from n2vc.n2vc_juju_conn import N2VCJujuConnector
from n2vc.exceptions import N2VCException, N2VCNotFound, K8sException
+from osm_lcm.lcm_helm_conn import LCMHelmConn
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from http import HTTPStatus
from time import time
__author__ = "Alfonso Tierno <>"
+class N2VCJujuConnectorLCM(N2VCJujuConnector):
+ async def create_execution_environment(self, namespace: str, db_dict: dict, reuse_ee_id: str = None,
+ progress_timeout: float = None, total_timeout: float = None,
+ artifact_path: str = None, vca_type: str = None) -> (str, dict):
+ # admit two new parameters, artifact_path and vca_type
+ if vca_type == "k8s_proxy_charm":
+ ee_id = await self.n2vc.install_k8s_proxy_charm(
+ charm_name=artifact_path[artifact_path.rfind("/") + 1:],
+ namespace=namespace,
+ artifact_path=artifact_path,
+ db_dict=db_dict)
+ return ee_id, None
+ else:
+ return await super().create_execution_environment(
+ namespace=namespace, db_dict=db_dict, reuse_ee_id=reuse_ee_id,
+ progress_timeout=progress_timeout, total_timeout=total_timeout)
+ async def install_configuration_sw(self, ee_id: str, artifact_path: str, db_dict: dict,
+ progress_timeout: float = None, total_timeout: float = None,
+ config: dict = None, num_units: int = 1, vca_type: str = "lxc_proxy_charm"):
+ if vca_type == "k8s_proxy_charm":
+ return
+ return await super().install_configuration_sw(
+ ee_id=ee_id, artifact_path=artifact_path, db_dict=db_dict, progress_timeout=progress_timeout,
+ total_timeout=total_timeout, config=config, num_units=num_units)
class NsLcm(LcmBase):
timeout_vca_on_error = 5 * 60 # Time for charm from first time at blocked,error status to mark as failed
timeout_ns_deploy = 2 * 3600 # default global timeout for deployment a ns
self.vca_config = config["VCA"].copy()
# create N2VC connector
- self.n2vc = N2VCJujuConnector(
+ self.n2vc = N2VCJujuConnectorLCM(
+ self.conn_helm_ee = LCMHelmConn(
+ db=self.db,
+ fs=self.fs,
+ log=self.logger,
+ loop=self.loop,
+ url=None,
+ username=None,
+ vca_config=self.vca_config,
+ on_update_db=self._on_update_n2vc_db
+ )
self.k8sclusterhelm = K8sHelmConnector(
"juju-bundle": self.k8sclusterjuju,
"juju": self.k8sclusterjuju,
+ self.vca_map = {
+ "lxc_proxy_charm": self.n2vc,
+ "native_charm": self.n2vc,
+ "k8s_proxy_charm": self.n2vc,
+ "helm": self.conn_helm_ee
+ }
# create RO client
if self.ng_ro:
self.RO = NgRoClient(self.loop, **self.ro_config)
raise LcmException("Configuration aborted because dependent charm/s timeout")
async def instantiate_N2VC(self, logging_text, vca_index, nsi_id, db_nsr, db_vnfr, vdu_id, kdu_name, vdu_index,
- config_descriptor, deploy_params, base_folder, nslcmop_id, stage):
+ config_descriptor, deploy_params, base_folder, nslcmop_id, stage, vca_type, vca_name):
nsr_id = db_nsr["_id"]
db_update_entry = "_admin.deployed.VCA.{}.".format(vca_index)
vca_deployed_list = db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"]
element_under_configuration = kdu_name
# Get artifact path
- artifact_path = "{}/{}/charms/{}".format(
+ artifact_path = "{}/{}/{}/{}".format(
- config_descriptor["juju"]["charm"]
+ "charms" if vca_type in ("native_charm", "lxc_proxy_charm", "k8s_proxy_charm") else "helm-charts",
+ vca_name
- is_proxy_charm = deep_get(config_descriptor, ('juju', 'charm')) is not None
- is_k8s_proxy_charm = False
- if deep_get(config_descriptor, ('juju', 'proxy')) is False:
- is_proxy_charm = False
+ # n2vc_redesign STEP 3.1
- if deep_get(config_descriptor, ('juju', 'cloud')) == 'k8s' and is_proxy_charm:
- is_k8s_proxy_charm = True
+ # find old ee_id if exists
+ ee_id = vca_deployed.get("ee_id")
- if not is_k8s_proxy_charm:
- # n2vc_redesign STEP 3.1
+ # create or register execution environment in VCA
+ if vca_type in ("lxc_proxy_charm", "k8s_proxy_charm", "helm"):
- # find old ee_id if exists
- ee_id = vca_deployed.get("ee_id")
- # create or register execution environment in VCA
- if is_proxy_charm:
+ self._write_configuration_status(
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ vca_index=vca_index,
+ status='CREATING',
