2025-02-25 garciadeblasUpdate memory limits and heapOpts for kafka 96/14996/1 master
2025-02-21 garciadeblasUpdate version of Crossplane Azure providers for contai... 93/14993/1
2025-02-21 garciadeblasSet Flux CLI version to 2.4.0 90/14990/1
2025-01-30 garciadeblasSetup IP address env vars before running installation... 01/14901/1
2025-01-23 garciadeblasAdd user option to artifactory cleanup tools and fix... 93/14893/1
2024-12-20 garciadeblasUpdate LCM Dockerfile to remove N2VC dependence 46/14846/2
2024-12-13 garciadeblasUpdate patch_module.sh to work with modules with dash 42/14842/1
2024-12-03 Pedro PereiraFeature 10983: new environment variable OSMLCM_NODESELE... 38/14538/2
2024-11-30 garciadeblasFix stage3 to capture exceptions in shell scripts that... 82/14782/1
2024-11-29 garciadeblasFeature 11050: performance optimization in Kafka 32/14632/14
2024-11-20 garciadeblasFix initialization of docker proxy and registry vars... 50/14750/1
2024-11-18 garciadeblasFix install_k3s_cluster.sh to configure docker private... 44/14744/1
2024-11-13 garciadeblasUpdate krm-functions to fix clutser registration issues 27/14727/1
2024-11-12 garciadeblasFeature 11050: performance optimization in Mongo to... 20/14720/3
2024-11-12 jeganFeature 11034: Forgot Password in OSM 93/14693/2
2024-11-05 garciadeblasFix commit message for cluster update 00/14700/1
2024-10-24 vegallFix keystone to manage the OSM users/projects 61/14461/7
2024-10-24 UtkarshAdd manifests for EBS EKS addon and fix minor fixes... 72/14672/2
2024-10-23 garciadeblasRevert "Update kafka replicacount to 1" 70/14670/1
2024-10-19 garciadeblasUpdate NBI ingress since NBI does not use HTTPS 39/14639/3
2024-10-19 garciadeblasAdd liveness and readiness probes values for mongodb... 51/14651/1
2024-10-19 garciadeblasPin version of jenkins app in the sw-catalog 41/14641/2
2024-10-17 jeganFeature 11034 Forgot Password in OSM 66/14466/8
2024-10-11 garciadeblasUpdate docker image in workflow templates to use openso... 31/14631/1
2024-10-09 garciadeblasFeature 11050: performance optimization in Airflow 27/14627/5
2024-10-09 garciadeblasUpdate OSM installer to allow an external IP address... 05/14605/12
2024-10-03 garciadeblasUpdate kafka replicacount to 1 24/14624/1
2024-10-03 garciadeblasInclude argo client installation for mgmt cluster in... 06/14606/2
2024-09-30 garciadeblasUpdate workflowtemplates for profiles and ksus 02/14602/2
2024-09-30 Rahul ZamreBug 2337 - Grafana dashboards do not work when NG-SA... 11/14411/3
2024-09-25 garciadeblasUpdate patch_module to allow push to ttl.sh 01/14601/1
2024-09-19 garciadeblasInstall kubectl client during K3s cluster installation 76/14576/1
2024-09-19 garciadeblasDisable immediate exit during retries of Gitea API... 75/14575/1
2024-09-19 garciadeblasRevert "Disable trap during execution of gitea script... 74/14574/1
2024-09-16 garciadeblasDisable trap during execution of gitea script api.sh 66/14566/1
2024-09-12 garciadeblasFix manifests for EKS creation in SW catalog to update... 58/14558/1
2024-09-11 garciadeblasFix warning about GERRIT_BRANCH parameter not set in... 54/14554/1
2024-09-11 garciadeblasUpdate fsnotify settings of the system kernel after... 53/14553/1
2024-09-11 garciadeblasFix number of args in tools/patch_module.sh 52/14552/1
2024-09-11 garciadeblasUpdate README.md to fix typos in Markdown format 46/14546/1
2024-09-10 garciadeblasFix installer and OSM helm chart to include git data... 45/14545/1
2024-09-10 garciadeblasAdd monitor loop for Gitea API operations 44/14544/1
2024-08-22 garciadeblasPrepare installers and Jenkins for Release SIXTEEN 32/14532/1 release-v16.0-start
2024-08-22 yangalicace1Revert "Removal of manifests from upstream projects" 31/14531/1
2024-08-22 garciadeblasRemoval of manifests from upstream projects 30/14530/1
2024-08-22 garciadeblasEscape comma character in gitea password generation 29/14529/1
2024-08-21 garciadeblasFix token names in gitea provisioning 24/14524/5
2024-08-21 garciadeblasConfigure docker private registry for K3s-based install... 26/14526/1
2024-08-21 garciadeblasConfigure docker proxy URL for K3s-based installation... 25/14525/1
2024-08-21 garciadeblasFix sops client installation and minio during setup... 23/14523/8
2024-08-20 garciadeblasFeatures 11017 and 11018: setup of mgmt cluster and... 10/14410/21
