/* * * Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ //https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RIFTIO/RIFT.ware/master/rift-shell import _cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep' import _findIndex from 'lodash/findIndex' import _uniqueId from 'lodash/uniqueId' import React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import TreeView from 'react-treeview'; import TextInput from 'widgets/form_controls/textInput.jsx'; import Button from '../Button'; import './FileMananger.scss'; import FileManagerActions from './FileManagerActions.js'; import imgSave from '../../../../node_modules/open-iconic/svg/data-transfer-upload.svg' import { Panel, PanelWrapper } from 'widgets/panel/panel'; import SkyquakeComponent from 'widgets/skyquake_container/skyquakeComponent.jsx'; import LoadingIndicator from 'widgets/loading-indicator/loadingIndicator.jsx'; import DropZone from 'dropzone' import Utils from '../../libraries/utils' import FileManagerUploadDropZone from '../../libraries/FileManagerUploadDropZone'; let API_SERVER = require('utils/rw.js').getSearchParams(window.location).api_server; const ASSET_TYPE = { 'nsd': [ { id: 'ICONS', folder: 'icons', title: "Icons", allowFolders: false }, { id: 'SCRIPTS', folder: 'scripts', title: "scripts", allowFolders: true }, { id: 'NS_CONFIG', folder: 'ns_config', title: "NS Config", allowFolders: false }, { id: 'VNF_CONFIG', folder: 'vnf_config', title: "VNF Config", allowFolders: false }, { id: 'DOC', folder: 'doc', title: "Doc", allowFolders: false }, { id: 'TEST', folder: 'test', title: "Test", allowFolders: false } ], 'vnfd': [ { id: 'ICONS', folder: 'icons', title: "Icons", allowFolders: false }, { id: 'CHARMS', folder: 'charms', title: "charms", allowFolders: true }, { id: 'SCRIPTS', folder: 'scripts', title: "scripts", allowFolders: true }, { id: 'CLOUD_INIT', folder: 'cloud_init', title: "cloud_init", allowFolders: false }, { id: 'DOC', folder: 'doc', title: "Doc", allowFolders: false }, { id: 'TEST', folder: 'test', title: "Test", allowFolders: false }, { id: 'README', folder: '.', title: "readme", allowFolders: false } ] } const createDropZone = function (action, clickable, getUploadPropsCallback, dropTarget) { const dropZone = new FileManagerUploadDropZone(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(dropTarget), [clickable], action, getUploadPropsCallback); // dropZone.on('dragover', this.onDragOver); // dropZone.on('dragend', this.onDragEnd); // dropZone.on('addedfile', this.onFileAdded); return dropZone; }; function normalizeAssets(packageType, assetInfo, filesStatus) { let assets = {}; let assetTypes = ASSET_TYPE[packageType]; assetTypes.forEach(assetGroup => { const typeFolder = assetGroup.folder; let folders = assetInfo.id.filter(name => name.startsWith(typeFolder)); if (folders.length) { folders.reverse(); assets[assetGroup.id] = folders.map(fullName => { let path = fullName.slice(typeFolder.length + 1); let files = assetInfo.data[fullName].reduce((assets, info) => { let name = info.name.startsWith(fullName) ? info.name.slice(fullName.length + 1) : info.name; let status = filesStatus[info.name]; if (fullName !== '.' || !(name.endsWith('.yaml') || name.startsWith('checksum'))) { assets.push({ name, status }); } return assets; } , []); return { path, files }; }); } }); return assets; } function sendDeleteFileRequest(assetType, path, name) { path = path ? path + '/' + name : name; FileManagerActions.deletePackageFile({ assetType, path }); } class FileManager extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props) let assests = props.files; } componentWillMount() { // FileManagerActions.openFileManagerSockets() } componentWillUnmount() { // FileManagerActions.closeFileManagerSockets(); } generateFolder(data, nesting) { let nestingLevel = nesting || 1; } render() { let { files, filesState, type, item, actions } = this.props; if (!item) { return null; } let assets = normalizeAssets(type, files, filesState); let children = []; const User = this.props.User || {}; const ProjectID = User.projectId; let assetTypes = ASSET_TYPE[type]; assetTypes.forEach(assetGroup => { const typeFolder = assetGroup.folder; let folders = assets[assetGroup.id]; let rootAssets = { path: '', files: [] }; let subFolders = null; if (folders && folders.length) { rootAssets = folders[0]; subFolders = folders.slice(1); } children.push( ) }, this); let html = (
