Allow logging at file. Check member-vnf-index at ns action
[osm/NBI.git] / osm_nbi / test /
1 #! /usr/bin/python3
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 import getopt
5 import sys
6 import requests
7 #import base64
8 #from os.path import getsize, basename
9 #from hashlib import md5
10 import json
11 import logging
12 import yaml
13 #import json
14 import tarfile
15 from os import makedirs
16 from copy import deepcopy
18 __author__ = "Alfonso Tierno,"
19 __date__ = "$2018-03-01$"
20 __version__ = "0.1"
21 version_date = "Mar 2018"
24 def usage():
25 print("Usage: ", sys.argv[0], "[options]")
26 print(" --version: prints current version")
27 print(" -f|--file FILE: file to be sent")
28 print(" -h|--help: shows this help")
29 print(" -u|--url URL: complete server URL")
30 print(" -s|--chunk-size SIZE: size of chunks, by default 1000")
31 print(" -t|--token TOKEN: Authorizaton token, previously obtained from server")
32 print(" -v|--verbose print debug information, can be used several times")
33 return
36 r_header_json = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
37 headers_json = {
38 "Content-type": "application/json",
39 "Accept": "application/json",
40 }
41 r_header_yaml = {"Content-type": "application/yaml"}
42 headers_yaml = {
43 "Content-type": "application/yaml",
44 "Accept": "application/yaml",
45 }
46 r_header_text = {"Content-type": "text/plain"}
47 r_header_octect = {"Content-type": "application/octet-stream"}
48 headers_text = {
49 "Accept": "text/plain",
50 }
51 r_header_zip = {"Content-type": "application/zip"}
52 headers_zip = {
53 "Accept": "application/zip",
54 }
55 # test without authorization
56 test_not_authorized_list = (
57 ("NA1", "Invalid token", "GET", "/admin/v1/users", headers_json, None, 401, r_header_json, "json"),
58 ("NA2", "Invalid URL", "POST", "/admin/v1/nonexist", headers_yaml, None, 405, r_header_yaml, "yaml"),
59 ("NA3", "Invalid version", "DELETE", "/admin/v2/users", headers_yaml, None, 405, r_header_yaml, "yaml"),
60 )
62 # test ones authorized
63 test_authorized_list = (
64 ("AU1", "Invalid vnfd id", "GET", "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/non-existing-id", headers_json, None, 404, r_header_json, "json"),
65 ("AU2","Invalid nsd id", "GET", "/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors/non-existing-id", headers_yaml, None, 404, r_header_yaml, "yaml"),
66 ("AU3","Invalid nsd id", "DELETE", "/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors_content/non-existing-id", headers_yaml, None, 404, r_header_yaml, "yaml"),
67 )
69 vim = {
70 "schema_version": "1.0",
71 "schema_type": "No idea",
72 "name": "myVim",
73 "description": "Descriptor name",
74 "vim_type": "openstack",
75 "vim_url": "http://localhost:/vim",
76 "vim_tenant_name": "vimTenant",
77 "vim_user": "user",
78 "vim_password": "password",
79 "config": {"config_param": 1}
80 }
82 vim_bad = vim.copy()
83 vim_bad.pop("name")
85 test_admin_list1 = (
86 ("VIM1", "Create VIM", "POST", "/admin/v1/vim_accounts", headers_json, vim, (201, 204), {"Location": "/admin/v1/vim_accounts/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json"),
87 ("VIM2", "Create VIM bad schema", "POST", "/admin/v1/vim_accounts", headers_json, vim_bad, 422, None, headers_json),
88 ("VIM2", "Create VIM name repeated", "POST", "/admin/v1/vim_accounts", headers_json, vim, 409, None, headers_json),
89 ("VIM4", "Show VIMs", "GET", "/admin/v1/vim_accounts", headers_yaml, None, 200, r_header_yaml, "yaml"),
90 ("VIM5", "Show VIM", "GET", "/admin/v1/vim_accounts/{VIM1}", headers_yaml, None, 200, r_header_yaml, "yaml"),
91 ("VIM6", "Delete VIM", "DELETE", "/admin/v1/vim_accounts/{VIM1}", headers_yaml, None, 202, None, 0),
92 )
94 class TestException(Exception):
95 pass
98 class TestRest:
99 def __init__(self, url_base, header_base={}, verify=False):
100 self.url_base = url_base
101 self.header_base = header_base
102 self.s = requests.session()
103 self.s.headers = header_base
104 self.verify = verify
105 # contains ID of tests obtained from Location response header. "" key contains last obtained id
106 self.test_ids = {}
108 def set_header(self, header):
109 self.s.headers.update(header)
111 def test(self, name, description, method, url, headers, payload, expected_codes, expected_headers, expected_payload):
112 """
113 Performs an http request and check http code response. Exit if different than allowed. It get the returned id
114 that can be used by following test in the URL with {name} where name is the name of the test
115 :param name: short name of the test
116 :param description: description of the test
117 :param method: HTTP method: GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,...
