bad_Request):
- self.http_code = http_code
- Exception.__init__(self, message)
-class ovim():
- running_info = {} #TODO OVIM move the info of running threads from config_dic to this static variable
- of_module = {}
- def __init__(self, configuration):
- self.config = configuration
- self.logger_name = configuration.get("logger_name", "openvim")
- self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.logger_name)
- self.db = None
- self.db = self._create_database_connection()
- self.db_lock = None
- self.db_of = None
- self.of_test_mode = False
- def _create_database_connection(self):
- db = vim_db.vim_db((self.config["network_vlan_range_start"], self.config["network_vlan_range_end"]),
- self.logger_name + ".db", self.config.get('log_level_db'))
- if db.connect(self.config['db_host'], self.config['db_user'], self.config['db_passwd'],
- self.config['db_name']) == -1:
- # self.logger.error("Cannot connect to database %s at %s@%s", self.config['db_name'], self.config['db_user'],
- # self.config['db_host'])
- raise ovimException("Cannot connect to database {} at {}@{}".format(self.config['db_name'],
- self.config['db_user'],
- self.config['db_host']) )
- return db
- @staticmethod
- def get_version():
- return __version__
- @staticmethod
- def get_version_date():
- return version_date
- @staticmethod
- def get_database_version():
- return database_version
- @staticmethod
- def _check_dhcp_data_integrity(network):
- """
- Check if all dhcp parameter for anet are valid, if not will be calculated from cidr value
- :param network: list with user nets paramters
- :return:
- """
- if "cidr" in network:
- cidr = network["cidr"]
- ip_tools = IPNetwork(cidr)
- cidr_len = ip_tools.prefixlen
- if cidr_len > 29:
- return False
- ips = IPNetwork(cidr)
- if "dhcp_first_ip" not in network:
- network["dhcp_first_ip"] = str(ips[2])
- if "dhcp_last_ip" not in network:
- network["dhcp_last_ip"] = str(ips[-2])
- if "gateway_ip" not in network:
- network["gateway_ip"] = str(ips[1])
- return True
- else:
- return False
- @staticmethod
- def _check_valid_uuid(uuid):
- id_schema = {"type": "string", "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}(-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}){3}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$"}
- try:
- js_v(uuid, id_schema)
- return True
- except js_e.ValidationError:
- return False
- def start_service(self):
- """
- Start ovim services
- :return:
- """
- global database_version
- # if self.running_info:
- # return #TODO service can be checked and rebuild broken threads
- r = self.db.get_db_version()
- if r[0] < 0:
- raise ovimException("DATABASE is not a VIM one or it is a '0.0' version. Try to upgrade to version '{}' with "\
- "'./database_utils/migrate_vim_db.sh'".format(database_version) )
- elif r[1] != database_version:
- raise ovimException("DATABASE wrong version '{}'. Try to upgrade/downgrade to version '{}' with "\
- "'./database_utils/migrate_vim_db.sh'".format(r[1], database_version) )
- self.logger.critical("Starting ovim server version: '{} {}' database version '{}'".format(
- self.get_version(), self.get_version_date(), self.get_database_version()))
- # create database connection for openflow threads
- self.db_of = self._create_database_connection()
- self.config["db"] = self.db_of
- self.db_lock = threading.Lock()
- self.config["db_lock"] = self.db_lock
- self.of_test_mode = False if self.config['mode'] == 'normal' or self.config['mode'] == "OF only" else True
- # precreate interfaces; [bridge:<host_bridge_name>, VLAN used at Host, uuid of network camping in this bridge,
- # speed in Gbit/s
- self.config['dhcp_nets'] = []
- self.config['bridge_nets'] = []
- for bridge, vlan_speed in self.config["bridge_ifaces"].items():
- # skip 'development_bridge'
- if self.config['mode'] == 'development' and self.config['development_bridge'] == bridge:
- continue
- self.config['bridge_nets'].append([bridge, vlan_speed[0], vlan_speed[1], None])
- # check if this bridge is already used (present at database) for a network)
- used_bridge_nets = []
- for brnet in self.config['bridge_nets']:
- r, nets = self.db.get_table(SELECT=('uuid',), FROM='nets', WHERE={'provider': "bridge:" + brnet[0]})
- if r > 0:
- brnet[3] = nets[0]['uuid']
- used_bridge_nets.append(brnet[0])
- if self.config.get("dhcp_server"):
- if brnet[0] in self.config["dhcp_server"]["bridge_ifaces"]:
- self.config['dhcp_nets'].append(nets[0]['uuid'])
- if len(used_bridge_nets) > 0:
- self.logger.info("found used bridge nets: " + ",".join(used_bridge_nets))
- # get nets used by dhcp
- if self.config.get("dhcp_server"):
- for net in self.config["dhcp_server"].get("nets", ()):
- r, nets = self.db.get_table(SELECT=('uuid',), FROM='nets', WHERE={'name': net})
- if r > 0:
- self.config['dhcp_nets'].append(nets[0]['uuid'])
- # OFC default
- self._start_ofc_default_task()
- # OFC per tenant in DB
- self._start_of_db_tasks()
- # create dhcp_server thread
- host_test_mode = True if self.config['mode'] == 'test' or self.config['mode'] == "OF only" else False
- dhcp_params = self.config.get("dhcp_server")
- if dhcp_params:
- thread = dt.dhcp_thread(dhcp_params=dhcp_params, test=host_test_mode, dhcp_nets=self.config["dhcp_nets"],
- db=self.db_of, db_lock=self.db_lock, logger_name=self.logger_name + ".dhcp",
- debug=self.config.get('log_level_of'))
- thread.start()
- self.config['dhcp_thread'] = thread
- # Create one thread for each host
- host_test_mode = True if self.config['mode'] == 'test' or self.config['mode'] == "OF only" else False
- host_develop_mode = True if self.config['mode'] == 'development' else False
- host_develop_bridge_iface = self.config.get('development_bridge', None)
- # get host list from data base before starting threads
- r, hosts = self.db.get_table(SELECT=('name', 'ip_name', 'user', 'uuid'), FROM='hosts', WHERE={'status': 'ok'})
- if r < 0:
- raise ovimException("Cannot get hosts from database {}".format(hosts))
- self.config['host_threads'] = {}
- for host in hosts:
- host['image_path'] = '/opt/VNF/images/openvim'
- thread = ht.host_thread(name=host['name'], user=host['user'], host=host['ip_name'], db=self.db_of,
- db_lock=self.db_lock, test=host_test_mode, image_path=self.config['image_path'],
- version=self.config['version'], host_id=host['uuid'], develop_mode=host_develop_mode,
- develop_bridge_iface=host_develop_bridge_iface)
- thread.start()
- self.config['host_threads'][host['uuid']] = thread
- # create ovs dhcp thread
- result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets')
- if result < 0:
- self.logger.error("http_get_ports Error %d %s", result, content)
- raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
- for net in content:
- net_type = net['type']
- if (net_type == 'bridge_data' or net_type == 'bridge_man') \
- and net["provider"][:4] == 'OVS:' and net["enable_dhcp"] == "true":
- self.launch_dhcp_server(net['vlan'],
- net['dhcp_first_ip'],
- net['dhcp_last_ip'],
- net['cidr'],
- net['gateway_ip'])
- def _start_of_db_tasks(self):
- """
- Start ofc task for existing ofcs in database
- :param db_of:
- :param db_lock:
- :return:
- """
- ofcs = self.get_of_controllers()
- for ofc in ofcs:
- of_conn = self._load_of_module(ofc)
- # create ofc thread per of controller
- self._create_ofc_task(ofc['uuid'], ofc['dpid'], of_conn)
- def _create_ofc_task(self, ofc_uuid, dpid, of_conn):
- """
- Create an ofc thread for handle each sdn controllers
- :param ofc_uuid: sdn controller uuid
- :param dpid: sdn controller dpid
- :param of_conn: OF_conn module
- :return:
- """
- if 'ofcs_thread' not in self.config and 'ofcs_thread_dpid' not in self.config:
- ofcs_threads = {}
- ofcs_thread_dpid = []
- else:
- ofcs_threads = self.config['ofcs_thread']
- ofcs_thread_dpid = self.config['ofcs_thread_dpid']
- if ofc_uuid not in ofcs_threads:
- ofc_thread = self._create_ofc_thread(of_conn, ofc_uuid)
- if ofc_uuid == "Default":
- self.config['of_thread'] = ofc_thread
- ofcs_threads[ofc_uuid] = ofc_thread
- self.config['ofcs_thread'] = ofcs_threads
- ofcs_thread_dpid.append({dpid: ofc_thread})
- self.config['ofcs_thread_dpid'] = ofcs_thread_dpid
- def _start_ofc_default_task(self):
- """
- Create default ofc thread
- """
- if 'of_controller' not in self.config \
- and 'of_controller_ip' not in self.config \
- and 'of_controller_port' not in self.config \
- and 'of_controller_dpid' not in self.config:
- return
- db_config = {}
- db_config['ip'] = self.config.get('of_controller_ip')
- db_config['port'] = self.config.get('of_controller_port')
- db_config['dpid'] = self.config.get('of_controller_dpid')
- db_config['type'] = self.config.get('of_controller')
- db_config['user'] = self.config.get('of_user')
- db_config['password'] = self.config.get('of_password')
- # create connector to the openflow controller
- # load other parameters starting by of_ from config dict in a temporal dict
- of_conn = self._load_of_module(db_config)
- # create openflow thread
- self._create_ofc_task("Default", db_config['dpid'], of_conn)
- def _load_of_module(self, db_config):
- """
- import python module for each SDN controller supported
- :param db_config: SDN dn information
- :return: Module
- """
- if not db_config:
- raise ovimException("No module found it", HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- module_info = None
- try:
- if self.of_test_mode:
- return openflow_conn.OfTestConnector({"name": db_config['type'],
- "dpid": db_config['dpid'],
- "of_debug": self.config['log_level_of']})
- temp_dict = {}
- if db_config:
- temp_dict['of_ip'] = db_config['ip']
- temp_dict['of_port'] = db_config['port']
- temp_dict['of_dpid'] = db_config['dpid']
- temp_dict['of_controller'] = db_config['type']
- temp_dict['of_user'] = db_config.get('user')
- temp_dict['of_password'] = db_config.get('password')
- temp_dict['of_debug'] = self.config['log_level_of']
- if temp_dict['of_controller'] == 'opendaylight':
- module = "ODL"
- else:
- module = temp_dict['of_controller']
- if module not in ovim.of_module:
- module_info = imp.find_module(module)
- of_conn_module = imp.load_module("OF_conn", *module_info)
- ovim.of_module[module] = of_conn_module
- else:
- of_conn_module = ovim.of_module[module]
- try:
- return of_conn_module.OF_conn(temp_dict)
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.error("Cannot open the Openflow controller '%s': %s", type(e).__name__, str(e))
- if module_info and module_info[0]:
- file.close(module_info[0])
- raise ovimException("Cannot open the Openflow controller '{}': '{}'".format(type(e).__name__, str(e)),
- HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- except (IOError, ImportError) as e:
- if module_info and module_info[0]:
- file.close(module_info[0])
- self.logger.error("Cannot open openflow controller module '%s'; %s: %s; revise 'of_controller' "
- "field of configuration file.", module, type(e).__name__, str(e))
- raise ovimException("Cannot open openflow controller module '{}'; {}: {}; revise 'of_controller' "
- "field of configuration file.".format(module, type(e).__name__, str(e)),
- HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- def _create_ofc_thread(self, of_conn, ofc_uuid="Default"):
- """
- Create and launch a of thread
- :return: thread obj
- """
- # create openflow thread
- #if 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan' in self.config:
- # ofc_net_same_vlan = self.config['of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan']
- #else:
- # ofc_net_same_vlan = False
- ofc_net_same_vlan = False
- thread = oft.openflow_thread(ofc_uuid, of_conn, of_test=self.of_test_mode, db=self.db_of, db_lock=self.db_lock,
- pmp_with_same_vlan=ofc_net_same_vlan, debug=self.config['log_level_of'])
- #r, c = thread.OF_connector.obtain_port_correspondence()
- #if r < 0:
- # raise ovimException("Cannot get openflow information %s", c)
- thread.start()
- return thread
- def stop_service(self):
- threads = self.config.get('host_threads', {})
- if 'of_thread' in self.config:
- threads['of'] = (self.config['of_thread'])
- if 'ofcs_thread' in self.config:
- ofcs_thread = self.config['ofcs_thread']
- for ofc in ofcs_thread:
- threads[ofc] = ofcs_thread[ofc]
- if 'dhcp_thread' in self.config:
- threads['dhcp'] = (self.config['dhcp_thread'])
- for thread in threads.values():
- thread.insert_task("exit")
- for thread in threads.values():
- thread.join()
- def get_networks(self, columns=None, db_filter={}, limit=None):
- """
- Retreive networks available
- :param columns: List with select query parameters
- :param db_filter: List with where query parameters
- :param limit: Query limit result
- :return:
- """
- result, content = self.db.get_table(SELECT=columns, FROM='nets', WHERE=db_filter, LIMIT=limit)
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
- convert_boolean(content, ('shared', 'admin_state_up', 'enable_dhcp'))
- return content
- def show_network(self, network_id, db_filter={}):
- """
- Get network from DB by id
- :param network_id: net Id
- :param db_filter: List with where query parameters
- :return:
- """
- # obtain data
- if not network_id:
- raise ovimException("Not network id was not found")
- db_filter['uuid'] = network_id
- result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets', WHERE=db_filter, LIMIT=100)
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
- elif result == 0:
- raise ovimException("show_network network '%s' not found" % network_id, -result)
- else:
- convert_boolean(content, ('shared', 'admin_state_up', 'enable_dhcp'))
- # get ports from DB
- result, ports = self.db.get_table(FROM='ports', SELECT=('uuid as port_id',),
- WHERE={'net_id': network_id}, LIMIT=100)
- if len(ports) > 0:
- content[0]['ports'] = ports
- convert_boolean(content, ('shared', 'admin_state_up', 'enable_dhcp'))
- return content[0]
- def new_network(self, network):
- """
- Create a net in DB
- :return:
- """
- tenant_id = network.get('tenant_id')
- if tenant_id:
- result, _ = self.db.get_table(FROM='tenants', SELECT=('uuid',), WHERE={'uuid': tenant_id, "enabled": True})
- if result <= 0:
- raise ovimException("set_network error, no tenant founded", -result)
- bridge_net = None
- # check valid params
- net_provider = network.get('provider')
- net_type = network.get('type')
- net_vlan = network.get("vlan")
- net_bind_net = network.get("bind_net")
- net_bind_type = network.get("bind_type")
- name = network["name"]
- # check if network name ends with :<vlan_tag> and network exist in order to make and automated bindning
- vlan_index = name.rfind(":")
- if not net_bind_net and not net_bind_type and vlan_index > 1:
- try:
- vlan_tag = int(name[vlan_index + 1:])
- if not vlan_tag and vlan_tag < 4096:
- net_bind_net = name[:vlan_index]
- net_bind_type = "vlan:" + name[vlan_index + 1:]
- except:
- pass
- if net_bind_net:
- # look for a valid net
- if self._check_valid_uuid(net_bind_net):
- net_bind_key = "uuid"
- else:
- net_bind_key = "name"
- result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets', WHERE={net_bind_key: net_bind_net})
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException(' getting nets from db ' + content, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- elif result == 0:
- raise ovimException(" bind_net %s '%s'not found" % (net_bind_key, net_bind_net), HTTP_Bad_Request)
- elif result > 1:
- raise ovimException(" more than one bind_net %s '%s' found, use uuid" % (net_bind_key, net_bind_net), HTTP_Bad_Request)
- network["bind_net"] = content[0]["uuid"]
- if net_bind_type:
- if net_bind_type[0:5] != "vlan:":
- raise ovimException("bad format for 'bind_type', must be 'vlan:<tag>'", HTTP_Bad_Request)
- if int(net_bind_type[5:]) > 4095 or int(net_bind_type[5:]) <= 0:
- raise ovimException("bad format for 'bind_type', must be 'vlan:<tag>' with a tag between 1 and 4095",
- HTTP_Bad_Request)
- network["bind_type"] = net_bind_type
- if net_provider:
- if net_provider[:9] == "openflow:":
- if net_type:
- if net_type != "ptp" and net_type != "data":
- raise ovimException(" only 'ptp' or 'data' net types can be bound to 'openflow'",
- HTTP_Bad_Request)
- else:
- net_type = 'data'
- else:
- if net_type:
- if net_type != "bridge_man" and net_type != "bridge_data":
- raise ovimException("Only 'bridge_man' or 'bridge_data' net types can be bound "
- "to 'bridge', 'macvtap' or 'default", HTTP_Bad_Request)
- else:
- net_type = 'bridge_man'
- if not net_type:
- net_type = 'bridge_man'
- if net_provider:
- if net_provider[:7] == 'bridge:':
- # check it is one of the pre-provisioned bridges
- bridge_net_name = net_provider[7:]
- for brnet in self.config['bridge_nets']:
- if brnet[0] == bridge_net_name: # free
- if not brnet[3]:
- raise ovimException("invalid 'provider:physical', "
- "bridge '%s' is already used" % bridge_net_name, HTTP_Conflict)
- bridge_net = brnet
- net_vlan = brnet[1]
- break
- # if bridge_net==None:
- # bottle.abort(HTTP_Bad_Request, "invalid 'provider:physical', bridge '%s' is not one of the
- # provisioned 'bridge_ifaces' in the configuration file" % bridge_net_name)
- # return
- elif self.config['network_type'] == 'bridge' and (net_type == 'bridge_data' or net_type == 'bridge_man'):
- # look for a free precreated nets
- for brnet in self.config['bridge_nets']:
- if not brnet[3]: # free
- if not bridge_net:
- if net_type == 'bridge_man': # look for the smaller speed
- if brnet[2] < bridge_net[2]:
- bridge_net = brnet
- else: # look for the larger speed
- if brnet[2] > bridge_net[2]:
- bridge_net = brnet
- else:
- bridge_net = brnet
- net_vlan = brnet[1]
- if not bridge_net:
- raise ovimException("Max limits of bridge networks reached. Future versions of VIM "
- "will overcome this limit", HTTP_Bad_Request)
- else:
- self.logger.debug("using net " + bridge_net)
- net_provider = "bridge:" + bridge_net[0]
- net_vlan = bridge_net[1]
- elif net_type == 'bridge_data' or net_type == 'bridge_man' and self.config['network_type'] == 'ovs':
- net_provider = 'OVS'
- if not net_vlan and (net_type == "data" or net_type == "ptp" or net_provider == "OVS"):
- net_vlan = self.db.get_free_net_vlan()
- if net_vlan < 0:
- raise ovimException("Error getting an available vlan", HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- if net_provider == 'OVS':
- net_provider = 'OVS' + ":" + str(net_vlan)
- network['provider'] = net_provider
- network['type'] = net_type
- network['vlan'] = net_vlan
- dhcp_integrity = True
- if 'enable_dhcp' in network and network['enable_dhcp']:
- dhcp_integrity = self._check_dhcp_data_integrity(network)
- result, content = self.db.new_row('nets', network, True, True)
- if result >= 0 and dhcp_integrity:
- if bridge_net:
- bridge_net[3] = content
- if self.config.get("dhcp_server") and self.config['network_type'] == 'bridge':
- if network["name"] in self.config["dhcp_server"].get("nets", ()):
- self.config["dhcp_nets"].append(content)
- self.logger.debug("dhcp_server: add new net", content)
- elif not bridge_net and bridge_net[0] in self.config["dhcp_server"].get("bridge_ifaces", ()):
- self.config["dhcp_nets"].append(content)
- self.logger.debug("dhcp_server: add new net", content, content)
- return content
- else:
- raise ovimException("Error posting network", HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
-# TODO kei change update->edit
- def edit_network(self, network_id, network):
- """
- Update entwork data byt id
- :return:
- """
- # Look for the previous data
- where_ = {'uuid': network_id}
- result, network_old = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets', WHERE=where_)
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException("Error updating network %s" % network_old, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- elif result == 0:
- raise ovimException('network %s not found' % network_id, HTTP_Not_Found)
- # get ports
- nbports, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='ports', SELECT=('uuid as port_id',),
- WHERE={'net_id': network_id}, LIMIT=100)
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException("http_put_network_id error %d %s" % (result, network_old), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- if nbports > 0:
- if 'type' in network and network['type'] != network_old[0]['type']:
- raise ovimException("Can not change type of network while having ports attached",
- HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed)
- if 'vlan' in network and network['vlan'] != network_old[0]['vlan']:
- raise ovimException("Can not change vlan of network while having ports attached",
- HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed)
- # check valid params
- net_provider = network.get('provider', network_old[0]['provider'])
- net_type = network.get('type', network_old[0]['type'])
- net_bind_net = network.get("bind_net")
- net_bind_type = network.get("bind_type")
- if net_bind_net:
- # look for a valid net
- if self._check_valid_uuid(net_bind_net):
- net_bind_key = "uuid"
- else:
- net_bind_key = "name"
- result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='nets', WHERE={net_bind_key: net_bind_net})
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException('Getting nets from db ' + content, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- elif result == 0:
- raise ovimException("bind_net %s '%s'not found" % (net_bind_key, net_bind_net), HTTP_Bad_Request)
- elif result > 1:
- raise ovimException("More than one bind_net %s '%s' found, use uuid" % (net_bind_key, net_bind_net),
- HTTP_Bad_Request)
- network["bind_net"] = content[0]["uuid"]
- if net_bind_type:
- if net_bind_type[0:5] != "vlan:":
- raise ovimException("Bad format for 'bind_type', must be 'vlan:<tag>'", HTTP_Bad_Request)
- if int(net_bind_type[5:]) > 4095 or int(net_bind_type[5:]) <= 0:
- raise ovimException("bad format for 'bind_type', must be 'vlan:<tag>' with a tag between 1 and 4095",
- HTTP_Bad_Request)
- if net_provider:
- if net_provider[:9] == "openflow:":
- if net_type != "ptp" and net_type != "data":
- raise ovimException("Only 'ptp' or 'data' net types can be bound to 'openflow'", HTTP_Bad_Request)
- else:
- if net_type != "bridge_man" and net_type != "bridge_data":
- raise ovimException("Only 'bridge_man' or 'bridge_data' net types can be bound to "
- "'bridge', 'macvtap' or 'default", HTTP_Bad_Request)
- # insert in data base
- result, content = self.db.update_rows('nets', network, WHERE={'uuid': network_id}, log=True)
- if result >= 0:
- # if result > 0 and nbports>0 and 'admin_state_up' in network
- # and network['admin_state_up'] != network_old[0]['admin_state_up']:
- if result > 0:
- try:
- if nbports:
- self.net_update_ofc_thread(network_id)
- except ovimException as e:
- raise ovimException("Error while launching openflow rules in network '{}' {}"
- .format(network_id, str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- except Exception as e:
- raise ovimException("Error while launching openflow rules in network '{}' {}"
- .format(network_id, str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- if self.config.get("dhcp_server"):
- if network_id in self.config["dhcp_nets"]:
- self.config["dhcp_nets"].remove(network_id)
- if network.get("name", network_old[0]["name"]) in self.config["dhcp_server"].get("nets", ()):
- self.config["dhcp_nets"].append(network_id)
- else:
- net_bind = network.get("bind_type", network_old[0]["bind_type"])
- if net_bind and net_bind and net_bind[:7] == "bridge:" and net_bind[7:] in self.config["dhcp_server"].get(
- "bridge_ifaces", ()):
- self.config["dhcp_nets"].append(network_id)
- return network_id
- else:
- raise ovimException(content, -result)
- def delete_network(self, network_id):
- """
- Delete network by network id
- :param network_id: network id
- :return:
- """
- # delete from the data base
- result, content = self.db.delete_row('nets', network_id)
- if result == 0:
- raise ovimException("Network %s not found " % network_id, HTTP_Not_Found)
- elif result > 0:
- for brnet in self.config['bridge_nets']:
- if brnet[3] == network_id:
- brnet[3] = None
- break
- if self.config.get("dhcp_server") and network_id in self.config["dhcp_nets"]:
- self.config["dhcp_nets"].remove(network_id)
- return content
- else:
- raise ovimException("Error deleting network %s" % network_id, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- def get_openflow_rules(self, network_id=None):
- """
- Get openflow id from DB
- :param network_id: Network id, if none all networks will be retrieved
- :return: Return a list with Openflow rules per net
- """
- # ignore input data
- if not network_id:
- where_ = {}
- else:
- where_ = {"net_id": network_id}
- result, content = self.db.get_table(
- SELECT=("name", "net_id", "ofc_id", "priority", "vlan_id", "ingress_port", "src_mac", "dst_mac", "actions"),
- WHERE=where_, FROM='of_flows')
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
- return content
- def edit_openflow_rules(self, network_id=None):
- """
- To make actions over the net. The action is to reinstall the openflow rules
- network_id can be 'all'
- :param network_id: Network id, if none all networks will be retrieved
- :return : Number of nets updated
- """
- # ignore input data
- if not network_id:
- where_ = {}
- else:
- where_ = {"uuid": network_id}
- result, content = self.db.get_table(SELECT=("uuid", "type"), WHERE=where_, FROM='nets')
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
- for net in content:
- if net["type"] != "ptp" and net["type"] != "data":
- result -= 1
- continue
- try:
- self.net_update_ofc_thread(net['uuid'])
- except ovimException as e:
- raise ovimException("Error updating network'{}' {}".format(net['uuid'], str(e)),
- HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- except Exception as e:
- raise ovimException("Error updating network '{}' {}".format(net['uuid'], str(e)),
- HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- return result
- def delete_openflow_rules(self, ofc_id=None):
- """
- To make actions over the net. The action is to delete ALL openflow rules
- :return: return operation result
- """
- if not ofc_id:
- if 'Default' in self.config['ofcs_thread']:
- r, c = self.config['ofcs_thread']['Default'].insert_task("clear-all")
- else:
- raise ovimException("Default Openflow controller not not running", HTTP_Not_Found)
- elif ofc_id in self.config['ofcs_thread']:
- r, c = self.config['ofcs_thread'][ofc_id].insert_task("clear-all")
- # ignore input data
- if r < 0:
- raise ovimException(str(c), -r)
- else:
- raise ovimException("Openflow controller not found with ofc_id={}".format(ofc_id), HTTP_Not_Found)
- return r
- def get_openflow_ports(self, ofc_id=None):
- """
- Obtain switch ports names of openflow controller
- :return: Return flow ports in DB
- """
- if not ofc_id:
- if 'Default' in self.config['ofcs_thread']:
- conn = self.config['ofcs_thread']['Default'].OF_connector
- else:
- raise ovimException("Default Openflow controller not not running", HTTP_Not_Found)
- if ofc_id in self.config['ofcs_thread']:
- conn = self.config['ofcs_thread'][ofc_id].OF_connector
- else:
- raise ovimException("Openflow controller not found with ofc_id={}".format(ofc_id), HTTP_Not_Found)
- return conn.pp2ofi
- def get_ports(self, columns=None, filter={}, limit=None):
- # result, content = my.db.get_ports(where_)
- result, content = self.db.get_table(SELECT=columns, WHERE=filter, FROM='ports', LIMIT=limit)
- if result < 0:
- self.logger.error("http_get_ports Error %d %s", result, content)
- raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
- else:
- convert_boolean(content, ('admin_state_up',))
- return content
- def new_port(self, port_data):
- port_data['type'] = 'external'
- if port_data.get('net_id'):
- # check that new net has the correct type
- result, new_net = self.db.check_target_net(port_data['net_id'], None, 'external')
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException(str(new_net), -result)
- # insert in data base
- result, uuid = self.db.new_row('ports', port_data, True, True)
- if result > 0:
- if 'net_id' in port_data:
- try:
- self.net_update_ofc_thread(port_data['net_id'])
- except ovimException as e:
- raise ovimException("Cannot insert a task for updating network '{}' {}"
- .format(port_data['net_id'], str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- except Exception as e:
- raise ovimException("Cannot insert a task for updating network '{}' {}"
- .format(port_data['net_id'], str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- return uuid
- else:
- raise ovimException(str(uuid), -result)
- def new_external_port(self, port_data):
- """
- Create new external port and check port mapping correspondence
- :param port_data: port_data = {
- 'region': 'datacenter region',
- 'compute_node': 'compute node id',
- 'pci': 'pci port address',
- 'vlan': 'net vlan',
- 'net_id': 'net id',
- 'tenant_id': 'tenant id',
- 'mac': 'switch mac',
- 'name': 'port name'
- 'ip_address': 'ip address - optional'}
- :return:
- """
- port_data['type'] = 'external'
- if port_data.get('net_id'):
- # check that new net has the correct type
- result, new_net = self.db.check_target_net(port_data['net_id'], None, 'external')
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException(str(new_net), -result)
- # insert in data base
- db_filter = {}
- if port_data.get('region'):
- db_filter['region'] = port_data['region']
- if port_data.get('pci'):
- db_filter['pci'] = port_data['pci']
- if port_data.get('compute_node'):
- db_filter['compute_node'] = port_data['compute_node']
- columns = ['ofc_id', 'switch_dpid', 'switch_port', 'switch_mac', 'pci']
- port_mapping_data = self.get_of_port_mappings(columns, db_filter)
- if not len(port_mapping_data):
- raise ovimException("No port mapping founded for '{}'".format(str(db_filter)),
- HTTP_Not_Found)
- elif len(port_mapping_data) > 1:
- raise ovimException("Wrong port data was given, please check pci, region & compute id data",
- HTTP_Conflict)
- port_data['ofc_id'] = port_mapping_data[0]['ofc_id']
- port_data['switch_dpid'] = port_mapping_data[0]['switch_dpid']
- port_data['switch_port'] = port_mapping_data[0]['switch_port']
- port_data['switch_mac'] = port_mapping_data[0]['switch_mac']
- # remove from compute_node, region and pci of_port_data to adapt to 'ports' structure
- if 'region' in port_data:
- del port_data['region']
- if 'pci' in port_data:
- del port_data['pci']
- if 'compute_node' in port_data:
- del port_data['compute_node']
- result, uuid = self.db.new_row('ports', port_data, True, True)
- if result > 0:
- try:
- self.net_update_ofc_thread(port_data['net_id'], port_data['ofc_id'])
- except ovimException as e:
- raise ovimException("Cannot insert a task for updating network '{}' {}".
- format(port_data['net_id'], str(e)), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- except Exception as e:
- raise ovimException("Cannot insert a task for updating network '{}' {}"
- .format(port_data['net_id'], e), HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- return uuid
- else:
- raise ovimException(str(uuid), -result)
- def net_update_ofc_thread(self, net_id, ofc_id=None, switch_dpid=None):
- """
- Insert a update net task by net id or ofc_id for each ofc thread
- :param net_id: network id
- :param ofc_id: openflow controller id
- :param switch_dpid: switch dpid
- :return:
- """
- if not net_id:
- raise ovimException("No net_id received", HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- r = -1
- c = 'No valid ofc_id or switch_dpid received'
- if not ofc_id:
- ports = self.get_ports(filter={"net_id": net_id})
- for port in ports:
- port_ofc_id = port.get('ofc_id', None)
- if port_ofc_id:
- ofc_id = port['ofc_id']
- switch_dpid = port['switch_dpid']
- break
- #TODO if not ofc_id: look at database table ofcs
- # If no ofc_id found it, default ofc_id is used.
- if not ofc_id and not switch_dpid:
- ofc_id = "Default"
- if ofc_id and ofc_id in self.config['ofcs_thread']:
- r, c = self.config['ofcs_thread'][ofc_id].insert_task("update-net", net_id)
- elif switch_dpid:
- ofcs_dpid_list = self.config['ofcs_thread_dpid']
- for ofc_t in ofcs_dpid_list:
- if switch_dpid in ofc_t:
- r, c = ofc_t[switch_dpid].insert_task("update-net", net_id)
- if r < 0:
- message = "Cannot insert a task for updating network '{}', {}".format(net_id, c)
- self.logger.error(message)
- raise ovimException(message, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- def delete_port(self, port_id):
- # Look for the previous port data
- result, ports = self.db.get_table(WHERE={'uuid': port_id, "type": "external"}, FROM='ports')
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException("Cannot get port info from database: {}".format(ports), http_code=-result)
- # delete from the data base
- result, content = self.db.delete_row('ports', port_id)
- if result == 0:
- raise ovimException("External port '{}' not found".format(port_id), http_code=HTTP_Not_Found)
- elif result < 0:
- raise ovimException("Cannot delete port from database: {}".format(content), http_code=-result)
- # update network
- network = ports[0].get('net_id', None)
- if network:
- # change of net.
- try:
- self.net_update_ofc_thread(network, ofc_id=ports[0]["ofc_id"], switch_dpid=ports[0]["switch_dpid"])
- except ovimException as e:
- raise ovimException("Cannot insert a task for delete network '{}' {}".format(network, str(e)),
- HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- except Exception as e:
- raise ovimException("Cannot insert a task for delete network '{}' {}".format(network, str(e)),
- HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- return content
- def edit_port(self, port_id, port_data, admin=True):
- # Look for the previous port data
- result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM="ports", WHERE={'uuid': port_id})
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException("Cannot get port info from database: {}".format(content), http_code=-result)
- elif result == 0:
- raise ovimException("Port '{}' not found".format(port_id), http_code=HTTP_Not_Found)
- port = content[0]
- nets = []
- host_id = None
- result = 1
- if 'net_id' in port_data:
- # change of net.
- old_net = port.get('net_id', None)
- new_net = port_data['net_id']
- if old_net != new_net:
- if new_net:
- nets.append(new_net) # put first the new net, so that new openflow rules are created before removing the old ones
- if old_net:
- nets.append(old_net)
- if port['type'] == 'instance:bridge' or port['type'] == 'instance:ovs':
- raise ovimException("bridge interfaces cannot be attached to a different net", http_code=HTTP_Forbidden)
- elif port['type'] == 'external' and not admin:
- raise ovimException("Needed admin privileges",http_code=HTTP_Unauthorized)
- if new_net:
- # check that new net has the correct type
- result, new_net_dict = self.db.check_target_net(new_net, None, port['type'])
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException("Error {}".format(new_net_dict), http_code=HTTP_Conflict)
- # change VLAN for SR-IOV ports
- if result >= 0 and port["type"] == "instance:data" and port["model"] == "VF": # TODO consider also VFnotShared
- if new_net:
- port_data["vlan"] = None
- else:
- port_data["vlan"] = new_net_dict["vlan"]
- # get host where this VM is allocated
- result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM="instances", WHERE={"uuid": port["instance_id"]})
- if result > 0:
- host_id = content[0]["host_id"]
- # insert in data base
- if result >= 0:
- result, content = self.db.update_rows('ports', port_data, WHERE={'uuid': port_id}, log=False)
- port.update(port_data)
- # Insert task to complete actions
- if result > 0:
- for net_id in nets:
- try:
- self.net_update_ofc_thread(net_id, port["ofc_id"], switch_dpid=port["switch_dpid"])
- except ovimException as e:
- raise ovimException("Error updating network'{}' {}".format(net_id, str(e)),
- HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- except Exception as e:
- raise ovimException("Error updating network '{}' {}".format(net_id, str(e)),
- HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- if host_id:
- r, v = self.config['host_threads'][host_id].insert_task("edit-iface", port_id, old_net, new_net)
- if r < 0:
- self.logger.error("Error updating network '{}' {}".format(r,v))
- # TODO Do something if fails
- if result >= 0:
- return port_id
- else:
- raise ovimException("Error {}".format(content), http_code=-result)
- def new_of_controller(self, ofc_data):
- """
- Create a new openflow controller into DB
- :param ofc_data: Dict openflow controller data
- :return: openflow controller dpid
- """
- result, ofc_uuid = self.db.new_row('ofcs', ofc_data, True, True)
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException("New ofc Error %s" % ofc_uuid, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- ofc_data['uuid'] = ofc_uuid
- of_conn = self._load_of_module(ofc_data)
- self._create_ofc_task(ofc_uuid, ofc_data['dpid'], of_conn)
- return ofc_uuid
- def edit_of_controller(self, of_id, ofc_data):
- """
- Edit an openflow controller entry from DB
- :return:
- """
- if not ofc_data:
- raise ovimException("No data received during uptade OF contorller", http_code=HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- old_of_controller = self.show_of_controller(of_id)
- if old_of_controller:
- result, content = self.db.update_rows('ofcs', ofc_data, WHERE={'uuid': of_id}, log=False)
- if result >= 0:
- return ofc_data
- else:
- raise ovimException("Error uptating OF contorller with uuid {}".format(of_id),
- http_code=-result)
- else:
- raise ovimException("Error uptating OF contorller with uuid {}".format(of_id),
- http_code=HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- def delete_of_controller(self, of_id):
- """
- Delete an openflow controller from DB.
- :param of_id: openflow controller dpid
- :return:
- """
- ofc = self.show_of_controller(of_id)
- result, content = self.db.delete_row("ofcs", of_id)
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException("Cannot delete ofc from database: {}".format(content), http_code=-result)
- elif result == 0:
- raise ovimException("ofc {} not found ".format(content), http_code=HTTP_Not_Found)
- ofc_thread = self.config['ofcs_thread'][of_id]
- del self.config['ofcs_thread'][of_id]
- for ofc_th in self.config['ofcs_thread_dpid']:
- if ofc['dpid'] in ofc_th:
- self.config['ofcs_thread_dpid'].remove(ofc_th)
- ofc_thread.insert_task("exit")
- #ofc_thread.join()
- return content
- def show_of_controller(self, uuid):
- """
- Show an openflow controller by dpid from DB.
- :param db_filter: List with where query parameters
- :return:
- """
- result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='ofcs', WHERE={"uuid": uuid}, LIMIT=100)
- if result == 0:
- raise ovimException("Openflow controller with uuid '{}' not found".format(uuid),
- http_code=HTTP_Not_Found)
- elif result < 0:
- raise ovimException("Openflow controller with uuid '{}' error".format(uuid),
- http_code=HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- return content[0]
- def get_of_controllers(self, columns=None, db_filter={}, limit=None):
- """
- Show an openflow controllers from DB.
- :param columns: List with SELECT query parameters
- :param db_filter: List with where query parameters
- :param limit: result Limit
- :return:
- """
- result, content = self.db.get_table(SELECT=columns, FROM='ofcs', WHERE=db_filter, LIMIT=limit)
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
- return content
- def get_tenants(self, columns=None, db_filter={}, limit=None):
- """
- Retrieve tenant list from DB
- :param columns: List with SELECT query parameters
- :param db_filter: List with where query parameters
- :param limit: result limit
- :return:
- """
- result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='tenants', SELECT=columns, WHERE=db_filter, LIMIT=limit)
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException('get_tenatns Error {}'.format(str(content)), -result)
- else:
- convert_boolean(content, ('enabled',))
- return content
- def show_tenant_id(self, tenant_id):
- """
- Get tenant from DB by id
- :param tenant_id: tenant id
- :return:
- """
- result, content = self.db.get_table(FROM='tenants', SELECT=('uuid', 'name', 'description', 'enabled'),
- WHERE={"uuid": tenant_id})
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
- elif result == 0:
- raise ovimException("tenant with uuid='{}' not found".format(tenant_id), HTTP_Not_Found)
- else:
- convert_boolean(content, ('enabled',))
- return content[0]
- def new_tentant(self, tenant):
- """
- Create a tenant and store in DB
- :param tenant: Dictionary with tenant data
- :return: the uuid of created tenant. Raise exception upon error
- """
- # insert in data base
- result, tenant_uuid = self.db.new_tenant(tenant)
- if result >= 0:
- return tenant_uuid
- else:
- raise ovimException(str(tenant_uuid), -result)
- def delete_tentant(self, tenant_id):
- """
- Delete a tenant from the database.
