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135 statements  

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1# Copyright 2020 ArctosLabs Scandinavia AB 


3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 

4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 

5# You may obtain a copy of the License at 




9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 

10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 


12# implied. 

13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 

14# limitations under the License. 

15import datetime 

16import platform 

17import itertools 


19import pymzn 

20from jinja2 import Environment 

21from jinja2.loaders import FileSystemLoader, PackageLoader, ChoiceLoader 



24class MznPlacementConductor(object): 

25 """ 

26 Knows how to process placement req using minizinc 

27 """ 


29 if platform.system() == "Windows": 

30 default_mzn_path = "C:\\Program Files\\MiniZinc IDE (bundled)\\minizinc.exe" 

31 else: 

32 default_mzn_path = "/minizinc/bin/minizinc" 


34 def __init__(self, log, mzn_path=default_mzn_path): 

35 pymzn.config["minizinc"] = mzn_path 

36 self.log = ( 

37 log # FIXME what to log (besides forwarding it to MznModelGenerator) here? 

38 ) 


40 def _run_placement_model(self, mzn_model, ns_desc, mzn_model_data={}): 

41 """ 

42 Runs the minizinc placement model and post process the result 

43 Note: in this revision we use the 'item' output mode from pymzn.minizinc since it ease 

44 post processing of the solutions when we use enumerations in mzn_model 

45 Note: minizinc does not support '-' in identifiers and therefore we convert back from use of '_' when we 

46 process the result 

47 Note: minizinc does not support identifiers starting with numbers and therefore we skip the leading 'vim_' 

48 when we process the result 


50 :param mzn_model: a minizinc model as str (note: may also be path to .mzn file) 

51 :param ns_desc: network service descriptor, carries information about pinned VNFs so those can be included in 

52 the result 

53 :param mzn_model_data: minizinc model data dictionary (typically not used with our models) 

54 :return: list of dicts formatted as {'vimAccountId': '<account id>', 'member-vnf-index': <'index'>} 

55 or formatted as [{}] if unsatisfiable model 

56 """ 

57 solns = pymzn.minizinc(mzn_model, data=mzn_model_data, output_mode="item") 


59 if "UNSATISFIABLE" in str(solns): 

60 return [{}] 


62 solns_as_str = str(solns[0]) 


64 # make it easier to extract the desired information by cleaning from newline, whitespace etc. 

65 solns_as_str = solns_as_str.replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "").rstrip(";") 


67 vnf_vim_mapping = (e.split("=") for e in solns_as_str.split(";")) 


69 res = [ 

70 {"vimAccountId": e[1][3:].replace("_", "-"), "member-vnf-index": e[0][3:]} 

71 for e in vnf_vim_mapping 

72 ] 

73 # add any pinned VNFs 

74 pinned = [ 

75 { 

76 "vimAccountId": e["vim_account"][3:].replace("_", "-"), 

77 "member-vnf-index": e["vnf_id"], 

78 } 

79 for e in ns_desc 

80 if "vim_account" in e.keys() 

81 ] 


83 return res + pinned 


85 def do_placement_computation(self, nspd): 

86 """ 

87 Orchestrates the placement computation 


89 :param nspd: placement data 

90 :return: see _run_placement_model 

91 """ 

92 mzn_model = MznModelGenerator(self.log).create_model(nspd) 

93 return self._run_placement_model(mzn_model, nspd["ns_desc"]) 



96class MznModelGenerator(object): 

97 """ 

98 Has the capability to generate minizinc models from information contained in 

99 NsPlacementData objects. Uses jinja2 as templating language for the model 

100 """ 


102 default_j2_template = "osm_pla_dynamic_template.j2" 

103 template_search_path = [ 

104 "osm_pla/placement", 

105 "../placement", 

106 "/pla/osm_pla/placement", 

107 "./", 

108 "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/osm_pla/placement", 

109 ] 


111 def __init__(self, log): 

112 """ 

113 Constructor 

114 """ 

115 self.log = log # FIXME we do not log anything so far 


117 def create_model(self, ns_placement_data): 

118 """ 

119 Creates a minizinc model according to the content of nspd 

120 nspd - NSPlacementData 

121 return MZNModel 

122 """ 

123"ns_desc: {}".format(ns_placement_data["ns_desc"])) 

124"vld_desc: {}".format(ns_placement_data["vld_desc"])) 

125 mzn_model_template = self._load_jinja_template() 

126 mzn_model = mzn_model_template.render(ns_placement_data) 

127"Minizinc model: {}".format(mzn_model)) 

128 return mzn_model 


130 def _load_jinja_template(self, template_name=default_j2_template): 

131 """loads the jinja template used for model generation""" 

132 loader1 = FileSystemLoader(MznModelGenerator.template_search_path) 

133 loader2 = PackageLoader("osm_pla", ".") 

