
List of Authors

AuthorDomainCommits (%)+ lines- linesFirst commitLast commitAgeActive days# by commits
tiernotelefonica.com407 (42.35%)59354251212016-03-172020-12-171736 days, 15:01:382891
garciadeblastelefonica.com145 (15.09%)715526872016-05-062024-09-173056 days, 3:00:511032
sousaeducanonical.com37 (3.85%)68517579062021-01-152022-01-25375 days, 1:56:51303
kasarvmware.com28 (2.91%)547725602017-03-152019-03-20734 days, 19:11:43274
aticigcanonical.com23 (2.39%)44597222021-12-102022-09-03267 days, 11:07:17215
Gulsum Aticicanonical.com22 (2.29%)1992261192022-10-252023-06-19236 days, 15:14:39216
lloretgallegindra.es20 (2.08%)326120852019-10-292021-04-23542 days, 1:31:20197
katevmware.com13 (1.35%)24412802016-12-152017-09-06264 days, 22:13:48108
bhangarevmware.com13 (1.35%)20306392016-12-242017-10-05284 days, 21:56:24119
Pablo Montes Morenotelefonica.com12 (1.25%)37181872017-02-272017-07-03125 days, 22:11:201110
Anderson (1.25%)1064623442018-08-172020-03-12572 days, 21:15:131011
Adam Israelcanonical.com11 (1.14%)240912792016-10-042018-04-18560 days, 22:10:55812
gcalvinoaltran.com10 (1.04%)4551582017-09-222018-12-17451 days, 2:09:42913
bayramovvmware.com10 (1.04%)49408682016-09-082016-10-0426 days, 8:28:21414
Ravi Chamartyriftio.com10 (1.04%)3961072018-10-072019-06-05241 days, 1:20:55915
gallardoindra.es8 (0.83%)26973312021-10-082022-03-22165 days, 4:09:51816
Eduardo Sousacanonical.com8 (0.83%)3271912018-09-032019-06-27297 days, 0:11:35817
montesmorenotelefonica.com7 (0.73%)830542016-12-222017-10-02284 days, 5:02:42718 (0.73%)960232022-04-282024-05-08740 days, 22:09:42519
Gabriel Cubawhitestack.com7 (0.73%)4284202022-08-202023-08-08353 days, 0:20:26620
calvinosanchaltran.com5 (0.52%)3392552019-07-242019-11-07105 days, 23:01:34521
beierlvmware.com5 (0.52%)123211922019-07-152019-12-12150 days, 2:29:27522
almagiaetsi.org5 (0.52%)43482512016-03-182023-02-062516 days, 0:47:04523
aguilardtelefonica.com5 (0.52%)210172023-10-052023-11-0228 days, 1:39:33524
S237035atos.net5 (0.52%)3353612020-04-172020-07-1689 days, 17:01:16525
Mike Marchettisandvine.com5 (0.52%)58472017-05-022017-07-0563 days, 20:27:34326
Ananda Baitharuriftio.com5 (0.52%)164342019-01-142019-06-18155 days, 1:47:39527
anwarsvmware.com4 (0.42%)3332652018-09-282019-05-06219 days, 19:22:54428
ahmadsaxflowresearch.com4 (0.42%)960672016-11-302017-04-21141 days, 22:03:17429
Luis Vegawhitestack.com4 (0.42%)180672023-07-262023-12-01127 days, 3:13:00430
pajaresmartitelefonica.com3 (0.31%)1292019-06-202019-08-2969 days, 22:10:10331 (0.31%)231202023-11-062024-06-27233 days, 21:18:18332
gifrerenomcttc.es3 (0.31%)2030112022-03-072023-04-18406 days, 23:43:22233
gaticicanonical.com3 (0.31%)7035122023-07-252023-07-315 days, 15:28:13334 (0.31%)38222023-11-092024-06-03207 days, 1:57:03235
beierlmcanonical.com3 (0.31%)74582021-04-192022-01-13268 days, 21:39:43336
baldoniadlinktech.com3 (0.31%)10321432019-03-272020-06-12443 days, 4:38:16337
albertofloreztelefonica.com3 (0.31%)34242018-04-202019-07-08444 days, 12:35:56338
Vance Shipleysigscale.org3 (0.31%)1492017-05-112017-05-122:04:07239
Igor D.Cintel.com3 (0.31%)1206552017-10-122017-11-0625 days, 0:54:27340
Benjamin Diazwhitestack.com3 (0.31%)437832019-05-092019-12-10214 days, 21:47:56341
Alexis Romeroindra.es3 (0.31%)574112022-03-112022-05-1261 days, 19:22:36342
vegallwhitestack.com2 (0.21%)632632023-03-172023-06-0175 days, 15:37:54243 (0.21%)669872022-05-052022-10-13160 days, 17:28:09244
shashankjainvmware.com2 (0.21%)74362018-09-282018-10-046 days, 1:06:43245
seryiogmail.com2 (0.21%)43732019-05-232019-05-295 days, 18:25:35246
schillingemail.uni-paderborn.de2 (0.21%)152019-01-242019-03-2156 days, 13:01:53247 (0.21%)2542022-01-202022-01-254 days, 21:45:40248
peralesatos.net2 (0.21%)2120532020-01-172020-04-1588 days, 19:11:39249
palaciosjindra.es2 (0.21%)639182022-02-242022-05-0570 days, 3:53:37250

