update from RIFT as of 696b75d2fe9fb046261b08c616f1bcf6c0b54a9b third try
[osm/UI.git] / skyquake / plugins / composer / src / src / components / ConfigPrimitiveParameters / ConfigPrimitiveParameters.js
2 /*
3 *
4 * Copyright 2016 RIFT.IO Inc
5 *
6 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 *
10 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11 *
12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 * limitations under the License.
17 *
18 */
21 'use strict';
23 import _ from 'lodash'
24 import d3 from 'd3'
25 import React from 'react'
26 import Range from '../Range'
27 import Button from '../Button'
28 import ClassNames from 'classnames'
29 import changeCase from 'change-case'
30 import LayoutRow from '../LayoutRow'
31 import SelectionManager from '../../libraries/SelectionManager'
32 import PureRenderMixin from 'react-addons-pure-render-mixin'
33 import CatalogItemsActions from '../../actions/CatalogItemsActions'
34 import CanvasEditorActions from '../../actions/CanvasEditorActions'
35 import DescriptorModelFactory from '../../libraries/model/DescriptorModelFactory'
36 import ComposerAppActions from '../../actions/ComposerAppActions'
37 import DescriptorModelMetaFactory from '../../libraries/model/DescriptorModelMetaFactory'
38 import ComposerAppStore from '../../stores/ComposerAppStore'
39 import DeletionManager from '../../libraries/DeletionManager'
40 import ContentEditableDiv from '../ContentEditableDiv'
41 import TooltipManager from '../../libraries/TooltipManager'
42 import HighlightRecordServicePaths from '../../libraries/graph/HighlightRecordServicePaths'
44 import '../../styles/EditForwardingGraphPaths.scss'
46 import imgNSD from '../../images/default-catalog-icon.svg'
47 import imgFG from '../../../../node_modules/open-iconic/svg/infinity.svg'
48 import imgRemove from '../../../../node_modules/open-iconic/svg/trash.svg'
49 import imgAdd from '../../../../node_modules/open-iconic/svg/plus.svg'
50 import imgConnection from '../../../../node_modules/open-iconic/svg/random.svg'
51 import imgClassifier from '../../../../node_modules/open-iconic/svg/spreadsheet.svg'
52 import imgReorder from '../../../../node_modules/open-iconic/svg/menu.svg'
53 import CatalogDataStore from '../../stores/CatalogDataStore'
54 import utils from '../../libraries/utils'
55 import getEventPath from '../../libraries/getEventPath'
56 import guid from '../../libraries/guid'
58 import '../../styles/EditDescriptorModelProperties.scss'
59 import '../../styles/EditConfigParameterMap.scss';
61 function configParameterMapMap(ap, i) {
63 const context = this;
64 context.vnfapMap = ap;
65 return (
66 <div key={i}>
67 <div>{ap.id}</div>
68 <div>{ap.capability['member-vnf-index']}</div>
69 <div>{ap.capability['capability-ref']}</div>
71 </div>
72 )
74 }
76 function mapNSD(nsd, i) {
78 const context = this;
79 context.nsd = nsd;
81 function onClickAddConfigParameterMap(nsd, event) {
82 event.preventDefault();
83 nsd.createConfigParameterMap();
84 CatalogItemsActions.catalogItemDescriptorChanged(nsd.getRoot());
85 }
87 const forwardingGraphs = nsd.configParameterMap.map(configParameterMap.bind(context));