- :param tenant_id: Tenant id
- :return: delete tenant id
- """
- # check permissions
- r, tenants_flavors = self.db.get_table(FROM='tenants_flavors', SELECT=('flavor_id', 'tenant_id'),
- WHERE={'tenant_id': tenant_id})
- if r <= 0:
- tenants_flavors = ()
- r, tenants_images = self.db.get_table(FROM='tenants_images', SELECT=('image_id', 'tenant_id'),
- WHERE={'tenant_id': tenant_id})
- if r <= 0:
- tenants_images = ()
- result, content = self.db.delete_row('tenants', tenant_id)
- if result == 0:
- raise ovimException("tenant '%s' not found" % tenant_id, HTTP_Not_Found)
- elif result > 0:
- for flavor in tenants_flavors:
- self.db.delete_row_by_key("flavors", "uuid", flavor['flavor_id'])
- for image in tenants_images:
- self.db.delete_row_by_key("images", "uuid", image['image_id'])
- return content
- else:
- raise ovimException("Error deleting tenant '%s' " % tenant_id, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- def edit_tenant(self, tenant_id, tenant_data):
- """
- Update a tenant data identified by tenant id
- :param tenant_id: tenant id
- :param tenant_data: Dictionary with tenant data
- :return:
- """
- # Look for the previous data
- result, tenant_data_old = self.db.get_table(FROM='tenants', WHERE={'uuid': tenant_id})
- if result < 0:
- raise ovimException("Error updating tenant with uuid='{}': {}".format(tenant_id, tenant_data_old),
- HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- elif result == 0:
- raise ovimException("tenant with uuid='{}' not found".format(tenant_id), HTTP_Not_Found)
- # insert in data base
- result, content = self.db.update_rows('tenants', tenant_data, WHERE={'uuid': tenant_id}, log=True)
- if result >= 0:
- return content
- else:
- raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
- def set_of_port_mapping(self, of_maps, ofc_id=None, switch_dpid=None, region=None):
- """
- Create new port mapping entry
- :param of_maps: List with port mapping information
- # maps =[{"ofc_id": <ofc_id>,"region": datacenter region,"compute_node": compute uuid,"pci": pci adress,
- "switch_dpid": swith dpid,"switch_port": port name,"switch_mac": mac}]
- :param ofc_id: ofc id
- :param switch_dpid: switch dpid
- :param region: datacenter region id
- :return:
- """
- for map in of_maps:
- if ofc_id:
- map['ofc_id'] = ofc_id
- if switch_dpid:
- map['switch_dpid'] = switch_dpid
- if region:
- map['region'] = region
- for of_map in of_maps:
- result, uuid = self.db.new_row('of_port_mappings', of_map, True)
- if result > 0:
- of_map["uuid"] = uuid
- else:
- raise ovimException(str(uuid), -result)
- return of_maps
- def clear_of_port_mapping(self, db_filter={}):
- """
- Clear port mapping filtering using db_filter dict
- :param db_filter: Parameter to filter during remove process
- :return:
- """
- result, content = self.db.delete_row_by_dict(FROM='of_port_mappings', WHERE=db_filter)
- # delete_row_by_key
- if result >= 0:
- return content
- else:
- raise ovimException("Error deleting of_port_mappings with filter='{}'".format(str(db_filter)),
- HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- def get_of_port_mappings(self, column=None, db_filter=None, db_limit=None):
- """
- Retrive port mapping from DB
- :param column:
- :param db_filter:
- :return:
- """
- result, content = self.db.get_table(SELECT=column, WHERE=db_filter, FROM='of_port_mappings', LIMIT=db_limit)
- if result < 0:
- self.logger.error("get_of_port_mappings Error %d %s", result, content)
- raise ovimException(str(content), -result)
- else:
- return content
- def get_dhcp_controller(self):
- """
- Create an host_thread object for manage openvim controller and not create a thread for itself
- :return: dhcp_host openvim controller object
- """
- if 'openvim_controller' in self.config['host_threads']:
- return self.config['host_threads']['openvim_controller']
- bridge_ifaces = []
- controller_ip = self.config['ovs_controller_ip']
- ovs_controller_user = self.config['ovs_controller_user']
- host_test_mode = True if self.config['mode'] == 'test' or self.config['mode'] == "OF only" else False
- host_develop_mode = True if self.config['mode'] == 'development' else False
- dhcp_host = ht.host_thread(name='openvim_controller', user=ovs_controller_user, host=controller_ip,
- db=self.db_of,
- db_lock=self.db_lock, test=host_test_mode,
- image_path=self.config['image_path'], version=self.config['version'],
- host_id='openvim_controller', develop_mode=host_develop_mode,
- develop_bridge_iface=bridge_ifaces)
- self.config['host_threads']['openvim_controller'] = dhcp_host
- if not host_test_mode:
- dhcp_host.ssh_connect()
- return dhcp_host
- def launch_dhcp_server(self, vlan, first_ip, last_ip, cidr, gateway):
- """
- Launch a dhcpserver base on dnsmasq attached to the net base on vlan id across the the openvim computes
- :param vlan: vlan identifier
- :param first_ip: First dhcp range ip
- :param last_ip: Last dhcp range ip
- :param cidr: net cidr
- :param gateway: net gateway
- :return:
- """
- ip_tools = IPNetwork(cidr)
- dhcp_netmask = str(ip_tools.netmask)
- ip_range = [first_ip, last_ip]
- dhcp_path = self.config['ovs_controller_file_path']
- controller_host = self.get_dhcp_controller()
- controller_host.create_linux_bridge(vlan)
- controller_host.create_dhcp_interfaces(vlan, first_ip, dhcp_netmask)
- controller_host.launch_dhcp_server(vlan, ip_range, dhcp_netmask, dhcp_path, gateway)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("-v","--version", help="show ovim library version", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument("--database-version", help="show required database version", action="store_true")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- if args.version:
- print ('openvimd version {} {}'.format(ovim.get_version(), ovim.get_version_date()))
- print ('(c) Copyright Telefonica')
- elif args.database_version:
- print ('required database version: {}'.format(ovim.get_database_version()))
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+#It generates a report for debugging
+DIRNAME=$(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})
+DIRNAME=$(dirname $DIRNAME )
+#get screen log files at the beginning
+echo "-------------------------------"
+echo "log files"
+echo "-------------------------------"
+echo "cat $DIRNAME/../logs/openvim.log*"
+cat $DIRNAME/../logs/openvim.log*
+#get version
+echo "-------------------------------"
+echo "version"
+echo "-------------------------------"
+echo "cat $DIRNAME/../openvimd.py|grep ^__version__"
+cat $DIRNAME/../openvimd.py|grep ^__version__
+#get configuration files
+echo "-------------------------------"
+echo "Configuration files"
+echo "-------------------------------"
+echo "cat $DIRNAME/../openvimd.cfg"
+cat $DIRNAME/../openvimd.cfg
+#get list of items
+for verbose in "" "-vvv"
+ echo "-------------------------------"
+ echo "OPENVIM$verbose"
+ echo "-------------------------------"
+ echo "$OVCLIENT config"
+ $OVCLIENT config
+ echo "-------------------------------"
+ echo "$OVCLIENT tenant-list $verbose"
+ $OVCLIENT tenant-list $verbose
+ echo "-------------------------------"
+ echo "$OVCLIENT host-list $verbose"
+ $OVCLIENT host-list $verbose
+ echo "-------------------------------"
+ echo "$OVCLIENT net-list $verbose"
+ $OVCLIENT net-list $verbose
+ echo "-------------------------------"
+ echo "$OVCLIENT port-list $verbose"
+ $OVCLIENT port-list $verbose
+ echo "-------------------------------"
+ echo "$OVCLIENT flavor-list $verbose"
+ $OVCLIENT flavor-list $verbose
+ echo "-------------------------------"
+ echo "$OVCLIENT image-list $verbose"
+ $OVCLIENT image-list $verbose
+ echo "-------------------------------"
+ echo "$OVCLIENT vm-list $verbose"
+ $OVCLIENT vm-list $verbose
+ echo "-------------------------------"
+ echo
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-#It generates a report for debugging
-DIRNAME=$(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})
-DIRNAME=$(dirname $DIRNAME )
-#get screen log files at the beginning
-echo "-------------------------------"
-echo "log files"
-echo "-------------------------------"
-echo "cat $DIRNAME/../logs/openvim.log*"
-cat $DIRNAME/../logs/openvim.log*
-#get version
-echo "-------------------------------"
-echo "version"
-echo "-------------------------------"
-echo "cat $DIRNAME/../openvimd.py|grep ^__version__"
-cat $DIRNAME/../openvimd.py|grep ^__version__
-#get configuration files
-echo "-------------------------------"
-echo "Configuration files"
-echo "-------------------------------"
-echo "cat $DIRNAME/../openvimd.cfg"
-cat $DIRNAME/../openvimd.cfg
-#get list of items
-for verbose in "" "-vvv"
- echo "-------------------------------"
- echo "OPENVIM$verbose"
- echo "-------------------------------"
- echo "$OVCLIENT config"
- $OVCLIENT config
- echo "-------------------------------"
- echo "$OVCLIENT tenant-list $verbose"
- $OVCLIENT tenant-list $verbose
- echo "-------------------------------"
- echo "$OVCLIENT host-list $verbose"
- $OVCLIENT host-list $verbose
- echo "-------------------------------"
- echo "$OVCLIENT net-list $verbose"
- $OVCLIENT net-list $verbose
- echo "-------------------------------"
- echo "$OVCLIENT port-list $verbose"
- $OVCLIENT port-list $verbose
- echo "-------------------------------"
- echo "$OVCLIENT flavor-list $verbose"
- $OVCLIENT flavor-list $verbose
- echo "-------------------------------"
- echo "$OVCLIENT image-list $verbose"
- $OVCLIENT image-list $verbose
- echo "-------------------------------"
- echo "$OVCLIENT vm-list $verbose"
- $OVCLIENT vm-list $verbose
- echo "-------------------------------"
- echo
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+#launch floodlight inside a screen. It assumes shell variable $FLOODLIGHT_PATH
+# contain the installation path
+DIRNAME=$(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})
+DIRNAME=$(dirname $DIRNAME )
+DIR_OM=$(dirname $DIRNAME )
+function usage(){
+ echo -e "Usage: $0 start|stop|restart|status"
+ echo -e " Launch|Removes|Restart|Getstatus floodlight on a screen"
+ echo -e " Shell variable FLOODLIGHT_PATH must indicate floodlight installationpath"
+function kill_pid(){
+ #send TERM signal and wait 5 seconds and send KILL signal ir still running
+ #PARAMS: $1: PID of process to terminate
+ kill $1 #send TERM signal
+ WAIT=5
+ while [ $WAIT -gt 0 ] && ps -o pid -U $USER -u $USER | grep -q $1
+ do
+ sleep 1
+ WAIT=$((WAIT-1))
+ [ $WAIT -eq 0 ] && echo -n "sending SIGKILL... " && kill -9 $1 #kill when count reach 0
+ done
+ echo "done"
+#obtain parameters
+#om_action="start" #uncoment to get a default action
+for param in $*
+ [ "$param" == "start" -o "$param" == "stop" -o "$param" == "restart" -o "$param" == "status" ] && om_action=$param && continue
+ [ "$param" == "openflow" -o "$param" == "flow" -o "$param" == "floodlight" ] && continue
+ [ "$param" == "-h" -o "$param" == "--help" ] && usage && exit 0
+ #if none of above, reach this line because a param is incorrect
+ echo "Unknown param '$param' type $0 --help" >&2
+ exit -1
+#check action is provided
+[ -z "$om_action" ] && usage >&2 && exit -1
+ om_cmd="floodlight.jar"
+ om_name="floodlight"
+ #obtain PID of program
+ component_id=`ps -o pid,cmd -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep ${om_cmd} | awk '{print $1}'`
+ #status
+ if [ "$om_action" == "status" ]
+ then
+ [ -n "$component_id" ] && echo " $om_name running, pid $component_id"
+ [ -z "$component_id" ] && echo " $om_name stopped"
+ fi
+ #stop
+ if [ "$om_action" == "stop" -o "$om_action" == "restart" ]
+ then
+ #terminates program
+ [ -n "$component_id" ] && echo -n " stopping $om_name ... " && kill_pid $component_id
+ component_id=""
+ #terminates screen
+ if screen -wipe | grep -Fq .flow
+ then
+ screen -S flow -p 0 -X stuff "exit\n"
+ sleep 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ #start
+ if [ "$om_action" == "start" -o "$om_action" == "restart" ]
+ then
+ [[ -z $FLOODLIGHT_PATH ]] && echo "FLOODLIGHT_PATH shell variable must indicate floodlight installation path" >&2 && exit -1
+ #calculates log file name
+ logfile=""
+ mkdir -p $DIR_OM/logs && logfile=$DIR_OM/logs/openflow.log || echo "can not create logs directory $DIR_OM/logs"
+ #check already running
+ [ -n "$component_id" ] && echo " $om_name is already running. Skipping" && continue
+ #create screen if not created
+ echo -n " starting $om_name ... "
+ if ! screen -wipe | grep -Fq .flow
+ then
+ pushd ${FLOODLIGHT_PATH} > /dev/null
+ screen -dmS flow bash
+ sleep 1
+ popd > /dev/null
+ else
+ echo -n " using existing screen 'flow' ... "
+ screen -S flow -p 0 -X log off
+ screen -S flow -p 0 -X stuff "cd ${FLOODLIGHT_PATH}\n"
+ sleep 1
+ fi
+ #move old log file index one number up and log again in index 0
+ if [[ -n $logfile ]]
+ then
+ for index in 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
+ do
+ [[ -f ${logfile}.${index} ]] && mv ${logfile}.${index} ${logfile}.$((index+1))
+ done
+ [[ -f ${logfile} ]] && mv ${logfile} ${logfile}.1
+ screen -S flow -p 0 -X logfile ${logfile}
+ screen -S flow -p 0 -X log on
+ fi
+ #launch command to screen
+ screen -S flow -p 0 -X stuff "java -Dlogback.configurationFile=${DIRNAME}/flow-logback.xml -jar ./target/floodlight.jar -cf ${DIRNAME}/flow.properties_v0.9\n"
+ #check if is running
+ [[ -n $logfile ]] && timeout=120 #2 minute
+ [[ -z $logfile ]] && timeout=20
+ while [[ $timeout -gt 0 ]]
+ do
+ #check if is running
+ #echo timeout $timeout
+ #if ! ps -f -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep -q ${om_cmd}
+ log_lines=0
+ [[ -n $logfile ]] && log_lines=`head ${logfile} | wc -l`
+ component_id=`ps -o pid,cmd -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep ${om_cmd} | awk '{print $1}'`
+ if [[ -z $component_id ]]
+ then #process not started or finished
+ [[ $log_lines -ge 2 ]] && echo -n "ERROR, it has exited." && break
+ #started because writted serveral lines at log so report error
+ fi
+ [[ -n $logfile ]] && grep -q "Listening for switch connections" ${logfile} && sleep 1 && break
+ sleep 1
+ timeout=$((timeout -1))
+ done
+ if [[ -n $logfile ]] && [[ $timeout == 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo -n "timeout!"
+ else
+ echo -n "running on 'screen -x flow'."
+ fi
+ [[ -n $logfile ]] && echo " Logging at '${logfile}'" || echo
+ fi
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-#launch floodlight inside a screen. It assumes shell variable $FLOODLIGHT_PATH
-# contain the installation path
-DIRNAME=$(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})
-DIRNAME=$(dirname $DIRNAME )
-DIR_OM=$(dirname $DIRNAME )
-function usage(){
- echo -e "Usage: $0 start|stop|restart|status"
- echo -e " Launch|Removes|Restart|Getstatus floodlight on a screen"
- echo -e " Shell variable FLOODLIGHT_PATH must indicate floodlight installationpath"
-function kill_pid(){
- #send TERM signal and wait 5 seconds and send KILL signal ir still running
- #PARAMS: $1: PID of process to terminate
- kill $1 #send TERM signal
- WAIT=5
- while [ $WAIT -gt 0 ] && ps -o pid -U $USER -u $USER | grep -q $1
- do
- sleep 1
- WAIT=$((WAIT-1))
- [ $WAIT -eq 0 ] && echo -n "sending SIGKILL... " && kill -9 $1 #kill when count reach 0
- done
- echo "done"
-#obtain parameters
-#om_action="start" #uncoment to get a default action
-for param in $*
- [ "$param" == "start" -o "$param" == "stop" -o "$param" == "restart" -o "$param" == "status" ] && om_action=$param && continue
- [ "$param" == "openflow" -o "$param" == "flow" -o "$param" == "floodlight" ] && continue
- [ "$param" == "-h" -o "$param" == "--help" ] && usage && exit 0
- #if none of above, reach this line because a param is incorrect
- echo "Unknown param '$param' type $0 --help" >&2
- exit -1
-#check action is provided
-[ -z "$om_action" ] && usage >&2 && exit -1
- om_cmd="floodlight.jar"
- om_name="floodlight"
- #obtain PID of program
- component_id=`ps -o pid,cmd -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep ${om_cmd} | awk '{print $1}'`
- #status
- if [ "$om_action" == "status" ]
- then
- [ -n "$component_id" ] && echo " $om_name running, pid $component_id"
- [ -z "$component_id" ] && echo " $om_name stopped"
- fi
- #stop
- if [ "$om_action" == "stop" -o "$om_action" == "restart" ]
- then
- #terminates program
- [ -n "$component_id" ] && echo -n " stopping $om_name ... " && kill_pid $component_id
- component_id=""
- #terminates screen
- if screen -wipe | grep -Fq .flow
- then
- screen -S flow -p 0 -X stuff "exit\n"
- sleep 1
- fi
- fi
- #start
- if [ "$om_action" == "start" -o "$om_action" == "restart" ]
- then
- [[ -z $FLOODLIGHT_PATH ]] && echo "FLOODLIGHT_PATH shell variable must indicate floodlight installation path" >&2 && exit -1
- #calculates log file name
- logfile=""
- mkdir -p $DIR_OM/logs && logfile=$DIR_OM/logs/openflow.log || echo "can not create logs directory $DIR_OM/logs"
- #check already running
- [ -n "$component_id" ] && echo " $om_name is already running. Skipping" && continue
- #create screen if not created
- echo -n " starting $om_name ... "
- if ! screen -wipe | grep -Fq .flow
- then
- pushd ${FLOODLIGHT_PATH} > /dev/null
- screen -dmS flow bash
- sleep 1
- popd > /dev/null
- else
- echo -n " using existing screen 'flow' ... "
- screen -S flow -p 0 -X log off
- screen -S flow -p 0 -X stuff "cd ${FLOODLIGHT_PATH}\n"
- sleep 1
- fi
- #move old log file index one number up and log again in index 0
- if [[ -n $logfile ]]
- then
- for index in 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
- do
- [[ -f ${logfile}.${index} ]] && mv ${logfile}.${index} ${logfile}.$((index+1))
- done
- [[ -f ${logfile} ]] && mv ${logfile} ${logfile}.1
- screen -S flow -p 0 -X logfile ${logfile}
- screen -S flow -p 0 -X log on
- fi
- #launch command to screen
- screen -S flow -p 0 -X stuff "java -Dlogback.configurationFile=${DIRNAME}/flow-logback.xml -jar ./target/floodlight.jar -cf ${DIRNAME}/flow.properties_v0.9\n"
- #check if is running
- [[ -n $logfile ]] && timeout=120 #2 minute
- [[ -z $logfile ]] && timeout=20
- while [[ $timeout -gt 0 ]]
- do
- #check if is running
- #echo timeout $timeout
- #if ! ps -f -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep -q ${om_cmd}
- log_lines=0
- [[ -n $logfile ]] && log_lines=`head ${logfile} | wc -l`
- component_id=`ps -o pid,cmd -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep ${om_cmd} | awk '{print $1}'`
- if [[ -z $component_id ]]
- then #process not started or finished
- [[ $log_lines -ge 2 ]] && echo -n "ERROR, it has exited." && break
- #started because writted serveral lines at log so report error
- fi
- [[ -n $logfile ]] && grep -q "Listening for switch connections" ${logfile} && sleep 1 && break
- sleep 1
- timeout=$((timeout -1))
- done
- if [[ -n $logfile ]] && [[ $timeout == 0 ]]
- then
- echo -n "timeout!"
- else
- echo -n "running on 'screen -x flow'."
- fi
- [[ -n $logfile ]] && echo " Logging at '${logfile}'" || echo
- fi
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+#launch opendaylight inside a screen. It assumes shell variable $OPENDAYLIGHT_PATH
+# contain the installation path
+DIRNAME=$(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})
+DIRNAME=$(dirname $DIRNAME )
+DIR_OM=$(dirname $DIRNAME )
+function usage(){
+ echo -e "Usage: $0 start|stop|restart|status"
+ echo -e " Launch|Removes|Restart|Getstatus opendaylight on a screen"
+ echo -e " Shell variable OPENDAYLIGHT_PATH must indicate opendaylight installation path"
+function kill_pid(){
+ #send TERM signal and wait 5 seconds and send KILL signal ir still running
+ #PARAMS: $1: PID of process to terminate
+ kill $1 #send TERM signal
+ WAIT=5
+ while [ $WAIT -gt 0 ] && ps -o pid -U $USER -u $USER | grep -q $1
+ do
+ sleep 1
+ WAIT=$((WAIT-1))
+ [ $WAIT -eq 0 ] && echo -n "sending SIGKILL... " && kill -9 $1 #kill when count reach 0
+ done
+ echo "done"
+#obtain parameters
+#om_action="start" #uncoment to get a default action
+for param in $*
+ [ "$param" == "start" -o "$param" == "stop" -o "$param" == "restart" -o "$param" == "status" ] && om_action=$param && continue
+ [ "$param" == "openflow" -o "$param" == "flow" -o "$param" == "opendaylight" ] && continue
+ [ "$param" == "-h" -o "$param" == "--help" ] && usage && exit 0
+ #if none of above, reach this line because a param is incorrect
+ echo "Unknown param '$param' type $0 --help" >&2
+ exit -1
+#check action is provided
+[ -z "$om_action" ] && usage >&2 && exit -1
+ om_cmd="./karaf"
+ om_name="opendaylight"
+ #obtain PID of program
+ component_id=`ps -o pid,cmd -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep ${om_cmd} | awk '{print $1}'`
+ #status
+ if [ "$om_action" == "status" ]
+ then
+ [ -n "$component_id" ] && echo " $om_name running, pid $component_id"
+ [ -z "$component_id" ] && echo " $om_name stopped"
+ fi
+ #stop
+ if [ "$om_action" == "stop" -o "$om_action" == "restart" ]
+ then
+ #terminates program
+ [ -n "$component_id" ] && echo -n " stopping $om_name ... " && kill_pid $component_id
+ component_id=""
+ #terminates screen
+ if screen -wipe | grep -Fq .flow
+ then
+ screen -S flow -p 0 -X stuff "exit\n"
+ sleep 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ #start
+ if [ "$om_action" == "start" -o "$om_action" == "restart" ]
+ then
+ [[ -z $OPENDAYLIGHT_PATH ]] && echo "OPENDAYLIGHT_PATH shell variable must indicate opendaylight installation path" >&2 && exit -1
+ #calculates log file name
+ logfile=""
+ mkdir -p $DIR_OM/logs && logfile=$DIR_OM/logs/openflow.log && logfile_console=$DIR_OM/logs/openflow_console.log || echo "can not create logs directory $DIR_OM/logs"
+ #check already running
+ [ -n "$component_id" ] && echo " $om_name is already running. Skipping" && continue
+ #create screen if not created
+ echo -n " starting $om_name ... "
+ if ! screen -wipe | grep -Fq .flow
+ then
+ pushd ${OPENDAYLIGHT_PATH}/bin > /dev/null
+ screen -dmS flow bash
+ sleep 1
+ popd > /dev/null
+ else
+ echo -n " using existing screen 'flow' ... "
+ screen -S flow -p 0 -X log off
+ screen -S flow -p 0 -X stuff "cd ${OPENDAYLIGHT_PATH}/bin\n"
+ sleep 1
+ fi
+ #move old log file index one number up and log again in index 0
+ if [[ -n $logfile ]]
+ then
+ for index in .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 ""
+ do
+ rm -f ${logfile}${index}
+ ln -s ${OPENDAYLIGHT_PATH}/data/log/karaf.log${index} ${logfile}${index}
+ done
+ rm -rf ${logfile_console}
+ screen -S flow -p 0 -X logfile ${logfile_console}
+ screen -S flow -p 0 -X log on
+ fi
+ #launch command to screen
+ screen -S flow -p 0 -X stuff "${om_cmd}\n"
+ #check if is running
+ [[ -n $logfile ]] && timeout=120 #2 minute
+ [[ -z $logfile ]] && timeout=20
+ while [[ $timeout -gt 0 ]]
+ do
+ #check if is running
+ #echo timeout $timeout
+ #if ! ps -f -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep -q ${om_cmd}
+ log_lines=0
+ [[ -n $logfile_console ]] && log_lines=`head ${logfile_console} | wc -l`
+ component_id=`ps -o pid,cmd -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep ${om_cmd} | awk '{print $1}'`
+ if [[ -z $component_id ]]
+ then #process not started or finished
+ [[ $log_lines -ge 2 ]] && echo -n "ERROR, it has exited." && break
+ #started because writted serveral lines at log so report error
+ fi
+ [[ -n $logfile_console ]] && grep -q "Listening on port" ${logfile_console} && sleep 1 && break
+ sleep 1
+ timeout=$((timeout -1))
+ done
+ if [[ -n $logfile_console ]] && [[ $timeout == 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo -n "timeout!"