These didn't make it to the top: kbsub, jomacarpe, fatollahy, bse, Wesley Hirsch, Rahul Kumar, Mark Beierl, Lovejeet Singh, Igor Duarte Cardoso, Gennadiy Dubina, Francisco Garcia Alvarez, David García, venkatamahesh, uniyalna, sbhangare, sasiain, rodriguezgar, rahulkumarr, rahul, papageorgio1, mirabal, marchettim, limon, kokardekar, k4.rahul, jamartinezv, gonzalezdedi, fantom, dhumal, dborsatti,, bravof, borsatti, Venkata Harshavardhan Reddy Allu, Pedro Escaleira, Patricia Reinoso, Michael Marchetti, Guillermo Calvino, David Garcia, Adurti

Cumulated Added Lines of Code per Author

Lines of code per Author

Only top 50 authors shown

Commits per Author

Commits per Author

Only top 50 authors shown

Author of Month

MonthAuthorCommits (%)Next top 5Number of authors
2024-09garciadeblas1 (100.00% of 1)1
2024-08garciadeblas3 (100.00% of 3)1
2024-06deepika.e2 (50.00% of 4)rahulkumarr, kayal20013
2024-05garciadeblas1 (50.00% of 2)elumalai2
2024-04garciadeblas2 (66.67% of 3)uniyalna2
2024-03kayal20011 (50.00% of 2)Adurti2
2023-12garciadeblas1 (50.00% of 2)Luis Vega2
2023-11Rahul Kumar2 (40.00% of 5)kayal2001, deepika.e, aguilard4
2023-10aguilard4 (66.67% of 6)garciadeblas, Luis Vega3
2023-09garciadeblas2 (100.00% of 2)1
2023-08rahul1 (33.33% of 3)Luis Vega, Gabriel Cuba3
2023-07gatici3 (42.86% of 7)limon, garciadeblas, Mark Beierl, Luis Vega5
2023-06vegall1 (25.00% of 4)Patricia Reinoso, Gulsum Atici, Gabriel Cuba4
2023-05Gulsum Atici4 (80.00% of 5)Lovejeet Singh2
2023-04elumalai4 (57.14% of 7)garciadeblas, gifrerenom3
2023-03Gabriel Cuba2 (50.00% of 4)vegall, Gulsum Atici3
2023-02Gulsum Atici4 (44.44% of 9)garciadeblas, almagia, Pedro Escaleira, Lovejeet Singh, Gabriel Cuba6
2023-01Gulsum Atici4 (100.00% of 4)1
2022-12Gulsum Atici1 (50.00% of 2)Gabriel Cuba2
2022-11Gulsum Atici5 (100.00% of 5)1
2022-10Gulsum Atici2 (66.67% of 3)sritharan2
2022-09aticig2 (100.00% of 2)1
2022-08Guillermo Calvino1 (50.00% of 2)Gabriel Cuba2
2022-07aticig2 (66.67% of 3)Mark Beierl2
2022-06aticig8 (66.67% of 12)garciadeblas, elumalai3
2022-05aticig6 (54.55% of 11)sritharan, rodriguezgar, palaciosj, k4.rahul, Alexis Romero6
2022-04elumalai1 (50.00% of 2)Alexis Romero2
2022-03aticig3 (33.33% of 9)gifrerenom, gallardo, garciadeblas, Alexis Romero5
2022-02palaciosj1 (50.00% of 2)gallardo2
2022-01gallardo3 (33.33% of 9)sousaedu, preethika.p, beierlm, aticig5
2021-12sousaedu4 (66.67% of 6)aticig, almagia3
2021-11sousaedu11 (84.62% of 13)garciadeblas, gallardo3
2021-10garciadeblas1 (50.00% of 2)gallardo2
2021-08sousaedu1 (100.00% of 1)1
2021-07sousaedu1 (100.00% of 1)1
2021-06sousaedu1 (100.00% of 1)1
2021-05garciadeblas3 (50.00% of 6)sousaedu, almagia3
2021-04sousaedu7 (70.00% of 10)beierlm, lloretgalleg3
2021-03sousaedu3 (75.00% of 4)lloretgalleg2
2021-02sousaedu4 (66.67% of 6)lloretgalleg2
2021-01sousaedu1 (100.00% of 1)1
2020-12tierno5 (83.33% of 6)lloretgalleg2
2020-11tierno2 (100.00% of 2)1
2020-10tierno4 (66.67% of 6), bravof3
2020-09tierno2 (66.67% of 3)garciadeblas2
2020-08tierno4 (100.00% of 4)1
2020-07tierno8 (80.00% of 10)lloretgalleg, S2370353
2020-06tierno5 (38.46% of 13)lloretgalleg, garciadeblas, bse, baldoni, S2370356
2020-05lloretgalleg4 (36.36% of 11)tierno, garciadeblas, S2370354
2020-04tierno10 (62.50% of 16)garciadeblas, S237035, perales, papageorgio15
2020-03tierno8 (72.73% of 11)Francisco Garcia Alvarez, Anderson Bravalheri3
