- Charts of selected VIM Resource type will change when a different type is selected.
- VIM resource overview shows 'No Data' content for invalid VIM account details.
- Added tooltip in VimAccountActions for VimResourcesOverview &
Change-Id: I45dcf504309f58a6c0345e0c01220ee392b37502
Signed-off-by: SANDHYA.JS <sandhya.j@tataelxsi.co.in>
<label for="vimList">{{'PAGE.VIMDETAILS.NAME' | translate}}</label>
<ng-select (change)="getSelectedVIMDetails($event)" [clearable]="false"
placeholder="{{'SELECT' | translate}}" [items]="vimList" bindLabel="name"
- bindValue="name" id="vimList"></ng-select>
+ bindValue="name" id="vimList" [(ngModel)]="vimListData"></ng-select>
- <app-resources-overview *ngIf="selectedVIMDetails !== null && selectedVIMDetails !== undefined"
+ <app-resources-overview *ngIf="selectedVIMDetails !== null && selectedVIMDetails !== undefined && vimListData !== null"
/** Array holds Vim data filtered with selected vimtype */
public vimList: VimAccountDetails[] = [];
+ /** Model value used to hold selected vimtype Data @public */
+ public vimListData: string;
/** List of color for Instances @private */
private backgroundColor: string[] = [];
public getSelectedVimTypeList(selectedVIMType: string): void {
this.vimList = this.vimData.filter((vimData: VimAccountDetails): boolean =>
vimData.vim_type === selectedVIMType);
+ if (this.vimList.length === 0) {
+ this.vimListData = null;
+ }
[ngbPopover]="graphContent" triggers="manual" #chart="ngbPopover"
(click)="chart.open()" [autoClose]="'outside'" [popoverTitle]="graphTitle" popoverClass="resources-chart-popover"
[disabled]="value.resources === null">
- <i class="fas fa-chart-pie"></i>
+ <i ngbTooltip="{{'PAGE.VIMDETAILS.VIMRESOURCES' | translate}}" class="fas fa-chart-pie"></i>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" (click)="vimInfo()" placement="top" container="body"
ngbTooltip="{{'INFO' | translate}}">
<button type="button" placement="left" container="body" [ngbPopover]="popContent" triggers="manual" #p="ngbPopover"
(click)="p.open()" [autoClose]="'outside'" [popoverTitle]="popTitle" class="btn btn-primary"
popoverClass="runninginstances" [disabled]="!showMapIcon">
- <i class="fas fa-layer-group"></i>
+ <i ngbTooltip="{{'PAGE.DASHBOARD.RUNNINGINSTANCES' | translate}}" class="fas fa-layer-group"></i>
\ No newline at end of file
+ <div class="no-data" *ngIf="list.values.total === 0 || list.values.total === null">
+ <h4><strong>{{'PAGE.VIMDETAILS.NODATA' | translate}}</strong></h4>
+ </div>
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title"><strong>{{list.title}}</strong></h5>
<p class="card-text">
.card-body {
@include padding-value(5, 5, 5, 10);
+ .no-data {
+ margin-bottom: 2.5rem;
+ margin-top: -1.5rem;
+ }
.switch {
@include position_value(relative, null, null, null, null);
"FREE": "Kostenlos",
"VIMRESOURCES": "Übersicht über die VIM-Ressourcen",
"DOUGHNUT": "Krapfen",
- "PIE": "Kuchen"
+ "PIE": "Kuchen",
+ "NODATA": "Keine Daten"
"CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "WIM erfolgreich erstellt",
"PACKAGES": "Packages",
"MODIFIED": "Modified",
"NODATAMSG": "No data available in table",
- "PRODUCTNAME":"Product Name",
+ "PRODUCTNAME": "Product Name",
"IDENTIFIER": "Identifier",
"DESCRIPTION": "Description",
"DESIGNER": "Designer",
"FREE": "Free",
"VIMRESOURCES": "VIM Resources Overview",
"DOUGHNUT": "Doughnut",
- "PIE": "Pie"
+ "PIE": "Pie",
+ "NODATA": "No Data"
"CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "WIM Created Successfully",
"FREE": "Libre",
"VIMRESOURCES": "Descripción general de los recursos de VIM",
"DOUGHNUT": "Rosquilla",
- "PIE": "Pastel"
+ "PIE": "Pastel",
+ "NODATA": "Sin datos"
"CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "WIM Creado correctamente",
"EDITOSMREPO": "Editar repositorios de OSM",
"OSMREPOTITLE": "Repositorio OSM registrado",
"CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "Repositorio OSM agregado correctamente",
- "UPDATEDSUCCESSFULLY" : "Repositorio OSM actualizado correctamente"
+ "UPDATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "Repositorio OSM actualizado correctamente"
"TITLE": "Tablero operativo",
"FREE": "Livre",
"VIMRESOURCES": "Visão geral dos recursos do VIM",
"DOUGHNUT": "rosquinha",
- "PIE": "torta"
+ "PIE": "torta",
+ "NODATA": "Sem dados"
"CREATEDSUCCESSFULLY": "WIM criado com sucesso",