+ else
+ echo -n "running on 'screen -x flow'."
+ fi
+ [[ -n $logfile ]] && echo " Logging at '${logfile}'" || echo
+ fi
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-#launch opendaylight inside a screen. It assumes shell variable $OPENDAYLIGHT_PATH
-# contain the installation path
-DIRNAME=$(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})
-DIRNAME=$(dirname $DIRNAME )
-DIR_OM=$(dirname $DIRNAME )
-function usage(){
- echo -e "Usage: $0 start|stop|restart|status"
- echo -e " Launch|Removes|Restart|Getstatus opendaylight on a screen"
- echo -e " Shell variable OPENDAYLIGHT_PATH must indicate opendaylight installation path"
-function kill_pid(){
- #send TERM signal and wait 5 seconds and send KILL signal ir still running
- #PARAMS: $1: PID of process to terminate
- kill $1 #send TERM signal
- WAIT=5
- while [ $WAIT -gt 0 ] && ps -o pid -U $USER -u $USER | grep -q $1
- do
- sleep 1
- WAIT=$((WAIT-1))
- [ $WAIT -eq 0 ] && echo -n "sending SIGKILL... " && kill -9 $1 #kill when count reach 0
- done
- echo "done"
-#obtain parameters
-#om_action="start" #uncoment to get a default action
-for param in $*
- [ "$param" == "start" -o "$param" == "stop" -o "$param" == "restart" -o "$param" == "status" ] && om_action=$param && continue
- [ "$param" == "openflow" -o "$param" == "flow" -o "$param" == "opendaylight" ] && continue
- [ "$param" == "-h" -o "$param" == "--help" ] && usage && exit 0
- #if none of above, reach this line because a param is incorrect
- echo "Unknown param '$param' type $0 --help" >&2
- exit -1
-#check action is provided
-[ -z "$om_action" ] && usage >&2 && exit -1
- om_cmd="./karaf"
- om_name="opendaylight"
- #obtain PID of program
- component_id=`ps -o pid,cmd -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep ${om_cmd} | awk '{print $1}'`
- #status
- if [ "$om_action" == "status" ]
- then
- [ -n "$component_id" ] && echo " $om_name running, pid $component_id"
- [ -z "$component_id" ] && echo " $om_name stopped"
- fi
- #stop
- if [ "$om_action" == "stop" -o "$om_action" == "restart" ]
- then
- #terminates program
- [ -n "$component_id" ] && echo -n " stopping $om_name ... " && kill_pid $component_id
- component_id=""
- #terminates screen
- if screen -wipe | grep -Fq .flow
- then
- screen -S flow -p 0 -X stuff "exit\n"
- sleep 1
- fi
- fi
- #start
- if [ "$om_action" == "start" -o "$om_action" == "restart" ]
- then
- [[ -z $OPENDAYLIGHT_PATH ]] && echo "OPENDAYLIGHT_PATH shell variable must indicate opendaylight installation path" >&2 && exit -1
- #calculates log file name
- logfile=""
- mkdir -p $DIR_OM/logs && logfile=$DIR_OM/logs/openflow.log && logfile_console=$DIR_OM/logs/openflow_console.log || echo "can not create logs directory $DIR_OM/logs"
- #check already running
- [ -n "$component_id" ] && echo " $om_name is already running. Skipping" && continue
- #create screen if not created
- echo -n " starting $om_name ... "
- if ! screen -wipe | grep -Fq .flow
- then
- pushd ${OPENDAYLIGHT_PATH}/bin > /dev/null
- screen -dmS flow bash
- sleep 1
- popd > /dev/null
- else
- echo -n " using existing screen 'flow' ... "
- screen -S flow -p 0 -X log off
- screen -S flow -p 0 -X stuff "cd ${OPENDAYLIGHT_PATH}/bin\n"
- sleep 1
- fi
- #move old log file index one number up and log again in index 0
- if [[ -n $logfile ]]
- then
- for index in .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 ""
- do
- rm -f ${logfile}${index}
- ln -s ${OPENDAYLIGHT_PATH}/data/log/karaf.log${index} ${logfile}${index}
- done
- rm -rf ${logfile_console}
- screen -S flow -p 0 -X logfile ${logfile_console}
- screen -S flow -p 0 -X log on
- fi
- #launch command to screen
- screen -S flow -p 0 -X stuff "${om_cmd}\n"
- #check if is running
- [[ -n $logfile ]] && timeout=120 #2 minute
- [[ -z $logfile ]] && timeout=20
- while [[ $timeout -gt 0 ]]
- do
- #check if is running
- #echo timeout $timeout
- #if ! ps -f -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep -q ${om_cmd}
- log_lines=0
- [[ -n $logfile_console ]] && log_lines=`head ${logfile_console} | wc -l`
- component_id=`ps -o pid,cmd -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep ${om_cmd} | awk '{print $1}'`
- if [[ -z $component_id ]]
- then #process not started or finished
- [[ $log_lines -ge 2 ]] && echo -n "ERROR, it has exited." && break
- #started because writted serveral lines at log so report error
- fi
- [[ -n $logfile_console ]] && grep -q "Listening on port" ${logfile_console} && sleep 1 && break
- sleep 1
- timeout=$((timeout -1))
- done
- if [[ -n $logfile_console ]] && [[ $timeout == 0 ]]
- then
- echo -n "timeout!"
- else
- echo -n "running on 'screen -x flow'."
- fi
- [[ -n $logfile ]] && echo " Logging at '${logfile}'" || echo
- fi
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
+# This file is part of openvim
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
+# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
+#launch openvim (and/or floodlight) inside a screen.
+#or call service if it is installed on systemd
+#It assumes a relative path '..' for openvim
+#for floodlight, the variable FLOODLIGHT_PATH indicates the installation path
+DIRNAME=$(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})
+DIRNAME=$(dirname $DIRNAME )
+DIR_OM=$(dirname $DIRNAME )
+#[[ -z $FLOODLIGHT_PATH ]] && FLOODLIGHT_PATH=$(dirname ${DIR_OM})/floodlight-1.1
+#[[ -z $FLOODLIGHT_PATH ]] && FLOODLIGHT_PATH=$(dirname ${DIR_OM})/floodlight-0.90
+function usage(){
+ echo -e "Usage: $0 [openvim/vim] [floodlight/flow] start|stop|restart|status"
+ echo -e " Launch|Removes|Restart|Getstatus openvim (by default) or/and floodlight on a screen/service"
+ echo -e " For floodlight variable FLOODLIGHT_PATH must indicate installation path"
+ echo -e " -h --help: shows this help"
+ echo -e " -n --screen-name NAME : name of screen to launch openvim (default vim)"
+ echo -e " -- PARAMS use to separate PARAMS that will be send to the service. e.g. -pPORT -PADMINPORT --dbname=DDBB"
+function kill_pid(){
+ #send TERM signal and wait 5 seconds and send KILL signal ir still running
+ #PARAMS: $1: PID of process to terminate
+ kill $1 #send TERM signal
+ WAIT=5
+ while [ $WAIT -gt 0 ] && ps -o pid -U $USER -u $USER | grep -q $1
+ do
+ sleep 1
+ WAIT=$((WAIT-1))
+ [ $WAIT -eq 0 ] && echo -n "sending SIGKILL... " && kill -9 $1 #kill when count reach 0
+ done
+ echo "done"
+#process options
+source ${DIRNAME}/get-options.sh "screen-name:n= help:h --" $* || exit 1
+[[ -n "$option_help" ]] && usage && exit 0
+#obtain parameters
+#om_action="start" #uncoment to get a default action
+for param in $params
+ [ "$param" == "start" -o "$param" == "stop" -o "$param" == "restart" -o "$param" == "status" ] && om_action=$param && continue
+ [ "$param" == "openvim" -o "$param" == "vim" ] && om_list="$om_list vim" && continue
+ [ "$param" == "openmano" -o "$param" == "mano" ] && continue #allow and ingore for backwards compatibility
+ [ "$param" == "openflow" -o "$param" == "flow" -o "$param" == "floodlight" ] && om_list="flow $om_list" && continue
+ echo "invalid argument '$param'? Type -h for help" >&2 && exit 1
+[[ -n $option_screen_name ]] && option_screen_name=${option_screen_name#*.} #allow the format 'pid.name' and keep only name
+#check action is provided
+[ -z "$om_action" ] && usage >&2 && exit -1
+#if no componenets supplied assume all
+[ -z "$om_list" ] && om_list="vim"
+function find_process_id(){ #PARAMS: command screen-name
+ for process_id in `ps -o pid,cmd -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep "${1}" | awk '{print $1}'`
+ do
+ scname=$(ps wwep $process_id | grep -o 'STY=\S*')
+ scname=${scname#STY=}
+ [[ -n "$2" ]] && [[ "${scname#*.}" != "$2" ]] && continue
+ echo -n "${process_id} "
+ done
+ echo
+for om_component in $om_list
+ screen_name="${om_component}"
+ [[ -n "$option_screen_name" ]] && screen_name=$option_screen_name
+ [ "${om_component}" == "flow" ] && om_cmd="floodlight.jar" && om_name="floodlight" && om_dir=$FLOODLIGHT_PATH
+ [ "${om_component}" == "vim" ] && om_cmd="./openvimd.py" && om_name="openvim " && om_dir=${DIR_OM}
+ #obtain PID of program
+ component_id=`find_process_id "${om_cmd}" $option_screen_name`
+ processes=$(echo $component_id | wc -w)
+ #status
+ if [ "$om_action" == "status" ]
+ then
+ running=""
+ for process_id in $component_id
+ do
+ scname=$(ps wwep $process_id | grep -o 'STY=\S*')
+ scname=${scname#STY=}
+ [[ -n "$option_screen_name" ]] && [[ "${scname#*.}" != "$option_screen_name" ]] && continue
+ printf "%-15s" "pid: ${process_id},"
+ [[ -n "$scname" ]] && printf "%-25s" "screen: ${scname},"
+ echo cmd: $(ps -o cmd p $process_id | tail -n1 )
+ running=y
+ done
+ #if installed as a service and it is not provided a screen name call service
+ [[ -f /etc/systemd/system/openvim.service ]] && [[ -z $option_screen_name ]] && running=y #&& service openvim status
+ if [ -z "$running" ]
+ then
+ echo -n " $om_name not running" && [[ -n "$option_screen_name" ]] && echo " on screen '$option_screen_name'" || echo
+ fi
+ fi
+ #if installed as a service and it is not provided a screen name call service
+ [[ -f /etc/systemd/system/openvim.service ]] && [[ -z $option_screen_name ]] && service openvim $om_action && ( [[ $om_action == status ]] || sleep 5 ) && exit $?
+ #stop
+ if [ "$om_action" == "stop" -o "$om_action" == "restart" ]
+ then
+ #terminates program
+ [ $processes -gt 1 ] && echo "$processes processes are running, specify with --screen-name" && continue
+ [ $processes -eq 1 ] && echo -n " stopping $om_name ... " && kill_pid $component_id
+ component_id=""
+ #terminates screen
+ if screen -wipe | grep -q -e "\.${screen_name}\b"
+ then
+ screen -S $screen_name -p 0 -X stuff "exit\n" || echo
+ sleep 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ #start
+ if [ "$om_action" == "start" -o "$om_action" == "restart" ]
+ then
+ [[ -z $FLOODLIGHT_PATH ]] && [[ $om_component == flow ]] &&
+ echo "FLOODLIGHT_PATH shell variable must indicate floodlight installation path" >&2 && exit -1
+ #calculates log file name
+ logfile=""
+ mkdir -p $DIR_OM/logs && logfile=$DIR_OM/logs/open${screen_name}.log || echo "can not create logs directory $DIR_OM/logs"
+ #check already running
+ [ -n "$component_id" ] && echo " $om_name is already running. Skipping" && continue
+ #create screen if not created
+ echo -n " starting $om_name ... "
+ if ! screen -wipe | grep -q -e "\.${screen_name}\b"
+ then
+ pushd ${om_dir} > /dev/null
+ screen -dmS ${screen_name} bash
+ sleep 1
+ popd > /dev/null
+ else
+ echo -n " using existing screen '${screen_name}' ... "
+ screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X log off
+ screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X stuff "cd ${om_dir}\n"
+ sleep 1
+ fi
+ #move old log file index one number up and log again in index 0
+ if [[ -n $logfile ]]
+ then
+ for index in 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
+ do
+ [[ -f ${logfile}.${index} ]] && mv ${logfile}.${index} ${logfile}.$((index+1))
+ done
+ [[ -f ${logfile} ]] && mv ${logfile} ${logfile}.1
+ screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X logfile ${logfile}
+ screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X log on
+ fi
+ #launch command to screen
+ #[ "${om_component}" != "flow" ] && screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X stuff "cd ${DIR_OM}/open${om_component}\n" && sleep 1
+ [ "${om_component}" == "flow" ] && screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X stuff "java -Dlogback.configurationFile=${DIRNAME}/flow-logback.xml -jar ./target/floodlight.jar -cf ${DIRNAME}/flow.properties_v0.9\n"
+ #[ "${om_component}" == "flow" ] && screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X stuff "java -Dlogback.configurationFile=${DIRNAME}/flow-logback.xml -jar ./target/floodlight.jar -cf ${DIRNAME}/flow.properties_v1.1\n" && sleep 5
+ [ "${om_component}" != "flow" ] && screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X stuff "${om_cmd}${om_params}\n"
+ #check if is running
+ [[ -n $logfile ]] && timeout=120 #2 minute
+ [[ -z $logfile ]] && timeout=20
+ while [[ $timeout -gt 0 ]]
+ do
+ #check if is running
+ #echo timeout $timeout
+ #if ! ps -f -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep -q ${om_cmd}
+ log_lines=0
+ [[ -n $logfile ]] && log_lines=`head ${logfile} | wc -l`
+ component_id=`find_process_id "${om_cmd}${om_params}" $screen_name`
+ if [[ -z $component_id ]]
+ then #process not started or finished
+ [[ $log_lines -ge 2 ]] && echo -n "ERROR, it has exited." && break
+ #started because writted serveral lines at log so report error
+ fi
+ [[ -n $logfile ]] && [[ ${om_component} == flow ]] && grep -q "Listening for switch connections" ${logfile} && sleep 1 && break
+ [[ -n $logfile ]] && [[ ${om_component} != flow ]] && grep -q "open${om_component}d ready" ${logfile} && break
+ sleep 1
+ timeout=$((timeout -1))
+ done
+ if [[ -n $logfile ]] && [[ $timeout == 0 ]]
+ then
+ echo -n "timeout!"
+ else
+ echo -n "running on 'screen -x ${screen_name}'."
+ fi
+ [[ -n $logfile ]] && echo " Logging at '${logfile}'" || echo
+ fi
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-#launch openvim (and/or floodlight) inside a screen.
-#or call service if it is installed on systemd
-#It assumes a relative path '..' for openvim
-#for floodlight, the variable FLOODLIGHT_PATH indicates the installation path
-DIRNAME=$(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})
-DIRNAME=$(dirname $DIRNAME )
-DIR_OM=$(dirname $DIRNAME )
-#[[ -z $FLOODLIGHT_PATH ]] && FLOODLIGHT_PATH=$(dirname ${DIR_OM})/floodlight-1.1
-#[[ -z $FLOODLIGHT_PATH ]] && FLOODLIGHT_PATH=$(dirname ${DIR_OM})/floodlight-0.90
-function usage(){
- echo -e "Usage: $0 [openvim/vim] [floodlight/flow] start|stop|restart|status"
- echo -e " Launch|Removes|Restart|Getstatus openvim (by default) or/and floodlight on a screen/service"
- echo -e " For floodlight variable FLOODLIGHT_PATH must indicate installation path"
- echo -e " -h --help: shows this help"
- echo -e " -n --screen-name NAME : name of screen to launch openvim (default vim)"
- echo -e " -- PARAMS use to separate PARAMS that will be send to the service. e.g. -pPORT -PADMINPORT --dbname=DDBB"
-function kill_pid(){
- #send TERM signal and wait 5 seconds and send KILL signal ir still running
- #PARAMS: $1: PID of process to terminate
- kill $1 #send TERM signal
- WAIT=5
- while [ $WAIT -gt 0 ] && ps -o pid -U $USER -u $USER | grep -q $1
- do
- sleep 1
- WAIT=$((WAIT-1))
- [ $WAIT -eq 0 ] && echo -n "sending SIGKILL... " && kill -9 $1 #kill when count reach 0
- done
- echo "done"
-#process options
-source ${DIRNAME}/get-options.sh "screen-name:n= help:h --" $* || exit 1
-[[ -n "$option_help" ]] && usage && exit 0
-#obtain parameters
-#om_action="start" #uncoment to get a default action
-for param in $params
- [ "$param" == "start" -o "$param" == "stop" -o "$param" == "restart" -o "$param" == "status" ] && om_action=$param && continue
- [ "$param" == "openvim" -o "$param" == "vim" ] && om_list="$om_list vim" && continue
- [ "$param" == "openmano" -o "$param" == "mano" ] && continue #allow and ingore for backwards compatibility
- [ "$param" == "openflow" -o "$param" == "flow" -o "$param" == "floodlight" ] && om_list="flow $om_list" && continue
- echo "invalid argument '$param'? Type -h for help" >&2 && exit 1
-[[ -n $option_screen_name ]] && option_screen_name=${option_screen_name#*.} #allow the format 'pid.name' and keep only name
-#check action is provided
-[ -z "$om_action" ] && usage >&2 && exit -1
-#if no componenets supplied assume all
-[ -z "$om_list" ] && om_list="vim"
-function find_process_id(){ #PARAMS: command screen-name
- for process_id in `ps -o pid,cmd -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep "${1}" | awk '{print $1}'`
- do
- scname=$(ps wwep $process_id | grep -o 'STY=\S*')
- scname=${scname#STY=}
- [[ -n "$2" ]] && [[ "${scname#*.}" != "$2" ]] && continue
- echo -n "${process_id} "
- done
- echo
-for om_component in $om_list
- screen_name="${om_component}"
- [[ -n "$option_screen_name" ]] && screen_name=$option_screen_name
- [ "${om_component}" == "flow" ] && om_cmd="floodlight.jar" && om_name="floodlight" && om_dir=$FLOODLIGHT_PATH
- [ "${om_component}" == "vim" ] && om_cmd="./openvimd.py" && om_name="openvim " && om_dir=${DIR_OM}
- #obtain PID of program
- component_id=`find_process_id "${om_cmd}" $option_screen_name`
- processes=$(echo $component_id | wc -w)
- #status
- if [ "$om_action" == "status" ]
- then
- running=""
- for process_id in $component_id
- do
- scname=$(ps wwep $process_id | grep -o 'STY=\S*')
- scname=${scname#STY=}
- [[ -n "$option_screen_name" ]] && [[ "${scname#*.}" != "$option_screen_name" ]] && continue
- printf "%-15s" "pid: ${process_id},"
- [[ -n "$scname" ]] && printf "%-25s" "screen: ${scname},"
- echo cmd: $(ps -o cmd p $process_id | tail -n1 )
- running=y
- done
- #if installed as a service and it is not provided a screen name call service
- [[ -f /etc/systemd/system/openvim.service ]] && [[ -z $option_screen_name ]] && running=y #&& service openvim status
- if [ -z "$running" ]
- then
- echo -n " $om_name not running" && [[ -n "$option_screen_name" ]] && echo " on screen '$option_screen_name'" || echo
- fi
- fi
- #if installed as a service and it is not provided a screen name call service
- [[ -f /etc/systemd/system/openvim.service ]] && [[ -z $option_screen_name ]] && service openvim $om_action && ( [[ $om_action == status ]] || sleep 5 ) && exit $?
- #stop
- if [ "$om_action" == "stop" -o "$om_action" == "restart" ]
- then
- #terminates program
- [ $processes -gt 1 ] && echo "$processes processes are running, specify with --screen-name" && continue
- [ $processes -eq 1 ] && echo -n " stopping $om_name ... " && kill_pid $component_id
- component_id=""
- #terminates screen
- if screen -wipe | grep -q -e "\.${screen_name}\b"
- then
- screen -S $screen_name -p 0 -X stuff "exit\n" || echo
- sleep 1
- fi
- fi
- #start
- if [ "$om_action" == "start" -o "$om_action" == "restart" ]
- then
- [[ -z $FLOODLIGHT_PATH ]] && [[ $om_component == flow ]] &&
- echo "FLOODLIGHT_PATH shell variable must indicate floodlight installation path" >&2 && exit -1
- #calculates log file name
- logfile=""
- mkdir -p $DIR_OM/logs && logfile=$DIR_OM/logs/open${screen_name}.log || echo "can not create logs directory $DIR_OM/logs"
- #check already running
- [ -n "$component_id" ] && echo " $om_name is already running. Skipping" && continue
- #create screen if not created
- echo -n " starting $om_name ... "
- if ! screen -wipe | grep -q -e "\.${screen_name}\b"
- then
- pushd ${om_dir} > /dev/null
- screen -dmS ${screen_name} bash
- sleep 1
- popd > /dev/null
- else
- echo -n " using existing screen '${screen_name}' ... "
- screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X log off
- screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X stuff "cd ${om_dir}\n"
- sleep 1
- fi
- #move old log file index one number up and log again in index 0
- if [[ -n $logfile ]]
- then
- for index in 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
- do
- [[ -f ${logfile}.${index} ]] && mv ${logfile}.${index} ${logfile}.$((index+1))
- done
- [[ -f ${logfile} ]] && mv ${logfile} ${logfile}.1
- screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X logfile ${logfile}
- screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X log on
- fi
- #launch command to screen
- #[ "${om_component}" != "flow" ] && screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X stuff "cd ${DIR_OM}/open${om_component}\n" && sleep 1
- [ "${om_component}" == "flow" ] && screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X stuff "java -Dlogback.configurationFile=${DIRNAME}/flow-logback.xml -jar ./target/floodlight.jar -cf ${DIRNAME}/flow.properties_v0.9\n"
- #[ "${om_component}" == "flow" ] && screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X stuff "java -Dlogback.configurationFile=${DIRNAME}/flow-logback.xml -jar ./target/floodlight.jar -cf ${DIRNAME}/flow.properties_v1.1\n" && sleep 5
- [ "${om_component}" != "flow" ] && screen -S ${screen_name} -p 0 -X stuff "${om_cmd}${om_params}\n"
- #check if is running
- [[ -n $logfile ]] && timeout=120 #2 minute
- [[ -z $logfile ]] && timeout=20
- while [[ $timeout -gt 0 ]]
- do
- #check if is running
- #echo timeout $timeout
- #if ! ps -f -U $USER -u $USER | grep -v grep | grep -q ${om_cmd}
- log_lines=0
- [[ -n $logfile ]] && log_lines=`head ${logfile} | wc -l`
- component_id=`find_process_id "${om_cmd}${om_params}" $screen_name`
- if [[ -z $component_id ]]
- then #process not started or finished
- [[ $log_lines -ge 2 ]] && echo -n "ERROR, it has exited." && break
- #started because writted serveral lines at log so report error
- fi
- [[ -n $logfile ]] && [[ ${om_component} == flow ]] && grep -q "Listening for switch connections" ${logfile} && sleep 1 && break
- [[ -n $logfile ]] && [[ ${om_component} != flow ]] && grep -q "open${om_component}d ready" ${logfile} && break
- sleep 1
- timeout=$((timeout -1))
- done
- if [[ -n $logfile ]] && [[ $timeout == 0 ]]
- then
- echo -n "timeout!"
