+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 2016 RIFT.io Inc #
-# #
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); #
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. #
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at #
-# #
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #
-# #
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #
-# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #
-# limitations under the License. #
-import argparse
-import asyncio
-import logging
-import os
-import ssl
-import juju.loop
-from juju.controller import Controller
-from juju.model import Model, ModelObserver
- ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
-except AttributeError:
- # Legacy Python doesn't verify by default (see pep-0476)
- # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0476/
- pass
-class JujuVersionError(Exception):
- pass
-class JujuApiError(Exception):
- pass
-class JujuEnvError(JujuApiError):
- pass
-class JujuModelError(JujuApiError):
- pass
-class JujuStatusError(JujuApiError):
- pass
-class JujuUnitsError(JujuApiError):
- pass
-class JujuWaitUnitsError(JujuApiError):
- pass
-class JujuSrvNotDeployedError(JujuApiError):
- pass
-class JujuAddCharmError(JujuApiError):
- pass
-class JujuDeployError(JujuApiError):
- pass
-class JujuDestroyError(JujuApiError):
- pass
-class JujuResolveError(JujuApiError):
- pass
-class JujuActionError(JujuApiError):
- pass
-class JujuActionApiError(JujuActionError):
- pass
-class JujuActionInfoError(JujuActionError):
- pass
-class JujuActionExecError(JujuActionError):
- pass
-class JujuAuthenticationError(Exception):
- pass
-class JujuMonitor(ModelObserver):
- """Monitor state changes within the Juju Model."""
- # async def on_change(self, delta, old, new, model):
- # """React to changes in the Juju model."""
- #
- # # TODO: Setup the hook to update the UI if the status of a unit changes
- # # to be used when deploying a charm and waiting for it to be "ready"
- # if delta.entity in ['application', 'unit'] and delta.type == "change":
- # pass
- #
- # # TODO: Add a hook when an action is complete
- pass
-class JujuApi(object):
- """JujuApi wrapper on jujuclient library.
- There should be one instance of JujuApi for each VNF manged by Juju.
- Assumption:
- Currently we use one unit per service/VNF. So once a service
- is deployed, we store the unit name and reuse it
- """
- log = None
- controller = None
- models = {}
- model = None
- model_name = None
- model_uuid = None
- authenticated = False
- def __init__(self,
- log=None,
- loop=None,
- server='',
- port=17070,
- user='admin',
- secret=None,
- version=None,
- model_name='default',
- ):
- """Initialize with the Juju credentials."""
- if log:
- self.log = log
- else:
- self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- # Quiet websocket traffic
- logging.getLogger('websockets.protocol').setLevel(logging.INFO)
- self.log.debug('JujuApi: instantiated')
- self.server = server
- self.port = port
- self.secret = secret
- if user.startswith('user-'):
- self.user = user
- else:
- self.user = 'user-{}'.format(user)
- self.endpoint = '%s:%d' % (server, int(port))
- self.model_name = model_name
- if loop:
- self.loop = loop
- def __del__(self):
- """Close any open connections."""
- yield self.logout()
- async def add_relation(self, a, b, via=None):
- """
- Add a relation between two application endpoints.
- :param a An application endpoint
- :param b An application endpoint
- :param via The egress subnet(s) for outbound traffic, e.g., (,
- """
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- m = await self.get_model()
- try:
- m.add_relation(a, b, via)
- finally:
- await m.disconnect()
- async def apply_config(self, config, application):
- """Apply a configuration to the application."""
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Applying configuration to {}.".format(
- application
- ))
- return await self.set_config(application=application, config=config)
- async def deploy_application(self, charm, name="", path="", specs={}):
- """
- Deploy an application.
- Deploy an application to a container or a machine already provisioned
- by the OSM Resource Orchestrator (requires the Juju public ssh key
- installed on the new machine via cloud-init).
- :param str charm: The name of the charm
- :param str name: The name of the application, if different than the charm
- :param str path: The path to the charm
- :param dict machine: A dictionary identifying the machine to manage via Juju
- Examples::
- deploy_application(..., specs={'host': '', 'user': 'ubuntu'})
- """
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- # Check that the charm is valid and exists.
