Feature 8840 Notification to OSS/BSS for subscribed events. 28/8828/7
authorK Sai Kiran <saikiran.k@tataelxsi.co.in>
Tue, 28 Apr 2020 09:18:31 +0000 (14:48 +0530)
committerK Sai Kiran <saikiran.k@tataelxsi.co.in>
Fri, 19 Jun 2020 11:41:04 +0000 (17:11 +0530)
osm_nbi/subscriptions.py: Existing thread which analyze kafka messages for ns topic, if the message
can be used for nslcm notification, then it will invoke NsLcmNotification.send_notification().

osm_nbi/notifications.py: (new file)Holds classes for NS, NSD, VNFD notifications. Used asyncio and aiohttp to send notifications.
Wait time for failed notification will increase in powers of 2. Reusing session of aiohttp client for performance.
Notifications are SOL005 compliant. But some data is missing in kafka message, for such keys N/A value is assigned in notification body.

Change-Id: I142ffc12f3b4e3720d41562f7ffca3b2280f4fd4
Signed-off-by: K Sai Kiran <saikiran.k@tataelxsi.co.in>
osm_nbi/notifications.py [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/osm_nbi/notifications.py b/osm_nbi/notifications.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..eac9438
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+# Copyright 2020 K Sai Kiran (Tata Elxsi)
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+__author__ = "K Sai Kiran <saikiran.k@tataelxsi.co.in>"
+__date__ = "$28-Apr-2020 23:59:59$"
+import asyncio
+import aiohttp
+from http import HTTPStatus
+import json
+import logging
+import time
+from uuid import uuid4
+class NotificationException(Exception):
+    """
+    Notification Exception
+    """
+    def __init__(self, message: str, http_code: int = HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) -> None:
+        """
+        Constructor of notification exception
+        :param message: String text containing exception details.
+        :param http_code: HTTP status code of exception.
+        """
+        self.http_code = http_code
+        Exception.__init__(self, message)
+class NotificationBase:
+    response_models = None
+    # Common HTTP payload header for all notifications.
+    payload_header = {
+        "Content-Type": "application/json",
+        "Accept": "application/json"
+    }
+    def __init__(self, db) -> None:
+        """
+        Constructor of NotificationBase class.
+        :param db: Database handler.
+        """
+        self.db = db
+        self.logger = logging.getLogger("nbi.notifications")
+        self.subscriber_collection = None
+    def get_models(self) -> dict:
+        """
+        Returns the SOL005 model of notification class
+        :param None
+        :return: dict of SOL005 data model
+        """
+        return NotificationBase.response_models
+    def get_subscribers(self, **kwargs) -> NotificationException:
+        """
+        Method should be implemented by all notification subclasses
+        :param kwargs: any keyword arguments needed for db query.
+        :return: List of subscribers
+        """
+        raise NotificationException("Method get_subscribers() is not implemented", http_code=HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
+    @staticmethod
+    def _get_basic_auth(username: str, password: str) -> tuple:
+        return aiohttp.BasicAuth(username, password)
+    def _decrypt_password(self, hashed: str, salt: str, schema_version: str = "1.1") -> str:
+        return self.db.decrypt(hashed, schema_version, salt=salt)
+    def get_payload(self, meta_notification: dict) -> dict:
+        """
+        Generates SOL005 compliant payload structure and returns them in dictionary.
+        :param meta_notification: notification meta data which needs to be formatted as SOL005 compliant
+        :return: A dictionary which is SOL005 compliant.
+        """
+        model_name = meta_notification["notificationType"]
+        response_models = self.get_models()
+        if not response_models or not response_models.get(model_name):
+            raise NotificationException("Response model {} is not defined.".format(model_name),
+                                        HTTPStatus.NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
+        model_keys = response_models[model_name]
+        payload = dict.fromkeys(model_keys, "N/A")
+        notification_keys = set(meta_notification.keys())
+        for model_key in model_keys.intersection(notification_keys):
+            payload[model_key] = meta_notification[model_key]
+        self.logger.debug("Payload generated for subscriber: {} for {}".format(payload["subscriptionId"],
+                                                                               payload["notificationType"]))
+        return payload
+    async def send_notifications(self, subscribers: list, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None):
+        """
+        Generate tasks for all notification for an event.
