2018-05-10 tiernofixed double yaml safe at msgkafka write 23/6123/1
2018-05-09 tiernoFixed pip3 dependency for package generation 95/6095/3
2018-05-04 tiernoChange package.deb generation to include postinstall... 74/6074/5 v3.1
2018-05-04 tiernoMinor fixes. Raise exception when method is not implemented 59/6059/2
2018-05-03 Eduardo SousaAdding tests for MsgLocal 57/6057/1
2018-04-27 tiernoallow read and write for same client with local message 44/6044/2
2018-04-26 Eduardo SousaFixing bug in DbMemory.del_list(), where if you passed... 43/6043/1
2018-04-26 Eduardo SousaFixing typo in dbmemory.py in return messafe for replace() 42/6042/1
2018-04-26 Eduardo SousaAdding support for pytest 40/6040/2
2018-04-26 Eduardo SousaIntroducing unit tests for DbMemory 38/6038/2
2018-04-26 Eduardo SousaIntroducing unit tests for FsLocal 30/6030/2
2018-04-25 Mike MarchettiAdd python3-all 33/6033/1
2018-04-25 Mike MarchettiAdd Dockerfile for pipeline 32/6032/1
2018-04-25 Mike MarchettiAdd Jenkinsfile for pipeline 31/6031/1
2018-04-25 tiernofixing imports to get ready for module distribution. 27/6027/1
2018-04-20 tiernoinitial commit 11/6011/3
2018-04-19 almagiaInitial empty repository