Unify ssh_command. Allow remote ssh with paramiko and localhost with subprocess
[osm/openvim.git] / Jenkinsfile
1 pipeline {
2         agent {
3                 label "pipeline"
4         }
5         stages {
6                 stage("Build") {
7                         agent {
8                                 dockerfile true
9                         }
10                         steps {
11                                 sh 'make package'
12                                 stash name: "deb-files", includes: ".build/*.deb"
13                         }
14                 }
15                 stage("Unittest") {
16                         agent {
17                                 dockerfile true
18                         }
19                         steps {
20                                 sh 'echo "UNITTEST"'
21                         }
22                 }
23                 stage("Repo Component") {
24                         agent any
25                         steps {
26                                 unstash "deb-files"
27                                 sh '''
28                                         mkdir -p pool/openvim
29                                         mv .build/*.deb pool/openvim/
30                                         mkdir -p dists/ReleaseOne/unstable/openvim/binary-amd64/
31                                         apt-ftparchive packages pool/openvim > dists/ReleaseOne/unstable/openvim/binary-amd64/Packages
32                                         gzip -9fk dists/ReleaseOne/unstable/openvim/binary-amd64/Packages
33                                         '''
34                                 archiveArtifacts artifacts: "dists/**,pool/openvim/*.deb"
35                         }
36                 }
37         }
38 }