+        :param subscribers: A list of subscribers who want to be notified for event.
+        :param loop: Event loop object.
+        """
+        notifications = []
+        for subscriber in subscribers:
+            # TODO add support for AuthType OAuth and TLS after support is added in subscription.
+            if subscriber["authentication"]["authType"] != "basic":
+                self.logger.debug("Subscriber {} can not be notified {} notification auth type is not implemented"
+                                  .format(subscriber["subscriptionId"],
+                                          subscriber["authentication"]["authType"]))
+                continue
+            salt = subscriber["subscriptionId"]
+            hashed_password = subscriber["authentication"]["paramsBasic"]["password"]
+            password = self._decrypt_password(hashed_password, salt)
+            auth_basic = self._get_basic_auth(subscriber["authentication"]["paramsBasic"]["userName"], password)
+            notifications.append({
+                "headers": self.payload_header,
+                "payload": self.get_payload(subscriber),
+                "auth_basic": auth_basic,
+                "CallbackUri": subscriber["CallbackUri"]
+            })
+        tasks = []
+        async with aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=loop) as session:
+            for notification in notifications:
+                tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(self.send_notification(session, notification), loop=loop))
+            await asyncio.gather(*tasks, loop=loop)
+    async def send_notification(self, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, notification: dict,
+                                loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None, retry_count: int = 5, timeout: float = 5.0):
+        """
+        Performs HTTP Post request to notify subscriber. In case if for any reason notification is not sent successfully
+        after maximum number of reties, then notification is dropped.
+        :param session: An aiohttp client session object to maintain http session.
+        :param notification: A dictionary containing all necessary data to make POST request.
+        :param loop: Event loop object.
+        :param retry_count: An integer specifying the maximum number of reties for a notification.
+        :param timeout: A float representing client timeout of each HTTP request.
+        """
+        backoff_delay = 1
+        while retry_count > 0:
+            try:
+                async with session.post(url=notification["CallbackUri"], headers=notification["headers"],
+                                        auth=notification["auth_basic"], data=json.dumps(notification["payload"]),
+                                        timeout=timeout) as resp:
+                    # self.logger.debug("Notification response: {}".format(resp.status))
+                    if resp.status == HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT:
+                        self.logger.debug("Notification sent successfully to subscriber {}"
+                                          .format(notification["payload"]["subscriptionId"]))
+                    else:
+                        error_text = "Erroneous response code: {}, ".format(resp.status)
+                        error_text += await resp.text()
+                        raise NotificationException(error_text)
+                return True
+            except Exception as e:
+                error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+                self.logger.debug("Unable while sending notification to subscriber {}. Details: {}"
+                                  .format(notification["payload"]["subscriptionId"], error_text))
+                error_detail = {
+                    "error": type(e).__name__,
+                    "error_text": str(e),
+                    "timestamp": time.time()
+                }
+                if "error_details" in notification["payload"].keys():
+                    notification["payload"]["error_details"].append(error_detail)
+                else:
+                    notification["payload"]["error_details"] = [error_detail]
+                retry_count -= 1
+                backoff_delay *= 2
+                self.logger.debug("Retry Notification for subscriber: {} after backoff delay: {} seconds."
+                                  .format(notification["payload"]["subscriptionId"], backoff_delay))
+                await asyncio.sleep(backoff_delay, loop=loop)
+        # Dropping notification
+        self.logger.debug("Notification {} sent failed to subscriber:{}."
