/* Copyright 2019 Whitestack LLC Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ module ip-profiles { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:etsi:osm:yang:nsd:augments:ip-profiles"; prefix "ip-profiles"; import etsi-nfv-nsd { prefix nsd; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import etsi-nfv-descriptors { prefix nfv; } grouping extended-vld-protocol-data{ container virtual-link-protocol-data { leaf associated-layer-protocol { type identityref { base nfv:layer-protocol; } description "One of the values of the attribute layerProtocol of the ConnectivityType IE."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualLinkProtocolData information element."; } container l2-protocol-data { when "(../associated-layer-protocol = 'Ethernet') or " + "(../associated-layer-protocol = 'MPLS') or " + "(../associated-layer-protocol = 'ODU2') or " + "(../associated-layer-protocol = 'Pseudo-Wire')"; leaf name { type string; description "Network name associated with this L2 protocol."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L2ProtocolData information element."; } leaf network-type { type enumeration { enum flat; enum vlan; enum vxlan; enum gre; } description "Specifies the network type for this L2 protocol. Possible values: FLAT, VLAN, VXLAN, GRE."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L2ProtocolData information element."; } leaf vlan-transparent { type boolean; description "Specifies whether to support VLAN transparency for this L2 protocol or not."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L2ProtocolData information element."; } leaf mtu { type uint16; description "Specifies the maximum transmission unit (MTU) value for this L2 protocol."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L2ProtocolData information element."; } description "Specifies the L2 protocol data for this virtual link. Shall be present when the associatedLayerProtocol attribute indicates a L2 protocol and shall be absent otherwise."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualLinkProtocolData information element."; } container l3-protocol-data { when "(../associated-layer-protocol = 'IPv4') or " + "(../associated-layer-protocol = 'IPv6')"; leaf name { type string; description "Network name associated with this L3 protocol."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L3ProtocolData information element."; } leaf ip-version { type enumeration { enum ipv4; enum ipv6; } default "ipv4"; description "Specifies IP version of this L3 protocol. Value: • IPV4. • IPV6."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L3ProtocolData information element."; } leaf cidr { type string; description "Specifies the CIDR (Classless InterDomain Routing) of this L3 protocol."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L3ProtocolData information element."; } leaf-list ip-allocation-pools { type string; description "Specifies the allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this L3 protocol."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L3ProtocolData information element."; } leaf gateway-ip { type inet:ip-address; description "Specifies the gateway IP address for this L3 protocol."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L3ProtocolData information element."; } leaf dhcp-enabled { type boolean; default "true"; description "Indicates whether DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is enabled or disabled for this L3 protocol."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L3ProtocolData information element."; } leaf ipv6-address-mode { when "../ip-version = 'ipv6'"; type enumeration { enum slaac; enum dhcpv6-stateful; enum dhcpv6-stateless; } description "Specifies IPv6 address mode. Possible values: • SLAAC. • DHCPV6-STATEFUL. • DHCPV6-STATELESS. May be present when the value of the ipVersion attribute is 'IPV6' and shall be absent otherwise."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, L3ProtocolData information element."; } description "Specifies the L3 protocol data for this virtual link. Shall be present when the associatedLayerProtocol attribute indicates a L3 protocol and shall be absent otherwise."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualLinkProtocolData information element."; } description "Specifies the protocol data for a VL instantiated according to this profile. Cardinality 0 is used when no protocol data needs to be specified."; reference "GS NFV IFA011: Section, VirtualLinkProfile information element."; } } augment "/nsd:nsd/nsd:nsd/nsd:df/nsd:virtual-link-profile" { uses extended-vld-protocol-data; } }