2024-08-20 garciadeblasAdd tool to patch an OSM module using locally built... 22/14522/2
2024-08-19 garciadeblasAdd extra messages to stage3 jenkins file 16/14516/3
2024-07-23 garciadeblasUpdate installer shell scripts to set env vars after... 95/14495/1
2024-07-19 garciadeblasReorder installation of n2vc and lcm requirements in... 93/14493/2
2024-07-10 garciadeblasFeature 10991: fix postrenderer script paths for LCM... 84/14484/1
2024-07-05 LuisFeature 11032: Integration of OSM Helm Chart with diffe... 71/14271/12
2024-07-05 Pedro PereiraFeature 10991: new environment variables OSMLCM_VCA_MAI... 38/14438/4
2024-07-04 garciadeblasFeature 11019: Workflow for cloud-native operations... 62/14462/2
2024-07-04 garciadeblasSet IP address in kubeconfig for install_k3s_cluster 65/14465/1
2024-07-04 vegallFeature 11033: Publication of OSM helm chart externally... 24/14424/4
2024-07-02 garciadeblasRemove mysql env vars from ro-deployment 60/14460/1
2024-06-29 garciadeblasFeature 11041: Enable K3s as Kubernetes distro for... 15/14415/3
2024-06-12 garciadeblasFix installation of Kubernetes metrics server by updati... 23/14423/1
2024-06-03 almagiaRevert "Revert "Feature 11010: Use of upstream helm... 09/14409/1
2024-06-03 Rahul ZamreRevert "Feature 11010: Use of upstream helm charts... 90/14390/10
2024-05-31 garciadeblasInstall Kubernetes metrics server as part of install_ku... 03/14403/1
2024-05-31 garciadeblasNew options in installer to install only docker, k8sclu... 02/14402/1
2024-05-31 garciadeblasRefactor code in full_install_osm.sh to group code... 01/14401/1
2024-05-31 garciadeblasRemove unused options from installer 00/14400/1
2024-05-31 garciadeblasAdd namespace option for mongodb, ngsa and cluster... 99/14399/1
2024-05-30 garciadeblasRemove helm2 client from LCM Dockerfile 95/14395/1
2024-05-30 garciadeblasUpdate helm and kubectl versions in LCM and tests Docke... 92/14392/3
2024-05-30 garciadeblasUpdate helm and kubernetes version in installer to... 93/14393/3
2024-05-23 garciadeblasFeature 11037 Installation of ingress controller in... 25/14325/26
2024-05-22 garciadeblasUpdate README to include common instructions 82/14382/3
2024-05-22 garciadeblasRemove use of INSTALL_LIGHTWEIGHT in full_install_osm.sh 85/14385/2
2024-05-22 garciadeblasFeature 11010: remove unnecessary code and set promethe... 84/14384/2
2024-05-20 zamreFeature 11010: Use of upstream helm charts for Promethe... 21/14221/13
2024-05-20 Rahul ZamreFeature 11015: Removal of Zookeeper from OSM installation 75/14275/2
2024-04-22 garciadeblasMove lcm certificate to lcm folder in OSM helm chart 27/14327/1
2024-04-22 garciadeblasFix namespace in manifests in OSM helm chart 26/14326/1
2024-04-02 garciadeblasRemove functions from install_kubeadm_cluster.sh, moved... 02/14302/1
2024-04-02 uniyalnafix VIM monitoring bug 2354 99/14299/2
2024-04-01 garciadeblasSeparate cluster addons installation (openebs, metallb... 94/14294/1
2024-04-01 garciadeblasUpdated k8s version to 1.29 and helm version to 3.14... 92/14292/1
2024-04-01 garciadeblasRemove install_helm function from install_kubeadm_cluster 91/14291/1
2024-04-01 garciadeblasSeparate helm client installation from install_kubeadm_... 90/14290/1
2024-04-01 garciadeblasFix install_kubeadm_cluster to check pod readiness... 89/14289/1
2024-04-01 garciadeblasSet global.image.tag as string in values passed to... 88/14288/1
2024-03-11 garciadeblasRemove SSL env variables from NBI Dockerfile 51/14251/1
2024-03-05 Pedro EscaleiraFig bug 2338 for the LCM Dockerfile 36/14236/2
2024-03-04 Pedro EscaleiraFix Bug 2338: updated kubernetes apt repo from apt... 32/14232/1
2024-01-25 garciadeblasUpdate K8s version in install_kubeadm_cluster.sh to... 66/14166/2
2024-01-24 garciadeblasFix air-gapped installation issues with containerd... 83/13983/5
2024-01-23 garciadeblasRemove unnecessary code related to K8s monitoring in... 64/14164/1
2024-01-22 garciadeblasDisable docker installation in full_install_osm.sh 58/14158/2
2024-01-22 garciadeblasNew option -c in full_install_osm to allow different... 59/14159/2
2024-01-22 garciadeblasMove kubeadm folder creation from full_install_osm... 57/14157/1
2024-01-22 garciadeblasRename INSTALL_NODOCKER to INSTALL_DOCKER in full_insta... 56/14156/1