118 :param url: complete URL or relative URL
119 :param headers: request headers to add to the base headers
120 :param payload: Can be a dict, transformed to json, a text or a file if starts with '@'
121 :param expected_codes: expected response codes, can be int, int tuple or int range
122 :param expected_headers: expected response headers, dict with key values
123 :param expected_payload: expected payload, 0 if empty, 'yaml', 'json', 'text', 'zip'
124 :return: requests response
125 """
126 try:
127 if not self.s:
128 self.s = requests.session()
129 # URL
130 if not url:
131 url = self.url_base
132 elif not url.startswith("http"):
133 url = self.url_base + url
135 var_start = url.find("{") + 1
136 while var_start:
137 var_end = url.find("}", var_start)
138 if var_end == -1:
139 break
140 var_name = url[var_start:var_end]
141 if var_name in self.test_ids:
142 url = url[:var_start-1] + self.test_ids[var_name] + url[var_end+1:]
143 var_start += len(self.test_ids[var_name])
144 var_start = url.find("{", var_start) + 1
145 if payload:
146 if isinstance(payload, str):
147 if payload.startswith("@"):
148 mode = "r"
149 file_name = payload[1:]
150 if payload.startswith("@b"):
151 mode = "rb"
152 file_name = payload[2:]
153 with open(file_name, mode) as f:
154 payload =
155 elif isinstance(payload, dict):
156 payload = json.dumps(payload)
158 test = "Test {} {} {} {}".format(name, description, method, url)
159 logger.warning(test)
160 stream = False
161 # if expected_payload == "zip":
162 # stream = True
163 r = getattr(self.s, method.lower())(url, data=payload, headers=headers, verify=self.verify, stream=stream)
164 logger.debug("RX {}: {}".format(r.status_code, r.text))
166 # check response
167 if expected_codes:
168 if isinstance(expected_codes, int):
169 expected_codes = (expected_codes,)
170 if r.status_code not in expected_codes:
171 raise TestException(
172 "Got status {}. Expected {}. {}".format(r.status_code, expected_codes, r.text))
174 if expected_headers:
175 for header_key, header_val in expected_headers.items():
176 if header_key.lower() not in r.headers:
177 raise TestException("Header {} not present".format(header_key))
178 if header_val and header_val.lower() not in r.headers[header_key]:
179 raise TestException("Header {} does not contain {} but {}".format(header_key, header_val,
180 r.headers[header_key]))
182 if expected_payload is not None:
183 if expected_payload == 0 and len(r.content) > 0:
184 raise TestException("Expected empty payload")
185 elif expected_payload == "json":
186 try:
187 r.json()
188 except Exception as e:
189 raise TestException("Expected json response payload, but got Exception {}".format(e))
190 elif expected_payload == "yaml":
191 try:
192 yaml.safe_load(r.text)
193 except Exception as e:
194 raise TestException("Expected yaml response payload, but got Exception {}".format(e))
195 elif expected_payload == "zip":
196 if len(r.content) == 0:
197 raise TestException("Expected some response payload, but got empty")
198 # try:
199 # tar =, 'r:gz', fileobj=r.raw)
200 # for tarinfo in tar:
201 # tarname =
202 # print(tarname)
203 # except Exception as e:
204 # raise TestException("Expected zip response payload, but got Exception {}".format(e))
205 elif expected_payload == "text":
206 if len(r.content) == 0:
207 raise TestException("Expected some response payload, but got empty")
208 #r.text
209 location = r.headers.get("Location")
210 if location:
211 _id = location[location.rfind("/") + 1:]
212 if _id:
213 self.test_ids[name] = str(_id)
214 self.test_ids[""] = str(_id) # last id
215 return r
216 except TestException as e:
217 logger.error("{} \nRX code{}: {}".format(e, r.status_code, r.text))
218 exit(1)
219 except IOError as e:
220 logger.error("Cannot open file {}".format(e))
221 exit(1)
224 if __name__ == "__main__":
225 global logger
226 test = ""
228 # Disable warnings from self-signed certificates.
