#!/bin/bash # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # function usage(){ [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function echo -e "usage: $0 [OPTIONS]" echo -e "Install OSM" echo -e " OPTIONS" echo -e " -h / --help: print this help" echo -e " -y: do not prompt for confirmation, assumes yes" echo -e " -r : use specified repository name for osm packages" echo -e " -R : use specified release for osm binaries (deb packages, lxd images, ...)" echo -e " -u : use specified repository url for osm packages" echo -e " -k : use specified repository public key url" echo -e " -a : use this apt proxy url when downloading apt packages (air-gapped installation)" echo -e " -c : use a specific kubernetes engine (options: kubeadm, k3s), default is kubeadm" echo -e " -s namespace when installed using k8s, default is osm" echo -e " -H use specific juju host controller IP" echo -e " -S use VCA/juju secret key" echo -e " -P use VCA/juju public key file" echo -e " -A use VCA/juju API proxy" echo -e " --pla: install the PLA module for placement support" echo -e " --old-sa: install old Service Assurance framework (MON, POL); do not install Airflow and Pushgateway" echo -e " --ng-sa: install new Service Assurance framework (Airflow, AlertManager and Pushgateway) (enabled by default)" echo -e " -o : ONLY installs the specified component (k8s_monitor, ng-sa, k8scluster, docker, deploy-osm)" echo -e " -O : Install OSM to an OpenStack infrastructure. is required. If a is used, the clouds.yaml file should be under ~/.config/openstack/ or /etc/openstack/" echo -e " -N : Public network name required to setup OSM to OpenStack" echo -e " -f : Public SSH key to use to deploy OSM to OpenStack" echo -e " -F : Cloud-Init userdata file to deploy OSM to OpenStack" echo -e " -D use local devops installation path" echo -e " -w Location to store runtime installation" echo -e " -t specify osm docker tag (default is latest)" echo -e " -l: LXD cloud yaml file" echo -e " -L: LXD credentials yaml file" echo -e " -K: Specifies the name of the controller to use - The controller must be already bootstrapped" echo -e " -d use docker registry URL instead of dockerhub" echo -e " -p set docker proxy URL as part of docker CE configuration" echo -e " -T specify docker tag for the modules specified with option -m" echo -e " --debug: debug mode" echo -e " --nocachelxdimages: do not cache local lxd images, do not create cronjob for that cache (will save installation time, might affect instantiation time)" echo -e " --cachelxdimages: cache local lxd images, create cronjob for that cache (will make installation longer)" echo -e " --nolxd: do not install and configure LXD, allowing unattended installations (assumes LXD is already installed and confifured)" echo -e " --nodocker: do not install docker, do not initialize a swarm (assumes docker is already installed and a swarm has been initialized)" echo -e " --nojuju: do not juju, assumes already installed" echo -e " --nohostports: do not expose docker ports to host (useful for creating multiple instances of osm on the same host)" echo -e " --nohostclient: do not install the osmclient" echo -e " --uninstall: uninstall OSM: remove the containers and delete NAT rules" echo -e " --k8s_monitor: install the OSM kubernetes monitoring with prometheus and grafana" echo -e " --volume: create a VM volume when installing to OpenStack" echo -e " --showopts: print chosen options and exit (only for debugging)" echo -e " --charmed: Deploy and operate OSM with Charms on k8s" echo -e " [--bundle ]: Specify with which bundle to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)" echo -e " [--k8s ]: Specify with which kubernetes to deploy OSM with charms (--charmed option)" echo -e " [--vca ]: Specifies the name of the controller to use - The controller must be already bootstrapped (--charmed option)" echo -e " [--small-profile]: Do not install and configure LXD which aims to use only K8s Clouds (--charmed option)" echo -e " [--lxd ]: Takes a YAML file as a parameter with the LXD Cloud information (--charmed option)" echo -e " [--lxd-cred ]: Takes a YAML file as a parameter with the LXD Credentials information (--charmed option)" echo -e " [--microstack]: Installs microstack as a vim. (--charmed option)" echo -e " [--overlay]: Add an overlay to override some defaults of the default bundle (--charmed option)" echo -e " [--ha]: Installs High Availability bundle. (--charmed option)" echo -e " [--tag]: Docker image tag. (--charmed option)" echo -e " [--registry]: Docker registry with optional credentials as user:pass@hostname:port (--charmed option)" [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } # takes a juju/accounts.yaml file and returns the password specific # for a controller. I wrote this using only bash tools to minimize # additions of other packages function parse_juju_password { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function password_file="${HOME}/.local/share/juju/accounts.yaml" local controller_name=$1 local s='[[:space:]]*' w='[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*' fs=$(echo @|tr @ '\034') sed -ne "s|^\($s\):|\1|" \ -e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s[\"']\(.