# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ## # Copyright 2020 Telefonica Investigacion y Desarrollo, S.A.U. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. ## """ Implements a Dummy vim plugin. """ from copy import deepcopy import logging from random import SystemRandom from uuid import uuid4 from osm_ro_plugin import vimconn import yaml __author__ = "Alfonso Tierno" __date__ = "2020-04-20" class VimDummyConnector(vimconn.VimConnector): """Dummy vim connector that does nothing Provide config with: vm_ip: ip address to provide at VM creation. For some tests must be a valid reachable VM ssh_key: private ssh key to use for inserting an authorized ssh key """ def __init__( self, uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url, url_admin=None, user=None, passwd=None, log_level=None, config={}, persistent_info={}, ): super().__init__( uuid, name, tenant_id, tenant_name, url, url_admin, user, passwd, log_level, config, persistent_info, ) self.logger = logging.getLogger("ro.vim.dummy") if log_level: self.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, log_level)) self.nets = { "mgmt": { "id": "mgmt", "name": "mgmt", "status": "ACTIVE", "vim_info": "{status: ACTIVE}", } } self.vms = {} self.flavors = {} self.tenants = {} # preload some images self.images = { "90681b39-dc09-49b7-ba2e-2c00c6b33b76": { "id": "90681b39-dc09-49b7-ba2e-2c00c6b33b76", "name": "cirros034", "checksum": "ee1eca47dc88f4879d8a229cc70a07c6", }, "83a39656-65db-47dc-af03-b55289115a53": { "id": "", "name": "cirros040", "checksum": "443b7623e27ecf03dc9e01ee93f67afe", }, "208314f2-8eb6-4101-965d-fe2ffbaedf3c": { "id": "208314f2-8eb6-4101-965d-fe2ffbaedf3c", "name": "ubuntu18.04", "checksum": "b6fc7b9b91bca32e989e1edbcdeecb95", }, "c03321f8-4b6e-4045-a309-1b3878bd32c1": { "id": "c03321f8-4b6e-4045-a309-1b3878bd32c1", "name": "ubuntu16.04", "checksum": "8f08442faebad2d4a99fedb22fca11b5", }, "4f6399a2-3554-457e-916e-ada01f8b950b": { "id": "4f6399a2-3554-457e-916e-ada01f8b950b", "name": "ubuntu1604", "checksum": "8f08442faebad2d4a99fedb22fca11b5", }, "59ac0b79-5c7d-4e83-b517-4c6c6a8ac1d3": { "id": "59ac0b79-5c7d-4e83-b517-4c6c6a8ac1d3", "name": "hackfest3-mgmt", "checksum": "acec1e5d5ad7be9be7e6342a16bcf66a", }, "f8818a03-f099-4c18-b1c7-26b1324203c1": { "id": "f8818a03-f099-4c18-b1c7-26b1324203c1", "name": "hackfest-pktgen", "checksum": "f8818a03-f099-4c18-b1c7-26b1324203c1", }, } def new_network( self, net_name, net_type, ip_profile=None, shared=False, provider_network_profile=None, ): net_id = str(uuid4()) self.logger.debug( "new network id={}, name={}, net_type={}, ip_profile={}, provider_network_profile={}".format( net_id, net_name, net_type, ip_profile, provider_network_profile ) ) net = { "id": net_id, "name": net_name, "net_type": net_type, "status": "ACTIVE", } self.nets[net_id] = net return net_id, net def get_network_list(self, filter_dict=None): nets = [] for net_id, net in self.nets.items(): if filter_dict and filter_dict.get("name"): if net["name"] != filter_dict.get("name"): continue if filter_dict and filter_dict.get("id"): if net_id != filter_dict.get("id"): continue nets.append(net) # if no network is returned and search by name create a new one if not nets and filter_dict and filter_dict.get("name"): net_id, net = self.new_network(filter_dict.get("name"), "mgmt") nets.append(net) return nets def get_network(self, net_id): if net_id not in self.nets: raise vimconn.VimConnNotFoundException( "network with id {} not found".format(net_id) ) return self.nets[net_id] def delete_network(self, net_id, created_items=None): if net_id not in self.nets: raise vimconn.VimConnNotFoundException( "network with id {} not found".format(net_id) ) self.logger.debug( "delete network id={}, created_items={}".format(net_id, created_items) ) self.nets.pop(net_id) return net_id def refresh_nets_status(self, net_list): nets = {} for net_id in net_list: if net_id not in self.nets: net = {"status": "DELETED"} else: net = self.nets[net_id].copy() net["vim_info"] = yaml.dump( {"status": "ACTIVE", "name": net["name"]}, default_flow_style=True, width=256, ) nets[net_id] = net return nets def get_flavor(self, flavor_id): if flavor_id not in self.flavors: raise vimconn.VimConnNotFoundException( "flavor with id {} not found".format(flavor_id) ) return self.flavors[flavor_id] def new_flavor(self, flavor_data): flavor_id = str(uuid4()) self.logger.debug( "new flavor id={}, flavor_data={}".format(flavor_id, flavor_data) ) flavor = deepcopy(flavor_data) flavor["id"] = flavor_id if "name" not in flavor: flavor["name"] = flavor_id self.flavors[flavor_id] = flavor return flavor_id def delete_flavor(self, flavor_id): if flavor_id not in self.flavors: raise vimconn.VimConnNotFoundException( "flavor with id {} not found".format(flavor_id) ) self.logger.debug("delete flavor id={}".format(flavor_id)) self.flavors.pop(flavor_id) return flavor_id def get_flavor_id_from_data(self, flavor_dict): for flavor_id, flavor_data in self.flavors.items(): for