/* * * Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ import React from 'react'; import AppHeader from 'widgets/header/header.jsx'; import InstantiateStore from './instantiateStore.js'; import NetworkServiceActions from './launchNetworkServiceActions.js'; import InstantiateSelectDescriptorPanel from './instantiateSelectDescriptorPanel.jsx'; import CatalogDescriptorRaw from './catalogDescriptorRaw.jsx' import SkyquakeComponent from 'widgets/skyquake_container/skyquakeComponent.jsx'; import {Panel, PanelWrapper} from 'widgets/panel/panel'; import Button from 'widgets/button/rw.button.js'; import {SkyquakeRBAC, isRBACValid} from 'widgets/skyquake_rbac/skyquakeRBAC.jsx'; import ROLES from 'utils/roleConstants.js'; import 'style/layout.scss'; import './instantiateDashboard.scss'; const PROJECT_ROLES = ROLES.PROJECT; const PLATFORM = ROLES.PLATFORM; class InstantiateDashboard extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.Store = this.props.flux.stores.hasOwnProperty('InstantiateStore') ? this.props.flux.stores.InstantiateStore : this.props.flux.createStore(InstantiateStore, 'InstantiateStore'); this.state = this.Store.getState(); } componentDidMount() { let self = this; let asyncOperations = [] asyncOperations.push(this.Store.getCatalog()); asyncOperations.push(this.Store.getCloudAccount(function() { asyncOperations.push(self.Store.getDataCenters()); asyncOperations.push(self.Store.getResourceOrchestrator()); asyncOperations.push(self.Store.getSshKey()); asyncOperations.push(self.Store.getConfigAgent()); asyncOperations.push(self.Store.getResourceOrchestrator()); })); Promise.all(asyncOperations).then(function(resolve, reject) { if(self.props.params.nsd) { self.Store.descriptorSelected(self.state.nsdDict[self.props.params.nsd]); } }) } componentWillMount() { this.Store.listen(this.updateState); } componentWillUnmount() { this.Store.unlisten(this.updateState); } handleCancel = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.props.router.push({pathname:''}); } handleBack = (e) => { e.preventDefault(); this.props.router.goBack(); } handleSave = (launch, e) => { let self = this; e.preventDefault(); if (this.state.name == "") { self.props.actions.showNotification('Please name the network service'); return; } if (!this.state.name.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/g)) { self.props.actions.showNotification('Spaces and special characters except underscores are not supported in the network service name at this time'); return; } if (this.state.isOpenMano && (this.state.dataCenterID == "" || !this.state.dataCenterID)) { self.props.actions.showNotification("Please enter the Data Center ID"); return; } // LaunchNetworkServiceStore.resetView(); this.Store.saveNetworkServiceRecord(this.state.name, launch); } isSelectPage = () => { //If an NSD id is present in the route then this evalauates to false; return !this.props.location.pathname.split('/')[2]; } isOpenMano = () => { return this.state.ro['account-type'] == 'openmano'; } openDescriptor = (descriptor) => { let NSD = descriptor; if(descriptor.hasOwnProperty('target')) { NSD = this.state.selectedNSD; } this.Store.descriptorSelected(NSD); this.props.router.push({pathname:'/instantiate/' + NSD.id}); } updateState = (state) => { this.setState(state); } render() { let self = this; let html; let selectedNSDid = self.state.selectedNSDid; let isPreviewing = self.state.isPreviewing; const hasAccess = isRBACValid(this.context.userProfile, [PROJECT_ROLES.LCM_ADMIN]); let descriptorPreview = ( ); html = this.props.children ? React.cloneElement(this.props.children, {store: self.Store, nsd: self.state.nsd[0], ...self.Store, ...self.state}) : ( {isPreviewing ? descriptorPreview : null} ) return (
); } } InstantiateDashboard.contextTypes = { router: React.PropTypes.object, userProfile: React.PropTypes.object }; export default SkyquakeComponent(InstantiateDashboard);