+ element_under_configuration=element_under_configuration,
+ element_type=element_type
+ )
- self._write_configuration_status(
- nsr_id=nsr_id,
- vca_index=vca_index,
- status='CREATING',
- element_under_configuration=element_under_configuration,
- element_type=element_type
- )
+ step = "create execution environment"
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ ee_id, credentials = await self.vca_map[vca_type].create_execution_environment(
+ namespace=namespace,
+ reuse_ee_id=ee_id,
+ db_dict=db_dict,
+ artifact_path=artifact_path,
+ vca_type=vca_type)
- step = "create execution environment"
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- ee_id, credentials = await self.n2vc.create_execution_environment(namespace=namespace,
- reuse_ee_id=ee_id,
- db_dict=db_dict)
+ elif vca_type == "native_charm":
+ step = "Waiting to VM being up and getting IP address"
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ rw_mgmt_ip = await self.wait_vm_up_insert_key_ro(logging_text, nsr_id, vnfr_id, vdu_id, vdu_index,
+ user=None, pub_key=None)
+ credentials = {"hostname": rw_mgmt_ip}
+ # get username
+ username = deep_get(config_descriptor, ("config-access", "ssh-access", "default-user"))
+ # TODO remove this when changes on IM regarding config-access:ssh-access:default-user were
+ # merged. Meanwhile let's get username from initial-config-primitive
+ if not username and config_descriptor.get("initial-config-primitive"):
+ for config_primitive in config_descriptor["initial-config-primitive"]:
+ for param in config_primitive.get("parameter", ()):
+ if param["name"] == "ssh-username":
+ username = param["value"]
+ break
+ if not username:
+ raise LcmException("Cannot determine the username neither with 'initial-config-promitive' nor with "
+ "'config-access.ssh-access.default-user'")
+ credentials["username"] = username
+ # n2vc_redesign STEP 3.2
- else:
- step = "Waiting to VM being up and getting IP address"
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- rw_mgmt_ip = await self.wait_vm_up_insert_key_ro(logging_text, nsr_id, vnfr_id, vdu_id, vdu_index,
- user=None, pub_key=None)
- credentials = {"hostname": rw_mgmt_ip}
- # get username
- username = deep_get(config_descriptor, ("config-access", "ssh-access", "default-user"))
- # TODO remove this when changes on IM regarding config-access:ssh-access:default-user were
- # merged. Meanwhile let's get username from initial-config-primitive
- if not username and config_descriptor.get("initial-config-primitive"):
- for config_primitive in config_descriptor["initial-config-primitive"]:
- for param in config_primitive.get("parameter", ()):
- if param["name"] == "ssh-username":
- username = param["value"]
- break
- if not username:
- raise LcmException("Cannot determine the username neither with"
- "'initial-config-promitive' nor with "
- "'config-access.ssh-access.default-user'")
- credentials["username"] = username
- # n2vc_redesign STEP 3.2
- self._write_configuration_status(
- nsr_id=nsr_id,
- vca_index=vca_index,
- status='REGISTERING',
- element_under_configuration=element_under_configuration,
- element_type=element_type
- )
+ self._write_configuration_status(
+ nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ vca_index=vca_index,
+ status='REGISTERING',
+ element_under_configuration=element_under_configuration,
+ element_type=element_type
+ )
- step = "register execution environment {}".format(credentials)
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- ee_id = await self.n2vc.register_execution_environment(credentials=credentials, namespace=namespace,
- db_dict=db_dict)
+ step = "register execution environment {}".format(credentials)
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ ee_id = await self.vca_map[vca_type].register_execution_environment(
+ credentials=credentials, namespace=namespace, db_dict=db_dict)
+ # for compatibility with MON/POL modules, the need model and application name at database
+ # TODO ask MON/POL if needed to not assuming anymore the format "model_name.application_name"
+ ee_id_parts = ee_id.split('.')