+                          .format(notification["payload"]["notificationType"],
+                                  notification["payload"]["subscriptionId"]))
+        return False
+class NsLcmNotification(NotificationBase):
+    # SOL005 response model for nslcm notifications
+    response_models = {
+        "NsLcmOperationOccurrenceNotification": {"id", "nsInstanceId", "nsLcmOpOccId", "operation",
+                                                 "notificationType", "subscriptionId", "timestamp",
+                                                 "notificationStatus", "operationState", "isAutomaticInvocation",
+                                                 "affectedVnf", "affectedVl", "affectedVnffg", "affectedNs",
+                                                 "affectedSap", "error", "_links"},
+        "NsIdentifierCreationNotification": {"notificationType", "subscriptionId", "timestamp",
+                                             "nsInstanceId", "_links"},
+        "NsIdentifierDeletionNotification": {"notificationType", "subscriptionId", "timestamp",
+                                             "nsInstanceId", "_links"},
+        "NsChangeNotification": {"nsInstanceId", "nsComponentType", "nsComponentId",
+                                 "lcmOpOccIdImpactngNsComponent", "lcmOpNameImpactingNsComponent",
+                                 "lcmOpOccStatusImpactingNsComponent", "notificationType", "subscriptionId",
+                                 "timeStamp", "error", "_links"}
+    }
+    def __init__(self, db) -> None:
+        """
+        Constructor of NotificationBase class.
+        :param db: Database handler.
+        """
+        super().__init__(db)
+        self.subscriber_collection = "mapped_subscriptions"
+    def get_models(self) -> dict:
+        """
+        Returns the SOL005 model of notification class
+        :param None
+        :return: dict of SOL005 data model
+        """
+        return NsLcmNotification.response_models
+    @staticmethod
+    def _format_nslcm_subscribers(subscribers: list, event_details: dict) -> list:
+        """
+        Formats the raw event details from kakfa message and subscriber details.
+        :param subscribers: A list of subscribers whom the event needs to be notified.
+        :param event_details: A dict containing all meta data of event.
+        :return:
+        """
+        notification_id = str(uuid4())
+        event_timestamp = event_details["params"]["startTime"]
+        resource_links = event_details["params"]["links"]
+        event_operation = event_details["command"]
+        for key in ["_admin", "_id", "id", "links"]:
+            event_details["params"].pop(key, None)
+        for subscriber in subscribers:
+            subscriber["id"] = notification_id
+            subscriber["timestamp"] = event_timestamp
+            subscriber["_links"] = resource_links
+            subscriber["subscriptionId"] = subscriber["reference"]
+            subscriber["operation"] = event_operation
+            del subscriber["reference"]
+            del subscriber["_id"]
+            subscriber.update(event_details["params"])
+        return subscribers
+    def get_subscribers(self, nsd_id: str, ns_instance_id: str, command: str, op_state: str,
+                        event_details: dict) -> list:
+        """
+        Queries database and returns list of subscribers.
+        :param nsd_id: NSD id of an NS whose lifecycle has changed. (scaled, terminated. etc)
+        :param ns_instance_id: NS instance id an NS whose lifecycle has changed.
+        :param command: the command for event.
+        :param op_state: the operation state of NS.
+        :param event_details: dict containing raw data of event occured.
+        :return: List of interested subscribers for occurred event.
