/* * * Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ import React from 'react'; import _ from 'lodash'; import './logging.scss'; import Button from 'widgets/button/rw.button.js'; import DashboardCard from 'widgets/dashboard_card/dashboard_card.jsx'; import ScreenLoader from 'widgets/screen-loader/screenLoader.jsx'; import LoggingActions from './loggingActions.js'; import LoggingStore from './loggingStore.js'; import LoggingNav from './loggingNav.jsx'; import CategorySeverityGrid from './categorySeverityGrid.jsx'; import DenyEventsEditGroup from './denyEventsEditGroup.jsx'; import {DropList, RadioButtonGroup, CardSection } from './loggingWidgets.jsx'; import Crouton from 'react-crouton'; import 'style/common.scss'; class DefaultCategorySeverityPanel extends React.Component { render() { const {defaultSeverities, severities, ...props } = this.props; return ( ); } } class LoggingEventsPanel extends React.Component { handleChangeAllowDuplicateEvents(e) { console.log("LoggingEventsPanel.handleChangeAllowDuplicateEvents:"); console.log("- e.currentTarget.value=", e.currentTarget.value); console.log("- e.currentTarget=", e.currentTarget); // NOTE, we may want to generalize our string to boolean convert/compare let allowFlag = (e.currentTarget.value == 'true'); LoggingStore.updateAllowDuplicateEvents(allowFlag); } handleAddDenyEvent(e) { LoggingStore.addDenyEvent(null); } render() { const {allowDuplicateEvents, eventIDs, radioItems, ...props} = this.props; let self = this; let selectedIndex = allowDuplicateEvents ? 0 :1; return (
Allow duplicate events
); } } LoggingEventsPanel.defaultProps = { radioItems: [ { label: "Allow", value: true }, { label: "Deny", value: false } ], allowDuplicateEvents: false, eventIDs: [] } /** * */ class LoggingGeneralDetailsPanel extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { syslogViewerURL: props.syslogViewerURL }; } componentWillReceiveProps(props) { this.setState({ syslogViewerURL: props.syslogViewerURL }); } handleUpdateDetailTextField(fieldName) { let self = this; return function(e) { let state = {}; state[fieldName] = e.target.value; self.setState(state); } } handleUpdateSyslogViewerURL(e) { LoggingStore.updateSyslogViewerURL(e.target.value); } handleOpenSysLogViewerURL(e) { e.preventDefault(); window.open(this.state.syslogViewerURL); } render() { return (
); } } LoggingGeneralDetailsPanel.defaultProps = { syslogViewerURL: "" } /** * Page level class renders the general logging config page of three panels: * 1. Default severity per category * 2. Events configuration * 3. Syslog viewer setting, launch */ export default class LoggingGeneral extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = LoggingStore.getState(); LoggingStore.listen(this.storeListener); this.state.validateErrorEvent = 0; this.state.validateErrorMsg = ''; this.state.isLoading = true; this.state.showDumpStateButton = false; } storeListener = (state) => { this.setState(state); } getData() { LoggingStore.getLoggingConfig(); this.setState({ isLoading: _.isEmpty(this.state.loggingConfig) }); } componentWillUnmount = () => { LoggingStore.unlisten(this.storeListener); } componentDidMount() { //console.log("LoggingGeneral.componentDidMount called"); this.getData(); } componentDidUpdate() { //console.log("LoggingGeneral.componentDidUpdate called"); } handleSave = (formData, e) => { e.preventDefault(); if (this.validateData()) { this.setState({ isLoading: true }); LoggingStore.updateLoggingConfig( this.collectNulledCategories( this.state.initialLoggingConfig, this.state.loggingConfig), this.removeCategoryNulls( this.state.loggingConfig ) ); } else { console.log("LoggingGeneral.handleSave failed validation"); } this.context.router.push({pathname: ''}); } removeCategoryNulls(config) { let cleanConfig = _.cloneDeep(config); let cleanSeverities = []; config.defaultSeverities.map(function(d) { if (d.severity) { cleanSeverities.push(d); } }); cleanConfig.defaultSeverities = cleanSeverities; return cleanConfig; } collectNulledCategories(oldCat, newCat) { let nulledCategories = []; let newSeverities = newCat.defaultSeverities; let oldSeverities = oldCat.defaultSeverities; newSeverities.map(function(c, i) { if(!c.severity) { if(oldSeverities[i].severity) { //verify that categories are the same if(oldSeverities[i].category == c.category) { nulledCategories.push({category: c.category}) } } } }); return nulledCategories; } validateData() { function isEventIdValid(eventID) { // Return true if null, empty string or a number, else return false if (!eventID || eventID.length == 0) { return true; } else { return (isNaN(+eventID)) ? false : true; } } let invalidEventIDs = []; this.state.loggingConfig.denyEventIDs.forEach( function(eventID, index) { if (!isEventIdValid(eventID)) { invalidEventIDs.push({ eventID: eventID, index: index}); } }) if (invalidEventIDs.length > 0) { console.log("invalidEvents = ", invalidEventIDs); if (invalidEventIDs.length == 1) { let msg = 'There is ' + invalidEventIDs.length + ' invalid event ID'; this.validateError(msg); } else { let msg = 'There are ' + invalidEventIDs.length + ' invalid event IDs'; this.validateError(msg); } // How should we identify each invalid value? return false; } else { return true; } } handleCancel = (e) => { console.log("LoggingGeneral.handleCancel clicked"); e.preventDefault(); // TODO: restore original state LoggingStore.resetLoggingConfigData(); this.context.router.push({pathname: ''}); } validateError = (msg) => { this.setState({ validateErrorEvent: true, validateErrorMsg: msg }); } validateReset = () => { this.setState({ validateErrorEvent: false }); } returnCrouton = () => { return