# This tox file allows the devs to run unit tests only for this subpackage. # In order to do so, cd into the directory and run `tox` [tox] minversion = 1.8 envlist = py27,py36,flake8,radon skipsdist = True [testenv] changedir = {toxinidir} commands = nosetests -d --with-coverage --cover-package=. {posargs:tests} deps = WebTest bottle coverage mock nose six PyYaml [testenv:flake8] changedir = {toxinidir} deps = flake8 commands = flake8 {posargs:.} [testenv:radon] changedir = {toxinidir} deps = radon commands = radon cc --show-complexity --total-average {posargs:.} radon mi -s {posargs:.} [coverage:run] branch = True source = {toxinidir} omit = tests tests/* */test_* .tox/* [coverage:report] show_missing = True [flake8] exclude = request_processing.py .tox