+ db_nsr_update = {db_update_entry + "ee_id": ee_id}
+ if len(ee_id_parts) >= 2:
+ model_name = ee_id_parts[0]
+ application_name = ee_id_parts[1]
+ db_nsr_update[db_update_entry + "model"] = model_name
+ db_nsr_update[db_update_entry + "application"] = application_name
# n2vc_redesign STEP 3.3
step = "Install configuration Software"
+ other_update=db_nsr_update
# TODO check if already done
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
config = None
- if not is_proxy_charm:
+ if vca_type == "native_charm":
initial_config_primitive_list = config_descriptor.get('initial-config-primitive')
if initial_config_primitive_list:
for primitive in initial_config_primitive_list:
- if is_k8s_proxy_charm:
- charm_name = deep_get(config_descriptor, ('juju', 'charm'))
- self.logger.debug("Installing K8s Proxy Charm: {}".format(charm_name))
- ee_id = await self.n2vc.install_k8s_proxy_charm(
- charm_name=charm_name,
- namespace=namespace,
- artifact_path=artifact_path,
- db_dict=db_dict
- )
- else:
- num_units = 1
- if is_proxy_charm:
- if element_type == "NS":
- num_units = db_nsr.get("config-units") or 1
- elif element_type == "VNF":
- num_units = db_vnfr.get("config-units") or 1
- elif element_type == "VDU":
- for v in db_vnfr["vdur"]:
- if vdu_id == v["vdu-id-ref"]:
- num_units = v.get("config-units") or 1
- break
+ num_units = 1
+ if vca_type == "lxc_proxy_charm":
+ if element_type == "NS":
+ num_units = db_nsr.get("config-units") or 1
+ elif element_type == "VNF":
+ num_units = db_vnfr.get("config-units") or 1
+ elif element_type == "VDU":
+ for v in db_vnfr["vdur"]:
+ if vdu_id == v["vdu-id-ref"]:
+ num_units = v.get("config-units") or 1
+ break
- await self.n2vc.install_configuration_sw(
- ee_id=ee_id,
- artifact_path=artifact_path,
- db_dict=db_dict,
- config=config,
- num_units=num_units
- )
+ await self.vca_map[vca_type].install_configuration_sw(
+ ee_id=ee_id,
+ artifact_path=artifact_path,
+ db_dict=db_dict,
+ config=config,
+ num_units=num_units,
+ vca_type=vca_type
+ )
# write in db flag of configuration_sw already installed
self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, {db_update_entry + "config_sw_installed": True})
# add relations for this VCA (wait for other peers related with this VCA)
- await self._add_vca_relations(logging_text=logging_text, nsr_id=nsr_id, vca_index=vca_index)
+ await self._add_vca_relations(logging_text=logging_text, nsr_id=nsr_id,
+ vca_index=vca_index, vca_type=vca_type)
# if SSH access is required, then get execution environment SSH public
- if is_proxy_charm: # if native charm we have waited already to VM be UP
+ if vca_type in ("lxc_proxy_charm", "helm"): # if native charm we have waited already to VM be UP
pub_key = None
user = None
+ # self.logger.debug("get ssh key block")
if deep_get(config_descriptor, ("config-access", "ssh-access", "required")):
+ # self.logger.debug("ssh key needed")
# Needed to inject a ssh key
user = deep_get(config_descriptor, ("config-access", "ssh-access", "default-user"))
step = "Install configuration Software, getting public ssh key"
- pub_key = await self.n2vc.get_ee_ssh_public__key(ee_id=ee_id, db_dict=db_dict)
+ pub_key = await self.vca_map[vca_type].get_ee_ssh_public__key(ee_id=ee_id, db_dict=db_dict)
step = "Insert public key into VM user={} ssh_key={}".format(user, pub_key)
+ # self.logger.debug("no need to get ssh key")
step = "Waiting to VM being up and getting IP address"
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
step = "execute primitive '{}' params '{}'".format(initial_config_primitive["name"], primitive_params_)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- await self.n2vc.exec_primitive(
+ await self.vca_map[vca_type].exec_primitive(
deploy_params = self._format_additional_params(db_vnfr["additionalParamsForVnf"].copy())
descriptor_config = vnfd.get("vnf-configuration")
- if descriptor_config and descriptor_config.get("juju"):
+ if descriptor_config:
logging_text=logging_text + "member_vnf_index={} ".format(member_vnf_index),
deploy_params_vdu = self._format_additional_params(vdur["additionalParams"])
deploy_params_vdu = deploy_params
- if descriptor_config and descriptor_config.get("juju"):
+ if descriptor_config:
# look for vdu index in the db_vnfr["vdu"] section
# for vdur_index, vdur in enumerate(db_vnfr["vdur"]):
# if vdur["vdu-id-ref"] == vdu_id:
for kdud in get_iterable(vnfd, 'kdu'):
