Script utility to get options. Allow service-openvim init-openvim to manage both...
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1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 ##
5 # Copyright 2015 Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A.U.
6 # This file is part of openvim
7 # All Rights Reserved.
8 #
9 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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12 #
13 #
14 #
15 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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23 ##
25 '''
26 Implement the plugging for floodligth openflow controller
27 It creates the class OF_conn to create dataplane connections
28 with static rules based on packet destination MAC address
29 '''
31 __author__="Pablo Montes, Alfonso Tierno"
32 __date__ ="$28-oct-2014 12:07:15$"
35 import json
36 import requests
37 import logging
39 class OF_conn():
40 ''' Openflow Connector for Floodlight.
41 No MAC learning is used
42 version 0.9 or 1.X is autodetected
43 version 1.X is in progress, not finished!!!
44 '''
45 def __init__(self, params):
46 ''' Constructor.
47 params is a dictionay with the following keys:
48 of_dpid: DPID to use for this controller
49 of_ip: controller IP address
50 of_port: controller TCP port
51 of_version: version, can be "0.9" or "1.X". By default it is autodetected
52 of_debug: debug level for logging. Default to ERROR
53 other keys are ignored
54 Raise an exception if same parameter is missing or wrong
55 '''
56 #check params
57 if "of_ip" not in params or params["of_ip"]==None or "of_port" not in params or params["of_port"]==None:
58 raise ValueError("IP address and port must be provided")
60 = "Floodlight"
61 self.dpid = str(params["of_dpid"])
62 self.url = "http://%s:%s" %( str(params["of_ip"]), str(params["of_port"]) )
64 self.pp2ofi={} # From Physical Port to OpenFlow Index
65 self.ofi2pp={} # From OpenFlow Index to Physical Port
66 self.headers = {'content-type':'application/json', 'Accept':'application/json'}
67 self.version= None
68 self.logger = logging.getLogger('vim.OF.FL')
69 self.logger.setLevel( getattr(logging, params.get("of_debug", "ERROR") ) )
70 self._set_version(params.get("of_version") )
72 def _set_version(self, version):
73 '''set up a version of the controller.
74 Depending on the version it fills the self.ver_names with the naming used in this version
75 '''
76 #static version names
77 if version==None:
78 self.version= None
79 elif version=="0.9":
80 self.version= version
81 = "Floodlightv0.9"
82 self.ver_names={
83 "dpid": "dpid",
84 "URLmodifier": "staticflowentrypusher",
85 "destmac": "dst-mac",
86 "vlanid": "vlan-id",
87 "inport": "ingress-port",
88 "setvlan": "set-vlan-id",
89 "stripvlan": "strip-vlan",
90 }
91 elif version[0]=="1" : #version 1.X
92 self.version= version
93 = "Floodlightv1.X"
94 self.ver_names={
95 "dpid": "switchDPID",
96 "URLmodifier": "staticflowpusher",
97 "destmac": "eth_dst",
98 "vlanid": "eth_vlan_vid",
99 "inport": "in_port",
100 "setvlan": "set_vlan_vid",
101 "stripvlan": "strip_vlan",
102 }
103 else:
104 raise ValueError("Invalid version for floodlight controller")
106 def get_of_switches(self):
107 ''' Obtain a a list of switches or DPID detected by this controller
108 Return
109 >=0, list: list length, and a list where each element a tuple pair (DPID, IP address)
110 <0, text_error: if fails
111 '''
112 try:
113 of_response = requests.get(self.url+"/wm/core/controller/switches/json", headers=self.headers)
114 error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
115 if of_response.status_code != 200:
116 self.logger.warning("get_of_switches " + error_text)
117 return -1 , error_text
118 self.logger.debug("get_of_switches " + error_text)
119 info = of_response.json()
120 if type(info) != list and type(info) != tuple:
121 self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response not a list %s", str(type(info)))
122 return -1, "Unexpected response, not a list. Wrong version?"