2020-02garciadeblas2 (100.00% of 2)1
2020-01tierno3 (33.33% of 9)lloretgalleg, perales, garciadeblas, David Garcia5
2019-12tierno8 (38.10% of 21)garciadeblas, beierl, lloretgalleg, kbsub, dborsatti8
2019-11tierno9 (52.94% of 17)lloretgalleg, garciadeblas, fantom, calvinosanch, baldoni7
2019-10tierno3 (50.00% of 6)lloretgalleg, kbsub, calvinosanch4
2019-09tierno2 (100.00% of 2)1
2019-08calvinosanch2 (50.00% of 4)pajaresmarti, jamartinezv3
2019-07tierno6 (54.55% of 11)sasiain, pajaresmarti, calvinosanch, beierl, albertoflorez6
2019-06tierno4 (36.36% of 11)Ananda Baitharu, pajaresmarti, jomacarpe, Ravi Chamarty, Eduardo Sousa7
2019-05tierno10 (62.50% of 16)seryio, anwars, Benjamin Diaz, Anderson Bravalheri, Ananda Baitharu6
2019-04tierno7 (77.78% of 9)garciadeblas, anwars3
2019-03tierno5 (38.46% of 13)kasar, garciadeblas, schillinge, baldoni, Venkata Harshavardhan Reddy Allu7
2019-02tierno2 (25.00% of 8)fatollahy, Anderson Bravalheri, albertoflorez, Eduardo Sousa5
2019-01tierno6 (54.55% of 11)schillinge, gonzalezdedi, garciadeblas, David García, Ananda Baitharu6
2018-12tierno7 (46.67% of 15)Anderson Bravalheri, garciadeblas, gcalvino, Eduardo Sousa, David García6
2018-11tierno7 (43.75% of 16)gcalvino, Anderson Bravalheri, Eduardo Sousa, Ravi Chamarty5
2018-10Ravi Chamarty8 (40.00% of 20)tierno, garciadeblas, shashankjain, kokardekar, kasar8
2018-09tierno6 (54.55% of 11)Eduardo Sousa, shashankjain, garciadeblas, anwars5
2018-08tierno4 (57.14% of 7)kasar, Michael Marchetti, Anderson Bravalheri4
2018-07tierno6 (100.00% of 6)1
2018-06tierno4 (57.14% of 7)garciadeblas, sbhangare3
2018-05tierno14 (70.00% of 20)kasar, garciadeblas3
2018-04tierno11 (61.11% of 18)Adam Israel, garciadeblas, albertoflorez4
2018-03tierno4 (66.67% of 6)kasar, Adam Israel3
2018-02tierno6 (50.00% of 12)gcalvino, garciadeblas, jomacarpe, Adam Israel5
2018-01tierno6 (75.00% of 8)kasar2
2017-12garciadeblas2 (50.00% of 4)tierno, gcalvino3
2017-11tierno7 (70.00% of 10)garciadeblas, dhumal, Igor D.C4
2017-10tierno19 (76.00% of 25)gcalvino, Igor D.C, montesmoreno, bhangare5
2017-09tierno7 (38.89% of 18)garciadeblas, Wesley Hirsch, marchettim, kate, gcalvino7
2017-08tierno7 (46.67% of 15)kasar, montesmoreno, Igor Duarte Cardoso, kate5
2017-07tierno10 (47.62% of 21)kasar, garciadeblas, montesmoreno, mirabal, bhangare8
2017-06tierno13 (56.52% of 23)kasar, Mike Marchetti, kate, garciadeblas, bhangare7
2017-05tierno17 (62.96% of 27)Vance Shipley, kasar, Pablo Montes Moreno, kate, garciadeblas7
2017-04garciadeblas28 (53.85% of 52)tierno, kate, Gennadiy Dubina, ahmadsa, Pablo Montes Moreno6
2017-03garciadeblas6 (24.00% of 25)Pablo Montes Moreno, tierno, kasar, bhangare, kate6
2017-02tierno5 (50.00% of 10)garciadeblas, bhangare, Pablo Montes Moreno4
2017-01tierno20 (52.63% of 38)garciadeblas, bhangare, kate, montesmoreno, venkatamahesh7
2016-12tierno9 (52.94% of 17)kate, bhangare, montesmoreno, ahmadsa5
2016-11tierno7 (63.64% of 11)garciadeblas, ahmadsa, Adam Israel4
2016-10tierno12 (52.17% of 23)garciadeblas, bayramov, Adam Israel4
2016-09tierno22 (50.00% of 44)garciadeblas, bayramov3
2016-08tierno4 (66.67% of 6)garciadeblas2
2016-07tierno25 (92.59% of 27)garciadeblas2
2016-06garciadeblas2 (100.00% of 2)1
2016-05garciadeblas4 (66.67% of 6)tierno, almagia3
2016-03tierno2 (66.67% of 3)almagia2