*\)[\"']$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" \ -e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\(.*\)$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" $password_file | awk -F$fs -v controller=$controller_name '{ indent = length($1)/2; vname[indent] = $2; for (i in vname) {if (i > indent) {delete vname[i]}} if (length($3) > 0) { vn=""; for (i=0; i ${OSM_HELM_WORK_DIR}/osm-values.yaml vca: pubkey: \"${OSM_VCA_PUBKEY}\" EOF" fi # Generate helm values to be passed with --set OSM_HELM_OPTS="" # OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set nbi.useOsmSecret=false" # OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set mysql.dbHostPath=${OSM_NAMESPACE_VOL}" # not needed as mysql is now bitnami helm chart OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set global.image.repositoryBase=${DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}${DOCKER_USER}" [ ! "$OSM_DOCKER_TAG" == "testing-daily" ] && OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set-string global.image.tag=${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}" [ ! "$OSM_DOCKER_TAG" == "testing-daily" ] && OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set prometheus.server.sidecarContainers.prometheus-config-sidecar.image=${DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}${DOCKER_USER}/prometheus:${OSM_DOCKER_TAG}" OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set global.hostname=${OSM_DEFAULT_IP}.nip.io" OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set grafana.ingress.hosts={grafana.${OSM_DEFAULT_IP}.nip.io}" OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set prometheus.server.ingress.hosts={prometheus.${OSM_DEFAULT_IP}.nip.io}" # OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set prometheus.alertmanager.ingress.hosts={alertmanager.${OSM_DEFAULT_IP}.nip.io}" if [ -n "${INSTALL_JUJU}" ]; then OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set vca.enabled=true" OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set vca.host=${OSM_VCA_HOST}" OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set vca.secret=${OSM_VCA_SECRET}" OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set vca.cacert=${OSM_VCA_CACERT}" fi [ -n "$OSM_VCA_APIPROXY" ] && OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set lcm.config.OSMLCM_VCA_APIPROXY=${OSM_VCA_APIPROXY}" [ -n "${INSTALL_NGSA}" ] || OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set global.oldServiceAssurance=true" if [ -n "${OSM_BEHIND_PROXY}" ]; then OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set global.behindHttpProxy=true" [ -n "${HTTP_PROXY}" ] && OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set global.httpProxy.HTTP_PROXY=\"${HTTP_PROXY}\"" [ -n "${HTTPS_PROXY}" ] && OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set global.httpProxy.HTTPS_PROXY=\"${HTTPS_PROXY}\"" if [ -n "${NO_PROXY}" ]; then if [[ ! "${NO_PROXY}" =~ .*".svc".* ]]; then NO_PROXY="${NO_PROXY},.svc" fi if [[ ! "${NO_PROXY}" =~ .*".cluster.local".* ]]; then NO_PROXY="${NO_PROXY},.cluster.local" fi OSM_HELM_OPTS="${OSM_HELM_OPTS} --set global.httpProxy.NO_PROXY=\"${NO_PROXY//,/\,}\"" fi fi if [ -n "${INSTALL_JUJU}" ]; then OSM_HELM_OPTS="-f ${OSM_HELM_WORK_DIR}/osm-values.yaml ${OSM_HELM_OPTS}" fi echo "helm upgrade --install -n $OSM_NAMESPACE --create-namespace $OSM_NAMESPACE $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/helm/osm ${OSM_HELM_OPTS}" helm upgrade --install -n $OSM_NAMESPACE --create-namespace $OSM_NAMESPACE $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/helm/osm ${OSM_HELM_OPTS} # Override existing values.yaml with the final values.yaml used to install OSM helm -n $OSM_NAMESPACE get values $OSM_NAMESPACE | sudo tee -a ${OSM_HELM_WORK_DIR}/osm-values.yaml [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } #deploy charmed services function deploy_charmed_services() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function juju add-model $OSM_NAMESPACE $OSM_VCA_K8S_CLOUDNAME juju deploy ch:mongodb-k8s -m $OSM_NAMESPACE --channel latest/stable [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } #deploy mongodb function deploy_mongodb() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function MONGO_OPTS="-d ${OSM_HELM_WORK_DIR} -D ${OSM_DEVOPS} -s ${OSM_NAMESPACE} -t ${OSM_DOCKER_TAG} -U ${DOCKER_USER} ${DEBUG_INSTALL}" [ -n "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}" ] && MONGO_OPTS="${MONGO_OPTS} -r ${DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}" $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/install_mongodb.sh ${MONGO_OPTS} || \ FATAL_TRACK install_osm_mongodb_service "install_mongodb.sh failed" [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } function install_osm_ngsa_service() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function NGSA_OPTS="-i ${OSM_DEFAULT_IP} -d ${OSM_HELM_WORK_DIR} -D ${OSM_DEVOPS} -s ${OSM_NAMESPACE} -t ${OSM_DOCKER_TAG} -U ${DOCKER_USER} ${DEBUG_INSTALL}" [ -n "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}" ] && NGSA_OPTS="${NGSA_OPTS} -r ${DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL}" $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/install_ngsa.sh ${NGSA_OPTS} || \ FATAL_TRACK install_osm_ngsa_service "install_ngsa.sh failed" [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } function add_local_k8scluster() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function # OSM_HOSTNAME=$(kubectl get --namespace osm -o jsonpath="{.spec.rules[0].host}" ingress nbi-ingress) OSM_HOSTNAME="nbi.${OSM_DEFAULT_IP}.nip.io:443" /usr/bin/osm --hostname ${OSM_HOSTNAME} --all-projects vim-create \ --name _system-osm-vim \ --account_type dummy \ --auth_url http://dummy \ --user osm --password osm --tenant osm \ --description "dummy" \ --config '{management_network_name: mgmt}' /usr/bin/osm --hostname ${OSM_HOSTNAME} --all-projects k8scluster-add \ --creds ${HOME}/.kube/config \ --vim _system-osm-vim \ --k8s-nets '{"net1": null}' \ --version '1.29' \ --description "OSM Internal Cluster" \ _system-osm-k8s [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } function configure_apt_proxy() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function OSM_APT_PROXY=$1 OSM_APT_PROXY_FILE="/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/osm-apt" echo "Configuring apt proxy in file ${OSM_APT_PROXY_FILE}" if [ ! -f ${OSM_APT_PROXY_FILE} ]; then sudo bash -c "cat < ${OSM_APT_PROXY} Acquire::http { Proxy \"${OSM_APT_PROXY}\"; } EOF" else sudo sed -i "s|Proxy.*|Proxy \"${OSM_APT_PROXY}\"; }|" ${OSM_APT_PROXY_FILE} fi sudo apt-get update || FATAL "Configured apt proxy, but couldn't run 'apt-get update'. Check ${OSM_APT_PROXY_FILE}" track prereq apt_proxy_configured_ok [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } function ask_proceed() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function [ -z "$ASSUME_YES" ] && ! ask_user "The installation will do the following 1. Install and configure LXD 2. Install juju 3. Install docker CE 4. Disable swap space 5. Install and initialize Kubernetes as pre-requirements. Do you want to proceed (Y/n)? " y && echo "Cancelled!" && exit 1 [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } function check_osm_behind_proxy() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function export OSM_BEHIND_PROXY="" export OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES="" [ -n "${http_proxy}" ] && OSM_BEHIND_PROXY="y" && echo "http_proxy=${http_proxy}" && OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES="${OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES} http_proxy" [ -n "${https_proxy}" ] && OSM_BEHIND_PROXY="y" && echo "https_proxy=${https_proxy}" && OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES="${OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES} https_proxy" [ -n "${HTTP_PROXY}" ] && OSM_BEHIND_PROXY="y" && echo "HTTP_PROXY=${HTTP_PROXY}" && OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES="${OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES} HTTP_PROXY" [ -n "${HTTPS_PROXY}" ] && OSM_BEHIND_PROXY="y" && echo "https_proxy=${HTTPS_PROXY}" && OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES="${OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES} HTTPS_PROXY" [ -n "${no_proxy}" ] && echo "no_proxy=${no_proxy}" && OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES="${OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES} no_proxy" [ -n "${NO_PROXY}" ] && echo "NO_PROXY=${NO_PROXY}" && OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES="${OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES} NO_PROXY" echo "OSM_BEHIND_PROXY=${OSM_BEHIND_PROXY}" echo "OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES=${OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES}" if [ -n "${OSM_BEHIND_PROXY}" ]; then [ -z "$ASSUME_YES" ] && ! ask_user " The following env variables have been found for the current user: ${OSM_PROXY_ENV_VARIABLES}. This suggests that this machine is behind a proxy and a special configuration is required. The installer will install Docker CE, LXD and Juju to work behind a proxy using those env variables. Take into account that the installer uses apt, curl, wget, docker, lxd, juju and snap. Depending on the program, the env variables to work behind a proxy might be different (e.g. http_proxy vs HTTP_PROXY). For that reason, it is strongly recommended that at least http_proxy, https_proxy, HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY are defined. Finally, some of the programs (apt, snap) those programs are run as sudoer, requiring that those env variables are also set for root user. If you are not sure whether those variables are configured for the root user, you can stop the installation now. Do you want to proceed with the installation (Y/n)? " y && echo "Cancelled!" && exit 1 else echo "This machine is not behind a proxy" fi [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } function find_devops_folder() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function if [ -z "$OSM_DEVOPS" ]; then if [ -n "$TEST_INSTALLER" ]; then echo -e "\nUsing local devops repo for OSM installation" OSM_DEVOPS="$(dirname $(realpath $(dirname $0)))" else echo -e "\nCreating temporary dir for OSM installation" OSM_DEVOPS="$(mktemp -d -q --tmpdir "installosm.XXXXXX")" trap 'rm -rf "$OSM_DEVOPS"' EXIT git clone https://osm.etsi.org/gerrit/osm/devops.git $OSM_DEVOPS fi fi [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } function install_lxd() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function LXD_INSTALL_OPTS="-D ${OSM_DEVOPS} -i ${OSM_DEFAULT_IF} ${DEBUG_INSTALL}" [ -n "${OSM_BEHIND_PROXY}" ] && LXD_INSTALL_OPTS="${LXD_INSTALL_OPTS} -P" $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/install_lxd.sh ${LXD_INSTALL_OPTS} || FATAL_TRACK lxd "install_lxd.sh failed" [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } function install_docker_ce() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function DOCKER_CE_OPTS="-D ${OSM_DEVOPS} ${DEBUG_INSTALL}" [ -n "${DOCKER_PROXY_URL}" ] && DOCKER_CE_OPTS="${DOCKER_CE_OPTS} -p ${DOCKER_PROXY_URL}" [ -n "${OSM_BEHIND_PROXY}" ] && DOCKER_CE_OPTS="${DOCKER_CE_OPTS} -P" $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/install_docker_ce.sh ${DOCKER_CE_OPTS} || FATAL_TRACK docker_ce "install_docker_ce.sh failed" [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } function install_k8s_cluster() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function if [ "${K8S_CLUSTER_ENGINE}" == "kubeadm" ]; then KUBEADM_INSTALL_OPTS="-d ${OSM_WORK_DIR} -D ${OSM_DEVOPS} ${DEBUG_INSTALL}" $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/install_kubeadm_cluster.sh ${KUBEADM_INSTALL_OPTS} || \ FATAL_TRACK k8scluster "install_kubeadm_cluster.sh failed" K8SCLUSTER_ADDONS_INSTALL_OPTS="-i ${OSM_DEFAULT_IP} -d ${OSM_WORK_DIR} -D ${OSM_DEVOPS} ${DEBUG_INSTALL} --all" $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/install_cluster_addons.sh ${K8SCLUSTER_ADDONS_INSTALL_OPTS} || \ FATAL_TRACK k8scluster "install_cluster_addons.sh failed for kubeadm cluster" elif [ "${K8S_CLUSTER_ENGINE}" == "k3s" ]; then K3S_INSTALL_OPTS="-D ${OSM_DEVOPS} ${DEBUG_INSTALL}" # The K3s installation script will automatically take the HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY, # as well as the CONTAINERD_HTTP_PROXY, CONTAINERD_HTTPS_PROXY and CONTAINERD_NO_PROXY variables # from the shell, if they are present, and write them to the environment file of k3s systemd service, $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/install_k3s_cluster.sh ${K3S_INSTALL_OPTS} || \ FATAL_TRACK k8scluster "install_k3s_cluster.sh failed" K8SCLUSTER_ADDONS_INSTALL_OPTS="-i ${OSM_DEFAULT_IP} -d ${OSM_WORK_DIR} -D ${OSM_DEVOPS} ${DEBUG_INSTALL} --certmgr --nginx" $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/install_cluster_addons.sh ${K8SCLUSTER_ADDONS_INSTALL_OPTS} || \ FATAL_TRACK k8scluster "install_cluster_addons.sh failed for k3s cluster" fi [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } function deploy_osm() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function deploy_mongodb track deploy_osm deploy_mongodb_ok deploy_osm_helm_chart track deploy_osm deploy_osm_services_k8s_ok