123 if len(info)==0:
124 return 0, info
125 #autodiscover version
126 if self.version == None:
127 if 'dpid' in info[0] and 'inetAddress' in info[0]:
128 self._set_version("0.9")
129 elif 'switchDPID' in info[0] and 'inetAddress' in info[0]:
130 self._set_version("1.X")
131 else:
132 self.logger.error("get_of_switches. Unexpected response, not found 'dpid' or 'switchDPID' field: %s", str(info[0]))
133 return -1, "Unexpected response, not found 'dpid' or 'switchDPID' field. Wrong version?"
135 switch_list=[]
136 for switch in info:
137 switch_list.append( (switch[ self.ver_names["dpid"] ], switch['inetAddress']) )
138 return len(switch_list), switch_list
139 except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, ValueError) as e:
140 #ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
141 error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
142 self.logger.error("get_of_switches " + error_text)
143 return -1, error_text
145 def get_of_rules(self, translate_of_ports=True):
146 ''' Obtain the rules inserted at openflow controller
147 Params:
148 translate_of_ports: if True it translates ports from openflow index to physical switch name
149 Return:
150 0, dict if ok: with the rule name as key and value is another dictionary with the following content:
151 priority: rule priority
152 name: rule name (present also as the master dict key)
153 ingress_port: match input port of the rule
154 dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
155 vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, can be missing or None if not apply
156 actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples:
157 (vlan, None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
158 (out, port): send to this port
159 switch: DPID, all
160 -1, text_error if fails
161 '''
163 #get translation, autodiscover version
164 if len(self.ofi2pp) == 0:
165 r,c = self.obtain_port_correspondence()
166 if r<0:
167 return r,c
168 #get rules
169 try:
170 of_response = requests.get(self.url+"/wm/%s/list/%s/json" %(self.ver_names["URLmodifier"], self.dpid),
171 headers=self.headers)
172 error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
173 if of_response.status_code != 200:
174 self.logger.warning("get_of_rules " + error_text)
175 return -1 , error_text
176 self.logger.debug("get_of_rules " + error_text)
177 info = of_response.json()
178 if type(info) != dict:
179 self.logger.error("get_of_rules. Unexpected response not a dict %s", str(type(info)))
180 return -1, "Unexpected response, not a dict. Wrong version?"
181 rule_dict={}
182 for switch,switch_info in info.iteritems():
183 if switch_info == None:
184 continue
185 if str(switch) != self.dpid:
186 continue
187 for name,details in switch_info.iteritems():
188 rule = {}
189 rule["switch"] = str(switch)
190 #rule["active"] = "true"
191 rule["priority"] = int(details["priority"])
192 if self.version[0]=="0":
193 if translate_of_ports:
194 rule["ingress_port"] = self.ofi2pp[ details["match"]["inputPort"] ]
195 else:
196 rule["ingress_port"] = str(details["match"]["inputPort"])
197 dst_mac = details["match"]["dataLayerDestination"]
198 if dst_mac != "00:00:00:00:00:00":
199 rule["dst_mac"] = dst_mac
200 vlan = details["match"]["dataLayerVirtualLan"]
201 if vlan != -1:
202 rule["vlan_id"] = vlan
203 actionlist=[]
204 for action in details["actions"]:
205 if action["type"]=="OUTPUT":
206 if translate_of_ports:
207 port = self.ofi2pp[ action["port"] ]
208 else:
209 port = action["port"]
210 actionlist.append( ("out", port) )
211 elif action["type"]=="STRIP_VLAN":
212 actionlist.append( ("vlan",None) )
213 elif action["type"]=="SET_VLAN_ID":
214 actionlist.append( ("vlan", action["virtualLanIdentifier"]) )
215 else:
216 actionlist.append( (action["type"], str(action) ))
217 self.logger.warning("get_of_rules() Unknown action in rule %s: %s", rule["name"], str(action))
218 rule["actions"] = actionlist
