Commit e679834f authored by Francisco-Javier Ramon Salguero's avatar Francisco-Javier Ramon Salguero
Browse files

Minor typo fixed in "Guide for contributors"

parent 4d63c90d
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ git checkout -b BranchNewSection
In case you forgot to create your branch (or moving to it) and made a number of commits directly to your `master` branch by mistake, you will need to use a procedure to move them to a branch, or you will be unable to work with you remote origin.
To achieve it, you can still following some steps to fix your Git history and move the commits to the right place.
To achieve it, you can still follow some steps to fix your Git history and move the commits to the right place.
Note that **this procedure needs to be followed exactly as it is described** or might lead to unintended loss of commits. In particular, you should understand that:
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