134 env = Environment(loader=ChoiceLoader([loader1, loader2]), autoescape=True) 

135 return env.get_template(template_name) 



138class NsPlacementDataFactory(object): 

139 """ 

140 process information an network service and applicable network infrastructure resources in order to produce 

141 information tailored for the minizinc model code generator 

142 """ 


144 def __init__( 

145 self, 

146 vim_accounts_info, 

147 vnf_prices, 

148 nsd, 

149 pil_info, 

150 pinning=None, 

151 order_constraints=None, 

152 ): 

153 """ 

154 :param vim_accounts_info: a dictionary with vim url as key and id as value, we add a unique index to it for use 

155 in the mzn array constructs and adjust the value of the id to minizinc acceptable identifier syntax 

156 :param vnf_prices: a dictionary with 'vnfd-id-ref' as key and a dictionary with vim_urls: cost as value 

157 :param nsd: the network service descriptor 

158 :param pil_info: price list and metrics for PoP interconnection links 

159 :param pinning: list of {'member-vnf-index': '<idx>', 'vim_account': '<vim-account>'} 

160 :param order_constraints: any constraints provided at instantiation time 

161 """ 

162 next_idx = itertools.count() 

163 self._vim_accounts_info = { 

164 k: {"id": "vim" + v.replace("-", "_"), "idx": next(next_idx)} 

165 for k, v in vim_accounts_info.items() 

166 } 

167 self._vnf_prices = vnf_prices 

168 self._nsd = nsd 

169 self._pil_info = pil_info 

170 self._pinning = pinning 

171 self._order_constraints = order_constraints 


173 def _produce_trp_link_characteristics_data(self, characteristics): 

174 """ 

175 :param characteristics: one of {pil_latency, pil_price, pil_jitter} 

176 :return: 2d array of requested trp_link characteristics data 

177 """ 

178 if characteristics not in {"pil_latency", "pil_price", "pil_jitter"}: 

179 raise Exception("characteristic '{}' not supported".format(characteristics)) 

180 num_vims = len(self._vim_accounts_info) 

181 trp_link_characteristics = [ 

182 [0 if col == row else 0x7FFF for col in range(num_vims)] 

183 for row in range(num_vims) 

184 ] 

185 for pil in self._pil_info["pil"]: 

186 if characteristics in pil.keys(): 

187 ep1 = pil["pil_endpoints"][0] 

188 ep2 = pil["pil_endpoints"][1] 

189 # only consider links between applicable vims 

190 if ep1 in self._vim_accounts_info and ep2 in self._vim_accounts_info: 

191 idx1 = self._vim_accounts_info[ep1]["idx"] 

192 idx2 = self._vim_accounts_info[ep2]["idx"] 

193 trp_link_characteristics[idx1][idx2] = pil[characteristics] 

194 trp_link_characteristics[idx2][idx1] = pil[characteristics] 


196 return trp_link_characteristics 


198 # TODO: Review if we should adapt this method with SOL006 /nsd/vnfd/int-virtual-link-desc/df/qos fields. 

199 def _produce_vld_desc(self): 

200 """ 

201 Creates the expected vlds from the nsd. Includes constraints if part of nsd. 

202 Overrides constraints with any syntactically correct instantiation parameters 

203 :return: 

204 """ 


206 all_vld_member_vnf_index_refs = {} 

207 # TODO: Change for multiple DF support 

208 ns_df = self._nsd.get("df", [{}])[0] 

209 for vnf_profile in ns_df.get("vnf-profile", []): 

210 for vlc in vnf_profile.get("virtual-link-connectivity", []): 

211 vld_id = vlc.get("virtual-link-profile-id") 

212 vld_member_vnf_index_ref = vnf_profile.get("id") 

213 if vld_id in all_vld_member_vnf_index_refs: 

214 all_vld_member_vnf_index_refs[vld_id].append( 

215 vld_member_vnf_index_ref 

216 ) 

217 else: 

218 all_vld_member_vnf_index_refs[vld_id] = [vld_member_vnf_index_ref] 


220 vld_desc = [] 

221 for vld in self._nsd.get("virtual-link-desc", ()): 

222 if vld.get("mgmt-network", False) is True: 

223 continue 

224 vld_desc_entry = {} 

225 cp_refs = all_vld_member_vnf_index_refs[vld.get("id")] 

226 if len(cp_refs) == 2: 