88 if (forwardingGraphs.length === 0) {
89 forwardingGraphs.push(
90 <div key="1" className="welcome-message">
91 No Forwarding Graphs to model.
92 </div>
93 );
94 }
96 return (
97 <div key={i} className={nsd.className}>
98 {forwardingGraphs}
99 <div className="footer-actions">
100 <div className="row-action-column">
101 <Button className="create-new-forwarding-graph" src={imgAdd} width="20px" onClick={onClickAddConfigParameterMap.bind(null, nsd)} label="Add new Access Point" />
102 </div>
103 </div>
104 </div>
105 );
107 }
110 function startEditing() {
111 event.stopPropagation();
112 DeletionManager.removeEventListeners();
113 }
115 function endEditing() {
116 DeletionManager.addEventListeners();
117 }
120 const ConfigPrimitiveParameters = React.createClass({
121 mixins: [PureRenderMixin],
122 getInitialState: function () {
123 return ComposerAppStore.getState();
124 },
125 getDefaultProps: function () {
126 return {
127 containers: []
128 };
129 },
130 componentWillMount: function () {
131 },
132 componentDidMount: function () {
133 },
134 componentDidUpdate: function () {
135 },
136 componentWillUnmount: function () {
137 },
138 render() {
139 const self = this;
140 const containers = this.props.containers;
141 let NSContainer = containers.filter(function(c) {
142 return c.className == "NetworkService"
143 })[0]
144 const context = {
145 component: this,
146 containers: containers
147 };
149 const networkService = containers.filter(d => d.type === 'nsd');
150 if (networkService.length === 0) {
151 return <p className="welcome-message">No <img src={imgNSD} width="20px" /> NSD open in the canvas. Try opening an NSD.</p>;
152 }
153 let MapData = constructRequestSourceData(containers);
154 let mapCounter = 1;
158 return (
159 <div className="ConfigParameterMap">
161 <div className="config-parameter-map">
162 <div className="config-parameter-titles">
163 <div className="config-parameter">
164 Primitive Parameter Request
165 </div>
166 <div className="config-parameter">
167 Data Source
168 </div>
169 </div>
170 {
171 MapData.Requests.map(function(r, i) {
172 let currentValue = {};
173 let SourceOptions = [<option value={JSON.stringify({
174 requestValue: r.name,
175 requestIndex: r.vnfdIndex
176 })} key="reset">No Source Selected</option>]
177 MapData.Sources.map(function(s, j) {
178 let value = {
179 value: s.name,
180 index: s.vnfdIndex,
181 requestValue: r.name,
182 requestIndex: r.vnfdIndex
183 }
184 if (r.vnfdIndex !== s.vnfdIndex) {
185 SourceOptions.push(<option value={JSON.stringify(value)} key={`${j}-${i}`} >{`${s.vnfdName} (${s.vnfdIndex}): ${s.name}`}</option>)
186 }
187 })
188 //Finds current value
189 NSContainer.model['config-parameter-map'] && NSContainer.model['config-parameter-map'].map((c)=>{
190 if(
191 c['config-parameter-request'] &&
192 (c['config-parameter-request']['config-parameter-request-ref'] == r.name)
193 && (c['config-parameter-request']['member-vnf-index-ref'] == r.vnfdIndex)
194 ) {
195 currentValue = {
196 value: c['config-parameter-source']['config-parameter-source-ref'],
197 index: c['config-parameter-source']['member-vnf-index-ref'],
198 requestValue: r.name,
199 requestIndex: r.vnfdIndex
200 };
201 }
202 })
203 currentValue.hasOwnProperty('value') ? mapCounter++ : mapCounter--;
204 let currentMapIndex = (mapCounter > 0) ? (mapCounter) - 1: 0;
205 return (
206 <div key={i} className="EditDescriptorModelProperties -is-tree-view config-parameter config-parameter-group">
207 <div className="config-parameter-request" >{`${r.vnfdName} (${r.vnfdIndex}): ${r.name}`}</div>
208 <div className="config-parameter-source">
209 <select
210 onChange={onFormFieldValueChanged.bind(NSContainer, i)}
211 onBlur={endEditing}
212 onMouseDown={startEditing}
213 onMouseOver={startEditing}
214 value={JSON.stringify(currentValue)}
215 >
216 }
217 {SourceOptions}
218 </select>
219 </div>
220 </div>
221 )
222 })
223 }
224 </div>
225 </div>
226 )
227 }
228 });
230 function onFormFieldValueChanged(index, event) {
231 if (DescriptorModelFactory.isContainer(this)) {
232 event.preventDefault();
233 const name = event.target.name;
234 const value = JSON.parse(event.target.value);
236 let ConfigMap = utils.resolvePath(this.model, 'config-parameter-map');
237 let ConfigMapIndex = false;
238 let id = guid().substring(0, 8);
239 //Check current map, if request is present, assign map index.
