@cli_osm.command(name='ns-list', short_help='list all NS instances')
@click.option('--filter', default=None,
help='restricts the list to the NS instances matching the filter.')
+@click.option('--details', is_flag=True,
+ help='get more details of current operation in the NS.')
-def ns_list(ctx, filter):
+def ns_list(ctx, filter,details):
"""list all NS instances
--filter nsd.vendor=<VENDOR>&nsd-ref=<NSD_NAME>
--filter nsd.constituent-vnfd.vnfd-id-ref=<VNFD_NAME>
+ def summarize_deployment_status(status_dict):
+ #Nets
+ summary = ""
+ n_nets = 0
+ status_nets = {}
+ net_list = status_dict['nets']
+ for net in net_list:
+ n_nets += 1
+ if net['status'] not in status_nets:
+ status_nets[net['status']] = 1
+ else:
+ status_nets[net['status']] +=1
+ message = "Nets: "
+ for k,v in status_nets.items():
+ message += "{}:{},".format(k,v)
+ message += "TOTAL:{}".format(n_nets)
+ summary += "{}".format(message)
+ #VMs and VNFs
+ n_vms = 0
+ status_vms = {}
+ status_vnfs = {}
+ vnf_list = status_dict['vnfs']
+ for vnf in vnf_list:
+ member_vnf_index = vnf['member_vnf_index']
+ if member_vnf_index not in status_vnfs:
+ status_vnfs[member_vnf_index] = {}
+ for vm in vnf['vms']:
+ n_vms += 1
+ if vm['status'] not in status_vms:
+ status_vms[vm['status']] = 1
+ else:
+ status_vms[vm['status']] +=1
+ if vm['status'] not in status_vnfs[member_vnf_index]:
+ status_vnfs[member_vnf_index][vm['status']] = 1
+ else:
+ status_vnfs[member_vnf_index][vm['status']] += 1
+ message = "VMs: "
+ for k,v in status_vms.items():
+ message += "{}:{},".format(k,v)
+ message += "TOTAL:{}".format(n_vms)
+ summary += "\n{}".format(message)
+ summary += "\nNFs:"
+ for k,v in status_vnfs.items():
+ total = 0
+ message = "\n {} VMs: ".format(k)
+ for k2,v2 in v.items():
+ message += "{}:{},".format(k2,v2)
+ total += v2
+ message += "TOTAL:{}".format(total)
+ summary += message
+ return summary
+ def summarize_config_status(ee_list):
+ n_ee = 0
+ status_ee = {}
+ for ee in ee_list:
+ n_ee += 1
+ if ee['elementType'] not in status_ee:
+ status_ee[ee['elementType']] = {}
+ status_ee[ee['elementType']][ee['status']] = 1
+ continue;
+ if ee['status'] in status_ee[ee['elementType']]:
+ status_ee[ee['elementType']][ee['status']] += 1
+ else:
+ status_ee[ee['elementType']][ee['status']] = 1
+ summary = ""
+ for elementType in ["KDU", "VDU", "PDU", "VNF", "NS"]:
+ if elementType in status_ee:
+ message = ""
+ total = 0
+ for k,v in status_ee[elementType].items():
+ message += "{}:{},".format(k,v)
+ total += v
+ message += "TOTAL:{}\n".format(total)
+ summary += "{}: {}".format(elementType, message)
+ summary += "TOTAL Exec. Env.: {}".format(n_ee)
+ return summary
if filter:
check_client_version(ctx.obj, '--filter')
resp = ctx.obj.ns.list(filter)
resp = ctx.obj.ns.list()
- table = PrettyTable(
+ if details:
+ table = PrettyTable(
['ns instance name',
- 'operational status',
- 'config status',
- 'detailed status'])
+ 'ns state',
+ 'current operation',
+ 'error details',
+ 'deployment status',
+ 'configuration status'])
+ else:
+ table = PrettyTable(
+ ['ns instance name',
+ 'id',
+ 'ns state',
+ 'current operation',
+ 'error details'])
for ns in resp:
fullclassname = ctx.obj.__module__ + "." + ctx.obj.__class__.__name__
if fullclassname == 'osmclient.sol005.client.Client':
nsr = ns
nsr_name = nsr['name']
nsr_id = nsr['_id']
+ ns_state = nsr['nsState']
