*** Comments *** # Copyright 2020 Atos # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. *** Settings *** Documentation [SLICE-01] Network Slicing. Library OperatingSystem Library String Library Collections Library Process Library SSHLibrary Library yaml Resource ../lib/vnfd_lib.resource Resource ../lib/nsd_lib.resource Resource ../lib/nst_lib.resource Resource ../lib/nsi_lib.resource Resource ../lib/ns_lib.resource Resource ../lib/connectivity_lib.resource Resource ../lib/ssh_lib.resource Test Tags slice_01 cluster_slices daily regression Suite Teardown Run Keyword And Ignore Error Suite Cleanup *** Variables *** # NS and VNF descriptor package files ${VNFD1_PKG} slice_basic_vnf ${VNFD2_PKG} slice_basic_middle_vnf ${NSD1_PKG} slice_basic_ns ${NSD2_PKG} slice_basic_middle_ns ${NST} slice_basic_nst/slice_basic_nst.yaml # Descriptor names ${NST_NAME} slice_basic_nst ${VNFD1_NAME} slice_basic_vnf ${VNFD2_NAME} slice_basic_middle_vnf ${NSD1_NAME} slice_basic_ns ${NSD2_NAME} slice_basic_middle_ns # Instance names ${SLICE_NAME} slicebasic ${MIDDLE_NS_NAME} slicebasic.slice_basic_nsd_2 # SSH keys and username to be used ${PUBLICKEY} %{HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ${PRIVATEKEY} %{HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa ${USERNAME} ubuntu ${PASSWORD} ${EMPTY} ${VNF_MEMBER_INDEX} middle ${VNF_IP_ADDR} ${EMPTY} ${MGMT_VNF_IP} ${EMPTY} ${NST_CONFIG} {netslice-vld: [ {name: slice_vld_mgmt, vim-network-name: %{VIM_MGMT_NET}} ] } *** Test Cases *** Create Slice VNF Descriptors [Documentation] Onboards all the VNFDs required for the test: vnfd1_pkg and vnfd2_pkg (in the variables file) Create VNFD '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${VNFD1_PKG}' Create VNFD '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${VNFD2_PKG}' Create Slice NS Descriptors [Documentation] Onboards all the NSDs required for the test: nsd1_pkg and nsd2_pkg (in the variables file) Create NSD '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${NSD1_PKG}' Create NSD '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${NSD2_PKG}' Create Slice Template [Documentation] Onboards the Network Slice Template: nst (in the variables file) Create NST '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${NST}' Network Slice Instance Test [Documentation] Instantiates the NST recently onboarded and sets the instantiation id as a suite variable (nsi_id) ${id}= Create Network Slice ${NST_NAME} %{VIM_TARGET} ${SLICE_NAME} ${NST_CONFIG} ${PUBLICKEY} Set Suite Variable ${NSI_ID} ${id} Get Middle Vnf Management Ip [Documentation] Obtains the management IP of the slice middle VNF (name in the reources file) and sets the ip as a suite variable (mgmt_vnf_ip) ${middle_ns_id}= Run And Return RC And Output osm ns-list | grep ${MIDDLE_NS_NAME} | awk '{print $4}' 2>&1 ${vnf_ip}= Get Vnf Management Ip Address ${middle_ns_id}[1] ${VNF_MEMBER_INDEX} IF ${vnf_ip} == ${EMPTY} Fatal Error Variable \$\{ vnf_ip\} Empty Set Suite Variable ${MGMT_VNF_IP} ${vnf_ip} Get Slice Vnf Ip Addresses [Documentation] Obtains the list of IPs addresses in the slice and sets the list as a suite variable (slice_vnfs_ips) # Get all the ns_id in the slice except the middle one to avoid self ping @{slice_ns_list}= Get Slice Ns List Except One ${SLICE_NAME} ${MIDDLE_NS_NAME} Log Many @{slice_ns_list} @{temp_list}= Create List # For each ns_id in the list, get all the vnf_id and their IP addresses FOR ${ns_id} IN @{slice_ns_list} Log ${ns_id} @{vnf_id_list}= Get Ns Vnf List ${ns_id} # For each vnf_id in the list, get all its IP addresses @{ns_ip_list}= Get Ns Ip List @{vnf_id_list} @{temp_list}= Combine Lists ${temp_list} ${ns_ip_list} END Log List ${temp_list} Set Suite Variable ${SLICE_VNFS_IPS} ${temp_list} Test Middle Ns Ping [Documentation] Pings the slice middle vnf (mgmt_vnf_ip) Sleep 60s Waiting for the network to be up # Ping to the middle VNF Log ${MGMT_VNF_IP} Test Connectivity ${MGMT_VNF_IP} Test Middle Vnf SSH Access [Documentation] SSH access to the slice middle vnf (mgmt_vnf_ip) with the credentials provided in the variables file Sleep 30s Waiting ssh daemon to be up Test SSH Connection ${MGMT_VNF_IP} ${USERNAME} ${PASSWORD} ${PRIVATEKEY} Test Slice Connectivity [Documentation] SSH access to the slice middle vnf (mgmt_vnf_ip) with the credentials provided in the variables file ... and pings all the IP addresses in the list (slice_vnfs_ips) Ping Many ${MGMT_VNF_IP} ${USERNAME} ${PASSWORD} ${PRIVATEKEY} @{SLICE_VNFS_IPS} Delete Slice Instance [Documentation] Stops the slice instance (slice_name) [Tags] cleanup Delete NSI ${SLICE_NAME} Delete Slice Template [Documentation] Deletes the NST (nst_name) from OSM [Tags] cleanup Delete NST ${NST_NAME} Delete NS Descriptors [Documentation] Deletes all the NSDs created for the test: nsd1_name, nsd2_name [Tags] cleanup Delete NSD ${NSD1_NAME} Delete NSD ${NSD2_NAME} Delete VNF Descriptors [Documentation] Deletes all the VNFDs created for the test: vnfd1_name, vnfd2_name [Tags] cleanup Delete VNFD ${VNFD1_NAME} Delete VNFD ${VNFD2_NAME} *** Keywords *** Suite Cleanup [Documentation] Test Suit Cleanup: Deleting Descriptors, instance and template Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete NSI ${SLICE_NAME} Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete NST ${NST_NAME} Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete NSD ${NSD1_NAME} Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete NSD ${NSD2_NAME} Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete VNFD ${VNFD1_NAME} Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete VNFD ${VNFD2_NAME}