Started 3 yr 7 mo ago
Took 10 min

Success Build #3 (Nov 26, 2020 12:33:57 PM)

Build Artifacts
build.env1.38 KB view
  1. Fix bug 974. Issue with intra VNFD VLDs (detail)
  2. Fix 975 SDN-net error when plugin cannot be loaded Do not validate SDN (detail)
  3. Fix roclient postinstall script (detail)
  4. Changing log level of Openstack libraries to WARNING (detail)
  5. Improved error management, rollback behaviour (detail)
  6. Bug 795 fixed (detail)
  7. Implemented edit method, some corrections to add and delete (detail)
  8. Fix 795 Assertion related_task. Capture internal vim_thread exception (detail)
  9. fix 988. Use provider-network:physical-network at openstack network (detail)
  10. Remove unneeded openvim call from Dockerfile-local (detail)
  11. Corrected bug appears when a sdn controller that needs a plugin is (detail)
  12. minor changes to log sdn, minor changes onos openflow setup (detail)
  13. Fix bug 1001: RO can't find datacenter on HA (detail)
  14. fix dependencies at (detail)
  15. Fixed minor typo in LICENSE file (detail)
  16. New Openstack VIM config option: dataplane_network_type (detail)
  17. Renamed FakeWimconnector to DummyWimconnector (detail)
  18. Bug fixed Arista SDN plugin (detail)
  19. fix SDN: port mapping, switch_id, sdnconn logging (detail)
  20. fix underlay VNFD-VLD networks. Fix scaling out VDUs connected to (detail)
  21. sdn arista: fix reconnecting issue. Enhance logging (detail)
  22. adding SDN opendaylight openflow plugin (detail)
  23. fix 1031 install networking-l2gw before python3-osm-rovim-openstack (detail)
  24. Bug 1019. Fix ovim.get_ports needed for wim (detail)
  25. Prevent URL trailing char errors in VIM/WIM (detail)
  26. Arista SDN. Skip configuring repeated cps (detail)
  27. Fix Bug 1030 checking that task and note exists (detail)
  28. Fix update SDN net on scale allow external port for SDN net (detail)
  29. Fix bug 1030 forcing to wait taskIds (detail)
  30. Enhance Dockerfile-local cache (detail)
  31. fixing azure 4.0.0 version (detail)
  32. fix ip address on vm scale (detail)
  33. added switch retrieval improvements added dot1q tunnel in the switch (detail)
  34. fix error updating sdnc (detail)
  35. Fix error at vim-update with config (detail)
  36. fixing dockerfile-local azure 4.0.0 version (detail)
  37. Bug 1051 addressed to identify if multiple VIM accounts passed to (detail)
  38. Execute CVP remove tasks 1 by 1 Prevent password from printing Correct (detail)
  39. fix sdn-plugin package instalation (detail)
  40. Juniper Contrail SDN plugin (detail)
  41. Execute all CVP tasks one by one (detail)
  42. Juniper SDN contrail: used VNI stored in a set in the class (detail)
  43. removed direct switch jsonRPC calls check arguments in (detail)
  44. Developing juniper contrail plugin, implenting CRUD operations and first (detail)
  45. Juniper Contrail: removed pycurl dependency, added requests (detail)
  46. Corrected bugs found during unit and integration testing (detail)
  47. fix wim usage needed base on involved vims (detail)
  48. fix wim persistence issue (detail)
  49. Cleaned main, randomized vni generation (detail)
  50. fix bug 1067: vimconn_openstack, increased timeout for VM with ports (detail)
  51. bug 1079 capture SDN plugin unhandled exceptions (detail)
  52. WIP: Added VIO support for PCI-PT interfaces (detail)
  53. Bug 1082 fixed, error variable name in edit and conn_info must be dict (detail)
  54. Fix for bug 1054 (detail)
  55. Feature 8016: Added DataPlane Broker wimconn plugin (detail)
  56. Change requirements reference to osm-im. Minor flake8 (detail)
  57. Corrected bug: If vlan provided is None raise an error (detail)
  58. Bug solved, if the provided vlan is None, simply ignore the connection (detail)