229 requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings()
230 try:
231 logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s %(message)s", level=logging.ERROR)
232 logger = logging.getLogger('NBI')
233 # load parameters and configuration
234 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvu:p:",
235 ["url=", "user=", "password=", "help", "version", "verbose", "project=", "insecure"])
236 url = "https://localhost:9999/osm"
237 user = password = project = "admin"
238 verbose = 0
239 verify = True
241 for o, a in opts:
242 if o == "--version":
243 print ("test version " + __version__ + ' ' + version_date)
244 sys.exit()
245 elif o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
246 verbose += 1
247 elif o in ("no-verbose"):
248 verbose = -1
249 elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
250 usage()
251 sys.exit()
252 elif o in ("--url"):
253 url = a
254 elif o in ("-u", "--user"):
255 user = a
256 elif o in ("-p", "--password"):
257 password = a
258 elif o in ("--project"):
259 project = a
260 elif o in ("--insecure"):
261 verify = False
262 else:
263 assert False, "Unhandled option"
264 if verbose == 0:
265 logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
266 elif verbose > 1:
267 logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
268 else:
269 logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
271 test_rest = TestRest(url)
273 # tests without authorization
274 for t in test_not_authorized_list:
275 test_rest.test(*t)
277 # get token
278 r = test_rest.test("token1", "Obtain token", "POST", "/admin/v1/tokens", headers_json,
279 {"username": user, "password": password, "project_id": project},
280 (200, 201), {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
281 response = r.json()
282 token = response["id"]
283 test_rest.set_header({"Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(token)})
285 # tests once authorized
286 for t in test_authorized_list:
287 test_rest.test(*t)
289 # tests admin
290 for t in test_admin_list1:
291 test_rest.test(*t)
293 # vnfd CREATE
294 r = test_rest.test("VNFD1", "Onboard VNFD step 1", "POST", "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages", headers_json, None,
295 201, {"Location": "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
296 location = r.headers["Location"]
297 vnfd_id = location[location.rfind("/")+1:]
298 # print(location, vnfd_id)
300 # vnfd UPLOAD test
301 r = test_rest.test("VNFD2", "Onboard VNFD step 2 as TEXT", "PUT", "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/{}/package_content".format(vnfd_id),
302 r_header_text, "@./cirros_vnf/cirros_vnfd.yaml", 204, None, 0)
304 # vnfd SHOW OSM format
305 r = test_rest.test("VNFD3", "Show VNFD OSM format", "GET", "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages_content/{}".format(vnfd_id),
306 headers_json, None, 200, r_header_json, "json")
308 # vnfd SHOW text
309 r = test_rest.test("VNFD4", "Show VNFD SOL005 text", "GET", "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/{}/package_content".format(vnfd_id),
310 headers_text, None, 200, r_header_text, "text")
312 # vnfd UPLOAD ZIP
313 makedirs("temp", exist_ok=True)
314 tar ="temp/cirros_vnf.tar.gz", "w:gz")
315 tar.add("cirros_vnf")
316 tar.close()
317 r = test_rest.test("VNFD5", "Onboard VNFD step 3 replace with ZIP", "PUT", "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/{}/package_content".format(vnfd_id),
318 r_header_zip, "@b./temp/cirros_vnf.tar.gz", 204, None, 0)
320 # vnfd SHOW OSM format
321 r = test_rest.test("VNFD6", "Show VNFD OSM format", "GET", "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages_content/{}".format(vnfd_id),
322 headers_json, None, 200, r_header_json, "json")
324 # vnfd SHOW zip
325 r = test_rest.test("VNFD7", "Show VNFD SOL005 zip", "GET", "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/{}/package_content".format(vnfd_id),
326 headers_zip, None, 200, r_header_zip, "zip")
327 # vnfd SHOW descriptor
328 r = test_rest.test("VNFD8", "Show VNFD descriptor", "GET", "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/{}/vnfd".format(vnfd_id),
329 headers_text, None, 200, r_header_text, "text")
