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## Diagram

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## Preparation
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This example requires a PNF, emulated with a VyOS router (image [here](, connected to a shared management network (osm-ext in this example) and to a shared internal "sgi" network where the Slice will be placed.
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**Important note**: a sandbox ready for testing is available at hackfest@ (~/osm-packages/magma is synced with this repo), which has a PNF and the required "sgi" network already shared.
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1. If you just cloned the repo, make sure you run `git submodule update --init` under every "charms" folder.
1. Add the PDU with the yaml file (emulated by a VyOS VM in this environment). You can do it with `osm pdu-create --descriptor_file pdu.yaml` (editing at least the VIM ID first)
1. Upload the packages to OSM, the "" file contain some useful commands, from building to launching.
1. Make sure you got the images for AGW and srsLTE emulator, available at ETSI VIM or at the hackfest@ home directory.
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## Launching the Slice

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1. Edit the params.yaml and set an address for your Magma Orc8r-proxy service, which AGW will connect to. Same IP address should go to 'proxyserviceloadBalancerIP' and 'orch_ip', and should belong to your K8 Cluster MetalLB pool.
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1. In the same file, set a name and ID for the first AGW, in parameters agw_id and agw_name (they need to be different each time you launch a new slice)
1. Launch the slice with:
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`osm nsi-create --nsi_name magma_slice --nst_name magma_slice_hackfest_nst --config_file params.yaml --ssh_keys <your_key> --vim_account <vim_account>`
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## Verifying the services

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1. Visit the Orc8r dashboard at the KNF's nginx-proxy svc IP, with https and credentials admin@magma.test / password1234, then check that your AGW has been registered successfully under the list of Gateways in this path: https://<orc8r-nginx-proxy-ip>/nms/osmnet/gateways) (after proxy charms are finished)
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2. Via this same dashboard, add the test subscriber with the following parameters (this will migrate to Day-2 primitive)
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    - IMSI: 722070000000008
    - KEY: c8eba87c1074edd06885cb0486718341
    - OPC: 17b6c0157895bcaa1efc1cef55033f5f

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3. The emulator is ready to connect, Day-2 primitives for this is WIP, in the meantime, the following commands can be used to connect the eNB and UE, respectively and in that order (from different terminals)
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### Configuring eNodeB example

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`srsenb --enb.mcc=901 --enb.mnc=70  --enb.mme_addr= --enb.gtp_bind_addr= --enb.s1c_bind_addr=  --enb_files.rr_config=/config/rr.conf --enb_files.sib_config=/config/sib.conf --enb_files.drb_config=/config/drb.conf /config/enb.conf.fauxrf`
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### Attaching UE example

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`sudo srsue --usim.imsi=722070000000008 --usim.k=c8eba87c1074edd06885cb0486718341 --usim.algo=milenage --usim.opc=17b6c0157895bcaa1efc1cef55033f5f --nas.apn=oai.ipv4 /config/ue.conf.fauxrf`
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## Testing traffic

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After UE is attached (at emulator machine), the "tun_srsue" will appear, and a default route should be added (pending to put as Day-2 primitive), pointing to the GTP tunnel endpoint:
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`sudo route add -net gw`

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Finally, a Day-2 primitive must be executed against the PNF (VyOS) to allow traffic from the specific Magma SGI IP address, for example, if it's
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`osm ns-action magma_slice.slice_hackfest_nsd_epc --vnf_name 2 --action_name configure-remote --params '{magmaIP: ""}'`
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With this, the UE machine will have access to Internet through the AGW and then the VyOS PNF.

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## Additional tests

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### Network Slicing

- Additional slice instances can be launched (changing agw_id and agw_name), and we should see that just the AGW+emulator NS is launched (Orc8r NS is shared)
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### Placement

A second slice, reusing the same Orc8r, can be launched at different VIM. The procedure is as follows:

1. [ If PLA not available in setup] Build the PLA image by cloning the repo and running `docker build . -f docker/Dockerfile -t osm_pla:dev`, then plug it into the OSM network. In docker swarm it would be with `docker run -d --name osm_pla --network netosm osm_pla:dev`
1. Prepare the second VIM by ensuring it has the PNF/PDU and the required images.
1. Edit the `pil_price_list.yaml` and `vnf_price_list.yaml` as desired, ensuring that it's "less expensive" to launch the VNFs at the second VIM.      
1. Copy the files to the placement folder at PLA:
   `docker cp vnf_price_list.yaml $(docker ps -qf name=osm_pla):/placement/.`
   `docker cp pil_price_list.yaml $(docker ps -qf name=osm_pla):/placement/.`
1. Uncomment the placement-engine line and launch as usual! you should see the second slice being instantiated in the second VIM.

### Metrics collection

VIM-level metrics are being collected by default, they can be observed at the Grafana dashboard (possible bug at the ns_id variable, under review)

## Pending additions
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- Navigating from a desktop browser (VNC not working properly)
- Automatic and manual scaling
- KNF Primitives (via additional Webhost NS that will be added)
- SDN Assist in the internal S1 VLD