- if charm is None:
- return None
- app = await self.get_application(name)
- if app is None:
- # Check for specific machine placement
- to = None
- if all(k in specs for k in ['hostname', 'username']):
- machine = await self.model.add_machine(spec='ssh:%@%'.format(
- specs['host'],
- specs['user'],
- ))
- to = machine.id
- # TODO: Handle the error if the charm isn't found.
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Deploying charm {} ({}) from {}".format(
- charm,
- name,
- path,
- to=to,
- ))
- app = await self.model.deploy(
- path,
- application_name=name,
- series='xenial',
- )
- return app
- deploy_service = deploy_application
- async def get_action_status(self, uuid):
- """Get the status of an action."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Waiting for status of action uuid {}".format(uuid))
- action = await self.model.wait_for_action(uuid)
- return action.status
- async def get_application(self, application):
- """Get the deployed application."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Getting application {}".format(application))
- app = None
- if application and self.model:
- if self.model.applications:
- if application in self.model.applications:
- app = self.model.applications[application]
- return app
- async def get_application_status(self, application):
- """Get the status of an application."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- status = None
- app = await self.get_application(application)
- if app:
- status = app.status
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Status of application {} is {}".format(
- application,
- str(status),
- ))
- return status
- get_service_status = get_application_status
- async def get_config(self, application):
- """Get the configuration of an application."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- config = None
- app = await self.get_application(application)
- if app:
- config = await app.get_config()
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Config of application {} is {}".format(
- application,
- str(config),
- ))
- return config
- async def get_model(self, name='default'):
- """Get a model from the Juju Controller.
- Note: Model objects returned must call disconnected() before it goes
- out of scope."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- model = Model()
- uuid = await self.get_model_uuid(name)
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Connecting to model {} ({})".format(
- model,
- uuid,
- ))
- await model.connect(
- self.endpoint,
- uuid,
- self.user,
- self.secret,
- None,
- )
- return model
- async def get_model_uuid(self, name='default'):
- """Get the UUID of a model.
- Iterate through all models in a controller and find the matching model.
- """
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- uuid = None
- models = await self.controller.get_models()
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Looking through {} models for model {}".format(
- len(models.user_models),
- name,
- ))
- for model in models.user_models:
- if model.model.name == name:
- uuid = model.model.uuid
- break
- return uuid
- async def get_status(self):
- """Get the model status."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- if not self.model:
- self.model = self.get_model(self.model_name)
- class model_state:
- applications = {}
- machines = {}
- relations = {}
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Getting model status")
- status = model_state()
- status.applications = self.model.applications
- status.machines = self.model.machines
- return status
- async def is_application_active(self, application):
- """Check if the application is in an active state."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- state = False
- status = await self.get_application_status(application)
- if status and status in ['active']:
- state = True
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Application {} is {} active".format(
- application,
- "" if status else "not",
- ))
- return state
- is_service_active = is_application_active
- async def is_application_blocked(self, application):
- """Check if the application is in a blocked state."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- state = False
- status = await self.get_application_status(application)
- if status and status in ['blocked']:
- state = True
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Application {} is {} blocked".format(
- application,
- "" if status else "not",
- ))
- return state
- is_service_blocked = is_application_blocked
- async def is_application_deployed(self, application):
- """Check if the application is in a deployed state."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- state = False
- status = await self.get_application_status(application)
- if status and status in ['active']:
- state = True
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Application {} is {} deployed".format(
- application,
- "" if status else "not",
- ))
- return state
- is_service_deployed = is_application_deployed
- async def is_application_error(self, application):
- """Check if the application is in an error state."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- state = False
- status = await self.get_application_status(application)
- if status and status in ['error']:
- state = True
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Application {} is {} errored".format(
- application,
- "" if status else "not",
- ))
- return state
- is_service_error = is_application_error
- async def is_application_maint(self, application):
- """Check if the application is in a maintenance state."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- state = False
- status = await self.get_application_status(application)
- if status and status in ['maintenance']:
- state = True
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Application {} is {} in maintenence".format(
- application,
- "" if status else "not",
- ))
- return state
- is_service_maint = is_application_maint
- async def is_application_up(self, application=None):
- """Check if the application is up."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- state = False
- status = await self.get_application_status(application)
- if status and status in ['active', 'blocked']:
- state = True
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Application {} is {} up".format(
- application,
- "" if status else "not",
- ))
- return state
- is_service_up = is_application_up
- async def login(self):
- """Login to the Juju controller."""