if [ -n "$INSTALL_NGSA" ]; then # optional NGSA install install_osm_ngsa_service track deploy_osm install_osm_ngsa_ok fi [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } function install_osm() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function trap ctrl_c INT check_osm_behind_proxy check_packages "git wget curl tar snapd" if [ -n "${INSTALL_JUJU}" ]; then sudo snap install jq || FATAL "Could not install jq (snap package). Make sure that snap works" fi find_devops_folder track start release $RELEASE none none docker_tag $OSM_DOCKER_TAG none none installation_type $OSM_INSTALLATION_TYPE none none os_info $os_info none none track checks checkingroot_ok [ "$USER" == "root" ] && FATAL "You are running the installer as root. The installer is prepared to be executed as a normal user with sudo privileges." track checks noroot_ok ask_proceed track checks proceed_ok echo "Installing OSM" [ -n "$DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL" ] && parse_docker_registry_url echo "Determining IP address of the interface with the default route" [ -z "$OSM_DEFAULT_IF" ] && OSM_DEFAULT_IF=$(ip route list|awk '$1=="default" {print $5; exit}') [ -z "$OSM_DEFAULT_IF" ] && OSM_DEFAULT_IF=$(route -n |awk '$1~/^ {print $8; exit}') [ -z "$OSM_DEFAULT_IF" ] && FATAL "Not possible to determine the interface with the default route" OSM_DEFAULT_IP=`ip -o -4 a s ${OSM_DEFAULT_IF} |awk '{split($4,a,"/"); print a[1]; exit}'` [ -z "$OSM_DEFAULT_IP" ] && FATAL "Not possible to determine the IP address of the interface with the default route" # configure apt proxy [ -n "$APT_PROXY_URL" ] && configure_apt_proxy $APT_PROXY_URL # if lxd is requested, we will install it [ -n "$INSTALL_LXD" ] && install_lxd track prereq prereqok_ok if [ -n "$INSTALL_DOCKER" ] || [ "${K8S_CLUSTER_ENGINE}" == "kubeadm" ]; then if [ "${K8S_CLUSTER_ENGINE}" == "kubeadm" ]; then echo "Kubeadm requires docker, so docker will be installed." fi install_docker_ce fi track docker_ce docker_ce_ok $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/install_helm_client.sh -D ${OSM_DEVOPS} ${DEBUG_INSTALL} || \ FATAL_TRACK k8scluster "install_helm_client.sh failed" track helm_client install_helm_client_ok install_k8s_cluster track k8scluster k8scluster_ok if [ -n "${INSTALL_JUJU}" ]; then JUJU_OPTS="-D ${OSM_DEVOPS} -s ${OSM_NAMESPACE} -i ${OSM_DEFAULT_IP} ${DEBUG_INSTALL} ${INSTALL_CACHELXDIMAGES}" [ -n "${OSM_VCA_HOST}" ] && JUJU_OPTS="$JUJU_OPTS -H ${OSM_VCA_HOST}" [ -n "${LXD_CLOUD_FILE}" ] && JUJU_OPTS="$JUJU_OPTS -l ${LXD_CLOUD_FILE}" [ -n "${LXD_CRED_FILE}" ] && JUJU_OPTS="$JUJU_OPTS -L ${LXD_CRED_FILE}" [ -n "${CONTROLLER_NAME}" ] && JUJU_OPTS="$JUJU_OPTS -K ${CONTROLLER_NAME}" [ -n "${OSM_BEHIND_PROXY}" ] && JUJU_OPTS="${JUJU_OPTS} -P" $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/install_juju.sh ${JUJU_OPTS} || FATAL_TRACK juju "install_juju.sh failed" set_vca_variables fi track juju juju_ok # This track is maintained for backwards compatibility track docker_images docker_images_ok # Deploy OSM (mongodb, OSM helm chart, NGSA) deploy_osm if [ -n "$INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR" ]; then # install OSM MONITORING install_k8s_monitoring track deploy_osm install_k8s_monitoring_ok fi [ -z "$INSTALL_NOHOSTCLIENT" ] && install_osmclient track osmclient osmclient_ok echo -e "Checking OSM health state..." $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/osm_health.sh -s ${OSM_NAMESPACE} -k || \ (echo -e "OSM is not healthy, but will probably converge to a healthy state soon." && \ echo -e "Check OSM status with: kubectl -n ${OSM_NAMESPACE} get all" && \ track healthchecks osm_unhealthy didnotconverge) track healthchecks after_healthcheck_ok add_local_k8scluster track final_ops add_local_k8scluster_ok # if lxd is requested, iptables firewall is updated to work with both docker and LXD if [ -n "$INSTALL_LXD" ]; then arrange_docker_default_network_policy fi wget -q -O- https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-15.0-fifteen/README2.txt &> /dev/null track end sudo find /etc/osm [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function return 0 } function install_to_openstack() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function if [ -z "$2" ]; then FATAL "OpenStack installer requires a valid external network name" fi # Install Pip for Python3 sudo apt install -y python3-pip python3-venv sudo -H LC_ALL=C python3 -m pip install -U pip # Create a venv to avoid conflicts with the host installation python3 -m venv $OPENSTACK_PYTHON_VENV source $OPENSTACK_PYTHON_VENV/bin/activate # Install Ansible, OpenStack client