def Get_MDG(project) { // split the project. def values = project.split('/') if ( values.size() > 1 ) { return values[1] } // no prefix, likely just the project name then return project } def project_checkout() { // checkout the project git url: "${env.GERRIT_PROJECT}" sh "git fetch origin ${env.GERRIT_REFSPEC}" if (env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION.size() > 0 ) { sh "git checkout -f ${env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION}" } } def devops_checkout() { dir('devops') { git url: '' } } node { mdg = Get_MDG("${env.GERRIT_PROJECT}") println("MDG is ${mdg}") if ( env.GERRIT_EVENT_TYPE.equals('change-merged') ) { def downstream_params = [ string(name: 'GERRIT_BRANCH', value: env.GERRIT_BRANCH), string(name: 'GERRIT_PROJECT', value: env.GERRIT_PROJECT), string(name: 'GERRIT_REFSPEC', value: env.GERRIT_REFSPEC), string(name: 'GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION', value: env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION), ] result = build job: "${mdg}/${env.GERRIT_BRANCH}", parameters: downstream_params, propagate: true if (result.getResult() != 'SUCCESS') { project = result.getProjectName() build = result.getNumber() error("${project} build ${build} failed") } } else { stage('Prepare') { sh 'env' devops_checkout() } stage('Checkout') { project_checkout() } container_name = "${env.GERRIT_PROJECT}-${env.GERRIT_BRANCH}" stage('Docker-Build') { sh "docker build -t ${container_name} ." } withDockerContainer("${container_name}") { stage('Docker-Setup') { sh ''' groupadd -o -g $(id -g) -r jenkins useradd -o -u $(id -u) --create-home -r -g jenkins jenkins ''' } stage('Test') { sh 'devops-stages/' } stage('Build') { sh 'devops-stages/' } stage('Archive') { sh 'devops-stages/' archiveArtifacts artifacts: "dists/**,pool/${mdg}/*.deb", fingerprint: true } } } }