Commit e5c311d2 authored by Mark Beierl's avatar Mark Beierl
Browse files

Change descriptor names

Updates the VNF and NS ids so they are unique to this package
parent 5fedfaf3
Pipeline #6817 failed with stage
in 1 minute and 21 seconds
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ vnfd:
- id: mgmt-ext
k8s-cluster-net: mgmtnet
id: openldap_knf
id: openldap_primitives_knf
- id: mgmtnet
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ vnfd:
- name: stable-openldap
mgmt-cp: mgmt-ext
product-name: openldap_knf
product-name: openldap_primitives_knf
provider: Telefonica
version: 1.0
......@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ nsd:
- constituent-base-element-id: openldap
constituent-cpd-id: mgmt-ext
virtual-link-profile-id: mgmtnet
vnfd-id: openldap_knf
id: openldap_ns
name: openldap_ns
vnfd-id: openldap_primitives_knf
id: openldap_primitives_ns
name: openldap_primitives_ns
version: 1.0
- id: mgmtnet
mgmt-network: true
- openldap_knf
- openldap_primitives_knf
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