- if self.authenticated:
- return
- cacert = None
- self.controller = Controller()
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Logging into controller")
- if self.secret:
- await self.controller.connect(
- self.endpoint,
- self.user,
- self.secret,
- cacert,
- )
- else:
- await self.controller.connect_current()
- self.authenticated = True
- self.model = await self.get_model(self.model_name)
- async def logout(self):
- """Logout of the Juju controller."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- return
- if self.model:
- await self.model.disconnect()
- self.model = None
- if self.controller:
- await self.controller.disconnect()
- self.controller = None
- self.authenticated = False
- async def remove_application(self, name):
- """Remove the application."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- app = await self.get_application(name)
- if app:
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Destroying application {}".format(
- name,
- ))
- await app.destroy()
- async def remove_relation(self, a, b):
- """
- Remove a relation between two application endpoints
- :param a An application endpoint
- :param b An application endpoint
- """
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- m = await self.get_model()
- try:
- m.remove_relation(a, b)
- finally:
- await m.disconnect()
- async def resolve_error(self, application=None):
- """Resolve units in error state."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- app = await self.get_application(application)
- if app:
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Resolving errors for application {}".format(
- application,
- ))
- for unit in app.units:
- app.resolved(retry=True)
- async def run_action(self, application, action_name, **params):
- """Execute an action and return an Action object."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- result = {
- 'status': '',
- 'action': {
- 'tag': None,
- 'results': None,
- }
- }
- app = await self.get_application(application)
- if app:
- # We currently only have one unit per application
- # so use the first unit available.
- unit = app.units[0]
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Running Action {} against Application {}".format(
- action_name,
- application,
- ))
- action = await unit.run_action(action_name, **params)
- # Wait for the action to complete
- await action.wait()
- result['status'] = action.status
- result['action']['tag'] = action.data['id']
- result['action']['results'] = action.results
- return result
- execute_action = run_action
- async def set_config(self, application, config):
- """Apply a configuration to the application."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- app = await self.get_application(application)
- if app:
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Setting config for Application {}".format(
- application,
- ))
- await app.set_config(config)
- # Verify the config is set
- newconf = await app.get_config()
- for key in config:
- if config[key] != newconf[key]:
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Config not set! Key {} Value {} doesn't match {}".format(key, config[key], newconf[key]))
- async def set_parameter(self, parameter, value, application=None):
- """Set a config parameter for a service."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Setting {}={} for Application {}".format(
- parameter,
- value,
- application,
- ))
- return await self.apply_config(
- {parameter: value},
- application=application,
- )
- async def wait_for_application(self, name, timeout=300):
- """Wait for an application to become active."""
- if not self.authenticated:
- await self.login()
- app = await self.get_application(name)
- if app:
- self.log.debug("JujuApi: Waiting {} seconds for Application {}".format(
- timeout,
- name,
- ))
- await self.model.block_until(
- lambda: all(
- unit.agent_status == 'idle'
- and unit.workload_status
- in ['active', 'unknown'] for unit in app.units
- ),
- timeout=timeout,
- )
-def get_argparser():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Test Driver for Juju API')
- ###################
- # Authentication #
- ###################
- parser.add_argument(
- "-s", "--server",
- default='',
- help="Juju controller",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-u", "--user",
- default='admin',
- help="User, default user-admin"
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-p", "--password",
- default='',
- help="Password for the user"
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-P", "--port",
- default=17070,
- help="Port number, default 17070"
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-m", "--model",
- default='default',
- help="The model to connect to."