kdu_name = kdud["name"]
descriptor_config = kdud.get('kdu-configuration')
- if descriptor_config and descriptor_config.get("juju"):
+ if descriptor_config:
vdu_id = None
vdu_index = 0
vdu_name = None
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "Exit")
self.lcm_tasks.remove("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "ns_instantiate")
- async def _add_vca_relations(self, logging_text, nsr_id, vca_index: int, timeout: int = 3600) -> bool:
+ async def _add_vca_relations(self, logging_text, nsr_id, vca_index: int,
+ timeout: int = 3600, vca_type: str = None) -> bool:
# steps:
# 1. find all relations for this VCA
# 3. add relations
+ vca_type = vca_type or "lxc_proxy_charm"
# STEP 1: find all relations for this VCA
to_vca_endpoint = r.get('entities')[1].get('endpoint')
if from_vca_ee_id and to_vca_ee_id:
# add relation
- await self.n2vc.add_relation(
+ await self.vca_map[vca_type].add_relation(
to_vca_endpoint = r.get('entities')[1].get('endpoint')
if from_vca_ee_id and to_vca_ee_id:
# add relation
- await self.n2vc.add_relation(
+ await self.vca_map[vca_type].add_relation(
# launch instantiate_N2VC in a asyncio task and register task object
# Look where information of this charm is at database <nsrs>._admin.deployed.VCA
# if not found, create one entry and update database
# fill db_nsr._admin.deployed.VCA.<index>
- vca_index = -1
- for vca_index, vca_deployed in enumerate(db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"]):
- if not vca_deployed:
- continue
- if vca_deployed.get("member-vnf-index") == member_vnf_index and \
- vca_deployed.get("vdu_id") == vdu_id and \
- vca_deployed.get("kdu_name") == kdu_name and \
- vca_deployed.get("vdu_count_index", 0) == vdu_index:
- break
- else:
- # not found, create one.
- vca_deployed = {
- "member-vnf-index": member_vnf_index,
- "vdu_id": vdu_id,
- "kdu_name": kdu_name,
- "vdu_count_index": vdu_index,
- "operational-status": "init", # TODO revise
- "detailed-status": "", # TODO revise
- "step": "initial-deploy", # TODO revise
- "vnfd_id": vnfd_id,
- "vdu_name": vdu_name,
- }
- vca_index += 1
- # create VCA and configurationStatus in db
- db_dict = {
- "_admin.deployed.VCA.{}".format(vca_index): vca_deployed,
- "configurationStatus.{}".format(vca_index): dict()
- }
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_dict)
- db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"].append(vca_deployed)
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "_deploy_n2vc vnfd_id={}, vdu_id={}".format(vnfd_id, vdu_id))
+ if descriptor_config.get("juju"): # There is one execution envioronment of type juju
+ ee_list = [descriptor_config]
+ elif descriptor_config.get("execution-environment-list"):
+ ee_list = descriptor_config.get("execution-environment-list")
+ else: # other types as script are not supported
+ ee_list = []
+ for ee_item in ee_list:
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "_deploy_n2vc ee_item juju={}, helm={}".format(ee_item.get('juju'),
+ ee_item.get("helm-chart")))
+ if ee_item.get("juju"):
+ vca_name = ee_item['juju'].get('charm')
+ vca_type = "lxc_proxy_charm" if ee_item['juju'].get('charm') is not None else "native_charm"
+ if ee_item['juju'].get('cloud') == "k8s":
+ vca_type = "k8s_proxy_charm"
+ elif ee_item['juju'].get('proxy') is False:
+ vca_type = "native_charm"
+ elif ee_item.get("helm-chart"):
+ vca_name = ee_item['helm-chart']
+ vca_type = "helm"
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + "skipping non juju neither charm configuration")
+ continue
- # Launch task
- task_n2vc = asyncio.ensure_future(
- self.instantiate_N2VC(
- logging_text=logging_text,
- vca_index=vca_index,
- nsi_id=nsi_id,
- db_nsr=db_nsr,
- db_vnfr=db_vnfr,
- vdu_id=vdu_id,
- kdu_name=kdu_name,
- vdu_index=vdu_index,
- deploy_params=deploy_params,
- config_descriptor=descriptor_config,
- base_folder=base_folder,
- nslcmop_id=nslcmop_id,
- stage=stage
+ vca_index = -1
+ for vca_index, vca_deployed in enumerate(db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"]):
+ if not vca_deployed:
+ continue
+ if vca_deployed.get("member-vnf-index") == member_vnf_index and \
+ vca_deployed.get("vdu_id") == vdu_id and \
+ vca_deployed.get("kdu_name") == kdu_name and \
+ vca_deployed.get("vdu_count_index", 0) == vdu_index:
+ break
+ else:
+ # not found, create one.