227 vld_desc_entry["cp_refs"] = cp_refs 

228 # TODO: Change for multiple DF support 

229 vld_df = vld.get("df", [{}])[0] 

230 for constraint in vld_df.get("qos", {}): 

231 if constraint == "latency": 

232 vld_desc_entry["latency"] = vld_df["qos"][constraint] 

233 elif constraint == "packet-delay-variation": 

234 vld_desc_entry["jitter"] = vld_df["qos"][constraint] 

235 vld_desc.append(vld_desc_entry) 


237 # create candidates from instantiate params 

238 if self._order_constraints is not None: 

239 candidate_vld_desc = [] 

240 # use id to find the endpoints in the nsd 

241 for entry in self._order_constraints.get("vld-constraints"): 

242 for vld in self._nsd.get("virtual-link-desc", ()): 

243 if entry["id"] == vld.get("id"): 

244 vld_desc_instantiate_entry = {} 

245 cp_refs = all_vld_member_vnf_index_refs[vld.get("id")] 

246 vld_desc_instantiate_entry["cp_refs"] = cp_refs 

247 # add whatever constraints that are provided to the vld_desc_entry 

248 # misspelled 'link-constraints' => empty dict 

249 # lack (or misspelling) of one or both supported constraints => entry not appended 

250 for constraint, value in entry.get( 

251 "link-constraints", {} 

252 ).items(): 

253 if constraint == "latency": 

254 vld_desc_instantiate_entry["latency"] = value 

255 elif constraint == "jitter": 

256 vld_desc_instantiate_entry["jitter"] = value 

257 if {"latency", "jitter"}.intersection( 

258 vld_desc_instantiate_entry.keys() 

259 ): 

260 candidate_vld_desc.append(vld_desc_instantiate_entry) 

261 # merge with nsd originated, FIXME log any deviations? 

262 for vld_d in vld_desc: 

263 for vld_d_i in candidate_vld_desc: 

264 if set(vld_d["cp_refs"]) == set(vld_d_i["cp_refs"]): 

265 if vld_d_i.get("jitter"): 

266 vld_d["jitter"] = vld_d_i["jitter"] 

267 if vld_d_i.get("latency"): 

268 vld_d["latency"] = vld_d_i["latency"] 


270 return vld_desc 


272 def _produce_ns_desc(self): 

273 """ 

274 collect information for the ns_desc part of the placement data 

275 for the vim_accounts that are applicable, collect the vnf_price 

276 """ 

277 ns_desc = [] 

278 # TODO: Change for multiple DF support 

279 ns_df = self._nsd.get("df", [{}])[0] 

280 for vnf_profile in ns_df.get("vnf-profile", []): 

281 vnf_info = {"vnf_id": vnf_profile["id"]} 

282 # prices 

283 prices_for_vnfd = self._vnf_prices[vnf_profile["vnfd-id"]] 

284 # the list of prices must be ordered according to the indexing of the vim_accounts 

285 price_list = [_ for _ in range(len(self._vim_accounts_info))] 

286 for k in prices_for_vnfd.keys(): 

287 if k in self._vim_accounts_info.keys(): 

288 price_list[self._vim_accounts_info[k]["idx"]] = prices_for_vnfd[k] 

289 vnf_info["vnf_price_per_vim"] = price_list 


291 # pinning to dc 

292 if self._pinning is not None: 

293 for pinned_vnf in self._pinning: 

294 if vnf_profile["id"] == pinned_vnf["member-vnf-index"]: 

295 vnf_info["vim_account"] = "vim" + pinned_vnf[ 

296 "vimAccountId" 

297 ].replace("-", "_") 


299 ns_desc.append(vnf_info) 

300 return ns_desc 


302 def create_ns_placement_data(self): 

303 """populate NsPlacmentData object""" 

304 ns_placement_data = { 

305 "vim_accounts": [ 

306 vim_data["id"] 

307 for _, vim_data in sorted( 

308 self._vim_accounts_info.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]["idx"] 

309 ) 

310 ], 

311 "trp_link_latency": self._produce_trp_link_characteristics_data( 

312 "pil_latency" 

313 ), 

314 "trp_link_jitter": self._produce_trp_link_characteristics_data( 

315 "pil_jitter" 

316 ), 

317 "trp_link_price_list": self._produce_trp_link_characteristics_data( 

318 "pil_price" 

319 ), 

320 "ns_desc": self._produce_ns_desc(), 

321 "vld_desc": self._produce_vld_desc(), 

322 "generator_data": {"file": __file__, "time":}, 

323 } 


325 return ns_placement_data