+ if details:
+ deployment_status = summarize_deployment_status(nsr['deploymentStatus'])
+ config_status = summarize_config_status(nsr['configurationStatus'])
+ current_operation = "{} ({})".format(nsr['currentOperation'],nsr['currentOperationID'])
+ error_details = "N/A"
+ if ns_state == "BROKEN" or ns_state == "DEGRADED":
+ error_details = "{}\nDetail: {}".format(nsr['errorDescription'],nsr['errorDetail'])
nsopdata = ctx.obj.ns.get_opdata(ns['id'])
nsr = nsopdata['nsr:nsr']
nsr_name = nsr['name-ref']
nsr_id = nsr['ns-instance-config-ref']
- opstatus = nsr['operational-status'] if 'operational-status' in nsr else 'Not found'
- configstatus = nsr['config-status'] if 'config-status' in nsr else 'Not found'
- detailed_status = nsr['detailed-status'] if 'detailed-status' in nsr else 'Not found'
- detailed_status = wrap_text(text=detailed_status,width=50)
- if configstatus == "config_not_needed":
- configstatus = "configured (no charms)"
- table.add_row(
- [nsr_name,
- nsr_id,
- opstatus,
- configstatus,
- detailed_status])
+ deployment_status = nsr['operational-status'] if 'operational-status' in nsr else 'Not found'
+ ns_state = deployment_status
+ config_status = nsr['config-status'] if 'config-status' in nsr else 'Not found'
+ current_operation = "Unknown"
+ error_details = nsr['detailed-status'] if 'detailed-status' in nsr else 'Not found'
+ if config_status == "config_not_needed":
+ config_status = "configured (no charms)"
+ if details:
+ table.add_row(
+ [nsr_name,
+ nsr_id,
+ ns_state,
+ current_operation,
+ wrap_text(text=error_details,width=40),
+ deployment_status,
+ config_status])
+ else:
+ table.add_row(
+ [nsr_name,
+ nsr_id,
+ ns_state,
+ current_operation,
+ wrap_text(text=error_details,width=40)])
table.align = 'l'
+ print('To get the history of all operations over a NS, run "osm ns-op-list NS_ID"')
+ print('For more details on the current operation, run "osm ns-op-show OPERATION_ID"')
def nsd_list(ctx, filter):
NAME: name or ID of the NS instance
+ def formatParams(params):
+ if params['lcmOperationType']=='instantiate':
+ params.pop('nsDescription')
+ params.pop('nsName')
+ params.pop('nsdId')
+ params.pop('nsr_id')
+ elif params['lcmOperationType']=='action':
+ params.pop('primitive')
+ params.pop('lcmOperationType')
+ params.pop('nsInstanceId')
+ return params
# try:
check_client_version(ctx.obj, ctx.command.name)
# print(str(e))
# exit(1)
- table = PrettyTable(['id', 'operation', 'action_name', 'status'])
+ table = PrettyTable(['id', 'operation', 'action_name', 'operation_params', 'status', 'detail'])
for op in resp:
action_name = "N/A"
if op['lcmOperationType']=='action':
action_name = op['operationParams']['primitive']
- table.add_row([op['id'], op['lcmOperationType'], action_name,
- op['operationState']])
+ detail = "-"
+ if op['operationState']=='PROCESSING':
+ if op['lcmOperationType']=='instantiate':
+ if op['stage']:
+ detail = op['stage']
+ else:
+ detail = "In queue. Current position: {}".format(op['queuePosition'])
+ elif op['operationState']=='FAILED' or op['operationState']=='FAILED_TEMP':
+ detail = op['errorMessage']
+ table.add_row([op['id'],
+ op['lcmOperationType'],
+ action_name,
+ wrap_text(text=json.dumps(formatParams(op['operationParams']),indent=2),width=70),
+ op['operationState'],
+ wrap_text(text=detail,width=50)])
table.align = 'l'