+ vca_deployed = {
+ "member-vnf-index": member_vnf_index,
+ "vdu_id": vdu_id,
+ "kdu_name": kdu_name,
+ "vdu_count_index": vdu_index,
+ "operational-status": "init", # TODO revise
+ "detailed-status": "", # TODO revise
+ "step": "initial-deploy", # TODO revise
+ "vnfd_id": vnfd_id,
+ "vdu_name": vdu_name,
+ "type": vca_type
+ }
+ vca_index += 1
+ # create VCA and configurationStatus in db
+ db_dict = {
+ "_admin.deployed.VCA.{}".format(vca_index): vca_deployed,
+ "configurationStatus.{}".format(vca_index): dict()
+ }
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", nsr_id, db_dict)
+ db_nsr["_admin"]["deployed"]["VCA"].append(vca_deployed)
+ # Launch task
+ task_n2vc = asyncio.ensure_future(
+ self.instantiate_N2VC(
+ logging_text=logging_text,
+ vca_index=vca_index,
+ nsi_id=nsi_id,
+ db_nsr=db_nsr,
+ db_vnfr=db_vnfr,
+ vdu_id=vdu_id,
+ kdu_name=kdu_name,
+ vdu_index=vdu_index,
+ deploy_params=deploy_params,
+ config_descriptor=descriptor_config,
+ base_folder=base_folder,
+ nslcmop_id=nslcmop_id,
+ stage=stage,
+ vca_type=vca_type,
+ vca_name=vca_name
+ )
- )
- self.lcm_tasks.register("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "instantiate_N2VC-{}".format(vca_index), task_n2vc)
- task_instantiation_info[task_n2vc] = self.task_name_deploy_vca + " {}.{}".format(
- member_vnf_index or "", vdu_id or "")
+ self.lcm_tasks.register("ns", nsr_id, nslcmop_id, "instantiate_N2VC-{}".format(vca_index), task_n2vc)
+ task_instantiation_info[task_n2vc] = self.task_name_deploy_vca + " {}.{}".format(
+ member_vnf_index or "", vdu_id or "")
# Check if this VNFD has a configured terminate action
def _has_terminate_config_primitive(self, vnfd):
if vca["member-vnf-index"] == vnf_index and vca["vdu_id"] == vdu_id:
return vca["ee_id"]
- async def destroy_N2VC(self, logging_text, db_nslcmop, vca_deployed, config_descriptor, vca_index, destroy_ee=True):
+ async def destroy_N2VC(self, logging_text, db_nslcmop, vca_deployed, config_descriptor,
+ vca_index, destroy_ee=True, exec_primitives=True):
Execute the terminate primitives and destroy the execution environment (if destroy_ee=False
:param logging_text:
:param config_descriptor: Configuration descriptor of the NSD, VNFD, VNFD.vdu or VNFD.kdu
:param vca_index: index in the database _admin.deployed.VCA
:param destroy_ee: False to do not destroy, because it will be destroyed all of then at once
+ :param exec_primitives: False to do not execute terminate primitives, because the config is not completed or has
+ not executed properly
:return: None or exception
+ self.logger.debug(
+ logging_text + " vca_index: {}, vca_deployed: {}, config_descriptor: {}, destroy_ee: {}".format(
+ vca_index, vca_deployed, config_descriptor, destroy_ee
+ )
+ )
+ vca_type = vca_deployed.get("type", "lxc_proxy_charm")
# execute terminate_primitives
- terminate_primitives = config_descriptor.get("terminate-config-primitive")
- vdu_id = vca_deployed.get("vdu_id")
- vdu_count_index = vca_deployed.get("vdu_count_index")
- vdu_name = vca_deployed.get("vdu_name")
- vnf_index = vca_deployed.get("member-vnf-index")
- if terminate_primitives and vca_deployed.get("needed_terminate"):
- # Get all 'seq' tags in seq_list, order sequences numerically, ascending.