Author of Year

YearAuthorCommits (%)Next top 5Number of authors
2024garciadeblas7 (46.67% of 15)kayal2001, deepika.e, uniyalna, rahulkumarr, elumalai7
2023Gulsum Atici14 (24.14% of 58)garciadeblas, aguilard, Gabriel Cuba, elumalai, Luis Vega19
2022aticig22 (35.48% of 62)Gulsum Atici, gallardo, garciadeblas, Alexis Romero, sritharan17
2021sousaedu35 (68.63% of 51)garciadeblas, lloretgalleg, gallardo, beierlm, almagia7
2020tierno54 (58.06% of 93)lloretgalleg, garciadeblas, S237035, perales, bse13
2019tierno62 (48.06% of 129)garciadeblas, lloretgalleg, calvinosanch, beierl, Ananda Baitharu28
2018tierno80 (54.79% of 146)garciadeblas, kasar, Ravi Chamarty, Anderson Bravalheri, gcalvino16
2017tierno129 (48.13% of 268)garciadeblas, kasar, Pablo Montes Moreno, kate, bhangare20
2016tierno82 (58.99% of 139)garciadeblas, bayramov, Adam Israel, kate, bhangare9

Commits by Domains

DomainsTotal (%)
telefonica.com585 (60.87%)
canonical.com105 (10.93%)
vmware.com78 (8.12%)
indra.es30 (3.12%) (2.60%)
whitestack.com22 (2.29%)
riftio.com19 (1.98%)
altran.com16 (1.66%) (1.25%)
atos.net9 (0.94%)
Commits by Domains