@@ -64,7 +64,13 @@ tar -cvzf fb_magma_knf.tar.gz fb_magma_knf/
@@ -64,7 +64,13 @@ tar -cvzf fb_magma_knf.tar.gz fb_magma_knf/
## Launching the KNF Package
## Launching the KNF Package
To launch the KNF package, you need to first include it into a NS Package, let's create one through a YAML file under the following structure.
To launch the KNF package, you need to first add the repository that contains the Helm chart.
osm repo-add --type helm-chart --description "Repository for Facebook Magma helm Chart" magma https://felipevicens.github.io/fb-magma-helm-chart/
Now, include the KNF into a NS Package, let's create one through a YAML file under the following structure.
@@ -105,7 +111,14 @@ Package your NS:
@@ -105,7 +111,14 @@ Package your NS:
tar -cvzf fb_magma_ns.tar.gz fb_magma_ns/
tar -cvzf fb_magma_ns.tar.gz fb_magma_ns/
With both descriptors ready, the package can be tested over any given K8s Cluster registed to OSM. For details on how to register a K8s Cluster, visit the [user guide](https://osm.etsi.org/docs/user-guide/05-osm-usage.html#using-kubernetes-based-vnfs-knfs)
With both packages ready, upload them to OSM:
osm nfpkg-create fb_magma_knf.tar.gz
osm nspkg-create fb_magma_ns.tar.gz
And finally the package can be tested over any given K8s Cluster registed to OSM. For details on how to register a K8s Cluster, visit the [user guide](https://osm.etsi.org/docs/user-guide/05-osm-usage.html#using-kubernetes-based-vnfs-knfs)
osm ns-create --ns_name magma_orc8r --nsd_name fb_magma_ns --vim_account <vim_name>
osm ns-create --ns_name magma_orc8r --nsd_name fb_magma_ns --vim_account <vim_name>
@@ -137,5 +150,51 @@ Visit the dashboard with HTTPS and access it with user `admin@magma.test` (passw
@@ -137,5 +150,51 @@ Visit the dashboard with HTTPS and access it with user `admin@magma.test` (passw
Stay tuned for the addition of Day-1 primitives !
Stay tuned for the addition of Day-1 primitives in order to auto-configure the Orc8r !
## Testing functionality
We have prepared a modified Magma AGW, which is a Mobile Packet Core in a single VM, in order to test it together with its Orchestrator (Orc8r KNF)
The image will be provided here soon (TODO: Share Magma 1.0.1 + tools image)
Steps for testing are:
1. Download the Magma AGW 1.0.1 VNF Packages and upload them to OSM
2. Prepare a ‘params.yaml’ file with instantiation-time parameters to self register the AGW to your Orchestrator. Populate it with your preferred values, except for the Orc8r IP address, which should match the orc8r_proxy exposed service.
- member-vnf-index: '1'
agw_id: 'agw_01'
agw_name: 'AGW01'
orch_ip: '' ## change this to the MetalLB IP address of your orc8r_proxy service.
orch_net: 'osmnet'
3. Launch the AGW.
osm ns-create --ns_name agw01 --nsd_name magma-agw_nsd --vim_account <vim_account> --config_file params.yaml
4. Monitor the OSM proxy charms, they take care of auto-registering the AGW with the Orchestrator.
juju switch <ns_id>
juju status
5. When finished, the Magma Orchestrator dashboard will show the registered AGW01. You are ready to integrate some eNodeBs! (emulators to be provided soon)