/* # Copyright ETSI Contributors and Others. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ module vnffgd { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:etsi:osm:yang:augments:vnffgd"; prefix "vnffgd"; import etsi-nfv-nsd { prefix nsd; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } grouping match { list match-attributes { description "List of match attributes."; key "id"; leaf id { description "Identifier for the classifier match attribute rule."; type string; } leaf ip-proto { description "IP Protocol."; type uint8; } leaf source-ip-address { description "Source IP address."; type inet:ip-address; } leaf destination-ip-address { description "Destination IP address."; type inet:ip-address; } leaf source-port { description "Source port number."; type inet:port-number; } leaf destination-port { description "Destination port number."; type inet:port-number; } leaf constituent-base-element-id { description "Refer to the profile of source NS constituent."; type leafref { path "/nsd:nsd/nsd:nsd/nsd:df/nsd:vnf-profile/nsd:id"; } } leaf constituent-cpd-id { description "Logical source port."; type string; } //TODO: Add more match criteria } //match-attributes } grouping extended-position-element { leaf-list nfp-position-element-id { type leafref { path "../../../nfp-position-element/id"; } description "References one or a pair of CPDs or SAPDs."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NfpPositionDesc information element"; } } grouping extended-nfp-position { list nfp-position-element { key "id"; leaf id { type string; description "Identifier of this NfpPositionElemen information element. It uniquely identifies an NfpPositionElement."; reference "GS NFV IFA014: Section NfpPositionElement information element"; } } } grouping extended-cpe { leaf constituent-base-element-id { type leafref { path "/nsd:nsd/nsd:nsd/nsd:vnffgd/nsd:vnf-profile-id"; } } leaf order { type uint8; description "A number that denotes the order of a VNF in a chain"; } leaf ingress-constituent-cpd-id { description "A reference to a connection point name in a vnfd."; type string; } leaf egress-constituent-cpd-id { description "A reference to a connection point name in a vnfd."; type string; } } augment "/nsd:nsd/nsd:nsd/nsd:vnffgd/nsd:nfpd/nsd:position-desc-id" { uses match; } augment "/nsd:nsd/nsd:nsd/nsd:vnffgd" { uses extended-nfp-position; } augment "/nsd:nsd/nsd:nsd/nsd:vnffgd/nsd:nfpd/nsd:position-desc-id" { uses extended-position-element; } augment "/nsd:nsd/nsd:nsd/nsd:vnffgd/nsd:nfpd/nsd:position-desc-id/nsd:cp-profile-id/nsd:constituent-profile-elements"{ uses extended-cpe; } }