- )
- ##########
- # Charm #
- ##########
- parser.add_argument(
- "-d", "--directory",
- help="Local directory for the charm"
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--application",
- help="Charm name"
- )
- #############
- # Placement #
- #############
- """
- To deploy to a non-Juju machine, provide the host and
- credentials for Juju to manually provision (host, username, (password or key?))
- """
- parser.add_argument(
- "--proxy",
- action='store_true',
- help="Deploy as a proxy charm.",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--no-proxy",
- action='store_false',
- dest='proxy',
- help="Deploy as a full charm.",
- )
- parser.set_defaults(proxy=True)
- # Test options?
- # unit test?
- #######
- # VNF #
- #######
- return parser.parse_args()
-async def deploy_charm_and_wait():
- args = get_argparser()
- # Set logging level to debug so we can see verbose output from the
- # juju library.
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
- # Quiet logging from the websocket library. If you want to see
- # everything sent over the wire, set this to DEBUG.
- ws_logger = logging.getLogger('websockets.protocol')
- ws_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- """Here's an example of a coroutine that will deploy a charm and wait until
- it's ready to be used."""
- api = JujuApi(server=args.server,
- port=args.port,
- user=args.user,
- secret=args.password,
- # loop=loop,
- log=ws_logger,
- model_name=args.model
- )
- print("Logging in...")
- await api.login()
- if api.authenticated:
- status = await api.get_status()
- print('Applications:', list(status.applications.keys()))
- print('Machines:', list(status.machines.keys()))
- if args.directory and args.application:
- # Deploy the charm
- charm = os.path.basename(
- os.path.expanduser(
- os.path.dirname(args.directory)
- )
- )
- await api.deploy_application(charm,
- name=args.application,
- path=args.directory,
- )
- # Wait for the application to fully deploy. This will block until the
- # agent is in an idle state, and the charm's workload is either
- # 'active' or 'unknown', meaning it's ready but the author did not
- # explicitly set a workload state.
- print("Waiting for application '{}' to deploy...".format(charm))
- while (True):
- # Deploy the charm and wait, periodically checking its status
- await api.wait_for_application(charm, 30)
- error = await api.is_application_error(charm)
- if error:
- print("This application is in an error state.")
- break
- blocked = await api.is_application_blocked(charm)
- if blocked:
- print("This application is blocked.")
- break
- # An extra check to see if the charm is ready
- up = await api.is_application_up(charm)
- print("Application is {}".format("up" if up else "down"))
- print("Service {} is deployed".format(args.application))
- ###################################
- # Execute config on a proxy charm #
- ###################################
- config = await api.get_config(args.application)
- hostname = config['ssh-username']['value']
- rhostname = hostname[::-1]
- # Apply the configuration
- await api.apply_config(
- {'ssh-username': rhostname}, application=args.application
- )
- # Get the configuration
- config = await api.get_config(args.application)
- # Verify the configuration has been updated
- assert(config['ssh-username']['value'] == rhostname)
- ####################################
- # Get the status of an application #
- ####################################
- status = await api.get_application_status(charm)
- print("Application Status: {}".format(status))
- ###########################
- # Execute a simple action #
- ###########################
- result = await api.run_action(charm, 'get-ssh-public-key')
- print("Action {} status is {} and returned {}".format(
- result['status'],
- result['action']['tag'],
- result['action']['results']
- ))
- #####################################
- # Execute an action with parameters #
- #####################################
- result = await api.run_action(charm, 'run', command='hostname')
- print("Action {} status is {} and returned {}".format(
- result['status'],
- result['action']['tag'],
- result['action']['results']
- ))
- print("Logging out...")
- await api.logout()
- api = None
-# get public key in juju controller? that can be pulled without need of a charm deployed and installed to vm via cloud-init
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- # Create a single event loop for running code asyncronously.
- loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- # An initial set of tasks to run
- tasks = [
- deploy_charm_and_wait(),
- ]
- # TODO: optionally run forever and use a Watcher to monitor what's happening
- loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks))