*** Comments *** # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. *** Settings *** Documentation [SA-07] Events or alarms coming from SA-related VNFs in the NS. Library OperatingSystem Library String Library Collections Library SSHLibrary Resource ../lib/vnfd_lib.resource Resource ../lib/nsd_lib.resource Resource ../lib/ns_lib.resource Resource ../lib/ssh_lib.resource Resource ../lib/prometheus_lib.resource Test Tags sa_07 cluster_sa daily regression Suite Setup Run Keyword And Ignore Error Suite Preparation Suite Teardown Run Keyword And Ignore Error Suite Cleanup *** Variables *** # NS instantiation parameters ${NS_CONFIG} {vld: [ {name: mgmtnet, vim-network-name: %{VIM_MGMT_NET}} ] } # NS and VNF descriptor package folder and ids ${VNFD_PKG} cirros_alarm_vnf ${VNFD_NAME} cirros_alarm-vnf ${VNFD_FILE} cirros_alarm_vnfd.yaml ${NEW_VNFD_PKG} new_cirros_alarm_vnf ${NSD_PKG} cirros_alarm_ns ${NSD_NAME} cirros_alarm-ns # NS instance name and id ${NS_ID} ${EMPTY} ${NS_NAME} sa_07-alarm_test # Webhook NS and VNF descriptor package folder and ids ${WS_VNFD_PKG} hackfest_basic_vnf ${WS_NSD_PKG} hackfest_basic_ns ${WS_VNFD_NAME} hackfest_basic-vnf ${WS_NSD_NAME} hackfest_basic-ns # Webhook NS instance name and id ${WS_NS_ID} ${EMPTY} ${WS_NS_NAME} sa_07-webhook_service_test # Webhook NS Variables ${WS_VNF_MEMBER_INDEX} vnf ${WS_VNF_IP_ADDR} ${EMPTY} ${WS_LOG_FILE} webhook.log ${WS_PORT} 5212 ${WS_ALARM_MSG} notify_alarm # SSH keys and username to be used ${PUBLICKEY} %{HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ${PRIVATEKEY} %{HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa ${USERNAME} ubuntu ${PASSWORD} ${EMPTY} # Prometheus polling interval and retries ${PROMETHEUS_POLL_RETRIES} 15 times ${PROMETHEUS_POLL_TIMEOUT} 1 minute # Prometheus metrics to retrieve ${METRIC_NAME} osm_cpu_utilization ${SUCCESS_RETURN_CODE} 0 *** Test Cases *** Create Webhook Service VNF Descriptor [Documentation] Upload VNF package with a webhook service for the testsuite. Create VNFD '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${WS_VNFD_PKG}' Create Webhook Service NS Descriptor [Documentation] Upload NS package with a webhook service for the testsuite. Create NSD '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${WS_NSD_PKG}' Instantiate Webhook Service Network Service [Documentation] Instantiate NS with the webhook for the testsuite. ${id}= Create Network Service ${WS_NSD_NAME} %{VIM_TARGET} ${WS_NS_NAME} ${NS_CONFIG} ${PUBLICKEY} Set Suite Variable ${WS_NS_ID} ${id} Get Webhook Service VNF IP Address [Documentation] Get the mgmt IP address of the VNF offering the webhook service. ${ip_addr}= Get Vnf Management Ip Address ${WS_NS_ID} ${WS_VNF_MEMBER_INDEX} Log ${ip_addr} Set Suite Variable ${WS_VNF_IP_ADDR} ${ip_addr} Start Webhook Service [Documentation] Launch simple command in webhook VNF to listen to notifications. Variable Should Exist ${PRIVATEKEY} msg=SSH private key not available Sleep 40 seconds Wait for SSH daemon to be up ${stdout}= Execute Remote Command Check Rc Return Output ${WS_VNF_IP_ADDR} ${USERNAME} ${PASSWORD} ${PRIVATEKEY} while true; do { echo -e 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n'; test; } | nc -l '${WS_PORT}'; done > '${WS_LOG_FILE}' 2>&1 & Log ${stdout} Create VNF Descriptor [Documentation] Upload VNF package for the testsuite. ${rc} ${stdout}= Run And Return RC And Output mkdir '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${NEW_VNFD_PKG}' && WEBHOOK_URL="http://${WS_VNF_IP_ADDR}:${WS_PORT}" envsubst < '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${VNFD_PKG}'/'${VNFD_FILE}' > '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${NEW_VNFD_PKG}'/'${VNFD_FILE}' Log ${stdout} Should Be Equal As Integers ${rc} ${SUCCESS_RETURN_CODE} Create VNFD '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${NEW_VNFD_PKG}' Create NS Descriptor [Documentation] Upload NS package for the testsuite. Create NSD '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${NSD_PKG}' Instantiate Network Service [Documentation] Instantiate the main NS for the testsuite. ${id}= Create Network Service ${NSD_NAME} %{VIM_TARGET} ${NS_NAME} ${NS_CONFIG} ${PUBLICKEY} Set Suite Variable ${NS_ID} ${id} Get Alarm Metric [Documentation] Check that the expected metric is present in Prometheus (pushed from SA modules). Variable Should Exist ${PROMETHEUS_POLL_RETRIES} msg=Metric polling retries is not available Variable Should Exist ${PROMETHEUS_POLL_TIMEOUT} msg=Metric polling timeout is not available Variable Should Exist ${PROMETHEUS_HOST} msg=Prometheus address is not available Variable Should Exist ${PROMETHEUS_PORT} msg=Prometheus port is not available Variable Should Exist ${METRIC_NAME} msg=Prometheus metric name is not available ${metric_filter}= Set Variable ns_id=${NS_ID} ${metric_value}= Wait Until Keyword Succeeds ${PROMETHEUS_POLL_RETRIES} ${PROMETHEUS_POLL_TIMEOUT} Get Metric ${PROMETHEUS_HOST} ${PROMETHEUS_PORT} ${PROMETHEUS_USER} ${PROMETHEUS_PASSWORD} ${METRIC_NAME} ${metric_filter} IF ${metric_value} <= 0 Fail msg=The metric '${METRIC_NAME}' value is '${metric_value}' Check Alarms Were Received [Documentation] Check in the webhook VNF that the notification is received. Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6 times 40 seconds Execute Remote Command Check Rc Return Output ${WS_VNF_IP_ADDR} ${USERNAME} ${PASSWORD} ${PRIVATEKEY} cat '${WS_LOG_FILE}' | grep '${WS_ALARM_MSG}' | grep '${NS_NAME}' Delete NS Instance [Documentation] Delete main NS instance. [Tags] cleanup Delete NS ${NS_NAME} Delete NS Descriptor [Documentation] Delete main NS package. [Tags] cleanup Delete NSD ${NSD_NAME} Delete VNF Descriptor [Documentation] Delete main VNF package. [Tags] cleanup Delete VNFD ${VNFD_NAME} Delete Webhook Service NS Instance [Documentation] Delete NS instance for the webhook. [Tags] cleanup Delete NS ${WS_NS_NAME} Delete Webhook Service NS Descriptor [Documentation] Delete NS package for the webhook. [Tags] cleanup Delete NSD ${WS_NSD_NAME} Delete Webhook Service VNF Descriptor [Documentation] Delete VNF package for the webhook. [Tags] cleanup Delete VNFD ${WS_VNFD_NAME} *** Keywords *** Suite Preparation [Documentation] Test Suite Preparation: Setting Prometheus Testsuite Variables Set Testsuite Prometheus Variables Suite Cleanup [Documentation] Test Suite Cleanup: Deleting descriptors and NS instance Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete NS ${NS_NAME} Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete NSD ${NSD_NAME} Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete VNFD ${VNFD_NAME} Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete NS ${WS_NS_NAME} Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete NSD ${WS_NSD_NAME} Run Keyword If Any Tests Failed Delete VNFD ${WS_VNFD_NAME} Delete Temporary Descriptor Folder '%{PACKAGES_FOLDER}/${NEW_VNFD_PKG}' Delete Temporary Descriptor Folder [Documentation] Removes the temporary package folder created for the test [Arguments] ${folder_name} ${rc} ${stdout}= Run And Return RC And Output rm -rf '${folder_name}' Log ${rc},${stdout}