/* Copyright 2020 Whitestack LLC Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ module kdu { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:etsi:osm:yang:augments:kdu"; prefix "kdu"; import etsi-nfv-vnfd { prefix vnfd; } grouping extended-ext-cpd { leaf k8s-cluster-net { description "Reference to the K8s cluster network to which CPs instantiated from this external CP Descriptor (CPD) connect."; type leafref { path "/vnfd:vnfd/kdu:k8s-cluster/kdu:nets/kdu:id"; } } } grouping extended-kdu { list kdu { description "List of K8s Deployment Units"; key "name"; leaf name { description "Unique name for the KDU"; type string; } leaf description { description "Description of the KDU."; type string; } choice kdu-model { description "Indicates the KDU model, either as a helm-chart or as a juju-bundle."; case helm-chart { leaf helm-chart { description "Helm chart that models the KDU, in any of the following ways: - / - - - "; type string; } leaf helm-version { description "Helm version to use for this helm-chart, v3 by default"; type enumeration { enum v3; } default v3; } } case juju-bundle { leaf juju-bundle { description "Juju bundle that models the KDU, in any of the following ways: - / - - - "; type string; } } } list service { description "List of Kubernetes services exposed by the KDU. If empty, all services are assumed to be exposed in the CP associated to the first network in k8s-cluster.nets."; key name; leaf name { description "Name of the Kubernetes service exposed by he KDU model"; type string; } leaf external-connection-point-ref { description "String representing a leaf reference to the particular external connection point. This field should match /etsi-nfv-vnfd:vnfd/etsi-nfv-vnfd:ext-cpd/etsi-nfv-vnfd:id "; type string; } } } container k8s-cluster { leaf-list version { description "List of supported K8s versions. The cluster where the KDUs will be deployed will have to match one of these versions."; type string; } leaf-list cni { description "List of supported CNI plugins. The cluster where the KDUs will be deployed will have to use one of these CNI plugins."; type enumeration { enum calico; enum flannel; enum multus; } } list nets { description "List of required networks in the K8s cluster. The cluster where the KDUs will be deployed will have to use one of these CNI plugins."; key "id"; leaf id { description "Internal identifier for the K8s cluster network in this VNF"; type string; } } } } augment "/vnfd:vnfd" { uses extended-kdu; } augment "/vnfd:vnfd/vnfd:ext-cpd/vnfd:cp-connection" { uses extended-ext-cpd; } }