10.2 KiB
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#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.
function usage(){
    echo -e "usage: $0 [OPTIONS]"
    echo -e "Install OSM"
    echo -e "     -h / --help:    print this help"
    echo -e "     -y:             do not prompt for confirmation, assumes yes"
    echo -e "     -r <repo>:      use specified repository name for osm packages"
    echo -e "     -R <release>:   use specified release for osm binaries (deb packages, lxd images, ...)"
    echo -e "     -u <repo base>: use specified repository url for osm packages"
    echo -e "     -k <repo key>:  use specified repository public key url"
    echo -e "     -b <refspec>:   install OSM from source code using a specific branch (master, v2.0, ...) or tag"
    echo -e "                     -b master          (main dev branch)"
    echo -e "                     -b v2.0            (v2.0 branch)"
    echo -e "                     -b tags/v1.1.0     (a specific tag)"
    echo -e "                     ..."
    echo -e "     -a <apt proxy url>: use this apt proxy url when downloading apt packages (air-gapped installation)"
    echo -e "     -s <namespace>  namespace when installed using k8s, default is osm"
    echo -e "     -H <VCA host>   use specific juju host controller IP"
    echo -e "     -S <VCA secret> use VCA/juju secret key"
    echo -e "     -P <VCA pubkey> use VCA/juju public key file"
    echo -e "     -A <VCA apiproxy> use VCA/juju API proxy"
    echo -e "     --pla:          install the PLA module for placement support"
    echo -e "     --old-sa:       install old Service Assurance framework (MON, POL); do not install Airflow and Pushgateway"
    echo -e "     --ng-sa:        install new Service Assurance framework (Airflow, AlertManager and Pushgateway)  (enabled by default)"
    echo -e "     -m <MODULE>:    install OSM but only rebuild or pull the specified docker images (NG-UI, NBI, LCM, RO, MON, POL, PLA, KAFKA, MONGO, PROMETHEUS, PROMETHEUS-CADVISOR, KEYSTONE-DB, NONE)"
    echo -e "     -o <ADDON>:     ONLY (un)installs one of the addons (k8s_monitor, ng-sa)"
    echo -e "     -O <openrc file path/cloud name>: Install OSM to an OpenStack infrastructure. <openrc file/cloud name> is required. If a <cloud name> is used, the clouds.yaml file should be under ~/.config/openstack/ or /etc/openstack/"
    echo -e "     -N <openstack public network name/ID>: Public network name required to setup OSM to OpenStack"
    echo -e "     -f <path to SSH public key>: Public SSH key to use to deploy OSM to OpenStack"
    echo -e "     -F <path to cloud-init file>: Cloud-Init userdata file to deploy OSM to OpenStack"
    echo -e "     -D <devops path> use local devops installation path"
    echo -e "     -w <work dir>   Location to store runtime installation"
    echo -e "     -t <docker tag> specify osm docker tag (default is latest)"
    echo -e "     -l:             LXD cloud yaml file"
    echo -e "     -L:             LXD credentials yaml file"
    echo -e "     -K:             Specifies the name of the controller to use - The controller must be already bootstrapped"
    echo -e "     -d <docker registry URL> use docker registry URL instead of dockerhub"
    echo -e "     -p <docker proxy URL> set docker proxy URL as part of docker CE configuration"
    echo -e "     -T <docker tag> specify docker tag for the modules specified with option -m"
    echo -e "     --debug:        debug mode"
    echo -e "     --nocachelxdimages:  do not cache local lxd images, do not create cronjob for that cache (will save installation time, might affect instantiation time)"
    echo -e "     --cachelxdimages:  cache local lxd images, create cronjob for that cache (will make installation longer)"
    echo -e "     --nolxd:        do not install and configure LXD, allowing unattended installations (assumes LXD is already installed and confifured)"
    echo -e "     --nodocker:     do not install docker, do not initialize a swarm (assumes docker is already installed and a swarm has been initialized)"
    echo -e "     --nojuju:       do not juju, assumes already installed"
    echo -e "     --nodockerbuild:do not build docker images (use existing locally cached images)"
    echo -e "     --nohostports:  do not expose docker ports to host (useful for creating multiple instances of osm on the same host)"
    echo -e "     --nohostclient: do not install the osmclient"
    echo -e "     --uninstall:    uninstall OSM: remove the containers and delete NAT rules"
    echo -e "     --source:       install OSM from source code using the latest stable tag"
    echo -e "     --develop:      (deprecated, use '-b master') install OSM from source code using the master branch"
