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Snippets Groups Projects
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  • Bug1321/Reformat_slices_descriptors
  • EPA04_packages
  • K8s_03-robot
  • O-RAN
  • SA-05_packages
  • Tests_SA_05-06_packages
  • add-helm-proxy-charms
  • add-squid-metric-packages
  • add-webinar-packages
  • alternative-images
  • autoheal
  • azure
  • beierlm-master-patch-19980
  • beierlm-master-patch-30218
  • beierlm-master-patch-38653
  • beierlm-master-patch-76780
  • beierlm-squid-rename
  • cherry-pick-ccfeecd5
  • cherry-pick-ccfeecd5-2
  • debug-magma-helm
  • OSM-IM
21 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.028Mar14136426Feb139Jan3Dec227Nov262026Sep18Jul425Jun19189May18Apr21Mar1513726Feb9818Dec171265429Nov232220151472Oct5Jul27Jun168763230May29252419119414Feb9811Jan13Dec9819Nov14428Oct191817151412118422Sep2115141312919Aug1826Jul19429Jun23201587125May181312116429Apr28222186529Mar2521181715728Feb2526Jan242126Dec1024Nov231094314Oct630Sep2720181715146331Aug38Jul123Jun2218113131May282625241220Apr191613128730Mar2625231615119865432126Feb2524211918161554326Jan1316Dec151411109330Nov2928272625242218171627Oct925Sep231510876543213Aug12111031Jul30292420171615141098767676767632127Jun2623221917155432131May29Update jenkins OKA to include patch for helm repomastermasterFix gitlab-ci.yml to remove non-working exits during copy to the FTPfix-publish-cat…fix-publish-catalogFix gitlab-ci.yml to exit if a sftp step failswqFix gitlab-ci.yml to exit if any step in the copy to the FTP failsFix typos in put ftp commands in gitlab-ci.yamlFix publish jobs in gitlab-ci.yml to guarantee full replace in FTPRemove testapp OKAMerge branch 'update-okas' into 'master'Add namespace oka and update jenkins and testacme okas to follow best practicesUpdate namespace in kustomizations of jenkins and testacme OKAUpdate jenkins OKA and add testacme and testapp OKAsMerge branch 'mongo_ee' into 'master'Added a VNF Package with Execution environment and KDUmongo_eemongo_eeMerge branch 'feature11048' into 'master'Feature 11048: Publication of OSM packages as public VNF catalogAdd wget deb package to publish-repository pipelineAdding examples of OKA packagesMerge branch 'update-gitlabci' into 'master'Add Keda OKApoc-osm-ltvpoc-osm-ltvAdd new examples of OKAFeature 11016: Add nsd and vnfd descriptor for testing Service KPI Metric Based Scaling of VNF using exporter endpoint in NGSAservice_kpi_nsd…service_kpi_nsd_and_vnfdThis nsd and vnfs can be used to test Service KPI based scaling featThis nsd and vnfs can be used to test Service KPI based scaling featNew OKA package for jenkinsRename ksupkgs folder to okaMerge branch 'master' into poc-osm-ltvAdd scripts and README to setup SLICES Hackfest environmentAdd example of KSUpackage for crossplaneUpdate fb_magma_knf to fix issues in orc8r helm chartdebug-magma-helmdebug-magma-helmUpload DescriptorsO-RANO-RANAdd O-RAN packages to the repoUpdate hackfest_vyos_vnf descriptor to pass IM validationvyos_updatevyos_updateMerge branch 'hackfest15_charmed_osm' into 'master'Rename Hackfest_Demos folder to HackfestsUpdate README on how to get public cloud image names for VNF packagesUpdate aws alternative image for hackfest_basic_vnfPushing modified helm charts for crossplane AWS tested in AWS env, please reviewNew VNF and NS packages to test healing in OSMUpdate crossplane-aws helm chart to fit to superchart parent valuesMerge branch 'fix_helm_oci' into 'master'