  59. fix flake8 for SDN-juniper_contrail (detail)
  60. added support for different topologies redo lost changes (detail)
  61. add vim dummy plugin (detail)
  62. Updated  vimconn_fos fix bug 1089 (detail)
  63. change SDN types from tapi to ietfl2vpn, from arista to (detail)
  64. create base package 'osm_ro_plugin' for plugin (detail)
  65. openstack: get vlan from port binding:vif_details (detail)
  66. Fix for bug 1009 (detail)
  67. fix to use valid chars in vpg and vmi names (detail)
  68. fixing flake8 tests (detail)
  69. juniper_contrail, fix vmi creation to use valid chars in (detail)
  70. Feature 7184 New Generation RO (detail)
  71. minor changes at (detail)
  72. fix at vim_dummy delete network (detail)
  73. fix 1137: SDN-assist issue connecting only one port (detail)
  74. fix 1138 forcing cryptography version 2.5 or higher (detail)
  75. fix 1148 allow name repetition at wim,wim_accounts (detail)
  76. fix clean on RO package creation (detail)
  77. fix 1150 limit error length of a failing SDN connector (detail)
  78. fix 1168 ensure VIM plugin is loaded at instanatiate/delete (detail)
  79. Bug 1149 1150: improve exceptions msg, correct api response processin (detail)
  80. fix 1168 ensure VIM plugin is loaded at vim_account_create (detail)
  81. adding capability to set log level at vimconnectors (detail)
  82. fix 1190 enhanced reported error text (detail)
  83. fix 1164 Retry assigning floating ip, it can conflict among RO workers (detail)
  84. Bug 1169 Interface ID of a created VM is not supplied (detail)
  85. fix validation error oneOf (detail)
  86. Fix IP address auto-assignment for VDU at instantiation and scaling (detail)
  87. fix 1223. Increment ip address on scaling vdus (detail)
  88. fix 1238: Allow individual cloud-init user-data at each VM (detail)
  89. fix 1238. Fix error introduced at commit 9405d17 (detail)
  90. fix 1238. Fix other error at commit 9405d17 (detail)
  91. feat(port security): adds port security strategy (detail)
  92. Bug 1248 fixed (detail)
  93. Fix SDN ODL openflow connetor issue (detail)
  94. Feature 7184 New Generation RO enhancemnt (detail)
  1. LCM/Dockerfile: 18.04 base image (detail)
  2. osmclient/Dockerfile: 18.04 base image, minor fixes (detail)
  3. Bug 873: Robot Automation improvement: NS_CONFIG Provided via both 1. (detail)
  4. Log rotate configuration for grafana (detail)
  5. Additional commented env variables for LCM to accelerate charm (detail)
  6. parse K8s manifest files only when tag different (detail)
  7. Add OSM_SERVER and OSMUI_SQL_DATABASE_URI to Dockerfile (detail)
  8. osmclient Dockerfile: added verboselogs, ssl library used by pycurl (detail)
  9. Fix bug 991: adding USER to lxd group before juju bootstrap (detail)
  10. Robot Framework Test case Contribution  1. Added Feature 7181 Test case (detail)
  11. Fix osmclient dependencies in installer (detail)
  12. Bug 873 - Robot Automation improvement: Verify NS Instance updated as (detail)
  13. Robot Test: Included Test are Feature 1415 RBAC visibility of packeges (detail)
  14. Remove the old osm package at install time (detail)
  15. clean deb repos, but do not remove packages (detail)
  16. install_osm: fix RELEASE, REPOSITORY and DOCKER_TAG vars (detail)
  17. Removed old code from (detail)
  18. fix 1005 adding SDN onos_vpls to RO packages (detail)
  19. Fix: The vim-emu installation requires OVS to be installed on the host (detail)
  20. Bug 1015 LCM Dockerfile using new health check (detail)
  21. adjust RO plugins (detail)
  22. MON migrating to ubuntu 18.04 (detail)
  23. Fix for unattended install of iptables-persistent (detail)
  24. For single node with one replica changed keystone service type to (detail)
  25. -o: added k8s_monitor as an option to install only (detail)