- else
- echo -n "running on 'screen -x ${screen_name}'."
- fi
- [[ -n $logfile ]] && echo " Logging at '${logfile}'" || echo
- fi
#!/usr/bin/env python
-from setuptools import setup, find_packages
-from setuptools.command.install import install
-from os import system
from setuptools import setup
-__name__ = 'lib-osm-openvim'
-__version__ = '1.0.0'
-__description__ = 'OSM Openvim library'
-__author__ = 'ETSI OSM'
-__author_email__ = 'alfonso.tiernosepulveda@telefonica.com'
-__maintainer__ = 'mirabal'
-__maintainer_email__ = 'leonardo.mirabal@altran.com'
-__license__ = 'Apache 2.0'
-__url__ = 'https://osm.etsi.org/gitweb/?p=osm/openvim.git;a=summary'
-cmd = 'cp ovim.py ovim'
-__data_files__ = [('osm/openvim/', ['openvimd.cfg']),
- ('osm/openvim/database_utils/', ['database_utils/vim_db_structure.sql',
- 'database_utils/nets.sql',
- 'database_utils/of_ports_pci_correspondence.sql',
- 'database_utils/host_ranking.sql',
- 'database_utils/dump_db.sh',
- 'database_utils/init_vim_db.sh',
- 'database_utils/migrate_vim_db.sh',
- 'database_utils/install-db-server.sh'
- ]),
- ('osm/openvim/scripts/', ['scripts/service-openvim.sh',
- 'scripts/openvim-report.sh',
- 'scripts/service-floodlight.sh',
- 'scripts/service-opendaylight.sh',
- 'scripts/initopenvim.sh'
- ]),
- ]
+__name = 'osm_openvim'
+__version = '1.0.0'
+__description = 'OSM Openvim library'
+__author = 'ETSI OSM'
+__author_email = 'alfonso.tiernosepulveda@telefonica.com'
+__maintainer = 'mirabal'
+__maintainer_email = 'leonardo.mirabal@altran.com'
+__license = 'Apache 2.0'
+__url = 'https://osm.etsi.org/gitweb/?p=osm/openvim.git;a=summary'
_req = [
-__scripts__ = ['openflow', 'openvim', 'ovim']
-class LibOpenvimInstaller(install):
- lite = None
- user_options = install.user_options + [('lite', None, "Don't install without Machine Learning modules.")]
- def initialize_options(self):
- self.lite = None
- install.initialize_options(self)
- def finalize_options(self):
- install.finalize_options(self)
- def run(self):
- cmd = 'ln -sf -v /usr/local/osm/openvim/openvimd.cfg /etc/default/openvimd.cfg'
- system(cmd)
- cmd = 'ln -sf -v /usr/local/osm/openvim/openflow /usr/bin/openflow'
- system(cmd)
- cmd = 'ln -sf -v /usr/local/osm/openvim/ovim.py /usr/bin/ovim'
- system(cmd)
- install.run(self)
- version=__version__,
- description=__description__,
- long_description=__description__,
- author=__author__,
- author_email=__author_email__,
- license=__license__,
- maintainer=__maintainer__,
- maintainer_email=__maintainer_email__,
- url=__url__,
- py_modules=['ovim',
- 'openvimd',
- 'vim_db',
- 'httpserver',
- 'RADclass',
- 'auxiliary_functions',
- 'dhcp_thread',
- 'definitionsClass',
- 'host_thread',
- 'vim_schema',
- 'ovim',
- 'openflow_thread',
- 'openflow_conn',
- 'onos',
- 'ODL',
- 'floodlight',
- ],
- packages=find_packages() + ['database_utils'] + ['scripts'],
- package_dir={__name__: __name__},
- package_data={'database_utils': ['*'], 'scripts': ['*']},
+__scripts__ = ['openflow',
+ 'openvim',
+ 'openvimd',
+ 'osm_openvim/scripts/service-openvim',
+ 'osm_openvim/scripts/service-opendaylight',
+ 'osm_openvim/scripts/service-floodlight',
+ 'osm_openvim/scripts/service-openvim',
+ 'osm_openvim/scripts/openvim-report',
+ 'osm_openvim/scripts/get_dhcp_lease.sh']
+ version=__version,
+ description=__description,
+ long_description=__description,
+ author=__author,
+ author_email=__author_email,
+ license=__license,
+ maintainer=__maintainer,
+ maintainer_email=__maintainer_email,
+ url=__url,
+ packages=[__name],
+ package_dir={__name: __name},
- data_files=__data_files__,
+ package_data={'osm_openvim': ['*']},
- cmdclass={'install': LibOpenvimInstaller},
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from setuptools import setup
+__name = 'lib_osm_openvim'
+__version = '1.0.0'
+__description = 'OSM Openvim library'
+__author = 'ETSI OSM'
+__author_email = 'alfonso.tiernosepulveda@telefonica.com'
+__maintainer = 'mirabal'
+__maintainer_email = 'leonardo.mirabal@altran.com'
+__license = 'Apache 2.0'
+__url = 'https://osm.etsi.org/gitweb/?p=osm/openvim.git;a=summary'
+_req = [
+ "asn1crypto",
+ "cffi",
+ "enum34",
+ "functools32",
+ "idna",
+ "ipaddress",
+ "packaging",
+ "pbr",
+ "pkgconfig",
+ "pyasn1",
+ "pycparser",
+ "pycrypto",
+ "pyparsing",
+ "six",
+ "jsonschema",
+ "argcomplete",
+ "requests",
+ "PyYAML",
+ "requestsexceptions",
+ "netaddr",
+ "bottle",
+ "MySQL-python",
+ "paramiko",
+__scripts__ = ['openflow']
+ version=__version,
+ description=__description,
+ long_description=__description,
+ author=__author,
+ author_email=__author_email,
+ license=__license,
+ maintainer=__maintainer,
+ maintainer_email=__maintainer_email,
+ url=__url,
+ packages=[__name],
+ package_dir={__name: __name},
+ scripts=__scripts__,
+ package_data={'lib_osm_openvim': ['*']},
+ include_package_data=True,
+ install_requires=_req
+ )
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-This module interact with the openvim database,
-It implements general table management
-and complex writings 'transactional' sures,
-that is, or all is changed or nothing
-__author__="Alfonso Tierno"
-__date__ ="$10-jul-2014 12:07:15$"
-import MySQLdb as mdb
-import uuid as myUuid
-import auxiliary_functions as af
-import json
-import logging
-from netaddr import IPNetwork, IPSet, IPRange, all_matching_cidrs
-HTTP_Bad_Request = 400
-HTTP_Unauthorized = 401
-HTTP_Not_Found = 404
-HTTP_Method_Not_Allowed = 405
-HTTP_Request_Timeout = 408
-HTTP_Conflict = 409
-HTTP_Service_Unavailable = 503
-HTTP_Internal_Server_Error = 500
-class vim_db():
- def __init__(self, vlan_range, logger_name= None, debug=None):
- '''vlan_range must be a tuple (vlan_ini, vlan_end) with available vlan values for networks
- every dataplane network contain a unique value, regardless of it is used or not
- '''
- #initialization
- self.net_vlan_range = vlan_range
- self.net_vlan_usedlist = None
- self.net_vlan_lastused = self.net_vlan_range[0] -1
- self.debug=debug
- if logger_name:
- self.logger_name = logger_name
- else:
- self.logger_name = 'openvim.db'
- self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.logger_name)
- if debug:
- self.logger.setLevel( getattr(logging, debug) )
- def connect(self, host=None, user=None, passwd=None, database=None):
- '''Connect to the concrete data base.
- The first time a valid host, user, passwd and database must be provided,
- Following calls can skip this parameters
- '''
- try:
- if host is not None: self.host = host
- if user is not None: self.user = user
- if passwd is not None: self.passwd = passwd
- if database is not None: self.database = database
- self.con = mdb.connect(self.host, self.user, self.passwd, self.database)
- self.logger.debug("connected to DB %s at %s@%s", self.database,self.user, self.host)
- return 0
- except mdb.Error as e:
- self.logger.error("Cannot connect to DB %s at %s@%s Error %d: %s", self.database, self.user, self.host, e.args[0], e.args[1])
- return -1
- def get_db_version(self):
- ''' Obtain the database schema version.
- Return: (negative, text) if error or version 0.0 where schema_version table is missing
- (version_int, version_text) if ok
- '''
- cmd = "SELECT version_int,version,openvim_ver FROM schema_version"
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- rows = self.cur.fetchall()
- highest_version_int=0
- highest_version=""
- #print rows
- for row in rows: #look for the latest version
- if row[0]>highest_version_int:
- highest_version_int, highest_version = row[0:2]
- return highest_version_int, highest_version
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- self.logger.error("get_db_version DB Exception %d: %s. Command %s",e.args[0], e.args[1], cmd)
- r,c = self.format_error(e)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def disconnect(self):
- '''disconnect from the data base'''
- try:
- self.con.close()
- del self.con
- except mdb.Error as e:
- self.logger.error("while disconnecting from DB: Error %d: %s",e.args[0], e.args[1])
- return -1
- except AttributeError as e: #self.con not defined
- if e[0][-5:] == "'con'": return -1, "Database internal error, no connection."
- else: raise
- def format_error(self, e, func, cmd, command=None, extra=None):
- '''Creates a text error base on the produced exception
- Params:
- e: mdb exception
- func: name of the function that makes the call, for logging purposes
- cmd: database command that produce the exception
- command: if the intention is update or delete
- extra: extra information to add to some commands
- Return
- HTTP error in negative, formatted error text
- '''
- self.logger.error("%s DB Exception %s. Command %s",func, str(e), cmd)
- if type(e[0]) is str:
- if e[0][-5:] == "'con'": return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "DB Exception, no connection."
- else: raise
- if e.args[0]==2006 or e.args[0]==2013 : #MySQL server has gone away (((or))) Exception 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
- #reconnect
- self.connect()
- return -HTTP_Request_Timeout,"Database reconnection. Try Again"
- fk=e.args[1].find("foreign key constraint fails")
- if fk>=0:
- if command=="update": return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "tenant_id %s not found." % extra
- elif command=="delete": return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Resource is not free. There are %s that prevent its deletion." % extra
- de = e.args[1].find("Duplicate entry")
- fk = e.args[1].find("for key")
- uk = e.args[1].find("Unknown column")
- wc = e.args[1].find("in 'where clause'")
- fl = e.args[1].find("in 'field list'")
- #print de, fk, uk, wc,fl
- if de>=0:
- if fk>=0: #error 1062
- return -HTTP_Conflict, "Value %s already in use for %s" % (e.args[1][de+15:fk], e.args[1][fk+7:])
- if uk>=0:
- if wc>=0:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Field %s cannot be used for filtering" % e.args[1][uk+14:wc]
- if fl>=0:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Field %s does not exist" % e.args[1][uk+14:wc]
- return -HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "Database internal Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1])
- def __data2db_format(self, data):
- '''convert data to database format. If data is None it return the 'Null' text,
- otherwise it return the text surrounded by quotes ensuring internal quotes are escaped'''
- if data==None:
- return 'Null'
- out=str(data)
- if "'" not in out:
- return "'" + out + "'"
- elif '"' not in out:
- return '"' + out + '"'
- else:
- return json.dumps(out)
- def __get_used_net_vlan(self):
- #get used from database if needed
- try:
- cmd = "SELECT vlan FROM nets WHERE vlan>='%s' ORDER BY vlan LIMIT 25" % self.net_vlan_lastused
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- vlan_tuple = self.cur.fetchall()
- #convert a tuple of tuples in a list of numbers
- self.net_vlan_usedlist = []
- for k in vlan_tuple:
- self.net_vlan_usedlist.append(k[0])
- return 0
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- return self.format_error(e, "get_free_net_vlan", cmd)
- def get_free_net_vlan(self):
- '''obtain a vlan not used in any net'''
- while True:
- self.logger.debug("net_vlan_lastused:%d net_vlan_range:%d-%d net_vlan_usedlist:%s",
- self.net_vlan_lastused, self.net_vlan_range[0], self.net_vlan_range[1], str(self.net_vlan_usedlist))
- self.net_vlan_lastused += 1
- if self.net_vlan_lastused == self.net_vlan_range[1]:
- #start from the begining
- self.net_vlan_lastused = self.net_vlan_range[0]
- self.net_vlan_usedlist = None
- if self.net_vlan_usedlist is None \
- or (len(self.net_vlan_usedlist)>0 and self.net_vlan_lastused >= self.net_vlan_usedlist[-1] and len(self.net_vlan_usedlist)==25):
- r = self.__get_used_net_vlan()
- if r<0: return r
- self.logger.debug("new net_vlan_usedlist %s", str(self.net_vlan_usedlist))
- if self.net_vlan_lastused in self.net_vlan_usedlist:
- continue
- else:
- return self.net_vlan_lastused
- def get_table(self, **sql_dict):
- ''' Obtain rows from a table.
- Atribure sql_dir: dictionary with the following key: value
- 'SELECT': [list of fields to retrieve] (by default all)
- 'FROM': string of table name (Mandatory)
- 'WHERE': dict of key:values, translated to key=value AND ... (Optional)
- 'WHERE_NOT': dict of key:values, translated to key!=value AND ... (Optional)
- 'WHERE_OR': dict of key:values, translated to key=value OR ... (Optional)
- 'WHERE_AND_OR: str 'AND' or 'OR'(by default) mark the priority to 'WHERE AND (WHERE_OR)' or (WHERE) OR WHERE_OR' (Optional)
- 'LIMIT': limit of number of rows (Optional)
- 'DISTINCT': make a select distinct to remove repeated elements
- Return: a list with dictionarys at each row
- '''
- #print sql_dict
- select_ = "SELECT "
- if sql_dict.get("DISTINCT"):
- select_ += "DISTINCT "
- select_ += ("*" if not sql_dict.get('SELECT') else ",".join(map(str,sql_dict['SELECT'])) )
- #print 'select_', select_
- from_ = "FROM " + str(sql_dict['FROM'])
- #print 'from_', from_
- where_and = None
- where_or = None
- w = sql_dict.get('WHERE')
- if w:
- where_and = " AND ".join(map( lambda x: str(x) + (" is Null" if w[x] is None else "='"+str(w[x])+"'"), w.keys()) )
- w = sql_dict.get('WHERE_NOT')
- if w:
- where_and_not = " AND ".join(map( lambda x: str(x) + (" is not Null" if w[x] is None else "!='"+str(w[x])+"'"), w.keys()) )
- if where_and:
- where_and += " AND " + where_and_not
- else:
- where_and = where_and_not
- w = sql_dict.get('WHERE_OR')
- if w:
- where_or = " OR ".join(map( lambda x: str(x) + (" is Null" if w[x] is None else "='"+str(w[x])+"'"), w.keys()) )
- if where_and!=None and where_or!=None:
- if sql_dict.get("WHERE_AND_OR") == "AND":
- where_ = "WHERE " + where_and + " AND (" + where_or + ")"
- else:
- where_ = "WHERE (" + where_and + ") OR " + where_or
- elif where_and!=None and where_or==None:
- where_ = "WHERE " + where_and
- elif where_and==None and where_or!=None:
- where_ = "WHERE " + where_or
- else:
- where_ = ""
- #print 'where_', where_
- limit_ = "LIMIT " + str(sql_dict['LIMIT']) if sql_dict.get("LIMIT") else ""
- #print 'limit_', limit_
- cmd = " ".join( (select_, from_, where_, limit_) )
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- rows = self.cur.fetchall()
- return self.cur.rowcount, rows
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "get_table", cmd)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def new_tenant(self, tenant_dict):
- ''' Add one row into a table.
- Attribure
- tenant_dict: dictionary with the key: value to insert
- It checks presence of uuid and add one automatically otherwise
- Return: (result, uuid) where result can be 0 if error, or 1 if ok
- '''
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- inserted=-1
- try:
- #create uuid if not provided
- if 'uuid' not in tenant_dict:
- uuid = tenant_dict['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
- else:
- uuid = str(tenant_dict['uuid'])
- #obtain tenant_id for logs
- tenant_id = uuid
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- #inserting new uuid
- cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','tenants')" % uuid
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #insert tenant
- cmd= "INSERT INTO tenants (" + \
- ",".join(map(str, tenant_dict.keys() )) + ") VALUES(" + \
- ",".join(map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'",tenant_dict.values() )) + ")"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- inserted = self.cur.rowcount
- ##inserting new log
- #del tenant_dict['uuid'] # not interested for the log
- #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,tenant_id,uuid,description) VALUES ('tenants','debug','%s','%s',\"new tenant %s\")" % (uuid, tenant_id, str(tenant_dict))
- #self.logger.debug(cmd)
- #self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #commit transaction
- self.cur.close()
- if inserted == 0: return 0, uuid
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- #adding public flavors
- cmd = "INSERT INTO tenants_flavors(flavor_id,tenant_id) SELECT uuid as flavor_id,'"+ tenant_id + "' FROM flavors WHERE public = 'yes'"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- self.logger.debug("attached public flavors: %s", str(self.cur.rowcount))
- #rows = self.cur.fetchall()
- #for row in rows:
- # cmd = "INSERT INTO tenants_flavors(flavor_id,tenant_id) VALUES('%s','%s')" % (row[0], tenant_id)
- # self.cur.execute(cmd )
- #adding public images
- cmd = "INSERT INTO tenants_images(image_id,tenant_id) SELECT uuid as image_id,'"+ tenant_id + "' FROM images WHERE public = 'yes'"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- self.logger.debug("attached public images: %s", str(self.cur.rowcount))
- return 1, uuid
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- if inserted==1:
- self.logger.warning("new_tenant DB Exception %d: %s. Command %s",e.args[0], e.args[1], cmd)
- return 1, uuid
- else:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "new_tenant", cmd)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def new_row(self, table, INSERT, add_uuid=False, log=False):
- ''' Add one row into a table.
- Atribure
- INSERT: dictionary with the key: value to insert
- table: table where to insert
- add_uuid: if True, it will crated an uuid key entry at INSERT if not provided
- It checks presence of uuid and add one automatically otherwise
- Return: (result, uuid) where result can be 0 if error, or 1 if ok
- '''
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- try:
- if add_uuid:
- #create uuid if not provided
- if 'uuid' not in INSERT:
- uuid = INSERT['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
- else:
- uuid = str(INSERT['uuid'])
- else:
- uuid=None
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- if add_uuid:
- #inserting new uuid
- cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','%s')" % (uuid, table)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #insertion
- cmd= "INSERT INTO " + table +" (" + \
- ",".join(map(str, INSERT.keys() )) + ") VALUES(" + \
- ",".join(map(lambda x: 'Null' if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", INSERT.values() )) + ")"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- nb_rows = self.cur.rowcount
- #inserting new log
- #if nb_rows > 0 and log:
- # if add_uuid: del INSERT['uuid']
- # #obtain tenant_id for logs
- # if 'tenant_id' in INSERT:
- # tenant_id = INSERT['tenant_id']
- # del INSERT['tenant_id']
- # elif table == 'tenants':
- # tenant_id = uuid
- # else:
- # tenant_id = None
- # if uuid is None: uuid_k = uuid_v = ""
- # else: uuid_k=",uuid"; uuid_v=",'" + str(uuid) + "'"
- # if tenant_id is None: tenant_k = tenant_v = ""
- # else: tenant_k=",tenant_id"; tenant_v=",'" + str(tenant_id) + "'"
- # cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level%s%s,description) VALUES ('%s','debug'%s%s,\"new %s %s\")" \
- # % (uuid_k, tenant_k, table, uuid_v, tenant_v, table[:-1], str(INSERT))
- # self.logger.debug(cmd)
- # self.cur.execute(cmd)
- return nb_rows, uuid
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "new_row", cmd)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def __remove_quotes(self, data):
- '''remove single quotes ' of any string content of data dictionary'''
- for k,v in data.items():
- if type(v) == str:
- if "'" in v:
- data[k] = data[k].replace("'","_")
- def _update_rows_internal(self, table, UPDATE, WHERE={}):
- cmd= "UPDATE " + table +" SET " + \
- ",".join(map(lambda x: str(x)+'='+ self.__data2db_format(UPDATE[x]), UPDATE.keys() ));
- if WHERE:
- cmd += " WHERE " + " and ".join(map(lambda x: str(x)+ (' is Null' if WHERE[x] is None else"='"+str(WHERE[x])+"'" ), WHERE.keys() ))
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- nb_rows = self.cur.rowcount
- return nb_rows, None
- def update_rows(self, table, UPDATE, WHERE={}, log=False):
- ''' Update one or several rows into a table.
