Use of upstream MongoDB helm chart in community installer
- Gerardo García (Telefónica)
- Francisco Javier Ramón (Telefónica)
- Francisco Rodríguez (Indra)
Upon discontinuation of Juju support in future releases, this feature will replace the current MongoDB charm used in the community installer by an upstream MongoDB helm chart. When possible, the same configuration must be applied to MongoDB (e.g. replica-set configuration) so that the changes in the rest of modules are minimized.
It is worth to mention that there is also a Juju charm to upgrade MongoDB collections between OSM releases (osm-update-db-operator). As part of the design, it will be evaluated the convenience to re-use this code it in the future for upgrades of MongoDB collections in next releases.
Demo or definition of done
No new Robot tests are required. Stage3 and daily jobs must work with the new MongoDB helm chart, and sanity Robot tests must pass.
Edited by garciadeblas