- terminate_primitives = sorted(terminate_primitives, key=lambda x: int(x['seq']))
- for seq in terminate_primitives:
- # For each sequence in list, get primitive and call _ns_execute_primitive()
- step = "Calling terminate action for vnf_member_index={} primitive={}".format(
- vnf_index, seq.get("name"))
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
- # Create the primitive for each sequence, i.e. "primitive": "touch"
- primitive = seq.get('name')
- mapped_primitive_params = self._get_terminate_primitive_params(seq, vnf_index)
- # The following 3 parameters are currently set to None for 'terminate':
- # vdu_id, vdu_count_index, vdu_name
- # Add sub-operation
- self._add_suboperation(db_nslcmop,
- vnf_index,
- vdu_id,
- vdu_count_index,
- vdu_name,
- primitive,
- mapped_primitive_params)
- # Sub-operations: Call _ns_execute_primitive() instead of action()
- try:
- result, result_detail = await self._ns_execute_primitive(vca_deployed["ee_id"], primitive,
- mapped_primitive_params)
- except LcmException:
- # this happens when VCA is not deployed. In this case it is not needed to terminate
- continue
- if result not in result_ok:
- raise LcmException("terminate_primitive {} for vnf_member_index={} fails with "
- "error {}".format(seq.get("name"), vnf_index, result_detail))
- # set that this VCA do not need terminated
- db_update_entry = "_admin.deployed.VCA.{}.needed_terminate".format(vca_index)
- self.update_db_2("nsrs", db_nslcmop["nsInstanceId"], {db_update_entry: False})
+ if exec_primitives:
+ terminate_primitives = config_descriptor.get("terminate-config-primitive")
+ vdu_id = vca_deployed.get("vdu_id")
+ vdu_count_index = vca_deployed.get("vdu_count_index")
+ vdu_name = vca_deployed.get("vdu_name")
+ vnf_index = vca_deployed.get("member-vnf-index")
+ if terminate_primitives and vca_deployed.get("needed_terminate"):
+ # Get all 'seq' tags in seq_list, order sequences numerically, ascending.
+ terminate_primitives = sorted(terminate_primitives, key=lambda x: int(x['seq']))
+ for seq in terminate_primitives:
+ # For each sequence in list, get primitive and call _ns_execute_primitive()
+ step = "Calling terminate action for vnf_member_index={} primitive={}".format(
+ vnf_index, seq.get("name"))
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + step)
+ # Create the primitive for each sequence, i.e. "primitive": "touch"
+ primitive = seq.get('name')
+ mapped_primitive_params = self._get_terminate_primitive_params(seq, vnf_index)
+ # The following 3 parameters are currently set to None for 'terminate':
+ # vdu_id, vdu_count_index, vdu_name
+ # Add sub-operation
+ self._add_suboperation(db_nslcmop,
+ vnf_index,
+ vdu_id,
+ vdu_count_index,
+ vdu_name,
+ primitive,
+ mapped_primitive_params)
+ # Sub-operations: Call _ns_execute_primitive() instead of action()
+ try:
+ result, result_detail = await self._ns_execute_primitive(vca_deployed["ee_id"], primitive,
+ mapped_primitive_params,
+ vca_type=vca_type)
+ except LcmException:
+ # this happens when VCA is not deployed. In this case it is not needed to terminate
+ continue
+ if result not in result_ok:
+ raise LcmException("terminate_primitive {} for vnf_member_index={} fails with "
+ "error {}".format(seq.get("name"), vnf_index, result_detail))
+ # set that this VCA do not need terminated
+ db_update_entry = "_admin.deployed.VCA.{}.needed_terminate".format(vca_index)
+ self.update_db_2("nsrs", db_nslcmop["nsInstanceId"], {db_update_entry: False})
if destroy_ee:
- await self.n2vc.delete_execution_environment(vca_deployed["ee_id"])
+ await self.vca_map[vca_type].delete_execution_environment(vca_deployed["ee_id"])
async def _delete_all_N2VC(self, db_nsr: dict):
self._write_all_config_status(db_nsr=db_nsr, status='TERMINATING')
# Destroy individual execution environments when there are terminating primitives.
# Rest of EE will be deleted at once
- if not operation_params.get("skip_terminate_primitives"):
- stage[0] = "Stage 2/3 execute terminating primitives."
