class ovim():
running_info = {} #TODO OVIM move the info of running threads from config_dic to this static variable
+ of_module = {}
def __init__(self, configuration):
self.config = configuration
self.logger = logging.getLogger(configuration["logger_name"])
self.db = None
self.db = self._create_database_connection()
+ self.db_lock = None
+ self.db_of = None
+ self.of_test_mode = False
def _create_database_connection(self):
db = vim_db.vim_db((self.config["network_vlan_range_start"], self.config["network_vlan_range_end"]),
return False
def start_service(self):
- #if self.running_info:
+ """
+ Start ovim services
+ :return:
+ """
+ # if self.running_info:
# return #TODO service can be checked and rebuild broken threads
r = self.db.get_db_version()
- if r[0]<0:
+ if r[0] < 0:
raise ovimException("DATABASE is not a VIM one or it is a '0.0' version. Try to upgrade to version '{}' with "\
"'./database_utils/'".format(self.config["database_version"]) )
- elif r[1]!=self.config["database_version"]:
+ elif r[1] != self.config["database_version"]:
raise ovimException("DATABASE wrong version '{}'. Try to upgrade/downgrade to version '{}' with "\
"'./database_utils/'".format(r[1], self.config["database_version"]) )
# create database connection for openflow threads
- db_of = self._create_database_connection()
- self.config["db"] = db_of
- db_lock = threading.Lock()
- self.config["db_lock"] = db_lock
+ self.db_of = self._create_database_connection()
+ self.config["db"] = self.db_of
+ self.db_lock = threading.Lock()
+ self.config["db_lock"] = self.db_lock
+ self.of_test_mode = False if self.config['mode'] == 'normal' or self.config['mode'] == "OF only" else True
+ # precreate interfaces; [bridge:<host_bridge_name>, VLAN used at Host, uuid of network camping in this bridge,
+ # speed in Gbit/s
- # precreate interfaces; [bridge:<host_bridge_name>, VLAN used at Host, uuid of network camping in this bridge, speed in Gbit/s
self.config['dhcp_nets'] = []
self.config['bridge_nets'] = []
for bridge, vlan_speed in self.config["bridge_ifaces"].items():
- # skip 'development_bridge'
+ # skip 'development_bridge'
if self.config['mode'] == 'development' and self.config['development_bridge'] == bridge:
self.config['bridge_nets'].append([bridge, vlan_speed[0], vlan_speed[1], None])
# check if this bridge is already used (present at database) for a network)
used_bridge_nets = []
for brnet in self.config['bridge_nets']:
- r, nets = db_of.get_table(SELECT=('uuid',), FROM='nets', WHERE={'provider': "bridge:" + brnet[0]})
+ r, nets = self.db_of.get_table(SELECT=('uuid',), FROM='nets', WHERE={'provider': "bridge:" + brnet[0]})
if r > 0:
brnet[3] = nets[0]['uuid']
# get nets used by dhcp
if self.config.get("dhcp_server"):
for net in self.config["dhcp_server"].get("nets", ()):
- r, nets = db_of.get_table(SELECT=('uuid',), FROM='nets', WHERE={'name': net})
+ r, nets = self.db_of.get_table(SELECT=('uuid',), FROM='nets', WHERE={'name': net})
if r > 0:
- # get host list from data base before starting threads
- r, hosts = db_of.get_table(SELECT=('name', 'ip_name', 'user', 'uuid'), FROM='hosts', WHERE={'status': 'ok'})
- if r < 0:
- raise ovimException("Cannot get hosts from database {}".format(hosts))
- # create connector to the openflow controller
- of_test_mode = False if self.config['mode'] == 'normal' or self.config['mode'] == "OF only" else True
- if of_test_mode:
- OF_conn = oft.of_test_connector({"of_debug": self.config['log_level_of']})
- else:
- # load other parameters starting by of_ from config dict in a temporal dict
- temp_dict = {"of_ip": self.config['of_controller_ip'],
- "of_port": self.config['of_controller_port'],
- "of_dpid": self.config['of_controller_dpid'],
- "of_debug": self.config['log_level_of']
- }
- for k, v in self.config.iteritems():
- if type(k) is str and k[0:3] == "of_" and k[0:13] != "of_controller":
- temp_dict[k] = v
- if self.config['of_controller'] == 'opendaylight':
- module = "ODL"
- elif "of_controller_module" in self.config:
- module = self.config["of_controller_module"]
- else:
- module = self.config['of_controller']
- module_info = None
- try:
- module_info = imp.find_module(module)
+ # OFC default
+ self._start_ofc_default_task()
- OF_conn = imp.load_module("OF_conn", *module_info)
- try:
- OF_conn = OF_conn.OF_conn(temp_dict)
- except Exception as e:
- self.logger.error("Cannot open the Openflow controller '%s': %s", type(e).__name__, str(e))
- if module_info and module_info[0]:
- file.close(module_info[0])
- exit(-1)
- except (IOError, ImportError) as e:
- if module_info and module_info[0]:
- file.close(module_info[0])
- self.logger.error(
- "Cannot open openflow controller module '%s'; %s: %s; revise 'of_controller' field of configuration file.",
- module, type(e).__name__, str(e))
- raise ovimException("Cannot open openflow controller module '{}'; {}: {}; revise 'of_controller' field of configuration file.".fromat(
- module, type(e).__name__, str(e)))
- # create openflow thread
- thread = oft.openflow_thread(OF_conn, of_test=of_test_mode, db=db_of, db_lock=db_lock,
- pmp_with_same_vlan=self.config['of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan'],
- debug=self.config['log_level_of'])
- r, c = thread.OF_connector.obtain_port_correspondence()
- if r < 0:
- raise ovimException("Cannot get openflow information %s", c)
- thread.start()
- self.config['of_thread'] = thread
+ # OFC per tenant in DB
+ self._start_of_db_tasks()
# create dhcp_server thread
host_test_mode = True if self.config['mode'] == 'test' or self.config['mode'] == "OF only" else False
dhcp_params = self.config.get("dhcp_server")
if dhcp_params:
thread = dt.dhcp_thread(dhcp_params=dhcp_params, test=host_test_mode, dhcp_nets=self.config["dhcp_nets"],
- db=db_of, db_lock=db_lock, debug=self.config['log_level_of'])
+ db=self.db_of, db_lock=self.db_lock, debug=self.config['log_level_of'])
self.config['dhcp_thread'] = thread
host_test_mode = True if self.config['mode'] == 'test' or self.config['mode'] == "OF only" else False
host_develop_mode = True if self.config['mode'] == 'development' else False
host_develop_bridge_iface = self.config.get('development_bridge', None)
+ # get host list from data base before starting threads
+ r, hosts = self.db_of.get_table(SELECT=('name', 'ip_name', 'user', 'uuid'), FROM='hosts', WHERE={'status': 'ok'})
+ if r < 0:
+ raise ovimException("Cannot get hosts from database {}".format(hosts))
self.config['host_threads'] = {}
for host in hosts:
host['image_path'] = '/opt/VNF/images/openvim'
- thread = ht.host_thread(name=host['name'], user=host['user'], host=host['ip_name'], db=db_of, db_lock=db_lock,
- test=host_test_mode, image_path=self.config['image_path'], version=self.config['version'],
- host_id=host['uuid'], develop_mode=host_develop_mode,
+ thread = ht.host_thread(name=host['name'], user=host['user'], host=host['ip_name'], db=self.db_of,
+ db_lock=self.db_lock, test=host_test_mode, image_path=self.config['image_path'],
+ version=self.config['version'], host_id=host['uuid'], develop_mode=host_develop_mode,
self.config['host_threads'][host['uuid']] = thread
+ def _start_of_db_tasks(self):
+ """
+ Start ofc task for existing ofcs in database
+ :param db_of:
+ :param db_lock:
+ :return:
+ """
+ ofcs = self.get_of_controllers()
+ for ofc in ofcs:
+ of_conn = self._load_of_module(ofc)
+ # create ofc thread per of controller
+ self._create_ofc_task(ofc['uuid'], ofc['dpid'], of_conn)
+ def _create_ofc_task(self, ofc_uuid, dpid, of_conn):
+ """
+ Create an ofc thread for handle each sdn controllers
+ :param ofc_uuid: sdn controller uuid
+ :param dpid: sdn controller dpid
+ :param of_conn: OF_conn module
+ :return:
+ """
+ if 'ofcs_thread' not in self.config and 'ofcs_thread_dpid' not in self.config:
+ ofcs_threads = {}
+ ofcs_thread_dpid = []
+ else:
+ ofcs_threads = self.config['ofcs_thread']
+ ofcs_thread_dpid = self.config['ofcs_thread_dpid']
+ if ofc_uuid not in ofcs_threads:
+ ofc_thread = self._create_ofc_thread(of_conn, ofc_uuid)
+ if ofc_uuid == "Default":
+ self.config['of_thread'] = ofc_thread
+ ofcs_threads[ofc_uuid] = ofc_thread
+ self.config['ofcs_thread'] = ofcs_threads
+ ofcs_thread_dpid.append({dpid: ofc_thread})
+ self.config['ofcs_thread_dpid'] = ofcs_thread_dpid
+ def _start_ofc_default_task(self):
+ """
+ Create default ofc thread
+ """
+ if 'of_controller' not in self.config \
+ and 'of_controller_ip' not in self.config \
+ and 'of_controller_port' not in self.config \
+ and 'of_controller_dpid' not in self.config:
+ return
+ db_config = {}
+ db_config['ip'] = self.config.get('of_controller_ip')
+ db_config['port'] = self.config.get('of_controller_port')
+ db_config['dpid'] = self.config.get('of_controller_dpid')
+ db_config['type'] = self.config.get('of_controller')
+ db_config['user'] = self.config.get('of_user')
+ db_config['password'] = self.config.get('of_password')
+ # create connector to the openflow controller
