Commit e69e3894 authored by garciadeblas's avatar garciadeblas
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Merge branch 'master' into 'feature_10980_Service_Function_Chaining'

# Conflicts:
parents 4e9855c9 cc3cd094
......@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ For additional options, see `osm --help` for more info, and check our OSM client
## Reference. Helm-based OSM installation
With Release FOURTEEN, the deployment of OSM services (LCM, RO, NBI, NG-UI, etc.) in the community installer is done with a Helm chart.
Since Release FOURTEEN, the deployment of OSM services (LCM, RO, NBI, NG-UI, etc.) in the community installer is done with a Helm chart.
When OSM is installed, behind the scenes the following steps are done:
......@@ -576,14 +576,24 @@ zookeeper-0 1/1 Running 1 (2d20h
Assuming that you have a Kubernetes cluster, and you have bootstrapped a Juju controller there, it is possible to deploy OSM on top of that cluster.
### Deploy MongoDB charm
### Deploy MongoDB using helm chart
# The following instructions assume that juju client is installed,
# the cloud "k8scloud" pointing to the K8s cluster has been added to juju,
# and a Juju controller "osm" has been bootstrapped there
juju add-model osm k8scloud
juju deploy ch:mongodb-k8s -m osm
The following instructions assume that helm is installed and default storage class is available in kubernetes cluster.
git clone ""
cd devops
# Optionally check out a specific version
# git checkout $DESIRED_OSM_VERSION
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update
# Check that there are no errors and deploy
helm template mongodb-k8s bitnami/mongodb -n osm -f installers/helm/values/mongodb-values.yaml --version ${MONGODB_HELM_VERSION}
# install mongodb
helm install mongodb-k8s bitnami/mongodb -n osm --create-namespace -f installers/helm/values/mongodb-values.yaml --version ${MONGODB_HELM_VERSION}
### Deploy Cert-manager
......@@ -633,11 +643,11 @@ OSM_VCA_PUBKEY=$(cat $HOME/.local/share/juju/ssh/
Deploy OSM Helm chart:
git clone ""
# Make sure you are in devops directory
cd devops
# Optionally check out a specific version
#git checkout $DESIRED_OSM_VERSION
# git checkout $DESIRED_OSM_VERSION
# Check default values
helm -n osm show values installers/helm/osm
......@@ -656,6 +666,9 @@ OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set vca.cacert=${OSM_VCA_CACERT}"
# OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set global.image.repositoryBase=opensourcemano"
# OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set global.image.tag=14"
# Build the helm chart dependencies
helm dependency build installers/helm/osm
# Check that there are no errors
helm -n osm template osm installers/helm/osm -f osm-values.yaml ${OSM_HELM_OPTS}
......@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ As it can be seen above, there is a parameter called **`--config`** used to supp
- `neutron_availability_zone_hints`: To be used for the deployment. It can be:
- a single availability zone, e.g. `neutron_availability_zone_hints: controller`
- several availability zones, e.g. `neutron_availability_zone_hints: [zone1, zone2]`
- `storage_availability_zone`: To be used for the deployment. It can only be a single availability zone, e.g. `storage_availability_zone: controller`
- `region_name`: The region where the VM will be deployed.