+        """
+        filter_q = {"identifier": [nsd_id, ns_instance_id], "operationStates": ["ANY"], "operationTypes": ["ANY"]}
+        if op_state:
+            filter_q["operationStates"].append(op_state)
+        if command:
+            filter_q["operationTypes"].append(command)
+        # self.logger.debug("Db query is: {}".format(filter_q))
+        subscribers = []
+        try:
+            subscribers = self.db.get_list(self.subscriber_collection, filter_q)
+            subscribers = self._format_nslcm_subscribers(subscribers, event_details)
+        except Exception as e:
+            error_text = type(e).__name__ + ": " + str(e)
+            self.logger.debug("Error getting nslcm subscribers: {}".format(error_text))
+        finally:
+            return subscribers
+class NsdNotification(NotificationBase):
+    def __init__(self, db):
+        """
+        Constructor of the class
+        """
+        super().__init__(db)
+        # TODO will update this once support is there from subscription
+        self.response_models = {}
+        self.subscriber_collection = None
+class VnfdNotification(NotificationBase):
+    def __init__(self, db):
+        """
+        Constructor of the class
+        """
+        super().__init__(db)
+        # TODO will update this once support is there from subscription
+        self.response_models = {}
+        self.subscriber_collection = None
index 711455e..c6105ee 100644 (file)
@@ -24,10 +24,12 @@ import logging
 import threading
 import asyncio
 from http import HTTPStatus
 import threading
 import asyncio
 from http import HTTPStatus
 from osm_common import dbmongo, dbmemory, msglocal, msgkafka
 from osm_common.dbbase import DbException
 from osm_common.msgbase import MsgException
 from osm_nbi.engine import EngineException
 from osm_common import dbmongo, dbmemory, msglocal, msgkafka
 from osm_common.dbbase import DbException
 from osm_common.msgbase import MsgException
 from osm_nbi.engine import EngineException
+from osm_nbi.notifications import NsLcmNotification
 __author__ = "Alfonso Tierno <alfonso.tiernosepulveda@telefonica.com>"
 __author__ = "Alfonso Tierno <alfonso.tiernosepulveda@telefonica.com>"
@@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ class SubscriptionThread(threading.Thread):
             "public": None,
             "method": "delete",
             "public": None,
             "method": "delete",
+        self.nslcm = None
     async def start_kafka(self):
         # timeout_wait_for_kafka = 3*60
     async def start_kafka(self):
         # timeout_wait_for_kafka = 3*60
@@ -144,7 +147,7 @@ class SubscriptionThread(threading.Thread):
                     raise SubscriptionException("Invalid configuration param '{}' at '[message]':'driver'".format(
                     raise SubscriptionException("Invalid configuration param '{}' at '[message]':'driver'".format(
+            self.nslcm = NsLcmNotification(self.db)
         except (DbException, MsgException) as e:
             raise SubscriptionException(str(e), http_code=e.http_code)
         except (DbException, MsgException) as e:
             raise SubscriptionException(str(e), http_code=e.http_code)
@@ -180,6 +183,27 @@ class SubscriptionThread(threading.Thread):
                         self.engine.del_item(self.internal_session, "nsrs", _id=params["nsr_id"],
                         self.logger.debug("ns={} deleted from database".format(params["nsr_id"]))
                         self.engine.del_item(self.internal_session, "nsrs", _id=params["nsr_id"],
                         self.logger.debug("ns={} deleted from database".format(params["nsr_id"]))
+                # Check for nslcm notification
+                if isinstance(params, dict):
+                    # Check availability of operationState and command
+                    if (not params.get("operationState")) or (not command) or (not params.get("operationParams")):
+                        self.logger.debug("Message can not be used for notification of nslcm")
+                    else:
+                        nsd_id = params["operationParams"].get("nsdId")
+                        ns_instance_id = params["operationParams"].get("nsInstanceId")
+                        # Any one among nsd_id, ns_instance_id should be present.
+                        if not (nsd_id or ns_instance_id):
+                            self.logger.debug("Message can not be used for notification of nslcm")
+                        else:
+                            op_state = params["operationState"]
+                            event_details = {"topic": topic, "command": command.upper(), "params": params}
+                            subscribers = self.nslcm.get_subscribers(nsd_id, ns_instance_id, command.upper(), op_state,
+                                                                     event_details)
+                            # self.logger.debug("subscribers list: ")
+                            # self.logger.debug(subscribers)
+                            asyncio.ensure_future(self.nslcm.send_notifications(subscribers, loop=self.loop))
+                else:
+                    self.logger.debug("Message can not be used for notification of nslcm")
             elif topic == "nsi":
                 if command == "terminated" and params["operationState"] in ("COMPLETED", "PARTIALLY_COMPLETED"):
                     self.logger.debug("received nsi terminated {}".format(params))
             elif topic == "nsi":
                 if command == "terminated" and params["operationState"] in ("COMPLETED", "PARTIALLY_COMPLETED"):
                     self.logger.debug("received nsi terminated {}".format(params))