+ # load other parameters starting by of_ from config dict in a temporal dict
+ of_conn = self._load_of_module(db_config)
+ # create openflow thread
+ self._create_ofc_task("Default", db_config['dpid'], of_conn)
+ def _load_of_module(self, db_config):
+ """
+ import python module for each SDN controller supported
+ :param default: SDN dn information
+ :return: Module
+ """
+ if not db_config:
+ raise ovimException("No module found it", HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ module_info = None
+ try:
+ if self.of_test_mode:
+ return oft.of_test_connector({"name": db_config['type'], "dpid": db_config['dpid'],
+ "of_debug": self.config['log_level_of']})
+ temp_dict = {}
+ if db_config:
+ temp_dict['of_ip'] = db_config['ip']
+ temp_dict['of_port'] = db_config['port']
+ temp_dict['of_dpid'] = db_config['dpid']
+ temp_dict['of_controller'] = db_config['type']
+ temp_dict['of_debug'] = self.config['log_level_of']
+ if temp_dict['of_controller'] == 'opendaylight':
+ module = "ODL"
+ else:
+ module = temp_dict['of_controller']
+ if module not in ovim.of_module:
+ module_info = imp.find_module(module)
+ of_conn_module = imp.load_module("OF_conn", *module_info)
+ ovim.of_module[module] = of_conn_module
+ else:
+ of_conn_module = ovim.of_module[module]
+ try:
+ return of_conn_module.OF_conn(temp_dict)
+ except Exception as e:
+ self.logger.error("Cannot open the Openflow controller '%s': %s", type(e).__name__, str(e))
+ if module_info and module_info[0]:
+ file.close(module_info[0])
+ raise ovimException("Cannot open the Openflow controller '{}': '{}'".format(type(e).__name__, str(e)),
+ HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ except (IOError, ImportError) as e:
+ if module_info and module_info[0]:
+ file.close(module_info[0])
+ self.logger.error("Cannot open openflow controller module '%s'; %s: %s; revise 'of_controller' "
+ "field of configuration file.", module, type(e).__name__, str(e))
+ raise ovimException("Cannot open openflow controller module '{}'; {}: {}; revise 'of_controller' "
+ "field of configuration file.".format(module, type(e).__name__, str(e)),
+ HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ def _create_ofc_thread(self, of_conn, ofc_uuid="Default"):
+ """
+ Create and launch a of thread
+ :return: thread obj
+ """
+ # create openflow thread
+ if 'of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan' in self.config:
+ ofc_net_same_vlan = self.config['of_controller_nets_with_same_vlan']
+ else:
+ ofc_net_same_vlan = False
+ thread = oft.openflow_thread(ofc_uuid, of_conn, of_test=self.of_test_mode, db=self.db_of, db_lock=self.db_lock,
+ pmp_with_same_vlan=ofc_net_same_vlan, debug=self.config['log_level_of'])
+ #r, c = thread.OF_connector.obtain_port_correspondence()
+ #if r < 0:
+ # raise ovimException("Cannot get openflow information %s", c)
+ thread.start()
+ return thread
def stop_service(self):
threads = self.config.get('host_threads', {})
if 'of_thread' in self.config:
threads['of'] = (self.config['of_thread'])
+ if 'ofcs_thread' in self.config:
+ ofcs_thread = self.config['ofcs_thread']
+ for ofc in ofcs_thread:
+ threads[ofc] = ofcs_thread[ofc]
if 'dhcp_thread' in self.config:
threads['dhcp'] = (self.config['dhcp_thread'])
:return: openflow controller dpid
- result, content = self.db.new_row('ofcs', ofc_data, True, True)
+ result, ofc_uuid = self.db.new_row('ofcs', ofc_data, True, True)
if result < 0:
- raise ovimException("New ofc Error %s" % content, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
- return content
+ raise ovimException("New ofc Error %s" % ofc_uuid, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ ofc_data['uuid'] = ofc_uuid
+ of_conn = self._load_of_module(ofc_data)
+ self._create_ofc_task(ofc_uuid, ofc_data['dpid'], of_conn)
+ return ofc_uuid
def edit_of_controller(self, of_id, ofc_data):
+ ofc = self.show_of_controller(of_id)
result, content = self.db.delete_row("ofcs", of_id)
if result < 0:
raise ovimException("Cannot delete ofc from database: {}".format(content), http_code=-result)
elif result == 0:
raise ovimException("ofc {} not found ".format(content), http_code=HTTP_Not_Found)
+ ofc_thread = self.config['ofcs_thread'][of_id]
+ del self.config['ofcs_thread'][of_id]
+ for ofc_th in self.config['ofcs_thread_dpid']:
+ if ofc['dpid'] in ofc_th:
+ self.config['ofcs_thread_dpid'].remove(ofc_th)
+ ofc_thread.insert_task("exit")
+ #ofc_thread.join()
return content
def show_of_controller(self, uuid):