) return html; } } function NewHierachy(props) { return (
); } class AssetGroup extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { downloadPath: "" }; } render() { let { title, packageType, packageId, assetGroup, files, allowsFolders, folders, path, inputState, showNotification } = this.props; let children = []; if (folders && folders.length) { folders.map(function (folder, i) { children.push( ) }); } let folderCreateComponent = allowsFolders ? : null; let entries = null function uploadFileFromUrl(url) { if (!url || url == "") { return; } let splitUrl = url.split('/'); let fileName = splitUrl[splitUrl.length - 1]; if (files.findIndex(f => f.name === fileName) > -1) { showNotification('It seems you\'re attempting to upload a file with a duplicate file name'); } else { FileManagerActions.sendDownloadFileRequest({ url, assetType: assetGroup.id, path: path }); } } return ( {folderCreateComponent}
this.setState({ downloadPath: e.target.value })} />
); } } function FileAssetList(props) { let { packageType, packageId, assetGroup, files, path } = props; let children = null; if (files) { children = files.map(function (file, i) { if (!file.hasOwnProperty('contents')) { return } }) } return (
); } function FileAsset(props) { let { file, path, type, assetGroup, id, ProjectID } = props; const name = file.name; const downloadHost = API_SERVER.match('localhost') || API_SERVER.match('') ? `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}` : API_SERVER; //{`${window.location.protocol}//${API_SERVER}:4567/api/package${type}/${id}/${path}/${name}`} return (
{file.status && (file.status == 'IN_PROGRESS' || file.status == 'DOWNLOADING') ? : file.status}
sendDeleteFileRequest(assetGroup.id, path, name)}> X
) } class ItemUpload extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { dropzoneIdClass: 'DZ-' + _uniqueId() }; } componentDidMount() { createDropZone( FileManagerUploadDropZone.ACTIONS.onboard, '.ComposerAppAddFile.' + this.state.dropzoneIdClass, () => { let theCode = 'crap'; return ({ packageType: this.props.packageType, packageId: this.props.packageId, assetGroup: this.props.assetGroup, path: this.props.path })}, this); } render() { let { dropzoneIdClass } = this.props; return (
) } } function stripPath(name, path, returnPath) { let stripSlash = (name.indexOf('/') > -1) ? '/' : ''; // return name.split(path + stripSlash)[1].replace('/', ''); let split = name.split(path + stripSlash)[returnPath ? 0 : 1]; return split ? split.replace('/', '') : name; } export default SkyquakeComponent(FileManager) /** * Sample Data */ // let files = { // "name": ".", // "contents": [ // { // "name": "pong_vnfd", // "contents": [ // { // "name": "pong_vnfd/checksums.txt", // "last_modified_time": 1474458399.6218443, // "byte_size": 168 // }, // { // "name": "pong_vnfd/pong_vnfd.yaml", // "last_modified_time": 1474458399.6258445, // "byte_size": 3514 // }, // { // "name": "pong_vnfd/icons", // "contents": [ // { // "name": "pong_vnfd/icons/rift_logo.png", // "last_modified_time": 1474458399.6218443, // "byte_size": 1658 // } // ], // "last_modified_time": 1474458399.6218443, // "byte_size": 3 // }, // { // "name": "pong_vnfd/cloud_init", // "contents": [ // { // "name": "pong_vnfd/cloud_init/pong_cloud_init.cfg", // "last_modified_time": 1474458399.6258445, // "byte_size": 227 // } // ], // "last_modified_time": 1474458399.6258445, // "byte_size": 3 // } // ], // "last_modified_time": 1474458399.6258445, // "byte_size": 6 // } // ], // "last_modified_time": 1474458399.6218443, // "byte_size": 3 // };