• garciadeblas's avatar
    Feature 10967 New option ngsa to install monitoring pipeline architecture · 7b53d262
    garciadeblas authored
    This change covers the installation of Apache Airflow
    and Prometheus Pushgateway as an experimental option in
    the installer.
    Changes are the following:
    - `installers/full_install_osm.sh`:
      - The installer includes a new option "--ng-sa" to install Airflow and
        Prometheus Pushgateway
      - When the option is used, the script will call `installers/install_ng_sa.sh`
        in turn.
    - `installers/install_ng_sa.sh`:
      - This script will install Airflow and Pushgateway in the OSM Kubernetes
        cluster in osm namespace using the helm charts from the respective communities.
    - `installers/helm/values/airflow/values.yaml`:
       - File with the values to be used for the installation of Airflow helm chart.
    - `docker/Airflow/Dockerfile`:
      - Dockerfile used to build the Airflow image, incorporating the DAG Python files,
        requirements and internal Python libraries used by DAGs from `osm_ngsa.deb`.
    Change-Id: I04cb60b25a9a32e42d4a97fac2d1f6abf868b1f7
    Signed-off-by: default avatargarciadeblas <gerardo.garciadeblas@telefonica.com>