219 elif self.version[0]=="1":
220 if translate_of_ports:
221 rule["ingress_port"] = self.ofi2pp[ details["match"]["in_port"] ]
222 else:
223 rule["ingress_port"] = details["match"]["in_port"]
224 if "eth_dst" in details["match"]:
225 dst_mac = details["match"]["eth_dst"]
226 if dst_mac != "00:00:00:00:00:00":
227 rule["dst_mac"] = dst_mac
228 if "eth_vlan_vid" in details["match"]:
229 vlan = int(details["match"]["eth_vlan_vid"],16) & 0xFFF
230 rule["vlan_id"] = str(vlan)
231 actionlist=[]
232 for action in details["instructions"]["instruction_apply_actions"]:
233 if action=="output":
234 if translate_of_ports:
235 port = self.ofi2pp[ details["instructions"]["instruction_apply_actions"]["output"] ]
236 else:
237 port = details["instructions"]["instruction_apply_actions"]["output"]
238 actionlist.append( ("out",port) )
239 elif action=="strip_vlan":
240 actionlist.append( ("vlan",None) )
241 elif action=="set_vlan_vid":
242 actionlist.append( ("vlan", details["instructions"]["instruction_apply_actions"]["set_vlan_vid"]) )
243 else:
244 self.logger.error("get_of_rules Unknown action in rule %s: %s", rule["name"], str(action))
245 #actionlist.append( (action, str(details["instructions"]["instruction_apply_actions"]) ))
246 rule_dict[str(name)] = rule
247 return 0, rule_dict
248 except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, ValueError) as e:
249 #ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
250 error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
251 self.logger.error("get_of_rules " + error_text)
252 return -1, error_text
254 def obtain_port_correspondence(self):
255 '''Obtain the correspondence between physical and openflow port names
256 return:
257 0, dictionary: with physical name as key, openflow name as value
258 -1, error_text: if fails
259 '''
260 try:
261 of_response = requests.get(self.url+"/wm/core/controller/switches/json", headers=self.headers)
262 #print vim_response.status_code
263 error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
264 if of_response.status_code != 200:
265 self.logger.warning("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
266 return -1 , error_text
267 self.logger.debug("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
268 info = of_response.json()
270 if type(info) != list and type(info) != tuple:
271 return -1, "unexpected openflow response, not a list. Wrong version?"
273 index = -1
274 if len(info)>0:
275 #autodiscover version
276 if self.version == None:
277 if 'dpid' in info[0] and 'ports' in info[0]:
278 self._set_version("0.9")
279 elif 'switchDPID' in info[0]:
280 self._set_version("1.X")
281 else:
282 return -1, "unexpected openflow response, Wrong version?"
284 for i in range(0,len(info)):
285 if info[i][ self.ver_names["dpid"] ] == self.dpid:
286 index = i
287 break
288 if index == -1:
289 text = "DPID '"+self.dpid+"' not present in controller "+self.url
290 #print, ": get_of_controller_info ERROR", text
291 return -1, text
292 else:
293 if self.version[0]=="0":
294 ports = info[index]["ports"]
295 else: #version 1.X
296 of_response = requests.get(self.url+"/wm/core/switch/%s/port-desc/json" %self.dpid, headers=self.headers)
297 #print vim_response.status_code
298 error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
299 if of_response.status_code != 200:
300 self.logger.warning("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
301 return -1 , error_text
302 self.logger.debug("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
303 info = of_response.json()
304 if type(info) != dict:
305 return -1, "unexpected openflow port-desc response, not a dict. Wrong version?"
306 if "portDesc" not in info:
307 return -1, "unexpected openflow port-desc response, 'portDesc' not found. Wrong version?"
308 if type(info["portDesc"]) != list and type(info["portDesc"]) != tuple:
309 return -1, "unexpected openflow port-desc response at 'portDesc', not a list. Wrong version?"
