Commit 55c43857 authored by lavado's avatar lavado
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Update PLA test

parent 57899f4a
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Additional slice instances can be launched (changing agw_id and agw_name), and w
A second slice, reusing the same Orc8r, can be launched at different VIM, so that we see AGWs being launched at remotely VIMs. It would need management networks to be reachable between VIMs so the Orc8r's exposed address is reachable from the remote AGWs. The procedure is as follows:
1. [ If PLA not available in setup] Build the PLA image by cloning the repo and running `docker build . -f docker/Dockerfile -t osm_pla:dev`, then plug it into the OSM network. In docker swarm it would be with `docker run -d --name osm_pla --network netosm osm_pla:dev`
1. [ If PLA not available in setup] Build the PLA image by cloning the repo and running `docker build . -f docker/Dockerfile -t osm_pla:dev`, then plug it into the OSM network. In docker swarm it would be with `docker run -d --name osm_pla --restart always --network netosm osm_pla:dev`
1. Prepare the second VIM by ensuring it has the PNF/PDU and the required images.
1. Edit the `pil_price_list.yaml` and `vnf_price_list.yaml` as desired, ensuring that it's "less expensive" to launch the VNFs at the second VIM. Examples are available at this repo.
1. Copy the files to the placement folder at PLA:
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