- `insecure`: (By default false). When true it allows authorization over a non trusted certificate over https
- `ca_cert`: (incompatible with insecure). root certificate file to use for validating the OpenStack certificate
......@@ -871,6 +871,21 @@ vdu:
As you can see, a list of "NFVI metrics" is defined first at the VDU level, which contains an ID and the corresponding normalized metric name (in this case, `cpu_utilization` and `average_memory_utilization`). Normalized metric names are: `cpu_utilization`, `average_memory_utilization`, `disk_read_ops`, `disk_write_ops`, `disk_read_bytes`, `disk_write_bytes`, `packets_received`, `packets_sent`, `packets_out_dropped`, `packets_in_dropped`
Not all metrics can be collected from all types of VIMs, the following table shows which metrics are supported by each type of VIM:
| Metric | Openstack | Azure | GCP |
| ------ |:---------:|:-----:|:-----:|
| cpu_utilization | X | X | X |
| average_memory_utilization | X || X |
| disk_read_ops | X | X | X |
| disk_write_ops | X | X | X |
| disk_read_bytes | X | X | X |
| disk_write_bytes | X | X | X |
| packets_in_dropped | X |||
| packets_out_dropped | X |||
| packets_received | X || X |
| packets_sent | X || X |
Available attributes and values can be directly explored at the [OSM Information Model]( A complete VNFD example can be downloaded from [here](
##### VMware vCD specific notes (OLD)
......@@ -1699,7 +1714,21 @@ osm repo-show bitnami
### KNF Service on-boarding and instantiation
KNFs can be on-boarded using Helm Charts or Juju Bundles. In the following section is shown an example with Helm Chart and for Juju Bundles.
KNFs can be on-boarded using Helm Charts or Juju Bundles. In this section, examples with Helm Chart and Juju Bundles are shown.
#### Note about deprecation of Helm v2
Helm v2 has been deprecated since 2020. Starting from OSM Release FIFTEEN, OSM no longer supports Helm v2. If the end user tries to deploy a KNF using Helm v2, the following error will be found:
ERROR: Error 422: {
"status": 422,
"detail": "Error in pyangbind validation: {'error-string': 'helm_version must be of a type compatible with enumeration', 'defined-type': 'kdu:enumeration', 'generated-type': 'YANGDynClass(base=RestrictedClassType(base_type=six.text_type, restriction_type=\"dict_key\", restriction_arg={\\'v3\\': {}},), default=six.text_type(\"v3\"), is_leaf=True, yang_name=\"helm-version\", parent=self, choice=(\\'kdu-model\\', \\'helm-chart\\'), path_helper=self._path_helper, extmethods=self._extmethods, register_paths=True, namespace=\\'urn:etsi:osm:yang:augments:kdu\\', defining_module=\\'kdu\\', yang_type=\\'enumeration\\', is_config=True)'}"
If you are the KNF provider and want to upgrade a helm chart from v2 to v3, follow the [official documentation](
#### KNF Helm Chart
......@@ -2009,6 +2038,21 @@ __Step 2: See the notification in notification receiver.__
- Support for subscription and notification for VNFD.
- Cache to store subscribers.
## How to cancel an ongoing operation over a NS
The OSM client command `ns-op-cancel` allows to cancel any ongoing operation of Network Service. For instance, to cancel the instantiation of a NS execute the following steps:
1. Create the NS with `osm ns-create` and save the Network Service ID (NS_ID)
2. Obtain the Operation ID of the NS instantiation with `osm ns-op-list NS_ID`
3. Cancel the operation with `osm ns-op-cancel OP_ID`
4. The NS will be in `FAILED_TEMP` status.
Be aware that resources created before the cancellation will not be rolled back and the Network Service could be unhealthy.
If some operation is blocked due to an ungraceful restart of LCM module, you can use this command to delete the operation and unblock the Network Service.
Queued (unstarted) operations can also be deleted with this command.
## Start, Stop and Rebuild operations over a VDU of a running VNF instance
These three operations involves starting , stopping, and rebuilding of a VDU on a running VNF instance by using the NGUI.
......@@ -2144,6 +2188,42 @@ virtual-link-connectivity:
### How to Launch NS with Dual Stack IP (IPv4/IPv6) using SOL003 VNFM Interface
First, use API endpoint `/osm/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances` to create a VNF object with a POST message, providing all the details mentioned in below sample payload. Make sure to add "ip-address" key and value with dual stack IP addresses. Behind the scenes, this creates a VNF and a NS package in OSM.