310 ports = info["portDesc"]
311 for port in ports:
312 self.pp2ofi[ str(port["name"]) ] = str(port["portNumber"] )
313 self.ofi2pp[ port["portNumber"]] = str(port["name"])
314 #print, ": get_of_controller_info ports:", self.pp2ofi
315 return 0, self.pp2ofi
316 except (requests.exceptions.RequestException, ValueError) as e:
317 #ValueError in the case that JSON can not be decoded
318 error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
319 self.logger.error("obtain_port_correspondence " + error_text)
320 return -1, error_text
322 def del_flow(self, flow_name):
323 ''' Delete an existing rule
324 Params: flow_name, this is the rule name
325 Return
326 0, None if ok
327 -1, text_error if fails
328 '''
329 #autodiscover version
330 if self.version == None:
331 r,c = self.get_of_switches()
332 if r<0:
333 return r,c
334 elif r==0:
335 return -1, "No dpid found "
336 try:
337 of_response = requests.delete(self.url+"/wm/%s/json" % self.ver_names["URLmodifier"],
338 headers=self.headers, data='{"switch":"%s","name":"%s"}' %(self.dpid, flow_name)
339 )
340 error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
341 if of_response.status_code != 200:
342 self.logger.warning("del_flow " + error_text)
343 return -1 , error_text
344 self.logger.debug("del_flow OK " + error_text)
345 return 0, None
347 except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
348 error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
349 self.logger.error("del_flow " + error_text)
350 return -1, error_text
352 def new_flow(self, data):
353 ''' Insert a new static rule
354 Params: data: dictionary with the following content:
355 priority: rule priority
356 name: rule name
357 ingress_port: match input port of the rule
358 dst_mac: match destination mac address of the rule, missing or None if not apply
359 vlan_id: match vlan tag of the rule, missing or None if not apply
360 actions: list of actions, composed by a pair tuples with these posibilities:
361 ('vlan', None/int): for stripping/setting a vlan tag
362 ('out', port): send to this port
363 Return
364 0, None if ok
365 -1, text_error if fails
366 '''
367 #get translation, autodiscover version
368 if len(self.pp2ofi) == 0:
369 r,c = self.obtain_port_correspondence()
370 if r<0:
371 return r,c
372 try:
373 #We have to build the data for the floodlight call from the generic data
374 sdata = {'active': "true", "name":data["name"]}
375 if data.get("priority"):
376 sdata["priority"] = str(data["priority"])
377 if data.get("vlan_id"):
378 sdata[ self.ver_names["vlanid"] ] = data["vlan_id"]
379 if data.get("dst_mac"):
380 sdata[ self.ver_names["destmac"] ] = data["dst_mac"]
381 sdata['switch'] = self.dpid
382 if not data['ingress_port'] in self.pp2ofi:
383 error_text = 'Error. Port '+data['ingress_port']+' is not present in the switch'
384 self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
385 return -1, error_text
387 sdata[ self.ver_names["inport"] ] = self.pp2ofi[data['ingress_port']]
388 sdata['actions'] = ""
390 for action in data['actions']:
391 if len(sdata['actions']) > 0:
392 sdata['actions'] += ','
393 if action[0] == "vlan":
394 if action[1]==None:
395 sdata['actions'] += self.ver_names["stripvlan"]
396 else:
397 sdata['actions'] += self.ver_names["setvlan"] + "=" + str(action[1])
398 elif action[0] == 'out':
399 sdata['actions'] += "output=" + self.pp2ofi[ action[1] ]
402 of_response ="/wm/%s/json" % self.ver_names["URLmodifier"],
403 headers=self.headers, data=json.dumps(sdata) )
404 error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
405 if of_response.status_code != 200:
406 self.logger.warning("new_flow " + error_text)
407 return -1 , error_text
408 self.logger.debug("new_flow OK" + error_text)
409 return 0, None
411 except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
412 error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
413 self.logger.error("new_flow " + error_text)
414 return -1, error_text
416 def clear_all_flows(self):
417 ''' Delete all existing rules
418 Return:
419 0, None if ok
420 -1, text_error if fails
421 '''
422 #autodiscover version
423 if self.version == None:
424 r,c = self.get_of_switches()
425 if r<0:
426 return r,c
427 elif r==0: #empty
428 return 0, None
429 try:
430 url = self.url+"/wm/%s/clear/%s/json" % (self.ver_names["URLmodifier"], self.dpid)
431 of_response = requests.get(url )
432 error_text = "Openflow response %d: %s" % (of_response.status_code, of_response.text)
433 if of_response.status_code < 200 or of_response.status_code >= 300:
434 self.logger.warning("clear_all_flows " + error_text)
435 return -1 , error_text
436 self.logger.debug("clear_all_flows OK " + error_text)
437 return 0, None
438 except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
439 error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
440 self.logger.error("clear_all_flows " + error_text)
441 return -1, error_text