Started 3 yr 1 mo ago
Took 40 min

Success Build #5 (May 7, 2021 2:51:00 PM)

Build Artifacts
build.env1.35 KB view
  1. Use common and n2vc from v9.0 and update kubernetes version (detail)

Started by upstream project MON-stage_1 build number 1142
originally caused by:

Revision: 51f66e990d00fe30c31c7e1edd1d07f0146eb3d9
  • bug1511
Revision: aa124bdd235acefd7cc4b6e9efada3efd4cc8f1b
  • refs/remotes/origin/bug1511
Packages: 67%   Files: 67%   Classes: 67%   Lines: 39%   Conditionals: 100%  
Test Result (no failures)
    Artifactory Build Info