TEST SUITE:K8S 04-Openldap Helm
Description:Runs the given keyword with the given arguments, if the test failed.
Duration:0:03:33.311 (+0:03:33.311)
Status:0 critical test, 0 passed, 0 failed
8 test total (+8), 8 passed, 0 failed
Report File:report.html
Log File:log.html

Test Result Trend

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Duration Trend

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Test Cases

NameCrit.StatusDuration (diff)
Add K8s Cluster To OSMnoPASS0:01:07.097(+0:01:07.097)
Create Network Service InstancenoPASS0:01:06.863(+0:01:06.863)
Create Package For OpenLDAP CNFnoPASS0:00:02.058(+0:00:02.058)
Create Package For OpenLDAP NSnoPASS0:00:01.088(+0:00:01.088)
Delete NS Descriptor TestnoPASS0:00:03.040(+0:00:03.040)
Delete Network Service InstancenoPASS0:00:19.001(+0:00:19.001)
Delete VNF Descriptor TestnoPASS0:00:03.035(+0:00:03.035)
Remove K8s Cluster from OSMnoPASS0:00:51.092(+0:00:51.092)