330 # vnfd SHOW actifact
331 r = test_rest.test("VNFD9", "Show VNFD artifact", "GET", "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/{}/artifacts/icons/cirros-64.png".format(vnfd_id),
332 headers_text, None, 200, r_header_octect, "text")
334 # # vnfd DELETE
335 # r = test_rest.test("VNFD10", "Delete VNFD SOL005 text", "DELETE", "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/{}".format(vnfd_id),
336 # headers_yaml, None, 204, None, 0)
338 # nsd CREATE
339 r = test_rest.test("NSD1", "Onboard NSD step 1", "POST", "/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors", headers_json, None,
340 201, {"Location": "/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors/", "Content-Type": "application/json"}, "json")
341 location = r.headers["Location"]
342 nsd_id = location[location.rfind("/")+1:]
343 # print(location, nsd_id)
345 # nsd UPLOAD test
346 r = test_rest.test("NSD2", "Onboard NSD with missing vnfd", "PUT", "/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors/{}/nsd_content?constituent-vnfd.0.vnfd-id-ref=NONEXISTING-VNFD".format(nsd_id),
347 r_header_text, "@./cirros_ns/cirros_nsd.yaml", 409, r_header_yaml, "yaml")
349 # # VNF_CREATE
350 # r = test_rest.test("VNFD5", "Onboard VNFD step 3 replace with ZIP", "PUT", "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/{}/package_content".format(vnfd_id),
351 # r_header_zip, "@b./temp/cirros_vnf.tar.gz", 204, None, 0)
353 r = test_rest.test("NSD2", "Onboard NSD step 2 as TEXT", "PUT", "/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors/{}/nsd_content".format(nsd_id),
354 r_header_text, "@./cirros_ns/cirros_nsd.yaml", 204, None, 0)
356 # nsd SHOW OSM format
357 r = test_rest.test("NSD3", "Show NSD OSM format", "GET", "/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors_content/{}".format(nsd_id),
358 headers_json, None, 200, r_header_json, "json")
360 # nsd SHOW text
361 r = test_rest.test("NSD4", "Show NSD SOL005 text", "GET", "/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors/{}/nsd_content".format(nsd_id),
362 headers_text, None, 200, r_header_text, "text")
364 # nsd UPLOAD ZIP
365 makedirs("temp", exist_ok=True)
366 tar ="temp/cirros_ns.tar.gz", "w:gz")
367 tar.add("cirros_ns")
368 tar.close()
369 r = test_rest.test("NSD5", "Onboard NSD step 3 replace with ZIP", "PUT", "/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors/{}/nsd_content".format(nsd_id),
370 r_header_zip, "@b./temp/cirros_ns.tar.gz", 204, None, 0)
372 # nsd SHOW OSM format
373 r = test_rest.test("NSD6", "Show NSD OSM format", "GET", "/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors_content/{}".format(nsd_id),
374 headers_json, None, 200, r_header_json, "json")
376 # nsd SHOW zip
377 r = test_rest.test("NSD7", "Show NSD SOL005 zip", "GET", "/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors/{}/nsd_content".format(nsd_id),
378 headers_zip, None, 200, r_header_zip, "zip")
380 # nsd SHOW descriptor
381 r = test_rest.test("NSD8", "Show NSD descriptor", "GET", "/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors/{}/nsd".format(nsd_id),
382 headers_text, None, 200, r_header_text, "text")
383 # nsd SHOW actifact
384 r = test_rest.test("NSD9", "Show NSD artifact", "GET", "/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors/{}/artifacts/icons/osm_2x.png".format(nsd_id),
385 headers_text, None, 200, r_header_octect, "text")
387 # vnfd DELETE
388 r = test_rest.test("VNFD10", "Delete VNFD conflict", "DELETE", "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/{}".format(vnfd_id),
389 headers_yaml, None, 409, r_header_yaml, "yaml")
391 # nsd DELETE
392 r = test_rest.test("NSD10", "Delete NSD SOL005 text", "DELETE", "/nsd/v1/ns_descriptors/{}".format(nsd_id),
393 headers_yaml, None, 204, None, 0)
395 # vnfd DELETE
396 r = test_rest.test("VNFD10", "Delete VNFD SOL005 text", "DELETE", "/vnfpkgm/v1/vnf_packages/{}".format(vnfd_id),
397 headers_yaml, None, 204, None, 0)
400 print("PASS")
402 except Exception as e:
403 if test:
404 logger.error(test + " Exception: " + str(e))
405 exit(1)
406 else:
407 logger.critical(test + " Exception: " + str(e), exc_info=True)