- stage[1] = "Looking execution environment that needs terminate."
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[1])
- for vca_index, vca in enumerate(get_iterable(nsr_deployed, "VCA")):
- config_descriptor = None
- if not vca or not vca.get("ee_id") or not vca.get("needed_terminate"):
- continue
- if not vca.get("member-vnf-index"):
- # ns
- config_descriptor = db_nsr.get("ns-configuration")
- elif vca.get("vdu_id"):
- db_vnfd = db_vnfds_from_member_index[vca["member-vnf-index"]]
- vdud = next((vdu for vdu in db_vnfd.get("vdu", ()) if vdu["id"] == vca.get("vdu_id")), None)
- if vdud:
- config_descriptor = vdud.get("vdu-configuration")
- elif vca.get("kdu_name"):
- db_vnfd = db_vnfds_from_member_index[vca["member-vnf-index"]]
- kdud = next((kdu for kdu in db_vnfd.get("kdu", ()) if kdu["name"] == vca.get("kdu_name")), None)
- if kdud:
- config_descriptor = kdud.get("kdu-configuration")
- else:
- config_descriptor = db_vnfds_from_member_index[vca["member-vnf-index"]].get("vnf-configuration")
+ # TODO - check before calling _destroy_N2VC
+ # if not operation_params.get("skip_terminate_primitives"):#
+ # or not vca.get("needed_terminate"):
+ stage[0] = "Stage 2/3 execute terminating primitives."
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[0])
+ stage[1] = "Looking execution environment that needs terminate."
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + stage[1])
+ self.logger.debug("nsr_deployed: {}".format(nsr_deployed))
+ for vca_index, vca in enumerate(get_iterable(nsr_deployed, "VCA")):
+ self.logger.debug("vca_index: {}, vca: {}".format(vca_index, vca))
+ config_descriptor = None
+ if not vca or not vca.get("ee_id"):
+ continue
+ if not vca.get("member-vnf-index"):
+ # ns
+ config_descriptor = db_nsr.get("ns-configuration")
+ elif vca.get("vdu_id"):
+ db_vnfd = db_vnfds_from_member_index[vca["member-vnf-index"]]
+ vdud = next((vdu for vdu in db_vnfd.get("vdu", ()) if vdu["id"] == vca.get("vdu_id")), None)
+ if vdud:
+ config_descriptor = vdud.get("vdu-configuration")
+ elif vca.get("kdu_name"):
+ db_vnfd = db_vnfds_from_member_index[vca["member-vnf-index"]]
+ kdud = next((kdu for kdu in db_vnfd.get("kdu", ()) if kdu["name"] == vca.get("kdu_name")), None)
+ if kdud:
+ config_descriptor = kdud.get("kdu-configuration")
+ else:
+ config_descriptor = db_vnfds_from_member_index[vca["member-vnf-index"]].get("vnf-configuration")
+ # For helm we must destroy_ee
+ vca_type = vca.get("type")
+ exec_terminate_primitives = (not operation_params.get("skip_terminate_primitives") and
+ vca.get("needed_terminate"))
+ self.logger.debug("vca type: {}".format(vca_type))
+ if not vca_type == "helm":
task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.destroy_N2VC(logging_text, db_nslcmop, vca, config_descriptor,
- vca_index, False))
- tasks_dict_info[task] = "Terminating VCA {}".format(vca.get("ee_id"))
- # wait for pending tasks of terminate primitives
- if tasks_dict_info:
- self.logger.debug(logging_text + 'Waiting for terminate primitive pending tasks...')
- error_list = await self._wait_for_tasks(logging_text, tasks_dict_info,
- min(self.timeout_charm_delete, timeout_ns_terminate),
- stage, nslcmop_id)
- if error_list:
- return # raise LcmException("; ".join(error_list))
- tasks_dict_info.clear()
+ vca_index, False, exec_terminate_primitives))
+ else:
+ task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.destroy_N2VC(logging_text, db_nslcmop, vca, config_descriptor,
+ vca_index, True, exec_terminate_primitives))
+ tasks_dict_info[task] = "Terminating VCA {}".format(vca.get("ee_id"))
+ # wait for pending tasks of terminate primitives
+ if tasks_dict_info:
+ self.logger.debug(logging_text + 'Waiting for terminate primitive pending tasks...')
