[ $OPENVIM_VER_NUM -ge 5002 ] && DATABASE_TARGET_VER_NUM=10 #0.5.2 => 10
[ $OPENVIM_VER_NUM -ge 5004 ] && DATABASE_TARGET_VER_NUM=11 #0.5.4 => 11
[ $OPENVIM_VER_NUM -ge 5005 ] && DATABASE_TARGET_VER_NUM=12 #0.5.5 => 12
-[ $OPENVIM_VER_NUM -ge 5006 ] && DATABASE_TARGET_VER_NUM=13 #0.5.6 => 12
+[ $OPENVIM_VER_NUM -ge 5006 ] && DATABASE_TARGET_VER_NUM=13 #0.5.6 => 13
+[ $OPENVIM_VER_NUM -ge 5007 ] && DATABASE_TARGET_VER_NUM=14 #0.5.7 => 14
#TODO ... put next versions here
function upgrade_to_1(){
echo "ALTER TABLE uuids CHANGE COLUMN used_at used_at ENUM('flavors', 'hosts', 'images', 'instances', 'nets', 'ports', 'tenants') NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Table that uses this UUID' ;" | $DBCMD || ! echo "ERROR. Aborted!" || exit -1
echo "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int = '12';" | $DBCMD || ! echo "ERROR. Aborted!" || exit -1
function upgrade_to_13(){
echo " upgrade database from version 0.12 to version 0.13"
echo " Create of_port_mapings table "
echo "DROP TABLE of_port_mappings;" | $DBCMD || ! echo "ERROR. Aborted!" || exit -1
echo "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int = '13';" | $DBCMD || ! echo "ERROR. Aborted!" || exit -1
+function upgrade_to_14(){
+ echo " upgrade database from version 0.13 to version 0.14"
+ echo " Add switch_mac, ofc_id colum to 'ports' and 'resources_port'"
+ echo "ALTER TABLE ports
+ ADD COLUMN switch_mac VARCHAR(18) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER switch_port,
+ ADD CONSTRAINT FK_port_ofc_id FOREIGN KEY (ofc_id) REFERENCES ofcs (uuid);"| $DBCMD || ! echo "ERROR. Aborted!" || exit -1
+ echo "ALTER TABLE resources_port
+ ADD COLUMN switch_mac VARCHAR(18) NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER switch_port,
+ ADD CONSTRAINT FK_resource_ofc_id FOREIGN KEY (ofc_id) REFERENCES ofcs (uuid);"| $DBCMD || ! echo "ERROR. Aborted!" || exit -1
+ echo "INSERT INTO schema_version (version_int, version, openvim_ver, comments, date) VALUES (14, '0.14', '0.5.7', 'Add switch_mac, ofc_id colum to ports and resources_port tables', '2017-03-09');"| $DBCMD || ! echo "ERROR. Aborted!" || exit -1
+function downgrade_from_14(){
+ echo " downgrade database from version 0.14 to version 0.13"
+ echo " Delete switch_mac, ofc_id colum to 'ports'"
+ echo "ALTER TABLE ports
+ DROP COLUMN switch_mac,
+ DROP COLUMN ofc_id,
+ DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_port_ofc_id;" | $DBCMD || ! echo "ERROR. Aborted!" || exit -1
+ echo "ALTER TABLE resources_port
+ DROP COLUMN switch_mac,
+ DROP COLUMN ofc_id,
+ DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_resource_ofc_id;" | $DBCMD || ! echo "ERROR. Aborted!" || exit -1
+ echo "DELETE FROM schema_version WHERE version_int = '14';" | $DBCMD || ! echo "ERROR. Aborted!" || exit -1
#TODO ... put funtions here
echo "db version = "${DATABASE_VER_NUM}
raise ovimException(str(uuid), -result)
+ def new_external_port(self, port_data):
+ """
+ Create new external port and check port mapping correspondence
+ :param port_data: port_data = {
+ 'region': 'datacenter region',
+ 'compute_node': 'compute node id',
+ 'pci': 'pci port address',
+ 'vlan': 'net vlan',
+ 'net_id': 'net id',
+ 'tenant_id': 'tenant id',
+ 'mac': 'switch mac',
+ 'name': 'port name'
+ 'ip_address': 'ip address - optional'}
+ :return:
+ """
+ port_data['type'] = 'external'
+ if port_data.get('net_id'):
+ # check that new net has the correct type
+ result, new_net = self.db.check_target_net(port_data['net_id'], None, 'external')
+ if result < 0:
+ raise ovimException(str(new_net), -result)
+ # insert in data base
+ db_filter = {}
+ if port_data.get('region'):
+ db_filter['region'] = port_data['region']
+ if port_data.get('pci'):
+ db_filter['pci'] = port_data['pci']
+ if port_data.get('compute_node'):
+ db_filter['compute_node'] = port_data['compute_node']
+ columns = ['ofc_id', 'switch_dpid', 'switch_port', 'switch_mac', 'pci']
+ port_mapping_data = self.get_of_port_mappings(columns, db_filter)
+ if not len(port_mapping_data):
+ raise ovimException("No port mapping founded for region='{}', compute id='{}' and pci='{}'".
+ format(db_filter['region'], db_filter['compute_node'], db_filter['pci']),
+ HTTP_Not_Found)
+ elif len(port_mapping_data) > 1:
+ raise ovimException("Wrong port data was given, please check pci, region & compute id data",
+ HTTP_Conflict)
+ port_data['ofc_id'] = port_mapping_data[0]['ofc_id']
+ port_data['switch_dpid'] = port_mapping_data[0]['switch_dpid']
+ port_data['switch_port'] = port_mapping_data[0]['switch_port']
+ port_data['switch_mac'] = port_mapping_data[0]['switch_mac']
+ # remove from compute_node, region and pci of_port_data to adapt to 'ports' structure
+ del port_data['compute_node']
+ del port_data['region']
+ del port_data['pci']
+ result, uuid = self.db.new_row('ports', port_data, True, True)
+ if result > 0:
+ if 'net_id' in port_data and port_data['ofc_id'] in self.config['ofcs_thread']:
+ r, c = self.config['ofcs_thread'][port_data['ofc_id']].insert_task("update-net", port_data['net_id'])
+ if r < 0:
+ message = "Cannot insert a task for updating network '$s' %s", port_data['net_id'], c
+ self.logger.error(message)
+ raise ovimException(message, HTTP_Internal_Server_Error)
+ return uuid
+ else:
+ raise ovimException(str(uuid), -result)
def delete_port(self, port_id):
# Look for the previous port data
result, ports = self.db.get_table(WHERE={'uuid': port_id, "type": "external"}, FROM='ports')