Changelog --------- <<<<<<< HEAD ======= 0.9.1 ^^^^^ Monday July 16 2018 * Update websockets to 6.0 to fix OS X support due to Brew update to Py3.7 (#254) 0.9.0 ^^^^^ Friday June 29 2018 * python3.7 compatibility updates (#251) * Handle juju not installed in is_bootstrapped for tests (#250) * Add app.reset_config(list). (#249) * Implement model.get_action_status (#248) * Fix `make client` in Python 3.6 (#247) 0.8.0 ^^^^^ Thursday June 14 2018 * Add support for adding a manual (ssh) machine (#240) * Backwards compatibility fixes (#213) * Implement model.get_action_output (#242) * Fix JSON serialization error for bundle with lxd to unit placement (#243) * Fix reference in docs to connect_current (#239) * Wrap machine agent status workaround in version check (#238) * Convert seconds to nanoseconds for (#237) * Fix spurious intermittent failure in (#236) * Define an unused juju-zfs lxd storage pool for Travis (#235) * Add support for Application get_actions (#234) 0.7.5 ^^^^^ Friday May 18 2018 * Surface errors from bundle plan (#233) * Always send auth-tag even with macaroon auth (#217) * Inline jsonfile credential when sending to controller (#231) 0.7.4 ^^^^^ Tuesday Apr 24 2018 * Always parse tags and spaces constraints to lists (#228) * Doc index improvements (#211) * Add doc req to force newer pymacaroons to fix RTD builds * Fix dependency conflict for building docs >>>>>>> 8a2d5bc35a302a970244b3c307a4f47deac0af63 0.7.3 ^^^^^ Tuesday Feb 20 2018 * Full macaroon bakery support (#206) * Fix regression with deploying local charm, add test case (#209) * Expose a machines series (#208) * Automated test runner fixes (#205) 0.7.2 ^^^^^ Friday Feb 9 2018 * Support deploying bundle YAML file directly (rather than just directory) (#202) 0.7.1 ^^^^^ Monday Dec 18 2017 * Fix missed renames of model_uuids (#197) 0.7.0 ^^^^^ Fri Dec 15 2017 * Fix race condition in adding relations (#192) * Fix race condition in connection monitor test (#183) * Fix example in README (#178) * Fix rare hang during (#177) * Fix licensing quirks (#176) * Refactor model handling (#171) * Refactor users handling, add get_users (#170) * Upload credential to controller when adding model (#168) * Support 'applications' key in bundles (#165) * Improve handling of thread error handling for (#169) * Fix encoding when using to_json() (#166) * Fix intermittent test failures (#167) 0.6.1 ^^^^^ Fri Sept 29 2017 * Fix failure when controller supports newer facade version (#145) * Fix test failures (#163) * Fix SSH key handling when adding a new model (#161) * Make Application.upgrade_charm upgrade resources (#158) * Expand integration tests to use stable/edge versions of juju (#155) * Move docs to ReadTheDocs ( <<<<<<< HEAD 0.6.1 ^^^^^ Fri Sept 29 2017 * Fix failure when controller supports newer facade version (#145) * Fix test failures (#163) * Fix SSH key handling when adding a new model (#161) * Make Application.upgrade_charm upgrade resources (#158) * Expand integration tests to use stable/edge versions of juju (#155) * Move docs to ReadTheDocs ( ======= >>>>>>> 8a2d5bc35a302a970244b3c307a4f47deac0af63 0.6.0 ^^^^^ Thu June 29 2017 * Implement scp functionality (#149) * Add Unit.public_address property (#153) * Adds support for getting/setting config on a model (#152) 0.5.3 ^^^^^ Thu June 22 2017 * Improve handling of closed connections (#148) * Configurable and larger max message size (#146) 0.5.2 ^^^^^ Wed June 14 2017 * Fix deploying non-stable channels and explicit revs (#144) 0.5.1 ^^^^^ Tue June 13 2017 * Update schema for Juju 2.3 alpha1 (#142) * Improve API doc navigation and coverage (#141) * Add type info to Model.add_machine docs (#138) 0.5.0 ^^^^^ Thu June 8 2017 * Add machine status properties (#133) * Add model context manager (#128) * Implement Application.upgrade_charm method (#132) 0.4.3 ^^^^^ Thu June 1 2017 * Accept new / unknown API fields gracefully (#131) * Add support for new agent-version field in ModelInfo (#131) * Replace pip with pip3 in install instructions (#129) * Strip local:-prefix from local charm urls (#121) 0.4.2 ^^^^^ Wed May 10 2017 * Support (and prefer) per-controller macaroon files (#125) 0.4.1 ^^^^^ Wed Apr 27 2017 * Remove VERSION_MAP and rely on facade list from controller (#118) * Refactor connection task management to avoid cancels (#117) * Refactored login code to better handle redirects (#116) 0.4.0 ^^^^^ Wed Apr 19 2017 * Feature/api version support (#109) * Expanding with basic user functions, get_models and destroy (#89) * Added Monitor class to Connection. (#105) * Support placement lists (#103) * Include resources from store when deploying (#102) * Allow underscore to dash translation when accessing model attributes (#101) * Added controller to ssh fix. (#100) * Regen schema to pick up missing APIs * Improve error handling * Fix issue where we do not check to make sure that we are receiving the correct response. * Retry calls to charmstore and increase timeout to 5s * Make connect_model and deploy a bit more friendly * Fix model name not including user * Implement Model.get_status * Add integration tests. 0.3.0 ^^^^^ Mon Feb 27 2017 * Fix docstrings for placement directives. * Implement Model.add_machine() * Bug fix - "to" parameter to Model.deploy() was broken * Add docs and examples for adding machines and containers and deploying charms to them. * Make Machine.destroy() block the current coroutine, returning only after the machine is actually removed from the remote model. This is more consistent with the way the other apis work (e.g. Model.deploy(), Application.add_unit(), etc). * Raise NotImplementedError in all unimplemented method stubs instead of silently passing. 0.2.0 ^^^^^ Thu Feb 16 2017 * Add default ssh key to newly created model. * Add loop helpers and simplify examples/ * Add support for deploying local charms, and bundles containing local charm paths. * Add ability to get cloud name for controller. * Bug fix - fix wrong api used in Model.destroy_unit() * Add error detection in bundle deploy. 0.1.2 ^^^^^ Thu Dec 22 2016 * Bug fix - Include docs in package 0.1.1 ^^^^^ Thu Dec 22 2016 * Bug fix - Include VERSION file in package 0.1.0 ^^^^^ Wed Dec 21 2016 * Initial Release