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# Orchestrator Helm Deployment


The contents of this README have been moved to the "Deploying Orchestrator"
section of the docs:

If you're running locally in Minikube, see the section below.

## Configuration

The following table list the configurable parameters of the orchestrator chart and their default values.

| Parameter        | Description     | Default   |
| ---              | ---             | ---       |
| `imagePullSecrets` | Reference to one or more secrets to be used when pulling images. | `[]` |
| `secrets.create` | Create orchestrator secrets. See charts/secrets subchart. | `false` |
| `secret.certs` | Secret name containing orchestrator certs. | `orc8r-secrets-certs` |
| `secret.configs` | Secret name containing orchestrator configs. | `orc8r-secrets-configs` |
| `secret.envdir` | Secret name containing orchestrator envdir. | `orc8r-secrets-envdir` |
| `proxy.service.annotations` | Annotations to be added to the proxy service. | `{}` |
| `proxy.service.labels` | Proxy service labels. | `{}` |
| `proxy.service.type` | Proxy service type. | `ClusterIP` |
| `proxy.service.port.clientcert.port` | Proxy client certificate service external port. | `9443` |
| `proxy.service.port.clientcert.targetPort` | Proxy client certificate service internal port. | `9443` |
| `proxy.service.port.clientcert.nodePort` | Proxy client certificate service node port. | `nil` |
| `` | Proxy open service external port. | `9444` |
| `` | Proxy open service internal port. | `9444` |
| `` | Proxy open service node port. | `nil` |
| `proxy.image.repository` | Repository for orchestrator proxy image. | `nil` |
| `proxy.image.tag` | Tag for orchestrator proxy image. | `latest` |
| `proxy.image.pullPolicy` | Pull policy for orchestrator proxy image. | `IfNotPresent` |
| `proxy.spec.hostname` | Magma controller domain name. | `""` |
| `proxy.replicas` | Number of instances to deploy for orchestrator proxy. | `1` |
| `proxy.resources` | Define resources requests and limits for Pods. | `{}` |
| `proxy.nodeSelector` | Define which Nodes the Pods are scheduled on. | `{}` |
| `proxy.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations. | `[]` |
| `proxy.affinity` | Assign the orchestrator proxy to run on specific nodes. | `{}` |
| `controller.service.annotations` | Annotations to be added to the controller service. | `{}` |
| `controller.service.labels` | Controller service labels. | `{}` |
| `controller.service.type` | Controller service type. | `ClusterIP` |
| `controller.service.port` | Controller web service external port. | `8080` |
| `controller.service.targetPort` | Controller web service internal port. | `8080` |
| `controller.service.portStart` | Controller service port range start. | `9079` |
| `controller.service.portEnd` | Controller service inclusive port range end. | `9108` |
| `controller.image.repository` | Repository for orchestrator controller image. | `nil` |
| `controller.image.tag` | Tag for orchestrator controller image. | `latest` |
| `controller.image.pullPolicy` | Pull policy for orchestrator controller image. | `IfNotPresent` |
| `controller.spec.database.driver` | orc8r database name. | `mysql/postgres` |
| `controller.spec.database.sql_dialect` | database dialect name. | `maria/psql` |
| `controller.spec.database.db` | orc8r database name. | `magma` |
| `` | database host. | `postgresql` |
| `controller.spec.database.port` | database port. | `5432` |
| `controller.spec.database.user` | Database username. | `postgres` |
| `controller.spec.database.pass` | Database password. | `postgres` |
| `controller.replicas` | Number of instances to deploy for orchestrator controller. | `1` |
| `controller.resources` | Define resources requests and limits for Pods. | `{}` |
| `controller.nodeSelector` | Define which Nodes the Pods are scheduled on. | `{}` |
| `controller.tolerations` | If specified, the pod's tolerations. | `[]` |
| `controller.affinity` | Assign the orchestrator proxy to run on specific nodes. | `{}` |
| `nms.magmalte.manifests.configmap` | Enable nms magmalte configmap. | `false` |
| `nms.magmalte.manifests.secrets` | Enable nms magmalte secrets. | `false` |
| `nms.magmalte.manifests.deployment` | Enable nms magmalte deployment. | `false` |
| `nms.magmalte.manifests.service` | Enable nms magmalte service. | `false` |
| `nms.magmalte.manifests.rbac` | Enable nms magmalte rbac. | `false` |
| `nms.nginx.manifests.configmap` | Enable nms nginx configmap. | `false` |
| `nms.nginx.manifests.secrets` | Enable nms nginx secrets. | `false` |
| `nms.nginx.manifests.deployment` | Enable nms nginx deployment. | `false` |
| `nms.nginx.manifests.service` | Enable nms nginx service. | `false` |
| `nms.nginx.manifests.rbac` | Enable nms nginx rbac. | `false` |

## Running in Minikube

For the most part, you'll still follow the docs. Here's what you should do
before doing that.

- Start Minikube with 8192 MB of memory and 4 CPUs. This example uses Kuberenetes version 1.14.1 and uses [Minikube Hypervisor Driver](
$ minikube start --memory=8192 --cpus=4 --kubernetes-version=v1.14.1 --mount --mount-string "<path-to-metrics-configs>:/configs"

- Install Postgres Helm chart:
$ helm install \
    --name postgresql \
    --namespace magma \
    --set postgresqlPassword=postgres,postgresqlDatabase=magma,fullnameOverride=postgresql \

- Copy orchestrator secrets (this replaces the secret management steps for
the deployment guide):
cd magma/orc8r/cloud/helm/orc8r
mkdir -p charts/secrets/.secrets/certs
# You need to add the following files to the certs directory:
#   bootstrapper.key certifier.key certifier.pem vpn_ca.crt vpn_ca.key
#   admin_operator.pem admin_operator.key.pem nms_nginx.pem nms_nginx.key.pem
#   controller.crt controller.key rootCA.pem 
# The controller.crt, controller.key and rootCA.pem are the certificate info
# for your public domain name.
# For local testing, you can do the following after running Orc8r using docker:
cp -r ../../../../.cache/test_certs/* charts/secrets/.secrets/certs/.

- Add the admin in the datastore:
kubectl exec -it -n magma \
    $(kubectl get pod -n magma -l -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") -- \
    /var/opt/magma/bin/accessc add-existing -admin -cert /var/opt/magma/certs/admin_operator.pem admin_operator

- Port forward traffic to orchestrator proxy:
kubectl port-forward -n magma svc/orc8r-proxy 9443:9443

# If using minikube, run:
minikube service orc8r-proxy -n magma --https

- Orchestrator proxy should be reachable via https://localhost:9443 and
requires magma client certificate to be installed on browser.