For launch openvim pytest regresion: pytest -v -s test/ --config=test/test_openvim_fake.yaml The regresion must be launch from an user included in the visudo. If the regression will be use real infrastructure (fake_mode=False) create a new yaml or modify the existing template -> test/test_openvim_fake.yaml test.yaml example: --- host: host_1: host_2: host_n: tenant: test/tenants/test_tenant.yaml flavor: test/flavors/cirros_flavor.yaml image: server: test/servers/cirros_server_template.yaml net: test/networks/net-example5.yaml fake_mode: # depend on openvimd.cfg mode (test,normal, host only, OF only, development) create_inf: # Create host and mgmt net if True, if False host and mgmt net need to be precreated.