"vnfInstanceDescription":"Test vnfm instance description",
"vim-network-name": "IPv6"
"ip-address": ["2001:dc9::5", ""],
Then, use instantiation API `/osm/vnflcm/v1/vnf_instances/<vnfId>/instantiate` to launch the NS. Mention all the details in payload as shown in below sample.
"vnfName": "sample-instance",
"vnfDescription": "vnf package",
"vnfId": "28c8c438-ca9a-4565-9b02-bcfd3ba6c4d6",
"vimAccountId": "b4275db0-3d1c-46f8-a42a-2b5425b07fb1"
## Service Function Chaining
SFC has the ability to cause network packet flows to route through a network via a path other than the one that would be chosen by routing table lookups on the packet’s destination IP address.
......@@ -2244,8 +2324,10 @@ Launch the NS:
osm ns-create --ns_name sfc --nsd_name sfc_nsd --vim_account <VIM_ACCOUNT_NAME>|<VIM_ACCOUNT_ID>
osm ns-list
#### Testing
# In src_vnf and dest_vnf install the netcat
sudo apt install netcat -y
......@@ -2257,3 +2339,4 @@ sudo nc -l -p 90
# In src_vnf, run the below command. This command will connect to the server at <dest_vnf> ip-address on port 90
sudo nc <dest_vnf_ip_address> 90
# All the packets from src vnf to dest vnf should route only through the mid vnf.
......@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ In order to add a repo, the user should invoke the following command:
osm repo-add <name> <URI> type:<chart|bundle>
Where the type of repo should be either `chart` for applications based on Helm Charts, or `bundle` for applications based in Juju bundles for K8s.
Where the type of repo should be either `chart` for applications based on Helm Charts, or `bundle` for applications based in Juju bundles for K8s. If the repo is a helm OCI registry, add the flag `--oci` and provide credentials using `--user` and `--password`.
This call will trigger the following actions in OSM:
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ Commands:
ns-delete deletes a NS instance
ns-list list all NS instances
ns-metric-export exports a metric to the internal OSM bus, which can be read by other apps
ns-op-cancel cancels an ongoing NS operation
ns-op-list shows the history of operations over a NS instance
ns-op-show shows the info of a NS operation
ns-show shows the info of a NS instance
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ URL: /osm GET POST
heal 5
/ns_lcm_op_occs 5 5
/<nsLcmOpOccId> 5 5 5
cancel 05
/vnf_instances (also vnfrs for compatibility) O
/<vnfInstanceId> O
/subscriptions 5 5
......@@ -108,6 +108,21 @@ The following figure illustrates graphically the specific workflows for metric a
![Specific workflows for metric acquisition](assets/sa-arch-osm-metric-acquisition-workflows.png)
Regarding to resource consumption metrics, three types of VIM are currently supported: Openstack (Gnocchi and Ceilometer back-ends), Azure and GCP. The metrics that OSM can collect from the VNFs deployed in those VIMs are shown in the table below:
| Metric | Openstack | Azure | GCP |
| ------ |:---------:|:-----:|:-----:|
| osm_cpu_utilization | X | X | X |
| osm_average_memory_utilization | X || X |
| osm_disk_read_ops | X | X | X |
| osm_disk_write_ops | X | X | X |
| osm_disk_read_bytes | X | X | X |
| osm_disk_write_bytes | X | X | X |
| osm_packets_in_dropped | X |||
| osm_packets_out_dropped | X |||
| osm_packets_received | X || X |
| osm_packets_sent | X || X |
The metrics, as acquired by OSM, might not be useful per-se, since they are not related to OSM objects. For instance, the VM status or the VM resource consumption metrics are only useful when they relate to a VNF instance or a NS instance. [Prometheus recording rules]( allow to derive metrics from existing metrics, computing them and saving the result as a new set of time series. The following figure shows a screenshot of the metrics derived in Prometheus.
![Screenshot of Prometheus derived metrics](assets/sa-arch-prometheus-derived-metrics-screenshot.png)
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