- Atributes
- UPDATE: dictionary with the key-new_value pairs to change
- table: table to be modified
- WHERE: dictionary to filter target rows, key-value
- log: if true, a log entry is added at logs table
- Return: (result, None) where result indicates the number of updated files
- '''
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- try:
- #gettting uuid
- uuid = WHERE.get('uuid')
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- cmd= "UPDATE " + table +" SET " + \
- ",".join(map(lambda x: str(x)+'='+ self.__data2db_format(UPDATE[x]), UPDATE.keys() ));
- if WHERE:
- cmd += " WHERE " + " and ".join(map(lambda x: str(x)+ (' is Null' if WHERE[x] is None else"='"+str(WHERE[x])+"'" ), WHERE.keys() ))
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- nb_rows = self.cur.rowcount
- #if nb_rows > 0 and log:
- # #inserting new log
- # if uuid is None: uuid_k = uuid_v = ""
- # else: uuid_k=",uuid"; uuid_v=",'" + str(uuid) + "'"
- # cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level%s,description) VALUES ('%s','debug'%s,\"updating %d entry %s\")" \
- # % (uuid_k, table, uuid_v, nb_rows, (str(UPDATE)).replace('"','-') )
- # self.logger.debug(cmd)
- # self.cur.execute(cmd)
- return nb_rows, uuid
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "update_rows", cmd)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def get_host(self, host_id):
- if af.check_valid_uuid(host_id):
- where_filter="uuid='" + host_id + "'"
- else:
- where_filter="name='" + host_id + "'"
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- #get HOST
- cmd = "SELECT uuid, user, name, ip_name, description, ranking, admin_state_up, DATE_FORMAT(created_at,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s') as created_at \
- FROM hosts WHERE " + where_filter
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- if self.cur.rowcount == 0 :
- return 0, "host '" + str(host_id) +"'not found."
- elif self.cur.rowcount > 1 :
- return 0, "host '" + str(host_id) +"' matches more than one result."
- host = self.cur.fetchone()
- host_id = host['uuid']
- #get numa
- cmd = "SELECT id, numa_socket, hugepages, memory, admin_state_up FROM numas WHERE host_id = '" + str(host_id) + "'"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- host['numas'] = self.cur.fetchall()
- for numa in host['numas']:
- #print "SELECT core_id, instance_id, status, thread_id, v_thread_id FROM resources_core WHERE numa_id = '" + str(numa['id']) + "'"
- #get cores
- cmd = "SELECT core_id, instance_id, status, thread_id, v_thread_id FROM resources_core WHERE numa_id = '" + str(numa['id']) + "'"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- numa['cores'] = self.cur.fetchall()
- for core in numa['cores']:
- if core['instance_id'] == None: del core['instance_id'], core['v_thread_id']
- if core['status'] == 'ok': del core['status']
- #get used memory
- cmd = "SELECT sum(consumed) as hugepages_consumed FROM resources_mem WHERE numa_id = '" + str(numa['id']) + "' GROUP BY numa_id"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- used = self.cur.fetchone()
- used_= int(used['hugepages_consumed']) if used != None else 0
- numa['hugepages_consumed'] = used_
- #get ports
- #cmd = "CALL GetPortsFromNuma(%s)'" % str(numa['id'])
- #self.cur.callproc('GetPortsFromNuma', (numa['id'],) )
- #every time a Procedure is launched you need to close and open the cursor
- #under Error 2014: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
- #self.cur.close()
- #self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- cmd="SELECT Mbps, pci, status, Mbps_used, instance_id, if(id=root_id,'PF','VF') as type_,\
- switch_port, switch_dpid, mac, source_name\
- FROM resources_port WHERE numa_id=%d ORDER BY root_id, type_ DESC" % (numa['id'])
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- ifaces = self.cur.fetchall()
- #The SQL query will ensure to have SRIOV interfaces from a port first
- sriovs=[]
- Mpbs_consumed = 0
- numa['interfaces'] = []
- for iface in ifaces:
- if not iface["instance_id"]:
- del iface["instance_id"]
- if iface['status'] == 'ok':
- del iface['status']
- Mpbs_consumed += int(iface["Mbps_used"])
- del iface["Mbps_used"]
- if iface["type_"]=='PF':
- if not iface["switch_dpid"]:
- del iface["switch_dpid"]
- if not iface["switch_port"]:
- del iface["switch_port"]
- if sriovs:
- iface["sriovs"] = sriovs
- if Mpbs_consumed:
- iface["Mpbs_consumed"] = Mpbs_consumed
- del iface["type_"]
- numa['interfaces'].append(iface)
- sriovs=[]
- Mpbs_consumed = 0
- else: #VF, SRIOV
- del iface["switch_port"]
- del iface["switch_dpid"]
- del iface["type_"]
- del iface["Mbps"]
- sriovs.append(iface)
- #delete internal field
- del numa['id']
- return 1, host
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "get_host", cmd)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def new_uuid(self):
- max_retries=10
- while max_retries>0:
- uuid = str( myUuid.uuid1() )
- if self.check_uuid(uuid)[0] == 0:
- return uuid
- max_retries-=1
- return uuid
- def check_uuid(self, uuid):
- '''check in the database if this uuid is already present'''
- try:
- cmd = "SELECT * FROM uuids where uuid='" + str(uuid) + "'"
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- rows = self.cur.fetchall()
- return self.cur.rowcount, rows
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- return self.format_error(e, "check_uuid", cmd)
- def __get_next_ids(self):
- '''get next auto increment index of all table in the database'''
- self.cur.execute("SELECT table_name,AUTO_INCREMENT FROM information_schema.tables WHERE AUTO_INCREMENT IS NOT NULL AND table_schema = DATABASE()")
- rows = self.cur.fetchall()
- return self.cur.rowcount, dict(rows)
- def edit_host(self, host_id, host_dict):
- #get next port index
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- #update table host
- numa_list = host_dict.pop('numas', () )
- if host_dict:
- self._update_rows_internal("hosts", host_dict, {"uuid": host_id})
- where = {"host_id": host_id}
- for numa_dict in numa_list:
- where["numa_socket"] = str(numa_dict.pop('numa_socket'))
- interface_list = numa_dict.pop('interfaces', () )
- if numa_dict:
- self._update_rows_internal("numas", numa_dict, where)
- for interface in interface_list:
- source_name = str(interface.pop("source_name") )
- if interface:
- #get interface id from resources_port
- cmd= "SELECT rp.id as id FROM resources_port as rp join numas as n on n.id=rp.numa_id join hosts as h on h.uuid=n.host_id " +\
- "WHERE host_id='%s' and rp.source_name='%s'" %(host_id, source_name)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- row = self.cur.fetchone()
- if self.cur.rowcount<=0:
- return -HTTP_Bad_Request, "Interface source_name='%s' from numa_socket='%s' not found" % (source_name, str(where["numa_socket"]))
- interface_id = row[0]
- self._update_rows_internal("resources_port", interface, {"root_id": interface_id})
- return self.get_host(host_id)
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "edit_host", cmd)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def new_host(self, host_dict):
- #get next port index
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- result, next_ids = self.__get_next_ids()
- #print "next_ids: " + str(next_ids)
- if result <= 0: return result, "Internal DataBase error getting next id of tables"
- #create uuid if not provided
- if 'uuid' not in host_dict:
- uuid = host_dict['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
- else: #check uuid is valid
- uuid = str(host_dict['uuid'])
- # result, data = self.check_uuid(uuid)
- # if (result == 1):
- # return -1, "UUID '%s' already in use" % uuid
- #inserting new uuid
- cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','hosts')" % uuid
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- result = self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #insert in table host
- numa_list = host_dict.pop('numas', [])
- #get nonhupages and nonisolated cpus
- host_dict['RAM']=0
- host_dict['cpus']=0
- for numa in numa_list:
- mem_numa = numa.get('memory', 0) - numa.get('hugepages',0)
- if mem_numa>0:
- host_dict['RAM'] += mem_numa
- for core in numa.get("cores", []):
- if "status" in core and core["status"]=="noteligible":
- host_dict['cpus']+=1
- host_dict['RAM']*=1024 # from GB to MB
- keys = ",".join(host_dict.keys())
- values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", host_dict.values() ) )
- cmd = "INSERT INTO hosts (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- result = self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #if result != 1: return -1, "Database Error while inserting at hosts table"
- #insert numas
- nb_numas = nb_cores = nb_ifaces = 0
- for numa_dict in numa_list:
- nb_numas += 1
- interface_list = numa_dict.pop('interfaces', [])
- core_list = numa_dict.pop('cores', [])
- numa_dict['id'] = next_ids['numas']; next_ids['numas'] += 1
- numa_dict['host_id'] = uuid
- keys = ",".join(numa_dict.keys())
- values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", numa_dict.values() ) )
- cmd = "INSERT INTO numas (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- result = self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #insert cores
- for core_dict in core_list:
- nb_cores += 1
- core_dict['numa_id'] = numa_dict['id']
- keys = ",".join(core_dict.keys())
- values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", core_dict.values() ) )
- cmd = "INSERT INTO resources_core (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- result = self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #insert ports
- for port_dict in interface_list:
- nb_ifaces += 1
- sriov_list = port_dict.pop('sriovs', [])
- port_dict['numa_id'] = numa_dict['id']
- port_dict['id'] = port_dict['root_id'] = next_ids['resources_port']
- next_ids['resources_port'] += 1
- switch_port = port_dict.get('switch_port', None)
- switch_dpid = port_dict.get('switch_dpid', None)
- keys = ",".join(port_dict.keys())
- values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", port_dict.values() ) )
- cmd = "INSERT INTO resources_port (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- result = self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #insert sriovs into port table
- for sriov_dict in sriov_list:
- sriov_dict['switch_port'] = switch_port
- sriov_dict['switch_dpid'] = switch_dpid
- sriov_dict['numa_id'] = port_dict['numa_id']
- sriov_dict['Mbps'] = port_dict['Mbps']
- sriov_dict['root_id'] = port_dict['id']
- sriov_dict['id'] = next_ids['resources_port']
- if "vlan" in sriov_dict:
- del sriov_dict["vlan"]
- next_ids['resources_port'] += 1
- keys = ",".join(sriov_dict.keys())
- values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", sriov_dict.values() ) )
- cmd = "INSERT INTO resources_port (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- result = self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #inserting new log
- #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid,description) VALUES ('hosts','debug','%s','new host: %d numas, %d theads, %d ifaces')" % (uuid, nb_numas, nb_cores, nb_ifaces)
- #self.logger.debug(cmd)
- #result = self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #inseted ok
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- self.logger.debug("callproc('UpdateSwitchPort', () )")
- self.cur.callproc('UpdateSwitchPort', () )
- self.logger.debug("getting host '%s'",str(host_dict['uuid']))
- return self.get_host(host_dict['uuid'])
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "new_host", cmd)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def new_flavor(self, flavor_dict, tenant_id ):
- '''Add new flavor into the database. Create uuid if not provided
- Atributes
- flavor_dict: flavor dictionary with the key: value to insert. Must be valid flavors columns
- tenant_id: if not 'any', it matches this flavor/tenant inserting at tenants_flavors table
- Return: (result, data) where result can be
- negative: error at inserting. data contain text
- 1, inserted, data contain inserted uuid flavor
- '''
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- #create uuid if not provided
- if 'uuid' not in flavor_dict:
- uuid = flavor_dict['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
- else: #check uuid is valid
- uuid = str(flavor_dict['uuid'])
- # result, data = self.check_uuid(uuid)
- # if (result == 1):
- # return -1, "UUID '%s' already in use" % uuid
- #inserting new uuid
- cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','flavors')" % uuid
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #insert in table flavor
- keys = ",".join(flavor_dict.keys())
- values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", flavor_dict.values() ) )
- cmd = "INSERT INTO flavors (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #if result != 1: return -1, "Database Error while inserting at flavors table"
- #insert tenants_flavors
- if tenant_id != 'any':
- cmd = "INSERT INTO tenants_flavors (tenant_id,flavor_id) VALUES ('%s','%s')" % (tenant_id, uuid)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #inserting new log
- #del flavor_dict['uuid']
- #if 'extended' in flavor_dict: del flavor_dict['extended'] #remove two many information
- #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid, tenant_id, description) VALUES ('flavors','debug','%s','%s',\"new flavor: %s\")" \
- # % (uuid, tenant_id, str(flavor_dict))
- #self.logger.debug(cmd)
- #self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #inseted ok
- return 1, uuid
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "new_flavor", cmd, "update", tenant_id)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def new_image(self, image_dict, tenant_id):
- '''Add new image into the database. Create uuid if not provided
- Atributes
- image_dict: image dictionary with the key: value to insert. Must be valid images columns
- tenant_id: if not 'any', it matches this image/tenant inserting at tenants_images table
- Return: (result, data) where result can be
- negative: error at inserting. data contain text
- 1, inserted, data contain inserted uuid image
- '''
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- #create uuid if not provided
- if 'uuid' not in image_dict:
- uuid = image_dict['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
- else: #check uuid is valid
- uuid = str(image_dict['uuid'])
- # result, data = self.check_uuid(uuid)
- # if (result == 1):
- # return -1, "UUID '%s' already in use" % uuid
- #inserting new uuid
- cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','images')" % uuid
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #insert in table image
- keys = ",".join(image_dict.keys())
- values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", image_dict.values() ) )
- cmd = "INSERT INTO images (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #if result != 1: return -1, "Database Error while inserting at images table"
- #insert tenants_images
- if tenant_id != 'any':
- cmd = "INSERT INTO tenants_images (tenant_id,image_id) VALUES ('%s','%s')" % (tenant_id, uuid)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- ##inserting new log
- #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid, tenant_id, description) VALUES ('images','debug','%s','%s',\"new image: %s path: %s\")" % (uuid, tenant_id, image_dict['name'], image_dict['path'])
- #self.logger.debug(cmd)
- #self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #inseted ok
- return 1, uuid
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "new_image", cmd, "update", tenant_id)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def delete_image_flavor(self, item_type, item_id, tenant_id):
- '''deletes an image or flavor from database
- item_type must be a 'image' or 'flavor'
- item_id is the uuid
- tenant_id is the asociated tenant, can be 'any' with means all
- If tenan_id is not any, it deletes from tenants_images/flavors,
- which means this image/flavor is used by this tenant, and if success,
- it tries to delete from images/flavors in case this is not public,
- that only will success if image is private and not used by other tenants
- If tenant_id is any, it tries to delete from both tables at the same transaction
- so that image/flavor is completely deleted from all tenants or nothing
- '''
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- deleted = -1
- deleted_item = -1
- result = (-HTTP_Internal_Server_Error, "internal error")
- cmd=""
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- cmd = "DELETE FROM tenants_%ss WHERE %s_id = '%s'" % (item_type, item_type, item_id)
- if tenant_id != 'any':
- cmd += " AND tenant_id = '%s'" % tenant_id
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- deleted = self.cur.rowcount
- if tenant_id == 'any': #delete from images/flavors in the SAME transaction
- cmd = "DELETE FROM %ss WHERE uuid = '%s'" % (item_type, item_id)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- deleted = self.cur.rowcount
- if deleted>=1:
- #delete uuid
- cmd = "DELETE FROM uuids WHERE uuid = '%s'" % item_id
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- ##inserting new log
- #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid,tenant_id,description) \
- # VALUES ('%ss','debug','%s','%s','delete %s completely')" % \
- # (item_type, item_id, tenant_id, item_type)
- #self.logger.debug(cmd)
- #self.cur.execute(cmd)
- return deleted, "%s '%s' completely deleted" % (item_type, item_id)
- return 0, "%s '%s' not found" % (item_type, item_id)
- if deleted == 1:
- ##inserting new log
- #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid,tenant_id,description) \
- # VALUES ('%ss','debug','%s','%s','delete %s reference for this tenant')" % \
- # (item_type, item_id, tenant_id, item_type)
- #self.logger.debug(cmd)
- #self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #commit transaction
- self.cur.close()
- #if tenant!=any delete from images/flavors in OTHER transaction. If fails is because dependencies so that not return error
- if deleted==1:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- #delete image/flavor if not public
- cmd = "DELETE FROM %ss WHERE uuid = '%s' AND public = 'no'" % (item_type, item_id)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- deleted_item = self.cur.rowcount
- if deleted_item == 1:
- #delete uuid
- cmd = "DELETE FROM uuids WHERE uuid = '%s'" % item_id
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- ##inserting new log
- #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid,tenant_id,description) \
- # VALUES ('%ss','debug','%s','%s','delete %s completely')" % \
- # (item_type, item_id, tenant_id, item_type)
- #self.logger.debug(cmd)
- #self.cur.execute(cmd)
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- #print "delete_%s DB Exception %d: %s" % (item_type, e.args[0], e.args[1])
- if deleted <0:
- result = self.format_error(e, "delete_"+item_type, cmd, "delete", "servers")
- finally:
- if deleted==1:
- return 1, "%s '%s' from tenant '%s' %sdeleted" % \
- (item_type, item_id, tenant_id, "completely " if deleted_item==1 else "")
- elif deleted==0:
- return 0, "%s '%s' from tenant '%s' not found" % (item_type, item_id, tenant_id)
- else:
- if result[0]!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return result
- def delete_row(self, table, uuid):
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- try:
- with self.con:
- #delete host
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- cmd = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE uuid = '%s'" % (table, uuid)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- deleted = self.cur.rowcount
- if deleted == 1:
- #delete uuid
- if table == 'tenants': tenant_str=uuid
- else: tenant_str='Null'
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- cmd = "DELETE FROM uuids WHERE uuid = '%s'" % uuid
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- ##inserting new log
- #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid,tenant_id,description) VALUES ('%s','debug','%s','%s','delete %s')" % (table, uuid, tenant_str, table[:-1])
- #self.logger.debug(cmd)
- #self.cur.execute(cmd)
- return deleted, table[:-1] + " '%s' %s" %(uuid, "deleted" if deleted==1 else "not found")
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "delete_row", cmd, "delete", 'instances' if table=='hosts' or table=='tenants' else 'dependencies')
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def delete_row_by_key(self, table, key, value):
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- try:
- with self.con:
- #delete host
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- cmd = "DELETE FROM %s" % (table)
- if key!=None:
- if value!=None:
- cmd += " WHERE %s = '%s'" % (key, value)
- else:
- cmd += " WHERE %s is null" % (key)
- else: #delete all
- pass
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- deleted = self.cur.rowcount
- if deleted < 1:
- return -1, 'Not found'
- #delete uuid
- return 0, deleted
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "delete_row_by_key", cmd, "delete", 'instances' if table=='hosts' or table=='tenants' else 'dependencies')
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def delete_row_by_dict(self, **sql_dict):
- ''' Deletes rows from a table.
- Attribute sql_dir: dictionary with the following key: value
- 'FROM': string of table name (Mandatory)
- 'WHERE': dict of key:values, translated to key=value AND ... (Optional)
- 'WHERE_NOT': dict of key:values, translated to key<>value AND ... (Optional)
- 'WHERE_NOTNULL': (list or tuple of items that must not be null in a where ... (Optional)
- 'LIMIT': limit of number of rows (Optional)
- Return: the (number of items deleted, descriptive test) if ok; (negative, descriptive text) if error
- '''
- #print sql_dict
- from_ = "FROM " + str(sql_dict['FROM'])
- #print 'from_', from_
- if 'WHERE' in sql_dict and len(sql_dict['WHERE']) > 0:
- w=sql_dict['WHERE']
- where_ = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(map( lambda x: str(x) + (" is Null" if w[x] is None else "='"+str(w[x])+"'"), w.keys()) )
- else: where_ = ""
- if 'WHERE_NOT' in sql_dict and len(sql_dict['WHERE_NOT']) > 0:
- w=sql_dict['WHERE_NOT']
- where_2 = " AND ".join(map( lambda x: str(x) + (" is not Null" if w[x] is None else "<>'"+str(w[x])+"'"), w.keys()) )
- if len(where_)==0: where_ = "WHERE " + where_2
- else: where_ = where_ + " AND " + where_2
- if 'WHERE_NOTNULL' in sql_dict and len(sql_dict['WHERE_NOTNULL']) > 0:
- w=sql_dict['WHERE_NOTNULL']
- where_2 = " AND ".join(map( lambda x: str(x) + " is not Null", w) )
- if len(where_)==0: where_ = "WHERE " + where_2
- else: where_ = where_ + " AND " + where_2
- #print 'where_', where_
- limit_ = "LIMIT " + str(sql_dict['LIMIT']) if 'LIMIT' in sql_dict else ""
- #print 'limit_', limit_
- cmd = " ".join( ("DELETE", from_, where_, limit_) )
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- try:
- with self.con:
- #delete host
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- deleted = self.cur.rowcount
- return deleted, "%d deleted from %s" % (deleted, sql_dict['FROM'][:-1] )
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "delete_row_by_dict", cmd, "delete", 'dependencies')
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def get_instance(self, instance_id):
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- cmd = "SELECT uuid, name, description, progress, host_id, flavor_id, image_id, status, last_error, "\
- "tenant_id, ram, vcpus, created_at FROM instances WHERE uuid='{}'".format(instance_id)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- if self.cur.rowcount == 0 : return 0, "instance '" + str(instance_id) +"'not found."