k in ("ram", "vcpus", "disk", "extended"): if flavor_data.get(k) != flavor_dict.get(k): break else: return flavor_id raise vimconn.VimConnNotFoundException( "flavor with ram={} cpu={} disk={} {} not found".format( flavor_dict["ram"], flavor_dict["vcpus"], flavor_dict["disk"], "and extended" if flavor_dict.get("extended") else "", ) ) def new_tenant(self, tenant_name, tenant_description): tenant_id = str(uuid4()) self.logger.debug( "new tenant id={}, description={}".format(tenant_id, tenant_description) ) tenant = { "name": tenant_name, "description": tenant_description, "id": tenant_id, } self.tenants[tenant_id] = tenant return tenant_id def delete_tenant(self, tenant_id): if tenant_id not in self.tenants: raise vimconn.VimConnNotFoundException( "tenant with id {} not found".format(tenant_id) ) self.tenants.pop(tenant_id) self.logger.debug("delete tenant id={}".format(tenant_id)) return tenant_id def get_tenant_list(self, filter_dict=None): tenants = [] for tenant_id, tenant in self.tenants.items(): if filter_dict and filter_dict.get("name"): if tenant["name"] != filter_dict.get("name"): continue if filter_dict and filter_dict.get("id"): if tenant_id != filter_dict.get("id"): continue tenants.append(tenant) return tenants def new_image(self, image_dict): image_id = str(uuid4()) self.logger.debug("new image id={}, iamge_dict={}".format(image_id, image_dict)) image = deepcopy(image_dict) image["id"] = image_id if "name" not in image: image["id"] = image_id self.images[image_id] = image return image_id def delete_image(self, image_id): if image_id not in self.images: raise vimconn.VimConnNotFoundException( "image with id {} not found".format(image_id) ) self.logger.debug("delete image id={}".format(image_id)) self.images.pop(image_id) return image_id def get_image_list(self, filter_dict=None): images = [] for image_id, image in self.images.items(): if filter_dict and filter_dict.get("name"): if image["name"] != filter_dict.get("name"): continue if filter_dict and filter_dict.get("checksum"): if image["checksum"] != filter_dict.get("checksum"): continue if filter_dict and filter_dict.get("id"): if image_id != filter_dict.get("id"): continue images.append(image) return images def new_vminstance( self, name, description, start, image_id, flavor_id, affinity_group_list, net_list, cloud_config=None, disk_list=None, availability_zone_index=None, availability_zone_list=None, ): vm_id = str(uuid4()) interfaces = [] self.logger.debug( "new vm id={}, name={}, image_id={}, flavor_id={}, net_list={}, cloud_config={}".format( vm_id, name, image_id, flavor_id, net_list, cloud_config ) ) for iface_index, iface in enumerate(net_list): iface["vim_id"] = str(iface_index) interface = { "ip_address": iface.get("ip_address") or self.config.get("vm_ip") or "", "mac_address": iface.get("mac_address") or self.config.get("vm_mac") or "00:11:22:33:44:55", "vim_interface_id": str(iface_index), "vim_net_id": iface["net_id"], } if iface.get("type") in ("SR-IOV", "PCI-PASSTHROUGH") and self.config.get( "sdn-port-mapping" ): compute_index = SystemRandom().randrange( len(self.config["sdn-port-mapping"]) ) port_index = SystemRandom().randrange( len(self.config["sdn-port-mapping"][compute_index]["ports"]) ) interface["compute_node"] = self.config["sdn-port-mapping"][ compute_index ]["compute_node"] interface["pci"] = self.config["sdn-port-mapping"][compute_index][ "ports" ][port_index]["pci"] interfaces.append(interface) vm = { "id": vm_id, "name": name, "status": "ACTIVE", "description": description, "interfaces": interfaces, "image_id": image_id, "flavor_id": flavor_id, } if image_id not in self.images: self.logger.error( "vm create, image_id '{}' not found. Skip".format(image_id) ) if flavor_id not in self.flavors: self.logger.error( "vm create flavor_id '{}' not found. Skip".format(flavor_id) ) self.vms[vm_id] = vm return vm_id, vm def get_vminstance(self, vm_id): if vm_id not in self.vms: raise vimconn.VimConnNotFoundException( "vm with id {} not found".format(vm_id) ) return self.vms[vm_id] def delete_vminstance(self, vm_id, created_items=None, volumes_to_hold=None): if vm_id not in self.vms: raise vimconn.VimConnNotFoundException( "vm with id {} not found".format(vm_id) ) self.vms.pop(vm_id) self.logger.debug( "delete vm id={}, created_items={}".format(vm_id, created_items) ) return vm_id def refresh_vms_status(self, vm_list): vms = {} for vm_id in vm_list: if vm_id not in self.vms: vm = {"status": "DELETED"} else: vm = deepcopy(self.vms[vm_id]) vm["vim_info"] = yaml.dump( {"status": "ACTIVE", "name": vm["name"]}, default_flow_style=True, width=256, ) vms[vm_id] = vm return vms def action_vminstance(self, vm_id, action_dict, created_items={}): return None def inject_user_key( self, ip_addr=None, user=None, key=None, ro_key=None, password=None ): if self.config.get("ssh_key"): ro_key = self.config.get("ssh_key") return super().inject_user_key( ip_addr=ip_addr, user=user, key=key, ro_key=ro_key, password=password )