Started 20 days ago
Took 52 min

Success Build #7 (Jun 11, 2024 3:52:39 PM)

Build Artifacts
build.env1.56 KB view
  1. Pin black version in tox.ini to 23.12.1 (detail)
  2. Fix pylint issues appeared with version 3.2.0 of pylint (detail)
  1. Fig bug 2338 for the LCM Dockerfile (detail)
  2. Fix Bug 2338: updated kubernetes apt repo from to (detail)
  3. Fix image tag in full_install_osm, helm chart and install_osm (detail)
  4. fix VIM monitoring bug 2354 (detail)

Started by upstream project MON-stage_1 build number 1478
originally caused by:

Revision: b588bf1dc1aca3b05b1cf258ac2bf8378563f2f8
  • v15.0
Revision: a86f6292dfff3284c1186212bf2cddc48eefbaf0
  • refs/remotes/origin/v15.0
Packages: 79%   Files: 75%   Classes: 75%   Lines: 54%   Conditionals: 100%  
Test Result (no failures)
    Artifactory Build Info