- instance = self.cur.fetchone()
- #get networks
- cmd = "SELECT uuid as iface_id, net_id, mac as mac_address, ip_address, name, Mbps as bandwidth, "\
- "vpci, model FROM ports WHERE (type='instance:bridge' or type='instance:ovs') AND "\
- "instance_id= '{}'".format(instance_id)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- if self.cur.rowcount > 0 :
- instance['networks'] = self.cur.fetchall()
- #get extended
- extended = {}
- #get devices
- cmd = "SELECT type, vpci, image_id, xml,dev FROM instance_devices WHERE instance_id = '%s' " % str(instance_id)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- if self.cur.rowcount > 0 :
- extended['devices'] = self.cur.fetchall()
- #get numas
- numas = []
- cmd = "SELECT id, numa_socket as source FROM numas WHERE host_id = '" + str(instance['host_id']) + "'"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- host_numas = self.cur.fetchall()
- #print 'host_numas', host_numas
- for k in host_numas:
- numa_id = str(k['id'])
- numa_dict ={}
- #get memory
- cmd = "SELECT consumed FROM resources_mem WHERE instance_id = '%s' AND numa_id = '%s'" % ( instance_id, numa_id)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- if self.cur.rowcount > 0:
- mem_dict = self.cur.fetchone()
- numa_dict['memory'] = mem_dict['consumed']
- #get full cores
- cursor2 = self.con.cursor()
- cmd = "SELECT core_id, paired, MIN(v_thread_id) as v1, MAX(v_thread_id) as v2, COUNT(instance_id) as nb, MIN(thread_id) as t1, MAX(thread_id) as t2 FROM resources_core WHERE instance_id = '%s' AND numa_id = '%s' GROUP BY core_id,paired" % ( str(instance_id), numa_id)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- cursor2.execute(cmd)
- core_list = []; core_source = []
- paired_list = []; paired_source = []
- thread_list = []; thread_source = []
- if cursor2.rowcount > 0:
- cores = cursor2.fetchall()
- for core in cores:
- if core[4] == 2: #number of used threads from core
- if core[3] == core[2]: #only one thread asigned to VM, so completely core
- core_list.append(core[2])
- core_source.append(core[5])
- elif core[1] == 'Y':
- paired_list.append(core[2:4])
- paired_source.append(core[5:7])
- else:
- thread_list.extend(core[2:4])
- thread_source.extend(core[5:7])
- else:
- thread_list.append(core[2])
- thread_source.append(core[5])
- if len(core_list) > 0:
- numa_dict['cores'] = len(core_list)
- numa_dict['cores-id'] = core_list
- numa_dict['cores-source'] = core_source
- if len(paired_list) > 0:
- numa_dict['paired-threads'] = len(paired_list)
- numa_dict['paired-threads-id'] = paired_list
- numa_dict['paired-threads-source'] = paired_source
- if len(thread_list) > 0:
- numa_dict['threads'] = len(thread_list)
- numa_dict['threads-id'] = thread_list
- numa_dict['threads-source'] = thread_source
- #get dedicated ports and SRIOV
- cmd = "SELECT port_id as iface_id, p.vlan as vlan, p.mac as mac_address, net_id, if(model='PF',\
- 'yes',if(model='VF','no','yes:sriov')) as dedicated, rp.Mbps as bandwidth, name, vpci, \
- pci as source \
- FROM resources_port as rp join ports as p on port_id=uuid WHERE p.instance_id = '%s' AND numa_id = '%s' and p.type='instance:data'" % (instance_id, numa_id)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- if self.cur.rowcount > 0:
- numa_dict['interfaces'] = self.cur.fetchall()
- #print 'interfaces', numa_dict
- if len(numa_dict) > 0 :
- numa_dict['source'] = k['source'] #numa socket
- numas.append(numa_dict)
- if len(numas) > 0 : extended['numas'] = numas
- if len(extended) > 0 : instance['extended'] = extended
- af.DeleteNone(instance)
- return 1, instance
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "get_instance", cmd)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def get_numas(self, requirements, prefered_host_id=None, only_of_ports=True):
- '''Obtain a valid NUMA/HOST for deployment a VM
- requirements: contain requirement regarding:
- requirements['ram']: Non huge page memory in MB; 0 to skip
- requirements['vcpus']: Non isolated cpus; 0 to skip
- requirements['numa']: Requiremets to be fixed in ONE Numa node
- requirements['numa']['memory']: Huge page memory in GB at ; 0 for any
- requirements['numa']['proc_req_type']: Type of processor, cores or threads
- requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']: Number of isolated cpus
- requirements['numa']['port_list']: Physical NIC ports list ; [] for any
- requirements['numa']['sriov_list']: Virtual function NIC ports list ; [] for any
- prefered_host_id: if not None return this host if it match
- only_of_ports: if True only those ports conected to the openflow (of) are valid,
- that is, with switch_port information filled; if False, all NIC ports are valid.
- Return a valid numa and host
- '''
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- try:
- with self.con:
-# #Find numas of prefered host
-# prefered_numas = ()
-# if prefered_host_id != None:
-# self.cur = self.con.cursor()
-# self.cur.execute("SELECT id FROM numas WHERE host_id='%s'" + prefered_host_id)
-# prefered_numas = self.cur.fetchall()
-# self.cur.close()
- #Find valid host for the ram and vcpus
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- cmd = "CALL GetHostByMemCpu(%s, %s)" % (str(requirements['ram']), str(requirements['vcpus']))
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.callproc('GetHostByMemCpu', (str(requirements['ram']), str(requirements['vcpus'])) )
- valid_hosts = self.cur.fetchall()
- self.cur.close()
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- match_found = False
- if len(valid_hosts)<=0:
- error_text = 'No room at data center. Cannot find a host with %s MB memory and %s cpus available' % (str(requirements['ram']), str(requirements['vcpus']))
- #self.logger.debug(error_text)
- return -1, error_text
- #elif req_numa != None:
- #Find valid numa nodes for memory requirements
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- cmd = "CALL GetNumaByMemory(%s)" % str(requirements['numa']['memory'])
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.callproc('GetNumaByMemory', (requirements['numa']['memory'],) )
- valid_for_memory = self.cur.fetchall()
- self.cur.close()
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- if len(valid_for_memory)<=0:
- error_text = 'No room at data center. Cannot find a host with %s GB Hugepages memory available' % str(requirements['numa']['memory'])
- #self.logger.debug(error_text)
- return -1, error_text
- #Find valid numa nodes for processor requirements
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- if requirements['numa']['proc_req_type'] == 'threads':
- cpu_requirement_text='cpu-threads'
- cmd = "CALL GetNumaByThread(%s)" % str(requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb'])
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.callproc('GetNumaByThread', (requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb'],) )
- else:
- cpu_requirement_text='cpu-cores'
- cmd = "CALL GetNumaByCore(%s)" % str(requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb'])
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.callproc('GetNumaByCore', (requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb'],) )
- valid_for_processor = self.cur.fetchall()
- self.cur.close()
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- if len(valid_for_processor)<=0:
- error_text = 'No room at data center. Cannot find a host with %s %s available' % (str(requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']),cpu_requirement_text)
- #self.logger.debug(error_text)
- return -1, error_text
- #Find the numa nodes that comply for memory and processor requirements
- #sorting from less to more memory capacity
- valid_numas = []
- for m_numa in valid_for_memory:
- numa_valid_for_processor = False
- for p_numa in valid_for_processor:
- if m_numa['numa_id'] == p_numa['numa_id']:
- numa_valid_for_processor = True
- break
- numa_valid_for_host = False
- prefered_numa = False
- for p_host in valid_hosts:
- if m_numa['host_id'] == p_host['uuid']:
- numa_valid_for_host = True
- if p_host['uuid'] == prefered_host_id:
- prefered_numa = True
- break
- if numa_valid_for_host and numa_valid_for_processor:
- if prefered_numa:
- valid_numas.insert(0, m_numa['numa_id'])
- else:
- valid_numas.append(m_numa['numa_id'])
- if len(valid_numas)<=0:
- error_text = 'No room at data center. Cannot find a host with %s MB hugepages memory and %s %s available in the same numa' %\
- (requirements['numa']['memory'], str(requirements['numa']['proc_req_nb']),cpu_requirement_text)
- #self.logger.debug(error_text)
- return -1, error_text
- # print 'Valid numas list: '+str(valid_numas)
- #Find valid numa nodes for interfaces requirements
- #For each valid numa we will obtain the number of available ports and check if these are valid
- match_found = False
- for numa_id in valid_numas:
- # print 'Checking '+str(numa_id)
- match_found = False
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- if only_of_ports:
- cmd="CALL GetAvailablePorts(%s)" % str(numa_id)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.callproc('GetAvailablePorts', (numa_id,) )
- else:
- cmd="CALL GetAllAvailablePorts(%s)" % str(numa_id)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.callproc('GetAllAvailablePorts', (numa_id,) )
- available_ports = self.cur.fetchall()
- self.cur.close()
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- #Set/reset reservations
- for port in available_ports:
- port['Mbps_reserved'] = 0
- port['SRIOV_reserved'] = 0
- #Try to allocate physical ports
- physical_ports_found = True
- for iface in requirements['numa']['port_list']:
- # print '\t\tchecking iface: '+str(iface)
- portFound = False
- for port in available_ports:
- # print '\t\t\tfor port: '+str(port)
- #If the port is not empty continue
- if port['Mbps_free'] != port['Mbps'] or port['Mbps_reserved'] != 0:
- # print '\t\t\t\t Not empty port'
- continue;
- #If the port speed is not enough continue
- if port['Mbps'] < iface['bandwidth']:
- # print '\t\t\t\t Not enough speed'
- continue;
- #Otherwise this is a valid port
- port['Mbps_reserved'] = port['Mbps']
- port['SRIOV_reserved'] = 0
- iface['port_id'] = port['port_id']
- iface['vlan'] = None
- iface['mac'] = port['mac']
- iface['switch_port'] = port['switch_port']
- # print '\t\t\t\t Dedicated port found '+str(port['port_id'])
- portFound = True
- break;
- #if all ports have been checked and no match has been found
- #this is not a valid numa
- if not portFound:
- # print '\t\t\t\t\tAll ports have been checked and no match has been found for numa '+str(numa_id)+'\n\n'
- physical_ports_found = False
- break
- #if there is no match continue checking the following numa
- if not physical_ports_found:
- continue
- #Try to allocate SR-IOVs
- sriov_ports_found = True
- for iface in requirements['numa']['sriov_list']:
- # print '\t\tchecking iface: '+str(iface)
- portFound = False
- for port in available_ports:
- # print '\t\t\tfor port: '+str(port)
- #If there are not available SR-IOVs continue
- if port['availableSRIOV'] - port['SRIOV_reserved'] <= 0:
- # print '\t\t\t\t Not enough SR-IOV'
- continue;
- #If the port free speed is not enough continue
- if port['Mbps_free'] - port['Mbps_reserved'] < iface['bandwidth']:
- # print '\t\t\t\t Not enough speed'
- continue;
- #Otherwise this is a valid port
- port['Mbps_reserved'] += iface['bandwidth']
- port['SRIOV_reserved'] += 1
- # print '\t\t\t\t SR-IOV found '+str(port['port_id'])
- iface['port_id'] = port['port_id']
- iface['vlan'] = None
- iface['mac'] = port['mac']
- iface['switch_port'] = port['switch_port']
- portFound = True
- break;
- #if all ports have been checked and no match has been found
- #this is not a valid numa
- if not portFound:
- # print '\t\t\t\t\tAll ports have been checked and no match has been found for numa '+str(numa_id)+'\n\n'
- sriov_ports_found = False
- break
- #if there is no match continue checking the following numa
- if not sriov_ports_found:
- continue
- if sriov_ports_found and physical_ports_found:
- match_found = True
- break
- if not match_found:
- error_text = 'No room at data center. Cannot find a host with the required hugepages, vcpus and interfaces'
- #self.logger.debug(error_text)
- return -1, error_text
- #self.logger.debug('Full match found in numa %s', str(numa_id))
- for numa in valid_for_processor:
- if numa_id==numa['numa_id']:
- host_id=numa['host_id']
- break
- return 0, {'numa_id':numa_id, 'host_id': host_id, }
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "get_numas", cmd)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def new_instance(self, instance_dict, nets, ports_to_free):
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- #create uuid if not provided
- if 'uuid' not in instance_dict:
- uuid = instance_dict['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
- else: #check uuid is valid
- uuid = str(instance_dict['uuid'])
- #inserting new uuid
- cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, root_uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','%s', 'instances')" % (uuid, uuid)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #insert in table instance
- extended = instance_dict.pop('extended', None);
- bridgedifaces = instance_dict.pop('bridged-ifaces', () );
- keys = ",".join(instance_dict.keys())
- values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", instance_dict.values() ) )
- cmd = "INSERT INTO instances (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #if result != 1: return -1, "Database Error while inserting at instances table"
- #insert resources
- nb_bridge_ifaces = nb_cores = nb_ifaces = nb_numas = 0
- #insert bridged_ifaces
- for iface in bridgedifaces:
- #generate and insert a iface uuid
- if 'enable_dhcp' in iface and iface['enable_dhcp']:
- dhcp_first_ip = iface["dhcp_first_ip"]
- del iface["dhcp_first_ip"]
- dhcp_last_ip = iface["dhcp_last_ip"]
- del iface["dhcp_last_ip"]
- dhcp_cidr = iface["cidr"]
- del iface["cidr"]
- del iface["enable_dhcp"]
- used_dhcp_ips = self._get_dhcp_ip_used_list(iface["net_id"])
- iface["ip_address"] = self.get_free_ip_from_range(dhcp_first_ip, dhcp_last_ip,
- dhcp_cidr, used_dhcp_ips)
- iface['uuid'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
- cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, root_uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','%s', 'ports')" % (iface['uuid'], uuid)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #insert iface
- iface['instance_id'] = uuid
- # iface['type'] = 'instance:bridge'
- if 'name' not in iface: iface['name']="br"+str(nb_bridge_ifaces)
- iface['Mbps']=iface.pop('bandwidth', None)
- if 'mac_address' not in iface:
- iface['mac'] = af.gen_random_mac()
- else:
- iface['mac'] = iface['mac_address']
- del iface['mac_address']
- #iface['mac']=iface.pop('mac_address', None) #for leaving mac generation to libvirt
- keys = ",".join(iface.keys())
- values = ",".join( map(lambda x: "Null" if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", iface.values() ) )
- cmd = "INSERT INTO ports (" + keys + ") VALUES (" + values + ")"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- nb_bridge_ifaces += 1
- if extended is not None:
- if 'numas' not in extended or extended['numas'] is None: extended['numas'] = ()
- for numa in extended['numas']:
- nb_numas += 1
- #cores
- if 'cores' not in numa or numa['cores'] is None: numa['cores'] = ()
- for core in numa['cores']:
- nb_cores += 1
- cmd = "UPDATE resources_core SET instance_id='%s'%s%s WHERE id='%s'" \
- % (uuid, \
- (",v_thread_id='" + str(core['vthread']) + "'") if 'vthread' in core else '', \
- (",paired='" + core['paired'] + "'") if 'paired' in core else '', \
- core['id'] )
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #interfaces
- if 'interfaces' not in numa or numa['interfaces'] is None: numa['interfaces'] = ()
- for iface in numa['interfaces']:
- #generate and insert an uuid; iface[id]=iface_uuid; iface[uuid]= net_id
- iface['id'] = str(myUuid.uuid1()) # create_uuid
- cmd = "INSERT INTO uuids (uuid, root_uuid, used_at) VALUES ('%s','%s', 'ports')" % (iface['id'], uuid)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- nb_ifaces += 1
- mbps_=("'"+str(iface['Mbps_used'])+"'") if 'Mbps_used' in iface and iface['Mbps_used'] is not None else "Mbps"
- if iface["dedicated"]=="yes":
- iface_model="PF"
- elif iface["dedicated"]=="yes:sriov":
- iface_model="VFnotShared"
- elif iface["dedicated"]=="no":
- iface_model="VF"
- #else error
- INSERT=(iface['mac_address'], iface['switch_port'], iface.get('vlan',None), 'instance:data', iface['Mbps_used'], iface['id'],
- uuid, instance_dict['tenant_id'], iface.get('name',None), iface.get('vpci',None), iface.get('uuid',None), iface_model )
- cmd = "INSERT INTO ports (mac,switch_port,vlan,type,Mbps,uuid,instance_id,tenant_id,name,vpci,net_id, model) " + \
- " VALUES (" + ",".join(map(lambda x: 'Null' if x is None else "'"+str(x)+"'", INSERT )) + ")"
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- if 'uuid' in iface:
- nets.append(iface['uuid'])
- #discover if this port is not used by anyone
- cmd = "SELECT source_name, mac FROM ( SELECT root_id, count(instance_id) as used FROM resources_port" \
- " WHERE root_id=(SELECT root_id from resources_port WHERE id='%s')"\
- " GROUP BY root_id ) AS A JOIN resources_port as B ON A.root_id=B.id AND A.used=0" % iface['port_id']
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- ports_to_free += self.cur.fetchall()
- cmd = "UPDATE resources_port SET instance_id='%s', port_id='%s',Mbps_used=%s WHERE id='%s'" \
- % (uuid, iface['id'], mbps_, iface['port_id'])
- #if Mbps_used not suply, set the same value of 'Mpbs', that is the total
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #memory
- if 'memory' in numa and numa['memory'] is not None and numa['memory']>0:
- cmd = "INSERT INTO resources_mem (numa_id, instance_id, consumed) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')" % (numa['numa_id'], uuid, numa['memory'])
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- if 'devices' not in extended or extended['devices'] is None: extended['devices'] = ()
- for device in extended['devices']:
- if 'vpci' in device: vpci = "'" + device['vpci'] + "'"
- else: vpci = 'Null'
- if 'image_id' in device: image_id = "'" + device['image_id'] + "'"
- else: image_id = 'Null'
- if 'xml' in device: xml = "'" + device['xml'] + "'"
- else: xml = 'Null'
- if 'dev' in device: dev = "'" + device['dev'] + "'"
- else: dev = 'Null'
- cmd = "INSERT INTO instance_devices (type, instance_id, image_id, vpci, xml, dev) VALUES ('%s','%s', %s, %s, %s, %s)" % \
- (device['type'], uuid, image_id, vpci, xml, dev)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- ##inserting new log
- #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid,description) VALUES ('instances','debug','%s','new instance: %d numas, %d theads, %d ifaces %d bridge_ifaces')" % (uuid, nb_numas, nb_cores, nb_ifaces, nb_bridge_ifaces)
- #self.logger.debug(cmd)
- #self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #inseted ok
- return 1, uuid
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "new_instance", cmd)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def get_free_ip_from_range(self, first_ip, last_ip, cidr, ip_used_list):
- """
- Calculate a free IP from a range given
- :param first_ip: First dhcp ip range
- :param last_ip: Last dhcp ip range
- :param cidr: net cidr
- :param ip_used_list: contain all used ips to avoid ip collisions
- :return:
- """
- ip_tools = IPNetwork(cidr)
- cidr_len = ip_tools.prefixlen
- ips = IPNetwork(first_ip + '/' + str(cidr_len))
- ip_used_list.append(str(ips[0])) # first ip
- ip_used_list.append(str(ips[1])) # gw ip
- ip_used_list.append(str(ips[-1])) # broadcast ip
- for vm_ip in ips:
- if str(vm_ip) not in ip_used_list:
- return vm_ip
- return None
- def _get_dhcp_ip_used_list(self, net_id):
- """
- REtreive from DB all ips already used by the dhcp server for a given net
- :param net_id:
- :return:
- """
- WHERE={'type': 'instance:ovs', 'net_id': net_id}
- for retry_ in range(0, 2):
- cmd = ""
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- select_ = "SELECT uuid, ip_address FROM ports "
- if WHERE is None or len(WHERE) == 0:
- where_ = ""
- else:
- where_ = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(
- map(lambda x: str(x) + (" is Null" if WHERE[x] is None else "='" + str(WHERE[x]) + "'"),
- WHERE.keys()))
- limit_ = "LIMIT 100"
- cmd = " ".join((select_, where_, limit_))
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- ports = self.cur.fetchall()
- ip_address_list = []
- for port in ports:
- ip_address_list.append(port['ip_address'])
- return ip_address_list
- def delete_instance(self, instance_id, tenant_id, net_dataplane_list, ports_to_free, net_ovs_list, logcause="requested by http"):
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor()
- cmd = "SELECT uuid FROM instances WHERE uuid='%s' AND tenant_id='%s'" % (instance_id, tenant_id)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- if self.cur.rowcount == 0 : return 0, "instance %s not found in tenant %s" % (instance_id, tenant_id)
- #delete bridged ifaces, instace_devices, resources_mem; done by database: it is automatic by Database; FOREIGN KEY DELETE CASCADE
- #get nets afected
- cmd = "SELECT DISTINCT net_id from ports WHERE instance_id = '%s' AND net_id is not Null AND type='instance:data'" % instance_id
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- net_list__ = self.cur.fetchall()
- for net in net_list__:
- net_dataplane_list.append(net[0])
- # get ovs manangement nets
- cmd = "SELECT DISTINCT net_id, vlan, ip_address, mac FROM ports WHERE instance_id='{}' AND net_id is not Null AND "\
- "type='instance:ovs'".format(instance_id)
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- net_ovs_list += self.cur.fetchall()
- #get dataplane interfaces releases by this VM; both PF and VF with no other VF
- cmd="SELECT source_name, mac FROM (SELECT root_id, count(instance_id) as used FROM resources_port WHERE instance_id='%s' GROUP BY root_id ) AS A" % instance_id \
- + " JOIN (SELECT root_id, count(instance_id) as used FROM resources_port GROUP BY root_id) AS B ON A.root_id=B.root_id AND A.used=B.used"\
- + " JOIN resources_port as C ON A.root_id=C.id"
-# cmd = "SELECT DISTINCT root_id FROM resources_port WHERE instance_id = '%s'" % instance_id
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- ports_to_free += self.cur.fetchall()
- #update resources port
- cmd = "UPDATE resources_port SET instance_id=Null, port_id=Null, Mbps_used='0' WHERE instance_id = '%s'" % instance_id
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
-# #filter dataplane ports used by this VM that now are free
-# for port in ports_list__:
-# cmd = "SELECT mac, count(instance_id) FROM resources_port WHERE root_id = '%s'" % port[0]
-# self.logger.debug(cmd)
-# self.cur.execute(cmd)
-# mac_list__ = self.cur.fetchone()
-# if mac_list__ and mac_list__[1]==0:
-# ports_to_free.append(mac_list__[0])
- #update resources core
- cmd = "UPDATE resources_core SET instance_id=Null, v_thread_id=Null, paired='N' WHERE instance_id = '%s'" % instance_id
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #delete all related uuids
- cmd = "DELETE FROM uuids WHERE root_uuid='%s'" % instance_id
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- ##insert log
- #cmd = "INSERT INTO logs (related,level,uuid,description) VALUES ('instances','debug','%s','delete instance %s')" % (instance_id, logcause)
- #self.logger.debug(cmd)
- #self.cur.execute(cmd)
- #delete instance
- cmd = "DELETE FROM instances WHERE uuid='%s' AND tenant_id='%s'" % (instance_id, tenant_id)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- return 1, "instance %s from tenant %s DELETED" % (instance_id, tenant_id)
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "delete_instance", cmd)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def get_ports(self, WHERE):
- ''' Obtain ports using the WHERE filtering.
