Commit 288f8a18 authored by marsico's avatar marsico
Browse files


parent 64202a61
Pipeline #1981 failed with stage
in 9 seconds
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ There is a "" with some examples of what needs to be prepared.
1. If you just cloned the repo, make sure you run `git submodule update --init` under the osm-packages folder.
1. Take a look at the cloud-init files of the VDUs. They basically remove the default gateway obtained from DHCP and add static routes back to the management networks. Since they map to the ETSI VIM, they might need to be adjusted for your specific use case. The purpose of removing any default gateway acquired from the management interface, is to establish the data path to Internet through the AGW and PNF.
1. Upload the packages to OSM, the "" file contain some useful commands, from building to launching.
1. Make sure you got the images for AGW and srsLTE emulator available [here](
1. Make sure you got the image for AGW available [here](
## Launching the Slice
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