Commit b542bdf5 authored by garciadeblas's avatar garciadeblas
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Merge branch 'feature_10979_static_ipv6_dual_stack' into 'master'

Feature 10979 Static Dual Stack Assignment

See merge request !135
parents 7479367a d2f96494
Pipeline #11739 passed with stages
in 1 minute and 54 seconds
......@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ You can try it using one of the examples of the hackfest (**packages: [hackfest_
osm ns-create --ns_name hf-basic --nsd_name hackfest_basic-ns --vim_account openstack1 --config '{vld: [ {name: mgmtnet, provider-network: {physical-network: physnet1, network-type: vlan, segmentation-id: 400} } ] }'
### Specify IP profile information and IP for a NS VLD
### Specify IP profile information and IP for a NS VLD <a name="specify-ip-profile-information-and-ip-for-a-ns-vld">
In a generic way, the mapping can be specified in the following way, where `datanet` is the name of the network in the NS descriptor, ip-profile is where you have to fill the associated parameters from the data model ( [NS data model]( ), and vnfd-connection-point-ref is the reference to the connection point:
......@@ -2306,3 +2306,33 @@ vnfd:
- Instantiate the NS (Network Service) within the OSM environment using the onboarded VNF package.
- Confirm that the Service KPI metrics are flowing seamlessly from the VNF instances to OSM-Prometheus, whose graphical interface can be visited at the URL <http://$IP:9091/>.
## How to prepare a NS that will use static Dual-Stack IP configuration for VNF connection points
Static dual stack assignment enables configuring and allocating IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to VNFs. Typically, IP addresses are provided as instantiation parameters in OSM, as it was described [here](#specify-ip-profile-information-and-ip-for-a-ns-vld). However, in some circumstances, it could be useful to configure static IPv6 and IPv4 addresses in the NS Descriptor.
**Note**: Static Dual-Stack IP allocation is supported only for VNFs deployed in Openstack VIM.
### How to configure IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack addresses statically in the NS descriptor
To configure dual stack IP addresses, add the required IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in the NS descriptor under "ip-address",
- constituent-cpd-id:
- constituent-base-element-id: vnf
constituent-cpd-id: vnf-cp0-ext
- 2001:db8::23e
To configure only a static IPv4 address, the following can be done:
- constituent-cpd-id:
- constituent-base-element-id: vnf
constituent-cpd-id: vnf-cp0-ext
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