2016-09-28 Philip JosephUpdate number of interfaces option
2016-09-28 Philip JosephRemove second interface and network for ubuntu NS
2016-09-27 Philip JosephUpdate descriptors to use vim-network-name
2016-09-27 Philip JosephUpdate ubuntu xenial image location
2016-09-27 Philip JosephAdd ubuntu xenial network service
2016-09-21 Philip JosephAdd default password for VyOS initial config
2016-09-21 Philip JosephAdd cirros vnf and ns
2016-09-21 Philip JosephUpdate descriptors for R1 schema
2016-09-14 Philip JosephGenerate package script: Remove unwanted error message
2016-09-14 Philip JosephNew Feature : Update descriptor package generator to...
2016-07-11 Philip JosephNew Feature Request: Enhance descriptor package creatio...
2016-06-30 =Rajesh VelandyMerge "Fixed the action name for ping"
2016-06-30 =Rajesh VelandyFixed the action name for ping
2016-06-30 =Rajesh VelandyMerge "Fixed the parameter name in VyOS Descriptor"
2016-06-30 =Rajesh VelandyFixed the parameter name in VyOS Descriptor
2016-06-30 =Rajesh VelandyMerge "Fixed password primitive in Vyos"
2016-06-30 =Rajesh VelandyFixed password primitive in Vyos
2016-06-30 lopezgraciaExchanged interface names eth0 and eth1 in VyOS_nsd
2016-06-30 =Rajesh VelandyAdded NS primitive for Vyos
2016-06-30 Philip JosephUpdated VyOS vnfd descriptor with initial config
2016-06-29 =Rajesh VelandyIncreased the disk to 40GB for VyOS
2016-06-29 =Rajesh VelandyIncreased the disk to 10GB for VyOS
2016-06-29 =Rajesh VelandyPulled new Charm for VyOS and fixed space in VNF name
2016-06-29 =Rajesh VelandyAdded charm for VyOS
2016-06-29 =Rajesh VelandyAdded VyOS Initial support
2016-06-27 velandyChange the bash location generate_descriptor_pkg.sh
2016-05-24 Austin CormierRemove 6wind PE charm from repo and pull from juju...
2016-05-24 Austin CormierAdd apache license to newly added files.
2016-05-24 Austin CormierAdd README
2016-05-24 Austin CormierPull IMS charm from github during build process to...
2016-05-23 Austin CormierInitial Makefile for descriptor packages
2016-05-11 almagiaInitial empty repository