    echo -e "     --pullimages:   pull/run osm images from"
    echo -e "     --k8s_monitor:  install the OSM kubernetes monitoring with prometheus and grafana"
    echo -e "     --volume:       create a VM volume when installing to OpenStack"
    echo -e "     --showopts:     print chosen options and exit (only for debugging)"
    echo -e "     --charmed:                   Deploy and operate OSM with Charms on k8s"
    echo -e "     [--bundle <bundle path>]:    Specify with which bundle to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)"
    echo -e "     [--k8s <kubeconfig path>]:   Specify with which kubernetes to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)"
    echo -e "     [--vca <name>]:              Specifies the name of the controller to use - The controller must be already bootstrapped (--charmed option)"
    echo -e "     [--small-profile]:           Do not install and configure LXD which aims to use only K8s Clouds (--charmed option)"
    echo -e "     [--lxd <yaml path>]:         Takes a YAML file as a parameter with the LXD Cloud information (--charmed option)"
    echo -e "     [--lxd-cred <yaml path>]:    Takes a YAML file as a parameter with the LXD Credentials information (--charmed option)"
    echo -e "     [--microstack]:              Installs microstack as a vim. (--charmed option)"
    echo -e "     [--overlay]:                 Add an overlay to override some defaults of the default bundle (--charmed option)"
    echo -e "     [--ha]:                      Installs High Availability bundle. (--charmed option)"
    echo -e "     [--tag]:                     Docker image tag. (--charmed option)"
    echo -e "     [--registry]:                Docker registry with optional credentials as user:pass@hostname:port (--charmed option)"
add_repo() {
  grep "${REPO_CHECK/\[arch=amd64\]/\\[arch=amd64\\]}" /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null 2>&1
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]
    need_packages_lw="software-properties-common apt-transport-https"
    echo -e "Checking required packages to add ETSI OSM debian repo: $need_packages_lw"
    dpkg -l $need_packages_lw &>/dev/null \
      || ! echo -e "One or several required packages are not installed. Updating apt cache requires root privileges." \
      || sudo apt-get -qy update \
      || ! echo "failed to run apt-get update" \
      || exit 1
    dpkg -l $need_packages_lw &>/dev/null \
      || ! echo -e "Installing $need_packages_lw requires root privileges." \
      || sudo apt-get install -y $need_packages_lw \
      || ! echo "failed to install $need_packages_lw" \
    wget -q -O OSM-ETSI-Release-key.gpg "$REPOSITORY_BASE/$RELEASE/OSM%20ETSI%20Release%20Key.gpg"
    sudo APT_KEY_DONT_WARN_ON_DANGEROUS_USAGE=1 apt-key add OSM-ETSI-Release-key.gpg \
      || ! echo -e "Could not add GPG key $REPOSITORY_BASE/$RELEASE/OSM%20ETSI%20Release%20Key.gpg" \
      || exit 1
    sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive add-apt-repository -y "$1"
    sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y update
dpkg -s 'osm-devops' &> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  # Clean the previous repos that might exist
  sudo sed -i "/" /etc/apt/sources.list

function configure_apt_proxy() {
    [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function
    echo "Configuring apt proxy in file ${OSM_APT_PROXY_FILE}"
    if [ ! -f ${OSM_APT_PROXY_FILE} ]; then
        sudo bash -c "cat <<EOF > ${OSM_APT_PROXY}
Acquire::http { Proxy \"${OSM_APT_PROXY}\"; }
        sudo sed -i "s|Proxy.*|Proxy \"${OSM_APT_PROXY}\"; }|" ${OSM_APT_PROXY_FILE}
    sudo apt-get -y update || FATAL "Configured apt proxy, but couldn't run 'apt-get update'. Check ${OSM_APT_PROXY_FILE}"
    [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function

while getopts ":a:b:r:n:k:u:R:D:o:O:m:N:H:S:s:t:U:P:A:l:L:K:d:p:T:f:F:-: hy" o; do
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marsico committed
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garciadeblas committed
            [ "${OPTARG}" == "help" ] && usage && exit 0
fleischmann's avatar
fleischmann committed
            echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument" >&2
            usage && exit 1
            echo -e "Invalid option: '-$OPTARG'\n" >&2
            usage && exit 1
            usage && exit 0
add_repo "deb [arch=amd64] $REPOSITORY_BASE/$RELEASE $REPOSITORY devops"
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -qy update
sudo DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install osm-devops
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marsico committed