+ error_list = await self._wait_for_tasks(logging_text, tasks_dict_info,
+ min(self.timeout_charm_delete, timeout_ns_terminate),
+ stage, nslcmop_id)
+ if error_list:
+ return # raise LcmException("; ".join(error_list))
+ tasks_dict_info.clear()
# remove All execution environments at once
stage[0] = "Stage 3/3 delete all."
# get ee_id
ee_id = vca.get("ee_id")
+ vca_type = vca.get("type", "lxc_proxy_charm") # default value for backward compatibility - proxy charm
if not ee_id:
raise LcmException("charm for member_vnf_index={} vdu_id={} kdu_name={} vdu_count_index={} has not "
"execution environment"
.format(member_vnf_index, vdu_id, kdu_name, vdu_count_index))
- return ee_id
+ return ee_id, vca_type
async def _ns_execute_primitive(self, ee_id, primitive, primitive_params, retries=0,
- retries_interval=30, timeout=None) -> (str, str):
+ retries_interval=30, timeout=None,
+ vca_type=None, db_dict=None) -> (str, str):
if primitive == "config":
primitive_params = {"params": primitive_params}
+ vca_type = vca_type or "lxc_proxy_charm"
while retries >= 0:
output = await asyncio.wait_for(
- self.n2vc.exec_primitive(
+ self.vca_map[vca_type].exec_primitive(
- total_timeout=self.timeout_primitive),
+ total_timeout=self.timeout_primitive,
+ db_dict=db_dict),
timeout=timeout or self.timeout_primitive)
# execution was OK
detailed_status = ''
nslcmop_operation_state = 'FAILED'
+ ee_id, vca_type = self._look_for_deployed_vca(nsr_deployed["VCA"],
+ member_vnf_index=vnf_index,
+ vdu_id=vdu_id,
+ vdu_count_index=vdu_count_index)
+ db_nslcmop_notif = {"collection": "nslcmops",
+ "filter": {"_id": nslcmop_id},
+ "path": "admin.VCA"}
nslcmop_operation_state, detailed_status = await self._ns_execute_primitive(
- self._look_for_deployed_vca(nsr_deployed["VCA"],
- member_vnf_index=vnf_index,
- vdu_id=vdu_id,
- vdu_count_index=vdu_count_index),
+ ee_id,
primitive_params=self._map_primitive_params(config_primitive_desc, primitive_params, desc_params),
- timeout=timeout_ns_action)
+ timeout=timeout_ns_action,
+ vca_type=vca_type,
+ db_dict=db_nslcmop_notif)
db_nslcmop_update["detailed-status"] = detailed_status
error_description_nslcmop = detailed_status if nslcmop_operation_state == "FAILED" else ""
primitive_params = op.get('primitive_params')
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnf_config_primitive={} Sub-operation retry".
- # Execute the primitive, either with new (first-time) or registered (retry) args
+ # Execute the primitive, either with new (first-time) or registered (reintent) args
+ ee_id, vca_type = self._look_for_deployed_vca(nsr_deployed["VCA"],
+ member_vnf_index=vnf_index,
+ vdu_id=None,
+ vdu_count_index=None)
result, result_detail = await self._ns_execute_primitive(
- self._look_for_deployed_vca(nsr_deployed["VCA"],
- member_vnf_index=vnf_index,
- vdu_id=None,
- vdu_count_index=None),
- vnf_config_primitive, primitive_params)
+ ee_id, vnf_config_primitive, primitive_params, vca_type)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnf_config_primitive={} Done with result {} {}".format(
vnf_config_primitive, result, result_detail))
# Update operationState = COMPLETED | FAILED
primitive_params = op.get('primitive_params')
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnf_config_primitive={} Sub-operation retry".
- # Execute the primitive, either with new (first-time) or registered (retry) args
+ # Execute the primitive, either with new (first-time) or registered (reintent) args
+ ee_id, vca_type = self._look_for_deployed_vca(nsr_deployed["VCA"],
+ member_vnf_index=vnf_index,
+ vdu_id=None,
+ vdu_count_index=None)
result, result_detail = await self._ns_execute_primitive(
- self._look_for_deployed_vca(nsr_deployed["VCA"],
- member_vnf_index=vnf_index,
- vdu_id=None,
- vdu_count_index=None),
- vnf_config_primitive, primitive_params)
+ ee_id, vnf_config_primitive, primitive_params, vca_type)
self.logger.debug(logging_text + "vnf_config_primitive={} Done with result {} {}".format(
vnf_config_primitive, result, result_detail))
# Update operationState = COMPLETED | FAILED