  26. fix 1031 install networking-l2gw before python3-osm-rovim-openstack (detail)
  27. Adds osm_automated tag to automated dashboards Fixes Bug 1027 (together (detail)
  28. Revert "Adds osm_automated tag to automated dashboards Fixes Bug 1027 (detail)
  29. Fix Bug 1033: Add LDAP support in Keystone Dockerfile (detail)
  30. Fix bug 1022: Fix database checking, and wait for keystone hostname to (detail)
  31. feature(mon): Grafana env variables (user, password and URL) (detail)
  32. Implementing --wait option for ns deletion in systest (detail)
  33. Add production setup to LXD (detail)
  34. Initial commit. Moved previous robot test to robot-systest/deprecated. (detail)
  35. feature(prometheus): Configuration can be dynamically replaced (detail)
  36. Add OSM charms (detail)
  37. Feature 8583 (detail)
  38. install with RO the SDN plugins Arista and ODL openflow (detail)
  39. Support for optional install of PLA (detail)
  40. Fix bug 964: Duplicated dashboards. Set fixed port for Grafana (detail)
  41. Additional file type exception (detail)
  42. Add lxd-cloud and lxd-credential options in installer (-l and -L) (detail)
  43. Add --controller, --lxd-cloud and --lxd-credentials in osm installer (detail)
  44. Add -K option to specify an external juju controller (detail)
  45. Add tag option to charmed osm installer (detail)
  46. minor fix, no sudo for wget node_exporter, required (detail)
  47. full_install_osm: replacing the use of route by ip route list as first (detail)
  48. added uninstall_osmclient (detail)
  49. fix getting interface with default route when there are more than one (detail)
  50. Change bootstrapping series back to xenial. (detail)
  51. Changing Juju version in Docker (detail)
  52. Feature 8839: Modified Installation script to install OSM with NGUI. (detail)
  53. Added Grafana Chart to K8s based OSM. Base for being merged with (detail)
  54. This cannot proceed until NG-UI artifacts are produced. (detail)
  55. Fix Grafana deployment over Docker Swarm (detail)
  56. Robot libraries for Prometheus, VIM and NS instances. (detail)
  57. BASIC-01, 05, 06, 07 and 09 Robot Test-Cases. (detail)
  58. Use the gitlab repo for OSM packages (detail)
  59. Change naming of Charmed Installer Parameters (detail)
  60. Add HA option and minor fixes (detail)
  61. SLICING-01 - Basic Network Slicing robot test (detail)
  62. Fix for Robot tests: implement adjustable timeouts for slow NS (detail)
  63. SLICING-02 - NSS Shared Network Slicing robot test (detail)
  64. Fix bug 1097: added env variables to kafka container (detail)
  65. Changing lxd storage backend to btrfs Bug #1096 (detail)
  66. Updating healthcheck for kafka and zookeeper (detail)
  67. RO Dockerfile: changes in the installed packages (detail)
  68. KUBERNETES K8s-02 Robot Test (detail)
  69. KUBERNETES K8s-03 Robot Test (detail)
  70. Feature 8623 (detail)
  71. Fix bug with MTU in LXD configuration (detail)
  72. Feature 8839: Modified Installation script to install OSM with NGUI. (detail)
  73. Update of Packer builder for Vagrant and various clouds (detail)
  74. Adding PLA to Kafka topics (detail)
  75. Enable NG-UI in CICD (detail)
  76. tools/ added NG-UI (detail)
  77. Adding PLA to CICD for deb package and docker image publication (detail)
  78. PLA build (detail)
  79. Generating ngui version for NGUI_VERSION variable (detail)
  80. Fix route nginx.conf in NG-UI container (detail)
  81. bug(kafka): kafka deployment parsing errors with env variables (detail)
  82. Enabling publish of testing-daily in dockerhub (detail)
  83. Adding tests repository to CI/CD pipeline (detail)
  84. Enabling robot tests in CI/CD pipeline (detail)
  85. Propagate the parameter DO_ROBOT to stage_3-merge (detail)