and SDK, latest openstack version supported is Train python -m pip install -U wheel python -m pip install -U "python-openstackclient<=4.0.2" "openstacksdk>=0.12.0,<=0.36.2" "ansible>=2.10,<2.11" # Install the Openstack cloud module (ansible>=2.10) ansible-galaxy collection install openstack.cloud export ANSIBLE_CONFIG="$OSM_DEVOPS/installers/openstack/ansible.cfg" OSM_INSTALLER_ARGS="${REPO_ARGS[@]}" ANSIBLE_VARS="external_network_name=$2 setup_volume=$3 server_name=$OPENSTACK_VM_NAME" if [ -n "$OPENSTACK_SSH_KEY_FILE" ]; then ANSIBLE_VARS+=" key_file=$OPENSTACK_SSH_KEY_FILE" fi if [ -n "$OPENSTACK_USERDATA_FILE" ]; then ANSIBLE_VARS+=" userdata_file=$OPENSTACK_USERDATA_FILE" fi # Execute the Ansible playbook based on openrc or clouds.yaml if [ -e "$1" ]; then . $1 ansible-playbook -e installer_args="\"$OSM_INSTALLER_ARGS\"" -e "$ANSIBLE_VARS" \ $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/openstack/site.yml else ansible-playbook -e installer_args="\"$OSM_INSTALLER_ARGS\"" -e "$ANSIBLE_VARS" \ -e cloud_name=$1 $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/openstack/site.yml fi # Exit from venv deactivate [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function return 0 } function arrange_docker_default_network_policy() { echo -e "Fixing firewall so docker and LXD can share the same host without affecting each other." sudo iptables -I DOCKER-USER -j ACCEPT sudo iptables-save | sudo tee /etc/iptables/rules.v4 sudo ip6tables-save | sudo tee /etc/iptables/rules.v6 } function install_k8s_monitoring() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function # install OSM monitoring sudo $OSM_DEVOPS/installers/k8s/install_osm_k8s_monitoring.sh -o ${OSM_NAMESPACE} || FATAL_TRACK install_k8s_monitoring "k8s/install_osm_k8s_monitoring.sh failed" [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } function dump_vars(){ [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function echo "APT_PROXY_URL=$APT_PROXY_URL" echo "K8S_CLUSTER_ENGINE=$K8S_CLUSTER_ENGINE" echo "DEBUG_INSTALL=$DEBUG_INSTALL" echo "DOCKER_PROXY_URL=$DOCKER_PROXY_URL" echo "DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL=$DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL" echo "DOCKER_USER=$DOCKER_USER" echo "INSTALL_CACHELXDIMAGES=$INSTALL_CACHELXDIMAGES" echo "INSTALL_JUJU=$INSTALL_JUJU" echo "INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR=$INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR" echo "INSTALL_LXD=$INSTALL_LXD" echo "INSTALL_NGSA=$INSTALL_NGSA" echo "INSTALL_DOCKER=$INSTALL_DOCKER" echo "INSTALL_ONLY=$INSTALL_ONLY" echo "INSTALL_ONLY_DEPLOY_OSM=$INSTALL_ONLY_DEPLOY_OSM" echo "INSTALL_ONLY_DOCKER_CE=$INSTALL_ONLY_DOCKER_CE" echo "INSTALL_ONLY_K8S_CLUSTER=$INSTALL_ONLY_K8S_CLUSTER" echo "INSTALL_ONLY_NGSA=$INSTALL_ONLY_NGSA" echo "INSTALL_PLA=$INSTALL_PLA" echo "INSTALL_TO_OPENSTACK=$INSTALL_TO_OPENSTACK" echo "INSTALL_VIMEMU=$INSTALL_VIMEMU" echo "NO_HOST_PORTS=$NO_HOST_PORTS" echo "OPENSTACK_PUBLIC_NET_NAME=$OPENSTACK_PUBLIC_NET_NAME" echo "OPENSTACK_OPENRC_FILE_OR_CLOUD=$OPENSTACK_OPENRC_FILE_OR_CLOUD" echo "OPENSTACK_ATTACH_VOLUME=$OPENSTACK_ATTACH_VOLUME" echo "OPENSTACK_SSH_KEY_FILE"="$OPENSTACK_SSH_KEY_FILE" echo "OPENSTACK_USERDATA_FILE"="$OPENSTACK_USERDATA_FILE" echo "OPENSTACK_VM_NAME"="$OPENSTACK_VM_NAME" echo "OSM_DEVOPS=$OSM_DEVOPS" echo "OSM_DOCKER_TAG=$OSM_DOCKER_TAG" echo "OSM_HELM_WORK_DIR=$OSM_HELM_WORK_DIR" echo "OSM_NAMESPACE=$OSM_NAMESPACE" echo "OSM_VCA_HOST=$OSM_VCA_HOST" echo "OSM_VCA_PUBKEY=$OSM_VCA_PUBKEY" echo "OSM_VCA_SECRET=$OSM_VCA_SECRET" echo "OSM_WORK_DIR=$OSM_WORK_DIR" echo "PULL_IMAGES=$PULL_IMAGES" echo "RECONFIGURE=$RECONFIGURE" echo "RELEASE=$RELEASE" echo "REPOSITORY=$REPOSITORY" echo "REPOSITORY_BASE=$REPOSITORY_BASE" echo "REPOSITORY_KEY=$REPOSITORY_KEY" echo "SHOWOPTS=$SHOWOPTS" echo "TEST_INSTALLER=$TEST_INSTALLER" echo "UNINSTALL=$UNINSTALL" echo "UPDATE=$UPDATE" [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } function parse_docker_registry_url() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function DOCKER_REGISTRY_USER=$(echo "$DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL" | awk '{split($1,a,"@"); split(a[1],b,":"); print b[1]}') DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD=$(echo "$DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL" | awk '{split($1,a,"@"); split(a[1],b,":"); print b[2]}') DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL=$(echo "$DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL" | awk '{split($1,a,"@"); print a[2]}') [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } function ctrl_c() { [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG beginning of function echo "** Trapped CTRL-C" FATAL "User stopped the installation" [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG end of function } UNINSTALL="" UPDATE="" RECONFIGURE="" TEST_INSTALLER="" INSTALL_LXD="" SHOWOPTS="" ASSUME_YES="" APT_PROXY_URL="" K8S_CLUSTER_ENGINE="k3s" DEBUG_INSTALL="" RELEASE="testing-daily" REPOSITORY="testing" INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR="" INSTALL_NGSA="y" INSTALL_PLA="" INSTALL_VIMEMU="" LXD_REPOSITORY_BASE="https://osm-download.etsi.org/repository/osm/lxd" LXD_REPOSITORY_PATH="" INSTALL_TO_OPENSTACK="" OPENSTACK_OPENRC_FILE_OR_CLOUD="" OPENSTACK_PUBLIC_NET_NAME="" OPENSTACK_ATTACH_VOLUME="false" OPENSTACK_SSH_KEY_FILE="" OPENSTACK_USERDATA_FILE="" OPENSTACK_VM_NAME="server-osm" OPENSTACK_PYTHON_VENV="$HOME/.virtual-envs/osm" INSTALL_ONLY="" INSTALL_ONLY_DEPLOY_OSM="" INSTALL_ONLY_DOCKER_CE="" INSTALL_ONLY_K8S_CLUSTER="" INSTALL_ONLY_NGSA="" INSTALL_DOCKER="" INSTALL_JUJU="" INSTALL_NOHOSTCLIENT="" INSTALL_CACHELXDIMAGES="" OSM_DEVOPS= OSM_VCA_HOST= OSM_VCA_SECRET= OSM_VCA_PUBKEY= OSM_VCA_CLOUDNAME="localhost" OSM_VCA_K8S_CLOUDNAME="k8scloud" OSM_NAMESPACE=osm NO_HOST_PORTS="" REPOSITORY_KEY="OSM%20ETSI%20Release%20Key.gpg" REPOSITORY_BASE="https://osm-download.etsi.org/repository/osm/debian" OSM_WORK_DIR="/etc/osm" OSM_HELM_WORK_DIR="${OSM_WORK_DIR}/helm" OSM_HOST_VOL="/var/lib/osm" OSM_NAMESPACE_VOL="${OSM_HOST_VOL}/${OSM_NAMESPACE}" OSM_DOCKER_TAG="testing-daily" DOCKER_USER=opensourcemano PULL_IMAGES="y" KAFKA_TAG=2.11-1.0.2 KIWIGRID_K8S_SIDECAR_TAG="1.15.6" PROMETHEUS_TAG=v2.28.1 GRAFANA_TAG=8.1.1 PROMETHEUS_NODE_EXPORTER_TAG=0.18.1 PROMETHEUS_CADVISOR_TAG=latest KEYSTONEDB_TAG=10 OSM_DATABASE_COMMONKEY= ELASTIC_VERSION=6.4.2 ELASTIC_CURATOR_VERSION=5.5.4 POD_NETWORK_CIDR= K8S_MANIFEST_DIR="/etc/kubernetes/manifests" RE_CHECK='^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?$' DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL= DOCKER_PROXY_URL= MODULE_DOCKER_TAG= OSM_INSTALLATION_TYPE="Default" while getopts ":a:c:r:n:k:u:R:D:o:O:N:H:S:s:t:U:P:A:l:L:K:d:p:T:f:F:-: hy" o; do case "${o}" in a) APT_PROXY_URL=${OPTARG} ;; c) K8S_CLUSTER_ENGINE=${OPTARG} [ "${K8S_CLUSTER_ENGINE}" == "kubeadm" ] && continue [ "${K8S_CLUSTER_ENGINE}" == "k3s" ] && continue echo -e "Invalid argument for -c : ' ${K8S_CLUSTER_ENGINE}'\n" >&2 usage && exit 1 ;; r) REPOSITORY="${OPTARG}" REPO_ARGS+=(-r "$REPOSITORY") ;; k) REPOSITORY_KEY="${OPTARG}" REPO_ARGS+=(-k "$REPOSITORY_KEY") ;; u) REPOSITORY_BASE="${OPTARG}" REPO_ARGS+=(-u "$REPOSITORY_BASE") ;; R) RELEASE="${OPTARG}" REPO_ARGS+=(-R "$RELEASE") ;; D) OSM_DEVOPS="${OPTARG}" ;; o) INSTALL_ONLY="y" [ "${OPTARG}" == "k8s_monitor" ] && INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "ng-sa" ] && INSTALL_ONLY_NGSA="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "docker" ] && INSTALL_ONLY_DOCKER_CE="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "k8scluster" ] && INSTALL_ONLY_K8S_CLUSTER="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "deploy-osm" ] && INSTALL_ONLY_DEPLOY_OSM="y" && continue ;; O) INSTALL_TO_OPENSTACK="y" if [ -n "${OPTARG}" ]; then OPENSTACK_OPENRC_FILE_OR_CLOUD="${OPTARG}" else echo -e "Invalid argument for -O : ' $OPTARG'\n" >&2 usage && exit 1 fi ;; f) OPENSTACK_SSH_KEY_FILE="${OPTARG}" ;; F) OPENSTACK_USERDATA_FILE="${OPTARG}" ;; N) OPENSTACK_PUBLIC_NET_NAME="${OPTARG}" ;; H) OSM_VCA_HOST="${OPTARG}" ;; S) OSM_VCA_SECRET="${OPTARG}" ;; s) OSM_NAMESPACE="${OPTARG}" && [[ ! "${OPTARG}" =~ $RE_CHECK ]] && echo "Namespace $OPTARG is invalid. Regex used for validation is $RE_CHECK" && exit 0 ;; t) OSM_DOCKER_TAG="${OPTARG}" REPO_ARGS+=(-t "$OSM_DOCKER_TAG") ;; U) DOCKER_USER="${OPTARG}" ;; P) OSM_VCA_PUBKEY=$(cat ${OPTARG}) ;; A) OSM_VCA_APIPROXY="${OPTARG}" ;; l) LXD_CLOUD_FILE="${OPTARG}" ;; L) LXD_CRED_FILE="${OPTARG}" ;; K) CONTROLLER_NAME="${OPTARG}" ;; d) DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL="${OPTARG}" ;; p) DOCKER_PROXY_URL="${OPTARG}" ;; T) MODULE_DOCKER_TAG="${OPTARG}" ;; -) [ "${OPTARG}" == "help" ] && usage && exit 0 [ "${OPTARG}" == "debug" ] && DEBUG_INSTALL="--debug" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "uninstall" ] && UNINSTALL="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "update" ] && UPDATE="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "reconfigure" ] && RECONFIGURE="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "test" ] && TEST_INSTALLER="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "lxdinstall" ] && INSTALL_LXD="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "lxd" ] && INSTALL_LXD="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "nolxd" ] && INSTALL_LXD="" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "docker" ] && INSTALL_DOCKER="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "nodocker" ] && INSTALL_DOCKER="" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "showopts" ] && SHOWOPTS="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "nohostports" ] && NO_HOST_PORTS="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "juju" ] && INSTALL_JUJU="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "nojuju" ] && INSTALL_JUJU="" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "nohostclient" ] && INSTALL_NOHOSTCLIENT="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "k8s_monitor" ] && INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "charmed" ] && CHARMED="y" && OSM_INSTALLATION_TYPE="Charmed" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "bundle" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "k8s" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "lxd-cred" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "microstack" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "overlay" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "only-vca" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "small-profile" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "vca" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "ha" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "tag" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "registry" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "pla" ] && INSTALL_PLA="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "old-sa" ] && INSTALL_NGSA="" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "ng-sa" ] && INSTALL_NGSA="y" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "volume" ] && OPENSTACK_ATTACH_VOLUME="true" && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "nocachelxdimages" ] && continue [ "${OPTARG}" == "cachelxdimages" ] && INSTALL_CACHELXDIMAGES="--cachelxdimages" && continue echo -e "Invalid option: '--$OPTARG'\n" >&2 usage && exit 1 ;; :) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument" >&2 usage && exit 1 ;; \?) echo -e "Invalid option: '-$OPTARG'\n" >&2 usage && exit 1 ;; h) usage && exit 0 ;; y) ASSUME_YES="y" ;; *) usage && exit 1 ;; esac done source $OSM_DEVOPS/common/all_funcs [ -z "${DEBUG_INSTALL}" ] || DEBUG Debug is on [ -n "$SHOWOPTS" ] && dump_vars && exit 0 # Uninstall if "--uninstall" if [ -n "$UNINSTALL" ]; then if [ -n "$CHARMED" ]; then ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/charmed_uninstall.sh -R $RELEASE -r $REPOSITORY -u $REPOSITORY_BASE -D $OSM_DEVOPS -t $DOCKER_TAG "$@" || \ FATAL_TRACK charmed_uninstall "charmed_uninstall.sh failed" else ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/uninstall_osm.sh "$@" || \ FATAL_TRACK community_uninstall "uninstall_osm.sh failed" fi echo -e "\nDONE" exit 0 fi # Installation starts here # Get README and create OSM_TRACK_INSTALLATION_ID wget -q -O- https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-15.0-fifteen/README.txt &> /dev/null export OSM_TRACK_INSTALLATION_ID="$(date +%s)-$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 16)" # Get OS info to be tracked os_distro=$(lsb_release -i 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $3}') echo $os_distro os_release=$(lsb_release -r 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $2}') echo $os_release os_info="${os_distro}_${os_release}" os_info="${os_info// /_}" if [ -n "$CHARMED" ]; then # Charmed installation sudo snap install jq || FATAL "Could not install jq (snap package). Make sure that snap works" ${OSM_DEVOPS}/installers/charmed_install.sh --tag $OSM_DOCKER_TAG "$@" || \ FATAL_TRACK charmed_install "charmed_install.sh failed" wget -q -O- https://osm-download.etsi.org/ftp/osm-15.0-fifteen/README2.txt &> /dev/null echo -e "\nDONE" exit 0 elif [ -n "$INSTALL_TO_OPENSTACK" ]; then # Installation to Openstack install_to_openstack $OPENSTACK_OPENRC_FILE_OR_CLOUD $OPENSTACK_PUBLIC_NET_NAME $OPENSTACK_ATTACH_VOLUME echo -e "\nDONE" exit 0 else # Community_installer # Special cases go first if [ -n "$INSTALL_ONLY" ]; then [ -n "$INSTALL_ONLY_DOCKER_CE" ] && install_docker_ce [ -n "$INSTALL_ONLY_K8S_CLUSTER" ] && install_k8s_cluster [ -n "$INSTALL_K8S_MONITOR" ] && install_k8s_monitoring [ -n "$INSTALL_ONLY_DEPLOY_OSM" ] && deploy_osm [ -n "$INSTALL_ONLY_NGSA" ] && install_osm_ngsa_service echo -e "\nDONE" && exit 0 fi # This is where installation starts install_osm echo -e "\nDONE" exit 0 fi