240 ConfigMap.map(function(c, i) {
241 let req = c['config-parameter-request'];
242 if((req['config-parameter-request-ref'] == value.requestValue) &&
243 (req['member-vnf-index-ref'] == value.requestIndex)) {
244 ConfigMapIndex = i;
245 id = c.id;
246 }
247 });
248 if(!ConfigMapIndex && _.isBoolean(ConfigMapIndex)) {
249 ConfigMapIndex = ConfigMap.length;
250 }
251 if(value.value) {
252 utils.assignPathValue(this.model, 'config-parameter-map.' + ConfigMapIndex + '.config-parameter-source.config-parameter-source-ref', value.value);
253 utils.assignPathValue(this.model, 'config-parameter-map.' + ConfigMapIndex + '.config-parameter-source.member-vnf-index-ref', value.index);
254 utils.assignPathValue(this.model, 'config-parameter-map.' + ConfigMapIndex + '.config-parameter-request.config-parameter-request-ref', value.requestValue);
255 utils.assignPathValue(this.model, 'config-parameter-map.' + ConfigMapIndex + '.config-parameter-request.member-vnf-index-ref', value.requestIndex);
256 utils.assignPathValue(this.model, 'config-parameter-map.' + ConfigMapIndex + '.id', id);
257 CatalogItemsActions.catalogItemDescriptorChanged(this.getRoot());
258 } else {
259 utils.removePathValue(this.model, 'config-parameter-map.' + ConfigMapIndex)
260 CatalogItemsActions.catalogItemDescriptorChanged(this.getRoot());
262 }
263 }
264 }
267 //Values from
268 //
270 //To update
271 //Container:NSD
272 //path
273 //["config-parameter", "config-parameter-source"]
274 //{config-parameter-source-ref: "service_port", member-vnf-index-ref: 2}
276 function constructRequestSourceData(containers) {
277 let cds = CatalogDataStore;
278 let catalogs = cds.getTransientCatalogs();
279 let Requests = [];
280 let Sources = [];
281 let vnfdData = {
282 index:[],
283 vnfdIDs:[],
284 indexRefs: {},
285 vnfdRefs:{}
286 };
288 //Init VNFD map
289 //{
290 //
291 // index:[1], //member-vnfd-index-ref
292 // vnfdIDs:[],
293 // indexRefs: {
294 // 1: vnfdID
295 // },
296 // vnfdRefs: {
297 // {1.id} : {...}
298 // }
299 //}
301 containers.map(function(c, i) {
302 if(c.className == 'ConstituentVnfd') {
303 vnfdData.index.push(c.vnfdIndex);
304 vnfdData.vnfdIDs.push(c.vnfdId);
305 vnfdData.indexRefs[c.vnfdIndex] = c.vnfdId;
306 vnfdData.vnfdRefs[c.vnfdId] = {
307 id: c.vnfdId,
308 name: c.name,
309 'short-name': c['short-name']
310 };
311 }
312 });
314 //Decorate VNFDMap with descriptor data;
315 catalogs[1].descriptors
316 .filter((v) => vnfdData.vnfdIDs.indexOf(v.id) > -1)
317 .map(constructVnfdMap.bind(this, vnfdData));
320 vnfdData.index.map(function(vnfdIndex) {
321 let vnfdId = vnfdData.indexRefs[vnfdIndex];
322 let vnfd = vnfdData.vnfdRefs[vnfdId];
323 let vnfdShortName = vnfd['short-name'];
324 vnfd.requests && vnfd.requests.map(function(request) {
325 Requests.push(_.merge({
326 id: vnfdId,
327 vnfdIndex: vnfdIndex,
328 vnfdName: vnfdShortName,
329 }, request))
330 });
331 vnfd.sources && vnfd.sources.map(function(source) {
332 Sources.push(_.merge({
333 id: vnfdId,
334 vnfdIndex: vnfdIndex,
335 vnfdName: vnfdShortName,
336 }, source));
337 });
338 })
340 return {Requests, Sources};
342 function constructVnfdMap(vnfdData, vnfd) {
343 let data = {
344 requests: vnfd['config-parameter'] && vnfd['config-parameter']['config-parameter-request'],
345 sources: vnfd['config-parameter'] && vnfd['config-parameter']['config-parameter-source']
346 };
347 vnfdData.vnfdRefs[vnfd.id] = _.merge(vnfdData.vnfdRefs[vnfd.id], data);
348 }
350 }
354 export default ConfigPrimitiveParameters;