  86. Fix robot reports folder (detail)
  87. Setting OSM_HOSTNAME for robot test execution (detail)
  88. Removing extra osm in OSM_HOSTNAME variable for robotframework (detail)
  89. Increase build speed (detail)
  90. Increase build speed (detail)
  91. Adding prometheus_hostname env variable for ci/cd tests (detail)
  92. Archive containers logs in robot test execution (detail)
  93. Fix ci_stage_3 logs creation for robot tests (detail)
  94. Adding prometheus_hostname env variable for ci/cd tests (detail)
  95. Fix typo in variable stackName (detail)
  96. Redirecting the logs of robot to a file (detail)
  97. Updating the logs collection from robot tests (detail)
  98. Updating the logs collection from robot tests (detail)
  99. Enable autocreation topic in kafka for POL and MON (detail)
  100. fix bug 1116 related to node_exporter service (detail)
  101. Branch Creation Script A new script similar to the tagging script that (detail)
  102. Update Artifactory URL (detail)
  103. Migrating robot-systests to osm/tests repository (detail)
  104. Removing robot-systests deprecated from devops (detail)
  105. PLA Dockerfile fixes (detail)
  106. feat(lcm-prometheus interconnection): allows lcm to modify prometheus (detail)
  107. Charmed Install Updates from v7.0 (detail)
  108. feat(prometheus): conditional copy of new configuration from configmap (detail)
  109. Installer files adapted for Release EIGHT and docker tag 8 (detail)
  110. Added health check after installation before exit (detail)
  111. feat8157-vnfindicators: added local k8s cluster to deploy snmp exporters (detail)
  112. use the right devops folder for lxd configuration (detail)
  113. PLA pip install dependency (detail)
  114. Adding Kafka to Health Check (detail)
  115. dockerfile LCM force non interactive for N2VC install (detail)
  116. fix 1138 installing cryptography>=2.5 with pip (detail)
  117. fix(prometheus - lcm): prometheus was using the wron directory because (detail)
  118. Pin version of dogpile (detail)
  119. Enable snap builds (detail)
  120. Remove unneeded dependency (detail)
  121. Fix the osm bundle names (detail)
  122. Update juju images (detail)
  123. Promote snaps to beta (detail)
  124. Pin libjuju version to 2.8.2 (detail)
  125. Pin libjuju version to 2.8.2 (detail)
  126. separate taint of master node and deployment of osm (detail)
  127. fix k8s installation, node must be tainted before (detail)
  128. LCM Dockerfile: added grpclib (detail)
  129. Merge v8.0 Into Master (detail)
  130. Pin grpc versions (detail)
  131. Improve annotations for exposing OSM services in charmed installer (detail)
  132. Allow more image types (detail)
  133. Add keystone charm and interface (detail)
  134. Execute docker health commands with docker group (detail)
  135. Pin Juju Version Pins the agent version of juju to ensure consistent (detail)
  136. fix 1220: LCM Dockerfile remove  grpcio-tools grpclib (detail)
  137. Fix juju status in OSM Charms (detail)
  138. Adding LDAP support for Keystone charm (detail)
  139. Bug 1233: Accept vca argument in installer script (detail)
  140. Fix bug 1128 (detail)
  141. Workaround for Bug 1262 (detail)
  142. Fix bug 1262: docker build updates to use latest npm and ubuntu1804 (detail)
  143. Revert "Workaround for Bug 1262" (detail)
  144. Adding HA support for Keystone charm (detail)
  145. Adding extra LDAP configuration options to Keystone charm (detail)
  146. Adding extra LDAP configurations to Keystone docker (detail)

Started by upstream project RO-stage_1-merge build number 438
originally caused by:

Revision: 70eeb18e4fcbb8bc3c81c88f270b59966ae4d463
  • sol006
Revision: 91ca2d57a186fbdd331839f2914debfd951611d8
  • refs/remotes/origin/sol006
Artifactory Build Info