Started 1 day 11 hr ago
Took 46 min

Success Build #238 (Jul 1, 2024 6:24:33 PM)

Build Artifacts
build.env1.59 KB view
  1. Feature 11011: Multiple NS deletion in OSM (detail)
  2. Feature 11038: Enhancement of Vertical Scale Feature and merge in update (detail)
  3. Feature 11034: Forgot Password in OSM (detail)
  4. Fix Bug 2380:Static Inactive session timeout for a user (detail)
  5. Fix Bug 2048:The VCA Status for an NS with both a KNF and a VNF does not (detail)
  1. Fix installation of Kubernetes metrics server by updating the URL (detail)
  2. Feature 11041: Enable K3s as Kubernetes distro for OSM installation (detail)

Started by upstream project NG-UI-stage_1 build number 409
originally caused by:

Revision: b6ec442822013c3b21547e82150ee54d2f8b7b50
  • master
Revision: b37974111d2e1bc5d5b9916a800f682871e78290
  • refs/remotes/origin/master
Artifactory Build Info