- Attributes:
- 'where_': dict of key:values, translated to key=value AND ... (Optional)
- Return: a list with dictionarys at each row
- '''
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- select_ = "SELECT uuid,'ACTIVE' as status,admin_state_up,name,net_id,\
- tenant_id,type,mac,vlan,switch_port,instance_id,Mbps FROM ports "
- if WHERE is None or len(WHERE) == 0: where_ = ""
- else:
- where_ = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(map( lambda x: str(x) + (" is Null" if WHERE[x] is None else "='"+str(WHERE[x])+"'"), WHERE.keys()) )
- limit_ = "LIMIT 100"
- cmd = " ".join( (select_, where_, limit_) )
- # print "SELECT multiple de instance_ifaces, iface_uuid, external_ports" #print cmd
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- ports = self.cur.fetchall()
- if self.cur.rowcount>0: af.DeleteNone(ports)
- return self.cur.rowcount, ports
- # return self.get_table(FROM=from_, SELECT=select_,WHERE=where_,LIMIT=100)
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "get_ports", cmd)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- def check_target_net(self, net_id, tenant_id, port_type):
- '''check if valid attachement of a port into a target net
- Attributes:
- net_id: target net uuid
- tenant_id: client where tenant belongs. Not used in this version
- port_type: string with the option 'instance:bridge', 'instance:data', 'external'
- Return:
- (0,net_dict) if ok, where net_dict contain 'uuid','type','vlan', ...
- (negative,string-error) if error
- '''
- for retry_ in range(0,2):
- cmd=""
- try:
- with self.con:
- self.cur = self.con.cursor(mdb.cursors.DictCursor)
- cmd = "SELECT * FROM nets WHERE uuid='%s'" % net_id
- self.logger.debug(cmd)
- self.cur.execute(cmd)
- if self.cur.rowcount == 0 : return -1, "network_id %s does not match any net" % net_id
- net = self.cur.fetchone()
- break
- except (mdb.Error, AttributeError) as e:
- r,c = self.format_error(e, "check_target_net", cmd)
- if r!=-HTTP_Request_Timeout or retry_==1: return r,c
- #check permissions
- if tenant_id is not None and tenant_id is not "admin":
- if net['tenant_id']==tenant_id and net['shared']=='false':
- return -1, "needed admin privileges to attach to the net %s" % net_id
- #check types
- if (net['type'] in ('ptp','data') and port_type not in ('instance:data','external')) or \
- (net['type'] in ('bridge_data','bridge_man') and port_type not in ('instance:bridge', 'instance:ovs')):
- return -1, "Cannot attach a port of type %s into a net of type %s" % (port_type, net['type'])
- if net['type'] == 'ptp':
- #look how many
- nb_ports, data = self.get_ports( {'net_id':net_id} )
- if nb_ports<0:
- return -1, data
- else:
- if net['provider']:
- nb_ports +=1
- if nb_ports >=2:
- return -1, "net of type p2p already contain two ports attached. No room for another"
- return 0, net
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- print "Hello World"
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
-# This file is part of openvim
-# All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# For those usages not covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0 please
-# contact with: nfvlabs@tid.es
-''' Definition of dictionaries schemas used by validating input
- These dictionaries are validated using jsonschema library
-__author__="Alfonso Tierno"
-__date__ ="$10-jul-2014 12:07:15$"
-# SCHEMAS to validate input data
-path_schema={"type":"string", "pattern":"^(\.){0,2}(/[^/\"':{}\(\)]+)+$"}
-http_schema={"type":"string", "pattern":"^https?://[^'\"=]+$"}
-name_schema={"type" : "string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":255, "pattern" : "^[^,;()'\"]+$"}
-nameshort_schema={"type" : "string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":64, "pattern" : "^[^,;()'\"]+$"}
-nametiny_schema={"type" : "string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":12, "pattern" : "^[^,;()'\"]+$"}
-xml_text_schema={"type" : "string", "minLength":1, "maxLength":1000, "pattern" : "^[^']+$"}
-description_schema={"type" : ["string","null"], "maxLength":255, "pattern" : "^[^'\"]+$"}
-id_schema_fake = {"type" : "string", "minLength":2, "maxLength":36 } #"pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$"
-id_schema = {"type" : "string", "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{8}(-[a-fA-F0-9]{4}){3}-[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$"}
-pci_schema={"type":"string", "pattern":"^[0-9a-fA-F]{4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}){2}\.[0-9a-fA-F]$"}
-bandwidth_schema={"type":"string", "pattern" : "^[0-9]+ *([MG]bps)?$"}
-mac_schema={"type":"string", "pattern":"^[0-9a-fA-F][02468aceACE](:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}){5}$"} #must be unicast LSB bit of MSB byte ==0
-net_bind_schema={"oneOf":[{"type":"null"},{"type":"string", "pattern":"^(default|((bridge|macvtap):[0-9a-zA-Z\.\-]{1,50})|openflow:[/0-9a-zA-Z\.\-]{1,50}(:vlan)?)$"}]}
-yes_no_schema={"type":"string", "enum":["yes", "no"]}
-log_level_schema={"type":"string", "enum":["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING","ERROR","CRITICAL"]}
-config_schema = {
- "title":"main configuration information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "http_port": port_schema,
- "http_admin_port": port_schema,
- "http_host": nameshort_schema,
- "http_url_prefix": path_schema, # it does not work yet; it's supposed to be the base path to be used by bottle, but it must be explicitly declared
- "db_host": nameshort_schema,
- "db_user": nameshort_schema,
- "db_passwd": {"type":"string"},
- "db_name": nameshort_schema,
- "of_controller_ip": ip_schema,
- "of_controller_port": port_schema,
- "of_controller_dpid": nameshort_schema,
- "of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan": {"type" : "boolean"},
- "of_controller": nameshort_schema, #{"type":"string", "enum":["floodlight", "opendaylight"]},
- "of_controller_module": {"type":"string"},
- "of_user": nameshort_schema,
- "of_password": nameshort_schema,
- "test_mode": {"type": "boolean"}, #leave for backward compatibility
- "mode": {"type":"string", "enum":["normal", "host only", "OF only", "development", "test"] },
- "development_bridge": {"type":"string"},
- "tenant_id": {"type" : "string"},
- "image_path": path_schema,
- "network_vlan_range_start": vlan_schema,
- "network_vlan_range_end": vlan_schema,
- "bridge_ifaces": {
- "type": "object",
- "patternProperties": {
- "." : {
- "type": "array",
- "items": integer0_schema,
- "minItems":2,
- "maxItems":2,
- },
- },
- "minProperties": 2
- },
- "dhcp_server": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "host" : name_schema,
- "port" : port_schema,
- "provider" : {"type": "string", "enum": ["isc-dhcp-server"]},
- "user" : nameshort_schema,
- "password" : {"type": "string"},
- "key" : {"type": "string"},
- "bridge_ifaces" :{
- "type": "array",
- "items": nameshort_schema,
- },
- "nets" :{
- "type": "array",
- "items": name_schema,
- },
- },
- "required": ['host', 'provider', 'user']
- },
- "log_level": log_level_schema,
- "log_level_db": log_level_schema,
- "log_level_of": log_level_schema,
- "network_type": {"type": "string", "enum": ["ovs", "bridge"]},
- "ovs_controller_file_path": path_schema,
- "ovs_controller_user": nameshort_schema,
- "ovs_controller_ip": nameshort_schema
- },
- "patternProperties": {
- "of_*" : {"type": ["string", "integer", "boolean"]}
- },
- "required": ['db_host', 'db_user', 'db_passwd', 'db_name'],
- "additionalProperties": False
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "architecture": {"type":"string"},
- "use_incremental": yes_no_schema,
- "vpci": pci_schema,
- "os_distro": {"type":"string"},
- "os_type": {"type":"string"},
- "os_version": {"type":"string"},
- "bus": {"type":"string"},
- "topology": {"type":"string", "enum": ["oneSocket"]}
- }
-tenant_new_schema = {
- "title":"tenant creation information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "tenant":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "id":id_schema,
- "name": nameshort_schema,
- "description":description_schema,
- "enabled":{"type" : "boolean"}
- },
- "required": ["name"]
- }
- },
- "required": ["tenant"],
- "additionalProperties": False
-tenant_edit_schema = {
- "title":"tenant edition information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "tenant":{
- "type":"object",
- "minProperties":1,
- "properties":{
- "name":nameshort_schema,
- "description":description_schema,
- "enabled":{"type" : "boolean"}
- },
- "additionalProperties": False,
- }
- },
- "required": ["tenant"],
- "additionalProperties": False
- "type":"array",
- "minItems":0,
- "items":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "name":name_schema,
- "dedicated":{"type":"string","enum":["yes","no","yes:sriov"]},
- "bandwidth":bandwidth_schema,
- "vpci":pci_schema,
- "uuid":id_schema,
- "mac_address":mac_schema
- },
- "additionalProperties": False,
- "required": ["dedicated", "bandwidth"]
- }
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "processor_ranking":integer0_schema,
- "devices":{
- "type": "array",
- "items":{
- "type": "object",
- "properties":{
- "type":{"type":"string", "enum":["usb","disk","cdrom","xml"]},
- "vpci":pci_schema,
- "imageRef":id_schema,
- "xml":xml_text_schema,
- "dev":nameshort_schema
- },
- "additionalProperties": False,
- "required": ["type"]
- }
- },
- "numas":{
- "type": "array",
- "items":{
- "type": "object",
- "properties":{
- "memory":integer1_schema,
- "cores":integer1_schema,
- "paired-threads":integer1_schema,
- "threads":integer1_schema,
- "cores-id":{"type":"array","items":integer0_schema},
- "paired-threads-id":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"array","minItems":2,"maxItems":2,"items":integer0_schema}},
- "threads-id":{"type":"array","items":integer0_schema},
- "interfaces":interfaces_schema
- },
- "additionalProperties": False,
- "minProperties": 1,
- #"required": ["memory"]
- }
- }
- },
- #"additionalProperties": False,
- #"required": ["processor_ranking"]
- "title":"hosts manual insertion information schema",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "ip_name":nameshort_schema,
- "name": name_schema,
- "description":description_schema,
- "user":nameshort_schema,
- "password":nameshort_schema,
- "features":description_schema,
- "ranking":integer0_schema,
- "devices":{
- "type": "array",
- "items":{
- "type": "object",
- "properties":{
- "type":{"type":"string", "enum":["usb","disk"]},
- "vpci":pci_schema
- },
- "additionalProperties": False,
- "required": ["type"]
- }
- },
- "numas":{
- "type": "array",
- "minItems":1,
- "items":{
- "type": "object",
- "properties":{
- "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
- "hugepages":integer0_schema,
- "cores":{
- "type": "array",
- "minItems":2,
- "items":{
- "type": "object",
- "properties":{
- "core_id":integer0_schema,
- "thread_id":integer0_schema,
- "status": {"type":"string", "enum":["noteligible"]}
- },
- "additionalProperties": False,
- "required": ["core_id","thread_id"]
- }
- },
- "interfaces":{
- "type": "array",
- "minItems":1,
- "items":{
- "type": "object",
- "properties":{
- "source_name":nameshort_schema,
- "mac":mac_schema,
- "Mbps":integer0_schema,
- "pci":pci_schema,
- "sriovs":{
- "type": "array",
- "minItems":1,
- "items":{
- "type": "object",
- "properties":{
- "source_name":{"oneOf":[integer0_schema, nameshort_schema]},
- "mac":mac_schema,
- "vlan":integer0_schema,
- "pci":pci_schema,
- },
- "additionalProperties": False,
- "required": ["source_name","mac","pci"]
- }
- },
- "switch_port": nameshort_schema,
- "switch_dpid": nameshort_schema,
- },
- "additionalProperties": False,
- "required": ["source_name","mac","Mbps","pci"]
- }
- },
- "numa_socket":integer0_schema,
- "memory":integer1_schema
- },
- "additionalProperties": False,
- "required": ["cores","numa_socket"]
- }
- }
- },
- "additionalProperties": False,
- "required": ["ranking", "numas","ip_name","user"]
- "title":"hosts creation information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "host":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "ip_name":nameshort_schema,
- "name": name_schema,
- "description":description_schema,
- "user":nameshort_schema,
- "password":nameshort_schema,
- "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
- "numas":{
- "type":"array",
- "items":{
- "type": "object",
- "properties":{
- "numa_socket": integer0_schema,
- "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
- "interfaces":{
- "type":"array",
- "items":{
- "type": "object",
- "properties":{
- "source_name": nameshort_schema,
- "switch_dpid": nameshort_schema,
- "switch_port": nameshort_schema,
- },
- "required": ["source_name"],
- }
- }
- },
- "required": ["numa_socket"],
- "additionalProperties": False,
- }
- }
- },
- "minProperties": 1,
- "additionalProperties": False
- },
- },
- "required": ["host"],
- "minProperties": 1,
- "additionalProperties": False
-host_new_schema = {
- "title":"hosts creation information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "host":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "id":id_schema,
- "ip_name":nameshort_schema,
- "name": name_schema,
- "description":description_schema,
- "user":nameshort_schema,
- "password":nameshort_schema,
- "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
- },
- "required": ["name","ip_name","user"]
- },
- "host-data":host_data_schema
- },
- "required": ["host"],
- "minProperties": 1,
- "maxProperties": 2,
- "additionalProperties": False
-flavor_new_schema = {
- "title":"flavor creation information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "flavor":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "id":id_schema,
- "name":name_schema,
- "description":description_schema,
- "ram":integer0_schema,
- "vcpus":integer0_schema,
- "extended": extended_schema,
- "public": yes_no_schema
- },
- "required": ["name"]
- }
- },
- "required": ["flavor"],
- "additionalProperties": False
-flavor_update_schema = {
- "title":"flavor update information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "flavor":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "name":name_schema,
- "description":description_schema,
- "ram":integer0_schema,
- "vcpus":integer0_schema,
- "extended": extended_schema,
- "public": yes_no_schema
- },
- "minProperties": 1,
- "additionalProperties": False
- }
- },
- "required": ["flavor"],
- "additionalProperties": False
-image_new_schema = {
- "title":"image creation information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "image":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "id":id_schema,
- "path": {"oneOf": [path_schema, http_schema]},
- "description":description_schema,
- "name":name_schema,
- "metadata":metadata_schema,
- "public": yes_no_schema
- },
- "required": ["name","path"]
- }
- },
- "required": ["image"],
- "additionalProperties": False
-image_update_schema = {
- "title":"image update information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "image":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "path":{"oneOf": [path_schema, http_schema]},
- "description":description_schema,
- "name":name_schema,
- "metadata":metadata_schema,
- "public": yes_no_schema
- },
- "minProperties": 1,
- "additionalProperties": False
- }
- },
- "required": ["image"],
- "additionalProperties": False
- "type":"array",
- "items":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "name":name_schema,
- "bandwidth":bandwidth_schema,
- "vpci":pci_schema,
- "uuid":id_schema,
- "mac_address": mac_schema,
- "model": {"type":"string", "enum":["virtio","e1000","ne2k_pci","pcnet","rtl8139"]},
- "type": {"type":"string", "enum":["virtual","PF","VF","VFnotShared"]}
- },
- "additionalProperties": False,
- "required": ["uuid"]
- }
-server_new_schema = {
- "title":"server creation information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "server":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "id":id_schema,
- "name":name_schema,
- "description":description_schema,
- "start":{"type":"string", "enum":["yes","no","paused"]},
- "hostId":id_schema,
- "flavorRef":id_schema,
- "imageRef":id_schema,
- "extended": extended_schema,
- "networks":networks_schema
- },
- "required": ["name","flavorRef","imageRef"]
- }
- },
- "required": ["server"],
- "additionalProperties": False
-server_action_schema = {
- "title":"server action information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "start":{"oneOf":[{"type": "null"}, {"type":"string", "enum":["rebuild","null"] }]},
- "pause":{"type": "null"},
- "resume":{"type": "null"},
- "shutoff":{"type": "null"},
- "shutdown":{"type": "null"},
- "forceOff":{"type": "null"},
- "terminate":{"type": "null"},
- "createImage":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "path":path_schema,
- "description":description_schema,
- "name":name_schema,
- "metadata":metadata_schema,
- "imageRef": id_schema,
- "disk": {"oneOf":[{"type": "null"}, {"type":"string"}] },
- },
- "required": ["name"]
- },
- "rebuild":{"type": ["object","null"]},
- "reboot":{
- "type": ["object","null"],
-# "properties": {
-# "type":{"type":"string", "enum":["SOFT"] }
-# },
-# "minProperties": 1,
-# "maxProperties": 1,
-# "additionalProperties": False
- }
- },
- "minProperties": 1,
- "maxProperties": 1,
- "additionalProperties": False
-network_new_schema = {
- "title":"network creation information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "network":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "id":id_schema,
- "name":name_schema,
- "type":{"type":"string", "enum":["bridge_man","bridge_data","data", "ptp"]},
- "shared":{"type":"boolean"},
- "tenant_id":id_schema,
- "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
- "provider:vlan":vlan_schema,
- "provider:physical":net_bind_schema,
- "cidr":cidr_schema,
- "enable_dhcp": {"type":"boolean"},
- "dhcp_first_ip": ip_schema,
- "dhcp_last_ip": ip_schema,
- "bind_net":name_schema, #can be name, or uuid
- "bind_type":{"oneOf":[{"type":"null"},{"type":"string", "pattern":"^vlan:[0-9]{1,4}$"}]}
- },
- "required": ["name"]
- }
- },
- "required": ["network"],
- "additionalProperties": False
-network_update_schema = {
- "title":"network update information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "network":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "name":name_schema,
- "type":{"type":"string", "enum":["bridge_man","bridge_data","data", "ptp"]},
- "shared":{"type":"boolean"},
- "tenant_id":id_schema,
- "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
- "provider:vlan":vlan_schema,
- "provider:physical":net_bind_schema,
- "cidr":cidr_schema,
- "enable_dhcp": {"type":"boolean"},
- # "dhcp_first_ip": ip_schema,
- # "dhcp_last_ip": ip_schema,
- "bind_net":name_schema, #can be name, or uuid
- "bind_type":{"oneOf":[{"type":"null"},{"type":"string", "pattern":"^vlan:[0-9]{1,4}$"}]}
- },
- "minProperties": 1,
- "additionalProperties": False
- }
- },
- "required": ["network"],
- "additionalProperties": False
-port_new_schema = {
- "title":"port creation information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "port":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "id":id_schema,
- "name":nameshort_schema,
- "network_id":{"oneOf":[{"type": "null"}, id_schema ]},
- "tenant_id":id_schema,
- "mac_address": {"oneOf":[{"type": "null"}, mac_schema] },
- "admin_state_up":{"type":"boolean"},
- "bandwidth":bandwidth_schema,
- "binding:switch_port":nameshort_schema,
- "binding:vlan": {"oneOf":[{"type": "null"}, vlan_schema ]}
- },
- "required": ["name"]
- }
- },
- "required": ["port"],
- "additionalProperties": False
-port_update_schema = {
- "title":"port update information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "port":{
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "name":nameshort_schema,
- "network_id":{"anyOf":[{"type":"null"}, id_schema ] }
- },
- "minProperties": 1,
- "additionalProperties": False
- }
- },
- "required": ["port"],
- "additionalProperties": False
-localinfo_schema = {
- "title":"localinfo information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "files":{ "type": "object"},
- "inc_files":{ "type": "object"},
- "server_files":{ "type": "object"}
- },
- "required": ["files"]
-hostinfo_schema = {
- "title":"host information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type":"object",
- "properties":{
- "iface_names":{
- "type":"object",
- "patternProperties":{
- ".":{ "type": "string"}
- },
- "minProperties": 1
- }
- },
- "required": ["iface_names"]
-openflow_controller_schema = {
- "title": "network creation information schema",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "ofc": {
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "name": name_schema,
- "dpid": nameshort_schema,
- "ip": nameshort_schema,
- "port": port_schema,
- "type": nameshort_schema,
- "version": nametiny_schema,
- "user": nameshort_schema,
- "password": nameshort_schema
- },
- "required": ["dpid", "type", "ip", "port", "name"]
- }
- },
- "required": ["ofc"],
- "additionalProperties": False
-of_port_new_schema = {
- "title": "OF port mapping",
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "ofc_id": id_schema,
- "region": nameshort_schema,
- "compute_node": nameshort_schema,
- "pci": pci_schema,
- "switch_dpid": nameshort_schema,
- "switch_port": nameshort_schema,
- "switch_mac": mac_schema
- },
- "required": ["region", "compute_node", "pci", "switch_dpid"]
-of_port_map_new_schema = {
- "title": "OF port mapping",
- "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
- "type": "object",
- "properties": {
- "of_port_mapings": {"type": "array", "items": of_port_new_schema, "minLenght":1},
- },
- "required": ["of_port_mapings"],
- "additionalProperties": False
\ No newline at end of file